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File # D~[Q]~-~(Q
Animal Control Contract Services Review
dt (prepared By: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager)
1. Agreement For Animal Control Field Services Between
Alameda County and the City of Dublin and dated July 1,
2. Memorandwn of Understanding Animal Shelter Services
RECOMMENDATION: I") ".vI) Receive the report and provide input on any service related issues.
, ,VV' 2) Confirm the recommendation that the regular contract review
. "cycle shall be the same as the contract for Police Services.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The total operating cost for both Animal Control Field Services and
Animal Control Shelter Services in Fiscal Year 1997-98 is projected to be $131,450. See report for
DESCRIPTION: A contract review of Animal Control Services was included on the
adopted 1997 City Council Goals and Objectives. A periodic review of services obtained by the City
through contracts, ensures that service levels are appropriate. Based on direction given at the City
Council Budget Study Session a financial analysis of alternatives has not been conducted.
The City obtains Animal Control Field and Shelter Services through contracts with the Alameda County
Sheriff's Department. The City contracts separately with Alameda County for the provision of Field
Services. (Exhibit 1) The Shelter Services are provided jointly through a Cooperative Agreement which
also includes the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton as participants. (Exhibit 2) Through a separate Joint
Powers Agreement the City participates in the debt service cost associated with the new East County
Animal Shelter. As such the City will retain an ownership interest in the facility. InJune of 1992, was
the last time a comprehensive Contract Review was presented to the City Council for Animal Control
services. This report provides a description of the services received; workload statistics; and current
financial cost data for the operation of Animal Control Services. .
The basic patrol function includes: investigation of complaints; investigations of dog bites and attacks;
patrol services; pick-up of stray and dead animals;' issuance of citatiOIlS; preparation of reports; and the
sale of dog licenses. The current Agreement with Alameda County became effective on July I, 1992.
The Agreement is structured with an automatic renewal provision unless notice is provided by April 1 st,
of the parties intent to terminate the agreement on the subsequent June 30th of any year.
COPIES TO: Sheriff Plummer
Sgt. George Tarnow
Tony Owens, Animal Control Supervisor ~I d
With the opening of the East County Animal Shelter, the County has restructured the supervision of this
activity. The County now has a civilian Animal Control Supervisor who handles much of the day to day
supervision of this operation. Prior to the development of this position, the County relied heavily on .
sworn personnel to oversee the day to day operations. As a unit of the Alameda County Sheriff s
Department the Supervisor continues to report to a Sergeant. However, the Sergeant also has other
responsibilities in addition to management of the Animal Control unit. Due to the more focused range of
responsibilities that the Supervisor has, Staff believes that the current staffing represents a significant
improvement in the operation.
The actual field patrol services are performed by civilian personnel assigned to the Sheriffs Technician
classification. The City of Dublin is currently the only municipality which contracts for these services.
The area serviced by the patrol officers includes unincorporated areas in and around Castro Valley as well
as the unincorporated areas in the eastern portions of the County including Sunol, and adjacent to
Livermore and Dublin.
The contract with the Alameda County Sheriff s Department provides the City with access to trained
personnel. The patrol function requires adequate resources to respond to emergency call-outs as well as
providing relief coverage for vacations and sick leave. Therefore the most efficient means of providing
this type of service in a community of the size of Dublin, is on a regional basis. The current arrangement
with Alameda County is capable of responding to these needs.
The Animal Control Officers also participate in the Vicious Dog Hearing process, identified in the City
Municipal Code. City Staff actually serve as the hearing officer and maintain records related to hearings .
conducted. The purpose of the process is to enact safeguards when there is a potentially dangerous dog
which has been involved in a bite or attack incident.
The Animal Control Officer will complete an investigation of the incident and provide a written report.
The Supervisor as well as the Officer provide a recommendation as to whether or not a Vicious Dog
Hearing is recommended. In the event that a dog is determined to be vicious at the conclusion of the
hearing, measures can be imposed to abate the problem as a nuisance. The measures may include
requirements for the dog to be on a leash under the control of an adult when outside of the fenced yard;
confinement measures; and when warranted euthanization of the dog. The hearing allows an opportunity
for the victim to address concerns and helps to limit exposure in the event that a repeat incident occurs.
The Assistant City Manager conducts the hearing and makes the determination. Administrative Services
Staff assist with the preparation of notices, minutes, and other records. City Staff have also developed an
informational sheet which is mailed with the Notice of Hearing. The information has been well received
and it helps to provide additional information about the process, beyond what is required in the official
notice. The format and content of the official notice is specifically referenced in the Municipal Code and
can be perceived as intimidating. The following is a historical breakdown of the nwnber of hearings
1996 -97
Under the current Agreement the Sheriff's Department tracks the nwnber of hours that Field Service
personnel are working on assignments for the City of Dublin. This factor is then used to allocate the City
its share of the cost of service. For example, if the Field Service unit has 5,000 hours available county
wide and 500 hours are recorded in the City of Dublin, Dublin's cost is 10% of the actual Field Services
The amount of Field Services provided has fluctuated over the years depending on their availability of
Staff and turnover. When resources are limited the Sheriff's Department focuses on response to calls for
service and less time is available for proactive patrols. The following table identifies the historical
nwnber of hours of field service provided in the City of Dublin, as well as the percentage this represented
of the total Field Services operation.
Actual Actual Actual Actoal Estimated
1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996 -97
474 Hours 530 Hours 352 Hours 289 Hours 367 Hours
$ 56,005 $ 50,008 $ 35,176 $ 27,168 $ 26,000
9.4% 11.1 % 7.7% 5.5% 6.0%
In Fiscal Year 1995/96 the Field Services operation was impacted by employees who were out for
extended periods due to injuries. It is important to note that although the service level has. fluctuated in
terms of number of hours Staff does not receive a significant number of calls from residents suggesting
that service levels are inadequate. Staff has also noted an improvement in the County ability to construct
a more stable Staff in the past year.
The contract arrangement has allowed the City to only pay for those sen,rices which were actually
received. The comparison of costs shown above are taken from City financial records. Due to the delay
in prompt billing by the County there are some differences in allocating of costs between Fiscal Years.
For example, a credit from the 1995-96 Fiscal Year payments offset a portion of the 1996-97 expenses.
The Preliminary 1997-98 Budget for Field Services is $39,000 and it would provide up to 595 hours of
service, assuming the County does not experience significant lost work time among their assigned Staff.
Throughout the year Staff receives monthly reports from Animal Control which identify the activities
performed. The following table provides a comparison ofthi~ information for key activities:
FIELD SERVICES Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimated
WORKLOAD INDICATOR 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996 -97
Bites 35 37 32 39 25
. Complaints / Calls For Service 69 64 60 103 81
Citations 93 85 87 85 78
Injured Animals 2 4 5 6 5
Dead Animals.,. Public 315 430 257 329 269
Dead Animals - Veterinarian 633 477 559 583 5'09
As noted above, over the past two years there have been an increase in the number of complaints / calls
for service category when compared to the three year period prior to Fiscal Year 1995-96. As the City
experiences population growth it is anticipated that the requests for service will also increase. It is also
possible that the publicity regarding the new animal shelter generated a greater awareness of animal .
control activities in the past 18 months.
Animal Control also performs dog licensing services for the City of Dublin. The purpose of the license is
to assure compliance with the requirement to inoculate dogs against rabies, and to assist with the return of
the animal in the event that it is lost. All revenue collected from license sales is forwarded to the City.
The following table displays the historical dog license revenue:
$ 4,796
$ 4,622
$ 3,812
$ 3,953
1996 -97
$ 4,445
It is anticipated that the recent increase in revenue is related to the increase in Field Service Patrol hours
and due to the new shelter resulting in increased adoptions by Dublin residents. In the past the City has
attempted to increase license sales with public information campaigns. However, typically the most
effective means is a door to door campaign and Animal Control Officers have not had the time available
to conduct these activities. Licenses can be purchased by mail and at the East County Shelter, which is
open 7 days a week. The City will also include this information as part of the City website.
City Staff have noted an improvement in the quality of reports submitted and information typically flows
from the Animal Control Supervisor in a timely fashion. Staffhave indicated to the County that there is a
need for improvement in the area of the billing information and financial data. Under the Sheriff's
Department organization, this information is provided from a remote Administrative Services Division.
Staff would encourage the Sheriff's Department to evaluate steps which can produce timely and accurate
financial information.
In the past Staffhas evaluated alternative options to the provision of this service. As noted earlier in the
report, this type of service is most efficiently provided when the population base is large enough to share
resources.' Given the size of the City of Dublin, it would be difficult to directly provide the service at a
lower cost and continue to meet the public expectations. Given that the cities of Livermore, Dublin, and
Pleasanton are jointly sharing in the operation of the Shelter there may be possibilities in the future for the
agencies to consider a regional approach to the provision ofField Services. However, this type of effort
would ~ost likely be initiated by one of the agencies currently providing Field Services.
In January of 1996, the City Council approved the Agreement which describes the shared responsibility
for the ownership and operation of the new East County Animal Shelter. The City of Dublin participates
along with the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and Alameda County. When the original construction.
Joint Powers Agreement was approved by the City of Dublin in 1992, it was projected that the cost of
construction of the facility would be $4,750,000. The final cost was reduced by nearly $1 million, with
- '1-
. the cities taking an active role in determining the elements to be included in the new facility. The final
construction cost was recently distributed to the cities as $3,787,981.
In accordance with the Agreement, the cost of operations are shared based upon the nwnber of live
animals impounded in the previous calendar year. Therefore, the Fiscal Year 1997/98 cost sharing is
based on the number of animals impounded in 1996. This figure will be adjusted each year. The
following table displays the City of Dublin impound statistics on a fiscal year basis by animal type.
Dogs Impounded
Cats Impounded
. Impounds - Others
1996 -97
Staffhave discussed with Animal Control representatives the significant increase in the nwnber of
animals impounded at the shelter. The increase is partially attributable to the new shelter. In 1996 the
shelter handled an increase of24.4% in dogs and cats over the 1995 figures from the old shelter. The new
shelter is easier to access and the condition of the old shelter, may deterred some people from depositing
their pets.
The increase in Imtmlil)S impounded from the City of Dublin has escalated at an even faster pace. Staff
believes that this has been partially due to the increase in patrol service hours. As this increases there is a
greater likelihood of strays being impounded. City Staffhave also discussed with Animal Control Staff
the significant increase in the nwnber of cats. Although they do not have detailed data to quantify the
impact, efforts on Federal Property are anticipated to have contributed to this condition.
Both the Camp Parks Army Reserve Center and the Department of Justice Prison have conducted feral cat
eradication programs over the past two years. These were mostly wild cats which had multiplied on their
. property. As the City Council is aware, the City of Dublin receives no tax revenues from these facilities.
Due to the cost allocation formula based upon animals impounded, the City is directly incurring costs to
provide services to the Federal Government. It may be appropriate for the City to communicate with the
Federal representatives the need for some sort of compensation for the provision of municipal services.
It is expected that with the increase in Field Service hours along with population growth, that the City will
continue to represent a larger share of the use at the Animal Shelter. Staffhas also requested that the
County consider measures to assure the accuracy of the information. The cost sharing for the 1997-98
Fiscal Year will be distributed as follows:
Alameda County
City of Dublin
City of Pleasanton
City of Livermore
The cost of the Shelter operation is also off-set by revenues collected for redeemed and adopted animals.
In the Fall of 1996, a new fee schedule which was approved by each of the participating agencies.
Although it has not been in place for the full year, the Dew fees have offset more of the operating cost. In
Fiscal Year 1996~97 the estimated net cost of the shelter is expected to be approximately $390,600. The
net operating cost in Fiscal Year 1997-98 is expected to increase to approximately $427,400. The costs
are increasing due to changes in labor costs, full year funding of positions which may have been vacant
for a portion of the prior year and inflationary costs for services and supplies. As previously noted the
City only pays its share of the actual costs. The budgeted City of Dublin Animal Shelter operating costs
for Fiscal Year 1997-98 are $92,450.
Fiscal Year 1996-97 is the first complete year that the Sheriff operated the new East County Animal
Shelter. A Management Committee with a Staff member from each agency meets with Sheriff s
Department personnel on a quarterly basis to discuss operational and budgetary issues. As with any new
operation there have been unforeseen items, however, the Sheriffs Department has been responsive and
open to discussing any issues affecting the operation. The original proposal by the Sheriff s Department
provided for them to operate the shelter for three years. The Management Committee offers the City a
voice in issues affecting the City investment in the Shelter building and addressing the appropriate levels
of service.
Staff would recommend that the City Council receive the report and provide input on any issues related to
the provision of these services. Since the contract for Field Services is continuously renewed, Staff would
suggest that contract reviews for these services be scheduled in conjunction with the Sheriff s Contract for
Police Services. The Police Services Agreement is scheduled for its next review in the year 2000.
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ./d day Oi~1 /'1jZr by and
between the COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, hereinafter referred to as "cou I, nd the CITY OF
DUBLIN, hereinafter referred to as "CITY".
(a) The CITY is desirous of contracting with the COUNTY for the performance of
animal control field services by the COUNTY of Alameda.
(b) The COUNTY is agreeable to rendering such services on the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth.
(c) Such contracts are authorized by Section 51300 et seg. of the Government
a. The COUNTY agrees to provide animal control field services within the
corporate limits of the CITY to the extent and in the manner hereinafter set forth.
As used herein, "animal control field services" means and includes: enforcement of
.laws and regulations related to animals; investigation of animal related complaints;
transportation of stray animals to the animal shelter designated by the CITY;
collection and transportation of animals to the shelter when deemed necessary to
protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community or as required by laws and
regulations; patrol activities; investigation of dog bites; collection of dead animals
and provision of dog licensing services; and other related duties. Shelter Services
are addressed by a separate Shelter Agreement.
Such services shall only encompass duties and functions of the type coming
within the jurisdiction of and customarily rendered by the Field Services Department
of the COUNTY.
The rendition of such services, the standard of performance and other
matters incidental to the performance of such services, and the control of personnel
so employed shall remain within the control of the COUNTY unless otherwise described
in this agreement. In event of dispute between the parties as to the extent of the
duties and functions to be rendered hereunder or the level and manner of performance
of such service, the COUNTY'S determination thereof shall be final and conclusive as
between the parties hereto.
Such service shall include the enforcement of state statutes and such
municipal animal control ordinance as the CITY may adopt that is substantially the
same as the COUNTY's Ordinance.
agents, and
. c.
suppl y all
the level
To facilitate the performance of said functions, it is hereby agreed that
shall have full cooperation and assistance from the CITY, its officers,
employees, who shall be and remain CITY employees for the purpose of this
E:'or the purposes of performing said functions, COUNTY shall furnish and
necessary labor, supervision, equipment and supplies necessary to maintain
of service to be rendered hereunder. In all instances where special
supplies, stationary, notices, forms and the like must be issued in
CITY, the same shall be supplied by the CITY at its expense.
the name of the
d. The CITY will conduct its own vicious animal hearings,
preparation of necessary reports by COUNTY.
e. The CITY or COUNTY may terminate those animal licensing services which
relate to animal licensing, provided by the COUNTY to the CITY at any time during the
term of the contract upon providing the other party with ninety (90) days advance
written notice, unless a shorter time frame is agreed to in writing by the parties.
Such notice shall be delivered by certified mail. Upon termination COUNTY shall
provide CITY with all pertinent records.
a. All persons employed by the COUNTY in the performance of the services and
functions for CITY pursuant to this agreement shall be and shall remain COUNTY
employees. No person employed hereunder shall have any CITY pension, civil service,
or other status or right.
b. CITY shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct
payment of any salary, wages, or other compensation to any COUNTY personnel performing
services hereunder for CITY, or any liability other than that expressly provided for
in this agreement.
CITY shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any COUNTY
employee for injury or sickness ar~s~ng out of his employment.
c. The CITY shall assume liability and shall pay cost of defense and hold th~
COUNTY harmless from loss, costs or expenses to the extent caused by the negligent or
wrongful act or omission of CITY officers, agents, and employees occurring in the
performance of this agreement. In addition, when liability arises pursuant to Section
830, et seg., of the Government Code, by reason of a dangerous condition of public
property of the CITY, the CITY shall assume liability and pay cost of defense and hold
the COUNTY harmless from loss, costs or expenses caused by the negligent or wrongful
act or omission of CITY officers, agents, and employees arising in the performance of
this agreement.
d. The COUNTY will assume liability and pay cost of defense and hold the CITY
harmless from loss, costs or expenses to the extent caused by negligent or wrongful
act or omission by COUNTY officers, agents, and employees occurring in the performance
of this agreement. In addition, when liability arises pursuant to Section 830, et
seg., of the Government Code, by reason of a dangerous condition of the public
property of the COUNTY, the COUNTY shall assume liability and pay cost of defense and
hold the CITY harmless from loss, costs or expenses caused by the negligent or
wrongful act or omission of COUNTY officers, agents, and employees arising in the
performance of this agreement.
That insurance agreement between CITY and COUNTY entitled "Addendum to Service
Agreements Between County of Alameda and City of Dublin and Insurance AGreement,"
which is in effect during the term of this agreement shall apply hereto and is fUllY.
incorporated herein by reference.
a. CITY shall pay COUNTY the actual cost to the COUNTY in performing services
hereunder. "Actual Cost" shall be the County's direct and indirect costs of providing
Animal Control Field Services specified in Paragraph I above. Actual costs shall be
prorated according to patrol hours expended in Dublin compared to all other areas
serviced by COUNTY. "Actual Costs" shall not include general overhead costs as
defined in and determined by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Government Code
Section 51350. The following is provided for illustrative purposes only:
1. Total Annual Field Services Dept Patrol Hours: 5,000 hours.
2. # of Hours Expended on Patrol Time in CITY of Dublin: 650 hours.
3. % of Total Patrol Hours Expended in Dublin = #2 above divided by #1
above: 13.0%
4. Total Annual COUNTY Cost of Field Services: $400,000 (Including
Indirect Costs)."
5. Annual Cost Attributable to Provision of Field Services to CITY of
Dublin (#3 above multiplied by #4): $52,000.
b. On or before March 1 st of each year, COUNTY shall provide CITY with
projections for service cost during upcoming fiscal year.
c. COUNTY shall provide CITY wi th monthly reports identifying the
proportionate number of patrol hours provided to CITY.
d. CITY may request that COUNTY modify service level for future months if
significant deviation is experienced from COUNTY projection.
e. The COUNTY shall bill CITY for services quarterly. The CITY shall pay
COUNTY wi thin thirty (30) days from the date of billing. If such payment is not
received by COUNTY at the office which is described on said billing within thirty (30)
days after the date of deli very of said billing, COUNTY is entitled to recover
interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of one (1) percent per calendar
month or any portion thereof calculated from the date of delivery of said billing.
f. COUNTY agrees that all dog license fees which it collects for dog licenses
issued by COUNTY to residents of CITY shall be remitted to the CITY quarterly. COUNTY
shall process remittance to CITY within 45 days of the close of the quarter.
g. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, this agreement
shall be sooner terminated at any time that CITY fails to enact and to maintain in
full force and effect, an animal control ordinance substantially the same as the
provisions of the COUNTY'S Animal Control Ordinance. CITY shall also take legislative
action to enact and maintain fees related to animal control, which are substantially
similar to animal control fees established by COUNTY.
h. The COUNTY agrees to keep separate records for CITY. Such records shall
be open for examination by CITY during all business hours.
In performing the services to be provided pursuant to this agreement, COUNTY
shall comply with all applicable State and Federal Laws and regulations, including but
not Umi ted to Laws and regulations relating to discrimination and laws requiring
Injury and Illness Prevention Programs.
VI. ~
This agreement shall commence on July 1, 1992, and shall continue from year.
year thereafter unless terminated. Either party may terminate this agreement on Ju
30 of any year by written notice on or before April 1 of said year.
This agreement may be modified in writing by mutual agreement of the parties
hereto at any time.
By: ~~ It/...Go?vc.-
Cit Attorney
By: /; .
Deputy County Counsel
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President, ard of Superv
County of Alameda
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the President
Supervisors has duly authorized to execute this doc~~ptrPn~lf
Alameda by a majority vote of the Board on ~UL Z~ 'I~~L
has been delivered to the President as provided by Government Code
.lU.L 2 8 1992
/15s a:528an12.doc.psr#
of the Board of
of the County of
; and that a copy
Section 25103.
Clerk, Board of Supervisors
County of Alameda
stat~9~ California/? :)
1"l/0/- f:,,'- (' 1/>. ../
By: f-,.", /" V[/ ..A ('-"-<0
. .
Exhibit B
This Memorandum of Understanding, made and entered into this
day of
, 1995 by and among the Alameda County Sheriffs Department, hereinafter
referred to as "OPERATOR", and the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton and the
County, hereinafter referred to collectively and individually as' "P ARTICIP ATING
EN "lu1..ES".
References to East County Animal Shelter, hereinafter referred to as "SHELTER,"
shall mean the facility located at 4595 Gleason Avenue, Dublin, California.
References to OPERATOR shall mean the Alameda County SheriH's Department
as the SHELTER service provider.
References to CfTIES shall mean the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton.
The CITIES' responsibilities may be delegated to a third party under contract with the
corresponding city.
References to COMMITTEE shall mean the Shelter Operation Advisory Conunittee
created in the Agreement among the County of Alameda and the Cities of Dublin,
Livermore and Pleasanton.
. ; ".';
a. The PARTICIPATING EN"lIIIES are desirous of contracting with the
OPERATOR for the performance of animal shelter services.
J ,. ~ + t~ _:. . ~
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b. The OPERATOR is agreeable to rendering such services on the terms
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and conditions hereinafter set forth.
_ . f . . - - ~ f .
c. Such contracts are authorized by Section 51300 et seq. of the
Government Code.
d. The City of Dublin contracts for Animal Control Field Services and
Animal Licensing with Alameda County under a separate agreement.
OPERATOR agrees to provide animal shelter services to P ARTICIF' ATING
ENTITlES for animals impounded pursuant to Oty ordinance, County codes and State
law as provided for in the OPERA TOR'S response to request for proposal as modified
and included in Attaclunent A. Such services shall include; but not be limited to,
receiving live animals at the SHELTER; providing live animals at the SHELTER with
food, water, farrier and/ or veterinary care, euthanizing animals not otherwise adopted,
redeemed, sold or donated to adoption organizations, and disposing of dead animals..
, .
OPERATOR shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment and
supplies necessary to maintain the level of services to be rendered hereunder except as
othelWise required of P ARTICIF' A TIN"G EN HIlliS in this contract. OPERATOR shall
designate the individual to function as shelter supervisor.
1. The PARTICIPATING ENTlllES shall share in the cost of services provided
under this Memorandum of Understanding. Payment shall be based on the
PARTICIPATING ENTITlES percentage share of the total number of live animals
handled at the SHELTER, in the previous calendar year ending December 31. The
method to be used to determine the percentage share for PARTICIPATING ENlll1t.S.
is shown in Attachment B. A new calculation of the pro rata share will be applicable -
- .
"'-; .~.
to each Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30) for services provided under this agreement. For
example, the 1995-96 Fiscal Year Pro Rata Share shall be calculated based upon the 1994
Calendar Year live animal statistics.
2. OPERATOR shall distribute cost and use information as specified in
Attachment B no later than March 31st for each year. The distributed information shall
be calculated based upon the total number of live animals handled in the previous
calendar year and shall be in a format similar to Attaclunent B.
3. OPERATOR shall maintain and make available for reVIew, by any
"participating entity", vy-ith reasonable notice, during regular business hours,
documentation and records supporting the calculation of pro-rata share.
4. In the event that the SHELTER is used to provide animal shelter services for
other areas, including w1incorporated areas of Alameda County currently serviced from
the Fairmont Animal Shelter, OPERATOR shall immediately revise the cost sharing in
a manner consistent with Attaclunent B. This adjustment may occur other than at the
beginning of a Fiscal Year. This section shall also be operative in the event that a
"participating entity" withdraws from the program.
. '
1. On an annual basis, on or before March 31st, OPERATOR shall provide a
proposed budget estimate of the annual cost of providing shelter services as shown in
Attachment C. Said estimate shall mclude but not be limited to; personnel salaries
including benefits, operating" services and supplies'" furnishings, equipment,
building/ grounds maintenance, utilities: iIldirect charges, etc.
2. The budget estimate identified in subsection "1." immediately above, shall be
presented to the COMMITTEE along with projected revenue and expense information
for the current Fiscal Year and projections of estimated revenue for the upcoming Fiscal
Year. Any proposed changes in SHELTER operations, including but not limited to, t.
number of personnel assigned, shall be clearly identified with a narrative explanation
which includes information supporting the revision. COMMITTEE shall review and, if
appropriate, recommend" service level changes to be included in the budget prior to its
review by the PARTICIPATING EN lIlIES.
3. If the proposed budget is not approved by the P ARTIClP A TING EN llllliS, the
COMMTITEE and OPERATOR will be promptly notified of any concerns with the
recommended level of service. Each entity will be responsible for its pro rata share of
the agreed upon service level unless it chooses to withdraw from the agreement. Service
level changes will require approval of at least a majority of the P ARTICIP ATING
EN HIlliS.
4. Within 30 days of th~ adoption of a budget by each participating entity, the..-'
shall inform OPERATOR in writing that the entity has appropriated funds.in it's fiscal
year budget to meet its estimated pro rata share of the SI1ELTER cost.
5. Each participating city shall make quarterly payments to OPERATOR at the
end of each quarter. Payments shall be due within thirty (30) days from the date a
billing is received from OPERATOR. If payment is not received by OPERATOR within
thirty (30) days of the due date, OPERATOR is entitled to recover interest thereof. Said
interest shall be at the rate of one (1) percent per calendar month or any portion thereof
calculated from the due date. Quarterly billings will be calculated as follows:
a. 25% of Annual Total Operating Cost as Shown In Attachment C
b. Less Shelter Revenue for quarter.
B ~ 4
c. Equals Total Net Shelter Operating Cost For Quarter For All Participating
Pro rata entity share. as shown in Attachment B times the Net Quarterly Cost shown in
5c. above. An example of the methodology to be used in preparing the quarterly billing
is shown in Attachment D.
6. Within 90 days following the close of the Fiscal Year, OPERATOR shall
reconcile prior fiscal year costs with payments made. The subsequent quarterly billing
shall include an adjustment for any credit or charge associated with the previous Fiscal
1. Animals picked up by CITIES and delivered to SHELTER will be
held for the minimum time as allowed under state law, unless a longer period is .
recommended by the COMMITTEE and approved by the OPERATOR.
2. All animals not redeemed within the agreed time period may be sold
or given away to any person other than the owner, at the discretion of the shelter
supervisor, subject to written policy.
3. All animals not redeemed, sold, or given away pursuant to the
agreement shall be humanely disposed of by OPERATOR
4. When an ~ is delivered to the SHELTER by CITIES personnel for
the specific purpose of euthanasia, the euthanasia fee will be paid by city.
5. Dead animals delivered by CTI1ES to SHELTER shall be placed in
containers provided by OPERATOR and will not have collars, chains, bandages, flea/ tick
collars, etc. on the dead animals or be delivered for disposal within anything other than
B - 5
said container. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the OPERA TOR.
6. OPERA TOR shall keep records of animal type, identifying marks, an.
time and place of pickup. OPERA TOR shall also keep appropriate records of animals
surrendered at shelter.
7. OPERA TOR shall provide forms for CITIES use only for live or dead
animals brought to SHELTER. The CITIES will be responsible for their own internal
reporting proced UTes not part of this agreement.
8. No sick or injured animal will be brought to the SHELTER unless and
until it has been examined, properly treated and released by a veterinarian. Animals
deemed by OPERATOR personnel to need veterinary care shall not be received by
OPERATOR without written veterinary clearance to hold them at the shelter.
9. The placement of animals in the SHELTER shall comply with all
procedures established by the County Director of Field Services, as reviewed by thee ..
10. Indigenous wild animals protected .under State law picked up by
CITIES must be turned over to the State Department of Fish and Game by CITIES.
11. The OPERATOR will collect CITIES dog license fees only for dogs
redeemed or adopted from the SHELTER. Those fees will be remitted in full to the
CITIES. Dog license fees collected will not be considered shelter revenue for the purpose
of calculating net operating cost.
12. OPERATOR will charge fees for shelter services in the amount
established and ratified by the PARTICll'ATING ENllllliS. Effort will be made to
establish uniform fees. Payment of such fees may be waived at the discretion of thee
OPERATOR, subject to written policy.
B - 6
13. CITIES agree to make all reasonable efforts to return licensed dogs and
other animals otherwise identified to their owner before delivering such dogs or other
animals to the SHELTER.
1. A Shelter Operations Advisory Corrunittee has been formed to review
general conditions of SHELTER and to make recommendations to OPERATOR regarding
said matters. COMMITTEE and OPERATOR shall meet quarterly or as needed to
discuss recommendations. The COMMITTEE will have access to all records of the
SHELTER, and will receive quarterly reports from SHELTER staff regarding operations,
policies and procedures, financial operation, maintenance of the facility, and proposed
budget items. The COMMITTEE may request and receive information regarding the
above matters from ?HELTER staff as necessary to understand those matters within the
purview of the Committee.
2. The policies and procedures, staffing and operation of the SHELTER
as set forth in the OPERATOR's response to request for proposal as amended and
incorporated herein, Attachment A, are accepted by COMMITTEE and establishes the
standard .under which the OPERATOR will perform.
3. In the event that OPERATOR desires to make any changes of
substance to the policies and procedures, operations, or maintenance of the shelter,
OPERATOR shall confer with COMMTITEE and obtain the advice and recommendations
of COMMTITEE before making such changes. Changes implemented without the
concurrence of the majority of the COMMITTEE will not be the finandal responsibility
of the participating CITIES.
B - 7
4. From time to time the COMMITTEE may initiate recommendations
regarding operations, policies and procedures, financial operations and maintenance.
the facility. OPERA TOR agrees to give such recommendations due consideration.
All persons employed by OPERA TOR to perfo~ services pursuant to this
Agreement shall be and remain OPERA TOR employees and shall at all times, be under
the direction and control of OPERATOR No CITIES employee shall perform services
which OPERATOR is obligated to provide under this Agreement. All persons employed
by OPERA TOR to perform the services pursuant to this Agreement shall be entitled
solely to the rights and privileges given to OPERATOR employees and shall not be
entitled, as a result of providing services required hereunder, to any additional rights
and privileges given to CITIES employees.
For the purpose of performing the services under this Agreement, and for th_______,
purpose of giving official status to the performance thereof where necessary, every
OPERA TOR officer and employee engaged in the performance of any service hereunder
shall be deemed to be an agent' of the CITIES while performing services for CITIES,
which services are within the scope of this Agreement and are purely municipal
functions. Notwithstanding the agency relationship create~ by this provision, CITIES
shall not be liable for any act of omission of any OPERATOR officer or employee unless
otherwise specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement.
CITIES shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other
compensation to any OPERATOR personnel performing services hereunder for
OPERATOR or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement.
B - 8
, .
-'"'-- . .
CITIES agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the COUNTY, its
officers, employees and agents, from any and all acts, claims, omissions, liabilities and
losses by whomever asserted arising out of acts of omissions of CITIES in the
performance of the scope of work exc:ept those arising by reason of the sole negligence
of the COUNTY, its officers, employees or agents.
COUNTY agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITIES, their
officers, employees and agents, from any and all acts, claims, liabilities and losses by
whomever asserted arising out of acts or omissions of the COUNTY in the performance
of the scope of work except those arising by reason of the sole negligence of CTI1E5,
their officers, employees and agents.
This agreement shall commence on
, 1995, and shall continue
for three (3) years thereafter unless terminated. Either the OPERATOR or the
PARTICIPATING ENIUlliS may terminate this agreement on June 30 of any year by
written notice on or before January 15 of said year.
Termination initiated on behalf of the PARTICIPATING ENTu.Lf:.S shall
require a majority vote.
Upon termination of this agreement, interests in furnishings and equipment
will remain with the P ARTICIP A TIN"G ENTmES.
This agreement may be modified in writing by mutual agreement of all
parties hereto.
B - 9
B~c.--c:<L (
Richard Ambrose, Manager
City~f 'n ~
ATTEST: ).1 _ e-L.
tv C erk
Deborah Acosta, City Manager
City of Pleasanton
Susan S. Muranishi
County Administrator
President, Board of Supervisors
County of Alameda
Lee Homer, Qty Manager
City of Livermore
Charles C. Plummer