HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 RentalAvailOrdRepeal -'.- .. .. .J 11 .. 4..:!';. CITY CLERK File # ~[t]~~-0~ ". AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 28,1996 PUBLIC HEARING PA 96-019 Rental Availability Ordinance Repeal (Report Prepared by: Tasha Huston, Associate Planner) d~ SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: A. RECOMMENDATION: /1 ""Y . r,vv' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: B. C. D. Resolution Approving Negative Declaration, adopting General Plan Amendment Ordinance Repealing Rental Availability Ordinance Chapter 6.3, Strategy UI.E. of the Dublin Housing Element Chapter 8.04 of the Municipal Code, Rental Availability Ordinance Letter from Kaufman and Broad dated February 12, 1996 April 4 and April 9, 1996 memorandwns from Dennis Carrington containing results of rental surveys. E. F. 1.) Open Public Hearing and hear Staff presentation. 2) Take testimony from Applicant and the public. 3) Question Staff, Applicant and the public. 4) Close public hearing and deliberate. 5) Adopt Draft Resolution (Exhibit A) Approving Negative Declaration, adopting General Plan Amendment, and Repealing the Rental Availability Ordinance. 6) Waive reading and introduce the Ordinance (Exhibit 1). 7) Schedule the Second Reading for the June 11, 1996 City Council meeting. Chapter 6.3, Housing Program Section, Strategy III.E., of the Housing Element of the Dublin General Plan, dictates that the City shall require a percentage of units in large multi-family projects be rented for a specified period of time. The related policy objective is to "Insure availability of rental units in Dublin". A copy of this section of the Housing Element is included as Exhibit C. Chapter 8.04 of the Dublin Municipal Code, known as the Rental Availability Ordinance, implements the above-cited General Plan Policy and Housing Program. A copy of this Ordinance is included as Exhibit D. . ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: In-House Distribution 'ITEMNO. t,..~ The purpose of the Rental Availability Ordinance is to provide rental housing in the City of Dublin by re4uiring that 10% of the total number of units in all new multifamily projects of more than ten urii{s De maintained as rental units for a period of five years. . . . At the February 6, 1996 joint Planning Commission/City Council study session on affordable housing, information was presented regarding the supply of housing units in Dublin, including Census and other State data which estimated the total percentage of rental units in the City to be nearly 35%. The City Council thus requested staff to report on the status of rental housing availability in the City and whether the City's Rental Availability Ordinance is still needed to regulate this condition. . Subsequent to that joint meeting, Matt Koart, Vice President of Land Acquisitions for Kaufman and Broad submitted a request (Exhibit E) to amend the Housing Element of the General Plan to delete the Rental Availability Ordinance. The request cited a recent survey by Anthony Hurt & Associates which indicates that attached housing units in the City of Dublin tend to provide nearly 30% of the units as rentals. Senior Planner Dennis Carrington provided supplemental information on this topic at the March 12, 1996 City Council meeting, including surveys of Dublin condominium developments which indicate a 20-30% rental occupancy rate for these developments (see Exhibit F). After considering the information presented, the City Council determined that the City's objective regarding rental housing availability is being met by the housing market, and that the Rental Availability Ordinance is no longer necessary. The Council directed staff to begin proceedings to repeal the Ordinance. As a practical matter, if the Rental Availability Ordinance is repealed, the Housing Element of the Dublin General Plan must also" be amended, to maintain consistency with the Ordinance repeal. This is ~ecause the Housing Eleme~t in~~udes a .description of City housin~ programs and related policies,..,:::.:~ whIch refers to the Rental AvaIlabIlIty Ordmance (Strategy lII.E.). ThIS Strategy would need to be ,.... eliminated. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the repeal of the Rental Availability Ordinance and related General Plan Housing Element Amendment at its May 21, 1996 meeting. After deliberation, the Commission voted to recommend that the City Council approve a Negative Declaration of environmental impact, adopt a General Plan Housing Element Amendment, and repeal the Rental A vailabiIity Ordinance. Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and: 1) adopt the Resolution Approving a Negative Declaration and Adopting a General Plan Housing Element Amendment (Exhibit A); 2) waive reading and introduce the Ordinance Repealing the Rental A vail ability Ordinance (Exhibit B); and 3) schedule the Second Reading for the June 11, 1996 City Council meeting. g:\pa#\ 1996\960 19\srccS28. .':, 2 . . . . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************* ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN TEXT AMENDl\1ENT REGARDING THE REPEAL OF THE RENTAL A V AILABILITY ORDINANCE '''HEREAS, the City of Dublin Housing Element Section IILE., dictates that the City shall require a percentage of units in large multi-family projects be rented for a specified period of time; and WHEREAS, the related City of Dublin Housing Element Policy objective is to "Insure availability of rental units in Dublin"; and '''HEREAS, Chapter 8.04 of the Dublin Municipal Code, known as the Rental Availability Ordinance, implements the above-cited General Plan Policy and Housing Strategy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered survey information, attached to the staff report from the May 28, 1996 City Council meeting, which indicates that the housing market is achieving the intent of the above policy and Ordinance; and 'WHEREAS, the repeal of the Rental Availability Ordinance and amendment of the Housing Element has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and .' '''HEREAS, the proposed Ordinance repeal and Housing Element amendment would not result in any significant environmental impacts, and therefore a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project; and WHEREAS, notice of preparation of the Negative Declaration was published in the local newspaper and posted in public buildings to provide for a 21 day public review period in accordance with the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and '''HEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Negative Declaration and the repeal of said Ordinance and Housing Element amendment on May 21, 1996, for which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted for P A 96-019, the Rental Availability Ordinance repeal, recommending that the Planning Commission recommend City Council adoption of a Negative Declaration, amendment to the General Plan to delete Housing Element Section IILE., and repeal of the Rental Availability Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after considering all staff reports, recommendations, and written and oral testimony submitted at the Public Hearing hereinabove set forth, the Planning Commission adopted a Resolution recommending City Council approval of the Negative Declaration, amendment to the General Plan, and repeal of the Rental Availability Ordinance; and 'VHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the repeal of said Ordinance and deletion of Housing Element Section III.E. on May 28, 1996, for which proper notice was given in accordance with California Government Code; and . EXHffiIT A . . . \VHEREAS, a staff report was submitted for PA 96-019, the Rental Availability Ordinance repeal, recommending the City Council's adoption of a Negative Declaration, amendment to the General Plan to delete Housing Element Section III.E., and repeal of the Rental Availability Ordinance; and . . \\'HEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby find that the repeal of the Rental Availability Ordinance is consistent with the stated purpose and objectives of the City's Zoning Ordinance, Municipal Code, and General Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council does hereby approve a Negative Declaration and amends the General Plan to delete Housing Element Section III.E. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE amendment of the General Plan shall be effective 30 days from the date of adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of May, 1996. AYES: NOES: ~i\BSENT: .;, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g:\pa#\l 996\9601 9\ccreso.doc . . . ORDINAI\CE :\0. AN ORDINA!\CE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REPEALING CHAPTER 8.04 OF THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE KNO\VN AS THE RENTAL AVAILABILITY ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 8.04 of the Dublin Municipal Code, known as the Rental Availability Ordinance, requiring that a minimum of 10% of the total number of units in all new multifamily proj ects of more than ten units be maintained as rental units for a period of five years, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of California. ". . . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN on this 11 th day of June, 1996, by the following votes: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: Mayor Attest: City Clerk . g:\pa#\1996\pa960 19\ord\19960rd.doc EXHIBIT B DCBLI~ HOCSI:\G ELE~IE\'T CHAPTER 6.3 GOALS, QUANTIFIED OBJECTIVES, POLICIES A!\'D HOUSI:'\G PROGR~l\I STR-\ TEGY (III).(E). DESCRIPTION 6.3.(IlI).(E). Require a percent:lge of units in large multi-family projects (i.e., projects \\'ith more than 10 units) be rented for a specified period of time. The difficulties of first-time home buying make rental units the only affordable housing for many moderate income households thm do not have the assets to make a do\\'n-payment on a home. Other households may chose to rent for other reasons. Policy Objective: Insure availability ofremal units of Dublin. Action Needed: Require that a minimum of 10% of the units in large multi-family pro.iects be maintained as rental units for a period of fi,'e years. Financing: ~o cost 10 Cir)' Implementmion Responsibility: Planning Department, Planning Commission ,md City Council Time Frame: Ongoing implementation e. e:. e EXHIBIT C . Chapter 8.04 RE~'TAL AVAILABILITY Sections: 8.04.010 8.04.020 8.04.030 8.04.040 8.04.050 8.04.060 ." 8.04.070 8.04.080 8.04.090 8.04.100 8.04.110 Title. Findings. Purpose. Deft niti 0 ns. General rental unit requirements for new multifamily residential deyelopments of more than ten (10) units. Relation of rental availability ordinance to inclusionaI')' housing ordinance. In-lieu rental fees. Conflict of interest. '~i olati on-Penalty. Enforcement. Appeals. 8.04.010 Title. The ordinance codified in this chapter shall be called the "Rental Availability Ordinance of the City of Dublin." (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (part)) 8.04.020 Findings. A goal of the ciry's adopted housing element is lO achieve a balanced community with housing available for households over a range of income levels. The city of Dub- lin finds the city is experiencing a shol1age of rental housing. The city's Housing Ele- ment identifies a five-percent (5%) vacancy rate as necessary lO pennit rental mobility whereas the city's 3.9 percent rental vacan. cy rate falls far below that goal. (Housing Element, pp. 16.17.) In addition, rental . 444 a 8.04.010 housing is an imponant SOllice of affordable housing since downpayment requirementS and the high cost of new housing limit new ownership housing as an affordable housing SOllice. .AJso. some households choose to rent for reasons other than affordability. The City Council fmds that it is a public pur- pose of the city and a public policy of the state of California as mandated by the re- quirementS for a housing element of the ciry's general plan, lO make available an adequate supply of rental housing for per. sons of all economic segmentS of the com- munity. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (pan)) 8.04.030 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to enhance the public welfare and assllie that housing development contributes to the attainment of the above-described goals by providing rental housing in the city of Dublin directly or through land acquisition, land or rental writedowns, construction of rental housing, rental assistance, direct conuibutions lO a non-profit association or cOiporation for construction of rental housing, landbanking (including property exchanges) and any other mechanism available to the ciry to provide rental housing. A limited and finite amount of land remains for development of housing in the city and extended planning area. In order to assure that the remaining developable land is utilized in a manner consistent with the city's housing policies and needs, ~_citY_gec]ares that ten percent (10%) of tl:1e toUil.?~D?~e~~f ~uruis" in-"all , new multifamily pr:gje_ctS o~,more than le.n ... - (10) uniTS s~a11 be. maiDlained ~ !el1~ ~ru_' tS . . for a period of fi v::.- (5) years:-TI1e regula- tions'-seCfo-ill1in this chapter shall apply citywide, including the extended planning areas. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (part)) (DubiiJ> ... 9::') EXHIBIT D 3.04.040 8.04.040 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, cenain words and phrases shall be interpreted as set forth in this section unless it is apparent from the context that a different meming is intended. "Applicant" means any person, firm, pannership, association, jOint venture, cor- poration, or any entity or combination of entities which seeks city permits and ap- provals for a project. "Approval" means adoption of a resolu- tion by the Planning Commission and/or Ciry Council approving a discretionary permit, such as a tentative map, planned development or use permit, for a project. "City" means the city of Dublin or its designee or any entity with which the city ~ontracts to administer this chapter. "Dublin employee" means any single person, head of household or, in the case of mamed couples, either spouse, who has worked within the city limits of Dublin continually for one (1) year immediately prior to the date of application for a rental unit. "Dublin resident" means any person who has lived within the city limits of Dublin continually for one (1) year immediately prior to the date of application for a rental unit. "Continually" shall be construed to include lapses of residency of no longer man six (6) months. "Dwelling unit" means a dwelling de- signed for occupancy by one (1) household. "Household" means one (1) person living alone, or two (2) or more persons sharing residency whose income resources are avail- able to meet the family's needs and who are related by blood, mamage or operation of law. (Dublic 8-92) 444b . "In-lieu rental fee" means a fee paid to the city by an applicant for residential de- velopment in the city, in lieu of providing the rental units required by this chapter. "Multifamily residential development" means a project which includes any multi- family dwellings. "Project" means a housing development at one (1) location including all dwelling units for which permits have been applied for or approved within a twelve (12) month period. "Project owner" means any person, finn, pannership, association, joint venture, cor- poration, or any entity or combination of entities which holds fee title IO the land on which the project is located.. "Rental unit" means a remal dwelling unit as required by this chapter. "Re-remal controls" means legal restric- tions by which the availabiliry of remal units will be monitored and controlled to insure that the unit remains available for .. rent. "~p.it type" means dwelling unitS with similar floor area and number of bedrooms. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (part)) 8,04.050 General rental unit requirements for new multifamily residential developments of more than ten (10) units. A. 1. Any new multifamily residential development involving more than ten (10) dwelling units, which is approved on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, shall be conditioned to include an 2:,O'J"eement to provide ten percent (l 0%) of the total num ber of dwell- ing units within the development as rental units for a period of five (5) years from the . . date of final occupancy of each unit. Tne obligation 10 provide rental units may be satisfied by the applicant's payment of in- l}eu .:~nul fees,- as~j.n3~c~ - 8.12.070~pter subject to approval by the approving body. 2. In applying the ten percent (10%) requirement, any resulting fraction of units less than 0.50 may be disregarded and any fraction greater than or equal to 0.50 shall be construed as requiring one (1) rental unit. The rental requirement shall be im- posed only once on a given development, regardless of changes in the character or ownership of the development. B. 1. Any development permit for new multifamily residential development projects of more than ten (10) unitS, if granted, shall be subject to conditions ensuring compli- ance with the provisions of this chapter. Such conditions shall specify the timing of construction of remal unitS ancl!or payment of in-lieu rental fees. 2. Evidence of compliance with the rental housing conditions shall be in the form of a wrinen agreement between the_, applicant and the City Manager completed p~~ fin~[~p'~cu:on of tl:~.flISt d\l{elling unit in the project The agreement shall iiiClicate miDilrilberind construction sched- uling of all rental unitS and any ot.her infor- mation required by the City Manager to determine the applicant's compliance with the conditions. The agreement shall be recorded as a deed resuiction prior to final __~"'-"'"_, ~ . _ r _ ... .--. inspection ortherust dwelling unit in the ,_ _ n ~_.___ ..~ __'~- ~~- ..-- project and shan run'V".jth the land encolTI- passed by the pro5eci- for each phase until the rental units have been occupied for a Deriod of five (5) vears from the date of ... ~....-.----- ' fiDal occupancy of the last. unit in each phase. . . 8.04.050 C. Dublin residents will be given fJrst preference for rental units; Dublin employ- ees will have second preference for rental units; third preference will be given to those who need to move to Dublin to be ne:1f Dublin residents or services; and fourth preference will be gi ven to those who Ii ve outside of Dublin. D. ,.;.11 rental unitS in a project and phas- es of a project shall be constructed concur- remly with or prior to the consuucuon of nonrental units. E. All rental units: 1. Shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the entire development; 2. Shall include all unit types represent- ed in the project (unless the number of unit types exceeds the number of rental units) and said unit types shall be provided in the same proportion as in the project as a whole; and 3. Shall be compatible with the design and use of the nonrent:1l unitS in terms of exterior appearance, materials and tinish quality. F. The City Council shall.establish the in-lieu rental fee by resolution, which shall . be adopted at least every twO (2) years. G. The City Manager shall monitor the continuing ~ity of rental unitS and shall take such actions <lS necessary to noti- fy the public of their availability. (Ord.14- 91 S 1 (part)) 8.04.060 Relation of rental availability ordinance to inclusionar~y housing ordinance. The rental availability provisions of this chapter are separate from the provisions of the Inclusionar)' Housing Ordinance of the city of Dublin. However, rental unitS re- 444c (Dubii~ &-s:) 3.04.060 quired under the rent3.l availability ordi- nance codified in this chapter may also be counted lO detennine compliance with inclusionary housing requirements so long as the rental units meet all applicable re- quirements of the inclusionary housing ordinance, including the time period and rent levels required. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (part)) 8.04.070 In-lieu rental fees. A. Subject to approval by the approving authority, an applicant may <;pntribure a fee .IE-lieu of p~viding a remaLunE- Such fee shall be known as the "in-lieu rental fee." B. The amount oithe in-lieu rental fee .. -----.... for a project-5h-all be detennined by resolu- tion by the City Council at least everY two "... -.--------+--...--.------....." (~. The methodology for the determi- nation of the fiat in-Jjeu rental fee is shown in Anachmem 1 to the ordinance codified in this chapter. During the years that the City Council does not determine the fee by resolution, the amOUnt of the in-Jieu rental fee shall be increased annually by an amount equal to the rental rate increase used by the City Council in detennining me current in-lieu rental fee. e. The entire in-lieu rental fee shall be -------.~. -~-_...-- paid no later than at the ti~~of the final inspection of the fIrst dwelling unitlnthe ------- . _......_----~.--+-~.~._......- projecL D. The in-lieu rental fee shall be depos- ited into a fund to be known as the "Rental Availability Housing In-Lieu Rental Fees Fund" ("Fund") and shall be used only for the purposes set fonh herei n. E. All moneys in the Fund, together with any interest earning on such moneys less reasonable adminisrrative charges, shall be used by the City j\1anager for the pur- ~ pose of providing rental housing in the city ~ ~~-~.-...---- of bu.b1i.n.rh.rough land acquisition, land or ----~ .. -..- ...-....---..----... - lDubij~ g.92) 444d rental writedowns, construction of rentaJ ' - -~-------- -~- housing, rental assistance, direct contribu- tions to a nonprofit association or corpora- tion for construction of remal housing, landbanking (including propeny exchanges), and any other mechanism available to the city to provide rental housing. F. The moneys in the Fund Shal.l be used or commined to use for the purposes ----- ~ set fonh in subsection E of this section within seveQ..(7)......x.ears.....of the dme of pay- menr}nt~ the Fund. ..'\ny moneys remaining unexpended or uncommined at the end of the seven (7) year period shall be refunded to the then-current owner or may be Con- tributed to a nonprofit 2Ssociation or the corporation for the pwpose of providing rental housing in Dublin, at the option of the City Council. G. No later than June 30th of each ye3r, the City Manager shall prepare a repon for the City Council identifying the balance of moneys in the Fund and the remal housing provided, and any moneys committed [0 providing rent3.l housing. The annual repol1 shall also include a review of administrative charges. The City Council shall receive and consider the report. (Ord. 14-91 ~ 1 (pan)) 8.04.080 Conflict of interest. Following are those individuals who, by virrue of their position or relationship, are found to be ineligible to rem a unit under this chapter as their residence: A. AJI employees and officials of the ciry of Dublin who have. by the authority of their position, policymaking authority or influence affecting city housing programs; B. The applicant or project owner. (Ord. 14-91 ~ 1 (pan)) . . . . 8.04.090 Violation-Penalty. A. It shall be unlawful for any person. fIrm, corporation, partnership or other entity to violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the requirements oftills chapter. A violation of any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the require- ments of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor; except that, not\vithstanding any other provisions of this code, any such violation constiruting a misdemeanor under this chapter may, in the discretion of the enforcing authority, be charged and prose- cuted as an infraction. B. ,A,ny person convicted of an infraction under the provisions of this code, unless provision is otherwise herein made. shall be punishable as provided by the Government Code of the state of California. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (part)) . 8.04.100 Enforcement. A. The provisions of this chapter shall . 444e S.~.()90 apply to all agents, successors and assigns of an applicant. No building permit or oc:u- pancy permit shall be issued. nor any devel- opment approval be granted which does not meet the requirements of this chapter. B. The Ciry Manager is designated as the enforcing authority. C. The ciry may instinne any appropri- ate legal actions or proceedings necessary to ensure compliance herewith, including but not limited to actions to revoke, deny or suspend any permit or development approv- al. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (pan)) 8.04.110 Appeals. Any person aggrieved by any action involving denial, suspension or revocation of an occupancy or other permit, or derJaJ. suspension or revocation of any develop- ment approval, may appeaJ such action or determination in the manner provided in Section 1.04.050 of the Municipal Code. (Ord. 14-91 S 1 (part)) (Dubli~ >- ,:) .~ .~.Tr:..:._C.~:-:S:\; 1 . T~e me~~odology ~or determin~r3 :he ~~-lieu re~tal fees shall be as f0110',.:5 : T~e amoun~ of the in-lie~ rental fees for a project shall be calcuJ.a ted by fiYJ.l tiplying the require:l number of rental uni ts by the aIT:ount ~ecessary to s~~sidize the ren~al of ~ three bedroom market rate apart~ent for five years for a family of five earning 80% of the Alameda County median income, where no more than 30~ of income is spent on rent. The amount or the in-lieu rental fee will be determined using the following table. (The numbers in the table ~=e illustrative, the market rent, Co~nty Median Income and rental increase rate in the table will be .those in effect at the time of approval of t~e ~roject); Family;, of Five. Alameda Co\..:.:-:.:.y 1'1edi an Income of $46,850. ?ercer.:. 11arke t Affordable Differe:1ce 12 1'105. 5yrs The value of Rent Rent of the !,~ e di an first Ir:C017le year's rent plus 4 vears -..... 5% C-L.. yearly adjust- ment for .'.. rent increases 80% $1,100 $937 $163 $1 Q~; $9,780 ~10,808 ,...='O The value of the first year of rent plus four years at 5% yearly adj~5tment fo= rent increase is calculated by adjusting the base or $1,956 in this example annually for a period of four years at a compounded e.nr,ual rate of 5% and adding that a:~Gunt to the first year's rent. The 5% is based on a survey of rental incre25=S in Dublin in July 1991. Typice.l rental increases will vary over ti~e. Market rent will be determined by the city Manager. The apartment units used for determination of co~?arative market rental cost must be located in the Tri-valley area (Dublin, San Ramon, Livermore and ?leasanton) and be comparable in size, age and amenities to the units tha~ wo~:j otherwise be sold. ~~ pre?aring the market re~t comparisons, first co~sideration will be paid ~~ rental projec~s ~n Dublin, then to those in Se.::: ~amon, Li\'ermore and. Plfa5.::.n.tc.i. .. /hsngordd -7- ~~ :~~~t~~~:'. :=-::::r- _ ~4~ . r.O: ~e. l~-li.e ren:el fee ~i11 b. ..ncr.esed ennually durin; the y..r. oc.. city coencil CO.S nC~ det.r,.,ine en ie-lieu ree.:e1 fe. by ee, ec.ount o~uel :0 the r.e:al rete incr..s. u..d 2j the city Co~ncil in cet.r~inie; ]2 c~rren~ in-~ieu rental fee. Fer ex~~?le: r -- ..,-' =. ,,.:. .~ . In-lieu rental fee: SlO,803 _ R e :-: :. a 1 r c. t e in ere 2. 5 t:: . 5 ~ Increased in-lieu r.ntal fe.' 510,808 x 1.05 - 511,3~8 . . IhsTlgordd -8- - II~,L: 96 15:lfi 'lS.511J)G6'7lfl~ E..:.rnL.-\.\ S, BRO:H) KAU F MAN 6 BROAD February 12, 1996 Ms. Jeri Ram Senior Planner City of Dublin ] 00 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 VI A TEtE-COPY r.:::] 0) R33-6628 ..!IJ'JD [l,S. MATT, Re: Rental Availability Ordinance (Chapter 8.04) Dear .I eri: ~ nUl .~ As you may know, the CiTY'S Remal Housing Ordinance was discussed at a recent stUdy session with the Dublin City Counc.il and Planning Commission. I provided the Counc.il and Cornl11i.!>sion with a study prepared by Anthony HW1 & Associates whit;h provided evidence rhat attached housing tends to provide approximately 30%) renmls, and that this Ordinance is unDeces.!>ary is l11eet the City's ::;Lated goal of pl'O\iding 10% rentals in multi- . family projects. . . . Therefore, pIe-.ase consider this letter an application Lo amend the City's General Plan Housing Element and the Conditions of Approval for Tract 5926 (aka CA Highlands). Please leT me know if any other City applications are required., and the amount of the application fee. I would likc this matter set for the Planning Commission agenda as soon as possible. Fina11y, attached is a letter [rom our attorney .which provides legal authority for amending conditions even though the subdivi.!>io11 map has already been approved and l'eCl1rded. Thank YOll fOT your assistance. Sincerely:. K.A.1JEM.A.N AND BRO.-\D or NORTHERN CALlFOR..l\lIA. INC. ~./~ Man Koon Vice President - Land Acquisitions cc: Rich Ambrose (w/o cncl.) Dave Lanfel1llaD (w/o encl.) Larry Tong (w/o encl.) [: \1'01'4 \ worddocs\donlan \ram 4 RECEIVE.:; reB i 2 1995 OUWN Pf.A.f..tNl N.:; . EXHIBIT E . ." . CITY OF DlJ-:BLIN l\1El\10 RA..1\:-o lJl\1 TO: City Council Members ~eilnis Carrington, Senior Planner FROM: DATE: April 4, 1996 RE: Rental Occupancy in Condominium Projects The City Council requested at its March 26, 1996, Public Hearing on the reduction oT Rental Availability In-Lieu Rental Fee amount, that information be provided on rental occupancies in condominium projects at the April 9, public hearing. Anached is a letter to Mr. fViatt Koart of Kaufman and Broad from Anthony Hurt dated January 31, 1996, which addresses this concern. Mr. Hurt concluded that rental occupancy in condominium projects generaliy ranges from twenty-five to thirty-five percent with the overall average at thirty percent. He expects rental occupancy to be about thirty percent in the Kaufman and Broad condominiums in Dublin. This level of rental occupancy is expected to occur within about five years after sell-out of the project. g:p95006mem1 EXHIBIT F .A..Dthony. "Hu'rt &. l..SSOCIATES ) /4 V3.ldi\'iz.' S<ln RZL"TlOn, Califom~ _ '" (5J 0) 83(1.5070 ]a:nuary 31, 1996 M.r. I.fa tt Koart Director oJ Fon....ard Planning r..aufm211 & Rroad 3130 UOI',' Canyon Place, Suite 300 San Ramon, CA. 94583 Subject: Rental Occupancy In Condominium ProjecTs Dear Mr. Kom, As requested, we have resec.Lrche::d the q llcstion of what proportion Df condom..i..n1um units are occupied by renTers. The objecTIve is to forecasT rent21 occupancy in the condomin.ium project being planned for development in Dublin. Our research has induded Identit..eying condominium projects in the Dublin-Pleasanton-San. Ramon aJ:'ca, contacting several condominium .,., management companies and ta.'\: record reseill"ch by First A.Incrican Title " Comp<my. This lener summurlz;cs OUI fi!'1dingS. Property Management Companies We contacted four property management companies \\'ho are active in central Contra Costa County and the:: Trl-Valley .4.rea. They supp1ied information on nvenry-five projects in the a1'ea from Martinez to Plcasanton.. We: should point out that p:roperry managers gent:rally do not '\\--ant details about iheir finances or occupancy made public. At OUI request, they agreed to supply information about the pc-rccnt of units occupied by renters on the condition that their spedfi c project not be identified.. Accordingly. the data presented in the tab1e whJch follows 5s summarized by area to avoid revealing individual rrtoje-ct lnfoIDlauon. ~ In all, the twenty-fivE' projects r...ave a total of 3.040 units. T.nirty-one "percenT of these units arc: occupied by renters. Tnduded are ten projeCTS in San Ramon, Dublin and Pleasanton. The.~e ten projects have 1.174 tOTal units of which 388 (33~) are occupied by renters. .' Z[J(J lP Q"'r'OCl8 ~ .~-lT...:!n':-"'V ;::6T2.9~~'(JH;:2- 2.0:2.1 ~6!tO/tO " Rental Occupancy In Condominiu;:o ?rojects . Area Concord/Pleas. I-:lill/Mutinez 'Walnut Creek/DanvHle S. RamonlDublin/pleasanton Total No. of Pr01ects 8 TOld Dnits 1, 1 08 1 758 10 1,174 2:5 3,040 Occupied :By: O"'lleI Ren t er 723 38:; 596 162 786 388 2,105 03" PerccDt Ren Tc:d 33% 21% 33% 31% Public Information (Assessor's Records) We: identified e1ghl projects in Dublin and Siln Ramon. The map locations of These projects were transmined to First American Tille: Company. First A.merlcan rescllTched the tax rccords and identified units where the address for the: O\'1'ner is Different from the address of the unit. These units are usut'Jly occuDied by renters and the tax bill is sent to the O\'i'D.C::I at a different address,i USing tbis data, we have estimated rental occupancy in the ctght projects. As shovy""ll below, rental occupancy ranges from twenty.nyo to thirty-three percent with an overall average of h'l'enry- cigh t percent. Dublin/San Ramon Condominiums Total Occupied Ey: Percent Pro,iect Ow Un1Ts Owner Renter Rented . Silverga te Dublin 126 90 ...,~ 29% ,:,0 The Vintners San Ramon 1G5 112 53 32% Mansions San Ramon 108 77 31 29% The Gardens San Ramon 123 S7 36 29% Heritage San Ramon 104 81 23 22% Fountainhead San Ramon 79 53 ,_ 26 33% Cobblestone San RBmon lG9 l?.... 42 25% __I Twin Creeks San Ramon 96 67 29 30% Total 970 GOII 276 28% ~";l:: Conclusion . 'Rental occupancy.in condominium projects generally ranges from mTellry-five 10 thirty-five percent "WiTh the overall average at thirty percent. Accordingly, we would expect rentul occupancy to be about thirty percenT in the Kamman & Broad condol11i.niums in Dublin. This level of rental 1 Tnen: a..'"'t some e.xcep;:ioD.s where me ta.'\.: bill is sent to a different address even ihou.gh the orv.ner occupie.<:; the unit. Howe\.'cr, these exce.ptions wC' probably oifsc! b;: instances where the mx bill is sen.t to the unit even though it is occupied by a renter. It is not uncommon ior :-enters to receive the. bills and fo;rt\.'al"d them to ovme".,-s who live :lD. oilier areas of t:be CDU!ltry or overseas. . 2 Anthony H. .0.: I.SSDCli.: -_U'-tO(l IE tTi(l':'':', ~ k-..T'2:")"'~ ~ fT.!. ~Pf.'{nS:2- ~'(l:.i.T 86/1"(1/1"0 " ucc:.;.pancy can be e..),.:pected to occur ..,.....-;thin 2bout five years 2.fter seD-ouT uf the p:ojecr. 'We appiā‚¬:clate the o:;Jporrunity to \'\'orl. with yuu on this . ass1gn.menT and are prepared to respond to commems ?..Dd questions 2.5 needed. /7~ ~HS~ .' " ;, . 3 Anthony i. ASSD ~ rnn iF: Q"FI)H5 'r .~~TdnY}I <: 61 2. fl flb' n H.:2. 60 :2.1 fl6/tO/to . . . I; il CITY OF DlTBLIN I\1El\1 0 RA~" 1) lJ1\1 '.:'J: ?i chE..~d ..;~:''''~5e, Ci ~\~ r<a.:-::a?-== ?:W~: ~ .' \ ~""'.;s C=-:-~i:"1?"C.O:-l, 5e::i .:)::"" ::::-1:::."I"'""\":'i~""" - --.......-..-........- ....,z.'""';'. ~--- -"" ]-'.o;r i 1 - J ... ..........". ~:::::~ \/acancy ;;:a ::=5 _~~ vt:: :'::4.\.~-=stisa'"Ced :.:-_::-ee co~~arr.':":1i;,lnl dey.~lDpme:::.s "'l -: ~~~;:,li~ I:';il \.e=:.::-e~, '::':::-:)0:::- C:::-eek .. -- . 2.::::' ::.e::-.::..'t.age Camma:::s) =':1:5 ~e '[ e :-rr~.i:::e d E..:-2 ~ -\.~e:::-a2'::: .....- '-.:.. -. . L_"f of the "\..:.n.l::'s have ~~ei= prDpEr~)7 ~ax ~i2l5 mal~e= ~o This I:'9'"u:-e 5110.;110 ,.................,...........~l--~ I"...o~__ __Ci.,-_ - . ..:. 0::::='::':' o:;.s o::.:::e:::- than :.he itself ",,'e 21 2::'% ::-ental c...... :3.eveloome:::.::.s. Tl1e 5::....1:::.\; :. ~ a 02=U.?~:-lc:};r ;:,.-a't.e ::.nese :;;re:;:-areG. by ?...::::.hony :i:..:::-t a:":l:5. _!:.ssocia-::.es dated Janua:.-y 31 J 1996 J fa:.- 2e::.e::-~i:::.ed by this method :.hat the :.-e::tal OCC"J.:?ancy ...,..--....t=;I _c,,-_ average ::::...._~~ ..,L-c:..:...J... The s~r\re\:- :::.ne 6eveloomenr.s in D~lin and San ?amon was ?>::~ _ "-" 0 . -\ie::- 2.::::.-es ~na:' the s:-.udy is ?he ciffe::-ence ~etwe=n -"' . L~"'C :3:ur::. ac::u::-=.::.e. =.n:3. 22% cou.ld sasily be eJ':olained by :-.he smaller sam:;:le of ::l-e-."e..:. OOiile::-::'S s'..::.-veyed ;:,v 5::aff J:._ s";.1mT'i,a=:-y of rent.al occ'..lpancy :.-=.:.e5 ::o=:- t.:1ese oeve...:.cy:)ments s"..:.::-veve:5 ~y Q-:--=: -:=7 -.....--- ::0110\>.'5 : ~e'.'el D:;>ment Dni ts 'TIo-::' occ:l::Jied by O.....":1er 'Tor.al U::i:.s ?e::--::e:::t. - '", .::;~~ -,7e:=:.:-ee 12 ~2 ')R ]..--.::-~:::.- C:--ee}: r' 540 2:'; ~e=~~a~e C3m~=~S -~ /~ l2 :-:)-:. al f2 ..l.~; 2::' ::::5.:::ie ?ea::>C)5}i :: ::;:.a..9'; - D C'5merr.2