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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 CampaignContribLimits --.... '" v- : tz CITY CLERK File # D~~(Q]-~[O] -, AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 23, 1996 . SUBJECT: Campaign Contribution Limitations (Report Prepared by Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 2.28 (Campaign Contributions) RECOMMENDATION: '::t./ Receive report and provide appropriate direction to Staff FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Under discussion of "Other Business" at the March 26, 1996, City Council meeting, Councilmember Barnes requested that Staff place on a future agenda, the issue of campaign contribution reform. . _" , : The Council first adopted an ordinance limiting campaign contributions in 1987 (Ordinance No. 21 w87). e: The ordinance was codified in Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 2.28. Amendments were made to Chapter 2.28 in 1993, which included increasing the contribution limit from $300 to $1000 with respect to a single election. Other changes were made to Chapter 2.28 to be consistent with state and federal laws relating to campaign contribution limitations. _" Expenditure limitations are subject to strict scrutiny and will be upheld only if they are narrowly_tailored to serve a compelling state interest. The United States Supreme Court held in the case of Buckley v. Va/eo that it is unconstitutional to limit a candidate's personal expenditures. A limitation on expenditures is viewed as a restraint on Constitutionally-protected rights of expression and association. Spending limits are thus not valid unless they are tied to the receipt of public funds. J:\WPD\MNRSW\114\MISC\TERM-LMT.8lM ",' :--::" KJIg/4-2J-96IascampnS.doc ~-----------------------C()PI~ST()~-------------------------------- ITEM, NO. ..s..L- w ,OJ e-; .' . , " Chapter 2.28 CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS Sections: 2.28.010 2.28.020 2.28.030 Findings and purpose. Defmitions. Limitations on contributions. Filing of verified declaration. Violation-Penalty. 2.28.040 2.28.050 2.28.010 Findings and purpose. Pursuant to the authority granted to the City Council in Government Code Section 81013 pennitting the imposition of addition- allocal requirements to the Political Reform Act of 1974, the City Council fmds that it is in the public interest to l'lace realistic and enforceable limits on the amounts which may be contributed to political campaigns in municipal elections. (Ord. 21-87 fi 1) 2.28.020 DefInitions. For the purpose of this chapter, defmi- tions codified in the Political Reform Act, beginning at Government Code Section 82000, et seq., shall apply with the addition of the following: "Election" means any municipal election, whether, general or special, at which the offices of Councihnember and/or Mayor are to be filled. "With respect to a single election" means: 1. In the case of a contribution designat- ed in writing by the contributor for a partic- ular election, the election so designated, provided that a contribution designated in writing for a particular election may be made after the election and prior to June 2.28.010 30th following the election only to the extent such contribution does not exceed net debts outstanding from that election; 2. In the case of a contribution not designated in writing by the contributor for a particular election, the next election for the office after the contribution is made. (Ord. 10-93 fi 1: Ord. 21-87 fi 2) 2.28.030 Limitations on contributions. A. No person shall make any contribu- tion or contributions to a candidate or com- mittee which exceed the cumulative amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000), nor shall any such contribution or contributions which exceed the cumulative amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000), be accepted by any candidate or committee from any per- son with respect to a single election. B. The prohibitions stated in subsection A of this section shall not apply to contribu- tions made or received in support of, or in opposition to, a ballot measure, nor shall said prohibition apply to contributions made by a candidate to his or her campaign. (Ord. 10-93 fi 2: Ord. 21-87 fi 3) 2.28.040 Filing of verified declaration. A. To ensure full compliance with this chapter, each candidate shall execute a dec- laration under penalty of perjury on a form provided by city stating that such candidate did not receive any contribution or contribu- tions totaling more than one thousand dol- lars ($1,000), from any person with respect to an election. B. The declaration required by subsec- tion A of this section shall be filed with the City Clerk with each preelection statement filed pursuant to state law and with the 31 (Dublia S.9S) semi.annual statements required to be filed pursuant to state law. (Ord. 10-93 ~ 3: Ord. 21-87 ~ 4) 2.28.050 Violation-Penalty. A. Violation of any provision of this chapter is a misdemeanor punishable by a fme not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) or imprisorunent for a tenn not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fme and imprisorunent : B. Whether or not a violation is inadver- tent, negligent. or deliberate in the presence or absence of good faith, shall be consid- ered in applying the penalties of this chap- ter. (Ord. 21-87 ~ 5) :i, 2.28.040 32-1 (DIlblin 5-94) , .' .' .,: