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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.6 AmendMuniCd&ZnOrd :'i#:;:~'- -'*" CITY CLERK File , D~[7j(Q)-I:aJf4] . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 26, 1996 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING Adoption of Urgency Ordinance amending the Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance to aujgtu:Q.~p.anaiPiUties. t9 th~ Community Development Director , , : .: ' (Report Prepared by Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney) "It ~ 1It~ EXHIBITS ATIACHED: A Draft Urgency Ordinance B. Memorandum from City Attorney dated March 13, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: ~ 1) Open Public Hearing 2) Receive Staff Report 3) Receive Public Comments 4) Close Public Hearing 5) Deliberate 6) Waive reading.and Adopt Urgency Ordinance amending ~he Dublin Municipal COde and Zoning Ordinance to assign certain responsibilities to the Community Development Director . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: With the addition of a Community Development Director and the departure of the Planning Director on March 31, 1996, it is appropriate to pass an Ordinance designating responsibilities now handled by the Planning Director to the Community Development ,Director to insure that applications are handled in the appropriate fashion. The new Community Development,Department includes the former Planning and Building Departments. An Urgency Ordinance has been drafted which will become effective immediate1y':upon its adoption. This Ordinance will not change any existing procedures or requirements of any development entitlements. A four-fifths (4/5:) vote of the City required to pass this urgency Ordinance. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing; deliberate; waive the reading and adopt the Ordinance on an urgency basis. . -----------------------~-----------~---~--------------~------------ COPIES TO: ' K%/gI3-26-96/as-cddir. doc ITF;MNO.~ . . . . ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE AND THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR IN PLACE-eF~PIANNING'DIRECTOR TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY l7'''?' , The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section I. Dublin Municipal Code All references in the Dublin Municipal Code to the "Planning Director" shall be deemed to refer to and include the "Community Development Director" or his designee. Section 2. Dublin Zoning Ordinance All references in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance to the "Planning Director" shall be deemed to refer to and include the "Community Development Director" or his designee. Section 3. Prior Actions Upon the effective date of this ordinance, the Community Development Director shall succeed to and replace the Planning Director in any proceeding or matter which was commenced but not completed by the Planning Director prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date This ordinance shall talce effect immediately pursuant to Government Code section 36937(b). The facts constituting the urgency are as follows: The incumbent Planning Director has resigned, effective March 31, 1996, and it is necessary to provide for the assumption of the duties delegated to the Planning Director in the Dublin Municipal Code and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance immediately in order that applications may be processed in a timely manner. The council therefore finds, based I EXHIBIT A on the foregoing facts, that this ordinance is an urgency ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety and shall become effective immediately. Section 5. Posting The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this ordinance to be published or posted in at least three public places in the Cityin-accordantewit,hSection 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. ' tt~1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this _ day of , 1996, by vote as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MAYOR ArrEST: CITY CLERK EHS:rja J:\WPD\MNRSW\114\ORD\COMM-DVL.DIR 2 ~. . . . . . . . MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION SANTA ROSA OFFICE 555 AFTl-l STREE!', surre 230 SANTA ROSA, CA 95401 TELEPHONE: (707) 545-8009 FACSIMIle; (707) 545-8817 MICHAEL R. NAVE STEVEN R. MEYERS EUZABETl-I H. SILVER MICHAEL S. RIBACK KENNETl-I A. WILSON CLIFFORD F. CAMPBELL MICHAEL F. RODRIQUez KATHLEEN FAUBION, AIC? WENDY A ROBERTS DAVID W. SKINNER STEVEN T. MATTAS RICK W. JARVIS LARISSA M. sero DEBBIE F. LATHAM WAYNE K. SNODGRASS GATEWAY PLAZA m DAVIS STREET, SUITE 300 SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA 94577 TELEPHONE: (510) 351-4300 FACSIMILE: (510) 351-4481 OF COUNSEL ANDREA J. SALTZMAN MEMORANDUM . ,'. " TO: Richard Ambrose City Manager City of Dublin DATE: March 13, 1996 FROM: Elizabeth H. Silver City Attorney RE: Ordinance Designating Community Development Director in Lieu of Planning Director I have prepared an ordinance providing that all references to the Planning Director shall be to the Community Development Director for the March 26 Council meeting. Because Larry is leaving at the end of March, I have made the ordinance an urgency ordinance so there is no period of uncertainty. The staff report should note that the ordinance requires a four-fifths vote. Section 3 is meant to deal with situations like the Taco Bell hea?ng which is in progress but not completed. Very truly yours, MEYERS, NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON tl1 Elizabeth H. Silver EHS:rja cc: Eddie Peabody, Commrmity Development Director J:\WPD\MNRSW\114\MEMO\O 1~1AR96\COMM.DVL.DIR n,.c"',"'. ~~ ~ \/~u t':;~\I~ I If 1996 DU~bN P'..~NNiN3 EXHIBIT B