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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 AlamillaSpring-SnRmnRd CITY CLERK File # ~~~~-0~ -. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 28,1996 SUBJECT: Report on Alamilla Spring - San Ramon Road Near Dublin Boulevard I Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director <P'~ EXHIBITS A TT ACHED: Slides will be available at the City Council meeting RECOMMENDATION: ~tJx Receive report and provide direction, if warranted FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No impact to the City at this time. DESCRIPTION: At the City Council meeting of May 14, Councilmember Moffatt commented that the historical Alamilla Spring at the Springs Apartments is not being maintained, and ,_ _., debris has been allowed to accumulate in and around the spring. The City Council requested a report on ../the spring ownership, condition, and maintenance responsibility. Staffhas done some research on this spring in the past. The ownership and maintenance responsibility lies with the owner of the Springs Apartments. When the Springs Apartments were built (under County jurisdiction), the spring was required to be saved as a historical landmark. It is Staff's belief that the Calaveras Fault which runs down the west side of San Ramon Road has created a soil barrier to the ground water which moves from the western hills to the valley, and the ground water surfaces at this point. In 1978, E Vitus Clampus (the "Clampers") installed an historical monument plaque explaining the history of the land grant to Don Jose Maria Amador, whose home was just west of the spring. The bright green surface of the spring is made up of a plant called Duck Weed (Latin name Lemna) which is a floating, flowering, broadleaf aquatic plant. Because of its bright green color, it resembles algae but does not give off an offensive odor and is not slimy like algae. This plant grows on calm fresh water and probably helps to keep the temperature of the spring low, which deters algae growth. . , Staff visited the site to determine its applicability to the City's property maintenance ordinance. Staff found that since the spring is not visible from a public street; the property maintenance ordinance would not apply. Staff met with Neva Spears, the Springs property manager. The Springs maintenance staff periodically removes the trash that builds up from the public using this area, She was very responsive and ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Manager, Springs Apts. Historical Society ITEM NO. g.:L g:\agenmisc\spring immediately had one of their maintenance people ~o out and remove the litter, The Springs staff will be removing some dead trees in the near future and will remove the existing downed branches from the .,'; spring. Staff will be available to answer any questions from the Council on this subject. ..... . .. .'::'" . . . . ~. ,,'.~': .: Page 2