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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Accept Gift , \ CITY CLERK File # D[2J[3J[Q]-CZ15J . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 231996 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Gifts to City Report Prepared by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Grant Request Form RECOMMENDATION:~lf.',pr . 0V' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1. Accept Gifts 2. Direct Staff to Prepare Formal Acknowledgment to the Donors None DESCRIPTION: The City has received several gifts which are described below. . . Senior Center .. In September Dublin Senior Center was invited to submit a grant proposal to Sandia National Laboratories (SandiaILockheed Martin Gifts and Grants Committee). Staff prepared and submitted the attached request for funds. The Center was granted $500 to help sponsor a Senior Resource Fair for August 1996. This donation will be retained in a liability account until Fiscal Year 1996-97 at which time the appropriate budget change form will be brought before the City Council for approval. Preschool The parents of those children enrolled in the Shannon Center Preschool classes recently presented the in::.tructors with a gift of a portable compact disk player. The Magnavox compact disk player also includes a cassette player and am/fm radio and is valued at $175. It will be a welcome addition to the classroom. Per Government Code Section 37354, it is recommended that all gifts and contributions be formally accepted by the City Council. Therefore it is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council accept the gifts and direct Staff to prepare formal acknowledgments to the donors. . ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: . ITEM NO. ~ F I cc-m tgs/gi fts 123.d ac .. . REOUEST FORM SandiaILockheed Martin Gifts & Grants Committee Sandia National Laboratories/California Requesting Organization: Dublin Senior Center Address: 7437 Larkdale Avenue. Dublin. CA 94568 Phone: (510) 829-6316 Person making request & title: Bonnie Leonard. Recreation Coordinator State specifics of your needs: (prioritize if you list more than one) The Dublin Senior Center is seeking sponsorship for a community-wide Senior Resource Fair to be held in the spring or summer of 1996. There are myriad services, programs, discounts, and activities available to the seniors in our community, however, there is no one place where seniors can come into contact with these opportunities. The goal of a Senior Resource Fair is to bring together the agencies providing programs at one event where seniors can do "one-stop shopping". With sponsorship the event can be offeredfree of charge to both agencies and participating . seniors and will be open to all seniors in the Tri-Valley area. During this calendar year will you receive funding from United Way (how much) or the Sandia LEAP campaign? The Dublin Senior Center receives a designated gift of $195.00 through a donation to United Way by the daughter of one of our participants. Are you willing to provide proof of how the funds are spent if the grant is approved? Yes Please attach your current year's budget, a one paragraph statement of your organization's purpose and proof of 501(c3) IRS non-profit status. (Educational institutions exempted from this requirement) Signed: Date: Please fill out this request form and return to Barry Schrader, MS 9111, Gifts & Grants Committee, Sandia Box 969, Livermore, CA 94551) .