HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 LAVTAOpposeBill2084 ",,--'''' :-.~ ~:: ....:t CITY C L E R K File # n~~(Q]-Pf1~ .\ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 13,1996 SUBJECT: Written Communication: Request from Livennore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VTA) to Oppose Assembly Bill 2084 Regarding Transportation Development Act (TDA) Funding Report Prepared by: Public Works Director Lee S. Thompson EXHIBITS ATI'ACHED: 1) 2) Letter from LA VT A Board of Directors (Including Copy of AB 2084) Draft letter to State Legislators RECOMMENDATION: rsA''''/ Authorize Mayor to send letter of opposition (Exhibit 2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Passage of this legislation could reduce or eliminate TDA funding, which the City has relied upon in the past to pay the cost of bicycle path construction. This would mean that future bicycle path projects would be curtailed or that the City would need to find alternate funding sources or pay for the projects from its General Fund. I .) DESCRIPTION: The Transportation Development Act, established in 1971, requires the Board of Supervisors of a county (as agreed by contract with the State Board of Equalization) to establish a local transportation fund and to deposit a specified amount of local sales and use tax into that fund. Local jurisdictions and transit agencies then submit projects to be considered for funding. The City of Dublin has received TDA funds in the past for a number ofbicycIe path projects. This proposed Assembly Bill would authorize the County Board of Supervisors to modify its contract with the Board of Equalization so that an as yet unspecified percentage of the revenues are diverted into the County's General Fund, effective July 1, 1997. '- , If the City is no longer able to obtain TDA funding, and other funding sources are not available, future bicycle path projects may be curtailed or eliminated, or the project cost would have to be paid from the City's General Fund. The City's share ofTDA funding at this time is approximately $10,000 per year. As noted in the correspondence from LA VT A, a number of transit services could also be affected. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter to State Legislators which opposes AB 2084. . '. '.'-" ------------------------------------------------------------------- , '.' .-:.:. COPIES TO: ' ITEM NO. U g:\agenmisc:\ab2084 ,,\ ~~ .~y 1llE ;i" JH! February 6, 1996 The Honorable Guy Houston Mayor of Dublin, and City of Dublin Councnmembers 100 CivIc PIE1Z8 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear ladies and Gentlemen: .-'\ -- I am writing to you on the 8Ubject of Assembly Bill No. 2084 (AB 2084), which has been introduced by Assembly Member Bemie Richter. Under the provisions of this Bill, County Boards of Supervisors would be autt1ori:ted to divert an unspecified percentage of local transportation funds collected under the State of California" TransportatiOn Development Act (TDA) to their county's General Fund. Statewide, TOA is the single largest funding source, including our Transit Authority (LAVTA). The TDA sales tax, authori~ed b)' the California Legislature in 1971 and imposed in each county by the Board d Supervisors. is the lifeblood of pubiic transit in California, Including our Transit Authority. 1l1e United Slates Congress for this fiscal yoar f~duced fedAral operating assistance by forty-four percent (44%). and it appears that thiS federal operating assistance will be completely eliminated in futUre yesrs. A1so, public transit systems ere required to increase paratransit service for disabled persons under the federal unfunded mandate to comply With the Americans with Disabilities Act. The consequences of diverting TDA funding to Ollr agency would be as follows: 1. LAVTA routes are structured to cany students to schools in Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton since the locsl school dlstrids dO- not provide transportation to students from home to schools. LAVTA would have to eliminate some of these routes. . 2. LAVTA'S Dial-A-Rlde paratranslt dOor-to-door service for elder1y and disabled persons for crucial medical, shopping and other trips would have to be reduced. This service is the lifeblood of many people for crucial medical appointments. including regular visits to medical clinics for dialysis treatment. Many elderly rely on this service to visit senior centers for meals and also for shopping. .: LlvBrmore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rl/t,ln Court, Stllte 100, LlvfltmOtr, CA 94550 · 510.455.; Ev. r ~r~" ./ J\nL.d i 3. LAVTA routes serve to take people to major activity centers, including the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (lLNL), Hacienda Business Park in Pleasanten, Chabot College, StoneridgeMail in Fleasanton, and many other activity oentMS. Service to these centers would have to be curtailed. 4. LAVTA has to provide feeder bus service to the BARTlEast DublinIPleiisanton Station when rail $ervice to this statJon commences later this year. and this feeder service would be In jeopardy. 5. Transit service is vital to our area's economy, and any reductions would cause congestion and hardship. LAVTA's Board of Directors at their February 5, 1996 meeting voted unanimously to oppose AS 2084. It is also requested that your City Council officially oppose AS 2084 and send letters to the State Legislators listed in the attachment. asking them to VOTE NO on AB 2084. If you desire any further infonnation on AS 2084, please oont8ld our General Manager Vie Sood at 45&.7555. Thanking yOLI for your assistance in this matter, and with my good wiShes Si~rely, Counc/lmember Paul Moff&tt Chair. Board or Directors Attachments: Assembly BIIl20B4 List of State Legislators . .' e: . - . ..... . ..... ..-::: . I . __ta..-"lC'_t,.s.AIG l\fX:ULAA~N Q\LIFOPlA ~~."'--- No. 2064 - ASSEMBLY >>nL - of . B1cbter pel 14$1&ett ln1rOC1~d by ~1,. ~ ~__.-ri) {Coauthor. senatOt' J.,.e'O~- }a1\uatY 18,l.996 An act to add Section 29530.8 to the Government Code. ret.tinS to local government finance. ~E CQUMIBL"'DlCISt' AS :lIl84, ... iDbOducec1. Riehm. 1.ocal ~ent 6Qmceo local sales aPd use taX r~etlue: general futld mnsfen. ExlJt1Dg law requires the board of supervisors of a county. if that board sa agrees by contract lritit the Ste.1e-Board of E4ualization, to establish a local traMportation fund in the county treasury aDd to deposit into that fund rsvenues cldrtved by the county from " specified portion of the local UI md 1,I$e tax rale levied in the county pursuant to the Bra.d1ey-Bur!15 Uaifonn Local Sales and Use Tax Law. This bill wwld a.uthorize a county board of Jupervisors, upon the .ooption of IW authorizing resoluti~ to unilaterally niodIfy its contract with the State Board of Equa.li%atioD. to ptovide mat, on C)r ilf'ter July 1. 1997. an unspec:iRed percmtqo of those revenues th,t: otherwise would be deposited in the eoun.ty'slocal tranJPOrtation fund inst.ead be depo.rited ~nto the county genenal fund. Vo~e: majority- Appropriation: no. Fiscal committep: Ye!I. State.m;&ndated local program: no. !l? ..c ... ~ . AD 2OS4 -2- 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l' 16, 17 18 19 20 21 22 !r.3 24 The people of the State of OtIiformll do ~ct as fo/lows: SECTIQN 1. Secnon 29530.13 ill added to me Govenunent Code, w read: 29530.8. (a) NotWlthlitanding any ctlac;l' provision of this article. a county boatd of supervisors may, upon the adoption of an a.uthori2ing resolution approwtd by t\ majority of all of its members, unilaterally modify its contract, a5 s~fied in Section 29530 with the State Board of Equalization, to require that, effective on and after July 1,1997. perccntofthet:ouoty~es~d use tax TeVetlUes spec::ifted in Section 295.10 be deposited in the county., generul flllld. except as ctheMilli3e provided In subdivi$iml (b). (b) Au)' ob~aLed nvenues that are Dtherwise required to be depolited in the countY JeDeral fund pursuant to S\lbdivision (a) sball not be so deposited. but shall instead be deposited in the county's local transportation fund established in the county tre8SUlY pW'SUlUlt 10 Section 29530. For purposes of this subdivision, ~. obligated revenues" means sales nod use taX revenues described in Section W530 that are ncc~y to servi~e any outstanding indeb~edness or other outstandLng contractual obligation inl;:l,lued or entered into by Q local agency with -respect to the agency', public transportation projects, f.aciliti~5, liL."1cl services_ .' . - o 99 .:-. .... ", ,j ~ .... STATE LEGISLATORS Assembly Member Richard Rainey P. O. Box 942849 Sar...ramento, CA 94249-0001 Assembly Member Liz Figuero P. O. Box 942649 Sacramento, CA 94249-0001 .-~. -.' Senator Dan Boatwright 3086 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 Senator Quentin Kopp 2057 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 Assembly Member larry Bowler Chair, Assembly Transportation Committee 3151 State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 e. ~ ,l .. .. 11 .' February 14, 1996 Assembly Member Richard Rainey P. O. Box 942849 Sacramento CA 94249-0001 SUBJECT: Assembly Bill 2084 Dear Mr. Rainey: The purpose of this letter is to advise you that on February 13, 1996, the Dublin City Council discussed the pending Assembly Bil12084, which proposes to allow diversion of Transportation Development Act (IDA) funds into the County's general fund. The City of Dublin relies on TDA funds to construct projects which benefit residents, business owners, and those who visit our City for shopping .or recreational purposes. These projects include construction of bicycle paths, which promote energy conservation and improvement of air quality, as well as health and safety. If IDA funds are curtailed or eliminated, future projects may likewise need to be eliminated or postponed until other funding sources become available, which in turn may affect the economy of our City and the well-being of its residents. .'-"'- .- Local transit likewise benefits from TDA funds. Potential reductions in transit service caused by reduction or elimination of TDA funds would adversely affect Dublin residents and businesses. The City Council of the City of Dublin therefore opposes the passage of Assembly Bill 2084. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (510) 833-6605. Sincerely, Guy S. Houston Mayor cc: Assembly Member Liz Figuero Assembly Member Larry Bowler, Chair, Assembly Transportation Committee Senator Dan Boatwright Senator Quentin Kopp City Councilmembers . eXHIEn~_--ZL ..-.,~.