HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 ApptParks&CmtySvsComm .~??~~1J!P"". . CITY CLERK File # Dr7lf7l[Q]-~~ f ."! AGENDA STATEMENT e' CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 13, 1996 SUBJECT: Appointment by Mayor to Parks & Community Services Commission EXHIBITS ATTACHED: . Copy of Display Ad which ran December 21 and 31, 1995 . Application submitted by: Randy Cahn, 11652 Fenwick Place Tom Clancy, 7933 Iglesia Drive Bob Cocilova, 11713 Serra Court Bob Fasulkey, 7776 Topaz Circle Becky Hopkins, 7510 Calle Verde Road Mark King, 11584 Circle Way Eric Swalwell, 11404 Betlen Drive RECOMMENDATION: ~c;onfinn appointment of Bob Fasulkey or provide appropriate direction to Staff . ~._:FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: As a result of advertisements placed in local newspapers, a total of7 people completed and returned applications for the opening on the Parks & Community Services Commission as a result of Bob Trimble's recent resignation. After reviewing applications, Mayor Houston has announced his appointment of Bob Fasulkey to the Parks & Community Services Commission to a tenn ending in December, 1996. Staff recommends that the City Council confirm Mayor Houston's appointment or provide other appropriate direction to Staff. .0__________________________________________________________________ . >. COPIES TO: Applicants K2IGlfe~96/as..ppt. doc ITEMNO.~ .. .' .--> . . '..-Te ..,..,. iTa'_",,,, fI~ _.,. "'1\' tTe ~.,..,. ~.,.~ ' ...,<>.~...,.,. ~ .' . . " . ~.." ;'. ,--.' : ,:'~: 'd- .:' I.'d--I a.\ IQs . .' ~I~ .. '&~"_:'. ~~~~ " ,,- .:..::a . "':'.- c; ~,,~ ' ..-.;;: "{~~ . .- ::" I "''' . . C IT Y OF D~UB L I N....:'::..->~;. . . ' ;.': .' . . '.'-: ..' :" ". '1':"" 'The. City of Dublin is seeking app1ican~s' to ~', a' . "JL ~ vacancy on the City's Parks &. Commumty ServIces . ~. '. .". Commission; .' . '. : '. . . ;; ;; _ ..... '. . '. . . ..". .~' ':-.rhe M~;or B?tici~ates..tilliijgthe vacancy in J~~~' . ."...:.to aterm which will expIre In Dece~b~r O~..lQ96. :" . ..'. ';-" , The 6-Member Parks - & . Community' Services':; ; . . Commission holds regular meetings on the third '. . . .& Monday of each month and acts in an advisory.&. .,. _,.capacity to the .City. CouriGil ~th regard .to 'City ....~ ... . ~ facilities, parks and recreat~on.. activities" and ..... .~. . programs. :.. ...{'~', :DUBLINH~SI~ENTS 'i~tere~ted'~inse~g' o~.thi~::~:: .". . .'. ' - Commi~sion may requ~st a City application form .b~ ". .. :.:.con~gKaYKe~,GltyGlerkat"833-6656"... ........ .": .. .& .' . In order: to b~ consIde;red for appOIntment, c9mJ?leted....& . .~ !: . .applicatlOns shoUld be . returned to the City '<31ez:-k"s .', ~ , I Ai ,',;' i : Offi~e, 100. (~~vic . Plaza, . Dublin~'. QA 94598 no. .~.a~~~' .:' ',& '. .,..... ,'Jhan 4:~q p.~., on W~dnesday, JaJ.1uary}~, 1996~:" '. ..' .., . . 1. ~:"~"..:".:_, '. ::...';....... -' .:.' ': '. .... <.d. :':, ;:".~;i":,::'-'!I.' ~ . ( . l'-Te''''''__:~''' .,..___ _.".-. .,. 11ft '" tTt__~ '~" _:.'1- '" . . - liXHIBIT A Applications received by the January 10, 1996 deadline for the opening on the Parks & Conununity Services Commission .' Randy Cahn 11652 Fenwick Place Dublin, CA 94568 833-1616 (w) 829-6446 Tom Clancy 7933 Iglesia Drive Dublin, CA 94568 803-0295 (w) 866-9055, extA025 Bob Cocilova 11713 Serra Court Dublin, CA 94568 828-3781 Bob Fasulkey 7776 Topaz Circle Dublin, CA 94568 829~6299 (w) (408) 433-3020 .. Becky Hopkins 7510 Calle Verde Road Dublin, CA 94568 828-2066 Mark King 11584 Circle Way Dublin, CA 94568 829-3386 (w) 278-8600 ~ Eric Swalwell 11404 Betlen Drive Dublin, CA 94568 828M5094 (w) (408) 243-7785 .', EXHIBIT B .." ....:: .-; NAME ADDRESS PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION RECEIVE APPUCATION A 0 J N fJ - 1996 CITY ()~ LJUtjl/N RANDY B. CAHN DATE 1/9/q~ 11652 FENWICK PLACE DUBLIN, CA 94568 TELEPHONE # (HOME) 833-1616 (WORK) 829-6446 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SHEET FOR RESPONSES. 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? SIGNATURE ~ ::: . .:- OCCUPATION HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER/CAMP DIRECTf' In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 10,1996. K'IClapptmtVpcs-app.doc - .' ..,', .'.. .,. Attachment for Randy B. Cahn @ I. My primary reason is to be of service to the community. I have successfully served on the Parks and Community Services Conunission for four years and I believe I have done a very competent and responsible job representing the people of Dublin. I would further like to contribute to the community by being appointed to the current open seat, 2. Because of my four years of service on the conunission, I have extensive knowledge of all current parks and recreation facilities. During the past year while not on the commission'I have attended some meetings of the conunission and discussed topics with current commissioners and staff. In addition to staying current on facilities, I am also very familiar with future city plans for facilities. 3. Currently, I am a volunteer coach for the Dublin Youth Basketball League in which my seven year old son is playing. Besides attending some meetings of the conunission, I regularly review conunission meeting minutes and agendas, My family participates in activities on a regular basis, from Breakfast with Santa to the after school recreation program. 4. Yes. I personally don't feel that we currently have adequate facilities for our citizens. Past commissions and councils have identified certain needs and have made future plans to meet them which includes a new gym and plans for East Dublin. Unfortunately, funding is the primary reason we are unable to add additional facilities or make certain upgrades a higher priority. I feel very strongly that the Iron Horse Trail be given a high priority to complete a vital transportation and recreation link regionally, but most importantly for Dublin residents to enjoy, 5. We have come to a point where user fees are necessary. I don't feel that a profit needs to be made but expenses need to be covered. The adult programs should become self sufficient with the idea that some children's programs can be occasionally subsidized so that they are affordable and available to all Dublin families that want to participate. 6. A commissioner needs to consider the overall community.in making decisions. At some meetings during my tenure we needed to make some unpopular decisions in some citizens eyes, such as making facility priorities, but they were for the good of the program and community. 7. I bring a knowledgeable understanding of where we have been, where we are currently and where we need to go in the future. My record and involvement during my tenure was one of sincere commitment and a strong sense of responsibility in service to the City of Dublin. I have shown also a professional sense of responsibility by being elected as a board member on the California Association of Park and Recreation Commissioners and 'Board Members, a position I still currently hold and am active with, APPUCATION I=1ECEIVED ,JAN 1 0 1996 CITY uf UU8LIN PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION .' NAME ADDRESS Thomas J. Clancy DATE January 10, 1996 7933 Iglesia Drive Dublin, CA 94568 TELEPHONE # (HOME) (510) 803-0295 (WORK) (510) 866-9055, ext 4025 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? I have become increasingly interested in becoming more involved at the local level, both to contribute to the community arweU as-to be able to participate in ongoing decisions which will impact Dublin. The opening on this commission seems like a good way to get started. 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? .'.. I have visited many of the par~ and recreation facilities with my young children (currently ages 3 and 4, plus a newborn). I have spent time in'particular enjoying Shannon Park and Dolan, Park. 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? To date we have taken advantage ofa variety of programs, from T-baIl to swimming lessons, from Easter Egg Hunts to the Halloween Soook-tacular. As my children grow older I plan to become involved with an expanding array of programs. 4. ,Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. .-- My only initial observation is that Mape Park is in need of attention. On: related note, I am concerned that the Master Plan may be aggressive with respect to maintenance burden. ,! 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and' park/facility reservations? User fees need to be an integral part of any overall recreational program if it is to be .- economically viable over the long term. Within this, there is tremendous room for tailoring the appropriate mix between direct payment and desired subsidies. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? I take great pride in driving to the correct solution and in having the courage of my convictions. If I found myselfnee.ding t~ ~e a p~'sition which is unpopular with a particular constituency I I would do so, although I would leverage my good communication skills to ensure that the rationale for my stance was understood. 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Com~unity Services Commission? I believe that my ten+ years of business and banking experience could lend a helpful additional .'" '. .".: per<;pective on the challenges to be faced with the continued growth of Dublin and the ongoing implementation of the Master Plan. I would like to contribute to commission recommendations which are both forward-thinking and fiscally responsible. OCCUP ArlON r,~"I,J" In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks' & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Gerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 10,1996. E'IClapptmtslpa-tlpp.doc .' ,! PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIO~ECEIVED APPUCATION .', ' . NAME{U;{;~~ DATE ADDRESS // /3 ' ~ LYf}h ~ LZu - 9'~6 cI / TELEPHONE # (HOME) .... tt; /0 - rf'.:< / 3 7 cf / (WORK) ,jAN ~' - 1996 LII · '-. - --....if\J /- d'- :yL" - 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community SerVices Commission? 2. What knowledge do yo'u have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? .~~~r?k~~~a ~~~~~~ ,A~/~~ --<-~ ~,~C-~~~ L'~~?-?-' . 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? ~ 4. . Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by e:: the community? Please d.escribe. _ . .~~4:v~~~~ ~~~~~z;!:;;:5-:iF ~ ~-'~~& ~ ~ . . .::dd: ~ a- dff -' , 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? ~~~~~~~<~ ~ ~--,~~ f 4b- L-' /~.-a -. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the communit}. but unpopu:ar with neighbors or organizations? 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? ../~' ~ ~~.i?-::r/a:u!~~~;"c SIGNATURE~6.~)~CCUPATION ,h~ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.rn., Wednesday, January 10,1996. K1/C/QPptmu/pcs-npp.doc .- ,! .. .:_, PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION APPUCATION RECE!VED JAN 1 0 1996 CITY (;F UUBLIN NAME t3()t F/15(.{/..Ke/ DATE :r/l1{81 "flb ADDRESS 111 ~ rlJlIfz I ~rR D u6t,IN TELEPHONE # (HOME) "5/0 $7-1 t:z r?1 (WORK) ,y{,g 6 g :r 0:2"0 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? I f3eL 'EVIi: 11Ittr fl ~60P PfiRi-s p,eo&~P1 eJ{ IfIlAlt6~ rJl6 vI/LufF ~~ ;4 ti)r(~(/!f/ /ry 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? 1?ArK. ;: , ( AI'( AwljlCC tJf.:- 11fE" J"&'93cAl/1t.. 'uJE. 6~}.I'ps. ~ lI;;v/F" IllRr t~ rp/Jfffj) b<}E ft/JJJJ/1N9 ()r:: FrJ( {llrl~ sc JI tfb L 'P IT 11C' (!r; c."r rME V6,e~ rf( E' JtJI)JT tlJ tJ I rl( , f) (/130)l/.s 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. . PtlhLl7V.f q4Jt!fl/51<;M v/iC f..- lJg;t1F rli6' If/{/p/ ;?, 111~~ Pi1I€;!>. --rlltr t:a/,,eEt</!' /k&'5 /!A/j) /!&~~$/d,1//!t Ifo6~-rt'> 'PIu51- (/3E aoj./riJ./tt/1bty ;1tJI9Pi/;f) TO tWtter WJ::tJ i N1i:;e;;-!r:s / 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? 'FEfi5 S;lbpL/J eff/;/J JUtE 10 ,/e~vG,e l3e c!(I1t%EfJ CPYr'J. F8fO $'~u{j) ~/rQ.. (, eo~rs -ro ;:?covt;/f . /Jar '/SF c~t:f) , 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? .( tfG'( 14 f7i!h/StEJ/( &,Ot/lPa-iJ tf(;;- 6de1j) t) t= r;( b t:01/(1-tf u tV /-rc('f e4j/ t3 E cLEflI2 f' j)fJI(CJ/V'JrIY!Jbf) 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? ,6er/ll'j 6Jp II1/'t'JI'T ()-f ehJ(rkP~ t<Jj,o r~(' ~J'f rJ,y. ..dcnl. f=> eL~1' .reI/ode I F. f/713"L rJtl1r 1:- ffifltt: G#EIIf eoAl11l~r ~ t]/(' tlfe f!liY(PtIJIV/Tf 1 C/!N //?-rtcatl1rt: 1i!Ere /lIe~f)S. .,: SIGNATURE --= OCCUPATION tlxts,wess .ilEtI~ff~ ?(rWrfQER In order to be considered by the Mayor Jor appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.nL, WednesdaYI January 10, 1996. A-l/O';pptmts/pa-app,doc ., .' .- .' PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION RECEIVED JAN 1 0 1996 CITY' VI W0bLtl\J APPUCATION NAME ADDRESS Rebecca R. Hopkins January 10, 1996 DATE 7510 Calle Verde Road - Dublin, California 94568 TELEPHONE # (HOl\1E) (WORK) Same (510) 828-2066 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? I am interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission because I feel that the s~rvic(>s, progr~mo:;, :mn f~('ilitip~ provided by the Parks & Community Services Department are vital to our community. They are vital because they improve the quality of life for citizens and provide opportunities for citizens to be a part of their community. I feel it is important for the citizen's of Dublin to have the opportunIty to Shape the current and future servk~ti dll: D~pdLllll~ul pLuviJo:.:> ClUj I would like to represent the citizens of Dublin to ensure that their concerns are listened to and :::u1dressea by th9 CQm.mililiion ann th", ri'J' r(\11nril 2. What knowledge do yo'u have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? I have an extensive knowledge regarding the many parks, facilities, and programs the Department offers. I worked with the Department in a part-time capacity for several years and thus am well acquamted With the Uepartment staft and members of ct\l: public wlLu lLdv~ paLli\.ipakJ iu Lll~ Departments programs and special events. I also have a good understanding the governing structure and of tbe "ario'1s TT111nif'ir~1 f'nn",o:; r<>rt~ining to p~rk<; ~nd fadlitipc;, 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? I am aware of the many programs offered through the Parks and Community Services 'Department. The City of Dublin is well known in the Tri-Valley for its programs for youth. The youth programs I have had interaction with include the AtterschoOl1{ecreatlon, run m the Sun, Camp Shannon, Y.f.S. (Youth Experience in Service), TRAC, various youth sports leagues and clinics, Tenderfoot, Shannon Center Presc}\f)f)l, frIld the various leisure d:asseg gffgred for j;guth T half" "kn "nlllnt"''''r",ri ~t th", Dublin Senior Center and am familiar with the many services Bonnie and her staff provide for the Seniors of Dublin. I am also aware of the new Heritage Center and the various tours and classes available regarding Dublin's History. The Dublin Swim Center also provides wonderfuL SWIm programs for all ages during the late spring and summer months, The Department also provides Adult ,:>puLb 10:<151.-10:.:>. I l'<lve plHlidpatcd in several special events aFld leisure cl:aggeg 9ff,8f'ild thro11gr. H,,,, Department. ' 4. ,Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. I feel there is a need for additional park facilities that would provide hiking-trails and possibly some naturalist ro rams. I also feel there is a need for the Department to become more involved in the cultural arts. There is a need for a park at is geare towar teens an a u s. a so ee a the Department needs to fully support programs such as Y.E.S, that provide a positive outlet for a teen ,,,,I,..1..li.... nJ......,~. I. .1.ntiflA RAn ~(1",i~] ",,,,pnp ::lrf' Un... ~n...l ~n ~^^~ 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? User fees are essential in tight budgetary times, However, the Department should continue to utfur clUJ pLUUlUl~ in:\:: UL Iv.. co~l plogran13 and 3p,eial even\:E: for Dublin. citizet:li . 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? As a Park and Community Services Commissioner I feel it would be crucial for me to continually look at the big pIcture and not be overly mtluenced by neIgh'bors, filelld~ ur reli:ll.iv~, I would need to consider all Dublin citizens needs and how my decision would impact citizens in the pH:'JCnt and !:he f.umre. 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? .,':, ',' I feel the most important contribution I can make to the Commission is my professional and personal experiences in the field of Parks and KecreatIon. 1 belleve In the unponance of the servke::; provided by the Department. They shape a community's character and promote citizens to get ~c\ 01. (Cd 6:f\a male, tics within their €emmWlity. /> S :il. long time 1"",,;Qent nf nllhHn, T ~lc::n hplipvp th~t the services provided by the Department greatly improve the quality of life in Dublin. This makes Dublin a place where people 'want to make a life and a home. = SIGNATURE ~ ~ rrL ~.A. OCCUPATION Recreation Professional In order to be considered by tlte Mayor for appointment to tlte Parks & Community Services Commission, please return tltis completed form to tlte attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 10,1996. K' lC/npptmts/pcs~QPp,doc .,- ,! .' .::. .' Hl=CEIVEO PARKS &. COMMUNITY SE.RVICES COMMISSION ,]AN 8 - 1996 APPUCATION CITY OF DUBLIN NAME -MftK \( Ki tv (0 ADDRESS -L/5'6t.{ C I R-t~ (b W-A::1 _17lJ13L-I'j (!-A. qi-f !](o(; TELEPHONE # (HOME) ~ q - 33 '3'0 (WORK) DATE 1- 3 - CJ(r; c:?'7 8" - gG(JO 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? ~~E, See __~-rr--A--' c-tfb-r>' ! 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by , the community? Please describe. ' 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? . 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? e.-. SIGNAT -::: OCCUPATION _t\.cttC\ 1"eGH NiC(~AJ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, C4 94568 by 4:00 p.nL, Wednesday, January 10,1996. rIClopptmtslpa-fJpp.doc .- ,! .' .':~" ." , ' 1. The Parks and Recreation programs are a very important part of our lives here in Dublin.We have four children that have all benefited in some way from our Parks and Recreation programs in the city.l have lived in Dublin for over thirty one years and I have seen the growth of itls community Parks and Recreational programs.l would now like to be an intragal part in keeping with it's growth by serving on the Parks and Community Services Commissions. 2. I know of most of the parks and recreational facilities in Dublin through direct contact by ourselves or our kids or from friends.I have personally been to all of our school field sites and gyms,our sportspark and the Senior Center. 3. I know about quite a few of the programs that the Parks and Community Services Department offers because we have participated in many of them. ourselves. We have had experience with the computer program,Jazzercise,Fun in the Sun,and Gymnastics~ 4.with the continuous population growth welve seen in Dublin Youth Sports programs that the City,non-profit organizations,and the schools put on there is a overwelming need for constant development of park/practice site fields and indoor gyms.There is also a need for a type of activity center for older Teens, possibly a type of Boys/Girls Club.I would also like to see us involve our Senior Citizens in more ways. 5.l don't feel that the City should have to fund recreational activities that the private sector chooses to participate in.lf the City is providing goods or services I donlt feel that they are out of line by charging a fee.It would be great if the City were in a position not to have to charge fees for any of it's recreational programs and park/facility reservations.Just think of the turn out of kids and adults that w~uld and could benefit from these programs. 6.I would not have any problem making a decision for the overall good of the community even if it meant making one that would be unpopular with neighbors or organizations.I have served on Boards of Directors and Committees and have made some unfavorable decisions in the past. 7.The most important contribution that I believe I can make to the Commission is my experience of being a citizen of this community and the sense of fairness that I feel towards all of the needs that the community has. ... RECEf1fCD -.. t: :.....":. .-.JAN 1 0 1996 PARKS & COMMUNIn'SERVICES COMMISSIONclT\/ U' '_ _' : . I I uUdLIN APPUCATION NAME ~/'C.- AI c:S' t-V'AM.::r~' ADDRESS //7'''~ ~~;;r~A/ 2J"e,'vc. ;9L,,~b..u _ a ~9 K5ttti ,- TELEPHONE # (HOME) 0/"... Bzg -Sa 97' -- D A TE::::)M,vIJA- A- r ~/99t; ~ (WORK) 9tPtf'~ dRYJ- ?7dS- 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & CommunitY Services Commission? ,/l!.~ ,;; ,"'>''14;;- N 8<=;-7t!. ..-9;V.z> L) ~.r -r" p/ ~ c;.~ ~4"'.A.J'''''''77 ~y / , .; /,J~~/&..u~ ~ /~CH~~ 2/ H 2)63"/;''& h ;P~i//I)e 3(J~ e.o.........M'uhff ~c7!-V/~ /~/~. 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? . -r . -J- h',4../e" ",/'/'7,,11Zjr7'"L/~ ./ ",./ t/;?~ pH.,f ;::::a,..,C-774' ~ r /9.rt/Z) J~P L.?71"\./;1 EVt!::7-/7T /?r t!>v.A!!- c::::;-.y /'~I1=f' & ~dC/.?7~.. dc;;sE::~ 7' (:5~'-~ / --/ &IN g;~; ~ ~Liz:;:rJLJ""c;.L. ~e,~ ~LP- ~:r- cff.>'c:;-~ 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? ~"'d" p".p/lr/~..//~ .;::J~p^",~/y -...-9-A.I,) ."'0?~n./?Y ..-Y~7nBc~- , ., . /N #E A/t:t.M~V.J' ,;?~.eA?:n.r d~~~ _ ~,.... /.:.vz::kd'e- dl" c>'i'w/)., ~ /'?7/;"'"",'- S,do.te7\ ...L..?U6-=ru~-:;SV/'7'/'"16)f!.. ~"J" ~ ~.&7.fq;etE. , (7 / ,. . 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. ::z;; l//~ d;C- 7%e- ~N~ /dI{~~ ~,L #L _~ /9.dJ.Ll....h~".v""AL . (!bhNth//~ ~..,e;et//c..s:- .,t:;:9d"L/Pe.--':r ~ ,P7L7~'r ~ ~:=/Jf:::.-a.. - -- ~J:(;.o' hj-h~.,/~ ..P'~4L~r h7L. %u-/L - ~L':;r-~-;;v"/d~ -L-Ac4 /: / . " . / .s ~ /J.s:r e:r- 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? /9L:CIm:;-t' '~.f<9l:~.s" ~ <>r;r~ ~.4-~~ / /.1 ,e"".,...4:rn' ~~Hd >?7JAS"T' AS ~~. '!:~7J ,/..sUIiil~/:r;rE2J /2:J' .A/2..Z>/~ L~k-~~~."J. ()UH~ ~r,,'77~ A#.L\ 6tSJeV/~ ,;e'W'-'/-ee 7n~;JTe;-NR.AJL.e---rSud ~~ ~ A/'&CL~J"A-4.-.Y /P #A'c.A A- CEV~ ,/,.1 cX/,,€CI' ~ _ 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? cSO#>l.]2) iDiJ:F~J";~NJ ~.-e "*'.l ;' ;'.::l t./ e-""7f!...A // tSr-dd./ p,;C r;;;( ,! ~ CeJ~h'V''-/r /J ~,# ~ M-"1t/~ h ..M'6- A~ A h~~ r:G~c'c a/6/t=: -.:I- s.....A"c:e:-~f' L!3~..L/J:!Vt.. /./.rh- bl>"/'t1/v~, /...rJt,eJ' , ~ .J(jJtr 1'6>.v~-i) ~So' /hv/~/Z ~ H,A/~..J~..r ~ ~~ .....AiIh/V'e-.2). ducA d~....~.v.s ~L Me;V v~ - "._ 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of::' the Parks & Community Services Commission? T U"d/d R'~ ~ ~D"t!~_/# ~ 6A"'4L~ ~~4urc) .-L1.J' ~ €iltJd;v A7'" ~'X#'(:;?I!/ c~ ce:r. ~d / "7--;' ~~ flA';$" p~ t/,/i) ei) 6c ......"N~ , A-c.&. i? ,;c,LJ.4&,4' A-t e.~ , ~ A ;?( -,:;..... ~// /9 S6VV'r,:;t. Gnzt:-7-I.r~..E' ~~y'; / , ~ e #.;"9?7",:;"..c. 8t;)"J ~iS.r d;C ... n:, ~ ~/t:~ , ~&..e& ~. ~ ~ ~ /c.,., '7 P~..?J / ~n6~-.& SIGNATURE ~ ~"'-/...A.J-r.L( OCCUPATION 2)/':s?7l'/~ L,'R h"'5J ~j HI""N'€' ~~.se-d) /AJ ~/c'C7 / ..:12" $e.cA;7I!.V';' 0.( , c.57'4..e..c!..J'" _ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m.., Wednesday, January 10,1996. K'IClapptmlS/pcs-app,doc .'. "