HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft Minutes 01-23-1996 .'. e:, . ~ REGULAR MEETING -January 23, 1996 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, January 23, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ..._....._-~'-~+ "'~~,~,,~"" RO~J. CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None ........+...................:.:..... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. . ......................+............................ CLOS!:D SESSION ADDED . 7:05 p.m. 10.3 (640-30) Mayor Houston announced that the City Council had received a letter dated January 22, 1996 from Robert Thurbon, representing the Livermore Valley}oint Unified School District, concerning the Dublin Ranch Phase I Rezone (Item 6.4 on the agenda). Statements in the letter regarding litigation call for a closed session in order for the Council to confer with the City Attorney. . On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the City Council went into a closed session at 7:05 p.m~,'pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (b)(l). The Council found a need to discuss the letter with the City Attorney; the need to take such action came to the attention of the City after the agenda was posted; and the closed session was added pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2 to read as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to subdivision .(b)(l) of section 54956.9: (one potential case) Existing Facts and Circumstances: Letter from Robert Thurbon to City Council dated January 22, 1996. . At 7:30 p.m., the public meeting was reconvened\\Tith all Councilmembers present. No action was taken in the closed session. . ................ +.......................... Crn' COUJlCJL lIUIotU V'OLUIIE 14 REGULAR MEE1'IJ8 Jab....--~Sa1.ee '-1' . PAGE :1"7 ITEMNO.~ ;;i CON$E~ CA1JNDAR On motkmof em. Barnes, seconded by em. Howard, and by unanimous vote, the .". Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 9, 1996; Adopted (4.2 670-40) RESOLUTION NO. 7 .. 96 toNSENT1N6 TO SALE OF EASEMENT TO PACIFIC BELl BY DUBUN 'INFORIIADON, INC. Adopted (4.3 350-10) RESOlUTION NO.8.. 96 cESt_USRIN<<; A.POUcY ON THE CAPITAUZADON OF FIXED ASSETS IN THE.6fNEIIAL FIXED ASSET ACCOUNT GROUP OF THE CITY FI~ClAL RECORDS and authorized Stat'f,todevelop all necessary operating procedures to implement the policy. Adopted (4.4 160..20) .. '.::. '.... ,:.:'0': RESOLUl10NNO. 9 .. 96 ADOPnNGCEBTAlNRECGIIDS RETENnoNscHmUlES, DESIGNAn~ eEllTAI~cm DlPAR1)I~S AS THE OrnCIAt OmCE OF RECORD ANDAUIIIORIZIM'i tlfE .DESTRUCDON OF ,CERTAIN RECORDS Adopted (4.5320..30) RESOLUTION NO. 10. 96 AOOPDNGA'RBlSEDPOL:lCY FOR CllY IN\fESlIIENTS Accepted (4.6 15Q...70) gifts of:, 1)'$500 grant for the Dublin SeniorCenter to help sponsor a SeniarResource Fair; and 2)a Ma8navox compact disk player valued at $175 for the Sl1annQD Center Preschool; and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgments to the donors; Approved (4.8 300~40)the WarranfRegister in the amount of $431,835.70. ,. ctn'COUHc:lL IWfI1'rEs . .... VOW,.. 1" . .. BeULA, IlU1'IJftI .......uar7.., 18&8 P.A.GE18 ... .': ....~ .-~ .: Cm. Moffatt pulled Item 4.7 from the Consent Calendar and clarified that no REF was required Mr. Ambrose confirmed this. Cm. Moffatt asked who this person will report to and stated he felt this might be an ongoing type consultant and asked at what point we look at an employee instead of a consultant. Mr. Rankin stated he will report to him. Staff will review this and might propose something different during the budget as a result of the workload Mr. Ambrose reminded the Council that the Administrative Services reorganization included the position of Finance Manager, but they have yet to fund this position. The City Council dId approve some accounting contract services in the 1995-96 Budget. We will evaluate how well this has worked at the end of this year. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council authorized (4.7 600-30) the City Manager to execute an agreement with the accounting firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. (VTDC) for accounting services. ............----.--------.+............................ PUBLIC HEARING REVISIONS TO EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEEl AREA OF BENEFIT FEE 7:30 p.m. 6.1 (390-20) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson advised that since Staff has received a lot of requests to continue this item to the February 27th City Council meeting, they were recommending this. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston continued the public hearing to the February 27, 1996 City Council meeting. .............+........ PUBLIC HEARING... ESTABLISHMENT OF 1-580 INTERCHANGE FEE FOR EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AREA 7:32 p.m. 6.2 (800-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that the City of Pleasanton, in constructing interchanges on 1-580 at Hacienda Drive and at Tassajara/Santa Rita Road, expended more money than their fair share based on ern' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1. RE6ULAR MEETIN6 Ja.n.:u.a.ry 23, 1996 PAGE 19 projected traffic from Pleasanton and Dublin. This fee, to be levied on new development in Eastern Dublin, will reimburse Pleasanton for their excess contribution. This fee is proposed to collect $7,384,000 from future development in . the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment Area. . Mr. Thompson stated an additional agreement would need to be entered into with the City of Pleasanton to handle the details of this fee. Cm. Moffatt clarified that this wouldn't include the hook ramps. He asked if we still have the opportunity to negotiate with other cities if the TVTC approves a regional fee. Mr. Thompson stated this would not preclude this. He did not think TVTC was looking at existing improvements, but rather those to be built. Mr. Ambrose explained that other conditions could be addressed as part of the agreement. . Cm. Burton clarified. that this was just to discuss the mechanism of how to pay this. Cm. Moffatt said what it comes down to is the City Council of Dublin has integrity. Mr. Thompson stated the Heindel Report was a study done to determine how the costs would be spread. .. Ted Fairfield, Consulting Civil Engineer representing the Jennifer Lin Family stated they will be making the largest share of the payments. Since its origination, the thing has gotten somewhat simpler. Mr. Thompson did a great job of negotiating. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Burton felt this solution appears to be equitable and fair, even though the amount hurts a little. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted " RESOLUTION NO. 11 - 96 ESTABUSHING A FREEWAY INTERCHANGE FEE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBUN AREA .uu......................+..............u........... CIn! COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING Ja.:n:u.a.ry 23, ::1.996- PAGE 20 ... e-:.. e.:: .- PUBLIC HEARlNG AMENDMENT TO GRADING ORDINANCE TO EXPAND DEFINITIONS 7:40 p.m. 6.3 (830-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that this ordinance, which was introduced at the last City Council meeting, would expand the definitions included in the City's Grading Ordinance to eliminate the exemption for work under 150 cubic yards and to include other types of sitework such as drainage, onsite concrete and paving and parking lot striping. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO.1.. 96 AMENDING CHAPT~R 7.16 OF THE DUBUN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO GRADING REGULATIONS .......-..+........................" PUBLIC HEARlNG DUBLIN RANCH PHASE 1 PD REZONE - PA 95-030 7:42 p.m. 6.4 (450-30) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Cirelli presented the Staff Report and advised that Dublin Ranch, comprising all of the Jennifer Lin Family property holdings, is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan project area and encompasses a total of 1,227 acres. A portion of Dublin Ranch 0,037 acres) has been annexed to the City. This Planned Development (PD) District Rezone request covers the first phase of the Dublin Ranch development and is located within the 1,037 acre annexed area. The proposed Dublin Ranch Phase I project consists of rezoning an approximate 210 acre site to PD Single Family Residential 009.8 acres; 570 dwelling units); PD Medium Density Residential (35.7 acres; 277 dwelling units); and PD Open Space (57.5 acres); for a maximum total of 847 dwelling units. The request also includes a 5-acre neighborhood park and a 2-acre private recreational facility. The densities for the Single Family and Medium Density residential are 5.2 and 7.8 dwelling units per acre, respectively. Part of this rezone request also includes conceptual architectural and landscape/open space design guidelines. crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 RE6ULAR MEETlN6 Ja.n.:u..a.ry 23, 1996 PAGE 2::1. Ms. Cirelli discussed: 1) Consistency with the PD Prezone Overlay District and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; 2) District Planned Development Plan; 3) Community Theme; 4) Residential Development/Design Guidelines; 5) Community Homeowners' e.. Association; 6) Traffic Circulation; 7) Traffic Study; 8) Parks and Open Space; 9) Utility Services; 10) Development Agreement; 11) School Impacts; and 12) Environmental Analysis. Although the applicant is proposing private recreational facilities, Staff recommended that these facilities not be credited towards meeting park dedication requirements, consistent with the City's Parks and Recreation Master Plan goals of providing increased public access to recreational facilities. If park credits are given towards private recreation facilities, there would be insufficient funding and land to construct the recreational facilities identified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Ms. Cirelli stated Condition of Approval #19A states that at the time of Tentative Map approval, the City may consider the applicant's request for credit for the 2-acre private recreation facility in accordance with the Dublin Municipal Code. If the City denies the applicant's request, the applicant may delete the private recreation facility from the approved LUDP and through the Planning Director's review and approval of the modified LUDP and Tentative Map, develop the site in conformance with the Single Family residential land use designation and zoning. The maximum number of Single Family dwelling units that could be allowed for the 2-acre site is 12. If, at the time of e Tentative Map approval, the applicant deletes the private recreation facility, implementation of this condition allows for a maximum of 859 dwelling units for the Dublin Ranch Phase I project. It was noted that this condition had not been reviewed or approved by the Planning Commission. School District issues were addressed. Ms. Cirelli stated the Planning Commission and Staff found the project to be consistent with the City's General Plan, the adopted Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designations, policies and action programs, and the PD District Overlay Zone (PD Prezone). - Ted Fairfield representing the Dublin Ranch project stated the Staff Report was great and they want to say it's a great project. This is the 10th year of the project and they hope the fun starts soon. They submitted their application in August of last year. They know they need to solve the nitty-gritty school issue. What the PUD does is defines the first phase project and says this is the plan that needs to be dealt with by the various service providers. Their design team, including Bob Harris, Will Haines, Rod Andrade, Dave Chadborne, Linda Berry, Chris Kinzel, and Pete MacDonald were present. Crn' COUNCIL MINUTES V'OLUME 14 RE6ULAR MEETIN6 Ja.u.u.a.ry 23, 1996 PAGE 22 .. .. " ....1 :: " . Cm. Burton asked about the one gated entry he saw on the visuals and asked if this would be the only one. Mr. Fairfield stated more may be proposed, they weren't sure at this time. They want to offer compliance with the Specific Plan. This is certainly no Blackhawk type gated community, but they feel a security gate will be beneficial. They will serve as master developer. They will be building some and selling some. He assured the Council that they will be around during the whole project. Cm. Burton asked what they envision on prices. Ted Fairfield said the high end will top out about twice what the low end is. They will do their best to come in low end at or under $200,000. The fees paid to public agencies are more than 50% to 60% of their total lot development costs. At one time they would have screamed about 10%. If they get anything under $200,000 it will be a blessing, but they'll try to stay under $250,000. Martin Inderbitzen, representing the Jennifer Lin Family thanked members of City Staff, Carol Cirelli, Larry Tong, Libby Silver and Rich Ambrose. Carol has really helped them move the project along while keeping the best interests of the City in mind. He described the many exhibits displayed around the Council Chambers. He distributed booklets to the City Council of the exhibits which were displayed. He discussed the areas of clarification with the Planning Commission. He stated they have reviewed the Conditions of Approval and have no requested changes. Cm. Burton commented that the fact that they as developers and we as a City have come to agreement speaks well of the cooperation. This has been a very complicated process and it was beautifully done. He complimented them on their 25' parkway, and asked what happens to the other side of the road. Mr. Inderbitzen stated design standards should now be consistent. Cm. Moffatt stated not only is there an agreement, but it has been a mitigated agreement. During the 1990's we had a lot of public hea-rings and the plan was mitigated to affect their desires. This is a win/win situation. Bob Thurbon, with the Sacramento law firm Thurbon & Youngblood, stated he attended a recent conference and learned that cab drivers are more trusted than lawyers. Incentive issues always seem to be unpopular issues. The last line of their letter is more a plea for help than threat. (((The Livermore District is prepared to take all appropriate action? including legal action? to insure its ability to provide school facilities to serve students generated by this project.?') Schools do not have to be a political issue. The signs and symptoms are there that no matter how Livermore feels about this, it will fall on deaf ears. The question is not, "Why does Livermore want the crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 RE6ULAR MEETlN6 J a.n..u.a.:ry 23, 1996 PAGE 23 property". They have the property. It takes a minimum of 5 years to develop school facilities. Dublin should act from its strongest legal position when it imposes the condition. He stated he is baffled because it is Livermore that will have to serve the . students. Livermore got the territory because the voters gave it to them and only the voters can change it. Why are we delaying the school agreement? He requested that this be delayed so they can work out an agreement with Mr. Inderbitzen; it would take only 2 or 3 weeks to do this. They asked that the City of Dublin enforce the conditions as originally written. Cm. Burton stated this City for many years, was a part of another City's school district. We went through a lot to have all Dublin students attend Dublin schools. He offered this as a piece of background information since Mr. Thurbon is from Sacramento. There is strong feelings in the community. Mr. Thurbon stated he did not dispute this. This will ultimately be settled by the voters. An agreement can be in place for both districts. Somewhere along the line, they got lost. Livermore became the disfavored child. Mr. Inderbitzen asked to respond to Mr. Thurbon's comments. The Specific Plan indicates a desire by the City tc;> have the area served by a co-terminus district. They have been presented with a challenge to pursue this goal. This has been their motivation. They did initiate informal discussions with the Livermore School District which was totally against this. The Dublin School District addressed the issue and are .' looking at the possibility of expanding their district. This allows infrastructure planning and implementation of items which take a long time. By approving this plan, this will help to formulate the details of the plan. Approval creates the certainty of what will happen and how services will be provided. They feel a delay will be counter-productive. He felt Mr. Thurbon's assumptions were incorrect. They, as developers, bear the risk if there are delays. A reorganization effort can take place in 24 hours if all parties agree. They feel that precising the plan will help them achieve this goal. He resented the fact that the Livermore School District feels they are trying to delay the process. They continue to want to move forward to resolve this issue. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Burton stated he felt sorry for the developer because he is between a rock and a hard place. Cm. Moffatt stated before he got the Staff Report he had a lot of concerns related to schools, water, sewer, etc. The way the agreement has been crafted, they will have more chances to discuss it before other items can be approved. A lot of hoops will have to be jumped through before this project can go ahead. A lot of concepts have to be satisfied because of the litigation over this project. CITY' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME. t 4 REGULAR ME.ETING Ja.n..u.a.ry 23, :1996 PAGE 24 . On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted e..: RESOLUTION NO. 12 - 96 APPROVING AND ESTABUSHING FINDINGS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PO) DISTRICT REZONE CONCERNING PA 95-030 DUBUN RANCH PHASE I and waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance for the PD Rezone. ...........................'+..........................., REPORT ON WEEDS ALONG 1-580 FREEWAY AT WESTBOUND OFFRAMP TO SAN RAMON ROAD 8:44 p.m. 7.1 (530-20) Public Works Director Thompson reported that the City Council recently directed Staff to investigate a weed problem in this area. Caltrans is proceeding with maintenance of the area at this time. Mr. Thompson stated Staff was requesting direction on alternatives: 1) Direct Staff to monitor the 1-580 weed situation and remind Caltrans if the weeds get out of hand; 2) Direct Staff to develop plans for landscaping along the westbound 1-580 ramp to San Ramon Road and approve an appropriation of $21,000 from unallocated reserves for ... installation of landscaping, irrigation and development of utilities to the site; or 3) _.' other appropriate direction. Mr. Thompson advised if the City Council selects alternative 2 and installs a row of shrubs along the offramp, and assumes maintenance of the shrubs, the estimated annual cost for the maintenance would be $1,500, including water, electrical and plant maintenance. Cm. Moffatt stated he understood that the Pleasanton line is on the north side of 1-580. He asked how far north it goes and if this might be Pleasanton's problem rather than ours. Mr. Thompson stated it is in Pleasanton, but it is the entrance to our City. Cm. Burton jokingly stated we could deduct it from the $ 7M that we owe them. Mr. Thompson pointed out that this is actually a Caltrans problem. Mayor Houston stated he talked to Zone 7 and also to Caltrans and neither have money to deal with this. Zone 7 said they have a small budget and maybe we could use this to jump start the weed cutting. .- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1" RE6ULAR MEETING Jan.:u..a.ry 23, 1996 PA..GE 25 Mr. Thompson stated it would cost us several thousand dollars to do a good job. Cm. Moffatt asked if the fire district has some clout to get people to cut down the e. ' weeds. If they don't, the fire district could arrange to have them cut and then bill the property owner. Mr. Ambrose pointed out that they don't pay property taxes, so there would be no way to collect. Staff feels this will be an ongoing problem. The area is an eyesore whether the weeds are up or down. The issue is whether we want to beautify the entrance to the City. Mayor Houston felt there was merit to this. With all the good things we are doing, if you have unattractive weeds at the entrance, this is not a good thing. Mr. Ambrose referenced the way Village Parkway now looks with the hedge that hides the channel. The question is do we want to spend money to improve Caltrans' property . Cm. Moffatt suggested that Zone 7 should give us the water. He would like to see some negotiations with Caltrans, Zone 7 and with Pleasanton. Mayor Houston discussed the plant maintenance costs as being the bulk of the item. He asked when Staff would propose to do this work. e Mr. Thompson stated Spring would probably be the best time. BART is supposed to be running in October, so theoretically, all this should be done before that time. Cm. Barnes felt that no matter who owns it or who's responsible for it, it is a City entrance. Cm. Howard stated she would like to see a situation like Village Parkway. The landscaping also covers graffiti in the drainage canal area. Mayor Houston felt this is worth pursuing. He has spoken with Mr. Sid Corrie who owns a building there and he indicated he.would like to help this along. Mr. Ambrose stated if the City Council wants to pursue this now, Staff would try to negotiate the best deal they could. They could also undertake it with the budget in July. Mayor Houston made a motion to direct Staff to try to cut the best deal they can and transfer the funds to get this project going. Cm. Moffatt felt it would be better to get all our ducks in a row first. crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ItE6ULAR MEETIN6 Jan:u..a.ry 23, 1996 P.A..GE 26 e. e:.: .:_-. . Mayor Houston withdrew his motion. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Mayor Houston, and by unanimous vote, Staff was directed to develop a plan for negotiating, get some cost figures and encroachment details, etc., and come back to the City Council within 90 days. Mr. Thompson advised that it will take a while to get an encroachment permit and to get the project going. m____...''.. ...,. ~ ~........d_. STATUS OF ALAMEDA COUNlY AIR RAID SIREN ON DUBLIN BOULEVARD @ SILVERGATE DRIVE 9:02 p.m. 7.2 (520-10) Assistant to the City Manager Texeira presented the Staff Report and advised that in November of 1995, resident Tom Ford raised the issue of reactivating the air raid siren located at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Silvergate Drive. The City Council directed Staff to research the issue and Staff has worked with Alameda County Office of Emergency Services (OES) and with the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) in studying the feasibility of resurrecting the air raid siren. Ms. Texeira stated Alameda County indicated they could not recommend reactivating the air raid siren in Dublin as the costs are limited for the service that the siren might provide. Staff recommended that the City Council direct Staff to contact Alameda County and request removal of the siren. City Staff will evaluate:any potential encroachment by roadway changes at this location and it may be advantageous to include the demolition as part of the road construction project. If Alameda County agrees to remove the siren, the City will incur no cost. However, if the County fails to remove the siren and the City chooses to remove it, the cost to the City would range between $100 - $600. Cm. Moffatt stated he would like to address the use of a noisemaker and felt it would be kind of a quaint idea if we had some type of a bell on our clock that could bong every hour. The siren has outlived its use. Terry A. Gitlin, Alameda County Sheriff's Department, stated emergency procedures vary depending upon the threat. Most people have a tendency to go outside when they hear a siren, when the proper advice might be to actually stay indoors. Cm. Burton felt the main point would be if we use a siren system, we need to put them in all over. Everyone seems to be in agreement that they are not effective. Cm. Howard asked about hazardous waste hazards on the freeways if they put out any kind of news notice. crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME I" REGULAR MEETING Jan.:u..ary 23, ~99G PAGE 27 Mr. Gitlin stated to put this type of information out an area wide general alert discourages regional bulletins. He discussed an actual event that occurred in the middle of the night and how they handled it. Each situation is dealt with on the . individual circumstances involved. Cm. Moffatt stated he understood the large Nissan sign can display emergency warning information if necessary. Mr. Gitlin stated sharing of information is more prevalent now than it was a few years ago. Mayor Houston stated having a drill is very important and perhaps the City Council can address this with their Goals & Objectives. Mr. Ambrose discussed the fact that Rose Macias is in full time crime prevention now and we are trying to hire a part time person to deal with disaster preparedness. Mayor Houston recognized Chief Rose who recently returned to work. The City Council welcomed him back. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to contact Alameda County and request removal of the air raid siren and, if necessary look at it as part of the road construction projecL City Staff .,":." should continue to work on high priority disaster preparedness goals. ............................+".........."'..."'......'. 1996-97 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM PROTECT APPLICATIONS . 9:21 p.m. 8.1 (480-30) Planning Director Tong presented the Staff Report and advised that a total of $99,552 in CDBG funds is anticipated for Dublin for the 1996-97 Program. Staff proposes to submit an application for this amount to be spent as follows: 1) Jurisdiction Improvement Projects - $73,600; 2) Housing Rehabilitation - $19,292; and 3) General Administration - $6,600. Mr. Tong stated 7 requests were received by the deadline and one additional request was received on Friday. Ms. Lowart discussed the total estimated costs for renovation of Mape Park. Approximately $155,000 would need to be funded out of park dedication fees if they approve this request. The timeline of a revised design would be brought to the P&CS and to the City Council in April and Staff would be in a position to include the project in the 1996 - 2001 CIP with construction to start in late summer. ern" COUNCIL MINUTES V'OLUME t 4 REGULAR MEETING Ja.n:nary 23, ~996 PAGE 28 . .~: .; . ".....-" Diane Gotelli, Kaleidoscope Activity Center addressed the Council and stated she is the new Executive Director. Their center has been located in Dublin since 1981. They house up to 68 developmentally challenged kids. Over a third of the kids live right here in Dublin. It's appropriate for the City to support them on an annual basis through the CDBG funds. She recently sent out 1,009 flyers seeking volunteers to help. These were all sent to Dublin residents. She requested yearly support for their project. This year, they seek help in paying off their mini bus loan. They don't yet have their mortgage paid off, but they are moving toward this. Once this is done, funds go toward direct services. Linda Willis, Executive Director of Jobs for Tomorrow stated they have requested CDBG funds for low income women at the Arroyo Vista Housing project. They help women who are on welfare, mainly single mothers to provide expanded employment education services to help them find jobs within the community. Cm. Moffatt asked about leverage. Ms. Willis stated currently they are funded for $8,000 and have received $2,000 from employees at Sandia Lab and are requesting an additional $10,000 to expand their services. They currently work with 35 women whose children attend schools in Dublin. ' Mayor Houston stated he agreed with Staff's recommendations. There is something to be said for choosing different projects. All of the projects are very worthy and we should encourage everyone to keep applying. Cm. Burton stated the City Council has said in the past they are more interested in capital projects. We have, however, helped these agencies all along. The Heritage Center has become a public issue because it needs to be cleaned up, etc. Arroyo Vista is another capital improvement. It's very difficult to turn down good programs, but we need to improve things within the City and not get into social programs. Cm. Moffatt felt the Mape Park program would probably take a year or two and he would like to see us take $10,000 out of this and put it info the Jobs for Tomorrow program. This would improve their income and this, in a sense, would improve our Income. Cm. Burton stated he serves on the board of 5 groups that are trying to do the same thing. Cm. Moffatt felt that charity begins at home and this is home. Mayor Houston pointed out that these monies will not be available until 1996-97. crT\' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1.- REGULAR MEETING Ja.:n:u..a.::ry 23, 1996 PAGE 29 Cm. Howard felt we have a responsibility to complete Mape Park and also the handicap ramps. She was torn between Kaleidoscope and Arroyo Vista and felt maybe some should go to Kaleidoscope. . ... Mayor Houston asked how the Arroyo Vista number was derived. Mr. Ambrose stated the community center at Arroyo Vista is not handicap accessible. A minor amount would provide some additional landscaping. Mayor Houston felt the City is looking at quite a bit of expense at Arroyo Vista. Cm. Barnes felt Mape Park and Arroyo Vista would be the best use of the funds. Mayor Houston reiterated that no one is precluded from applying in future years. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Mayor Houston, and by majority vote, the Council directed Staff to submit applications for $99,552 in CDBG funding for Program Year 1996-97 to be distributed as follows: Mape Park Improvements - $51,750; Arroyo Vista Handicapped Accessibility Renovations - $21,910; Housing Rehabilitation (Mandatory) - $19,292; and Program Administration - $6,600. Cm. Moffatt voted against this motion. ...... OTHER BUSINESS 9:43 p.m. e:. San Joaquin Rail Commission Meeting (1060-60) Mr. Ambrose discussed the San Joaquin Rail Commission meeting. Cm. Moffatt stated they requested that the City show support for this and participate and publicly acknowledge the forum. Cm. Burton felt at the stage they are now, those interested should be just go as individuals. Mayor Houston felt whoever can should attend. Cm. Barnes felt the purpose was to gather information. Mayor Houston reported that at the TVTC meeting tomorrow there will be a brief presentation on this. ..... Sewer Issues - EBDA (1030-10) Mr. Ambrose asked for copy of letter from City of Hayward. A member of the Hayward City Council has been attempting to get us to state our position on an urban limit line. Mayor Houston sent them a copy of our General Plan map showing our sphere line. They are asking for something more. They want us to include in our letter the specific number of units allowed. We are hesitant to include more information. There is an attempt as part of the sewer negotiation process to have us Cln" COUNCIL MINUTES V'OLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING Ja.:n..u..a.ry 23, :1..996 PAGE 30 .:. establish urban limit lines as a condition of approval of sewer lines. The Mayor will continue to send letters representing our position. Their view is that we are impacting ._:'" them, not vice versa. Cm. Moffatt stated this is a mitigated thing by DSRSD, and asked why we are mitigating it again. Mr. Ambrose stated he and the Mayor haven't done anything not in keeping with the City Council's position. Mayor Houston stated we are trying to articulate what we are doing. Cm. Burton felt the important thing is to not give them numbers. We should not get into this trap. Mr. Ambrose stated they have the East Dublin Specific Plan map showing boundaries. .----------.-------. + ,..----.--.--..--........... Taco Bell Noise Problem (410-30) Mr. Ambrose advised the City Council that a revocation hearing has been scheduled before the Zoning Administrator for Taco Bell's CUP on February 7th at 10:00 a.m. e:. .. ......-.+....... St. Patrick's Day Parade (950-40) Cm. Howard requested permission to talk to Bill Burnham about the St. Patrick's Day parade. She would like to ask him about the City Council walking with the Sister City group and some dignitaries from Ireland. Mayor Houston stated he felt a 10:00 a.m., starting time would be best. Ms. Lowart stated they have a mailing going out tomorrow to several hundred businesses stating the parade starts at 9:30 a.m. Mayor Houston felt we should do all the advertising saying 10:00 a.m. Cm. Moffatt said the Lions Club got together with the Fire Department and came to an agreement. Consensus of the City Council was to stick with 9:30 a.m. --..----------...........+............................ .' crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ItE6ULAIt MEETIN6 Ja.:n.:uary 23, 1996 P.A..GE 31 Unsightly Problem with Weeds (530-20) Cm. Howard asked if we are the landowners of property on San Ramon Road between e V omac and the old Lucky St.ore. ... Mr. Ambrose stated yes and no. Individual property owners own some and we own some on the west side hill. Mr. Thompson stated we weed eat a 35' band around our property. Cm. Howard asked if we can just keep the weeds down up there so it doesn't cause a fire. Mr. Ambrose stated we haven't done the entire area as it's a pretty large area. We've had a plan for years to relandscape and stabilize the area, but it hasn't been a priority. Mr. Thompson stated a Soils Engineer did say it's an unstable area. ..,.,.,.,.,.....,.,...,.,...,..,.,.......,..,.,.....+,.....,............,.,.,....,....... New Animal Shelter (500-80) Cm. Barnes asked if we are planning any kind of a grand opening for the Animal e. Shelter or a tour? Mr. Rankin stated the County indicated the way they approach new facilities is to ,get some of the bugs worked out before having a grand opening. Mayor Houston felt a tour would be appropriate and the Council concurred. Mr. Ambrose asked if the City Council wanted some kind of a ceremony. The Council responded no, they would just prefer a nice tgur. .'..'..'...................'+'...'........................ Flood Control Measures (550-10) em. Barnes asked about the hillside at Cross ridge covered with plastic. Mr. Thompson reported that an RFP had been Sent out for a Soils Engineer. .....................,.....+............................ ern' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 RE6ULAR MEmN6 Ja.:n.:u.a.ry 23, ~99G PAGE 32 . .~ e:-', .." Christmas Decorations (610-20) em. Barnes stated she got a letter from the grinch that stole Christmas. Hopefully, next year we will have a little more than just a tree in the lobby. She felt the City could have sprung for a few lights around the c1ocktower. Outside, there was nothing. Mr. Ambrose stated we costed out some Christmas decorations a number of years ago for City Council consideration. Staff will be prepared to present something at the Goals & Objectives meeting. Mayor Houston felt maybe a neighborhood contest could be considered. .'u' u__uu.+_ uuuuuuuuu.__ Appointment of Alternate/East Bay Division 010-30) Cm. Moffatt indicated at the last East Bay Division meeting of the LOCC, one of the things they talked about was the appointment of an alternate. He has been the representative and Cm. Barnes has been going quite regularly and he requested that the Council consider appointing her at the next meeting as alternate. uuuuuu.uu.u..u.+................ u ........ Computer Services/Internet 080-10) Cm. Moffatt reported that he was talking with one of the Council people from Hayward and they went on the Internet recently. They had a total of 1,672 people get involved. We should consider this. ...................uu.+. City Flag Policy (120-20) Cm. Moffatt said he noted that no flags were up at the Civic Center on holidays; i.e., Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Also, the fountain was off. Mr. Thompson said on holidays we have no one to raise the flags. We would have to pay overtime to have someone come in and raise and lower them. The fountain is on a timer, however, so it doesn't recognize a holiday schedule. .,w....,........w........., ............ +~,..."w~ww.".....,.., Dublin Hosting Alameda County Mayors' Conference 040-15) Mayor Houston asked about the status of using Camp Parks for the Mayors Conference in March. crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 1" REGULAR MEETING J a:n.:u..a.ry 23, ::1..996 P.A..GE 33 Ms. Keck reported that she had left voice mail messages for Lynn Schaack, but had not yet heard from her. ..................----.+... . Clorox Grant (950-10) Mayor Houston reported that he received something in the mail from the Clorox Corporation regarding a grant. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff received one also and we regularly apply. .. .............'......+'.....'...'.'.....'.. Use of City Lo~o on T-Shirts (120-10) Mr. Ambrose stated Mayor Houston had inquired about the City logo issue. A sports group wants to use the City logo on T-shirts. He found out the Chamber's idea of using "Definitely Dublin" was shot down because they took this idea from Dublin, Ohio and it's copyrighted. Mayor Houston said we had a request from a sports team to have the City logo put on T-shirts, and they would wear them in the St. Patrick's parade. He didn't see this as a problem and felt the City Council should discuss a policy in the future. Mr. Ambrose explained that Recreation Staff identify themselves by use of T-shirts with the City's logo on them. They have strict rules related to the wearing of the shirts. e:. Cm. Burton felt it would be unfortunate if someone other than a City employee wore a City shirt and did something wrong. It wouldn't be good public relations for the City. .--........................+......................., CLOSED SESSION 10:16 p.m. 10.1 (640-30) 10.2 (640-30) The Council recessed to a closed session: 1) to confer with Legal Counsel - anticipated litigation - initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 - one potential case; and 2) anticipated litigation (significant exposure to litigation pursuant to government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1) - number of cases: 1, existing facts and circumstances: Protest Letter of December 5, 1995 from Kaufman & Broad re amount of Park In-Lieu Fees for California Highland/Donlan Canyon Project Cln' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 RE6ULltR MEETIN6 Janu.a.ry 23, :1.996 PAGE 34 .': . ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION .'... No action was taken in the closed session. ........ ................+. ----,-.... .':, .. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:24 p.m. ....""...""'.".."'."'+'...'....................... Mayor A TrEST: City Clerk . ...,........,.,.............+.....,.,,",.,",..,'.",... Crn' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME. 14 REGULAR MEETING Janu..a.ry 23, :1.996 PAGE 35