HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 StatRptDublinPrideWk """.-~'f"~~ ,".">, . ~\;i\':"~ '... ' ," ".. '< /1!. . ,._:';';'I-.$;. ~..~..- " .. ,L ~. .'.,:d.' :W .- AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 13, 1996 SUBJECT: EXHmITSATTACHED: ~~~>"""f"\~~~iIM;,~\t'i.......~,~,~\..,.lw.,,,,,,,,_,,,,,-,-,,~,.,,,.,,,,. ., RECOMMENDATION: J ~~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: ". DESCRIPTION: Status Report of City Participation in Dublin Pride Week and Acceptance of Gift to City m Report Prepared by: Steve Honse, Administrative Assistant Budget Change Form . ,.,...~ ,.""~",,,,--~"""".".""""".''''''''.' _"-1Il"'__>\MI:~"'!!. 1. Accept Gift 2. Direct staff to prepare a fonnal acknowledgment 3. Approve Budget Change Form 4. Approve City participation in Dublin Pride Week with a City contribution not to exceed $2,500 City funding of $2,500 for Dublin Pride Week was approved in the 1995.96 City Council Connnunity Promotion Account Livennore- Dublin Disposal has offered to match the City contribution. Should the Council approve the expenditure of the budgeted amount and accept the $2,500 gift, $5,000 will be available to promote the Dublin Pride Week event, provide prizes toischool children, and purchase trees. Dublin Pride Week is an annual event which seek to promote a positive image for the City of Dublin. The goal is not to criticize, but to seek ways in which each individual can act to improve.thecqrnmunity. Historically, the motto has been "Clean-up, Fixpup, Paint-up" This year, Dublin Pride Week is scheduled to begin og Sunday, March 24 and will conclude on Saturday, March 30. As in past years, Livermore-Dublin Disposal will conduct a special residential pick.up. Each household will be allowed to cUspose of up to three cubic yards of refuse at no additional ch8.I'ge. Additionally, Livermore-Dublin Disposal has offered to match the City's $2.500 budget to promote the event. Should the Council accept this gift, it will be used to purchaseDubUn P.rideitems to be distributed to the City's school children and to provide prizes for a Dublin Pride Poster Contest (discussed below). Councilmember Valerie Barnes has formed a committee comprised of various civic organizations and business leaders to coordinate and expand Dublin Pride Week activities. The committee has met twice and has developed a plan to implement the following goals: :~------------------------CO-PI~ST()~~-~;~~~~~~~;;~;;~---------- . ITEM NO. 8J- Hlc:c.formslagdastmt.doc t.."''''''''...., ' ~'~A~i'.x,,":,,' ... .. "~~ .~~~..\,~, Expand Community Awareness of Dublin Pride Week. This year, Dublin Pride Week will be publicized at the St Patrick's day parade with the distribution. of announcements printed on. litter bags. To further publicize the event, a local Boy Scout troop '.' has agreed to distribute posters to businesses within the City. The committee hopes to solicit private contributions in order to underwrite the cost of advertising. Seek FuJI Involvement From AD Of the City's Schools Historically, the City's schools have participated by producing posters which have a Dublin Pride theme. The committee will continue to support this activity. Those posters judged to be the best ,.......-.,-..----. will be displayed at the Civic Center;" Should the Council accept the gift from Live'rfriO:re':Dbblin-----'" Disposal, the winners of the poster contest will be awarded savings bonds. Based upon available funding, the committee also intends to distribute "Dublin Pride" items to each child that attends school in Dublin. Involve the business community in the event Members of the committee have volunteered to approach the business community to seek active participation. At this time, Livennore-Dublin Disposal has offered to make a $2,500 donation and Viaoom Cable, has offered to provide publicity on Channel 30. Several other businesses have also expressed an interest in participating. ... , ". .' . - ......:. ~ Conduct community improvement projects Several civic groups, including the Women's Club, Valley Volunteer Center, and the 4-H Club have expressed an interest in participating in various community improvement projects as part of the Dublin Pride Week event However, the Public Works Department has cautioned against undertaking extensive projects during the rainy system. Hopefully, the committee will be able to plant severallrees in local parks. and plant additional vegetation around the Civic Center. . Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council Approve City participation and authorize City expenditures to promote Dublin Pride Week not to exceed $2,500 and that the gift of $2,500 from Livermore Dublin Disposal be accepted and applied towards Dublin Pride Week activities in addition to the Oty contribution. .'. ..... .' ~ - ..~.- CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM . CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other .' . ~. .N,,__... '. '..'. . ,:'':\~Jr::'.i1~;~M&1~WA1J._ Name: Contributions from Others $2.500 x From New Revenues , ' "'~:",, ";%&\<".,, :,. . Name: Account #: Name: Account #: 001-1000-570..002 Name: Community Promotion $2.500 Account #: Name: Account#: 001-1010731000 Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: . Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENlRY: Livermore-Dublin Disposal has donated $2.500 to be used to promote Dublin Pride Week activities in the City's schools. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the unanticipated revenue and budget for the expense. City Manager: Date: Signatl,1re lill1tt_l\~T~ttE@1[~~~IMi~~1;~1:~il:1'i:ili:il:l:::lli:ii::~i::iiim:blIijilpp.I.~~~I~i~JR:':gql.l~tt~I1~mJ.i;:~t{;:::::::::i::mlm~:::~:~:i:i::iJ.::::::;i:i::;fiiMM:::;::i:::::::.:' . Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature H:Voml.lbod1/<""S.d""