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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Hearing Staff Analysis PA82-011 Valley Christian Ctr CUP PRE-HEARING STAFF ANALYSIS FROM: SUBJECT: P1anningDlteector PA82-011 Valley Chr:i~st.ian Center Conditional Use Permit GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: John Freeman for VaHey CJjristian Center Project: Conditional Use Permi.t,tq, allow 1) temporary trailer to house married couple who will maintain security, and 2) temporary trailer to be used as a dressing room. Property Owner: Valley Christian Center' , Project Location: 10800 Dubl~~ :B~ulevard (APN 941-22-2-4) Zoning: A (Agriculture) District EIR Status: Categoricall} Exempt, ,C1.ass 5 Applicable Regulations: Zoning Ordinance Section 8-60.1.0, sa'y's a temporary Administrative Conditional Use may be issued to permit the use of a mobi1ehome during the construction of permanent living quarters in an Agricultural Dfs:trict.~ The permit is good for a maximum of 1 year. Section ,8-61.0 says that a CondJti,q,na1 Use Permit for churches of wood frame or more lasting conttruction can be issued if ~approved by the Zoning Administrator. Section 8-94.0 states that cod4itio~a1 uses are hereby declared to possess characteristics which require special review and appraisal in each instance, in order to determine whether or not the use (1) is requ ired :by th.e public need. 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; 3) whether or not th~~u~e;ifpermitted, will under all the circumstances and conditions of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working iri~t~e ,vfcinity, or be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to prope~ty',~r ,~mprovements in the neighborhood; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District ~n:whi~h ,it is to Be located. Section 8-94.4 states that the approval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be ma:de. :cQ'1tingent upon the acceptable and observance of specified conditions, including but not -limited to the following matters: a) substantial conformity to approved plans and drawing~.~h): )fll!itadons on time of day for the conduct of specified activities. c) time period within which the approval shall be exercised and the proposed use brought into existence, failing which the approval shall lapse and be void. d) guar- antees as to compliance with the terms of the approval, including the posting of bond; e) compliance with requirements or other departments of the County Government. Background: The Valley Christian Center now occupies new facilities at 10800 Dublin Boulevard. These facilities include a sanctuary and a classroom/school building. freshman and Sophomore PRE-HEARING STAFF ANALYSIS Page 2 students currently use the school. ~bui1ding. Because of security concerns, a temporary trailer is requested to house"~.~~~~ed .c~u,-le who will maintqin security for the center property. Approval for a sec~~~ ~e~p~rary trailer is also being requested. This trailer will trovide a place for students to change from school clothes to physical education clothes. Both trailers are proposed to be located to the rear and west of the existing church and school. - " ~. -.- ANALYSIS The uses that ar4 proposed for .~het~o ~rai1ers are reasonably associated with the existing church and school. The property is still in the process of being developed with additional phases of building, parking lot and l~ndscape construction to follow in the near future. The site that is propeeed for ~~he tWQ trai.lers is visually screened from almost all off- site areas. As a condition of approval for the construction of the Valley Christian Center, a landscape plan was required.: " fnst~llation of the plants is proceeding along a phased schedule. Trailers are temporary structures which can be approved for use on a limited time basis when associated with an on-going cons.tructi.on project. If the security trailer is presumed to be needed to maintain security while the Center is under construction and is not intended as a residential use, it can be deemed consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. That intent being in this case to protect the health and safety of the community while the project is not fully occupied or completed. The dressing room trailer is associated with school activities and it will enqble the students to have the opportunity to participate in a greater range of recreation activities than are now available. Neither trailer, however, can be used as a substitute~fora permanent facility and therefore can only be permitted on a temporary and f~~~rim~asis. Findings: 1. The proposed trailers serv~ a pu~li~ .~eed by providing security during construction of the Valley Christian Center a,!d _b' .the expansion of the schools recreational ac- tivities. 2. The proposed uses are tempora"riTy compatible with the on-going activities of the Center property. .. . . ~ .. " 3. The proposed use will not:~etri~en~~l.1j affect the health or safety of people on-site or in the vicinity of the Center property. 4. The proposed site plans, when developed in accordance with the recomminded conditions of approval, will be the previous approvals granted this project. PRE-HEARING RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the proposed uses and site plan be approved for a period not to exceed one (1) year, subject to compliance the following conditions: 1. A detailed site plan showfng the specific location of the trailers, walkways, steps, grading and drainage shall be .submtt*ed to the Planning Director and be approved by him prior to installation of the t~~i_1ers. 2. The trailers shall be aneutral, preferab11"earthton~'co10r to blend with the existing structures. . 3. All utilities to the trailers shall be undergrounded. 4. Night lighting shall be lfmi~ed ~nd .sha11 not create off-site glare or nuisance. 5. A landscape plan shall be prepared ~by ~ .1andscape architect, which provides landscaping PRE-HEARING STAFF ANALYSIS Page 3 to visually connect the traile~~~~~_i~~~ t~e existing project. This landscape plan shall be consistent with the 1.~fld.~~apE! pl~u~sprepared by Mansutani and Associates and on file with the Dublin P1anniflQ ~.p'~r~flt. ,It shall also be consistent with Relolu- tion No. Z-3255 as prepared b~ ,~~e ~Qning Administrator of Alameda County. This plan shall be approved by the Dubli)1.P.1.a,nning ,Di.r.ector prior to installation of the trailers. The landscaping shall be insta,lJEld .p'~i.()r tQ the trailers being used. An irrigation system shall be provided for this landscaping. 6. Prior to issuance of buildingpermfts ~or the trailers. the applicant shall submit information to the Dublin P1a~n.inQ~~p~~t~ritt~at demonstrates how,awUew~en the security and dressing room activities and .facil Hies will be incorporated into the permanent facitities of the Valley Chris~~a"- ~enter. ~ 'This information shall substantiate that the trailers are intended for tempor:ary u.s,e Qn1y. 7. This permit shall remain ~~vocable f,orcause. Attachments: Site Plans (2)