HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 - Sycamore Grove SDR Review Package ., SYCAMORE G QUE 1 r, Site Developlllent Review Package City of Dublin, California . , .1 PROJECT TEAM: ., ~ OWNER! APPLICANT: DUBLIN RANCH HOLDINGS, LLC 4690 CHABOT DRIVE SUITE 100 PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TEL: 925-463-1666 FAX: 925-463-3690 CONTACT: JAMES TONG CIVIL ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER: MACKAY & SOMPS 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE, SUITE B PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TEL: 925-225-0690 FAX: 925-225-0698 CONTACT: DAVE CHADBOURNE I BRIAN SCHULTZE " JI PROJECT ARCHITECT: V AN TILBURG BANV ARD & SODERBURGH, AlA PENTHOUSE, 225 ARIZONA AVENUE SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 TEL: 310-394-0273 FAX: 310-675-0052 CONTACT: TED YOUNGS GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: BERLOGAR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 5587 SUNOL BL YD. PLEASANTON, CA 94566 TEL: 925-484-0220 FAX: 925-846-9645 CONTACT: PAUL LAI J _ J LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: VANDER TOOLEN ASSOCIATES 855 BORDEAUX WAY #240 NAP A, CA 94558 TEL: 707-224-2299 FAX: 707-224-6821 CONTACT: ROMAN DE SOT A SIGNAGE CONSULTANT: GNU GROUP 3445 MT. DIABLO BOULEVARD LAFAYETTE, CA 94549 925-444-2020 CONTACT: JOYCE JACKSON ... J ..~ _.J .J P:\\ 19342\planning\submittal\SDR-7-0fiI 19342-lv8-7-06-coversheet.doc .l LOCATION MAP: ri'i colJl" cO~ t'1"i O~R)I. co~ c,,:o~ jIl. \..J\~\;" DUBLIN DU8l1N RANCH DRIVE CEJI.'TM l. PARKWAY DUBLIN ~ aOUl.EV ARD ~ o < o <>:: .Q't" ...o~ ~' PLEASANTON City Submittal November 20, 2006 o ~Q << =0 U <>:: ...j :.:l RECEIVED DEe 2 8 2006 DUBLIN PLANNING CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING APPLICATION FORM NOTE: Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed. Some of the items listed might not apply to our s ecific a lication. Please rint or t e Ie ibl . Attach additional sheets, if necessa . 1. TYPE OF APPLICATION: x Administrative Conditional Use Permit [ACUPj Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Site Development Review [SDRj Variance [V ARj Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] x Sign/Site Development Review [SIGN/SDRj Master Sign Program [MSP /SDR] Planned Development Rezone [PD REZ] Rezone [REZ] General/Specific Plan Amendment [GPA] II. GENERAL DATA A. Address/Location of Property: Between Dublin Boulevard and Maguire Way east of Keegan Street B. Assessor Parcel Number: 985-0027-001 C. Site Area: 6.36:!:: Net acres. D. Zoning: PD High Density Residential (P A96-039) D. General Plan Designation: High Density Residential F. Existing/Proposed Use of Property: Existing Use: Vacant Land! Pro-posed Use: High Density Residential G. Existing Use of Surrounding Properties: Vacant land to East and South; Existing High Density Residential use to north and west III. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT A. PROPERlY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that I have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. (Note: All Property Owners must sign ifproperty is jointly owned) Signat in Ranch Holdin s LLC r. James Ton abot Drive Suite 100 ton CA 94588 Capacity: Capacity: Phone: Fax: Date: Property Owner Authorized Representative (925)463-1666 (925) 463-3690 //- i 7 - c?-ctoG B. APPLICA THER THAN PROPERlY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Applicant, certify that I have obtained w authorization from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to e this application. I agree to be bound by the conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Company: Address: Capacity: Phone: Fax: Signature Date: DublinPlanningApplication.doc Planner Date CITY OF DUBLIN PRE -APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (SDR) On a case by case basis, a City Planner will place a checkmark C-J) next to the information required for submittal. The Planner may determine that specific information may not be needed to process a particular application. If the Planner decides to waive certain information, the Planner will initial the waived information and keep a copy ofthe form for City records. It is City policy not to accept incomplete applications unless a Planner has specifically identified those items waived by writing N/ A and their initials next to them. Please note if an incomplete application is received by mail or hand delivered by courier it may be returned to the applicant. Incomplete or inaccurate information may result in processing delays or denial of the project. Checking off the Quick Check box does not necessarily mean that all the required application items have been submitted. Staff will do a thorough review of the submittal for completeness and environmental determination, often involving an on-site visit. Staff will send a notice to you within 30 days listing the items necessary to complete the application. To comply with State law, the following represents a comprehensive list of information which must be submitted prior to acceptance ofthe application for a Site Development Review: GENERAL INFORMATION Project Street AddressILocation: Bordered by Keegan Street. Lockhart Street. Dublin Boulevard and Maguire Way Project Name: Sycamore Grove Project Description: Proiect includes a total of304 residential condominium units with 278 podium flats. 22 live-work units and 4 town homes. Parking will be provided in a two-level subterranean garage located under the podium structures. Zoning District: PD High Density Residential (PA 96-039) General Plan Designation: High Density Residential Applicant Name: Dublin Ranch Holdings. LLC APN: 985-0027-001 Specific Plan Designation: High Density Residential Phone: 925-463-1666 SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Completed Application Form including the address and signatures of Applicant(s) and Property Owne~ Completed Environmental Information Form (Initial Study) including signatures of Applicant(s) and Pronertv Owner( s). Application Fee and Processinl! Deposit (Cash or check payable to City of Dublin) Fee Deoosit All Districts = $140 $140 1 Revised 2/4/99 Environmental Filinl! FeeslDeposits - County Administrative Fees ($25.00) N/A (check payable to Alameda County Clerk) - Initial Study Fee ($25.00) N/A (payable to City of Dublin) - Environmental Impact Report Deposit N/A (payable to City of Dublin) - Special Studies Deposit (traffic. noise. etc.) N/A (payable to City of Dublin) TOTAL FE E TOTAL DEPOSIT $ $ 2 g: I fonnslappsu breq/sd r SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Completed Processinl!: Fee Al!:reement Form Written Statement (1 copy) describe the requested use in detail and give reasons why the application should be approved. Provide factual information supporting the following: a. What type of business, activity or use are you proposing? b. How many employees will you have or propose to have? c. What are the proposed hours and days of operation? d. Are there any ways in which your business, activity or use have a negative effect on the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. e. Describe how the design of the project including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and parking etc. will provide a desirable environment for the future development. f. Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed? g. Describe how the proposed development may impact views. h. Describe the physical characteristics of the site including existing slopes and topographic features. i. Describe the architectural design/theme of the development including character, scale and quality of the design, and explain how the project will relate to and be compatible with the existing site and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods and uses. j. Describe how the landscape features have been designed so as to insure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. k. Is the proposed project located on a hazardous waste and substances site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5? (A list is of these sites is available in the Department of Community Development). Preliminary Title Report/Propertv Profile (1 copy) to document ownership, prepared within three months of application submittal. Public Notice Materials: a. Reproduced copy of Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Map showing the project parcel(s) outlined in red and a 300-foot radius in blue drawn from the perimeter of the parcel(s), b. Two sets of mailing labels; one set addressed to current property owners by name; and another set addressed to all current occupants/tenants on the properties contiguous to the project site. The labels need to show the addresses and Assessor's Parcel Number's within 300 feet of the parcel(s) typed on 8W' x II" sheet labels. (Example of how these labels should be typed:) J. Doe (Property Owner) Occupantffenant APN: 941-042-0003 APN: 941-012-3456 1010 Main Street 1010 Dublin Blvd. Any town, CA 91234 Dublin, CA 94568 c. Plain envelopes (1 set) 4\4"x9W' with first class postage (stamps only, metered mail will not be accepted, no return address) with labels affixed on envelopes. 3 g: Iforms\appsu breq/sdr SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Vicinity Map (I copy) showing the site in relation to nearest cross streets. Site Plan (10 copies) drawn to I" = 20' scale and fully dimensioned (folded, 9" x II" maximum size). The plans must be prepared and signed by a licensed civil engineer, surveyor, architect, or designer. The plans must graphically and understandably describe the proposal. The plans must show the following: a. North arrow and scale; b. Dimensioned property lines, existing and proposed easements and adjacent streets. c. Location, setback and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures on the site; d. Parking information, including: - parking ratio (Le. parking spaces/IOOO sq. ft. of building), - parking provided, - parking required, - handicapped spaces, - total project, - number of parking spaces per row (indicate compact spaces with 'c'), - typical parking stall dimensions, - parking aisles dimensioned, - entrance drives dimensioned, - adequate back-up dimensions - striping details - lighting fixtures - cart corrals, if required, e. Loading/receiving areas: - dock location and truck access - truck well - turnaround area dimensions - trash compactor - porte cochere f. Location, setback and dimensions of all existing and proposed: - driveways, - median openings, - loading areas, - handicapped ramps, - sidewalk/pathways, - pedestrian circulation, - landscaped areas, - fences, - retaining walls, - sign age, - trash enclosures, and - utility connections on site; g. Location, setbacks and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, parking, driveways, walkways, landscape areas, fences, retaining walls, signage and trash enclosures within 50 feet ofthe project site; 4 g: I formslappsubreq/sdr SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED h. Summary of development calculations including: - site area (gross and net, each floor and total) - floor area of all buildings and uses, - number of parking stalls (required and proposed), - lot area coverage (allowed and proposed), - percent of landscaping - when appropriate, number of beds, students, dining seats, auditorium/church seats, occupants, employees of largest work shift, or square feet of assembly floor area. Preliminary Gradin2lDrainal!e Plan (10 copies, folded, 9" x II" maximum size) showing: a. Existing topography (dashed line) - one-foot intervals (slopes 3:1 or greater shall be five-foot intervals) b. Proposed or finish grade contours (solid line) - one-foot intervals b. Boundaries of all cut and fill areas c. Cross-sections of site where topographic changes exceed 5% d. Direction and path of drainage on, through and off the site (indicate any proposed and existing drainage catchbasins and pipe) e. Retaining walls with critical spot elevations f. Pad elevations for appurtenances (Le. transformer, generator, etc.) g. Finish floor elevations Preliminary Utility Plan (10 copies, folded, 9" x II" maximum size) showing; a. Electric Service routing from existing supply to building (including poles, guy wires, conduits (min. 5-4"), conductors (number and size) etc. b. Transformer, generator, propane rack enclosure (across from electric room) c. Gas service d. Water service, location and size including, domestic water with meter, back flow preventer and/or detector value location, fire hydrants with protection, fire department connection and P.LY. e. Sanitary Sewer location and size including, manholes and cleanouts (100' O.c.) f. Telephone service g. Easements (existing and proposed) h. Critical crossings calculated for clearance (encasement if required) L Approximate light pole locations j. Storm drain system (with invert elevations) k. Building tie-ins with sanitary sewer and storm drain I. Stub out locations for future pads, if any m. Finish floor elevations 5 g:\ forms\appsubreq/sdr SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Preliminarv Landscapinf! Plan (10 copies, folded 9" x 11" maximum size) This plan shall be consistent with the site plan and architectural plans for the proposed project. The plan shall demonstrate clearly the character, massing and site compatibility of the proposed landscaping program and shall include the following: a. Design layout showing the desired landscaping program in terms of location of proposed landscaping and hardscape, a. Plant palette with the location, size and name of the proposed plants and trees (both common and botanical b. Locations of proposed, berms, concrete curbs, paths, fencing, and miscellaneous structures (including above grade utility structures such as PG&E transformers). c. Percent of landscaping (and how it is allocated) d. Statement of overall design theme e. Areas proposed for outdoor use f. Outdoor furniture details g. Lighting plan including pedestrian level, security and parking lot lighting Buildine: Elevations (10 copies) fully dimensioned and drawn to a 118" = I' scale of all sides of all proposed structures. Elevations must include building materials, colors, trash enclosures, fencing, roof screening details and signage. Colored BuUdine: Elevations. (1 set, full size and mounted) Color and Material Palette (I set) indicating the proposed finishes of all exterior materials (including roof and walls) and color samples of paint or manufactured products to be applied on the building exterior (including fascia and trim). Scale Model of Proiect A model is required only if the proposal is for two or more commercial buildings. The scaled model shall be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to a decision being made by the Community Development Director or within one month of a public hearing. (check with planner for additional information) Floor Plans (10 copies) fully dimensioned, drawn to scale, showing exterior doors and windows, stairways, mechanical rooms and hallways (folded, 9" x II", maximum size). Roof Plan (10 copies) drawn to scale showing the direction of slope of roof elements and location of mechanical equipment, ducts and vents (folded, 9" x II" maximum size). Reduced Copies (10 copies, 11" x 17") of each plan. Traffic Data specific to the site or proposed project: traffic generation rates, peak hour counts, trip distribution and similar information. (Applicant must check with Public Works Dept. for additional information. ) Special Information or information in such form and number as may be required by the Planning Department 6 g:lformslappsubreq/sdr OFFICE USE ONLY Planner Date The Quick Check has determined that the application submittal is incomplete and cannot be accepted. The Quick Check has determined that the application appears to contain the items required bv this checklist (completeness as defined by Section 65943 will be determined within 30 days of application) and processinl! will bel!in. For assistance or questions regarding this form, please contact: PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF, CITY OF DUBLIN, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN, CA 94568, (925) 833-6610. 7 g:ltormslappsu breq/sdr - ---- 1-580 ~ ------ - Cl N.T.S. _CICIY l S.- ENGt.lEERS PlANNERS SlJIMYORS PlEASANTON. CA (925) 225-0690 ---- - - ~ ..: Cl ..:: z ~ o ..:: :I: CO~~ - COS'\~'\'i CO~~~CO~ - t-.\-t-.~ ~Cl ;..":: ~O 0": :I: PLEA SANTON CENTRAL PARKWAY DUBLIN BOULEVARD o ~~ :I: 0 U ..: o-l ~ 5YCAMORE GRQ\JE VICINITY MAP SITE DEVEWPMENT REVIEW Dublin, California November, 2006 -::;r . -, ; , , I. ~: .ff r ,lI, .I, l ;.. '" ,p , 1 4 . ~.. 10 , Ii t .. -- \ -t~~ t1~ '. ~ '... DUBLIN RANCH I .,' ~ AREA"B" .' >' .' " . ~\ l _ruM DENSITY.. !'" I r :.RBSIDENTIAL I; ~ ~Wt::. -f :~,~ \ ~. "~.. I ~.. '~.. ..,: \ t ~. -: · . .,... - · .-- i'.~#.- I DUBLIN BLVD. J;.'- '. -'., .~ -~. .'. .. - ~"~;i~- -...~I.~~:-:~- ~... 2P ~ --: ~~~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ., r ,_. t. -. '-' ~..~. ,. . " '.', . ... ~::1::~F:;J ... I I .... --- -~ "-,' .. 0' 100' 200' 400' 3YCAMORE GRQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ~ SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW .AIICAY. SIIIPS Dublin, California ENClNEERS PlEASANTON,CA Pl.JHNERS SURVEYORS (925) 225-0690 November, 2006 SYCAMORE GRQ\)E AREA B Condominium Buildings, Recreation Facilities & Community/Neighborhood Landscaping Site Development Review WRITTEN STATEMENT The following findings and responses relate directly to the specific questions listed under the written statement section of the City of Dublin's application submittal requirements. A. What type of business, activity or use are you proposing? In November 1997, the City of Dublin approved a P.D. Rezone for Area B of Dublin Ranch (PA 96-039) which includes the proposed project site. Based on the PD approval, the site was designated for High-Density Residential uses that allow for multi-story, attached unit dwellings such as apartments and condominiums. The Fairway Ranch (now known as Sycamore Grove) development proposal which was approved in 2003 included a total of930 residential units consisting of322 senior apartment units, 304 family apartment units and 304 condominiums as well as ancillary recreational, management and retail uses. The original Fairway Ranch site was defined as being between Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway and immediately east of Keegan Street. The site was generally rectangular in shape and contained a total of 24.5 gross acres (19.4 net acres). Based on the 930 units approved, the project translated into a net density of 48 units/acre and gross density of38 units/acre. The 304 condominium units previously approved for the southern third of the original Fairway Ranch project site were not constructed in conjunction with the family and senior apartment buildings. A new development concept is now being proposed for the condominium portion of the overall project that includes flats in podium buildings, live-work units and subterranean parking under the podium. Since the new architectural and site design for Sycamore Grove condominiums involves a considerably different development concept than what was approved in the previous Fairway Ranch Site Development Review approval in Page 1 of 11 . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcamore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 2003, a new SDR application is being submitted to the City. The new SDR will not adjust the total of 304 condominium units approved for this particular site under the Fairway Ranch SDR. In addition, the requirement to provide 52 moderate-income units within the condominium portion ofthe overall project will still be applicable to Sycamore Grove project. Specific approvals requested from the City of Dublin for this project include a Stage II PD, Development Agreement and Site Development Review. The site for Sycamore Grove condominiums is bordered by Keegan Street to the west, Lockhart Street to the east, Dublin Boulevard to the south and Maguire Way to the north. The site contains a total of 8.8 gross acres (6.4 net acres) and has an overall net density of 47.8 units/acre and a gross density of 34.6 units/acre. Further details on the project breakdown by unit type are included in the table below. The overall project proposal includes 278 condominium flats within the podium portion ofthe project as well as 22 live/work units and 4 townhomes. The live/work units are more specifically described in the live/work narrative included with this document as Attachment I. The project contains 52 moderate-income units meeting the requirements of Dublin's Affordable Housing Ordinance and the approval conditions ofthe previous Fairway Ranch SDR approval. Specific details of proposed unit types by building and phase are included in the following breakdown: UNIT TYPE PHASE 1 PHASE 2 TOTAL I Bedroom 35 50 85 I Bedroom with Loft 3 6 9 2 Bedroom 66 57 123 2 Bedroom with Loft II 8 19 3 Bedroom 16 18 34 3 Bedroom with Loft 4 4 8 Live/Work Units II II 22 Townhomes 2 2 4 TOTAL 148 156 304 Additional on-site amenities will be provided for the Project including a swimming pool, spa, and a clubhouse to accommodate a full range of indoor recreational and community activities and interior courtyard areas for passive activities. In addition, a shuttle service will be provided for Sycamore Grove residents that will operate on a fixed schedule and route, providing predictable and reliable service for the residents 7 days per week. During weekday commute hours, the shuttle will provide transportation to the Pleasanton BART station, ACE train station, and selected business parks and/or other employment locations as dictated by the needs ofthe residents. During the day and evening non-commute hours and on weekends, the shuttle will provide transportation to local shopping centers, medical facilities (including ValleyCare Hospital and medical offices), recreational areas and other destinations. The actual route and schedule will be tailored to the Page 2 of II . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcannore Grove Residential Condominiums' October. 2006 needs of the residents. The Developer will either acquire or arrange for the operation of the shuttle directly, or contract with a local transportation agency to provide this service. If the Developer operates the service, the shuttle will be parked on site when it is not in service. Resident demand will determine the number and the size of the vehicles needed. With respect to trash collection, storage, compaction and pick-up operations for Sycamore Grove condominiums, trash collected from individual units will be conveyed via chutes internal to the podium buildings to dumpsters that will be stored in trash rooms at the first floor garage level. A golf cart-type vehicle will tow the trash dumpsters from the trash rooms to a central enclosed compactor room that will be accessed off Maguire Way. An EVA/access road will be provided from Maguire Way to the trash compactor room where trash will be picked up by the local disposal company. No on-street staging area on Maguire Street will be required to accommodate trash pick-up operations for Sycamore Grove. The current trash staging area for the family apartments is located on the south side of Maguire Way directly in front of Sycamore Grove condos. The trash dumpster staging area on Maguire will be relocated to the north side ofthe street in front ofthe family apartments. The area that was previously designated for trash staging in front of Sycamore Grove condos will be converted to additional on-street spaces for visitor parking. These five additional parking spaces will replace the five parking spaces that will now be slated for trash staging in front of the family apartments. Trash compactors will be added to each of the trash rooms within the family apartments garage to reduce the number of trash bins that will be rolled to the on-street staging area on pickup days. B. How many employees will you have or propose to have? A condominium homeowners association (HOA) will be created to comprehensively handle maintenance and management responsibilities on behalf of the unit owners. It is likely that the HOA Board will contract with a property management company to directly provide these services, although this remains to be determined. An office will be provided within the clubhouse building for the use ofthe HOA and management company personnel. It will be up to the HOA to determine whether the office will be staffed on a full time or part time basis by the management company. It is not expected that more than one person will be required to staff the HOA office. No other personnel are expected to be on-site on a regular basis. Building and landscape maintenance services will be provided by vendors under contract to the HOA. C. What are the proposed hours and days of operation? It is expected that the HOA office will be staffed by personnel from the property management company. The HOA Board will determine the specific days and hours when the office will be open to serve homeowners needs. Page 3 of 11 . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcannore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 D. Are there any ways in which your business, activity or use have a negative effect on the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. The design ofthis project and its improvements will comply with all applicable City codes and ordinances pertaining to its design, construction and operation. It is not anticipated that it will create public health problems as no land uses or activities requiring the use or manufacturing of toxic materials are planned to occur on site. E. Describe how the design of the project including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and parking etc will provide a desirable environment for the future development. Site Layout/Structures: Sycamore Grove condominium project within Dublin Ranch - Area B is a high density residential community with two podium buildings as well as several separate buildings containing attached live/work units and/or townhomes. The western podium building will be built as part of Phase One and has two levels of subterranean parking and up to four stories of residential flats. There are a total of 135 units within this building consisting of one, two and three bedroom flats as well as one, two and three bedroom flats with lofts. The eastern podium building will be built in Phase Two and will have two floors of subterranean parking and up to four stories of residential flats. The eastern podium will have a total ofl43 units of one, two and three bedroom units as well as one, two and three bedroom flats with lofts. Each flat within the podium buildings will have interior entrances. Direct access from the parking garages to the units will be provided via elevators and stairwells located in the lobbies of each building. Each podium will also have a large, internal landscaped courtyard that will be accessible to all residents. Attached three-story units are proposed along the southern end of the site and will front onto Dublin Boulevard as well as portions of Lockhart and Keegan Streets. These attached units will include 22 live/work units and four townhomes. Each of the live/work units has a total of 2150 square feet with approximately 710 square feet on the lower level being identified as work or flex space. Each unit will have two entries, one at the front of the unit on Dublin Boulevard for visitors and guests as well as one private entrance via a landscaped courtyard situated between the units and the garage. Between the two podium buildings is a central main courtyard which will include a 25 meter swimming pool, kiddie pool and a spa for all residents of the complex as well as open space and landscaped areas for more passive activities. A clubhouse, which will provide services to all residents of Sycamore Grove, is accessible through the center courtyard as well as from Maguire Way and is attached to the western podium building. Page 4 ofl! . Site Development Review - Written Statement Sycamore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 Vehicular Access/Circulation: Since all of the streets bordering the Project site currently exist, no new streets will be required to serve the Project. Primary vehicular access to the parking garage will be from Keegan Street and Lockhart Street. There will be a secondary garage entrance off of Dublin Boulevard for residents as well as deliveries and maintenance personnel, but guests and residents will be encouraged to enter at the Keegan and Lockhart Street entrances. Maguire Street is a private street which was constructed in conjunction with the family and senior apartments. There will be no vehicular entry to Sycamore Grove condominium flats off Maguire Street. Parking: In accordance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance requirements, a total of675 parking spaces are required to be provided for the 304 residential units at Sycamore Grove. This requirement has been met per the proposed site plan. Sycamore Grove condominiums will provide a total of 744 spaces which includes 586 resident spaces with the remaining 158 spaces being designated for guests. The majority ofthe parking spaces will be enclosed within the parking garage. Only 20 of the guest parking spaces will be on-site surface spaces for visitors. The residential parking within the garage will be gated so that only residents with an access code will be able to enter those designated parking areas. Based on the proposed parking breakdown, 2.35 spaces/unit will be provided for one bedroom units and 2.5 spaces provided for each two and three bedroom unit. Parking for the live-work units (which are all two bedroom units) will also be provided at the 2.5 spaces/unit ratio. The table on the following page depicts the number ofparking spaces shown on the parking plan for Sycamore Grove condominium residential buildings. More detailed representations ofthe locations and type of parking spaces are included on the parking plan exhibit in the site development review drawing package. Page 5 of 11 . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcamore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 PARKING TABULATION SYCAMORE GROVE CONDOMINIUMS DUBLIN RANCH - AREA B USER TYPE TYPE OF SPACE PHASE I PHASE II TOTAL PARKING PARKING PARKING SPACES SPACES SPACES GUEST STANDARD 64 65 129 ACCESSIBLE 5 4 9 SURFACE/STREET - - 20 RESIDENT STANDARD 265 266 531 TANDEM 2 2 4 UNASSIGNED (STD. SPACE) 10 28 38 ACCESSIBLE 7 6 13 TOTAL SPACES 354 371 744 SPACES PROVIDED (1.45 Soaces/UnitJ F. Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed? This site is physically suitable to accommodate the type of high-density residential development and ancillary uses as proposed and has been designated for the proposed type of development use per the Areas B - E PD Rezone approval. G. Describe how the proposed development may impact views. The project site is not within any of the scenic corridor zones as defined in the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and Standards. However, this area falls under the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies protecting visually sensitive ridgelands within Eastern Dublin. Exhibits produced as part of that study effort accurately showed what a viewer would see along specific sight lines and at several viewpoints. Proposed grading areas and limits of development were also identified. These exhibits showed what portions of the development area would be visible from each viewpoint, what areas would be hidden by existing land fonns to be retained and what portions of the visually sensitive ridgelands would be visible under proposed conditions. It was determined from these exhibits that the sensitive ridge lands would be protected. The Sycamore Grove condominium site is situated in the flatter portion ofthe Dublin Ranch community just north of Dublin Boulevard. Previous view shed analysis studies done in conjunction with the Areas B-E PD Rezone approval (PA 96-039) determined that development within that area would not specifically impact views of the surrounding ridge lands. Page 6 of II . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcamore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 The cross-axial penetrations are an important part ofthe functioning and character of the project, providing linkages and way-finding as well as "aerating" the courtyards with views out and glimpses in. The large central courtyard provides active recreation with a clubhouse, two pools and a spa, while the other courtyards are more introspective. Adjacent to each major building entry is a motor court driveway entry with curb drop-off, short-duration parking and access to the main garage beyond. The Dublin Boulevard driveway entry provides additional convenience access to the garage. The three-story live-work and townhouse units lining Dublin Boulevard wrap the Keegan and Lockhart Street comers and the central secondary entry drive. These units are separated from the podium buildings by linear landscaped courts which allow rear entries to each unit and serve as a common backyard. The courts give the podium flats behind an attractive overlook, and the three-story units shield them from busy Dublin Boulevard. The site slopes gently down from north to south, and the buildings step accordingly, optimizing sunlight exposure and views. Four story massing at the north end overlooks three story-over- parking massing to the south, which in turn overlooks the lower live-work buildings. The four-story massing to the north also relates to the Fairway Ranch family apartment buildings across Maguire Street, and stylistically the new project ties in as well. Sycamore Grove is characterized by a more modem expression ofthe Craftsman style, complementing the Fairway project while offering a freshly distinctive Bay Area regional character. A stone base pulls up to modulate the streetscape, plaster surfaces are relieved with horizontal siding, massing at the tops is articulated with dormers, and the live-work and townhouse units are expressed individually as row houses. The residential, Craftsman qualities are further accented with trellises and low arches over balconies, metal railings, upper sash divided lights, horizontal bandings and the like. J. Describe how the landscape features have been designed so as to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the pubic. Streetscape Concept: Dublin Boulevard: Triangularly spaced London Plane trees planted in the parkway and behind the sidewalk create a "grove" effect while maintaining the traditional residential theme of tree lined streets. Urban themed, stone and concrete veneered, low planter walls will be introduced with lighted, accenting pilasters offsetting the street tree spacing between individual access walks. This provides a stepped effect down from the individual private patio walls, creating introduced topography and relief at the ground plane. A variety of planting will be introduced at the foundation as well as in the planters and parkway to complement and soften the architecture while creating visual interest from the pedestrian and vehicular perspective. Lockhart and Keegan Streets: Zelkova and Chinese Ehn trees (respectively) will be planted Page 8 of II . Site Development Review - Written Statement Sycamore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 with turf in the parkways, providing an individual identity to each street, carrying on the established planting within the existing development to the north. Primary pedestrian entries are located at approximately mid-block along both frontages. Each of entrances will be highlighted with a pedestrian scale public art element and enhanced pavement. The art will take the form as either an interactive gateway feature or as an element at the public sidewalk. Tiered planting with stone faced retaining walls and lighted, accenting pilasters will augment the proposed foundation planting to reduce the building scale to the pedestrian level. Flowering trees and planting will be utilized at the pedestrian and vehicular entries to highlight these interfaces. Maguire Way: Scarlet Oak trees will be planted as the street tree to match the already established planting across the street. As the more "utilitarian' frontage of the proposed project, screen planting will be introduced where feasible to soften the visual aspects ofthese areas. Stone faced and concrete planter walls will be used with secondary flowering trees and foundation planting to reduce the vertical scale of the buildings. Low groundcover will be planted in the parkways to create a deterrent, encouraging pedestrians to remain on the walkways. There will be one primary pedestrian entry serving the clubhouse, which will be highlighted with flowering trees and shrubs. Interior Courtyards: Live-Work Garden Court: Courtyards separate the individual units from the parking garage, providing the residents of the live-work and townhome units private access and gathering spaces. The area will be highlighted with specialty pavements, providing identity to the area while reducing the linear nature of the space. Stone veneered seat walls as well as planter walls with lighted pilasters at the gated entries to the private patios, and trellis structures will provide scale relief and define individual spaces and, in the case of the trellis, introduce shade and a ceiling plane. Plantings will be at a pedestrian scale and consist of flowering trees, shrubs and foundation plantings consistent with a residential theme. A fountain will be proposed in the center of the space as a focal element, providing visual and auditory stimulation. East and West Podium Courtyards: These residential scale courts will provide garden space over the garage structures to the residents surrounding the spaces as well as people passing through to the center courtyard. Specialty paving will be utilized to accentuate intersections, focal areas, the center axis, and gathering spaces. Walls constructed above the deck of materials complementing the buildings with lighted pilasters at the gated entries to the private patios will provide planting areas and privacy to I st floor residents. Multiple water features will be proposed to provide focal elements and audible softening. The planting will be of a residential courtyard scale and will used to soften the architecture, highlight, and provide shade. The plant material shall be adaptable to varying light conditions. Center Podium Courtyard and Pool Area: This resort-themed area serves as the central activity area providing a 25 meter pool and an adjacent large crescent shaped spa centered on the north-south axis. Other amenities include a gas fire pit, trellis shade structure and spaces for group gatherings and other social interaction. Five resort-style cabanas will provide the Page 9 of II . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcannore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 residents extended entertainment space at pool side. Covered showers in pods ofthree will be provided to the east and west of the pool. Separation of the pool area from the more residential areas is accomplished through the use of a 4' planter wall with a I' tall section of fence on top. Combined with tropically themed planting, this composition provides privacy to the pool area from the 1st floor unit patios. Open fence sections at the center entry and to the clubhouse provide views into the pool area from non-residential surroundings. Gates are provided at four locations, including two along the central axis accentuated by specialty paving, one connecting to the clubhouse and a fourth in the covered walkway leading to the garage, which includes the restrooms in the pool enclosure. A perimeter path borders the pool area, providing the residents with unrestricted access to all three podium courtyards, the clubhouse and individual gated private patios. Planting in the raised planters around the pool perimeter would be a blend oftropically themed species from the pool area and the residential plantings from the two outside courtyards. K. Is the proposed project located on a hazardous waste and substances site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5?? (A list is o/these sites is available in the Planning Department). A Phase 2 site assessment of Areas B-E (including the Project Site) has been conducted by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants to determine the presence of anyon-site hazardous waste and substance sites. The findings of this study indicate that no problem sites were found. In addition, an environmental records search was previously conducted by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants for the Dublin Ranch project area to determine if the site was included on a list of hazardous waste and substance areas. The results ofthis search indicated that no property within a two mile radius of Dublin Ranch-Phase I (which includes lands within the Project Area) are listed as a hazardous site, hazardous material generator or transporter, or known to have underground storage tank leaks. Page 10 of II . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcannore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 Each ofthe live-work units is designed to be identical and contain a total of2150 square feet. The proposed size ofthe ground level work or flex space is 710 square feet, which includes the bath but excludes the laundry area and stair access to the upper floors. Based on this, approximately 34% of the total area within the unit is proposed to be devoted to the workspace with the balance slated for living area. Twenty (20) of the units will front onto Dublin Boulevard and include a small private patio at the front entry. The patio and adjacent garden area will be enclosed with a low wall and/or acoustical screen to define the private space as well as mitigate sound impacts. Two additional units will front onto the secondary access drive to the parking garage from Dublin Boulevard. Separate entrances to the units through the front patios will be provided from Dublin Boulevard for work-related activity as well as a private rear entry for residents to access their units directly from the parking garage. Between the rear entries to the units and the garage, a linear common open space is planned, which will contain the access walkways to the units as well as landscaped pockets. In addition, the location of the live-work units will not impact the privacy and activities of the residents ofthe adjacent podium buildings in that the live -work units have a separate entry location and dedicated parking spaces. Zoning: Project-specific zoning standards will need to be crafted to address the permitted uses, density and design issues associated with live-work units. Typically communities have set a minimum size for these units in the 600 - 800 square foot range, including the workspace within the unit. The proposed Groves live-work units are substantially larger, which will allow for greater flexibility by future users, including the ability to vertically segregate activities within the work and living areas as well as to divide the ground level between work and living components if desired. Creation of an actual physical separation within the unit between living and work spaces would not be permitted. Residential zones normally only permit residential uses and are distinguished from one another by density expressed in dwelling units per acre or per square foot oflot area. Live-work structures or complexes may be appropriate in many higher density residential zones, while keeping in mind the building type and its compatibility with its surroundings. Live -work is also well suited to commercial and mixed-use zones. In addition, it often works well as a buffer or transitional use between single use zones, e.g. between residential and commercial or office zones. Based on this criteria, it appears that the proposed location of Sycamore Grove project between the Campus Office lands south of Dublin Blvd. (which includes the proposed Kaiser hospital facility) and The Terraces and Fairway Ranch high density residential projects to the west and north is well suited for live-work uses. Page 2 of5 . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcamore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 Work Uses Permitted: The work uses pennitted in a live/work space or buildings vary widely and can depend on a number of factors. Work activities in live-work are intended to be those that are fully compatible with residential occupancies. These business uses might include single practioners such as attorneys, accountants, architects, psychologists/counselors, etc. Other work uses typically compatible with a home environment, such as home office and many arts, crafts and artisan type uses would also be acceptable. Manufacturing type uses such as fabrication and material handling activities are not pennitted in live-work. There are also certain other business activities that are not pennitted in live- work, such as restaurants, bars, kennels and group medical and other health care-related offices. A more detailed listing of pennitted and prohibited uses pertaining to live-work units will be included in the Stage II PD Rezone document. Subject to the work activities pennitted in the applicable zone, live-work projects in most communities are pennitted to have a limited number of employees. Typically in live-work projects the number of employees is minimal. Most people tend to move on to dedicated workspace rather than have employees continually in their living space. The same is true of walk-in trade. Depending on the allowable uses and the specific use characteristics of the space some municipalities may treat the units as residential, others as commercial and others somewhere in between. The proposed live-work units are designed primarily as a residential occupancy with respect to building requirements. More specifically, with respect to Sycamore Grove units, parking is carefully controlled and allocated, signage is commercially scaled to the street and pedestrian requirements (but not to moving automobiles) and disabled access is provided to all building entrances. Parking/Access/Deliveries: Based on the general characteristics of existing projects, most live-work projects built today are occupied by single people, couples and empty nesters with minimal children. If at least one member of a couple works at home, that family unit may often have only one car. This also depends on other variables, such as proximity oflocal services, mass transit, etc., but it is clear that the parking needs and traffic generation associated with live-work units are different than those of normal housing. As such, live-work enables both the possibility offar less reliance on the automobile by its residents and the relief that diminished traffic impact brings to its neighbors. Most jurisdictions that allow live-work (e.g. Oakland, Berkeley, Larkspur, Truckee and Sonoma County) have settled on one to two spaces per unit as a live-work unit parking requirement. When client visits are anticipated, or employees pennitted or walk-in trade are part of a project, then additional parking would need to be provided (either on street or off street) for those non-resident occupants of the spaces. Client visits by appointment are pennitted under most jurisdictions' home occupations without added parking requirements. Experience with other live-work projects has shown that unless the individual spaces are excessively large and/or are configured with totally separate workspaces, an average of two spaces per unit (2.5 spaces/unit maximum) should be adequate even when employees and walk-in trade are pennitted. Page 3 of5 . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcannore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 All of the parking spaces serving the live-work units will be located within the parking garage located to the rear of the units. Resident spaces will be located in a designated gated access area behind the live work units with pedestrian access provided directly from the garage to an interior private courtyard that serves the rear entries to those units. Guest spaces will also be located within the garage and will not be assigned to any specific unit. Guests and/or clients will need to travel from the garage via sidewalks on the adjacent streets or driveways to the front of the units along Dublin Boulevard, which is the primary public access point to the live-work units. Parking will not be allowed on Dublin Boulevard per City regulation. With respect to use of the guest parking spaces, the live-work parking demand will occur when guest parking use of the designated spaces is at a minimum. Parking required for employees and walk-in trade associated with live-work units will occur during the day when resident and guest use is minimal. Parking demand for resident's guests will be highest on evenings and weekends when there is little or no live-work "business activity" occurring. Based on the 2 Yz parking spaces that are provided for Sycamore Grove live-work units, it appears that adequate on-site parking is provided to accommodate the typical range of live-work activities and expected traffic generation. Since delivery vehicles will not be allowed in the parking garage due to height and circulation limitations, short term unloading/delivery parking areas will be provided adjacent to the project site on Keegan Street and Lockhart Street. These areas would accommodate delivery vehicles associated with work activities in the live-work units as well as moving vans during move inlmove out periods. Resident and guest parking would be prohibited in these two locations. Any live-work units that have employees or walk-in trade will need to be disabled accessible in any areas occupied or used by employees and customers. The proposed Groves live-work units will have on grade access to the front public entries as well as to the rear private entries that will comply with applicable ADA standards. Entitlement Proposal: A new Stage II PD, Site Development Review (SDR) and Conditional Use Pennit (CUP) will be proposed to the City of Dublin to specifically address the unique components of live-work units including standards tailored to their design features. The new Site Development Review proposal is intended to supersede the previous Fairway Ranch approval in 2003, pertaining to this portion ofthe original Project Site only. Live-work units will be proposed as a conditional use in the High Density Residential Zone as a building form included in this application. Uses listed in the Stage II Planned Development Plan would be pennitted by right subject to application for a business license. Individual uses not listed herein or not determined to be a "like" use to those shown, shall be subject to an individual Conditional Use Pennit for the specific use and "condominium" site subject to Planning Commission approval prior to occupancy. Specific restrictions and requirements regarding pennitted uses and directions to purchasers as to the process required for approval of a workspace through the City shall be recorded against the live/ work component ofthe project in conjunction with the final map for those units. Since the new architectural and site design for Sycamore Grove involves a totally different building Page 4 of5 . Site Development Review - Written Statement Svcannore Grove Residential Condominiums. October. 2006 concept for this site than what was approved in the previous Fairway Ranch site development review approval in 2003, a new SDR application will be submitted to the City. The new SDR will not include any adjustments to the 304 condominium units approved for this site within the Fairway Ranch project as well as the requirement to provide 52 moderate-income units. Site Development Review approval by the City for each individual live-work occupancy will not be required as the CUP portion of this application is intended to cover this aspect of the design. A new CUP will only be required if the proposed use of the unit is not defined on the approved list of uses or cannot be determined to be a "like" use. The project site is located entirely within the limits of Parcel 3 of Tract Map 7453 which was approved in 2003. Since modifications to the Parcel 3 boundaries are not required to accommodate this project, a new tentative map will not required for this submittal. Page 5 of5 . Site Development Review - Written Statement SYCAMORE G QUE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PACKAGE SHEET NUMBER CIVIL C.I C.2 C.3 CA C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 C.IO C.l1 C.12 C.I3 C.14 19342-1.,.e-C6Sh~Index.doc DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBER LANDSCAPE SHEET INDEX DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBER ARCHITECTURE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILTY PLAN PARKING PLAN: UPPER LEVEL PARKING PLAN: LOWER LEVEL ADDRESS PLAN PHASING PLAN FIRE ACCESS PLAN: PODIUM LEVEL FIRE ACCESS PLAN: GARAGE LEVEL TRASH SERVICES PLAN JOINT TRENCH PLAN ACESSIBILITY PLAN STREET SECTIONS STREET SECTIONS L.I L.2 L.3 LA L.5 L.6 L.7 L.8 L.9 L.IO L.I I L.I2 L.13 DESCRIPTION REFERENCE PLAN A. I OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN A.2 LIVE I WORK COURTYARD A.3 WEST I EAST ENTRANCES A.4 GARAGE COURTYARD I SOUTHWEST CORNER/CLUBHOUSE A.5 ENTRANCE A.6 SOUTHEAST I NORTHEAST CORNERS A.7 NORTHWEST CORNER A.7b CENTER COURTYARD A.8 CENTER COURTYARD (SECTIONS/ELEV A TIONS) A.9 WEST PODIUM DECK A.IO EAST PODIUM DECK A. I I LANDSCAPE DETAILS A.12 PROPOSED PUBLIC ART A. 15 A.16 A.I8 A.19 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 SITE PLAN - GARAGE LEVEL SITE PLAN - LOWER GARAGE LEVEL SITE PLAN - PODIUM LEVEL SITE PLAN - SECOND FLOOR SITE PLAN - THIRD FLOOR SITE PLAN - FOURTH FLOOR SITE PLAN - LOFTIROOF SITE PLAN - ROOF STREET SCENES EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS CENTRAL COURTYARD ELEVATIONS GARDEN COIURTY ARD ELEVATIONS PHASE I COURTYARD ELEVATIONS PHASE I COURTYARD ELEVATIONS PHASE II COURTYARD ELEVATIONS PHASE II COURTYARD ELEVATIONS SITE SECTION UNIT PLANS UNIT PLANS UNIT PLANS UNIT PLANS, CLUBHOUSE & POOL TOILETS CODE COMPLIANCE DIAGRAM - PHASE ONE CODE COMPLIANCE DIAGRAM - PHASE ONE ~ J'.. N ~ J'.. b U <C cr:: b OAK GROVE FAMJLY APARTMENTS Q MAGUIRE WAY -@ ~ \............-.........-'-...............-................................... ,/R15' Trash Pickup .I _ ~ . """" Location f~------ .;::sycamore Grove j>..............'.'_'_ < ~ 'Z ~\\ ~ ~' \'-'----:'--''~i~~~;~ tf~~~~--~~-:~;'i-~;;;~:.~'[; '/ ~~~ b g ~lr~ ',,~-~~l ~~" ~ ~~('-=<~- T~--~ mm~.JI1\ ~_60.-.~C \ \' \1-7<) L~ I II - '-.....Q rl=D~:1t~ ierJ Don ~m~ ,.-' "::- o:Z ~~~E\\ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ -TJ r--f !.M ~I ~ t < L- H-"16 ~ ?J r o~ ["f~-~ irn ~~ ill ~~1 ~ j I[ ~~ 'E~~ t>1 1 !J rw aRru' m \ W ~ ._~~.O' b. rn L -'II'" L _~.ti'I"b 4_ ~ R' ~ ~ - ~ I ~ ~ K ~ \ --' r:;U8ot Parking -i ("I ~ l~ ~ " JE ~1 ~M~~ (~~,g C ~~ rfdU - \"1 \-< -< :c - '..~ r-!J er- ~ Ii \?J :v- b. 11 !mJ ~!flT I U!ID ~ IT LlL ~;~ \ PI ?J '""",,......;- '~ lrl ~. "Stl! I I ~1 r~ """j' lL~' en s;: ~ E. ~~ n i ~ rr--g'; _ ~ - \l-,~ .. ~ = ., \ \--< g . ~ ~ ~)~ ~ \J={. ~ ( . T'l; ~ ~:-- ~ ..~;;.< ~ :P- i-I ,~, .--\I IT i'I ':JD U' ,I,. ~ r - ~~"7_ [f '/lIT u ~~ rP.,; -=-J;: di=- ~ i ~) \ I ~ I~ ~~~ I~ ~ 11i ~ ~~ ~ · \.tr 1 lJ lLT I n ~ Ifllt n i n ~r'" .n ~lr1Iif~ ~t~~'J1.!i."'. 0 ~ t~\~a;txi?oroge... 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For Street Sections please see Sheets C.13 and C. 14 12-22-2006 'O~:04 1vl1houor p:\ 1 &~2\p1on"i"ll\Submltlol\SOll\C. l-olI___Io9mon\.dog 5YCAMORE GRQ\7E Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSaIJ'l'lON DA11I S:ahmiIlIl 11, 200ll Qty SDR.S1IhmllIaI N__ 2.0, 2llO6 PROJlICl' NUMIIllR: SCAIJl: DAlElSSUlID: 19342-4 A8!m1!D Nandlr2O, m Site Development Plan Legend D LiveIWork Units D Residential Flats D Townhomes ~ O' 20' 40' 80' ".,.,.,.,.,.,.,... Building Setback MinimUDl 15' - Dublin Blvd. 10' - Lockhart Street 10' - Keegan Street N/A - Maguire Way ~ Street Section Location (Typ.) IIIACICAY l se.s ~~g:.~~;~ PlNHt<<l~ ~~~ IIHBBTNlJMIIIlI: c.t ~ ~ -l-=r=:- r----- ~ ~ ~ ~ } - _ It.l "f'--. 0-1 C'I) "f'--. . ~ rn. Z < o ~ ~ ~ }---. l) <C D:::: }---. 3.$.:;1 ~o -- - - :J .. 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LOWER GARAGE Ff 340.0 1~~ 339.216.1 16.1 11.9 -1 16.1 +0.1 + '1 ~ >----<....11------:-- . 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 +0.1 + 1 '-I ..c' 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 ....{ +0.1 + 2- t .~ II f 116.1 j.--l-K 16.1 16.1 ~ I L.... 16.0 ~ 16.1 -~o.J " _.:J:I~ _ JA'il.C? )49' ).49.7 3~.1 16.6 16.S 16.9 16.5 ~ ~ 16.4 16.4 16.5 . 16.6 II II 116.5 , 16.S 16.3 % 16.7 16.6 p rfs:5 18.4 II~ II -l 16.6 F 16.6 16.4 16.6 1603 ...3 16.4 16.5 16.6 PODIUt.l LMl 362.0 GARAGE rr 350.0 LOWER GARAGE rr 340.0 16.~AO 339.?6.5 16.5 16.5 16;2 I-' 16.5-, '-18:3 ~-:J;'~9~7. /' , ~ ~ · "\---,' l --r--:; , . 16.3 16.5 I, 1.4: \. 16.3 12.5 ~ ~ ;:5' 16.0 16.1 16.2 ~ ~ 15.9 15.9 16.0 16.2 16.6 ~11:4 n ~ I 16.2 16.4 16.7 il.oo ~ 16.0 16.0 16.3 16.4 16.4 3.9~ 3"~' ~ 'I ~o.~ _ 1"J~ ..!....&; 3"9'3 _ _ .3A!.!. _ ~9,~ ::; Q ~-c-~~-~--:_s_~ ~ ~ -.::- - --- - _.J'9~ ""2 J5(],l 3",n J.9.9 ).49.6 3.9. _ -.-JA9Z- 3.97 .. J"';I-' ~7~ 350- ---- DUBLJj\J CAj\jJPUS _ 3.~,3 J.~.l __;wu - ~ -- ~v- RAJ\JCH AR FA OffJCF tl Cl1 EARTHWORK EARTHWORK SUMMARY (CYD) RAW EARTHWORK TOTAL -2': l'l. 0 o -- ~L C OJ -2':t 7 o l'l. 7J 7j/ Cf)7 -----l () -<:r 7Jj/ l'l. 7J Cf) l'l. OJ/ l'l. '7 \ OJ '-l. :;: :;: j/ l TABLE CUT 111.910 I I 1.790 FILL 120 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCIUPI10N DA TB ~Iiminary City S1IhmittB1 AngW 18,2006 city SDR Sllhmittal Nomnbcr 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342~ AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Preliminary Grading Plan ~ O' 20' 40' 80' IlACllYl-.s CML ENGIHEERlN(;-LJJrC) P\.NrWINC-u.ND SURv01NG p\'[ASNIlON. CA. ,..!>8S (925) 22~-oe90 SHEET NUMBER: C.2 0.... \1o\C~ 'iMAGUIRE ~ ~~~. ~ 5\ '!! t:I ..:---' ~ .. ~ '6\ ~ ~ 1ft ~ 0.'. 0. '1.(91 \r Il!'91 \~.. EX t.ss - : . -... OA}< GRGVF FA JvJ J L YAP A R-fj\;J F J\fr ~ ~ EX ,19> 5:c' i\ i!I '6\ 51 ~ ~ .,,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" -'" ~; T'-... . t:\-l ~ ('I) iii i:i ;s T'-... .. ... EXtw r . (J c- Eo-. <( rn u: z r < C-" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jll ~4"'il EX 1Z".RW EX3l)"S::L EX 16"W ,., .. <5 .A '" EX 36"50 111 17-2006 13:48:49 1viI_ P:\ I 9342\pIorrinoJ\SuOmittoI\SOK\C.3-u1iIa_,dwIl iii 1!! ~ ,., r.1 . ': ,., ~.. ~ !f l'.\l 4,9 ~ N . ~ 119> · ~ iii . ... '" - ;_~11 rss n B'ss WAY . .. lUf! EX a"S5~ e iJ ,., M M ... '" . . . . & . . Jf . . . . . . X~ xx POORJM lEVEL .362,0 PODIUM lEVEL .362.0 GARAGE FT 350.0 GARAGE FT 350.0 LOWER GARAGE FT 340.0 LOWER GARAGE FT 340.0 PAIl 339.2 PAD 339.2 . . . . . . . . 'X .~r' . . ~ \~,2~.~ ~ ,-' !If _~~ ------\ .~- - EX 18"SO EX 21" SD EX 1 2"W (Z~.E 2) ,51 EX 2~"SS EX 2_4~~ ~ ~~+ DUBLIN BLVD. ~~. . .f/;. EJ(24"SS E)( 20"CWR EX 24"SS EX 1S"W EX 12"RW DUBLJJ\J CAJyJPUS RAJ\JCH AR FA OFFJCF 11 (11 '-.-/ '; r.1 '6\ r.1 ~ 0 n ~. ~ r.n ~ ~ " ~ -~ ~ )( ~ ... ~ 10 )( ... Legend Existi02 0 @ {] . . Q~ ~ [> '6\ ~ r5 ~ tX 24"S5 EX , S"W EX 12"RW ~ ..., )( ... SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE STORM DRAIN LINE, MH & INLET WATER LINE & GA TE VALVES RECYCLED WATER LINE & VALVES FIRE HYDRANT WITH VALVE BLOWOFF ELECTROLIER SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California WATER SERVICE AIR RELIEF VALVE -< Pl. 0 Oc C OJ -<l ~~ 7. o tll. '?J 7)/ (J)'7 -\. C) -( '-r REV I S ION S: DBSCRIPnON OATH l'leIimiIIIry City SubmiIlBl AIIpIll1,2OO6 City SDR SuiIDiaaI NCJVaDIJtr 20. 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342~ AS NOlED Ncmm.: 20, 2006 '?J)/ tll. 7J (J)~ 09 Pl. '7 '-\ \JJ ~ ::l: Preliminary Utility Plan ::l: )/ l ~ O' 20' 40' 60' IIICIIY... CMl ENGINWlINGoLNlD 1'l.NNI<ll0lNl0 SUIM'/ING Pl..........ON. CA. ..... (025) 225-<1090 SHEET NUMBEIl: C.3 l"---. 0-1 ('I) l"---. . E-c ~ (fJ l)- <( Z D:::: <C L.., C-' I\:, ~ ~ ~ 1-17-2006 13:48:41 ..... ~I OAK GROVE ,F-'AMIL Y AP A FtrMEJ\rrS I'll' - ------- .~J' -- - --- - - J ~ ..., - - - - ~- <# Trash PiCkup~ Guest Parking~ ~a~on for 5 Parking Spaces G t p' MA G U IRE WAY ~UII ~~?~ I [~~';~;~:~;~~"~T ~~:;~;l~ liT ~ I ;.~~ ~.II I~ ". 3D I ~ I~~.em '-" ~ ~~D~Dr~- iII~ l I II II J ~ --< RESIDENT PARKING II II~ I ~ ~, 'J~ ~ \ ~ 8'\- J o=JU ))-' -~"==iI ~~ .- .' n ~ ill c ~o24' ,OIV y 1~4,----~~it~/1x " ~ I ~.t:~)( ~IJ ~~rr~~ltllll,tiJI~~ Ill~~ I;:~ ~ b ~~~; '1~~ ~ ~ =rlI -4b; ~ ~ ~ -!: !: -!: ~ ...... :=: .:;:: -!::J ~ ~ ~ r = ,.-r- 0-- L-..:;:C ~ ~ ~~ Vl1 ~~~Efd~Er ~9u~t:fB~~~ b-1---J '- r =--" ,,- I ~ - ----=-== /'~- ~- ;":J 7 ;- c-- ""I:" ~ II II ~ ill ~ I .- '-- RESIDENT PARKING Guest parking---\ ,ell ~ It!" - - - -27'- T ~ -27'- - .- Resident parking/ Entrance Gate (For Residential Flats) Resident Parking Entrance Gate (For Residential Flats) T~ 2? IE 1 111 t~~/tx ~( ~ -:r===-(j~ .. iJ II ], ~' \tc ~ ' 24' c III '~'''''':J '''-''--6 curn """NO 1 ~~~ ~.~ ~~~~ 1- ~ ~ J ~ ~ RESIDENT PARKING !...-- Resident part~ 9 If it J ~l~lll ~ II ~ j .~ 1-1 ~ II tr~~~") ':: ~~ lL ~~~~~.~ ~~~ 4' ~ :!" ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ rr~ ~ ~ ~_r-;~ 0 .!:::J;.- ~ ~ -c-- h--- . =~ h-, r---t...- .5 ~~1f !=~!=J'~ 'J CE3'~~li ./ GUEST PARKING ~ f-- "--- 1- g'- UTT DUBLIN BLVD. DUBLJN RANCH AREA il Cil CAMPUS OFFJCE Legend D Resident Parking- Standard Space rn Resident Parking-Tandem Space rn Resident Parking- Modified Space D Guest Parking hs:..,J Short Term Guest Parking D Short Term DeliverylUnloading Area II] Disabled Access Parking Gate Accessed Areas rkin . t'""" o n ~ ~ ~ en. ~ ';:d ~ ~ ~ .-. Gor0ge it -;7 :::::,.. tl.l. a ac C OJ <L 7. a Pl. 7J 7'Y' Cf)7 -----t(} -<:r 7J'Y' tl.l. 7J Cf) Pl. a'Y' tl.l. ,. ~ OJ ....... '" 'Y' l PARKING SPACE TYPES c:::= ~ ~ ~ Standard Parking Space 9.0' x 20.0' Modified Parking Space 9.0' x 19.0' Tandem Parking Space 9.0' x 20.0' Parallel Parking Space 8.0' x 22.0' (On-Street) 5Y~AMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIJPI10N DA TB Prclimina!y City Submittal August 18, 2006 city SDR Submillal November 20, 2006 PROJECr NUMBHR: SCALE: DA 1E ISSUED: 19342-0 AS NOTED NlMIIlbor20,2006 ./ rHANDICAP PARKING SIGN (lYP) 6' MIN. Parking Plan: Upper Level PARKING SUMMARY PHASE I PHASE 1\ STALLS PER STALLS PER STALL BUIl.DING BUILDING TOTAL GUEST STANDARD 64 65 138 ACCESSIBLE 5 4 SURFACEISTREET 20 RESIDENT STANDARD 265 266 535 ~ TANDEM 2 2 UNASSIGNED (std.) 10 28 38 ACCESSIBLE 7 13 O' 20' 40' 80' STALLS PER UNIT: 1 BEDROOM UNITS: 2 & 3 BEDROOM UNITS: TYPICAL ANGLE PARKING HANDICAP SPACE N.T.S. HANDICAP PARKING SIGN (TYP) .NOTE: ACCESS AISLE AT .V#l ACCESSIBLE'" DOUBLE PARKING STALLS MUST BE 8' WIDE MINIMUM. 20' ~NOTE: RAMPS ARE ~ mOWED TO ENCROACH INTO LOADING/UNLOADING ZONES, PARKING SPACES OR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC LANES. 3' MIN. [] · tl lEI TYPICAL SYMBOL L 1MI~ ~ g' MIN. 9' MIN. TYPICAL HANDICAP PARKING SPACE N.T.S. TOTAL PROVIDED: 744 STALLS (GROSS 2.45 STALLS /UNIT) 73 @ 1.5 STALLS I UNIT _ 109.5 231 @ 2.5 STALLS I UNIT _ 577.5 687 STALLS (REQUIRED) 166.5 (2.3/UNIT) 577.5 (2.5IUNIT) 744 STALl.S (PROVIDED) 1IIlCIAY. .... CML ENCIHtERHG_LANO Pl.NHJl<<:;~D SURV(YIHC P\.rASNnON. CA. 04588 (925) 22~90 SHEET NUMBER; C.4 "f'-., 0-1 C'fJ "f'-., . E-c }---. rn l)"'- <( Z D:: ~ }---.L d ~ ~ ~ +. - ~ PARKING SUMMARY PHASE I PHASE II STALLS PER STALLS PER STALL BUILDING BUILDING TOTAL GUEST STANDARD 64 65 ACCESSIBLE 5 4 138 SURFACE/STREET 20 ~ RESIDENT STANDARD 265 266 TANDEM 2 2 535 UNASSIGNED (std.) 10 28 38 O' 20' 40' 80' ACCESSIBLE 13 ~'" J OAK GROVF ~ -',- -cF'~ j\;J fL Y-A-P:A R=r j\;j.~j\j=f- S -. I~ ~~ -----~- ~ 4.." "::I :; ~ f " ~ "<'t\~ -.- ^' \ rJII~~~I.~~~;rll'l ~ . . .. n ~ MAGUIRE WAY ~ r T r T i~r r T I~~ J I LbJ ~ HH.Htltl.H I r n I ~ II r:1 \ \ ~ r 0 n ?a - ~ rn - -3 I- ~ ~ ~ -3 - = ~ r- ~ ~ - I F=========" f---- III f-- f-- RESIDENT PARKING l\ I Mrr-~ _ ~) ~~~ ...... -r ~ ~ ~ ...- I- '--- ...- n I ~ II ~ I ~ - ...- ...- ( ~ E II I ~. RESIDENT PARKING ...- ;i "'" '-' - J T T - - ":r~ ~ II ~ 11 ~ n ~I ~ ~ ~ Il ~ J I ~ ~ ~l \ U ~11~IJUUllJlllll~ ~ T...J1 ~I~II.!IIJJ ~11~11~llrJ ~ c~~.~\(~~ ~./i~~ IJ III ~ ~~ ~t ~ ~~F" r '~a= ~El!==3edp-- "=1~"' Sf IEJEJt'j@j~# 'l...... L-f.::: ~ c::::J L-J L-J L-J I ~ 7 , I C~ IF ~ I / DUBLIN BLVD. .....1iiII.- DUBLJj\j RAj\JCH AREA 11 C11 CAj\;JP US OFFJCF Legend D Resident Parking- Standard Space IT] Resident Parking-Tandem Space W Resident Parking- Modified Space '-7 ~ Pl 0 o -- -L C OJ <l -- 7 o l'l ?J 7J/' CfJ7 --\. () -( ,- 7Jj/ lLl. ?J (j) l'l oJ/' l'l :1 ~ OJ -----,. :t J/' l TOTAL PROVIDED: 744 STALLS (GROSS 2.45 STALLS /UNIT) STALl.S PER UNIT: 1 BEDROOM UNITS: 2 & 3 BEDROOM UNITS: 73@ 1.5 STALLS/UNIT _109.5 231 @ 2.5 STALLS / UNIT _ 577.5 687 STALLS (REQUIRED) 166.5 (2.3/UNIT) 577.5 (2.5/UNIT) 744 STALLS (PROVIDED) 5VCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIJPI10N DA TB Prdiminary City SubmilIaI August 18, 2006 city SDR Submilllll Novcmbcr 20, 2006 PROJECr NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342~ AS NOlED Ncn1llllber 20, 2006 Parking Plan: Lower Level IlIAD.... CMl ENGINEERING_LAND Pl.N'NN:;el...tHD SURVlYING PltA.SANTON. CA. 9"S88 (925) 22~90 SHEET NUMBER: C.5 Ii .... ~\~~- - - - - -- ---~~\1 I I -- -I- - I J I I I I .1 ,/ I j'--., (1-1 ('I) j'--., f---' (J <C U:: f---' I I r I I I I / I I I I I ..{ . E-c en ;;. , Z 1 I < I I 0 I ~ I I ~ ~ I I I I I _I I I I I I -~- I I I I -- ~ --"'-::-:_- -----~"'"..-< - I I I I I I I I I I - -'~-I- ".... I ~ I I I I "". +---- c:::: I ---.1 --:;;~--- OA K GR~O V F - I : FA jyj j L YAP A-:R-r jyj p-J\rr s I -- 1 ~ f "Q - ----- - ~ ~ A '" '" '" '" ~~- MAGUIRE i WAY I ,Gr'~",,- ~~""~ A!&lf "~ TIT T l~r T T r~~ 111- . - - l~- ~ 1 - - -" I f\ .. >-;-;. ,;-i'!' ",rg,~ .. ;;;., r ~ r>'J, .. W _ ~I f,'D ",fill I m Jil.1rl:'r;: '!~ ' ~~~ b!ilib-rFm4 ....-.vf :)1.. fji ..-LJIl ~~~-Il-"b 1~"".-l17b ~I. )I1rug:> <: I .1'_ ~ ' ~:!f ~ r I t 116 Lr 1:F'jf117 ---rL:: ' u U~ I ~ a )-il/lJ I~ l.. ~I ..L ~...J iii ""1'=1~ t 1Xt, I ~ ~? I :::Iln I~I ~1; '" ~ '" '''' 1'!hoI'. '~'I (a' 1;1 t ';:~ I ~ ~~ '''H'' ;~, - "'~~ - ~1 ~~~ ~- ! rn;~ ~~ · ~~ n ~ jJil ~:, ~~ : Lh~' I.l~ JL. -' I ~ ~/ 121 ~ 122 1 120 ~ '- 121 V;;~ [L 101 ~ - 36 = ij~137r tr[ 'Ji : r 111. JrL 4100hlo ~ ~ ~ ~ I--< - ( 0)(:5: 4500 j ~ i j ockharl ~ I~~)~\ ;g I st t r;:r - ~=ml IkldalA I-" = ,rr,u Keegan i1 ~'D fl : tl it ~ ree ,LJ141(?hll': _ - ~ 'f~' Street "';;;"":. >;'" ". I '" "" Mti.. 1"1-'r ~~~ I'~ : rn. ~r!Kn Tlf" ',~-- ~ \r1 10J I lLl''D ~ tl I 1M zJr'D ll;~ __'([139 Tr If ~~ rTri;~;J r. 7'+ I C ~ rK /-// ,~lL,11\~D ( 104 ~ ~1 I~ ~l-J I ~ ~ m ~r ~ M~~8 Ml: I Er, _Ih--j ::JrT~ 135rl,3J; '~r n ~~d;'~:~m~O;~~B~ '~ ;~:;~':rrc:,:7~;~~ +:;;~tfr:' ~~~h!',J'~iJl~ -~><""~ \ II >< \~aJ~ !;;j U. U:~110 III a~., '] 'I - --~.,- r~ U 31 .32~ ~ 0 11J6 I III \ 106 lOB 109 11 111 I! 30 1JJ 34 'dl" ~ L.ij 550Bt1It - . m '" a a ~ ;m::, f1115509 Tl / ~~~~~~11~:CG~~~~-9! ;:9'1 _l~~~~~_ ":!~~~te Ii 3168 I~ ~~~~~" . ~Cl h= D fe= Cl D D 6~r1rI IrI D ~~~ 3008 ~ \0. n 3160 ~ 314-4 ~.3136 \ 3128 3120 3112 .:;; II~ ~~ ~ 3032 3024 3016 I rl-~~ ~ ~ n .- - . (,. J1 n n 3104 3096 3072 3064 3056 J04B 3040 ~ " "- "- IIE= \~~J~-~~~~r= =a=q~" f~ I rf~ ~ "- ~ ~ ,t~Bt=i ,~ ~ - - . ~ I L...fJ= ~ ---.J ----.l ----.l =.J ~ '- I ../ - - / ,,", 1 -~ I '-' ::J ..... ~---- -...-' :: .. ~ -~-- ":.- :...:.::--_.:..:... -~... ~~ - - - DUBLIN BLVD. I I I I I --.1. I I .I J I I I I I - --I I I I 8~ -5 ~1C5 I I DUBLJj\j RAj\JCH AREA CAJyjPUS OFFJCF 11 (11 '---' 11-17-2006 1~:5ll:11 Ivolhouer P:\'9.J4Z\plonni"'l\SubmatoI\SDR'\C.6-0dd<n> plon.d"9 Legend D Dublin Boulevard D Lockhart Street D Keegan Street D Maguire Street r o n ~ ~ ~ Note: The unit number for each residential flat will increase by 100 for each successive floor. For example, 101 will be Floor One, 201 being Floor Two and 301 being Floor Three. w ~ ';d Pl. '0 t:s:j '0 C ~ C OJ _-< l- ~---- ~ 7 -----~~ '0 ~ Pl. 7J 7)> CJ)7 ----i (; -<:c -< 7J)> tll 7J CJ) tll. '0)> tll. ::l: ~ OJ '""""l ::l: )> r 3YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DIlSCRIYI'lON DA TB Pn:1iminary City SuhmiIlal. August 18, 2006 city SDR Submillal Novcmba 20, 2006 PROJECrNUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 1934Hl AS Nll11!D NO>1lIIIber 20, 2006 Address Plan ~ O' 20' 40' 80' IlAClClYls.PI CML [NCIHEERN:;-LAHD Pl..NHN:i~D SURVE't'lNC PLEASANTON. CA.. 9.588 (925) 22~ SHEET NUMBER; C.6 -- _ <It:l i"-- 0--1 ('Ij i"-- r (J <( U:: L.., I - E--c r.fJ , Z "- < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.....r------r" ~- --'- '-: - GA}< GRBVF F AJ\;JJL YAP AR-rJvJ Fj'\frS '< ~I ,......--1... ___ ~ ~ r - -. ~? l:....__ - -- ---- ~- ~ -, --.. - -~,"" ~- ...--.... LII ~~~\ A6f1 E ?=+Jl T,~G~~R~2~~m' n ~ J1iJ I ~ "- ~ ~ ~~'] ~." ;;';;::. "-,. ii&~~1FI v~~, .$ t\ \, \ H LI'l:_ Ft.l-~. ,~_. 16 1:1. f.lt[ .1 ~';f':'''';~ r'~"W':~~lf~9 . bJjt-~-- - ~ ~:-<=-.E'v' ~1!"lllP'1W' ~~." '~'I~ .,' J?O' ~,I 11~17""~~-; 1~~F>_~ ~~ R ;. ~~~:Ff;;E:~~~,~t'~~~~;'~~,'. . ...' ~ '>"" L ~ UL ~,:,~~, m Ii. I':!';?~b ' ~ I"~.. :f~ 1 ~~ E:L '~'l'~ ' "" ~J; r< '" I ~; ~~ I ~ , 17'11> ,rr""- , L~'% ij ~ -~J \~- ., rt'!:'-'If -, "'1~ '. . ~ ~ Hl :sJf ~:2i,~jL ~~ 1=" r ~ LP~5 w/},~ or; ,j;! or; ,~ l 1f'4,i ~.~ ~ j ~ '~ - ("'"~ ' , '4{" '1'i '. ;:I-/?\ , '~./ ~ it ~ 'F - L.L I Jt ;a'~ r",: ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~.~ - : ~ If: ,!ftE'.'I<:' _ .~,~ ~ ~~~.~;~~~ l ~ I ':E H J ~ ~ ~ (r t' ~~I~ ,21.:1" uZIt':l"P. 'rlojj1l ~,~ .dhl\ i'!d ... I, - ~ ,," '.J:,'1 I. ~ ..'" . ", u 0 , ,,... ill f';,'6Jr"'oJ!. '" ' .J1~, "" ~""_-'''-'.,~ ,r L' ~~. . ."r:~ ill lr ~ P '"<:L~ -lJ)b.:Hfu; ,t~Jl. ;-,*,~ ~ ' ~____ >~~~mlli~~f~ '~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1'~~3!~~(~,~~~~~~{, J ~~, ,-") ~ '~, ~ i '~'ij,_ '~," ~Y' ~,plF=lE::JE:J; \ ...... J'. ~ = i='O' 1",,=P--< ~ c-' F"'j ~'r--1 .--J . .-I L-J I , L--' ~~ F" I ,-1 I==I e-- ~_L_:::_Ji:::J L..fF; ~ ~ ~ ~ , ':J -.L 'l...... __ .../..," DUBLIN BLVD. .J ..... - DUBLjj\j RAj\jCH ARFA CAJvJPUS OFFJCF 11 (11 '-/ 1-17-2006 13:58:5-4 I~lhouor p:\ 19J.42\pkJnnino\SubmiUol\SOR\C.7-PhosiOQ.dw9 b n ~ ~ en ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Z Pl 0 Oc C OJ -Zl 7 o Pl 7J 7')/ (j) 7 -----i C) -< <-or ?J')/ l'l. 7J (j) l'l 0')/ Pl ,. 7, OJ '-l ::l: ')/ l Unit Breakdown by Phase Number of Uti ts 35 3 66 11 16 4 II Phas e 1 Unit T)'pc 1 Bedroom 1 Bedroom and Loft 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom and Loft 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom and Loft Live/W ork T ownhorres Sub- Total Phas e 2 1 Bedroom 1 Bedroom and Loft 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom and Loft 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom and Loft Live/W ork Townhon~s Sub-Total 2 148 50 6 57 8 18 4 11 2 156 TOTAL UNITS: Note: Pool, Clubhouse and Foun~atio~ Walls located at the limits of Phase I wIll be Included as a part of Phase 1. Legend D Phase 1 D Phase 2 304 sveAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIPTION DA TB Preliminary city SuhmittBl AiIgust 18, 2006 city SDR SubmiUal NOYI:IIIbcr 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342~ AS NOIFD NOVllIIIber20,2006 Phasing Plan ~ O' 20' 40' BO' JJAg!HIIPS(92f> ~~ A..tASNnON. CA. 945& SHEET NUMBER; C.7 . .', ,1'/ \\ ' -' ........ 'V - __ __'_~._"_'~".. LEGEND l. -~---- -----t.::..,- - .,... ---~---------- \~OA1K~-GRO - t.--__ -= _ "t '=--- ~L L~~--c' --- " ~ ' FA1-1 J U{ A PART M EJ\trS.. \ ., FIRE TRUCK ACCESS ROUTE //"""--'~'''':O'MAG~~K WAY - --;- ", - f7 "; - j:,/ , _~_ '.:', -- " - \,v/,"""""""""'-""" ! EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ' I, _----,.. ,>;' " ----,..'---:- -',~- -. -- ./:: 'r~ -;. - - " \ ,/ ---- - -- " ", "-';'.- ~ ~ ~ ~ -=-~ ~= ;,'../ \ ,',' \ "" ~! ,,' \ " \', ) " " \ "'11,'"",/1, .....' #, \~'\.'" "'~\ ' --- -;;,~" --~7r;:;'"" TIT T I~I r 1 r~~i (~~----- \""~-C~'~~=UL/ \0< Fir : ":F:h,'~ 'FFr Fl I M'/ JrI 1J~ L~" ~ 1 ~ ;11 =?1!"'! tr DG ~ 1f.1I~.'. ~f1~Il~' ~J 3 ~ '-,' , I::i;\i. '" ,l!lb- -, --""", ... . ~ '.. '" ~, ~ ., ""cd .~" ,_ .. ~ . ! '-1~'[!:at-~'~;~~--~-illJ:~"I f \J~&h~:I'\\.;ILr WJI.'~ 1k~~~'D rill - > ~ ~ 1"""" '--Ptl ,"-~I' ffb ~""~ - , :.5():' 1~."Ei'tr!::1U.] I : ~~5' 1-'" I - I ~->:--~----,'---t-~-~~ (~ , C I ; ~I I:r~ I t:r- <; Iii-: t " ~1 n- ,I'! '"'T I.' ',r--r---',1J 1 i IT ~ " ~-< \, -- ~~~I!L1~ 1r / 1r1~: \{ m : ""'.""..~;~. ~2 __ Ii".. -- ~N1 _ ~ ~ -., =. [~ n ';/ Ui '; \: ~ _,/.L- T ''', --', '. ,/ 'r 1[' J{' '------: .:h~ti .,g:J \ - g ~ ,":-f': -, - - /. \ "I[j[, ':If..11 ,.., __ I I ' " -- ':" /- - . ,: :>,' =\ ., '\" ~ :z; OJ ...... ( ~( -!:9__ ",/' '\, - . - -- >: ; - ,:;/ - l --1.<:<' - //'.'".-' ,,_ . 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'" -" I I -\ , I~I~" f-A.I.= ~ n" n~\ ~1;~J = I ~" -" JI': ( ...n -" -'" n -" : \ n n f--E' , ~r ~ ~ ~,,~IF''r~F- + =~ ~ =F~Ff'F !' :Ir~1 ~ '11 liMn ,- ',' "'-- : I -' . , I rl ,. \ ....... _ I \ ,/ I / I j' - -~' -,\ L _ \\--- -; " I , , - - ~'~,-----?- --- ....... - /-- -.....::;- I " , .///'....----.---'----------' "", -- --- -, - -- -- - - - __---:_7/'--- "-----, --- -'-, -- "'--"'-... r-j ... v Z pl. 0 2c Cm Zl /'--", ( ) 150' RADIUS FROM \,---/' EXISTING HYDRANT - - - LADDER ACCESS ROUTE AND HOSE PULL (150' MAX) - - - HOSE PULL (150' MAX) ....---... ( ; HOSE PULL RADIUS (150' MAX) ...... -'" '7" o Pl. 7J '7")::>- c..07 -+- - ---lCl -<.:r. c ST AND PIPE LOCA nON 150' RADIUS FROM STANDPIPE ... ~ I , I , , , , , , "...." ~/ ~~ ------" ~-~\ ~ .....- ------------- ,-' DUBUN RANCH AREA 11 C" CAMPUS ornCE 11-17-2006 14:00:22 M'ho"", P:\19J42\pIann;"'l\SYbmi!tot\SOIr\C.8.9-'.e Acc....d.g SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV 1 S ION S: DBSCRII'I10N DATE PrcIiminary City Suhmittal August 18,2006 city SDR Submiual November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19J.42~ AS NOTI!D No>unhor 20, 2006 Fire Exhibit: Podium Level ~ O' 20' 40' 80' IIIACIAY Ik... CML ENGINEERING_LAND Pl..>>HNCeUHD SURVlY1NG A..[ASNfTON. CA. 9.588 (92.5) 22~90 SlIEET NUMBER: C.8 i ,"-/- ' , --- :' ~ \'-OA1X:/ GROVE ... ..~---!~-- - FAj~JjL,>t APARTJvJENTS" , '~-'i' //""",,"'c":"=MA$bl~ WAY - - ..._"./ ~ Ii' _ -~ - \.1/".,/"""....... ---:- ----:,-- - ___ - I: ~ -::: """"-_ ---- - ...;,)\' - - I - - '-, --- ~ ~ ~,e _ _ /~ .. \ "" J .).! _~- ,/ ': .. 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I '-~'--- ,::- .............{ ',,1 ......................____ ._- ------------- , , , , ,. - ------ -- - - - ---_:.;;/- --~ ~~ -- .-. 11-17-2006 14:00:22 "'1"""", P:\19J42\pIonnin<j\SYbmijjoI\SoR\C.8,9-f".. .>cc....d.g LEGEND '< /...--...., , , I I \ , ',,___,,1 Pl. 0 Oc Cm '<l '7 o~ Pl. '?J 'Z',yo -+ (f) '7 ---in -<::r:. '?J',yo \,-l. '?J (f) ~l. of.?' Pl. ,. ~m ..... ,. ',yo t- I , , ,."" ,...." ...,......"; .L. FIRE TRUCK ACCESS ROUTE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT 150' RADIUS FROM EXISTING HYDRANT LADDER ACCESS ROUTE AND HOSE PULL (150' MAX) HOSE PULL (150' MAX) SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION s: DBSCRImON DATH Prdiminmy City Suhmittal ADgU5l18,2006 city SDR SnbmiUal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATEISSUED: 19342~ AS NOlED NlMIIIlbor 20, 2006 Fire Exhibit: Garage Level @ O' 20' 40' 80' IIACICIY l SIIIPS CML [NGJN[[RING-LAHO Pl.NHNGet..NolD SlJRVlY'ING PL[ASANlON. CA. 04S88 (92~) 27~90 SHEET NUMBER: C.9 --- ,... '</I T'- C\J ('0 T'- ~ (J <C ~ ~ ?- ~ r.n. ~:'" i' -- z < C-' ~ ~ ~ :) -t. - ., '-l , -..J ___ _ _---. --. .- OAK GR,OVF F AJyJJL YAP AR-rJyJ Fj\;frS -~ '"'::. -~ ~ --~ -. --~ ~ - "::l .., '" <"" ~ ;=> -~~ ..1- Trash Pickup - - Location for .t1\ ~ '" ~ 1".:"~~;,, ~GUlRE WA Y ~\~Il ~ (I ~ 11~~'l ~T-"~~~ I [e- ., ~ I ~ ~r 11r~ I IIII1I ~rll I~ I ; ~ I ~~~ 1 ~ ~ g Trash Storage ~ - .. f - - - -;,;, - ~~}ft3~ 1- ~~ - - - -" ,- ,'W) [ . . ~ ~ 9 ~ :f, ~ 1 ~+- ~ . '- L "---'^- Ln n'~ - I.~ 1 t ~r ~ ~ 1 ~ ~. I == == I _( ~ .~ I I I W ":.'-~I~ t t I - ~ ~ 1'-;1" _ ~v - /\ '=" ~I ~'"===dt IkFll ~ ) \ \ '" ~ ~)I · - - · nc "J:D14 ~::> · 0 (Ill J II t · .. I ~ LITy o t t 0 (1==~ · ( I~. ~ I ~ /A- \l I ~tr 1 ~ ~ I ~ · ~ t ! ~ 1 t:=;:?' I 1~' fi j W'" If / -==- ~~ ~~~ -=='9 " fl f 11 ~~ /' ; ~,~ ~);\tev~ ~IL; I( -:iJJ;~~~ i~ ~ .~~ , rz':z r:z::Z:Z:z::z: ; ~ ::.: :J; :s: ~ ~ :s::: :s:::s: ~ ~_ ::i::S:: L ~~ ~ ~ / .......... .J;l.. I-t::.... ~ ~ I-t::.... I-t::.... "-'b.._ ."",,' ,r- ,:r- ---->:r -"" "'" ,)~ I V \~~F"' 1"E=7E'fF' ~ (E3"~~'---I;;:~ SgddEn"'" I't=ru'qt=l~~ / I ~ ~ --- '-l ----=== ~~ ___ -- - - '" · .~ I ~ rl DUBLIN BLVD. R DU8LJj\J RAj\JCH ARFA CAJyJP US OfFJCF 11('"11 '-/ - r- o n ~ ~ ~ CfJ. -3 ::0 ~ ~ -3 ~ --' -' '"7 :::::::,.. Pl 0 Oc C DJ <l -- z o tll 7J 7j/ U>7 -i () -< -...c 7J'J/ Pl '?J (j) tll o'J/ Pl :I: 7\ OJ '-l :I: j/ l Legend ... ~... Path of Travel to Trash Bin Storage and Pick Up I Internal Trash Bin Locations: 4 Bins per Trash Room NOTE: Pick-Up Area for 12 Bins Needed for Family Apartments on Condiminum Site @ 6'W x 4'0 each SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I $ ION $: DBSCRIPTION DA TB Preliminary City Suhmittsl ADgust 18, 2006 city SDR SubmiIlBl N<MIIlbcr 20, 2006 PROJECfNUMBHR: 19342~ SCALE: AS NOlED DATE ISSUED: NOVlIIIlbor 20, 2006 Trash Services Plan ~ O' 20' 40' 80' IlIAD.... CML [NGIN([RHC_WD PlNHNC-LAND SlJRV(YJNG PlEASNolTON, CA.. ~588 (92~) 22~90 SHEET NUMBER: C.I0 ~ ....,~- r---- '-, ~ I OAK GR8VF i: : Uj I -I 1-<' '81 \ F AJ\;JJL Y AP AR~rJ\;jFJ\[r$ :. \ \ ~ ~ l...- I I:::s.. \ -,--;"rn 0 - ~ - - 1 I ( ----....... 0 \. ~ - u____ - -- ~ I I T ~- - 8 9 / --- ,~T--=- ~~~~...~.:--- - --,::~~~=-= -,::~;- -...1_ - -1lL__~,,:-=- -=- ___0_ ~"-"-"----"-"-"\ / I I : I 1 I , / I I : I I I \ ;../ I: I I ~ i ___~ : 1 : o .-'- I \ ... : : : .... I I ""i --I.. Y b ~ 8\ o \ 81 ~\ ~ \ ~I ~\ wi -3 -=.i ~ ~: ~ \ ~ '\ -3i ~ I \ I \ · _..JX.JL-'-"-1 ~:-:o DII'oo \ .,1]"" U!I!N:M \ \ \ I i 8, i 8\ i B j ~ -- MAGUIRE WAY ~ 9- $ J, !g---- I~ t. iii ;ll :-r ..::, ~ -= 1"- 0-1 ('iJ 1"- ""-- ~ ~-~ " e---~----l- r (J <C D:::: r ..;....,.... -E- rn. ~ ~:':' / ~... .-:-!' -'-:- z ~- < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~--- - -~ -----1 ~ - -'- l:J I ~~~.:,g,o..oo DUBLIN BLVD. '"-' DU8LJJ\j RANCH AREA CAJyjPUS OFFJCF 11(11 '--./ 11-17-2006 14:02:17 ""100_ P:\ 19J42\p1onrn"'l\SubmittoI\SOR\C.ll-Jo;nLTrencl1.d"'l Legend Existing ~ rrJ ITJ lITJ Proposed EXISTING JOINT lRENCH .-------------- PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ~~;~~*MH PAD [l:J m l%J 1ll[tJ ~ 8 m r~;~~*MH PAD 4~"x8'-6"x6' PRIMARY ENCLOSURE 13"x24"x20" TELEPHONE SPLICE BOX 1 7"x30"x 12" CABLE TV SPLICE BOX 3'x5'x3'~" PRIMARY ENCLOSURE 17"x30" SECONDARY SPLICE BOX -z: Pl. 0 Oc C \JJ -z:r ~- 7 o lLl. 7J 79- (f) 7 -i (; -<:c Cill ITl 7J9- lLl. 7J (f) Pl. 09- Pl. "7 'I \JJ ~ :I: :I: 9- r NOTE: ALL JOINT TRENCH INFORMATION IS PRELIMINARY AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 3VCAMORE GRQ\JE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCIUYI10N DA TB PrclimiIwy City Submittal August 18, 2006 city SOR SubmiUaI November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: IOO~ AS NOlED N lMllIlber 20, 2006 Preliminary Joint Trench Plan @ 0' 20' 40. 60' IIIACIIY Ik.... CML ENCINEERHG.lANO Pl.NHHG-...NoCD SUfN[YlNG Pl.EASANTON. CA.. 9"588 (925) 22~90 SHEET NUMBER: C.II i....... f'-.. 1;\.1 (1) f'-.. t E-c <C ~ r:n [J::: L-. Z I < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- .." , -" - -- - ~I OAK GROVE EANJJL y APAR~MEt!IS:-' --" - ~~ - -. --\... ~ ~ ~ - - - ~--- - ~osh 'Pickup J Cuest Parkin<;l:\ Locotion for "'- " \. '<" '/.~ Emer<;lency Exit , '~ /Emer<;lency Exit romiy Apls. ..-::-Emer9"ncy Exil __L " V T r '-~, ~ V r-~~.<<" ,,~ ".Ut'JJTWL'liWIA fUll ~ rm IT~i] ~-?1'fffl I [~!~-~J I ~ ~Tn II ~ II ~ II ~ II. 1 ~]3 ~ ',. - .. ~ ~.I~ I ~ i~ D I : ~ .. ~ I ~ w~ DO, "- ;~ .... - e1\ ~~ . f------ I--- I--- I I p ~ I I ~m . f------ I -"-------' ! DUBLIN BLVD. Garage Level Plan --...'- ~ ~ DUBLJN RANCH AREA "c" CAMPUS OFTJCE ~!t 11-17-2006 14:02:09 !vi_ P:\IUl2\ . \Sul>mit1a1\~C.12-occessibilily.d I i I Iii I p r Podium Level Plan - ~ P"10 DC Cm ~C Z o t'"1 '?J 7):::>- (f) 7 -in -<:r '?J):::>- p"1 7J ~~ OJ.? P"1 .. 2;0] -. .. Primary Public P,'d~n Enlry,' rmergency l . d( ;; 1" I -.... I~--- - -' ....... l:""'" o n ~ ~ ~ ~ ';'j t:s:j ~ Legend --- -- - --- Disabled Access Route for Residents to Residential Flats Disabled Access Route for Guests to Residential Flats Disabled Access Route for Guests to Live Work Units Disabled Access Route for Residents to Live Work Units Emergency Exit Emergency Exit from Podium Level NOTE: Routes shown are typical to disabled access spaces. MAGUIRE WAY q I i i I I i I I i I I i I I i . . r - 0 ("") ~ ~ ~ ~ ';'j tx:1 tx:1 SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCIlII'TION DA TB PrcIimizlary City S1lhmiIIal ADpt 18.2006 City SDR SlIhmittaI NCMmhcr 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DArn ISSUED: 19342-4 AS NOl1!D NCMIIIIbcr2O, 2006 Cu~.t Po~ing - 1IIIIn I ~ II [~r k ~ Prirnary P"blic Pedest[ion - . _ ,r-~ Entry/ Emervency Exi 1 ~t-E io:3: \ I \,.'--- ,,' , - '][~. \tr~[;; , ~\':;i1.i"~' '-J 0 I '---' (Lt]~ ~ . II ~~_ ~I , ~~~"IJ I ~ I ~ ~ .'~ !;;1 ~~111~ 1~".~Uoo'HIIIII':; =-~-=~~,lll IIIII~~.H~I t · , ~ 'I II. ~ ~ II II ' II, 'I II ...~~ Jj, II "!...::-"", ~ ~~a U IL "" A \0' ~r, , ~ I~ ~~.?/~. ~~.' Oir'~ ~~~~~3\ \'=<~d~~~ ~ 'i=n.,q", /M\...JI '" ~ rz IZ :z :z gT IZ '" IZ '" i "-~ - :so '" ~J l ,,- .4 ~ 6r::;h-- r-" r-" . - - r--., f--1>.... ~ h-- I~ < ...--L=I-or '--'" "", -g' =J F=' ~'\iP T=:J~=-- ~ ~-~=,:rt::];-~ I, i ~ ICJ~ Tl~~ _~~ -~ v __ '" ~ III ~=<>- v i J""- Existing Bus Accessibility Plan o O' 20' 40' BO' _l SIIIPS ow. [IC;IOO[[AOC;oWCl PLNHNCo<NCl SUIM'IlNC 1UASoIHTOH. CA. ....... (.25) 225-OllOO SHEET NUMBFJl: C.12 Sycamore Grove Condominiums Oak Grove Family Apartments Oak Grove Family Apartments 77' ROW Section A-A Lockhart Street @ Short Term Delivery Sycamore Grove Condominiums Section C-C Maguire Way ~ Dublin Ranch Area "B" Medium Density Residential ROW 7' L 5' L 10' MIN L Travel Lane 1 Park 1S/W1 ,.- Way Section D- D Maguire Way Sycamore Grove Condominiums Oak Grove Family Apartments Sycamore Grove Condominiums Maguire Way Key Map ::r I'" ," --- -- - - -, .F '" ~ ,. ~ L ~ ,r- G H SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIPI10N DA TB Preliminary City Suhmittal ADgust 18,2006 city SDR Snbmiual Novcmbcr 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342-0 AS NOTFlJ NCMIllbor 20, 2006 Street Sections ~ N.T.S. IIACICAY Ik SIIIPS CML ENGINEERING-LAND PlNHNGel.AND SlJRVEYlNG A.rASAH1ON. CA. 94588 (925) 225--01590 SIIEET NUMBER: C.13 Key Map Sycamore Grove Condominiums ROW ROW Section E- E Keegan Street Sycamore Grove Condominiums Dublin Ranch Area .. C" Campus Office ROW ROW Section G-G Dublin Boulevard Sycamore Grove Condominiums Dublin Ranch Area .. C" Campus Office 17' Varies Edge of Pavement 157' R W Section H-H Dublin Boulevard ~ --=" -.::;- I..-" ~ "=-<.... __ - . I, ~ - --'-,- Q -. -.r.=::.- I~" -----. ;r L _ ----- G H Live/Work Unit ~ Live/Work Unit R W ~ ,S~~~' Section F-F Secondary Garage Entry/EV A SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIPTION DATE Prcliminary City Suhmitlal August 18, 2006 city SDR SubmiIlBl NOVCIIIbcr 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: IOO~ AS NOIFJl Novtmber 20, 2006 Street Sections ~ N.T.S. IIACICIY. SIIIPI CML ENCINEERHG.WO PI.JHIP<<ieL.>>lO SURVE'nNG PltASAHTON. CA. 94!a88 (925) 22~ SHEET NUMBER: C.14 SEE SHEET L.7 ;- ill W a:: f- en z <( o W L.:.J ~ r:=v,nb-,RE '!:AY .~3. U'T) SEE SHEET L.8/L.9 SEE SHEET L.11 SEE SHEET LA SEE SHEET L.5 '- 1 I J / DUBL...'N BCJL...E\ARD SEE SHEET L.3 SEE SHEET L.1 0 O~O'~ PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE BOTANICAl NAME COMMON NAME MIN. SIZE SPACING 0 STREET TREES PLATANUS ACERJFOLlA LONDON PlANE 2"-BOX NlA QUERCUS COCClNEA SCARLET OAK 24' BOX NlA ULMUS PARV1FOUA CHINESE ELM 24' BOX NlA ZELKOVASERRATA SAWTOOTH ZELKOVA 24" BOX NlA ACCENT TREES 00 ACER PALMA TUM 'BLOODGOOD' JAPANESE MAPLE 24- BOX NlA BRAHIA EOULUS GUADALUPE FAN PALM B'BTH NlA 0 CYCAS REVOl.UTA SAGO PALM 15 GAL NlA FEIJOA SEll.OWIANA PINEAPPLE GUAVA 24- BOX NlA MALUS PRARJFlRE CRABAPPLE 24" BOX NlA PRUNUS CERASIFERA 'KRAUTER VESWlUS' PURPLE LEAF PLUM 24" BOX PRUNUS YEOOENSIS 'AKEIlONO' FlOWERING CHERRY 24' BOX 0 EVERGREEN SCREEN TREES CUPRESSUS SEMPERVlRENS IT ALlAN CYPRESS 24- BOX NlA LAURUS NOBIUS SWEET BAY 24' BOX NlA PfTTOSPORUM UNDULA ruM VlCTORlAN BOX 24- BOX NlA 0 SEQUOIA S. 'AFrOS BLUE" AFrOS BLUE COAST REOWQOO 24' BOX 0 SHRUBS ASPARAGUS D. 'SPRENGERr SPRENGER ASPARAGUS 5 GALLON 3'O.C. CEANOTHUS SP. WlLD UlAC 5 GALLON SOO.C. CISTUS SP. ROCK ROSE 5 GALLON 3'O.C. COLEONEMA PULCHRUM PINK BREATH OF HEAVEN 5 GALLON 4'O.C. OIETES SP. FORTNIGHT Ul Y 5 GALLON 3'O.C. GARDENIA SP. GARDENIA 5 GALLON 3'O.C. GREVlll.EA SP. GREVlll.EA 5 GALLON 4'O.C. HEMEROCALLIS HYBRlDS EVERGREEN DAYUl1.Y 5 GALLON "'O.C. LAVANDULA SP. LAVENDER 5 GALLON 18'"O.C. LEPTOSPERMUM SCOPARlUM TEA TREE 5 GALLON 3'O.C MAHONIA A. 'COMPACTA' DWARF OREGON GRAPE 5 GALLON 3"O.C. D. 'GULF STREAM" GULF STREAM NANDINA 5 GALLON 3'O.C. NEPETA 'SIX HIl1.S GIANT CAT MINT 5 GALLON 2'O.C OSMANTHUS FRAGRANS SWEET OLIVE 5 GALLON ,,'O.C PHORMIUM'MAORJ SUNRISE" NEW ZEAlAND FlAX 5 GALLON 3"O.C. COMMON NAME BOTANICAl NAME MIN. SIZE SPACING SHRUBS PHQRMIUM 'YELLOW WAVF: PHOTINIA FRASEmI PITTOSPORUM T. 'VARIEGATA' PITTOSPORUM T. WHEELERS DWARF' POOOCARPUS M. MAKJ RUMQHRA AQIANTlFQRMIS RHAPHIOLEPIS SP. ROSMARINUS "HUNTINGTON CARPEr SPIRAEA JAPONICA SOUYA HETEROPHYUA STRELiTZIA REGINAE TEUCRlUM SP. VlBURNUM T. 'SPRlNG BOUQUET XYLOSMA C. 'COMPACTA' NEW ZEALAND FlAX 5 GALLON PHOTINIA 5 GALLON VARIEGATED PlTTOSPORUM 5 GALLON DWARF PJTTOSPORUM 5 GALLON YPN PINE 5 GAll..ON LEATliERLEAF FERN 5 GALLON INDIA HAWTHORN 5 GAlLON ROSEMARY 5 GALLON SPIRAEA 5 GALLON AUSTRALIAN BLUEBElL CREEPER 5 GALLON BIRD OF PARADISE 15 GALLON GERMANDER 5 GALLON LAURU5nNUS 5 GALLON DWARF XYLOSMA 5 GALLON 30" O.C. 5'O.C. 5'O.C 5'O.C. B'O.C. 2'O.C. 4'O.C. 4'O.C. 3'O.C. 3'O.C. 6'O.C. 4'O.C. 4'O.C. 3'O.C. VINES I ESPALIERS DISTlCTUS BUCCINA TORIA BLClOO-RED TRUMPET VlNE 5 GALLON PARTl1ENOCISSUS TRICUSPlDATA BOSTON rvv 5 GALLON ROSA SP. ROSE 5 GALLON 0 GROUNDCOVERS ARCTOSTAPHYLOS lNMJRSl BEARBERRY 1 GALLON 24'O.C. FRAGARlA CHILOENSlS WILD STRAWBERRY 1 GALLON 16"O.C. GAZANIA WHITE' ClUMPING WHITE GAZANLA 1 GALLON 12"O.C. MYOPORUM PARV1FOl.IUM NCN 1 GALLON 36"O.C. SCAVEOLA' MAUVE CLUSTERS' SCAVEOlA 1 GALLON 30" O.C. 0 IUBE RHIZOMATOUS TALL FESCUE (RTF) SELF-HEALJNG TURF SODIHYDROSEED Landscape Features Streetscape Concept: Dublin Blvd; Triangularly spaced London Plane trees, planted in the parkway and behind the sidewalk create a "grove" effect while maintaining the traditional residential theme of tree lined streets. Urban themed, concrete and stone veneered, low planter walls will be introduced, with lighted, accenting Pilasters offsetting the street tree spacing between individual access walks. This provides a stepped effect down from the individual private patio walls, creating introduced topography and relief at the ground plane. A variety of planting will be introduced at the foundation as well as in the planters and parkway to compliment and soften the architecture while creating visual interest at the pedestrian and vehicular perspective. Lockhart and Keegan Streets; Zelkova and Chinese Elm trees (respectively) will be planted with turf in the parkways, providing an individual identity to each street, carrying on the established planting within the existing development. There are primary pedestrian entries located at approximately mid block along both frontages. Each of the entrances will be highlighted with a pedestrian scale public art element and enhanced pavement. The art will take the form as either an interactive gateway feature or as an element at the public sidewalk. Tiered planting with concrete and stone faced retaining walls with lighted, accenting pilasters, will augment the proposed foundation planting to reduce the building scale to the pedestrian level. Flowering trees and planting will be utilized at the pedestrian and vehicular entries to highlight these interfaces. Maguire Way; Scarlet Oak trees will be planted as the street tree to match the already established planting across the street. As the more "utilitarian' frontage of the proposed project, screen planting will be introduced where feasible, to soften the visual aspects of these areas. Concrete and stone faced planter walls will be used with secondary flowering trees and foundation planting to reduce the vertical scale of the buildings. Low groundcover will be planted in the parkways to create a deterrent, encouraging pedestrians to remain on the walkways. There will be one primary pedestrian entry serving the clubhouse, which will be highlighted with flowering trees and shrubs. Interior Courtyards: Live-Work garden court; Courtyards separate the individual units from the parking garage, providing the residents of the units private access and gathering spaces. The area will be highlighted with specialty pavements, providing identity to the area while reducing the linear nature of the space. Slone veneered seat walls as well as planter walls, and trellis structures will provide scale relief and define individual spaces, and in the case of the trellis, introduce shade and a ceiling plane. Plantings will be at a pedestrian scale and consist of flowering trees, shrubs and foundation plantings consistent with a residential theme. A fountain will be proposed in the center of the space as a focal element, providing visual and auditory stimulation. East and West Podium Courtyards; These residential scale courts will provide garden space over the garage structures to the residents surrounding the spaces, as well as people passing through to the center courtyard. Specialty paving will be utilized to accentuate intersections, focal areas, the center axis, and gathering spaces. Walls constructed above the deck of materials complimenting the buildings with lighted pilasters at the gated entries to the private patios will provide planting areas and privacy to 1 st floor residents. Multiple water features will be proposed to provide focal elements and audible softening. The planting will be of a residential courtyard scale and will used to soften the architecture, highlight, and provide shade. The plant material shall be adaptable to varying light conditions. Center Podium Courtyard and Pool Area; This resort themed area serves as the central activity area, providing a 25 meter pool, and a large crescent shaped spa adjacent, centered on the north I south axis. Other amenities include; gas fire pit, shade trellis' and spaces for group gatherings and other social interaction. Five resort style Cabanas will provide the residents extended entertainment space at pool side. Covered showers in pods of three will be provided to the east and west of the pool. Separation of the pool area from the more residential areas is accomplished through the use of a 4' planter wall with a l' tall section of fence on top. Combined with tropically themed planting, this composition provides privacy to the pool area from the 1st floor unit patios. Open fence sections at the center entry adjacent to the restrooms and to the clubhouse provide views into the pool area from less residential surroundings. Gates are provided at four locations, including two along the central axis accentuated by a contrasting paving pattem, one connecting the clubhouse and a fourth in the covered walkway leading to the garage, which includes the restrooms in the pool enclosure. A perimeter path borders the pool area, providing the residents' unrestricted access to all three podium courtyards, the clubhouse and individual gated private patios. Planting in the raised planters around the pool perimeter would be a blend of tropically themed species from the pool area and the residential plantings from the two outside courtyards. SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S I DESCR1P11ON Pnlllmlnary City Submittal SDR Submittal o N S: DATE August 18, 2DD6 November 20, 2D06 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 1934U AS ND1ED November 20, 2DD6 Reference Plan l A II II . c: .to , I' " .. C M I T I! CT' 15511ord11l.mw.r,BuMMO 211111:.,.......''71 ... CAMMI ~CA"I till: 1f1T 224 Z2II IiII: 11144& 711' ta: 7f17 Z24" Ia: 1114411O!11 - SHEET NUIIBER: L.t SYCAMORE GRQUE MAGUIRE WAY ~ ~ . .' ~~~.~.. ~---..-. . ,~ . . - ~ Dublin, California ~ ~ I ..... '" ... .........- ~ )/ .n' _ li REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION DATE ~mlnary E'Y~1lml~_~US111, 2006 SOR Submm.l November 20, 2006 .--. -- --1 r o () "- 'I )> ~ ~ ::0 m PROJECT NUMBER: 19342-0 SCAlE: AS HOTED DATE ISSUED: Ho_2O,2006 s= >~ - - -15"'" ;p A - ... - ~-& ~--:::; I\. 1 - - ~ - ~-# 1\ '1 ~ --< -:=;I _ Landscape Concept Plan ....- ~..... 1- F c ... .;;.-l: ~g'24 L .. . D . C " . t " . C .. I , f C ,. . _ .......... _.,.....,.. .1'" .......1" ...... CA MI5I .."....., Cot._1I ..._ 'PlJ72:M2211 11III:111""'" 1U;7fI12241G'1 ....;tt'..7a51 - ~~ SHEET HUllBER: L.2 LINEAR PAVING OR PAVERS IN CONTRASTING COLOR "'::IiT~ .JL---- ~~ I CURVED TRELLIS WITH PILASTERS ~ FOUNTAIN FOCAL ELEMENT ~ ~"." -=. -- t-= FOUNDATION PLANTING COLUMNAR TREE ROW PLANTING I LARGE HEDGE Courtyard Lighting Concept: ,.~ '~p ~~O' Lighting will be installed as wall lights located at all entries and doorways. Additional lighting will be installed as pendants from the trellises (of comparable style), and recessed wall lights as required to achieve minimum lighting levels. Further lighting will be installed as uplighting into the trees, on architectural features and accenting the fountains. TWO-SIDED FOUNTAIN GATE WI KNOX BOX LIVE I WORK UNITS LOWER POND . r). -~ ~, L " t ~ ,i-,.. ~ CENTER JET .'}( - PREFABRICATED J:(~I FOUNTAIN BOWL ....f'i ':'., ~~ : i }'. ~l:!lr\. ~. J .. . ; ':\.;,~~ ~ l: .... .' J~,,- .., D PARKING GARAGE 6' PILASTERS :--r-i -F ~ - _ l:::;;.---.... --=-'-- -' _---L - - --,.. T--L r--" ---:.....-. :;- FOUNDATION PLANTING :1 \ ~ ;1 t. hI. ~- n:: ~~I -- - ---i _ __ -~::L ... ---~ -1 -. v'"'- BENCHES '.??" ~~~ ~ _-I ~_._- .~~ ~-"L ~__f-= I3: -' ~ EMERGENCY ACCESS GATE WI KNOX BOX LIVE / WORK GARDEN COURTYARD SECTION SECTION A - A SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" TWO-SIDED FOUNTAIN (Q2 LIVE-WORK COURTYARDS SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" SYCAMORE GRQ\JE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submllt8l AuguslI8.2006 SDR Submlllal November 20. 2006 PROJECT NUMSER: 19342.0 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Live / Work Courtyard r~. .--i!!lI D To. 'I..~ ,4. . __ ~. cLo.. . t . . : "'! ~~~a~~ ~~~ KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ '" 8otdeIu. Way. &lite 24Cl 2111 K Street. SuIte 175 ~CA""" ~CAt5ll' "':1"0122422M ~:91''''7''5 .....: 707224 6I2l IU:"I... ~1 - SHEET NUMBER: L.3 ZELKOVA STREET TREE ENTRY TRELLIS OR GATEWAY PUBLIC ART ELEMENT LAWN PLANTING CONCRETE SEAT WALL 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP CONCRETE SEAT WALL ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR PUBLIC ART STEPS DOWN ~. CONCRETE SEAT WALL LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTER WI CONCRETE CAP STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PI LASTED WI CAP WEST ENTRANCE EAST ENTRANCE ~~ I 1; _ ::]- -::lJ-- -~. WEST ENTRANCE ELEVATION 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP SCALE: 1/4"=1'.0" L .1 CHINESE ELM STREET TREE ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR PUBLIC ART CONCRETE PAVERS ~ LAWN PLANTING I' LIGHTED STONE VENEERED .' I PILASTER WI CONCRETE CAP RAMPED ENTRY WALK . ,.. '" ~ ~,.p -ENTRY TRELLIS OR GATEWAY PUBLIC ART ELEMENT .______lIGHTING 5YCA~ORE GRQ\JE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIFTlON I DATE Preliminary City Submi11a1 I August 18, 2006 SDR Submi11a1 I November 20. 2006 I I I PROJECT NUMBER: 19342-1) SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: NOV1!lllber 20, 2006 West! East Entries r~~ ~~ ~ Jr. ~ :;~~~~t; ~~~- ..........-:~~~~ KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ I5S Bon:tMI.Is w.y, SulNI NO 28171( 51,.., Su* '75 .... CA MS5& Sect-*a, CA 1511' :;~~:= -- lIIf:t16"'7815 11I1: .,......7051 SHEET NUMBER: LA -- STEPS UP--- ~~ . .Qj" SELF-WATERING POTS------ ;frf.s W/ ANNUALS / PERENNIALS AND SMALL TREES /' ORNAMENTAL ---/' TUBULAR STEEL GATE CONTRASTING--------- COLORED CONCRETE ..----CONTRASTING ~ COLORED CONCRETE BANDING SCORED COLORED CONCRETE iQ --.---j ':" =-:_==- j GARAGE COURTYARD ~~ c ir ~.1.....' -----" - . -- . "C~ C ~ - ..~~ ""l-~ \ ~ /~-~ I:=:J ~ >.:3 ;-...oc t:=-' '--- ----==--=- _=: ....::=..;=: :r==--=: z <( Cl w w ~ MONUMENT SIGN - - SEE SIGN PLANS BY GNU GROUP 6' LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTER W/ CONCRETE CAP (SEE DETAILS, SHEET L.12) 29" STONE VENEERED --==:::--.. PLANTER WALL W/ CONCRETE CAP LIGHTED STONE- VENEERED PILASTER W/ CONCRETE CAP STAIRWAY EXIT DOOR~;:::- ~ DUBLIN BOULEVARD SOUTHWEST CORNER ~~ ..~ '~p 5YCAMORE GRQ\)E Dublin, California 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL W/ CONCRETE CAP REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION I DATE Preliminary City Subm~tal !August 18, 2006 SOR Subml1tal I November 20, 2006 I I I 5' HEIGHT STONE VENEERED SOUNDWALL PER ARCHITECT PROJECT NUMBER: SCAlE: DATE ISSUED: 19342-ll AS NOTED __20.2006 Garage Courtyard, SW Corner, & Clubhouse Entrance --- SCARLET OAK STREET TREE U.- ~n . .......~~..".. . :>'~i1r.r~ . . . .. t- ~~L "( ~ ~!~~~ . ~~'~~ _--PORCH/RAMP-SEE ARCHITECTURE PLANS ....~CLUBHOUSE ENTRY KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ .------"'" CLUBHOUSE ENTRANCE LJ----L-J ~ l II . II , C .. , I. 10 A C:"I T f.C T' I56Bordea1J;Way,SulWNO :zs11K8I..........'7S ... CA MS5I 5Krarn1n1.a, CA i5111i lel:7f11Z2"U'J9 ..:tl......1I1!1 u:7072246121 _:"6"7051 -- SHEET NUM8ER: L.5 ~ MAGUIRE WAY .. - -- ~ 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP -LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTERS STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP ~ ~ 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP CHINESE ELM STREET TREE NORTHEAST CORNER l-~(r .,~ '~p ~ S :::::j ....::..... r o () '" :x: ~ ;0 -I o 5' STONE VENEERED--............. SOUND WALL PER ~ ARCHITECT ___ --- (Jl -I ;0 rn ~ ~ -l\ CHINESE ELM STREET TREE LAWN PLANTING MONUMENT SIGN - SEE SIGN PLANS 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP 6' LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTER WI CONCRETE CAP LONDON PLANE~ STREET TREE DUBLIN BOULEVARD SOUTHEAST CORNER r' ~ ./J L--r-----, ,.~ '~p FINISH-:/- FLOOR I C 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP MAGUIRE WAY MONOLITHIC SIDEWALK NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION A - A SCALE: 1/4"-1'-0" / ,-1 . LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTER TUBULAR STEEL GUARD RAIL CHINESE ELM STREET TREE STAIR EXIT DOOR LANDING STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP LAWN IN PARKWAY 29" STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION B - B SCALE: 1/4"-1'-0. 5YC:AMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 SDR SUbmittal November 20, 2001 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 1ll342-ll AS NOTED Nlm!mbe< 20. 2006 SE / NE Corner KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ l 'II G 15 c: A" I: " JI C " I T I: C T .. e>>8otGeMl. Way. Gunt 240 2&17 K Street. &uae 17$ .....UN55I ~.CAt5IIt' lei: 1'01224 Z2'J9 ..: '" "'1"~ tu:7f11W6l21 tu:1164'-61D51 -- SHEET NUMBER: L.6 STONE VENEERED \ LIGHTED PILASTER WI CONCRETE CAP ~ 29" STONE ~ VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP ~ STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP STONE VENEERED GARAGE WALL LAWN \ P~NTING \ UJ UJ a: I- (J) Z <( C> UJ UJ ~ LONOLITHIC SIDEWALK I l STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP FOUNDATION PLANTING ~ SECTION C - C SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" ~e- "'~ '~p n ~J~ , LAWN \ PARKWAY PLANTING KEEGAN ST. I., \. 1.--1 STONE VENEERED LIGHTED PILASTER WI CONCRETE CAP STONE VENEERED GARAGE WALL PRIVATE TERRACE 1j[ STONE VENEERED GARAGE WALL , ..-" '.' l STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP ~29" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONCRETE CAP LOW STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP SECTION A - A SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" SECTION B - B SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 3YCA~ORE GRQ\)E Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2D06 SDR Submll1al November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342-ll AS NOTED November 20. 2006 NW Corner ~-ll. ~3';-". .."' ~<'3 ...........a. .__...._ . ...-- ----..-.' '-.- KEY MAP N.T.S. @ 156 Bofo... w..,. Su* 2<<1 ......CAMW WI: 7f1T 224 22M _: 107 224 612'1 -- 2f17KStraft,~'B s.c:r....mo.CAli$ll. "':"14461115 11I1:"64467051 SHEET NUMBER: L.7 ( ~~~-!'OoI;ss Ai "" N M z z ~ .,... - 1i1j~ ~ ~n..!71'- ~ I I I :E:::i. \~~5..a >l.:~,~ ~~ ~ riA.. I ~1Il ~: ..II \ ~ .]:\<)1 >: ~ ~~ \ [I] , ,;.~ ~ 9 -;'T1 -,. .; ~j~;" '. . I ~ ~ ,': JfJ:. '~_H l,,~ 'I ~ I{~ ~~ ~ ..~~. r:.. I.,~- ~L-.. _ ~=-'- -....:.= - :::J ~UBHOUSE J /" GATE "" ,orl z"" z ~ ~- ~~~ 1--- - .'~~I /~~... ~--------- LIGHTED STONE I . 1 VENEERED PILASTERS I (TYP.) H "" - \ .\ 4' WALL /1' FENCE . rS. H _ ~~=:= 'JJ/\.~ : ' ,~ OJ~ . /. '/' _ I. . ..J:i... I / J!!!:~ I I '? Ix.LJ ~~S, ,\ tiGATE ~- - I I j OJ ./:.. p "; , - - - - ~~ \ J . \' . _ CABANAS -- F:: []] c:I . \ ~~. 5 ,. ~ --COVEREDSHOWERS__I--.~ ~ ~~~ ~ (1 ACCESSIBLE. 2 STANDARD EACH) hr~ - ~ \ >-IL Ie, I H \::~, _ FOUNTAIN l ,~~ ~ J) ,- I ~ ' T.t II J .L/ ul' ~ J ~ ~ # ~ (@ ~ tGAT";, ~ ~ '. /!'f,!liI.i~"'S::S ~.~~ ~~ /~. . /~. ;:>1., _---" ~ I ~ i.. II I';l ~ t:1 P:" ~;,- . ':-~ FULL 5' HEIGHT TUBULAR STEEL FENCE ~'-~J =-~- =. d ifiiiy ~~.~ SSs ': SEATWALL.=. ----- - ~.6~ s~ _...I-_~-....s ., ~ ... I ~x I o'}' ~ ~ '1:: l'l '1.1 T I II ~~Ln ~ .n ~ ~ FIRE PIT '~ ::::, - TRELLIS I J Ai V ----- CD GATE [32.8' X 82.02' POOL (25 M)7 OJ OJ -- iilll I --- _____ COLORED CONCRETE- (CONTRASTING) -+ I I I I I I I CONTRASTING CONCRETE BANDING / BULLNOSE - -- ~~ ~I'~~ ~. U" Ii . :IIi I~ r.~ "= ~ II '\ \ - - . ~ -~ JT1"1 - 1---=== }-- aJ. II II ~- o -~& Ift:ll ~~ 1 ~ ~I~ 'f~ I ~ ~ F< tJ= = = =-=-- - Podium Deck Lighting Concept: All pilasters shown will be installed with a top mounted light. Additional lighting will be installed as pendants from the trellises, hanging wall lights (of comparable style), and recessed wall lights as required to achieve minimum lighting levels. Further lighting will be installed as uplighting into the trees and on architectural features, as well as lights in the cabanas. FENCE SECTIONS TYP. =' CABANAS 3' WALL TUBULAR STEEL GATE TO PRIVATE PATIO (TYP.) ~~ SYCAMORE GRQ\JE Dublin, California REV I 5 ION 5: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal Augu.llB,2OO6 SDR Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342'() AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Center Courtyard KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ I l ..."." C" , f .. It C " I T f C T S ~5~Wty,8ufte2Cl NapI CA ..sse ~: T0722~ UII tu; 7072241121 -- 2fi17K6lrtet.Sut1e175 s.cr.",,'o,CAt5816 1Itl: 111 44fi 1615 tu; '1' 441 7051 SHEET NUMBER: L.8 4' STUCCO WALL BEYOND W/1' TUBE STEEL FENCE ABOVE SPA CENTER COURTYARD I POOL AREA SECTION A - A 18" SEAT WALL ~ \:3' STONE VENEERED COMPACTED WALL WITH CONCRETE NATIVE SOIL CAP GARAGE WALL SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" I METAL UMBRELLA OVERHEAD I W I CONTRASTING STRIPES SHOWER HEADS 3 PER UNIT 3' STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONC. CAP L-~- ~DRAIN TO SANTARY SLOPE TO SEWER CENTER UNDER COVER CENTER COURTYARD I POOL AREA SECTION C - C WALLS FACING PATIOS TO BE STUCCO WI CONC. CAP 3' PLANTER 3' STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP 4' STUCCO WALL WI CONCRETE CAP AND l' TUBE STEEL FENCE ABOVE 18" SEAT WALL WI CONC. BENCH I STONE VENEER 3' STONE VENEER WALL WI CONC. CAP CENTER COURTYARD I POOL AREA SECTION B - B SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 1'TUBULAR STEEL FENCE 4' STUCCO PLANTER WALL WI CONC. CAP DRAIN TO STORM DRAIN 3' STONE VENEERED PLANTER WALL WI CONC. CAP SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 3YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTlON DATE ~Imlnsry CIty Submittal August 18, 2006 SDR Submittal NOYlllllber 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342-l1 AS NOTED November 20, 2Oll6 Center Courtyard Sections I.' KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ IMBordIIuIW.,...... 1I17KSlrIIt,SuIII171 ....CAM558 ~CAI5I1' ill: 7r11224 2211 till: 1114417115 Ia: 1W 22lI1I21 1a:.,1...1'051 - SHEET NUIIBER: L.9 =--- I PRIVATE PATIO -~~ ---, ~ LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTERS - BENCHES ------ ____- SMALL FOUNTAIN (TYP.) ~~ I II II ._ __ ~~_=-- i~~~ ~ I II I - -=u=== E PATIOS r---' ,--f\- -. '-- T 36" STUCCO WALL W/CONC.CAP -~I----~ =, d ~ -- - =r-:- ~~I _ P7 ~ ~) I~ Ii If----=: li- 11_ _~ ~ ............... -= ~~ 24" STON.J VENEERED WALL WI CONC. CAP PLANTING ....... WEST PODIUM DECK ~ WALKWAY SECTION P2 - P2 =i" 12" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP LINEAR PAVING OR PAVERS I' =;' - LARGE FOUNTAIN CONCRETE PAVERS -::-=::::::_-~ BUILT IN BENCH - COLORED CONCRETE ..r------=~_ 36" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP =.~---- TUBULAR STEEL PRIVATE PATIO GATE ,.--==-:. - F ~ o ~ ,'" ~ ~~ ....,. -~~: . t_ !.......~ -.... 36" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONC. CAP o PRIVATE PATIO SCALE: 1/4"-1'-0" SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 SDR Submittal No.ember 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342-0 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 West Podium Deck i<?~.' ~.~. ~. _.~. .....,.. ~~IJIi :u; ~ ~~~ !:--- ~ --- -- -- KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ I vanderToolen associates ~ ' I ~ .. III Die " .. f "ill C M I' Ie' I 1S5~.W~.~240 ... CA..WI "':70722422N Iu: 7U7 2741121 -- fi17K$trMl,Suite17S s.cr-u. CA 158" .,ft16&0t6n1S ..:9114117051 SHEET NUIIBER: L.I0 ";l r::..=.-..L _~ ----I1 - I ~18"X36" TUBULAR STEEL <---- SEPARATION PANAL ~ 1 = '1 _______FOUNTAIN (TYP.- 3 ~ MATCHING) CONCRETE PAVERS BUILT IN BENCH COLORED CONCRETE ~RAISED PLANTER _____- c== ;0 I .-.' I PRIVATE PATIOS PRIVATE PATIO GATE 24" STONE VENEERED ~ WALL WI CONCRETE CAP I =; .... ~ . ,".. .... _" r- -~~IIJ:!!!_ .::.. ~~ -~~ .':r ~O" N~ '~~ LIGHTED STONE VENEERED PILASTER 12" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP LAWN 36" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONCRETE CAP CONTRASTING COLORED CONCRETE PAVING PODIUM DEC PRIVATE PATIO .'~ ,....... 5'- .. " > \ ;> ,;. . ) 't ,...-::;-~ ~.) .~ ~.':I~t. ~ . ;-'. - '" t.....;..\,.'\, ?=-~..6 .. --: 'Y.- if{:,~ ~)., C,' ->~ '0[' 24" STONE VENEERED WALL WI CONC. CAP L STUCCO WALL WI CONC. CAP 12" STONE VENEERED PLANTING WALL WI CONC. CAP '---- CENTRAL PLAZA WITH FOUNTAIN EAST PODIUM DECK CO2 CENTRAL PLAZA SECTION P3 - P3 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SVC:AMORE GRQ\JE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION I DATE Preliminary City Submittal I August IS, 2006 SDR Submlnal Hevember 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342.0 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 East Podium Deck r......~:;;J..... ~~.J. ~ MnI; ~u &.A.<,". t -.;;-- ~!:. ~:!::" ~~ KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ , L .. .. 0 . ell,. I " II C .. I l' If. e , , 155 BonWaul w.,. SuIte 2CO .... CA"", ..: 707 Z24 22It u:1a7Z2"682"\ -..... 2511KSlreet.5YttelT$ s.c........-..o. CA Mil' :~~:=~~ SHEET NUMBER: L.II " BIKE RACK BENCH FENCING I GATE STYLE PRECAST CONCRETE CAP, LIMESTONE COLOR STONE VENEER, ELOORADO STONE, WISCONSIN WEATHER EDGE TO MATCH BUILDING LIGHTING, ALL PILASTERS EXCEPT WHEN POST BASE j in j M ~......"". INTERMEDIATE STREETSCAPE AND COURTYARD PLANTER WAlL PRECAST CONCRETE CAP,lIMESTONE COLOR STONE VENEER, ELDORADO STONE, WISCONSIN WEATHER EDGE TO MATCH BUILDING STONE VENEER, ELOORADO STONE, SLATE GREY ST ACKEO STONE WALL PILASTERS PUBLIC SIDEWAlK ADJACENT PLANTER WALL TALL PILASTERS @ GATES & TRELLISES PLANTER WALLS AND PILASTERS d J .~ 7. (~ ....... .,Jo......~ T~-W ., I' n TRASH RECEPTACLE '", ... w.. .. . . rc;~~~~:-":" '::'~~~;;-1;'~~I.J~~"""=--""':_w ~~~(.~~.:.:.-_..'.;.~:.. .~~~:, PILASTER, WALL & PENDANT LIGHTING PREFABRICATED CONCRETE FOUNTAINS I .. :~ STONE VENEER, ELDORADO STONE, WISCONSIN WEATHER EDGE TO MATCH BUILDING in <fii in .,; STONE VENEER, El.DORADO STONE, SLATE GREY STACKED STONE STONE VENEER CONCRETE PAVERS STREET LIGHTING SYCAMORE GRQ\)E Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIP'T1ON DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 SOR Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 1 !l342-ll AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Landscape Details LA" Die" " I " II e " I TEe T . 1M1clrcIIMw:w.,,9&.-Ml 211711:""''''''''''11 .... CAM55I ~CA t5I11 ..: 7UT 224 Z2II till: 11112241121 - ..:t1....ms Iu: 11. 44I7USt SHEET NUIIBER: L.12 0 ENTRY TRELLIS OR GATEWAY PUBLIC ART ELEMENT I- w w a: I- en z <( Cl w w ~ ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR FREESTANDING PUBLIC ART 0 . . 0 WEST ENTRANCE Dublin, California SYCAMORE GRQ\JE ~ r ENTRY TRELLIS OR GATEWAY PUBLIC ART ELEMENT r- ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR FREESTANDING PUBLIC ART o r o () " :I: )> ;0 -l (Jl -l ;0 m m -l EAST ENTRANCE REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Pnlllmlnary City Submittal August 1 B, 2006 SDR Submittal November 20, 2006 ~~ ~~ f- PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 11l34U AS NOTED November 20, 2006 --I t------... -+- 00000000 o Proposed Public Art KEY MAP N.T.S. ~ L " N D . C " , E A III C" IT l!C T. WEST ENTRANCE ELEVATION 15&~w.,.8ulIIt2<<l 2I17K.,.....'71 ... CA IM65I s.:ram.n.o. CA 15t1. W::7fI1Z242211 ..'....1115 fa: 707224., _: 11''''' 7'OSl - NOTE: PHOTOGRAPHS REPRESENT EXAMPLES OF PUBLIC ART USED AS AN ARBOR OR PERGOLA STRUCTURE. FINAL DESIGN SHALL BE DETERMINED AND APPROVED BY OWNER AND CITY. SHEET NUllBER: L.t3 SYCAMORE GRQUE 9- . 0 II II I 0 0 II II I 0 w w !;;( !;;( '-' '-' ~ z ~ ~ :::> 0 :::> u 0 u w w Ul a... Ul . ~ 0 ~ I ';,j. N 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I ';,j. N 0 I 0 Dublin, California II II II REV I S ION S: DESCRIl'l10N DATE I'IeIiminary City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submittal November 20. 2006 SECURllY GATE PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTFD Novanber 20, 2006 Site Plan- Garage Level BUILDING SUMMARY UNITS PER STAllS PER UNITS PER STAllS PER UNIT UNIT AREA BUILDING UNIT BUI.DlNG UNIT TOTAL "A. 808 SQ. FT. 23 23 D.U. 0 111III 32 32D.U.0111111 56 1 BED/ 1 BA .....1. 934 SQ. FT. 8 D.U. 0 111III 12 12 D.U. 0 1 old 18 1BED/ 1 BA "A-L0fT' 952 SQ. FT. 9 D.U. 0 2Ild 12 12 D.U. 0 2 old 21 1BED/ 1 BA + LOFT "Il" 1.188 SQ. FT. 56 56D.U.0211111 48 48 D.U. 0 2 atd 101 2 BEDI2 BA "B-L0fT' 1.330 SQ. FT. 22 22D.U.0211111 19 19 D.U. 0 2 atd 41 2 BEDI2 BA + LOFT "C" 1.375 SQ. FT. 18 18D.U.02old 18 18 D.U. 0 2 atd 34 3 BEDI2 BA "C{.0fT' 1.519 SQ. FT. 4 D.U. 02 old 4 D.U. 0211III 3 BEDI2 BA + LOFT "D" - TOWNHOUSE 1.800 SQ. FT. 2 D.U. 020ld 2 D.U. 020ld 2 OR 3 BEDI3 BA "E" - UVEIWORK 2.150 SQ. FT. II l1D.U.0211111 11 11 D.U. 020ld 22 2 BED/3 BA + WORKSPACE 148lJNlTS PER 2llO ASSIGNED 156 UNITS PER 273 ASSIGNED PHASE I STAllS PER PHASE I PHASE II STAllS PER PHASE I J ClUBHOUSE (IN PHASE I) GiVlNLi TOT Ai: ;;uo U;.;iTi.l 3.742 SQ. FT. DUBLIN BLVD. SITE PLAN - GARAGE LEVEL 1" - 30'-0" PARKING SUMMARY PHASE I PHASE II STAllS PER STAllS PER STALL BUILDING BUILDING TOTAL GUEST STANDARD &4 85 138 ACCESSIBLE 5 4 SURFACEISTREET 20 RESIDENT STANDARD 265 288 535 TANDEM 2 2 UNASSIGNED (old.) 10 28 38 ACCESSIBLE 7 8 13 TOTAL PROVIDED: 744 STAllS (GROSS 2.45 STAllS /UNIT) STAllS PER UNIT: 1 BEDROOM UNITS: 7301.5STAllS/UNIT_109.5 188.5 (2.3lUNIT) 2 & 3 BEDROOM UNITS: 23102.5 STAllS I UNIT _ 577.5 5n.5 (2.5lUN1T) .lO ~ 90 ~m SHEET NUMBEll J 887 STAllS (REQUIRED) 744 STAllS l (PROVIDED) A-I - - rllll J 1l1!f ~ III II ~ II ~ I ~ II ~ II ~ I r I~ II ~ II ~ I ~ ~ v "- , CLUBHOUSE""""'" ~ ;-STOR. , STaR. - \ .~ ~ - ~ ~~ , , IL- "------ \ , , \ ~ I ~ II ~ I ~ I ~ II ~ I \ , ~AN ROOM ~ \ :v- I FAN ROO~ ~ a.. a.. I ::l ::l LOB ~ a.. L5 a.. OBB , a::: :::::!; <( :::::!; \ <( <( a::: 0 D:: .--- W - ;:= !;( I T T ~ T T , I CJ , x ~ w --\ Z ::l ~ '-.: I , I - -----L r IL/ ~ \ STOR. STaR. I ~ ~ Il J I ~ ~ , I I - ~ l I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I~ / ~I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I r I I ~ I 1---- ---1 I I I I /? , , \ , , \ ._-~ , \ , , \ L______~NE OF rUllDI ABOVE ~ --- --------------~ l ~ LINE 0 BUILDING ABOVE ~----------- ------ ~~T;:!LAN - LOWER GARAGE LEVEL NORTH-E!1 b JO till 90 ~ID 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECI' NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Site Plan- Lower Garage Level SHEET NUMBER A-2 ~? ~- \ , , \ , , \ , , \ , , \ ..... r' JOQ.'. ~K _ ~ ----- \ ..... r 200' ....SE1lIACK ~ -----' t- . ..... rl90'SE1lIAC.. K ----L -.~ -.--- \ , , ~ -Ll30' SETBACK _ ------ ----------- L~- ~. SETBACK ~~T~!.LAN - PODIUM LEVEL NO\:.ffi- """'" >> ro~~____~ ---~ NOISE MITIGATION FOR PATIOS AND TERRACES SOLID RAILING HEIGHT IF KAISER PERMANENTE BUILDINGS CONSTRUC1ED AFTER GROVES BEFORE GROVES PROJECT PROJECT lOCATION RECOMMENDATIONS All LIVEIWORK UNITS lOCATED WITHIN 130 FEET OF STC 31 WINDOWS AND EXTERlO DUBLIN BOUlEVARD MEDIAN CENTERLINE DOORS AT All FLOORS DUIlUN BOULEVARD ~UNE ~--- SOUND RATED ASSEMBLIES lOCATION UPPER FLOOR TERRACES HAVING A L1NE-oF-slGHT TO DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND lOCATED WITHIN 130 FEET OF THE IEDIAN CENTERLINE 6 FEET 5 FEET All TERRACES AND PATIOS, INCLUDING THOSE ALONG KEEGAN AND lOCKHART STREETS, HAVING A L1NE-oF-8IGHT TO DUBUN BOULEVARD AND lOCATED BETWEEN 130 AND 190 FEET OF THE MEDIAN CENTERLINE UPPER FLOOR TERRACES, INCLUDING THOSE ALONG KEEGAN AND LOCKHART STREETS, HAVING A llNE-oF-81GHT TO DUBUN BOULEVARD AND I OC'.ATFD BFTWFFN 1M AND 300 FFFT OF THF UFllIAN CFNTFRlINF GROUND FLOOR PATIOS HAVING A L1NE-OF-SlGHT TO DUBUN BOULEVARD AND lOCATED WITHIN 130 FEET OF THE MEDIAN CENTERLINE 4 FEET 3.5 FEET 2 llVElWORK UNITS AND 4 TOWNHOMES lOCATED STC 28 WINDOWS AND EXTERI BElWEEN 130 AND 190 FEET OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD DOORS AT All FLOORS IEDIAN CENTERLINE All FLATS AND lOFTS HAVING A L1NE-OF-8IGHT TO I-5lIO CLOSED WINDOWS CONDITION OR LOCATED WITHIN 200 FEET OF THE DUBUN BOlli FVARD MFDlAN C'.FNTFRIINF All FLATS AND lOFTS HAVING L1NE-OF -SIGHT TO EITHER CLOSED WINDOWS CONDITION KEEGAN OR lOCKHART STREETS AND lOCATED WITHIN 90 FEET OF THE MEDIAN CENTERLlNES 3.5 FEET 3.5 FEET 5 FEET 4 FEET SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Site Plan- Podium Level SHEET NUMBER: A-3 ~~T~!,LAN - SECOND FLOOR NORTH-EB- b .lO till 90 ~m SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE PreJimiJwy City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20,2006 Site Plan- Second Floor SHEET NUMBER: A-4 ~~T~!LAN - THIRD FLOOR NORTH-EB- b JO 60 90 hrr SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Site Plan- Third Floor SHEET NUMBER; A-5 ROOFTOP MECH. EQUIPMENT (TYP.) ~~T;:!LAN - FOURTH FLOOR NORffl-Efj Jll till 90 ~m 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Site Plan- Fourth Floor SHEET NUMBER: A-6 l1r-n ~ ~ ~ ~ 1\ L "'JJlY (J ~ ~ ~ f- ~ iilll -- mill i\ll ~ ~ ~ [r 1\/ ~ v"- / III III III III Ill: , I -: ~ III I!lI 6 [....... "'r=- III III III III I II I, Fl U IJ. r - W!"1..... III III III III III - ~ I ~ ~ m I )t<: III III III III III ..1.... .J..~~ ~_~_~_~_~~ ...1.... :~: II ~ t-' ' !1\ F=' I ~ 'II 7 f------J ..-. .. .. . ;~.~ ... 8_. .. . nf~' ~ -,; lIT iJf ~ 11 7 rl li ~ ~J ~~/ ~ -} IIJ ~ lIT ~ ] ! __ ____ . .r--"-'-"-}~ r1J7r IU- ~ 1 ~ y f~ .,: J ~: ..-..-..-. .. .-.. III 1Il- JJl ~.. III -;37 ~ ~ i I -~ 1/ .~ r ~ ~~ ~: l~ PIW 10 ~ ~ ~ -'I I III 1Il!ll!ll!ll!ll!ll!ll!ll31!ll ~I ",II D-~ ~Vl\ Ii (; Lm 1m ~ ^ ffil 1111 IIII cJl~ ~~JlJI ~ /1 I: /tc= .... ~ === ~~ ~ '-/ --- J"""" j or-o / ~/ ~-" ~ ~ = ~J 1tJ. 1 ~j- ~ ~ o -"~/ S-o /~ / ROOFTOP EQUIPMEN -~ ~~ ~ \1 Ii """"" ,1 ~~ ;=='l 1/ ~~ "'J/ j ~ kbl.. ~ =/~ L...4" PI 1 --- r !II !II !II !II !II II -'I III III !II !II ~., !II !II !II !II 1IlIll!llIllIll!ll~: !II !II III !II~ !II !II III !II !II !II !II III !II L III III !II III , III III III !II tJ; ----l / ~ i n-- n-- 1m" 1 I ! ~m ~m I .."" ~ ---1 'l I ~ r,~ --f -.. !II III III 1 !II III - :fI ~ lIT IJf MECH. ~ ~ T (TYP.) I~ f~ h -- ~y(/~ -A lIT iJf I- I ill ill r~ ~ ~ I ~_m ~ ill il 1l1~~ ~ ~ .... III III 1 / ..-. ..-..-. ..-.. - - II ,... I '---i I : ~ I L...J ~ ~ / 'V - ---;1 lIT ~ 1:1l III j I III III III III !II III I , ~ ~ ..... 1m ~m~m ([(m ~ II ~ J I"" ---l // ..... 4.1 == 1--1 I r---. =jf"-" ::=1 -t~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. m ~D1 .~ '\.v r 'tL~ 'h%' ~ o~ 0 ~~ '\,} _/ "- ~ o ~~T~!LAN - LOFT I ROOF NORTHtB- b .lO till 90 b SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Site Plan- Loft/Roof SHEET NUMBER: A-7 - i \t ....... V [~ ] I--' \t Mn r " L<~~ \j) W ~ ~J ~ 1m ILJ I-- i1' 11---1 1== J f~ -f~ 1:7 IT :IT H 7..~ ~. f L~>Jj lIT iT r~71L1 Jil V ...~ ~ y ~ i~ In I V ..~ T , r ~ \t t=T UJ -~ 1/------= lP" ~ f _ ~____n_u__ .._.___. J ~ II & ~ IT m I Lm dCt - i1'~m ~ 71 ~ "'" 1\ II--, bf; '1==' [][~ ~ ---~ .I~ --I -- /r ~ ~ - ~ ~. r3 ~r3 ~ ~d ~., - '-/ - ~ J D t-D / "l.~ "l.~ o -"~7 r-D /~ / ~ l \t b ~ 1D~ w 1D w i ~ =/ II I "'===! ~ 11/ ~-L LS;1 I m m ~ J~ ~..- ~ . . ~j ill Jf tI .~._- ~ f ttc/ ~ lJ TIT JT 01/ ~ ill I &~'g f7 ~~ ~ $ ~ ill Jl 1:7 ~ i 1 A llJ =q w ~ ~ / 1 =;r m ~ -- - -- - I ~' & 1m 91\ ~~ m' hl IT ITT '" ~ i1' ...... ~I == ~ = ~ ~ !:::::: - - ~~ ~ ~ Dl ~ WI '-1/ - 'hff' 'hx '\- D~ D II C '\. ~'\. ~ j, ~ D SITE PLAN - ROOF ,. - 30'-0. b .lO ! 90b NORrnt!1 5YCAMORE GRQ\)E Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal Augus118, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DAlE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Site Plan- Roof SHEET NUMBER; A-7b .....=.... DUBLIN BOULEVARD NTS LOCKHART STREET NTS MAGUIRE WAY NTS ~ ,,'. "ll~r,....'.'.'.'..'.'.'.......fr,..'.'.'.~' I , I -----.; I ' I I _ ___ ! ~ ; , =, KEEGAN STREET NTS SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminuy City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Street Scenes SHEET NUMBER: A-8 ,~ ,;'b~Y · :' ': , ==~:':~:,;:, ~ Dubl~ California :,i!i::, :!~f~r;:>-;:';'; ...i~~Jt\,~,:;:. 2 .....'.....,.,.,.ifn.ii'r, ..~':;\::::: ,::::::i~~::r:,:,::. 1rnr:rlt~'JI ~: 1 iDI~, ~ ~~~: .il(I'l!lll."~n" _"I:'",~~. Iri'lr" '~Ff!t't~~nr[' !TII!li'T'il'IIt41~1 m I fflIIr:'111'111111'IIT;JI~~- . ili illW 'I~r ~-: -L (: ~~i~~r~ I II _ ~ I"" 11'"1 ~ (G) 2ldl 0/2x12 PLASTER FINISHED WAINSCOT :;;-r I I Ii II --n.;:; _ ::;;;r-rl I 1111 @ PLASTERFINISHEDlRlM R F9 ~ ~ (SIZE PER ElEVATION) Jm::~:= I ,=, - I '''' n, II II ,r = I '" "'" II '''' :;. I'Ll! - r D=lll I '" , - I ,= ee. I ,r "" II ,,,'" 1="' II 1,'" ~ 7 ~~:. - I r~ I L-J I I Ii, ~ I ~ H L PAINlEDWOOOlRElLlS 'N': nrr m :111 IE II ili!1 If II m tlfl It III Iii II m ~-L TTi=i11 lib IlU rlrl [m:=lll It 'LW' r1r1 I T II T 1 ~~~- 'r T I ~ _ 'f =r ~ · PAINTED METAL VENT <,,$ ~ "'E · ViNYl NAlL-ON WINDOW ~ ~ I III III 1t:=111 III III In II! III II I Ell I III III II~ ~t-I-t III III II ~ I ~ - ===111 III III II~ m III III 1I.mr:n:q ISII III III II~ l1frti~ I III III I J~ I III III II ~ T iZ~:~~D I 0 DA~ s: Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 l -1111:" ~ 11 ~ ~;"-"';':c..l,IJ!': '\I."! ,.,~r"i"-l: TI. r'i.l;;,.:CCc::::;' . , " , I[d:uf n~ - Ii ~r:::!i'~;:i1:1' '-'~'i~~ii:;~':;i:-,:j#r'fi~ITt:::::i:i~1,::' .i:,~:~,~~;I~'1~i~'~,8,~j~~:'~'i;~t :i(: .?'i /<'~~. -~==~,;,;~};: ~.... 'mI '~",TJ '~",~I"!rri!":~lldj'l~jll~t"iU~::~'j'n~"" *l1:*I'~i~~{~.~,\I~:"-~l [j~~:= II" '" '" [- Tn =[ 1 '" [ =1[ 1 IIr=iTJJf5 10] i~ , , , ,." ,,,'" [~I IF", ," II""' [ [ [ R[ I lit=. ~ I 11f===c ~ II rt1 II W ~ 'n1 mr IIi Iii II ~II ~!E= i I.I,~~ n1 II IIW' ~I l~ ffi II W ~ I 11b= ff I II ~ III II < c:.s~~~: -,:::::::1 Iii .2i': ,....':::.:,....,."-<"".:<,>,,.:;, ;.:: 1 b"'" ""'iH- HI ~ !;,.:,..~ b :~~1'111111 ...<~~>..... 11;1 II ......<:::.......... 1,'.1 ~.._~:..~.'.::..~....::.:.,>L",." "'"" ..>.~ ~nJQ .:g" " -111, : ~i ~r ~i~l- ~1'!11, Ii Ii I J!I E3 1==1 I I I 1=11 II 1111=1=1 I I I 1=11 ~ m I"i'i '1 ~I II ~ 5VCAMORE GRQUE DUBLIN BOULEVARD - PHASE II 3/32" - " 0" , o 8' , 16' 24' NOTE: IN INSTANCES WHERE HIDDEN ELEVATIONS ARE NOT SHOWN IN THIS DRAWING SET, ALL MATERIALS AND COLORS WILL TERMINATE AT INSIDE CORNERS ONLY. NO COPLANAR MATERIAL OR COLOR CHANGES PERMITTED. WOOD OR STUCCO TRIM ELEMENTS SHALL BE PAINTED IN A COLOR WHICH CONTRASTS WITH THE ADJACENT FIELD COLOR. MATERIALS AND COLORS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO WITHIN 2" OF ADJACENT PAVING OR 4" OF ADJACENT GRADE. PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Exterior Building Elevations DUBLIN BOULEVARD - PHASE I 3/32" - "-0" , o , 16' 24' SHEET NUMBER: 8' A-9 .....~ ...~lll~ :::t=:jl H==11 H==U 1r:::::!::11 I~I I~ ~ T ~I .-::::;:f11iifi ~ .1lIt II ~I 'P~p;:{11 =u Q ~~;' - ~.:..... I ~''''. . m_ ~ II II :;; m.QCJ. II ;: 1111:k= -. m IIII rnm II iilll II m ill II id 1111 mm 1111 - ......::::..:~:.~:.>~.;....... / 11"'.""'11 i I 11'I.ftf'r';'::::;...' ......,.:>..... ...._..::.~:::~:::::7.::~~ ..... _.... I ---': : : .--' :'::-:">?C-f,,~--i ~ --:~""<'l~'i.! [..c......... - ~l r r, 1 ~_~ J .''1'' rrr II r II-- ',',., " ,: 1 ,,' d II Fi', ',' ,d '1' ~ T" ~~ !L.-- ---j~ ; tli Ii M1~11 Ilkm~I - I Efr: I~ ~ ~II II~ Iii llllj ~ ~II IYJiI '~~ I ID~IIII~m II -. Irl ~ rn~ J~ ~"'" ~ II II f-W II I I 81 I~...J I I ~I III~ iri IImI II II m IImII II nn nn . U JIll II II m ~m II 111111 lIii II 111111 11"- L..J .2 ::J :r ~ ~ ::::::; ~ ~= IIFfi ::::: .-L I~ W ~I ~IIII~ ~I I~ I .......~;>...... .....'::.::..:::.:::.t:c....""...;::ii.."'::;...::..::crl ::-;;:..,.y::r-::r.:::.::......., I r:rr n ~ hc.....i/llll i I U i I' I .r(~:..:., II ~III III III m ~ II ~Innl II II I~ ~IIII dJJ I "f~ II W rn II g;- ~ 1111 III Ell ==:= "" II IQ~ m II iii b1 .IIi rr!1 ~I I~~ m II R m rrr1 ~I I~ \<c: Q ~C.'.~~i , i II II! I I I I~f::;.::r':::. I' I .C. "" .,.,. ~1111n--r:: II ,., I,ll rl"~ .l.ll..' ','" '1 ,C1 I Illill:j~.1 ~ :rr n ri)::;::: ,I , II i~ 1:1: [I L '1 " "' :::;::(ffl1 rl)::;: , I~I= -jI IEI= ~ ~ ~ n= Inr 81 II~ 1 or IL' ~ I I~ Iml =~ -'- 'I II II 1~-liI J- IIIII~ '1.:1 L..J .2 ::J :r u I- ~ I_I II@ l!!!!!!B I I~ 1IIllIllIII ~I I~ ~ ~II I~ ..iii .t-< 118 ~IIII~ II II REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECI' NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Exterior Building Elevations SHEET NUMBER A-IO LOCKHART STREET 3/32" - "-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' ~;;2~';;;;::: ......::..,. MAGUIRE WAY - PHASE II 3/32" - 1.-0" , o , 24' 8' 16' MAGUIRE WAY - PHASE I 3/32" - 1'-0" , o 8' I 16' 24' A-II 5VCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Exterior Building Elevations SHEET NUMBER: ...... ~~~.....:::::~:::~~..~.-.... t . . . - I I I ..~..L..... ""-~"""'" ':...:...1 ::.' I'L.<'. tl ~~-t.J.'~"'i<"""i"'.:'''TT~'<~ITII':.~:::':'.>;:''':''':':r::;:'" .' , , ""'.'1.;. ,n .' I, UilJl J r II I':,:;:':.'... , f '., ........~,.. -~.LLLL"",."r .D", .~, - -~- 1 I' Ii I 'I I I, i 1 !I ~~~ KEEGAN STREET 3/32" - "-0" . o 8' , 16' 24' 5VCflMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S' DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOJ'ED November 20, 2006 Exterior Building Elevations SHEET NUMBER; A-12 ., II III, . I. I . I ... I . II '. '1~'1'1-----~~7 -rIF II liL ~ltll,JJ1l ~,~ i~IDD.1 -----l,1 I: I II iu4 I1Tj! i/ . ...... I. per ~====I ' I I I ;;:r;;j~.. ;;:r;;j.'. I. =1] 1'1 I 'I~ I '=:== II I I Illl . I II! I I I I i, I, I I I i I . I ..J. , -.J L ' i 1-.J I , I y , III ~ ,t II ,t, I TI TI TI TI TI CENTRAL COURTYARD - EAST ELEVATION 3/32" - 1'-0" , o . 16' 24' 8' SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE PrelimiDary City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 2602S AS NOTED November 20, 2006 :::::';, )1,ft~~:~I:I~jt>.:"::: .~. IC. I [ ,:gg;:; ~~~~ IL' I :11 ==== I. .~ ."'". ...1.=, ...... 1..=... ='. '..,:,= 'I I' r: .'1 . I, L--I .-it[ Central Courtyard Elevations SHEET NUMBER: A-13 y L::~::::- I' .'1 .;1: 1:1 II 1:,,1 I , ,;1 I:, 11:1'1' ,'I;,;" 1'1',:1' , , I i I ,:,1,11 1':1 I I II; , III , " I , II 1.1 ~Fi .---1L I: I I JD '~IT"'Flinl --------r ' ' ,i ' I , ; ~F9~ I ' I III I ' , I IlIF ~I!I ~ CENTRAL COURTYARD - WEST ELEVATION 3/32" - 1'-0" , o 16' , 24' SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE i'leliminmy City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 l!!!!!!!!!!J JE' 8' ~ rr;n :1':-:-- :'~i;; 1':'111' ,0 -' 'I"f~ :',',':':','; "d::: tH:I::::J::: ~r m.II' .: Dr- II . Ii I ~.. "II i II! ,I llmlF "ITTir ,1IIIH- , , , I Central Courtyard Elevations SHEET NUMBER.: A-14 TI TI TI TI TI Ino F:'D~JFI~" ...m~"li' , ,L. I , I i ., frJi ~ ill , F;=:I= +-LJ[ , ~ ~ ~:Tl , I CENTRAL COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION 3/32" - "-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' ~ 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE PreJiminary City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Central Courtyard Elevations SHEIIT NUMBER: A-I5 ....<::...... ~''''- JII!IIII I~ Innlg II ~m~ ~ ml_1 I~WIIII ~ II ~. "1~~ ;"'IL_ ".~ ___ lOW' ~ ~;II'n~101 [1 H<~r- ill ,-JIll III III~ rn II 1III1Irl1 t I~I I_I m 101 If'' ~ '" w~ W- II m~ 101 L --4 I Ir]gl:J1 m m II m,- 101 r'" - IT D D tl 0 0 0 ODD D r ~~.lii~-- I ................. ......<,,::. ~ '.,lfT:C 7'--:> I,' ".'......,.::. ~,~~ /'"~ /,"" ",'". : 11 If 101 ElII II III Ell LJ..... ' m ~I '" 101 JJ;L ~r , '""':'.c.. ODD ...... L l-...u-t-......... i :..rr ......:::4::;:::-~;.:.:.:::...... ,In. I : I : ' : ' : , ' '.; l~:"~..':':::~..<_..c"c::', ...... ~~~::~ ~ ..JI Ir U! i..J [ TI~-Ia '" "r J Iml ~"f'11 n J ~ D 1-- 10 0 0 0 0 0 ODD D t1 ~ InnlE II~m_ II rn m::clil ~F=lll III 1111=11 II II m :g;I Ir n IIrTll II m mil II~m~r I . I ~m~11 m@11 GARDEN COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION - PHASE II 3/32" - '.-0" <~ ~ ','1 ..C':c:... Ti,l 'IA-::::'~ I I i:'~ , , o 8' 16' 24' .nllll Tl~m~ lomm~ II~m II am .<:.::.,:: "",_:__,.,-.>0:. ...........~..................... ':".J..~ I : : ' - -Inm I'lL I'll" ~ I........".:.:... -. '1'1' l"i ....~ >"-,- ~=:;; ~ .. i '" ,,,' 3 . ~. ~ ~ .J i I i ~I""-" ... 1il~ - ~ --- . t1 t1 t1 ~.""""'~ -.I.... ~ -........- '- J-... .t- . Ii Ii GARDEN COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION - PHASE I 3/32" = '.-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' 5VCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California ::::a REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DA IE PJe1iminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittlll November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Garden Courtyard Elevations SHEET NUMBER: A-16 - .. 6 666 If ....,.- IIIIIIII~ ;;-r IIII .,... ...... IIIIII~ m liro1 '.n -~n "' i' '~I:::I:i:l]~I;I:':':;:i:ld ~ gJ rn r. W rn ~ ~ m r.~!W rn * - IEE YIJj IEE J - IEE 11]] IEE ~C> ~ 666 ~ -:':'~ ':',~ . . ". B""':FIiIIIIB'''' - rn w:: rn lJQ a,J m m:ll rn YJ H~ rn m :ll IEE [ltil IEE- ~ IEE Uirl IEE- cia IEE 0"' .~C> 6 '"~ ~ m "", .,.. ~ if "I'~ 11111l~ ~I '111~ I ~I 1= III~ :~ w rn @J gJ rn ~ w rn @J.~ rn :: ~ IT] ~ ~ ~ IT IEE Iir - IEE .liaJ IEE ;'n - IEE ;;; IEE GARDEN COURTYARD - SOUTH ELEVATION - PHASE II 3/32" - "-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' 6 6 6 ~ .-:::;:::?rfll II I I II I """'-1 II II I _ f:----c:-=ll I I~ ::j 11 I~ =1 I IJ= I I~ m rn w:~ rn1[g a~ ~~JI> a ~"" fRllJ - niOi' IQl fRITJ - r= H II ... IEE WIll IEE D_ IEE _ IEE W GARDEN COURTYARD - SOUTH ELEVATION - PHASE I 3/32" - '.-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' 6 ...~ - SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: 2602S SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20, 2006 Garden Courtyard Elevations SHEET NUMBER: A-I? PHASE I COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION (2) 3/32" - "-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' 1.1, r -tr t; PHASE I COURTYARD - SOUTH ELEVATION (2) 3/32" - '.-0" , - o 16. , 24. A-I8 8' PHASE I COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION (1) 3/32" - "-0" , o , 24' 8' 16' ~ ~ ~ ~ PHASE I COURTYARD - SOUTH ELEVATION (1) 3/32" - '.-0" , o 16' , 24' 8' 3VCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE PIl:Iiminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER; SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 2602S AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Phase I Courtyard Elevations SHEET NUMBER; D PHASE I COURTYARD - WEST ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0" , o , 16' 24' 8' PHASE I COURTYARD - EAST ELEVATION 3/32" - 1'-0" , o 8' , 16' 24' 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20,2006 Phase I Courtyard Elevations SHEET NUMBER: A-19 ~:,:,,:,,-"III jtj_--~I~~ '" - t t I,ll II t t 11.1: -, - -I: 11-" - 1111 I'JII,lj J.o.!.. I" It~ fIIIII! : -'1..,..,"- ~I E@II~- ~II~ ~ ,-n J:::: II---- I' III~IIII~ i Ie- If l~f If l~ i ---41 111@lllli. All l= I ~~\I 1I1~11116 . I' PHASE II COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION (2) 3/32" - "-0" , , o 8' 16' 24' PHASE II COURTYARD - SOUTH ELEVATION (2) 3/32" - '.-0" , , o 8 16 24 ~ ~ ~~IDr~ ~D ~ [5 r 11 ~ ~ in [) ~ In RJ - ~ ~I~ ~ r Ih RJ -~ - I ~ 0 fro~ SYCAMORE 11IIII --- 1 GRQUE I;=::=:; Ej 1JJit1 It:::=:Illl III 11181 T "m Q IIF1l ~ -...;;: i~' i Dublin, California ~ - 1m _I r-l ~ D ~ Ej I 1Fm I i KrJlkJ ;-::::::::: - ~I rR ol; ~ 6 I~ m MI r-l ill I I i Q ,IKrJIKl 1 ;::=:: 1iF1 l.---- :r- - ;:l:1; ~rr -Ej DO I I~ DO I I IKrJIK 1;-::::::::: I"l iF1lJ li--n I REVISIONS; DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submiual August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PHASE II COURTYARD - NORTH ELEVATION (1) 3/32" - ,. 0" , , o 8' 16' 24' PHASE II COURTYARD - SOUTH ELEVATION (1) 3/32" - '.-0" SHEET NUMBER: u o 10 ~4 I A-20 ~ --- -- -- /.... ~ 7DI!) -- I~ -0-- -----iSi---------~r--- "8' ~..::: ...: ~~[:.......... - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - -- - - --- ~T.~.~..-.~~.......:.......... ~ 10 V IrP 1/ fJ Il I~ i ~ ~ 0 V 1/ f l ~ In ~ -----_._._._._.- -.----- 7[7 Q I~ \1\ I - 71/ 7 1\\ ~ 5- ~ Q [77 7 5 1\ \ ~ ~ [/7 7 ,1\ \ I~ IEf - --- - - - - ~-----_._--_.:- -------- --- o . I 0 ':.. I ~ b ~ ~ ~ J . I en . o I b -----.------ ~---_._---IQ -----------~-------- 1 "'" = IV [h I ----------- ~-------- ----------- ~-------- J . I en ~ 1/ [7 I~ I vJ/ ~H\~ I . I en - ~ N lJ r ----.---.---.-.-~Ir---- - ----- ~ I ,,"'-. ~I ~L a ~o).--= ~ - - - - - - - -.- - - - Ir--- - - - - - - - DETAil SECTION 1/16 =. r-O" b 111 J2 411 ~m 1\L1VE/WORK" COUR1 PODIUM FLATS r PODIUM COURTYARD ,,~PODIUM FLATS I I ~ (v '- '- '- \LJ C) ~ t1J ~ LOFT/ROOF ~ ~ ffi 1-' n r(Q~ ~ ~ : ~ n ~ J~(j~\ . J~(j\ 7~\1\ Q 4 I ~ DUBLIN : b-~_ l.;)\ ~ - ~ Q ~ ~ I ;.-, ~Q f.l ~ I UIR~ ~ ~ :~,,=j ~~Tf.l ~ ~ ~ ------------p~ ~~m~~~11 Icb~jll 11r=IIEII1=IIEIIEIIETlEII;1 _II IUIUII~IUIUIUTfJ _111~lelfi=jll--':1 I II;IJI IIE~E1JlT='UJ=lli=!ll=l!cElI I ~rJII~=III=III=III=III=IIIl="III= =111=111=111=111=111=111=111=III~ffi=III=III=~=III=111 . P 2 Irri!Mjfi!Mrr~TI~ITI~ITI~ITI~T~ 1 ~~~ffim~I~~~~ffi~w~I::~:::III:::~::III::;~::ill:::III:::~::ill\~:ffi:::1ii,::III:::III:. _ _ ~ . .__ _., '. _ " , " _."'. '_II _._ ~ ~1~~~1__~~1" Ijf~jf~=.11 ~jf~jf~m~jf~jf~m~jf~jf~TI~h1.~-.I.lllilTlllilTllli1Tlm[jj~ll~lTI~ll!!1IT1~ITI11i'-llllilTl-lli1TI11ilTllli'_lllliTr.I~tJjllim~ITI11ilTlllilTl~lTI~m~llllimllimllimllim~mllilTlllim~-_1 R!!!h111im~m~llllimllim~l1llilTl~m~mllil1l~ll~ll~m~rf~rr~lTI~rr_ ~rr&rr~Tf~Tf~Tf&rri!MTfi!MTfi!MTf&ITI~~~rri!MTf&Tf&Tfi!MI.1 i!M:f&n~Tf~Tfi!MTf&m~rri!MTfi!MTfi!Mfn*rrmrJF-UJ=I1l=ill=--W=lli=l!cEl4cElJJml~f1JcElJl1]TI;1fl\TI.lJill!cTIT4c\TIJlffi!1EfTJlTfLLliillllffi" 1 1=III=;lli==III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=llf=III=:CIII::::!II:=:I!I",,1TI=111=111=111=111=1TI=llJ:=ITI:=:ITI:=:!II='!II=ITI==!II==III=ITI=III=ITI=ITI=III=1II=lli=ITI=!II=~=!II=lli=ITI=!II=lli=ITI=!II=lli=lli=!II=!II=!II=ITI=III=III=~=III=111=lli=III=III=III=III=i!M=III=III=III=III=III=~=III=III=111=111=111=111=111=0111=;111=111:=:111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111'=111=I~T~Ti!MTf~Ti!Mrri!Mrr~T~~E1T~Ti!MmkTI:o!rrElllikrIElTElTE1TIi=IT~TSTElI lllliffilliffiLlfITl$!ffil!c]]~ml!Jffi~lLTI1wmwm11lffil!Jml!Jw~IT\W~~ml!J~~mJlm~ill~illLLlTTI~mlMfU~w,l!JTTI~m~~~m~m~ill[jlJl~ml!JfTI~mllifU~ill#'ill~w~ffi[lJfU~m~m~TI1WfU~w~~w~ml!J~~illl1lm~mJl~illl!J~~LlfITwm~l!ciiillJffil!cmlliffi~m~l!cII,1IDlliffi11lffil!cmJljTjl!JITllJJffi~ffil!cffiLlmllJffilliffi11lffiwml!cml!cmJlffiillffilJ&[~ill~~l~T~T~l~T~T~T~~T~iT~TaT~l~II~T~~iT~T~T~Tr!!!Ir~T~1 SITE SECTION 1/16 = 1'-0. 115 ~ 411 ~m 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submitta1 November 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Site Section SIIEIIT NUMBER; A-22 5'-~" 11)'-8" 5'4" 10'-8" I 10'-1\" I SHEET NUMBER: 0 S'4" 16' UNITA 1+1 UNITS 2+2 UNITC 3+2 A-23 3/16" - 1.-0" 900 S.F. 3/16" - 1'-0" 1,150 S.F. 3/16" - 1'-0" 1,375 S.F. UPPER LEVEL I I I I I I I I I I I I , I ! UPPER LEVEL i L ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ J - - - - - L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ j LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL UNIT A - LOFT UNIT B - LOFT 26' -0" 37.-6" UJ D LIVING/DINING 12'-7" X 26'-3" o I in .., o SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California MEZZANINE 12'-1" X 11'-8" --o----c- REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 UNIT C - LOFT . o I in .., ~ I N of- PROJECT NUMBER: 26025 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: November 20,2006 Unit Plans MECH. EQUIP.m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I \ I OPEN W BElOW 1\ I \ I \ I \ I \ I I \ / \ I \ I \ I \ II / \ / \ I' / \ / \ I \ I' I \ I \ I / \ I / 1/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ LOW ROOF PLANT SHElF THIRD FLOOR 498 S.F. SECOND FLOOR OM2 13'-8. \ \ UNIT D - TOWNHOUSE 1/4. - 1'-0. GARDEN 26'-0. GARDEN I" Co o I in '" lzku LIVING/DINING 14' X 20.-4. BEDROOM 3 10'-6. X 15'-2. UP FIRST FLOOR - ALTERNATE 2+3, OR 3+3 1.800 S.F. I I I I I I I I I I I I L1VIN~/DINING 20'~. X 25' I I I I I I I I FIRST FLOOR 5VCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED Novemb<r 20, 2006 Unit Plans SHEET NUMBER; A-24 26' -0" GARDEN u o 1~ GJNG 1G13'-S" WORK SPACE 25. X 25.-6" UP LOWER ROOF I I I I _________________J THIRD FLOOR 499S.F. SECOND FLOOR - ALTERNATE FIRST FLOOR UNIT E - L1VEIWORK 1/4" - 1.-0" 2+2 + Wor1cspoce (658 S.F.) 2,103 S.F. b ! 1zb o I in .., 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Pre!imiJwy City Submittal August 18,2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 2602S AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Unit Plans SHEET NUMBER: A-25 I I , f-- f-- f-- f-- f-- - e-- I-- e-- ~ ~ ! - ~ ~ --~ ~ ~ f-- I-~ f---- i-------- f-- ~ e-- SWIMMING POOL - ! I I I T ~ ~~ ~ \.-..---- ~ \ COUR ARD ~ -- \.----- \ I I I-- e-- I-- e-- 1 - - e-- ~ ~- ~ ~ f-- f-- -.-- I-- I-- I-- - ~ ~ - - ~ -~ - 1 "\ \ \ - -'-t. ~ ~ t7 \( ~)On ai :0 '1:-' ~ :0 MEN~Or _:::-1' AIAIA ~ O~ ~ ~o: C~I i'_j~\jN[\j1 ~ g 1,0, Q g ~ T - Il t===f ~ T 1111111111 16' , o <' ,. _ ~ ~ 10'-R. POOL TOILETS I 3/16. - 1. o. I--- ~II ...... 0/, ~\ ~ ~__I_X R -~-{~ LIT~ ~r' C ~ 1 : : 1 I I-JJI 11/1- 1 1 I I -......... II I I II - I I I I H : : : : I I V J _~ 1 __ I I I I II .----'-__ I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 II X I 1 I 1 1 1 1 ~---------, r-------- I : MEETING ROO~ : . f--------- ~ ~F'P' :: 29'-6. X 34' 1 : : : --J-I~ ': :' II i =t'=- ~_~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ l________{~-- __+___ I ]r\ - i ! ! l~~&~C I C i i i i ~~~~ 1 I I I 'x -! I I 1 I 1 1 : ,1 IX ~ - it4llFir J ~ x }l~ltD~~~ '-- lrh ---.-- r--- c - L ......- -- I2SJ Il HV AC I STOR. r 8 B8[-z ~ ~I ~ ~w III ~~~ I g I - W .J..J 1;U~Y ~ I----~~ 3!1~~ rL ---- -----~ Grg] ~~F;'!CE 8 D- r=- ~\ F F---~ ~T } ,.." ".. 0! CO~RTYARD CLUBHOUSE 16 3/16. - 1. o. 3,145 S.F. ~- o EXERCISE ROOM 23'-4. X 41.-6. ~--- i I ~~~~~ ~~~- - ~ L " ~ j i I ~ fIj/s- or. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I L ---- 'UJ \ I OPEN >to BElOW I \ I \ ;/1 " / \ I \ ~ \\ JNI~ \ \ Q rif'J Ml:ZZANINE I!: 13.....0. X 10. 6. I: ii ~ rr'lr-------1m UPPER LEVEL ----r"- ~b~ _~ I~A~ 0 ~~~~~~ ~~~:~-~------ J( \ ?_lr L: L~:Lc7~ ~~ UNIT F - LOFT .Jo- 42. 6. L f -== ==- ~ T nDl If=7 B ~ "~ I W.H1 Ll ,I Q F.P. :F -' B~'l~OOM 3 :1;= ._.l T1 FTiT---r ff' "-,, 'T-8" ~ ".';'Y:N,L" 'IE ii \...Ic. Ii I ~ ,--d i ! o I ~ S3 -r, "-"" fA;;; ~ ~ : : ",,~~ l-::J J/~'~~!<' ?,~~ I~~~ .,. '~'>: K m ~v~~ ,,':~ ill II ~ul+~r ~ _ D L HH3 J -c.~1 :U ..~ U -1- JS D~ I '. o 5'-". UNITF 3/16. - 1. o. 10'-8. , 16. 3+2 1 ,375 S.F. I' , 5YCAMORE GRQUE - Dublin, California _ REV I S ION S' _DESCRIPTION DATE . ~1iminary City Submittal Augusl18 2006 City Submittal ' November 20, 2006 - t PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Unit Plans , Clubhouse & Pool Toilets SHEET NUMBER; A-26 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY If' 4 STORY \....!J 22,711 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) COMPARTMENT 1 HAS 2 YARDS OF 60' OR GREATER QUALIFYING FOR AN ADDITIONAL INCREASE OF 50% FOR A TOTAL OF 31,500 sJ. LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f2\ 4 STORY \6J 9,661 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) / LINE OF 2HR :~_..j .., i i i i.....-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.."T..-...i RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY tfi\' 4 STORY ~ 20,344 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY tg\ 4 STORY \EJ 17,636 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) / LINE OF 2HR A r--------- i i LINE OF 2HR ASW : r.'-.'-"-.'-"-"-.'-4 : I r ! j-..-..-..-..-.. r..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-....L..-..""! i i i i i L.'1 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f8\ 4 STORY ~ 20,036 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) ASSUMED PROP./ SEISMIC GAP LINE OF 2HR ASW LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY fJ" 4 STORY ~ 13,084 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-1 OCCUPANCY f5' 3 STORY ~ 25,292 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) LINE OF 2HR ASW SSUMED PROPERTY LINE LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-1 OCCUPANCY f6\ 3 STORY ~ 25,723 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY If' 3 STORY \.!..) 38,553 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f4\ 4 STORY ~ 20,832 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) BuildinQ Area: S-3 OCCUPANCY 164,279 sJ. TOTAL R-1 OCCUPANCY 13 COMPARTMENTS 3 AND 4 STORIES 256,537 sJ. TOTAL R-1 ALLOWABLE AREA BASED ON: MULTISTORY INCREASE (3 & 4 STORY BUILDING): 21,000 s.f. MAX. FIRE SPRINKLER INCREASE TO 42,000 sJ. AVAILBLE FOR 3 STY. COMPARTMENTS ONLY i....._.., i i i i L.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._...J ASSUMED PRoPERTY UNE ~ CBC SECTION 311 - R-1/S-3 SEPARATE BUILDINGS ..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-1 ~ ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE r"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-".J i i i r..j ! i i l..-"-"1 I i....-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..r-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-,,-,.-.,-,.-,,-,,_u_,,-,,-,,-,,-,,_u-L.._.._.._.. @ ASSU'Y'ED PROP. / SEISMIC GAP .._.._uj i i RESIDE~TIAL DWELLING UNITS ~-1 OCCUPANCY i 3 STORY (INCLUD~S ~o~:~ TERRACES) NORTHtfj SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 ode Compliance Diagram- Phase I SIIEEf NUMBER: A-27 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f1' 4 STORY \...!) 20,626 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) r..-.....i i -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..j --_.~~~~-:::=.:::7._. -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.., i i i L.., ASSUMED PROP. I SEISMIC GAP RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-1 OCCUPANCY 3 STORY 2,400 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES COMPARTMENT 4 HAS 2 YARDS OF 54' QUALIFYING FOR AN ADDITIONAL INCREASE OF 42.50 FOR A TOTAL OF 29,025 LINE OF 2HR ASW LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY fJ\ 4 STORY \iY 16,984 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT R-10CCUPANCY tz' 4 STORY \6J 18,663 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) LINE OF 2HR ASW Building Area: S-3 OCCUPANCY 164,339 sJ. TOTAL R-1 OCCUPANCY 13 COMPARTMENTS 3 AND 4 STORIES 258,989 sJ. TOTAL MULTISTORY INCREASE (3 & 4 STORY BUILDING): 21,000 sJ. MAX. FIRE SPRINKLER INCREASE TO 42,000 sJ. AVAILBLE FOR 3 STY. COMPARTMENTS ONLY SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Prelimina1y City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f4' 4 STORY ~ 21,231 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) LINE OF 2HR ASW i L..'1 i : r" I . L.._...,...._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..j LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-1 OCCUPANCY f5' 3 STORY \::!) 25,226 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) ASSUMEDPROPERTYLI E~ i i ~.._.._.._.._.._..-, I : ! L.. "-"-.'-"-'.1 R-1 ALLOWABLE AREA BASED ON: CBC SECTION 311 - R-1/S-3 SEPARATE BUILDINGS ASSUMED PROP. I SEISMIC GAP NORTHt!1 ode Compliance Diagram- Phase II SHEET NUMBER: A-28 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-1 OCCUPANCY @ 4 STORY 21,000 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) LINE OF 2HR ASW RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-1 OCCUPANCY f9\ 4 STORY \J:!} 17,511 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f6\ 3 STORY ~ 25,732 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) r..-....&....-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.., i ~ ! ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE i i r..j RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY f8\ 4 STORY \.gJ 20,041 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) / LINE OF 2HR AS RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS R-10CCUPANCY r=r 3 STORY \.!) 38,547 S.F. (INCLUDES COVERED TERRACES) LINE OF 2HR ASW ! i . i i : .._.._.._..J..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..,.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._u_.._.._.._.._.._.._..I"-"-'.J G) CONCRETE ROOF TILE EAGLE - PONDEROSA SERIES CHARCOAL RANGE 5699 @ SIDING SHERWIN WILLIAMS CHATROOM SW6171 @ PLASTER SHERWIN WILLIAMS KILlM BEIGE SW6106 @ SIDING/ACCENT SHERWIN WILLIAMS REDDENED EARTH SW6053 @ TRIM SHERWIN WILLIAMS TONY TAUPE SW7038 @ FASCIA/OUTLOOKERS SHERWIN WILLIAMS HOT COCOA SW6047 (]) RAILING/BALCONY SHERWIN WILLIAMS NETWORK GRAY SW7073 @ STONE VENEER ELDORADO STONE WISCONSIN WEATHER EDGE ~\ \ ~ J / / ~ \ \ \ \ (D-" \ \ \ \ \ 0~ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~\ ~\ \\ \\ 0\ 0\ 0\ \ \ \ \ \ I - ~ - . .- -. -- i n'I~" 1 ' -:1 ill' 11 11 I I' .:. =Il r +- - IJ - := . -I!I . :11 --. I I \ ~~\ \ \ \ \ \. .1:.... '.. +, . ". - .-,-. .~~, " ,'1~~~, I 1_ n - ~':<:~~..iTt ~\'" i~ I i'n '~ , I . -l ,_t, I~'" ;:'. .1.: t~t-1t)Tt:t+ - h- '.Ih .;:+1 : "".(. "'+:;f '.fd : , :;;r\; 1:':llr~~;~. -~ , ',,'j', .1 +'.:j:lp+. ~~rl \'~.Le II~ ~ \ ~l~\ "' JjL~ ill~ -nil \~ -, ~ . 111 ~, -ll) t;7t r/ Irllf / -- /./ / ~/ C" _ _ -: I r= I~;; F,I-I.'.-k, ~; V ,~ -- 1-"; = ~-., m=.-~ \ nil \ :#~ -- '~~ lEO.J.-",' ". ...l' , -~~ ---..--- ~ I 1_.__dl~1l1 - ., r _.__ l.! I "1~ 7 "7 A "'-111 / -~- :'olo ~.;.._ .~ '~, r,Jj.TT.'~JI[.~~.:. n"~~:: _ ~~ ~~r :ll~~H~ ~I;: :'~r-l~ -,-"~" ~.-tl:~ tt__.:?f~Il~.~n n ,n~ B:I., - ~,:; n, n I ,i I~ I- .. ~ I ~ : ... _ = - . - " --tJll=ll= =H= ~ .-'<,~~ ~:~ ,t _--= /~:m i ~-. '.>c. ., T. ~ ~" 1"."~' .. -- .. ::t =1.. -I~I ~ -HII ~- "? n / A /i, I ./ II I' ,---:-:T' - J 'f I I~n,- I:j Il=:::ll::::::i =~ / / / , I I + + = . ---.ej~ ~ = . .11~ :t:=lb [Ii " ~ ~ 1--1 4 --" . ..... =,:.J~- h . . Tfi:~ tj-;t :JTI [::;-r ni E3 t=J - . ~.,. , / / ~ / / / / ~ / / / ~ / cJ / / / / / csY T,]fIT nr' .....::.....J lLL.ih.. In II:' ..JL"::-JIJJ Ii': " ~' II 11 !l 'f i - .. .E L ~T 1'[ r .-L. ___ l T n .l I n II ~l I - 1'- Ilk m~ , ~I I _ ~/ _ ~.I, ~~l_f.rlM. :f~ lie - lie - / / / / cv-l ENLARGED BUILDING ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" NOTE: IN INSTANCES WHERE HIDDEN ELEVATIONS ARE NOT SHOWN IN THIS DRAWING SET, ALL MATERIALS AND COLORS WILL TERMINATE AT INSIDE CORNERS ONLY, NO COPLANAR MATERIAL OR COLOR CHANGES PERMITTED. WOOD OR STUCCO TRIM ELEMENTS SHALL BE PAINTED IN A COLOR WHICH CONTRASTS WITH THE ADJACENT FIELD COLOR. MATERIALS AND COLORS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO WITHIN 2" OF ADJACENT PAVING OR 4" OF ADJACENT GRADE. , o 4' 8' , 12' SYCAMORE GRQ\)E Dublin, California KEYNOTES - ELEVATIONS A PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER . FIBER CEMENT HORIZONTAL SIDING W/S" EXPOSURE 1x2 BAnENS OIHARDIPANEL FAUX STONE VENEER CONCRETE ROOF TILE F 2x8 PAINTED WOOD FASCIA (W/MET AL RAKE TRIM IN LIEU OF RAKE TILE) co 2)(6 012x12 PLASTER FINISHED WAINSCOT H PLASTER FINISHED TRIM (SIZE PER ELEVATION) (i) PAINTED WOOD TRIM (SIZE PER ELEVATION) J 4)16 WOOD BRACKET K 8x8 PAINTED WOOD POST L PAINTED WOOD TRELLIS PAINTED METAL BALCONY PAINTED METAL AWNING o PAINTED METAL RAILING/GUARDRAIL P PAINTED METAl GUARDRAil WIG LASS PANEL o PAINTED METAL GATE WIGLASS PANEL R PAINTED METAL VENT VINYL NAIL.ON WINDOW 1/4' CHANNEL SCREED REV I S ION S: OESCRIPTlON OA IT. Preliminary City Submittal August I R. 2006 City Submittal 1'00.ember 7, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 26025 AS NOTED No\'Cmbcr 7, 2006 Building Materials & Co I ors SIIEET NU~1BER. A-29