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Planning Commission Goals and Objectives
Report Prepared by: Mary 10 Wilson, Planning Manager
1. Mission, Vision and Value Statement for the City of Dublin
2. Ten Year Strategic Plan - Preliminary 2007-2008 Update, with
completions noted
3. Adopted 2006-2007 Goals and Objectives, Bi-monthly Report as of
4. Community Development Department Preliminary Goals and
Objectives 2007-2008
Receive Staff Report;
Receive Public Comment; and
Deliberate and Prioritize Preliminary Goals and Objectives 2007-
Strategic Planning Process:
During the January 2004 Strategic Planning Workshop, the City Council developed Mission, Vision, and
Value Statements for the City of Dublin (Attachment 1). The primary focus of the Strategic Planning
Workshop was the development of strategies that would provide a focused framework for City's Goals
and Objective program and the ultimate allocation of resources for the City over the next ten years. These
Strategies were adopted by the City Council in the form of a Strategic Plan. Attachment 2 is a copy of the
Ten Year Strategic Plan with notations indicating the City's progress in achieving the Strategies.
Staffhas concluded that all of the six Strategies relate to Planning as well as other functions of the City:
Strategy # 1
Strategy #2
Strategy #3
Strategy #4
Strategy #5
Strategy #6
Establish villages within the City of Dublin
Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtown Dublin
Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City
Create an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public
access where appropriate
Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in
a fiscally sound manner
Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and cultural
experiences in the region
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G:\Agendas\2007\PC Goals & Objectives StafTReport - 1-23-07.doc Page 1 of 3
Goals and Objectives/Budget Process:
The City uses these Strategies to develop the Goals and Objectives for each fiscal year. These Goals and
Objectives are used as part of the City's Budget Process.
Adopted Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Goals and Objectives - Planning Function:
The adopted 2006-2007 Goals and Objectives included 14 objectives that were assigned to the Planning
function. Of those objectives, 11 objectives were given high priority, 2 objectives were given medium
priority, and 1 was not prioritized since it was added mid-year. Staff has prepared a status report that
outlines the level of accomplishment for the 14 objectives assigned to Planning (see Attachment 3). Of
the 14 objectives, 5 are complete or will be complete by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2007), 5 are
underway and will be carried over to next fiscal year and 4 have had no progress.
Adopted Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Goals and Objectives - Housing Function:
The adopted 2006-2007 Goals and Objectives included 5 objectives that were assigned to the Housing
function. Of those objectives, 4 objectives were given high priority and 1 objective was given a medium
priority. Staff has prepared a status report that outlines the level of accomplishment of the 5 objectives
that were assigned to Housing (see Attachment 3). Of the 5 objectives, 3 are complete or will be
complete by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2007), and 2 are underway and will be carried over to the
next fiscal year.
Preliminary Goals and Objectives for fiscal year 2007-2008 - Planning Function:
Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 8 Goals and Objectives for Planning in Fiscal Year 2007-08 (see
Attachment 4). The list for the planning function includes 8 of the 9 carryover Goals and Objectives
from Fiscal Year 2006 - 2007. The item relating to the development of a Comprehensive
Telecommunications Policy, which was previously listed in the Planning function area, has been re-
located to the General Government function area. Many of these Goals relate to multi-year projects. As
noted above, the Goals and Objectives primarily relate back to the City's Strategic Plan. Of the 8 Goals
and Objectives, 8 relate back to the Preliminary Strategic Goals for 2007-2008 as listed in Attachment 2
and will be instrumental in the accomplishment of those Goals.
Included on the 2007-2008 Preliminary Goals and Objectives form (Attachment 4) is a column identified
"Benefit/Need" to assist the Commission in assessing the importance of each objective. Also included on
the form is a column identified "Additional Resources Required". This column identifies whether
additional staffing or funding resources over and above the City's current service capability is required to
accomplish the objective with the next year. The priority assigned by Staff to each objective is also
shown on the form (6 High Priority, 1 Medium Priority, and 1 Low priority).
In advance of the Planning Commission Meeting, Staff recommends that the Commission individually
prioritize the objectives by giving a rating of high, medium, low or no priority (delete) in the column
entitled "Planning Commission Priority" and come prepared to the meeting to collectively establish
priorities. The Commission priorities will be provided to the City Council for consideration as they
deliberate the priorities of the overall City Goals and Objectives program. Staff has also provided
additional space at the end of the Goals and Objectives to identify and prioritize any other Objectives that
individual Commissioners wish to have considered as part of the 2007-2008 Goals and Objectives
Page 2 of3
Staff has prepared the following definition of a "high" priority Objective: an objective which significantly
improves the City's ability to affect the overall quality of life in the community and provides basic
services or is required by Law. Objectives should receive a "medium" or "low" priority if the degree that
they affect the above criteria is not as great.
Preliminary Goals and Objectives for fiscal year 2007-2008 - Housing Function:
Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 6 Goals and Objectives for Housing in Fiscal Year 2007-08 (see
Attachment 4). The list includes the 2 carry over Goals and Objectives from Fiscal Year 2006 - 2007.
One of these Goals relates to a multi-year project. As noted above, the Goals and Objectives primarily
relate back to the City's Strategic Plan. All 6 of the Goals and Objectives, relate back to the Preliminary
Strategic Goals for 2007-2008 as listed in Attachment 2 and will be instrumental in the accomplishment
of those Goals.
Housing Committee Meeting:
The Housing Committee met on January 18,2007, to review the Goals and Objectives relating to housing
for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The Committee had a good discussion and ranked the Goals and Objectives.
The only variance between Staffs recommendation and the Housing Committee was Item 5, related to
holding community meetings. While the Committee felt it was important to hold the meeting, it was not
at the level of importance of the other items.
City Council/Commission Goals and Objectives Workshop:
In preparation for the City Council Goals and Objectives Study Session and in order to have a dialogue
with the City Commissions, the City Council has scheduled a Council/Commission Workshop for
Saturday, February 10, 2007 at a time to be determined. The purpose of the workshop is to provide the
Commissions with an opportunity to discuss Goals and Objectives under their purview and the reason for
their respective Goals and Objectives rankings with the Council.
City Council Goals and Objectives Workshop:
The City Council has scheduled the City Council Annual Goals and Objectives / Budget Study Session
for Wednesday, March 28, 2007. This Study Session provides the City Council with an opportunity to
reach consensus on the primary direction and allocation of City resources for the upcoming year.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following action: 1) Receive Staff Report; 2)
Receive Public Comments; and 3) Deliberate and Prioritize Preliminary Goals and Objectives 2007-08.
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Mission, Vision and Values
In April 2005, the City Council adopted Dublin's Mission, Vision and Values
Statements as part of the City's lO-Year Strategic Plan. These statements
are intended to serve as guidance for the Council and Commissions in their
deliberations on various proposals presented to them to ensure that our
developing community is happy, healthy and well-balanced.
10-Year Strategic Plan - As part of the Strategic Planning process, the City
Council developed a list of six strategies which would provide a focused
framework for the City's Goals & Objectives Program and the ultimate
allocation of resources over the next 10 years:
1) Establish villages within the City of Dublin;
2) Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtown Dublin;
3) Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement
throughout the City;
4) Create an open space network that ensures environmental protection and
provides public access where appropriate;
5) Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs,
housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner; and
6) Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and
cultural experiences in the region.
The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a
safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities and provides
responsive fair treatment to our diverse community
Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and
cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to
sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community.
Dublin, with its distinctive place in the region, highlights culture, diversity
and civic stewardship to create a broad mosaic. This mosaic is enriched by
the integrating of cultures, races and economic diversity into villages and
neighborhoods - forming a common network that welcomes both residents
and businesses alike; supporting the efforts and achievements of all.
Our Values in Building Community
. Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together.
· Provide more venues for family-based activities.
. Foster heritage and cultural development.
Our Values in Insuring a Safe Community
. Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety of the
citizens living in the community.
. Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would
promote public safety.
Our Values in Guiding Development
· Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal
· Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented
development, green building and environmental responsiveness.
. Respect our neighborhoods' identity, image, and aspirations.
. Believe that no part of the community is better than another.
. Promote high quality design and architectural standards in
Our Values in Governing
. Be open to the public and community.
. Operate at all times with honesty and integrity.
. Exercise fairness in consideration of issues - we listen to all sides; we
respect every opinion; and we treat all individuals with dignity. Provide
a high level of customer service and responsiveness from City staff to
. Strive to build an informed community through communication.
. Encourage cooperation with other communities on issues of mutual
Our Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities
. Respect the right of each individual community and entity to determine
its own destiny.
. Cooperate with other communities and entities, but do not interfere.
. Acknowledge that we will not direct the work of another elected body.
2007-2008 Update
STRATEGY #1: Establish villages within the City of Dublin.
'lS'I'RA'I'lli\;tJ;~ia(,}A...,J4 i."" 'l ':'i",!!"i:::. ..: .",i'. .... ..........i!ii"
1. 2004-2005 Complete Pak 'n Save General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezoning.
2. 2004-2005 Complete review of Dublin Ranch West Annexation (Wallis) General Plan & Specific Plan
Amendments. (COMPLETE)
3. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property
Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE)
4. 2005-2006 Investigate creating new village around West Dublin BART Station. (COMPLETE)
5. II-A-I Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new
village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center.
6. Il-A-2 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific
Plan Amendments.
7. II-A-4 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plan into one
comorehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area.
8. II-B-I Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment ofthe Arroyo Vista
Housing site.
G&O Ref #
STRATEGY #2: Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtown Dublin.
S'l'lt!\.f!EGI(}G(,:)A;E!.#2A;:C~lltilll1l:to"strell!!tll~ll,tll.eiii.deJltitYand"!llestll.eticapp~IlIf5~!tJie:l)()wntown. ...... .....
1. 2005-2006 Complete Senior Housing Proiect. (COMPLETE)
2. 2005-2006 Complete construction of new Senior Center and prepare for operation of new facility.
3. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate development opportunities. (COMPLETE)
4. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project.
5. 2005-2006 Install lighting at approaches to the 1-680 Freeway Underpass Art Projects.
6. 2005-2006 Develop and implement program to keep trucks out of shopping centers and overnight
parking, (COMPLETE)
7. 2006-2007 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon property and implement
Attachment 2
Specific Plan, if required. (COMPLETE)
8. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives.
9. I1-A-3 Prepare CommunitY Design Element for General Plan.
10. I1-A-4 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one
comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area.
II. I1-E-l Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site.
12. I1-E-2 Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate continued development in the center.
13. I1-E-4 (New) Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify
development opportunities.
14. III-B-l (New) Facilitate the selection of public art for three (3) Private Development projects.
15. III-B-ll Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART
Station Project.
16. III-B-12 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project.
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I. 2004-2005 Investigate Options for Shamrock Village. (COMPLETE)
2. 2004-2005 Work with Shamrock Village to facilitate improvement to the Center. (COMPLETE)
3. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate development opportunities. (COMPLETE)
4. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project.
5. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives.
6. I1-A-3 Prepare CommunitY Design Element for General Plan.
7. I1-A-4 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one
comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area.
8. I1-E-l Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site.
9. I1-E-2 Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate continued development in the center.
10. 11- E-4 (New) Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify
development opportunities.
STRATEGY #3: Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City
3. 2006-2007
4. I1-A-2
5. I1-A-6
6. I1-D-l (New)
7. V-B-l
8. V-B-3 (New)
9. V-B-4 (New)
Adopt a specific alignment of Fallon Road from 1-580 to Bent Tree Drive. (COMPLETE)
Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property
Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE)
Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along
the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. (UNDERWAY;
Jun 2007)
Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific
Plan Amendments.
Com lete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan.
Work with developers to come to agreement on an alignment for Central Parkway from
Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd.
As part of the GP A for Parks RFT A, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension
to Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension.
Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the 1-580 Corridor
that will minimize impacts to the Civic Complex and businesses.
Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials.
STRATEGY #4: Create an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access
where appropriate.
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1. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property
Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE)
2. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan
Amendments. (COMPLETE)
3. 2006-2007 Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasant on to conduct a preliminary engineering study
and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under 1-580
to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE)
4. 2006-2007 Complete GPA Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of-way. (UNDERWAY; Jun
5. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments.
(UNDERWAY; Mav 2007).
6. II-A-2 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific
Plan Amendments.
7. II-A-7 Complete review of Redgewick Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan
Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property
Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE)
Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan
Amendments. (COMPLETE)
Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments.
(UNDERWAY; Ma 2007)
Complete review of Redgewick Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan
G&O Ref #
STRATEGY #5: Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a
fiscally sound manner.
G&O Ref #
Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific
Plan Amendments.
Pre are Communi Desi n Element of General Plan.
STRATE.GICGOAL#SB: ...COlltinuelfu,nlementlJtion .ofEll.sternDuI)li.lSnecific.PIll.n. ........ ............. ..
1. 2004-2005 Develop a master plan & phasing plan for Sports Park on Gleason Drive & Fallon Road
including evaluation ofBMX Track. (COMPLETE)
2. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property
Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE)
3. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan
Amendments. (COMPLETE)
4. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments.
(UNDERWAY; May 2007)
5. ll-A-l Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new
village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center.
6. ll-A-5 Complete General Plan Amendment on DiManto Property.
7. II-A-7 Complete review of Redgewick Annexation of General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments.
STRATEGIC GOAL #5C:lJnl)leDlentHou$hl!~Element. ..... ... . . >
I. 2004-2005 Undertake Housing Needs Assessment. (COMPLETE)
2. 2005-2006 Complete Senior Housing project. (COMPLETE)
3. 2006-2007 Revise Densitv Bonus Ordinance. (UNDERWAY; Feb 2007)
4. 2006-2007 Implement First Time Homeowner Program. (COMPLETE)
5. 2006-2007 Work with cities in the Tri-Valley Area to develop and maintain affordable housing
opportunities, and publicize and coordinate the region's housing needs. (COMPLETE)
6. Il-A-5 Complete General Plan Amendment on DiManto Property.
7. Il-B-I Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista
Housing site.
8. Il-B-2 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses
City of Dublin housing needs in an equitable manner.
9. Il-B-3 (New) Process five (5) first time homebuyer loans.
10. Il-B-4 (New) Update Housing Element of the General Plan. .
II. Il-B-5 (New) Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable
housing program.
12. Il-B-6 (New) Educate the City's large employers on the City's affordable housing program to assist with
employee attraction and retention.
13. II -C-I Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code
Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make progress report to City Council.
(UNDERWAY; lun 2007)
Pre are Communi Desi n Element of General Plan.
Com lete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan.
Complete evaluation ofthe potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista
Housin site.
STRATEGY #6: Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and cultural experiences
in the region.
Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property
Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE)
Conduct research on various unique passive park/recreation facilities and identify preferred
components and site requirements. (COMPLETE)
Complete GPA Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of-way. (UNDERWAY: lun
Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify potential sites for a unique
passive park/recreation facility. (UNDERWAY; lun 2007)
Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific
Plan Amendments.
Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin BlvdIDonlon
ro erty and im lement S ecific Plan, if re uired.
2. High Ram 2004 Implement residential planned development and investigate Dec 2002 TBD UNDERWAY; Building permits issues for EAR,
opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit DR Horton and Avalon Bay; Metropolitan in plan
Center. check; Village Green in Ian check.
3. Hi h Ram 2003 Com lete General Plan Amendment on Dimanto Pro e TBD TBD UNDERWAY; No a lication submitted.
4. High Ram/Lowart 2003 Complete GP A Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of- Jan 2006 Mar 2007 UNDER WAY; Community meetings held on
Wa. October 18,2006. and November 15,2006
5. High Ram 2003 Complete Review of Moller annexation and General Plan Jul2004 May 2007 UNDERWAY; project delayed by Applicant, EIR
Specific Plan Amendments. public review completed, study session with
Plannin Commission held.
6. High Ram 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) TBD TBD UNDERWAY; Waiting for Army to select Master
General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. Develo er.
7. High Ram 2006 Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan Aug 2006 Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; Second Request for Proposals has
been circulated res onses due Janua 5,2007.
8. High Ram 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Dec 2006 Mar 2008 UNDERWAY; Request for Proposals has been
Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the circulated, responses due January 5, 2007
entire Downtown Area.
9. High Ram 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. Sep 2006 Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; Administrative draft Design
Guidelines under review.
10. High Ram 2006 Complete review of Redgewick Annexation of General Plan and TBD TBD NO PROGRESS; Developer is not ready to
Specific Plan Amendments. submit pro osal.
11. High Ram 2006 Hold study session with Planning Commission to discuss how Feb 2007 JUll 2007 NO PROGRESS
Dublin Blvd will look and feel from Schaefer Road to Fallon
12. Medium Ram 1996 Update City's General Plan. NO PROGRESS
13. Medium Ram 1996 Develo City Com rehensive Telecommunications Policy. NO PROGRESS
1. Ram 2006 Update Historic Village Area Specific Plan by adding properties UNDERWAY; City Council initiated process on
to the Specific Plan area. September 5, 2006.
Page 1
Attachment 3
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l. Hil!h Rarn/Rankin 2003 Implement First Time Homeowner Program COMPLETE
2. High Ram/Pattillo 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment Jul2004 Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Developer team selected for
of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. redevelopment of site; Staff working with HUD for
disposal of HUD property as well as securing
Section 8 vouchers.
3. High Ram 2006 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Jun 2006 Jun 2008 UNDERWAY; Draft methodology adopted by
Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an ABAG, presentation given to City Council by
eQuitable manner Staff on December 19, 2006.
4. High Ram 2006 Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make Oct 2006 JUll 2007 UNDERWAY; Application materials are now
progress report to City Council. available.
5. Medium Ram 2003 Revise Density Bonus Ordinance Jul 2003 Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; Study sessions are being held with
Planninl! Commission.
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l. High Shreeve 2004 Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an Jul 2004 Apr 2007 UNDERWAY; Meeting held by Housing
amendment to Building Code Requirements. Committee; Reviewed by City Council; Joint
Study Session with Housing Committee and City
Council to be scheduled.
2. High Shreeve 2006 Conduct study to determine amount of construction taking place Sep 2006 JUll 2007 UNDERWAY; Survey in progress.
without building permits to determine if an enhanced building
permit compliance program is needed.
3. High Shreeve 2006 Implement real-time electronic field inspection system. Jun 2007 JUll 2008 NO PROGRESS
Page 2
City of Dublin
Preliminary Goals & Objectives
# Accomplishes
Strategic Goal #
Proposed Objective for Accomplishing Goal
Additional Resources
Implement residential planned development and investigate Accomplish Council
opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit strategic goal
2. lB, 3C, 4B, 5A, 6C High 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) Accomplish Council Consulting Services TBD
General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. strate ic oal
3. lC, 2A, 2B, 5A, 5D High 2006 Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. Provide a design vision Consulting Services 6 months
for the City
4. lB, 2A, 2B High 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Reexamine plans after Consultant Services 14 months
Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire West Dublin BART
Downtown Area. station is underway.
5. 5B,5C High 2003 Complete general plan amendment on DiManto Property. Implementation of None TBD
Eastern Dublin Specific
6. 3C,5D High 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. Evaluate future land use Consulting Services TBD
and circulation for area in
7. 4B, 4C, 5B Low 2006 Complete review of Redgewick Annexation of General Plan and Complete Annexation of None 12 months
Specific Plan Amendments. General Plan Area.
8. Department Goal Medium 1996 Update City's General Plan. Make certain that General Consultant Services 36 months
Plan meets the current
needs of the City
Planning Commission Review of Preliminary Goals & Objectives
January 23, 2007
Page 1 of 2
Attachment 4
# Accomplishes I Priority Year Proposed Objective for Accomplishing Goal BenefitJNeed Additional Resources Time
Strategic Goal # I Staff HC I PC Required Required
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1. lB, 5C, 5D High H 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of Accomplish Council Consultant Services 9 months
the Arroyo Vista Housing site. strategic goal
2. 5C High H 2006 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Sets ground rules for None TBD
Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an 2009 Housing Element
equitable manner. Update.
3. 5C High H 2007 Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans. Implement Housing None 12 months
4. 5C High H 2007 Update Housing Element of the General Plan. Required by State Law Consultant Services 24 months
5. 5C High M 2007 Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on Community education None 12 months
the City's affordable housing program.
6. 5C High H 2007 Educate the City's large employers on the City's affordable Community education; None 12 months
housing program. Develop relationships
with business community
and help in employee
attraction and retention.
Planning Commission Review of Preliminary Goals & Objectives
January 23, 2007
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