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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 AuthSupmtlPrgrmSup#9 "-,,:,~ ,~ ,,-,', .' ~d'"'i. .. I.,:", CITY CLERK File # nW~~CiJlaL ;.; " .., ., , j .. l I AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 26, 1996 SUBJECT: Program Supplement No. 009 ~ Local Agency-State Agreement for Federal~Aid Projects No. 04~S432, Caltrans Project No. CML~5432 (005), with Caltrans to.B.eimburse.the City of Dublin. Report Prepared by: Lee.S. Thompson, Public'Works Director .' EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution authorizing submittal of PrOgriun Supplement 009 to Department of Transportation for funding of the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project From West of Clark Avenue to East of Sierra Court. Program Supplement 009 2) 1 . RECOMMENDATION: a ..f\.._I) LAr ~) Adopt Resolution Authorize Public Works Director to execute Program Supplement 009. .'1 .,...::' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The City of Dublin will be reimbursed for up to $122,171 from Caltrans for the Preliminary Engineering, including environmental work and design of the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project. All costs above $122,171 will be funded by the City through Gas Tax monies. The total Preliminary Engineering for the project is estimated to be $138,000, 568,000 of whiCh is budgeted this fiscal year and the remainder is indicated in the.s..yr CIP as being expended next fiscal year. DESCRIPTION: In August of 1994, the City ,of Dublin was notified by Caltrans and Metropolitan Transportation Commission that the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from West of Clark Ave. to East of Sierra Ct. had been approved for Federal funding pat1icipation. hi order to receive reimbursement funds for the Preliminary Engineering Phase of this project; the City is required to execute Program Supplement 009. Completion of this section of the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project has an ultimate budgeted ofSl,130,000. Of these funds, 51,000,000 will be financed through a Federal ISTEA Grant and $130,000 will be paid by the City. . ,,- , ~ ---------------------~-----------------------------~~-------------- "-'-.' COPIES TO:' . ITEM NO. ~_ g:\agenmlsc\supp9 Program Supplement 009 is for Preliminary Engineering phase of the project and is budgeted for 1.... .~"""'~ $138,000. Of this budget, $122,171 is funded by an ISTEA (Federal) grant and the balance of$15,829 will be funded by the City. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the Program Supplement and authorize the Public Works Director to execute this Program Supplement. .....,' ...~ .. , "".4 :'~' ~<. ,,;' e.:". . .. .::,...: . .. ". ,','. Page 2 .. RESOLUTION NO. ~ 96 '.--" , , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 009, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR CONSTRUCTION FUNDING FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL ...........- --.. ...~ ~ COORDINATION AND UPDATE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has requested Federal funding for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from West of Clark Ave. to East of Sierra Ct.; and WHEREAS, said funding is needed for the continuation of the collective Dublin Boulevard V,i'dening project; and WHEREAS, to receive this funding, the Department of Transportation requires an authorizing Resolution to be submitted, along with the Program Supplement for the project, WHEREAS, the Program Supplement No. 009 is the Local Agency-State Agreement for Federal- Aid Project (No. 04-5432) and Caltrans [Project No. STPL-5432(005)] for preliminary engineering for the ..': Widening of Dublin Boulevard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby approves Program Supplement No. 009, and authorizes the Director of Public Works to execute and transmit this supplement to the Department of Transportation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of March, 1996. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor . ATTEST: City Clerk .. ... STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE AND LOCAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1120N STREET P.O. BOX 942874, MSl1 SACRAMENTOJnCA 94274.0001 TDD (916) 654-.qv14 (916) 654.3151 FAX (916) 654.2409 Q, , ' " .: March 14, 1996 File: 04 - ALA -0 - DBLN s:r:PL-5432(005) IN' mE CITY OF DUBLIN ON DUBLJN' BLVD., WEST OF CLARK AVE. TO EAST OF SIERRA CT - RECONST. & WIDENING r~; :~.: ',-..~,~ ::~~ ~ ~ } :: ::. Mr. Lee Thompson City Engineer - City of Dublin POBox 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Attention: Ken Seumalo i:v1 ~ ,- 1 i~ 'IQt;~: t -Inf{ \"., ",-' "t, -' "'_0" ~', ~_. .' \_.... ".. :~ -<.': Dear Mr. Thompson: Enclosed are two originals of Program Supplement Agreement Number 009 to Local Agency-State Agreement No. 04-5432 covering preliminary engineering for the above-referenced project. .' Please sign both copies of this Agreement and return them to this office, Office of Local Programs - MSl. Alterations should not be made to the agreement language or funding. Attach your local agency's certified authorizing resolution that clearly identifies the project and the official authorized to execute the agreement. A fully executed copy of the agreement will be returned to you upon ratification by Caltrans. Your prompt action is requested. No invoices for reimbursement can be processed until the agreement is fully executed. If the agreement cannot be approved by your agency within six weeks, please return it. A replacement Program Supplement Agreement will be resubmitted later when your agency submits a request, with the agreement check list form, indicating it is ready to proceed. ;z'~ HERB REINL, Chief Office of Local Programs Project Implementation Enclosure cc: OLP AE project fIles DLAE - 04 .' "We'lI Find a Way" ~KOGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 009 to i LOCAL AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT le!OR FEDERAL-AID PROJECTS NO. 04-5432 . :~his Program Supplement is hereby incorporated into the Local Agency-State Agreement for Federal Aid which was entered into between the Local Agency and the State on 12/12/83 and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof. This Program Supplement is adopted in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article II of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. , approved by the Local Agency on (See copy attached) . Date: Location: project Number: E.A. Number: March 8, 1996 04-ALA-0-DBLN STPL-5432 (005) 04-927993 The Local Agency further stipulates that as a condition to payment of funds obligated to this project, it accepts and will comply with the covenants or remarks set forth on the following pages. PROJECT TERMINI: IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN ON DUBLIN BLVD; WEST ,OF CLARK AVE. TO EAST OF SIERRA COURT TYPE OF WORK: RECONSTRUCTION AND WIDENING LENGTH: 0.2 (MILES) PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OR PHASE(S) OF WORK [X] Preliminary Engineering [] Right-of-Way [] [ ] Construction Engineering [] Construction Estimated Cost I Federal Funds Matching Funds ... " 122171 $ o Local OTHER 15829 $ OTHER 138000 33C $ $ o $ o City of Dublin STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By By Chief, Office of Local Programs Project Implementation Date Date Attest Title I hereby Certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Chapter I Statutes Date 3.Jrfjt $ 122171.00 Accounting Office Program IBCI Fund Source AMOUNT 303 1995 2660~101-890 95-96 C 262040 892-F 122171.00 .- Page 1 of 2 ';... ~ 04-ALA-0-DBLN STPL-5432 (005) DATE: 03/08/96 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS e--- . - 1. All maintenance, involving the physical condition and the operation of the improvements, referred to in Article VI MAINTENANCE of the aforementioned Master Agreement will be performed by the Local Agency at regular intervals or as required for efficient operation of the completed improvements. .' 2. The Local Agency agrees the payment of Federal funds will be limited to the amounts approved by the Federal Highway Administration in the Federal-Aid Project Agreement (PR-2)/Detail Estimate, or its modification (PR-2A) or the FNM-76, and accepts any increases in Local Agency Funds as shown on the Finance or Bid Letter or its modification as prepared by the Office of Local Programs. 3. This Program Supplement will be revised at a later date to include other phases of work. 4. In executing this Program Supplemental Agreement, Local Agency hereby reaffirms the "Nondiscrimination Assurances" contained in the aforementioned Master Agreement for Federal-Aid Program. 5. Whenever the local agency uses a consultant on a cost plus basis, the local agency is required to submit a post audit report cover- ._-.' ing the allowability of cost payments for each individual consul- ,..-: tant or sub-contractor incurring over $25,000 on the project. The audit report must state the applicable cost principles utili- zed by the auditor in determining allowable costs as referenced in CFR 49, part 18, Subpart C - 22, Allowable Costs. e:. Page 2 of 2