HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 FY1995-96Mid-YrBudgetRpt ~ ~ CITY CLERK File # AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (February 18, 1996) SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1995-96 Mid-Year Budget Report fWLReport Prepared by: Paul S. RA.,ldn, Assistant City Manager EXWBITS ATTACHED: Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 1995 2. General Fund Budget Change F<>rm 1. 3. . Capital Project Fund Budget Change Form RECOMMENDATION: ~~ .m 1. ',fJ'J' - Approve Budget Change Forms 2. Receive and File Report FINANCIAL STATE.MENT: See Report For Monthly Activity and ProjectiOJJ#l,F,or Fiscal Year , DESCRIPTION: . Attached is the monthly report oftinancial activities for December 1995. ,Given that one half of the Fiscal .-:.r Year has lapsed Staffhas conducted a mid-year analysis of the City's Revenues ~.Expenditures. It is important to understand that some of the data is limited. Therefore, Stiff has appr$ldted ,all projections in a conservative DUUllier. This analysis focuses on the activities within the General Fund, which represents the largest portion of the City Budget 1995/96 Adopted Budfet In the Budget adopted by the City Council it was anticipated that Genera1Fund Revenues, combined with the Net Fund Transfers In / Ou~ would exceed ~,FundExpenditures. The amount of the excess was projected to be approxinlately $75,S33. Since the 8doption efthe Budget the City Council has approved Budget Changes or Transfers which will reduce the anwunt of excess-General Fund Revenues anticipated to.be appropriated to Reserves at'the end of the Fi~ Year. The following suttUiwizes the approved additional General Fund appropriations, which were not offset by additional revenue or accomplished through a transfer from the Budgeted Contingent Reserve: ' Heritage Center Completion Municipal Dispute Resolution Services "$39,340 $10.833 TOTAL $Sq,173. :. ::. +" . COPIES TO: ITEM NO. OperatiOI Transfers ~ ~.,' Included in the' adOpted budget were certain operating transfers between, different funds. The 'ftI9St sigtlificant transfer. is' a coDtrib\ltion from the General Fund to the Street Light As*sment Fund '_. accompli~b'the purchase of the Street Lights. The Budget included a $327,804 transfer for this purpose:'!" The ,City Council is scheduled to adopt.a resolution of necessity to begin'legal condemnation pr~;n8R on Febnuuy 13, 1996. The finalaQ10unt of the Transfer is unknown at this time andit may beaffeciecf;by several factors. First, the current.8ppraisa1 obtained by the City would notrequire this large of a'~fer. The second factor is the fact that the condemnation pr()Cl'!P.liinss or a negotiated settlement may"not be complete by June 30, 1996. ForputpOSes of this analysis i~ has been llSsumedthat the entire fund transfer will be requited. 'Iftbisdoes not ttUltCia1ize thetewill be an increase in the appropriation to General Fund Reserves at the end of the Fisca1 Year. The 1995196Budget also provided for a 575,000 operating transfer from the General Fund to theClpital ProjectS Fund. In essence this ttaDSaCtion ,could: "'" viewe4 as a loan which will, be repaid to the Goaertil Fund at a future'd.ate.The two'ClP projectS affected by this transfer were: EastlDublinArterialPlan Line Study (PtojOct.i#9640.. SSO,O()Qf'~d;' Ci~c Omter Modification Design'SerVices (Project #9391 A 525,000). It was ,lU1ticipated 'that the plan "line expenditures will be repaid 'through the collection of Traffic Impact Pees and tbat the design servieeswill be repaid through a Public Facilities Impact Fee. It is assumed thatboth ari:tf:luntswill be expended by June 30,1996. There wiU'be.heedto increase the Transfer to the'CIPFund for the completion of the Public Facilities Impact Fee Study (Project #94S0). When the Budget was originally prepared it was assumed that the project wOu1d'beComp~ in Fisc::a1 Year 1994/95. The actual expenditures in Fiscal Year 1994/95 were approximately 3)Bl1ess than the 1994/95 'budget. In order to complete the study it will be necesAry.,to '. apPtQpriatetbncls fQr FisealYear 1995/96. The additio~ 1995/96 appropriati,?n of $7,875 is ~'.;~:;'::,:, in the BlKtget CIWlge Form (EXHIBIT 3}attached to this report. the additional appropriation will J$ult . ..;:',: in a totar.,.cOSt<< ..approximately $15;000 and. it includes a small contingency to address 'any subsequent issUCs'aS1l~t of the public h~ on February 13, 1996 to consider adoption oftbefee. This change:wIl1' mcreaseWdlc total trailsfers froni the General Fund to the CIP Fund by $7,875, which will reduee,the _OWlted,e~ to be appropriated to Reserves at the end of the Fiscal Year. .. , FiRal"t:-t:...lIe ~m.teI Staff has.~ the,oripud bvenue EstUnates contained in the adopted budget. Although there. are antieipated'flttetwmODs:in,ievet1uts ~ents will not be made to the Budget Estimates in the City's Financial records~ TbeCfty _a b81~ budget and the prelimjnary indications of variances do not warrant 'a CbaDge~this time. ,The folloWing breakdown will address' $Jiticipatedchanges within major ~te~ri~. ' '~ 'PrQP*tYT8X~... " . . (RepresentAJ'PtOXimately26%ofthe13\J4geted General Fund RcvGluc) Based:Up:m:~ reveauestor the first six months compated to the same period in the prior year it " ' appears.tIiitt'the Revenue'Bstimate contained in the 1995/96 Budget will be met. It is important to n* thatPtopetty Taxes have been a source of growth in recent years. In Fiscal Year 1994/95 the total ci>Uccted Was$3,944,284~ The Budget for 1995196 is $3,968,100, which represents an increase ofless. than one percent This sort of growth is not keeping pace with general ~bt , ,the .rate-ofintlatiOn. '. " " ..:.;:' . -. ReviSed Estimate: '.', No Chan8e ~ ,"~:~. :!,.'p~~ (!}l'!"" " " .:\ ',:flP" Taxes Other Than Pra,perty (Represent Approximately 48% of the Budgeted General Fund Revenue) Based upon tax revenues for the first six months compared to the same period in the prior year it appears that the Revenue Estimate contained in the 19,95/96 Budget will be exceeded by approximately $42,400. Sales Tax represents the largest revenue included in this category. The amount of Sales Tax budgeted for Fiscal Year 1995/96 is approximately 1.100!cdess than the amount received in Fiscal Year 1994/95. The retail sales tax data recorded to date only includes sales, which occurred prior October 1, 1994. This does not include the retaiJCbristmas season reporting, which typically represents a larger percentage of sales tax revenue. The impact of increased retail competition in surrounding communities may not be fully reflected in the revenues recorded to date. Staff has assumed no change in the Sales Tax revenue from the Budget. The City has continued to record an improvement in the Transient Occupancy Tax collections. . In addition Garbage Franchise Fees for the first siX months were Increased revenues in these areas are partially offset by lower Cable TV Franchise Tax revenue than was anticipated.. The payment of Gas & Electric Franchise payments will not occur until April and for this analysis it was assumed that they would meet the budget. Revised Estimate: Net Increase $ 42,400 Licenses & Permits (Represent Approximately 4% of the Budgeted Genera1Fund,Revenue) Revenues in this category are often difficult to predict since Building Permits account for the majority of this revenue. At this time the overall Building Permit revenue is trackipg at less than the Budget had estimated. This is primarily attributable to a delay in the' construction of major residential and commercial projects. Since the ptojects have not, gotten underway, the City will also recognize a savings in the contract inspection expense. F()r examp~, the Budget provided approximately 4,000 bours of 'contract personnel time. Based upc:m the first six months it is anticipated that approximately '11 % fewer contraCt hours will be required. 'The Inspector hours are expected to increase as the residential projects.,get back underway during the Spring construction season. The decline due to a slow start on major projects' has been partially offset by higher than estimated revenues for on-going miscellaneous permits related to tenant in-fill and alteration pennits. " Revised Estimate: Net Decrease <$ 123,000> Fines ~ Forfeitures (Represent Less Than 1% of the Budgeted General Fund Revenu,e) Revenues in this category are projected' to be tracking at approximately the. same level as reported in the first six months ofFisca1 Year 1994/95. '. _. Revised Estimate: No Change u~ ofMqney & ~ro.pefty (Represent ApproxUnately "/0 of the Budgeted General Fund Revenue) Interest Revenuereptesents 93 % of the total budgeted revenue in this category. consists of^tentalincome ooUected for the use of City facilities. '^w!' -1;;,~~.;.. ~\i~' \~, ~,~ ' , :~j:k, Although it is too early to calculate the exact General Fund share of total interest~enue, it appears that ~ues in tbis,categOry will exceed the Budget Estimate. During ~., first six I)lonths, the Cib' has aehievodJligher interest rates, and has a larger fun~ balanceavailablc for investment than Was ,assumed in Pre.Parini the original Budget Estimate. The final earnings may be affectedbythe:fecentdecliDehi .bite,restrates. ~ anticipated revenue from the lease of City facilities appear to be, tral!1dng.aCcordiII& to budget. R.evisedEstimate: Net.Inc1iase $ 100,000 Inteq(tvem~ ~~Jlp.!t'. " (ReprcNnt Approximately ,7% of the BUdgeted General Fund Revenue) .At this point in the year the revenues in this categor;y appear to be tracking in accordance with .the adopted 1994195 Budget. Revi' .*::' '''Estimate", '., ',,' . . . ~ . .. ,. No Change 'Clntta- Fpr Servict, " (Represent ~pproxiJnately 70" oftheBud~ General Fund Revenue) ..-. .... .' .oO.- &.;.+ , I. '..' .. , . . 0vtriU,' revenues in 'this. ,category are currently trackj"g at more than anticipated in the Fiscal year 1995~:Budg" 'Ilti,s'result is, ~y impacted by pian Checking services related to . development prOjects.. These ,.inoreaseshave' been partiiilly offset by decreased Recreation Sports League revaue.'Th<<e wi1l'~ be' fewar ,exJx.'D$esrelated to the Recreation program, since portions of thescr'ptOpmis.o)etated with'contraot or hourly employees. In the case of increased Plan CheCkingl'eVonues 'tIie'CitY 'has"also experienced fucreased contract Engineering expenses. . " Rtvise4Estimate: Net Increase S'165,000 0tIW 'ey~ues (R.eptesents L~ Than 1% Of the Bndgeted General Fund Revenue) .Other ~VeD'Ues are aiJticjpatedtobe less than the amount budgeted by approximately 55,865. The origiual -CB\ldgethad Snticipated that FEMA 1995 Flood Disaster Grants would, be reim~ in.1be iOeDeral' FUdd. The flood claims actually related to expenses originally incuuedin,the Gas Tax FuQd,andthe proportionate share of the Disaster Grant will be recorded,in the Gas Tax' fund. This was partially offset by the disposal of items previously held as evidence, wfllch'genenitedrevenuenot aPtitipai!ld at the time the Budget was adopted. . 'D,.....:~.. :0-:.:_""",",, A",y~tG'8wwm:;:" Net D'creDS8:< $ 5,865> .;. ." . ~. . '. , '. .':'F)rf' ,"". II' .",'$i~ .~.,. Tq;ff Effimated General Fund Revenue Variances "sed upon this analysis Staff anticipates that the 1995/96 General Fund" Revenu.es will exceed the , :,;;;~budgeted revenue by approximately $178,535 for the reasons indicated above. ' Revision, To El:penditure Estimates Staff has reviewed expenditures thrO\lgh December 31, 1995 for all accounts that affect the City's General Fund. Given the lag in billing for some of the contract services the City does not have a full six months of expenses to review for each budget activity. The following discussion highlightS those areas where the need'for an increase in the Budget Appropriation appears likely at this time. The analysis assumes that all other expenditures will be in accordance with the adopted budget General Government All General Government budget activities appear to be tracking within bUdget There is potential that Legal Services will require an adjustment at year end. At this point in the year the extent to which Development Projects will impact legal expenses has not been determined. In the case of legal time expended on planning applications such as the ScbaefferR8nehGeneraI Plan Amendment, the applicant is charged fees which wilI'reimburse the City. The other activity which may necessitate additional costs is related to legal services associated with the various tasks and studies necessary to implement the Eastern 'Dublin Specific 'Plan. At this time nQ change is recommended and Staff will continue to monitor expenses~ " e) .....:-.- Revised Budge~ Estimate: No Change Public Safety Based upon data available all General Fund supported PubUcSafety activities appear to be tracking with the budget. There maybe some minor deviations in Disaster Preparedness due to a vacancy in the Community Safety Assistant position. Revised Budget Estimate: No Change Tran$pOrtation At the present time ,the General Fund budget activities are traCking in accordance with the budget. Revised Budget EstiD1ate: No Change Culture and Leisure Services . At this time it is anticipated that expenditures will ~ less tlum the amount budgeted. Factors contributing to this include a temporary vacancy ,i,:l the Recreation 'Coordinator position and a reduction in the number of sports leagues operated. As discussed in ,the revenue section the revenue which offsets some of these expenses is alfJQ less than budg~t Due to the preliminary nature of this report no reduction in appropriations is recommended at this .tm\e. Revised Budget Estimate: No Change ", . Cqnupunity Development At theptesenttime the General Fund budget activities are anticipated :to be exceed the amount budgeted. This is primarily due to Engineering contract and staff costs 8SSOCiatedwith current development projects. As ,discussed in the Revenue, section ~ Ciiydoesreeover these costs through fees collected from the project applicants. The Engincmng activity-did eXpePellCC some salary savings due to a vacancy in the Assistant Civil Engineer position, however, this will not be ~);,'~"''''' -~. ,~. , '. tk. ''>it:", adequate to eftiet1be additioual_ The PIluming 8Clivity will . have some ~~ . due to a delay in~ filling of new.~tions a~thorlzed. \Vith ~~ 1995/96 Budget The Ii ~:,: "i ; changes to the BngJnH!fh).gappropnations are discussed III Exhibit 2. ,,', ;'\\ Revise(J:B~ Estimate: Increase $173,800 'Qlpital PtR;f.ets " The majoritY of the 1995196 Capital Pl'9jectshave funding sources other ~ the General Fund. Sevatal of diOJ'Il'jects fuD,d.ed by the General Fund will not incur major expendi~s until the setond half c>f. the Fiiat1 y_~ 1bisinc1udes the Sidewalk Repair Pro~ ~ .Evidence Tracking System Project, Data Prcx:essing Project" and Building Maintenance Assessment Study. , An additional appro)>.l'Wion towards the Aerial Photography Project will be required.' )l:Q,isa ,: multi~_cyproj~ being coordinated by the City of San Ramon and scheduled:to,1)e,cbthpl... by ifime30. 199(k 'The total project cost has not been modified. The original budget had assumed moreof1heWOrk 'on this pmject woUld be complete in Fiscal Year 1994/95. The difference in ti~':ot.. expericHturaJ necessitateathe change. The additional appropriation has. also been incll1dedoitBxlnbit 2 .. Budget Change Form. . RevmtiilJqdgetEstilnate:Net Increase S 3,857 . To" '&ttm~ted('*..aRjraJ FlItld E~enditan Variances , It is presently ~hd that.an' iAorease in total General Fund Expenditures 'of $ 177,657 are required. Staff has prepared a Budpt' "Gbtlnge Form (EXHIBIT 2) which will authorize' the &djUsttncnts from unallOeatedre8erve$.As C)Utlmedinthefollowing section the City is projected to continue to have a ..-:;;) balancedbUdJet fol1OWibg'_>~d6dnUdye&t adjustments. ' " :::::. Summ8J:yo'~jeetedl'!J5jg6:~rmrlPtJDd B~dlet The City'sfiSCalcot1ditionretnAin~t'very poSitive for the current fiscal year. The State Legislature still has several montbsbefore sigtUfi_ ~ of the 1996197 budget OCcurs. However, currentprojoctiou of State tevcntJeshave '~~"from past years where they State had to address deficits. The following sunu:n&ri2:eitheJJtOj~'GenenI1'FuodreSu1ts for,FiscalVear 1995/96: ~'h:.AR1"5196 MID YEAR SUMMARY OF atJI\UTBD'GENEJiAIJ FUND APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES , , , 1995196: ~Fund ReVenueBstimate '; Plus: ,,~'todNeU_~ReVeJlues "', tess:' "R~-~;'Bucf&iN<tt TransferS Net Transfers 'Less: "'~'~t.:Xo Net TtaDsfers. LesS:" . Boa_tijU!xPi8ditutes , . Less: ApproVed:I&aaetChauses Not Offset By Additional Revenue Less:.Mid.. Year GeDer81f'l.m4 Additional ApprOpri~ns (EXHIBIT 2) REVISEDMID..YEAR PROJECTION OF , GBNERALFtJND RE:VBNtJBs lNEXCESS rm'^t:!I'l.._~ !I'.':mkTn;~mtiOl..~'rD~ . vr' ~~.~.rU.l.,...u,nAC".Dl"JJ~.J. U~ '$ 15,115,95S. ' 118,535 , :' < 309;201> ' < 7;875> <; 14, 731~1> < 50,173> < 117.657> . $' , '~~,;I~~" ' ,.::..7:: .' . t~~,: ". As. noted, if the projections outlined in this report actually occur the City will have a small increase in the General Fund Balance, at the end of the Fiscal Year. It is important to note that these estimates are very preliminary and a number of circumstances could affect the final outcome. As previously discussed in the ..:'." r~port so~e of the Transfers Out of the General Fund,.could be.characterized.as a ~oan to be ~aid at ~e " .' time certain fees are collected. However the financmg of these transfers IS bemg accompbshed WIth current year revenue. The analysis assumes a total of approximately $82,875 in transfers are made from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund, to be repaid from future fees. It is also important to keep in mind that although expenditures are expected to be below the Budget in some categories, no adjustment has been made at this time. Capital PrQject Fund Bud&,et Change Required An additional appropriation is required in the Capital Improvement Project Fund (#300) for two projects as described in EXHIBIT 3. The Capital Improvement Fund is used to account for projects, or portions of projects which are financed by contributions from others. Typically this involves mitigation fees paid as part of a requirement of a development project approval. A discussion occurred earlier in this report regarding the need for an appropriation of$7,87S to complete the Public Facility Fee Study (project #9450) in Fiscal Year 1995/96. This is primarily due to a timing difference as to when the project will be completed. Staffhas also included a small contingency to address possible issues following the Public Hearing. As previously explained, it is anticipated that these costs will be recovered through the collection of the fee. The second project requiring an appropriation is the Parallel Road Project (Project #9687). In order to activate a provision in the BART Mitigation Agreement, the City was required to pursue acquisition of e.' property for this project in Fiscal Year 1995/96. In addition the City incurred expenses to review the , .' - .' alignment for this proposed roadway. A total appropriation of $8,000 should be adequate to complete the necessary work. The City already has developer fees on hand collected for this project and the balance of these fees will be reduced as expenses are incurred. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: (1) Approve the Budget Change fonns for additional appropriations (EXIDBIT 2 and EXlllBIT 3); and (2) Receive and file this report. '. .: .'" " CITY OF DUBLIN'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1995 ." , Prepared by The Finance Department January 10, 1996 .. ., EXHIBIT 1 GL102 CITY OF OUBLlN PAGE 1 1/10/96 BALANCE SHEET 13.24.27 FOR THE PERIOO 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 GENERAL SPECIAL SPECIAL CAP IT AL TRUST/ TOT A L S. REVENUE REVENUE ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT AGENCY --- MEMORANDUM ONLY ..- FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND CURRENT JUNE 30, 1995 ASSETS CASH 2572200.86- 1628416.12 391565.06 231343.73- 123848.57 659714.84- 450981.07- CASH UITH FISCAL AGENT 122975 . 05 122975.05 121210.04 UNAMORTIZED BOND DISCOUNT INVESTMENTS AT COST 24197647.50 24197647.50 22055322.74 RECEIVABLES:TAXES ACCOUNTS (NET) 173713.09 263764.58 437477 .67 449149.98 INTEREST ASSESSMENTS RENTS NOTES DUE FROM OTHERS 5967.43 5967.43 32951.01 INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 5334.92 5334.92 4954.19 FIXED ASSETS AMOUNTS TO BE PROVIDED 2158500.00 2158500.00 2232500.00 TOTAL ASSETS 21804494.65 1634383.55 391565.06 32420.85 2405323.62 26268187.73 24445106.89 LIAB, FND BAL, RETND EARNINGS 41555':., DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVELPMNT 189977.17- 189977.17- DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES 231112.48- 231112.48- 237370.00- DEPOSITS OTHERS 380019.62- 410917.15- 263764.58- 1054701.35- 496753.95. PAYABLES:ACCOUNTS 149745.78- 68630.83- 7558.50- 225935.11- INTEREST PAYROLL 757.32- 757.32- 9723.66 DUE TO OTHERS 140.00- DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE 2276000.00- 2276000.00- 2350000.00. TOTAL L1ABILTlES 720499.89- 479547.98- 502435.56- 2276000.00- 3978483.43- 3116096.28- FUND BALANCES 21083994.76- 1154835.57- 391565.06- 470014.71 129323.62- 22289704.30- 21329010.61- TOTAL FUND EaUITY 21083994.76- 1154835.57- 391565.06- 470014.71 129323.62- 22289704.30- 21329010.61- TOTAL LIAB,FND BAL, RETD EARNS 21804494.65- 1634383.55- 391565.06- 32420.85"" 2405323.62- 26268187.73- 24445106.89- .: GL102 CITY OF DUBLIN PAGE 1 1/10/96 BALANCE SHEET 13.24.48 FOR THE ." PER I 00 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 INTERNAL ENTERPRISE FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG T 0 T A L S SERVICE FUNDS GROUP OF TERM DEBT .. - MEMORANDUM ONLY'" FUND ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT GROUP CURRENT JUNE 30, 1995 ASSETS CASH 303594.15 7403.14. 296191.01 363416.70 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 1743714.91 1743714.91 1730761.91 JNAMORTIZED BOND DISCOUNT INVESTMENTS AT COST ~ECEIVABLES:TAXES ACCOUNTS (NET) INTEREST ASSESSMENTS RENTS NOTES JUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST 'REPAID ITEMS 151.00 "!XED ASSETS 254838.58 20597199.70 492625.30 21344663.58 21743799.35 ~OUNTS TO BE PROVIDED 2855403.88 2855403.88 2713930.44 TOTAL ASSETS 558432.73 22333511. 47 492625.30 2855403.88 26239973.38 26552059.40 '- ".\lD BAL, RETND EARN I NGS lE ,",v; rs FOR PRIVATE DEVELPMNT 'EPOSITS OTHERS AYABLES:ACCOUNTS INTEREST PAYROLL UE TO OTHERS EBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE 16970000.00- 2855403.88- 19825403.88- 20328930.44- TOTAL LIABILITIES 16970000.00- 2855403.88- 19825403.88- 20328930.44- UNO BALANCE 337231.41- 253621.47- 590852.88- 465846.41- :lNTRI BUTlONS 237722.75- 5109890.00- 5347612.75- 5287228.56- NVESTMENTS IN FIXED ASSETS 16521.43 492625.30- 476103.87- 479805.26- :TAINED EARNINGS TOTAL FUND EQUITY 558432.73- 5363511.47. 492625.30-- 6414569.50- 6223128.96- JTAL LIAB,FND BAL, RETD EARNS 558432.73' 223335"'.47- 492625.30- 2855403.88- 26239973.38- 26552059.40- . GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHO~ING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11.47.03 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 .. GENERAL REVENUE FUND CURRENT PER 100 PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D ********REVENUES******* PROPERTY TAXES 3968100.00- 2150485.68- 54.2 1817614.32- 3944284.28- 2149972.12- 54.5 1794312.16- SALES TAX 6400000.00- 3056137.20- 47.8 3343862.80. 6470287.39- 2970697.07- 45.9 3499590.32- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFERS 78000.00- 32799.39- 42.1 45200.61- 58070.83- 29630.50- 51.0 28440.33- TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 112000.00- 88393.00- 78.9 23607.00- 112580.00- 54550.00- 48.5 58030.00- FRANCHISE TAXES 615500.00- 62857.37- 10.2 552642.63- 481155.78- 56399.64- 11.7 424756.14- LICENSES & PERMITS 565650.00- 199979.37- 35.4 365670.63- 337550.69- 202447.31- 60.0 135103.38- FINES & FORFEITURES 35000.00- 18646.94- 53.3 16353.06- 35668.12- 15819.81- 44.4 19848.31. USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1124850.00- 374573.94. 33.3 750276.06- 1140713.87- 291195.82. 25.5 849518.05- INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 1031450.00- 502471.64- 48.7 528978.36- 1044001.82- 468560.81. 44.9 575441.01- CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1098830.00- 607037.75- 55.2 491792.25- 1053715.45- 383357.59- 36.4 670357.86- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 127923.00- 80208.93- 62.7 47714.07- 163462.88- 98684.47- 60.4 64778.41- TOTAL REVENUE 15157303.00- 7173591.21- 47.3 7983711.79- 14841491.11- 6721315.14- 45.3 8120175.97- *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 95880.00 .00 95880.00 137210.00 .00 137210.00 CITY COUNCIL 1010 136445.00 61534.89 45.1 74910.11 106703.42 47845.74 44.8 58857.68 CITY MANAGER 1020 281336.00 128730.41 45.8 152605.59 255861.89 119210.69 46.6 136651.20 CITY ATTORNEY 1030 152388.00 47125.32 30.9 105262.68 188007.10 80667.67 42.9 107339.' ADMIN SERVICES 1040 547130.00 203985.26 37.3 343144.74 445264.08 201109.29 45.2 244154. BUILDING MANAGEMENT 1050 332950.00 157736.36 47.4 175213.64 317163.30 136717.59 43.1 180445. FACI LITY RENTAL 1050-719 1604480.00 390764.72 24.4 1213715.28 1461448.88 401726.34 27.5 1059722.54 INSURANCE COST CENTER 1060 119800.00 94278.26 78.7 25521.74 124851.39 110926.74 88.8 13924.65 ELECTIONS COST CENTER 1070 660.00 563.52 85.4 96.48 6078.72 1563.62 25.7 4515.10 ACTIVITY TOTAL 3271069.00 1084718.74 33.2 2186350.26 3042588.78 1099767.68 36.1 1942821.10 'UBLIC SAFETY: POll CE 2010 3580781.00 883239.18 24.7 2697541 .82 3119865.40 92573.25 3.0 3027292.15 CROSSING GUARDS COST 2020 47749.00 15881.13 33.3 31867.87 36333.77 10734.82 29.5 25598.95 ANIMAL CONTROL 2030 182440.00 .00 182440.00 70885.70 16144.00 22.8 54741.70 DISASTER PREAPREDNESS 2050 43460.00 2787.29 6.4 40672.71 14798.56 .00 14798.56 FIRE SERVICES JPA 2060 3062737.00 1715133.00 56.0 1347604.00 2801337.13 1323072.00 47.2 1478265.13 ACTIVITY TOTAL 6917167.00 2617040.60 37.8 4300126.40 6043220.56 1442524.07 23.9 4600696.49 RANSPORTATION: PUBLI C \JORKS 3010 312060.00 138308.61 44.3 173751.39 297240.13 134297.26 45.2 162942.87 STREET MAINTENANCE 3020 159460.00 23.01 159436.99 31902.53 31652.82 99.2 249.71 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 3040 48615.00 8301.95 17.1 40313.05 41872.72 14745.28 35.2 27127.44 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINT. 3050 180777.00 85851.46 47.5 94925.54 168920.81 79570.50 47.1 89350.31 ACTIVITY TOTAL 700912.00 232485.03 33.2 468426.97 539936. 19 260265.86 48.2 279670.33 E:ALTH & \JELFARE: \JASTE MANAGEMENT 5020 .00 .00 .00 17411.78 1509.48 8.7 15902.30 ACT IVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 17411.78 1509.48 8.7 15902.30 JLTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: LIBRARY SERVICES 8010 194188.00 48547.00 25.0 145641. 00 177536.00 44384.00 25.0 133152.00 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 8011 20000.00 10000.00 50.0 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 100.0 .00 HERITAGE CENTER 8012 40561.00 16793.49 41.4 23767.51 6737.62 1413.85 21.0 5323.77 DUBLIN CEMETERY 8013 22100.00 9577.45 43.3 12522.55 16854.77 5371. 58 31.9 11483.19 PARK MAINTENANCE 8020 600037.00 254194.90 42.4 345842.10 584045.96 272874.78 46.7 311171.1., GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SH~ING PAGE 2 1110/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11.47.03 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 . GENERAL REVENUE FUND CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D COMMUNITY CABLE TV 8030 33836.00 21236.00 62.8 12600.00 22779.27 21143.00 92.8 1636.27 RECREATION AOMIN. 8040 191356.00 85110.83 44.5 106245.17 178485.58 82625.27 46.3 95860.31 PLAYGROUNDS 8045 101916.00 50786.74 49.8 51129.26 95612.89 47950.58 50.2 47662.31 SHANNON CENTER 8050 123348.00 56334.85 45.7 67013.15 107202.90 48050.87 44.8 59152.03 PRESCHOOL 8055 48258.00 19152.95 39.7 29105.05 37414.34 17769.11 47.5 19645.23 TEENS PROGRAM 8060 36982.00 12689.37 34.3 24292.63 21525.50 11136.07 40.5 16389.43 ADULT SPORTS 8065 81399.00 28744.98 35.3 52654.02 66278.32 36245.04 54.7 30033.28 YOUTH SPORTS 8066 35792.00 15602.48 43.6 20189.52 31761.14 14130.90 44.5 17630.24 SPECIAL EVENTS 8070 33210.00 9805.10 29.5 23404.90 30612.01 9894.22 32.3 20717.79 SENIOR CENTER 8080 108061.00 46578.88 43.1 61482.12 108674.38 48031.89 44.2 60642.49 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 8090 82691.00 37269.86 45.1 45421.14 75381.16 34045.26 45.2 41335.90 ACUATICS 8100 206762.00 94019.47 45.5 112742.53 189089.80 100978.91 53.4 88110.89 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1960497.00 816444.35 41.6 1144052.65 1765991.64 806045.33 45.6 959946.31 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PLANNING 9010 850903.00 338267.99 39.8 512635.01 648241 .27 261495.74 40.3 386745.53 BUILDING SAFETY 9020 304219.00 108868.48 35.8 195350.52 261521.53 115289.45 44.1 146232.08 ENGINEERING 9030 366730.00 ?71 007.13 73.9 95722.87 276569.24 97716.19 35.3 178853.05 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 9040 103508.00 43898.01 42.4 59609.99 63749.94 1375.05 2.2 62374.89 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1625360.00 762041.61 46.9 863318.39 1250081.98 475876.43 38.1 774205.55 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: ~ERAL CIP PROJECTS 93NN 90884.00 4249.49 4.7 86634.51 49443.40 4655.22 9.4 44788.18 ,.'IINITY IMPROVEMENTS 94NN 89340.00 39157.25 43.8 50182.75 89836.41 3564.39 4.0 86272.02 .,:."S 95NN 43600.00 276.48 .6 43323.52 7939.49 4987.60 62.8 2951.89 STREET CONSTRC/IMPROVMT 96NN 110039.00 .00 110039.00 32500.00 32500.00 100.0 .00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 333863.00 43683.22 13.1 290179.78 179719.30 45707.21 25.4 134012.09 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 14808868.00 5556413.55 37.5 9252454.45 12838950.23 4131696.06 32.2 8707254. 17 EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURES 348435.00- 1617177.66. 464.1 1268742.66 2002540.88- 2589619.08- 129.3 587078.20 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS .00 1015.00. 1015.00 46410.04- .00 46410.04- TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS .00 .00 .00 294854.69 .00 294854.69 :XCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 348435.00. 1618192.66. 464.4 1269757.66 1754096.23- 2589619.08- 147.6 835522.85 .'." " GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHO~ING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11.50.07 FOR THE PERIOD 7195 THROUGH 12/95 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS . CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D ********REVENUES******* SALES TAX 126000.00- 68066.86. 54.0 57933.14- 120823.92- 58802.41- 48.7 62021.51- FINES & FORFEITURES 26000.00- 9721.22- 37.4 16278.78- 24556.82- 10008.34- 40.8 14548.48- SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS .00 .00 .00 .00 1173.38- 1173.38 USES OF MONEY ANO PROPERTY 61735.00- .00 61735.00- 49056.30- .00 49056.30- INTERNGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 629748.00- 221210.16- 35.1 408537.64- 656834.32- 256476.57- 39.0 400357.75- INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY 102000.00- 65680.00- 64.4 36320.00- 151127.00- 76637.00- 50.7 74490.00- INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM FEDERAL 2558171.00- 179282.45- 7.0 2378888.55- 523412.91- .00 523412.91- CHARGES FOR SERVICES 819070.00- 417178.19- 50.9 401891.81- 744626.00- 368539.47- 49.5 376086.53- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 621500.00- 258938.44- 41.7 362561.56- 286592.73- 3251.42- 1.1 283341.31- TOTAL REWENUE 4944224.00- 1220077.32- 24.7 3724146.68- 2557030.00- 774888.59- 30.3 1782141.41- *******EXPENDI TURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PUBLI C SAFETY: POLICE 6000.00 764.88 12.7 5235.12 9360.94 959.59 10.3 8401.35 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 102277.00 23856.15 23.3 78420.85 80108.52 28416.12 35.5 51692.40 ACTIVITY TOTAL 108277.00 24621.03 22.7 83655.97 89469.46 29375.71 32.8 60093.75 TRANSPORTATION: ~:tt, PUBLIC ~ORKS 298.00 1.45 .5 296.55 .00 .00 STREET MAINTENANCE 164740.00 35456.76 21.5 129283.24 214599.03 163794.50 76.3 STREET S~EEPING 73655.00 29357.06 39.9 44297.94 70518.94 22003.77 31.2 48515.17~ <'. 238693.00 64815.27 27.2 173877.73 285117.97 185798.27 .....--- ACTIVITY TOTAL 65.2 99319.70 HEALTH & ~ELFARE: WASTE MANAGEMENT 1223345.00 8908.20 .7 1214436.80 679404.95 12007.75 1.8 667397.20 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ENGINEERING 107992.00 16m.08 15.5 91218.92 101497.21 25039.86 24.7 76457.35 ACTIVITY TOTAL 107992.00 16m.08 15.5 91218.92 101497.21 25039.86 24.7 76457.35 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS .00 .00 .00 17266.00 .00 17266.00 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 74319.00 36517.16 49.1 37801.84 181692.50 24603.75 13.5 157088.75 PARKS 234736.00 125464.22 53.5 109251. 78 - 2280.00 .00 2280.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVMT 2701592.00 750506.70 27.8 1951085.30 697231.63 104350.13 15.0 592881.50 ACTIVITY TOTAL 3010647.00 912508.08 30.~ 2098138.92 898470.13 128953.88 14.4 769516.25 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 4688954.00 1027625.66 21.9 3661328.34 2053959.72 381175.47 18.6 1672784.25 :XCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 255270.00- 192451.66- 75.4 62818.34- 503070.28- 393713.12- 78.3 109357.16- TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS .00 14897.00- 14897.00 .00 .00 .00 :RANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNOS .00 15912.00 15912.00- 3600.00 .00 3600.00 ,XCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 255270.00- 191436.66- 75.0 63833.34- 499470.28- 393713.12- 78.8 105757.16- .., GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11.55.04 FOR THE .',: PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D ********REVENUES******* SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 296105.00- 150936.34- 51.0 145168.66- 363469.78- 192247.87- 52.9 171221.91- USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 17130.00- .00 17130.00- 21115.14- .00 21115.14- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 4000.00- .00 4000.00- 3944.45- 3944.45. 100.0 .00 TOTAL REVENUE 317235.00. 150936.34- 47.6 166298.66- 388529.37- 196192.32- 50.5 192337.05- *******EXPENDI TURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRFC SIGS/STREET LIGHTING 196374.00 81697.53 41.6 114676.47 192530.11 77100.87 40.0 115429.24 ACTIVITY TOTAL 196374.00 81697.53 41.6 114676.47 192530.11 77100.87 40.0 115429.24 TRANSPORTATION: PUBLl C WORKS 5054.00 1431.58 28.3 3622.42 3507.43 1126.16 32.1 2381.27 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 9107.00 1814.19 19.9 7292.81 5350.84 1945.71 36.4 3405.13 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 113010.00 46035.97 40.7 66974.03 110650.86 58957.70 53.3 51693.16 ACTIVITY TOTAL 127171. 00 49281.74 38.8 77889.26 119509.13 62029.57 51.9 57479.56 HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: ~ITY DEVELOPMENT: ~EERING 3570.00 3027.96 84.8 542.04 3216.97 3203.40 99.6 13.57 , ' ACTIVITY TOTAL 3570.00 3027.96 84.8 542.04 3216.97 3203.40 99.6 13.57 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 25135.00 12851.88 51.1 12283.12 .00 .00 .00 PARKS .00 55.59 55.59- .00 .00 .00 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVMT 431000.00 636.53 .1 430363.47 5470.89 .00 5470.89 ACTIVITY TOTAL 456135.00 13544.00 3.0 442591.00 5470.89 .00 5470.89 rOT A L EXPENDITURES 783250.00 147551.23 18.8 635698.77 320727. 1 0 142333.84 44.4 178393.26 ~XCESS[REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 466015.00 3385.11- .7- 469400.11 67802.27- 53858.48- 79.4 13943.79- rRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNOS .00 .00 .00 42810.04 .00 42810.04 :XCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 466015.00 3385.11- .7- 469400.11 24992.23- 53858.48- 215.5 28866.25 . GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHO~ING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 12.14.33 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND . CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-O ********REVENUES******* OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 678621.00- .00 678621.00- 134271.44- .00 134271. 44 - TOTAL REVENUE 678621.00- .00 678621.00- 134271.44- .00 134271.44- *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PUBLl C SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUN ITY llEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS . 25000.00 .00 25000.00 .00 .00 .00 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS .00 4218.00 4218.00- 7119.43 .00 7119.43 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVMT 901847.00 190555.13 21.1 711291.87 280120.88 82530.89 29.5 197589.99 ACTIVITY TOTAL 926847.00 .194m.13 21.0 732073.87 287240.31 82530.89 28.7 204709.42 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 92684 7 .00 194m.13 21.0 732073.87 287240.31 82530.89 28.7 204709.42 ?tj EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 248226.00 194m.13 78.5 53452.87 152968.87 82530.89 54.0 70437 i TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS .00 .00 .00 276446.78- .00 276446 '- EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 248226.00 194m.13 78.5 53452.87 1234n.91- 82530.89 66.8- 206008.80- e:. GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 13.13.15 FOR THE .', PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 TRUST/AGENCY FUND CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D ***.....REVENUES....... SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 234630.00- 117314.75- 50.0 117315.25- 222337.10- 117419.83- 52.8 104917.27- USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 14000.00- 71.36- .5 13928.64- 7111.65- .00 7111.65- TOTAL REVENUE 248630.00- 117386.11- 47.2 131243.89- 229448.75- 117419.83- 51.2 112028.92- **.....EXPENDI TURES*..*..* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 229585.00 151269.75 65.9 78315.25 242864.50 159594.75 65.7 83269.75 ACTIVITY TOTAL 229585.00 151269.75 65.9 78315.25 242864.50 159594.75 65.7 83269.75 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IHPROVEMENT PROJECTS: TOTAL EXPENDITURES 229585.00 151269.75 65.9 78315.25 242864.50 159594.75 65.7 83269.75 EXCESS(REVENUE)EXPENDITURE 19045.00- 33883.64 177.9- 52928.64- 13415.75 42174.92 314.4 28759.17- EXCESS (REVENUE) EXPENDITURE 19045.00- 33883.64 177.9- 52928.64- 13415.75 42174.92 314.4 28759.17- .' .. . GL104C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHO~ING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 11.58.45 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND . CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-D ********REVENUES******* USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 18375.00- .00 18375.00- 18553.23- .00 18553.23- CHARGES FOR SERVICES 183656.00- 94110.22- 51.2 89545.78- 128050.00- 61808.80- 48.3 66241.20- OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 15200.00- 22365.92- 147.1 7165.92 2128.54- 1038.54- 48.8 1090.00- TOTAL REVENUE 217231.00- 116476.14- 53.6 100754.86- 148731. 77- 62847.34- 42.3 85884.43- *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 275604.00 110088.09 39.9 165515.91 121037.02 20717.63 17.1 100319.39 ACTIVITY TOTAL 275604.00 110088.09 39.9 165515.91 121037.02 20717.63 17.1 100319.39 PUBLI C SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS .00 .00 .00 9832.11 9751.27 99.2 80.84 ACTIVITY TOTAL .00 .00 .00 9832.11 9751. 27 99.2 80.84 165515.91 ,,( TOT A L EXPENOITURES 275604.00 110088.09 39.9 130869.13 30468.90 23.3 100400.23tC ... EXCESS [REVENUE>EXPENOITURE 58373.00 6388.05- 10.9- 64761.05 17862.64- 32378.44- 181.3 14515.> EXCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 58373.00 6388.05- 10.9- 64761.05 17862.64- 32378.44- 181.3 14515.80 .... GL 1 04C THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING PAGE 1 1/10/96 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURE 12.10.55 FOR THE PERIOD 7/95 THROUGH 12/95 .': ENTERPRISE FUNDS " CURRENT PERIOD PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1995 BUDGET ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL PERCENT VARIANCE FISCAL YR Y-T-O ********REVENUES******* USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1709280.00- 395819.60- 23.2 1313460.40- 1565843.45- 405931.29- 25.9 1159912.16- TOTAL REVENUE 1709280.00- 395819.60- 23.2 1313460.40- 1565843.45- 405931.29- 25.9 1159912.16- *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1604505.00 73915.37 4.6 1530589.63 1412754.98 75741.93 5.4 1337013.05 ADMIN SERVICES 4845.00 2819.23 58.2 2025.n 7346.35 3523.75 48.0 3822.60 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1609350.00 76734.60 4.8 1532615.40 1420101.33 79265.68 5.6 1340835.65 PUBLI C SAFETY: DISASTER PREAPREDNESS 1225.00 .00 1225.00 .00 .00 .00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1225.00 .00 1225.00 .00 .00 .00 TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 11240.00 4263.01 37.9 6976.99 11036.94 1938.93 17.6 9098.01 SENIOR CENTER 462.00 .00 462.00 420.00 250.00 59.5 170.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 11702.00 4263.01 36.4 7438.99 11456.94 2188.93 19.1 9268.01 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ~L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: 1622277.00 81150.52 5.0 1541126.48 1431558.27 81454.61 5.7 1350103.66 f L EXPENDITURES _ .tREVENUE>EXPENDITURES 87003.00- 314669.08- 361.7 227666.08 134285.18- 324476.68- 241.6 190191.50 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS .00 .00 .00 18407.91- .00 18407.91- :XCESS [REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 87003.00- 314669.08- 361.7 227666.08 152693.09- 324476.68- 212.5 171783.59 . CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM (1995/96 Mid- Year General Fund #001) CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: . J_From Unappropriated Reserves-(Project 9318) From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity ---L From New Revenues-Engineering (9030) Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other &%nE~E~~ilv.tR1lt1t%.ttd._JFti.41mOtfflttMW&l%1tNtmEmtlp.1fo.l!ttH(CanmmntMlWtfXMQUNmtr}f;~ ,.: ,.~:::.. ~'.'.'.':'.'.'.':'.'.'.',"'.'.'.' .'...... .:.,....:::....,~.:.............:...,.... ......:.....:::...:....-.....-:......:;-....::;....:. ..,.~.'" . ,::.: . , .-:::-:':'. ':-:'~;~':'~--' .-.-.....':-...:::............;...*'. ":.-: X':-.. .':-,';'. <<.........;....:........-.-:..-.-.............. ,': ......:-... ....,...:-......:.......:.....~.:..., ...:....:.......:.....: ......, ..:.:.:......_:_!_:.:.:.:.;..... :'. , . ":':'.':''" . . ...,.,...,.,....-:.....:.:o~ ...,.. Name: Name: Gen Fund: Engineering: Salaries- Overtime $ 23,145 i Account #: Account # 001-9030-701-003 Name: Name: Gen Fund: Engineering: Workers Compensation Insurance $ 320 Account #: Account #: 001-9030-701-006 Name: Name: Gen Fund: Engineering: Medicare Portion of FICA $ 335 Account #: Account #: 001.9030-701-008 Name: Name: Gen Fund: Engineering: Contract Service: Inspection Private Development $ 150,000 Account #: Account #: 001-9030-740-072 Name: Name: Revenue-Gen Fund: Chg for Services - Plan Check $ 173,800 Account #: Account #: 001-1000-565-002 Name: Name: Gen Fund: Aerial Photogmphy Project Contract Services $ 3,857 Account #: Account #: 001-9318-740-000 REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: The Mid-year analysis has shown that Development activity is greater than assumed in the original budget. This has resulted in additional Engineering Staff and Contract expenditures. The City fee structure is designed to recover applicable Staff and contract personnel costs. The Aerial Photography project was delayed in the prior Fiscal Year and therefore an increase in the 1995/96 appropriation is required. The total project cost has not changed and this only represents a timing difference. City Manager: Date: Signature ........ ... ........,.".,... .............0..............'.'.'. ........ ....................,',.,........ ...........0.........','.'...'................. ;':::::::::::;:::: ~~. ..00..........'.',.,.,',',.,',',...........,..... .......0.........'..,',..',',','................. ........."...."....... ..."..,....."... .;.;..;,:.:.:.:..:0:....... :,,':.,::;~::~~:[:I~:,:~P1?iQy~q,~:~t:::~~;J$i~,~~E~!'m~~B#~::Q~:':~~;:,i?:~~~i~"'-4tlPt~9.:[::;:::::, . . . . . . . . .. . --......'''.''''.... "0"'0"""""". --...--..."""'... :':':':':':':':':':';':';',',','.',',': Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: formslbudgchnl Signature . EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM (1995/96 Mid-Year Capital Project Fund #300) CHANGE FORM # . New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: Project 9450 Operating Transfer Fr: Gen Fund _ From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other ,w';:;~::nECRmlfllutk'lElf&eltQnmf'::',m:::::::\tJm::(111lW&~,:::,::i::,::"':::._DE.1mDOml&m:ov.Nlr:::::~m':::::::':::::':::::,*M6UN1.roo:::::::::'::': --L From New Revenues-(Project #9687) ~~:~"1~~..,:,.::....:.:.;::::.....~..,.:.:.,...:.....::,...:.f....:.:.. ~.:.., :,:,:,,::, ..:.....:.:..- :~~:,_._._._._::::.:..:::;;:.:: '-;:'.,:,~,.:~,~:.. .i:~:?:~:~:~:~("*~~?:&:.::( , : , ..:.....::..........:.::. .~:;- .:.,: .,::..- ::..'::;::~:;$.*~$.~.'. wr'" "':"::" .~::....y;.........~ . ...........-:~-..:.. ~ -.:., ~:...: '-:':':"- ~._..-_.:: .._::;::.,_._.:...,:.::-.::'.-:-,:,.:::..:..:~.::~:::-. -::::;:::~::::::::::;::::~:~:~:~:~~:~:~:""":"""".:,.:::.,~:.:::: .-::~-.\-:;:;::::::~~~:~;j:~i Name: Name: CIP FUND: Public Facility Fee Study- Contract Services $ 7,875 Account #: Account # 300~9450-740-000 Name: Name: CIP FUND : Parallel Rd. Project - Professional Services-Legal $ 2,665 Account #: Account #: 300-9687-729-001 Name: Name: CIP FUND : Parallel Rd. Project - Contract General Engineering $ 3,400 Account #: Account #: 300-9687-740-000 Name: Name: CIP FUND: Parallel Rd. Project ~ Land $ 1,935 Account #: Account #300-9687-750-010 Name: Name: Revenue-Account: CIP FUND - Other Revenues Reimbursement $ 8,000 Account #: Account #: 300-1000-570~005 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: .:-, REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: Project #9450 was originally anticipated to be completed in Fiscal Year 1994/95. This will appropriate the necessary fimds to complete the project in Fiscal Year 1995/96. The General Fnnd will make an operating transfer to cover these expenses, with repayment to be made to the General Fund once fees are collected. The City was required to incur expenses related to this project in order to protect future contributions from BART. Developer Contributions are available in Fund 300 to fully cover the $8,000 estimated expense in Fiscal Year 1995/96. City Manager: Date: Signature ::',,~::~[,::"~,:~'~:;'-~;~-~';;'-~~;-~':;~::;~:~:::'::':~'::,~,,:,::',:,::':::::'::'::':::.:':::,:'::.:::;,:.,:;,::j:::~::~:::::::':" ::':':':':':":':':":':':': :'::: :': :.:::.... """......."".."". '.'." .:.:...:.:":.:.:.:.:.:.~:~:~:~:~:~:~~~~~:~~~!~!:~~~~j~;~;i;::::;t~~~::....::":":::::~i~i~;~i~i~~!~~i!}r!r:1!1!~~~?ir:i~?j!j!~:1~i~:::~:;::.:.:.:.:.:.:,;.;.:":.:,;,;': :.:.:::::.:::~~::~PPfBy%l::!f,:i~'-:f2~W;:'EBHR~g,.:MiB*~.e#.;::.:'-:P?~~:i:'::::":':*(l$t~$.::::::::;:::::: Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: . JomtslbudgcM1 Signature EXHIBIT 3