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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.11 InterimFinMgrSvsAgmt ; "~)'!!III"l'"~,:;r5~t~t::,~'<if1" . e: .":- ~ . of' CITY CLERK File # n[2rol[aJ-~[C1 AGENDA STATEMENT C~TY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (June 11, 1996) 1\.\ .. Agreement For Part-Time Interim Finance Manager Services. ~ (prepared By: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1. Resume of Ms. Ellen C. Wittom, Consultant 2. Proposed Agreement RECOMMENDATION~Orize the City Manager to execute the Agreement, SUBJECT: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Total costs will be based on the actual hours of service provided, and the total cost will not exceed $10,400. Funding will be included as part of the 1996/97 Fiscal Year Budget. DESCRIPTION: The Assistant City Manager I Administrative Services Director has requested an 8 week leave of absence in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act. The scheduled leave would be from June 29th through August 25th. Since the City has never filled the Finance Manager position in the Administrative Services Department, there would. be no one available to assume the Finance related duties handled by the Assistant City Manager. In order to meet the basic required workload. of the Finance Division, additional contract staff assistance will be required during this period. The City Manager and Assistant City Manager have met with Ms. Ellen :Wittom, who has recently established a consulting practice assisting local governments. As outlined on Exhibit I, Ms. Wittom served from 1991 - 1996 as an Assistant City Manager in the City ofEmeryville. The orglUlizational structure was similar to the City of Dublin in that the position also supervised Finance and Personnel. She continues to provide services to the City of Emeryville on a contractual basis. Both Ms. Wittom' s background as well as her availability to serve in this tem~rary assignment are beneficial to the City's needs. -. It is anticipated that the services to be provided would average between 15. 20nolU'S.per week. Typically coverage would be provided on Tuesday and Thursday, with additional hours scheduled on an as needed basis. During this period it will be necessary to have personnel available to review the General Ledger postings necessary to close the Fiscal Year 1995/96 fmandal records. In additiont regular financial reports and processing of payments will be required to be completed. On an as needed basis, Ms. Wittom would also be available to prepare or assist with other projects typically assigned by the City Manager. Services will be billed on an hourly basis at the rate of $65 per hour. Although the Agreement includes a rate for attendance at City Council meetings it is not anticipated that this s~ice will be required. The total cost of services will not exceed $10,400. The cost oftbese services Will be incoIporatedin the 1996/97 Fiscal Year Budget. Staff recommends that the City Manager be authorized to execute the Agreement. (Exhibit 2). ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Ellen Wittomt Col1$U1tant lTEM.NO.~ GlFinanee/ Agreementlagwittom.doc: . . . ELLEN C. WHITTOM Policy, Management and Financial Consulting for Local Governments 4053 Valente Court.. Lnfl.lyette, California 94549 Phone: (510) 299-8706" Fax: (510) 299~8705 ยท e-mail: EXPERIENCE Municipal management experience includes public finance, budget development and analysis, financial operations, redevelopment agency operations and finance, revenue monitoring and enhancement, capital projects budgeting and administration, assessment district formation and administration, cost allocation, rate regulation, cable television oversight, records management, labor relations and organizational analysis and development. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Assistant City Manager/City Treasurer/Administrative Services Director (9/91-1/96) Assistant to the City Manager (8/89-9/91) City of Emeryville, California Responsible for Finance, Human Resources and City Clerk functions and for management and inveshnent of City and Redevelopment Agency cash assets. Responsible for development and preparation of annual City and Redevelopment Agency operating budgets and annual financial report. Assistant to the City Manager (11/88-8/89) City of San Leandro, California Provided research, analytical and policy support to City Manager. Served as budget manager for the 1989-90 fiscal year budget. Management Assistant (11/87.11/88), Administrative Analyst (1/87-11/87), Management Intern (8!Ss..1/87) City of Oakland, California Served as assistant in the City Manager's Office and as assistant to the Public Works Director. Responsible for budget, public information and personnel fnnctions in Public Works Department. EDUCATION University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Public Policy Master of Public Policy, May, 1985 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor B.A., Economics, May, 1982 EXHmIT 1 MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT The City of Dublin, California, ("CITY") and Ellen C. Whittom ("CONTRACTOR") agree as e follows: 1. EXPERTISE OF CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR has special experience, education, training and expertise in the field of city management. CITY has an urgent need for a person with such experience, education, training and expertise to carry out important work. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. CONTRA<:TOR will do the following: a. Assist in administration of Finance and Central Services functions. Assist City Manager on general City issues as requested. 3. COMPENSATION. a. CONTRACTOR's fee for all services shall be $65 per hour not to exceed a total amount of $10,400. Fees shall be due and payable within thirty days of receipt of semi-monthly invoices. b. CITY shall reimburse CONTRACTOR any direct expenses incurred in perfonnance of this agreement, including but not limited to long-distance phone charges, copying, shipping and express delivery charges and any extraordinary transportation or travel expenses (Le. other than between CONTRACTOR's place of business and Dublin.) .'. ....- Any such extraordinary automobile transportation shall be billed at the flat rate of 30 cents per mile. c. It is not contemplated that CONTRACTOR will be required to attend City Council _meeting or other meetings held before or after the regular business hours of CITY. In the event the CITY wishes to have CONTRACTOR attend any such meetings, and CONTRACTOR agrees, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR an additional fee of$150 for the first two hours or :fraction thereo~ plus $75 for each additional hour or fraction thereof. 4. TERM. The term of this agreement shall be through September 1. 1996, unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties. 5. TERMINATION. Either party may tenninate this agreement, without cause, upon providing not less than one calendar week's notice to the OUler party. In the event of cancellation, CITY shall promptly pay CONTRACTOR for work completed but not yet paid. 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. In flIlf1mng this Agreement, CONTRACTOR is acting as an independent contractor, not as an employee or agent of the CITY. The CITY may authorize the CONTRACTOR to take certain actions on behalf of the CITY, but taking such actions shall be at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall pay all e- EXHIBIT 2 . . . ~ M_anagelllent Services Agreement Page 2 required Federal and State income taxes and Social Security (Self-Employment) taxes which may be due on the fees paid pursuant to this agreement. 7. APPUCABLE LAW. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes and regulations of the federal, state and local governments. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the la,ws of the State of California and shall be interpreted as though prepared by both parties. - 8. PERSON TO PERFORM SERVICES. All services hereunder will be perfonned by Ellen C. Whittom. No work hereunder shall be performed by any other person(s), nor shall this Agreement be assigned by CONTRACTOR, l.U11ess prior written consent is granted by CITY. 9. REPRESENTATIVES OF PARTIES, NOTICES. Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager of OTY, and Ellen C. Whittom, CONTRACTOR, are authorized to represent and act on behalf of the parties in all matters pertaining to this Agreement. All notices shall be personally delivered or mailed, first class mail, to the addresses listed below: Address ofCfTY: P.O. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 Address of CONTRACTOR: 4053 Valente Court, Lafayette, California 94549 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT, MODIFICATION. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any previous agreements, oral or written. TIns Agreement may be modified or pro"isinns Wi'livf':d only upon SUQ$equent written agreement by both parties. For CONTRACTOR For CITY Ellen C. \Vhittom City of Dub~ California Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager By: Date: By: Date: