HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Hearing Staff Analysis PA82-022 Shamrock Ford CUP II /,"0 PRE-HEARING STAFF ANALYSIS FROM: Planning Director SBBBBEcr: PA 82-022 Shamro~k Ford Auto Sales Conditional Use Permit ~NERAL INFORMATION Project: To allow the continued use of a trailer as a temporary office associated with a used c~r ~ot. Applicant: R.T. Robgins for Shamoock Ford Property OWner: James Woulfe Property Location: 7499 Dublin Blvd. APN 941-30~5'-'lO . Applicable Ordinances: Section 8-49.2 of the Zonin~ pr~~nance allows Auto Sales in C-2 zones as eonditional Uses. Section 8-94.0 states tha~ ~o~d~tional uses must be analyzed to deter- mine: l) whether or not th.e use is re.quired by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly r.iated to other land uses, trans~orta- tion and service facilities in the-vic1nity; 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or se4etp of persons residing or working in the vicinity; ~nd. 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the district in which it is.. located. .. Section 8-94.4 states the app~ovel of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a spemmfeed term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance .of spemmfied conditions, including but not limined to the fol&owing matters: (1) 3) Substantial conformity to approved plans and drawings; Limitations on time of day ~or the conduct of specified activities; Time period within which th~ app~oval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which the approval shall lapse and be void; . Guarantees as to comp~nce with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; . Compliance with requirements or other departments of the County Goverrunent. a) b) c) Background; Conditional Use permits for a t~porary used car sales office have been Page 2 issued for the last 3 years. Each permit was for 1 year and required the construction of a permanent sales office. (C-3593, C-3792, C-4048). The most recent application was initially denied by the Alameda County Zoning Administrator. However, his decision was reverwed, on appeal, by the Board of Supervisors. That permit expires mn December 3, 1982. Shamo~ck Ford received, approval for a Site Reivew Modifi8ation (S-474) on Novemeer 3, 1980, to allow for an expansion of the new car outdoor display area. Part of that approval included modification of landscaping. Revised landscape plans were approved by the Alameda County Planning Department on August 7, 1981. This landscaping has not been installed. The existing trailer and car let are well maintained. The trailer is located to the rear of the lot, is neutral in color and contains no exterior promotional or advertising materials, other than a used car sign mounted on the side of the trailer. ANALYSIS: The trailer has been in use fo.r. 3 years. Previous approvals required that a bml1ding permit be 9btained within 11 months of the date of issuance of the respective Conditional Use Permit. Each year the applicant has stated that ~conomic conditions make it unfeasible to comply with such a donditi9n. Mar~et conditions have not changed. It is the intent of the Zoning Ord~nance to assure that development occurs that is permanent and substa~tial ~~ appearance. Prior approvals have required tree plantings to off~Bet loss of landscaped area. There are exeanuating circumstances that warrant a permitted short-term continuance of the trailer. Compliance with. previous approvals however can not be set aside. . Findings: 1) The temporary trailer is serving a short-term public need. 2) The tempp~aaJ trailer is adequately sited and related to adjacent land uses. 3) The temporary trailer will ~ot detrimentally affect the health or safety of people working in vicinity to it. 4) As conditioned below, the temporary trailer will be consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. PRE-HEARING RECOMMENDATION: Approve the continued Bse of the temporary trailer Qor 1 year subject to the following conditions: 1) Plans for a permanent office shall be approved by the Dublin Planning Department as to siting, lands2aping, architecture and signing and by the Alameda County Bui~ding Department as to construction code compliance within the next eleven (11) months. Page 3 2) The landscaping shown on pl~ns prepared by Carducci/Herman Associates dated 6/12/81, and as approved by the Alameda County Planning Department on 8/7181, ~h~ll be installed as per those plans within 120 days. This approval shall remain revooable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Zon~ng Or~inance.