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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 06-86 CruisingORDINANCE NO. 6 - 86
The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1. This Chapter is enacted pursuant to S 21100(k)
of the California Vehicle Code.
Section 2. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions apply to
this Chapter.
(a) CENTRAL TRAFFIC AREA. ."Central Traffic Area" means the
area bordered by and including Amador Valley Boulevard
from Village Parkway to San Ramon Road, San Ramon Road
from Amador Valley Boulevard to Dublin Boulevard, Dublin
Boulevard from San Ramon Road to Village Parkway
and Village Parkway from Dublin Boulevard to Amador
Valley Boulevard. It also includes the continuation of
Village Parkway northerly from the intersection of
Village Parkway and Amador Valley Boulevard to Kimball
Street. This area shall be clearly identified by signs
as required by Vehicle Code S 21100(k) that briefly and
clearly state the appropriate provisions of the Vehicle
Code and this Chapter.
(b) CRUISING. "Cruising" is driving a motor vehicle on a
highway past a traffic control point, designated by a
peace officer, under conditions in which traffic is
congested at or near the control point, two or more
times in one direction within a two hour period after
having driven past said control point one time within
the same period and having been given adequate written
notice after the first passing that passing the control
point a second time under the same conditions stated
herein shall constitute a violation of' this section.
(c) HIGHWAY AND MOTOR VEHICLE. "Highway and motor vehicle"
are as defined in ~ 360 and 415, respectively, of the
California Vehicle Code.
Section 3. CRUISING PROHIBITED. Cruising in the Central
Traffic Area shall constitute an in'fraction.
Section 4. EXCLUSIONS. This Chapter shall not apply to the
following vehicles: In-service emergency vehicles, taxicabs for
hire, buses and other vehicles being driven for business purposes.
Section 5. PENALTY. A person who violates this Chapter is
guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding: (1)
$50.00 for a first violation; (2) $100.00 for a second violation
within one year; and (3) $250.00 for each additional violation
within one year.
an emergency ordinance, adopted under Government Code SS 36934 and
36937 for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety
and peace of the citizens of Dublin. The facts constituting the ~
emergency are as follows: "Cruise nights" have been held in
Dublin recently which have resulted in traffic congestion over and
above what Dublin streets can handle; disruption to businesses and
residents from' noise, drinking and litter and numerous violations
of law; and the inability of emergency vehicles to pass on
congested streets. The conditions generated by the "cruise night"
events and the imminent threat of further such "cruise nights"
threaten the public health, safety and peace of the citizens of
Dublin. The City Council finds it in the interest of the public
health, safety and peace to adopt this Ordinance. This Ordinance
shall take effect immediately.
Section 7. POSTING OF ORDINANCE. The City Clerk of the City
of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least
three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with
Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin
on this 14th day of April , 19 R~ , by the
following votes:
Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt,
Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder
NOES: None
City Clerk