HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 Sycamore Grove - Stage II PD Exhibits m 22 ~ Z 2:: o at---. In Z N \....-1 0 \D ZUt---. r (j)mt >< LLl <l lLl U 02 <C~ Ct:' Ct: lLl r lLl I r EX1STJj\jG OAK GROVE FAMJLY APARTMENTS :--.. -- --..-..-.-- " ..-......... ;,R1S' J G t P . ......... --1 . U88 ark,"g~ ......... Trash Pickup ~,A f"iUlRE.. W A V ~ '~ '0;0:,,' .._.._..--L.D~f.gr.~~Qj~~~~..tU.T. .JJ..t;\.J._.._...... ~ \ \ ,,~ -romilyllprs. alloc,atiOlo Oa....-urova Guest Parki"9 I-- s ,..., . ~ '- \ Family Apartments 1 \ ... · ~1 ~" 'T _ ! '_ Am "[i" 'j'l · !-n'-l " , 1 ",'II r~ ill. I g:L~oJNl~~~ D _C~ ~~l\J~A1b ~~n_~ J, \1 ii '" "" CO, .i """ If>:!! 1tIiIIi!f:J ~ I J!l ,.., u ~ X ~ - "-l U [t :'.t'i=l11= I- 20' r .3 8' U Lr ~'I~L..---q, U ~~ ill !t~U I~ :: f- ~8 ~ 11 R ~ ~ 1-16' ,_~.O' 0 ':1. ,..Ill rei' _..._1' d'h. 4'= -:.;, --,' ! ~]] ~'i"~ 1 ~ 11 n.; ~ U' &t( U: - .- J '5l l(;l'iY U~" H ,... i){ rP=U ~--' _ I'i - '~r~ --' r -!1' t'rL ~ =. i"""'"'''' "" "'u ~ I J. ~ I{ -n .1J ~bi I ( ~ 1/ "U tll n I-< Guest parking"\" JH- ~~~ Ilo~~ ! ~~~ ..1 ~ I=l=![ ....; - = iWr ~1[~ -L h~ III I- _ ~ ,Wl ~ f ~~~~?r'ia~ ~ 1 ~ ~ F 1I1~ II' "~ ;::Primary . ,., - ,l~ ~ ~ ;f~ ~ - ~~ ,~ ~j~'." E-o ''''',".O'''OOh llt"i~ If fI~ ."~ n ft1~ .Ii[ 11 ~~ t""' ~ ,.,1',,' /nr~ j ~ ,f ~ ~ _~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~~ ~~~lI~~U;\7,iM.",.~ '-' _:!:"' ~ ~ rr:: .!r'\" u!' ~ n - ,11 1 ~...... ~ ~ I ......... ~ n " 1 l..l u po.: -IJ' ~ ro ~ P'\r.....l~f'b t~ ~ ~ .i~ tfll1 'h ~ 'h""ltL- l-!1'~ Ij:I ,l' "'-:1J'I rl"""- ,l1-J J.I 8' ~ ~ ea ~~~ >< ~w~-~~ 'u ~U.iJ~1t ~ U1r ~::iLIiI I>< ;r t,i\ w. I n r}' , u. "'~ -,,- I"ii:II. w ... . ':1, ,'jJ -lIL. 'n ,..., .Lr >< '\i ~ ~ .. ~ - ~ 1.!1 ,,- ""~ - · --'" >< r.~ ~ '? Ii ......=\..~*' ,~~ ~~~~I t1 ~ IUM-'I[;i?'h ~ 1.A.\.J~:/.~ J.!bd: }..~ hl ~ ~...~ " ---: _~ ). -" ~ -: ': ': .5 .... .....0.;, I " ': :. ~ ~ ~ ~l \~~< .16---= P- rdr1..-"""" =::::J ~ 7:=" ~'-' " ~. - = ~~~"I'/ ~ --- -.... . . ~.r-= r====-: R 9'F=r = ---lI" ~ < TI ,II p-j-f.':j"j~ --...... --= - "IFlij- .", ,-- I.. 11 ,~,," r _.1.- -I \ ~ ./ '- "l1./:;; Existin9 Bus Stop r I ~ 1 DUBLIN BLVD. NOTES: 1. Refer to Site Development Standards matrix for setbacb 8Dd other dimensional requirements. :s:. PI. 0 _2c CCDJ 7':<L o Z [\1. 0 < PI. 7J l'l Z 'J> r-Wz O"""!'n 'IJ-<:J: P1. CJ7J'J> Pl.?;] ); C.0 ~l Zo"Y' o \,1. .. ---- Z OJ =-t ,. 'J> r LAND USE SUMMARY Ltmd Use DesigDati01l ~ X<<cres ':1YJ!g Gross. Net DeDaity Density High DaIsily Raidadial 6.19 5.24 282du 45.6 dulac. 53.8 dultJJ;. High DaIsily Residtntial 1.59 1.12 22 8,S dultJJ;. 19.6 dulac. (LivrJWod Units) TOTAL 8.78 6.36 304du 34.62 dulac. 47.80 dulac. DUBUN RANCH AREA 11 Cll CAMPUS OFFJCE (UNDEVELOPED LAND) Legend CJ High Density Residential (podium Flats) c=J High Density Residential (Townhomes) c=J High Density Residential (LiveIWmk Units) ....... Parcel Limit for Live>- Work Units - . . - Parcel Boundary , 2- 22-2006 l' :43:42 "'lilouor p:\ IIl342'\p1onni"ll\Subf!li11al\Pl1\ee....Iop"",," Plon.d.~ 5YCA~10RE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSaIPIllIf DAm l'lriIimiDIzy SllbmiIIIl AIIpIt 18, 2006 0Iy SDl.8uhmIlII1 N__ 2lI, 2006 PROJBCI' NUMBlIR: SCAIJl: DATE lSSUBD: 19342-0 AS NODlIl llmIIk2ll, 2llO6 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ 0' 20' 40' 80' IIIACKAY l SIIR CML ENQINEE~NG.WO PLNHNGe!JHD SURVEYING Pl.EASAN10N, CA. 94~ (t2~) 22!>-0ll90 llBIIIn'NUMIIIlI: C.l \~ -~.. :....-~ -U":)- 2;~ ;;)- L...,... -~- "' ..<:::.., o C)-I'- CJ" L <:\.1 _00) L...,UI'- . }--. ~rf)~ (F) 1- ~ V LLl! U .l-~ iJ u <C <cD::: . - --~.}--. ~ . ~LLl }-- LLl -L ~-c 1- ~.... ~- :J -Co....--- ---~- "-,- -T' ..... ~ E)<JS-rJj~G OAK GROVE - fAMJLY APARTMENTS. ~--...... --~ --=--,,- 4 - ~ ... ~~====_l ~ ~~ :- ~ - "'::l ? ~ ~"- -.-/ - - ------- ------. ---. 0--L- :ff E-c r.n ~ pY~''-- ~ ~ ~ A" ''7'. ;,':/"::;;:;T~~~!~..~]~~~~J~~~~}l.'~.;;;;;;;x;:::,41~. \ \1 H~~~LJ~... .~ - L:Jd/~,-1 ~.;w'~~.. ~"~~~.;/: ~~ ~ ~~.U~I''';1I'~~/~t~ ,,~,~ m ~b!.///~~:O~~~//~; ~ /.W~~.~ ~. U;'~. ~~~~".) ~"J"~ '. "~ ,--; 'tL '/" tl-i,.-;4:..,. / /.1' 0;. ,~m: W? ~.~ ~~ 1:j"'lt~. l!~~__, ,~~~ H ?f,FM~"1~/ ~~~.';'/rr::{t~~~~~g~//~~~/'~ /~//:~'/:1 '~)~', ,:1- U II ......,,~,' ,~ ,..,. ~;. ,/ ~) ~// /.//../. /' %: :% ./,u//0"/~1/ 6,{. U:u :U.'D ~ /-r,l;/ /1 ;:' / L:.J .0, /" /. ", u.~ ~ ~//-l/r' ., '5"\ . , '.' / ~///u .,,, ~ 0 \ 2:,( (.T I7//' ,'i' ~u / / / ' ///2]1'1..;, 1',rrs;i0I/ %; U/// ~, ~ J// /' ~'ff'/;~ ~ .~ 'r-' 1II/ocS U1 '~ //~'/.L ~ j~/' ."';1 '. ~. f~~ ,;;;;.'. 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"./'1i "-. _'--J t= ~r- /~ t::l /CJJ,~}u" ,I ~.,., /, /--:-// ~ ~/,///.~ / '/.-//1/.,//.///1' ////. ............r/ /,/j/~ / "'-.://' / /' / /' / '/// '/ /1/ r o n ~ ~ ~ U1 -3 ::0 txj t'%:1 -3 z -< c.; ~ ~ ~ DUBLIN BLVD. - ---- ------ --- --- 4';L DUBUN RANCH AREA "c" CANJP US OfFJCr:: (UNDEVELOPED LAND) \-17-2006 14:14:37 '.;'hoUOf P:\ 19.142\Plan"Mg\Submato!\PD\phosilMJ.dwg '< Pl. 0 o - .......-L C C QJ 7' < t o 7 l'l. 0 < ll.l 7J l'l. 7. 9- l- (f.i '7 O-\.n \J -< ,- l'1 - 0;;0):>- _ l'l 7J ~([)~ 70Y o r-q. ,. ----- 7, IJJ --. ,. )> l U nit Breakdown by Phase Phase 1 Uni t Type I Bedroom I Bedroom and Loft 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom and Loft 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom and Loft Live/W ork Townhorres Sub-Total Phase 2 1 Bedroom 1 Bedroom and Loft 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom and Loft 3 Bedroom 3 Bedroom and Loft Live/W ork Townhorres Sub- Total TOTAL UNITS: Number of Thits 35 3 66 11 16 4 11 2 148 50 6 57 8 18 4 11 2 156 304 Note: Pool, Clubhouse and Foundation Walls located at the limits of Phase 1 will be included as a part of Phase I. Legend D Phase 1 I :/, ~-' " I Phase 2 SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Suhmittal August 18,2006 city SDR S1lbmittal Navcmbcr 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342~ AS N01l!D Novanber 2ll, 2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone PHASING PLAN o 0' 20' 40' 80' IIACICAY l SIIIPS CML EHGIN[ERNC;_LANO Pl..>>IIIINC.....,..O SURV(YlNC PLrASN<TON. CA. 94... (925) 225-0090 SHEET NUMBER; C.2 "'" - ....,. I J LLl "".... .... - -...Y ~-=-- -- '--------~ -EX]STJNG =- OAK GROVE_ - -=f:AM JEY -A-P--AR-=r-M El\Ff.S=- ~ ~ ~ ~ P"'l CJ Oc C OJ ~t _ _ .... Disabled Access Route for Guests to Residential Flats .... .... - Disabled Access Route for Guests to Live Work Units -- Legend - - - Disabled Access Route for Residents to Residential Flats ~ - --=:- -- - ,.;:- ':i; ~ - ------- ~ ~ ~ ~ J ---f~ ~ Guest Parking~ ' L ~Sh 'PiCkup --== =-===-=== Ai\" ~ "\... ~ {~_~~ /Emergency Exit f~~it~ooApff; /Emergency Exit MA~ UIRE WAY (\\___ 'c ~~ ">? If I I T 1~1 T T r-r~~ \ \ U II ~ II ~ fTT ~,-f1m I [- ri -J Il!! ~ I TIIIIII ~ II ~ II ~ II'~ II 0~1 \\ ~ ~ <3 1::1 C ~ ~ l.n !~ n I ~ I_~ ~ ~~-L)DD~ ~I · · 7. ~ CJ l......l 7J 7);::- ([>7 -lCl --<::c Emergency Exit _ _ - Disabled Access Route for Residents to Live Work Units Emergency Exit from Podium Level NOTES: 1. Routes shown are typical to disabled access spaces. 2. Garage entry/exit locations as shown at Lockhart, Keegan and Dublin Blvd. are right turn in/out only. .-J 8' - '\" "'" ~ [!;] I ,....... 7JJ> {Guest Parking IL"'l 7J ~.... (fJ ~"'l I II CJ .Y' !>vest Parking~ n I ~ ~ - - .~ I ~ n -< t''''l ,. _ gJ II [lJ - - ~ llJll II II, ~ Q~ ~~ - )::::- Primary Public Pedestrian - . ~~ n ~:>l II l .-- Primory Public Pede~trian Entry/ EmerQency Exit ~t-- ~ 0 \I ~- V;I- u.: ~M ,...... Entry/ Emergency Exit ,c ~,~~?::~~i' III m .~~ J" c.....: ~itrya/1:xi?arag~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . c-' .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~E~I~";1 \- ~ ~C~~~ · ~ ~~~~ rn ~ I f):~>~0 c.-' .~gV:G~ ~ ~r~. ~.~! ~ ~"D ~ ~ - ~l ~o). ~ H~. ~ lll~II~11J.I~1 II ."~~- =-;.:~ ~~\~}I_ ~~).UII~III~i ~ nm a;~ ;'J!'~~~'eJ\\"-Q.1RJ~ ~.' ~~ t;:::;,\/ '~'?l(5?:\~ '"!I::; 1t:: ~;'''- L:, ~;;J6! ~'F'nDU~ i W;;b'~~ lmlk -l,>~~ \J~~ 1~ "d ~ l~i --dr--'m -e\ PJCfG' ... v c::::::: I ItJ 8 I ~.~ ~ = V 'l....... "'=......~""t=vv "! -...... ~ ./ t I Existin9 Bus Stap f-/ \:f- DUBLIN BLVD. ~ ~ [lJ 0- '-- xi?arage r o n ~ :x:: ~ ~ r.n -3 ';:d ~ ~ ~ Garage Level Plan ~- 5 :?.... ---=.. -'-:-- - ~ ~ --- - - - } --- AGUIRE WAY ~ ~ ~...::."!!il._ 11-17-2006 14:14:49 Mlhauer p:\ 19.J42\plonrifl9\Submillo!\po\cnuoatian.dw9 Podium Level Plan t'""" -0 (i ~ ~ ~ en ~ ::d ~ ~ -3 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S JON S: Dl!SCRIPTION DA TB prdiminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 Qty SDR Snhmittal Navcmbc:r 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342~ AS NOlE:l Novl:mber 20, 2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone SITE CIRCULATION PLAN @ O' 20' 40' 60' , IIIACIAY. se.s eM.. ENGIHEERsNG_LAND Pl..Nf'\I~-LAND SlIM:'\"lNC IUASAN'TON. CA. "588 (925) 225-Q69Q SHEET NUMBER: C.3 ~.~- .---- ....,- r-- ~J ,- I", ~ . ~ rn uJ Z --=:;:: < ..c:... =:l 0 Z ~ --=:;:: ~ ..c:... ~ 0 Q 'f'--. c;Z C\..1 L. 0 0) ~u 'f'--. ]----. (J) (J) ]----. ~~ 'v" LLl U :' LJ U <( - <(0::: 0::: ]----. r~ 0::: ~ ~-:,1' ~ ~~:.i >M -L. d) I II }--- I I ~ dH I I 3'6~ In df R\ --- ~~', -- ~r :.. - ~ - =--=:- ~ -=- [ ~~ '" ~lDC;;- ~_ v."..., _ ~'.J -- ~ :: ------=--=----- -.- ...-- - - ----- "- - ---~ EXISTJJ'JG -=- ""'---- -'J ~ -- =---- ;)~~.I _ J~: <:" , I -16.3 -15.7 "dr'" -"""';l.- " .-~ -16.0 -~.7 -16fX---16.5 -16.6 -16.4 I, I, --4 . l .~' ; 1-. .~ I II II -15.9 -16.1 -16.2 --'16.3 + .&--16.4 ~16.4 ~16.4 -16.5 ~ -16.6 ~ -16.6 ""16.5 -=16:3- +0.1 #. -15.9 -15.9 -15.9 -15.9 -'16.0 -16.2 + "---=16.J -16.3 -16.4 -16.6 -16.7 ' -16.6 -16.5 -16.4 II II 1 " 'I I II OS -I~.O -16.0 -16.0 -16.D -16.0 -7.0 -16.1 +0.1 ~ + 1 -1~ -16.4 -16.5 -16.6 l-I6.6 -16.6 PODlUt.l LEVEL 362.0 ~ :...., 0 PODIuM LEVEl 362.0 GARAGE Ff 350.0 < GARAGE Ff 350.0 LOWER GARAGE rr J40.D i LOWER GARAGE Ff 340.0 PAD 339.2 PAD 339.2 -t6.1 -16.1 -~16.1 -11.9 --16.1 +0.1 + 1 -16.2 -16.4 .; 16.5 -16.5 r - 16.5 -165- ~- 11 ~ , 1 )/ ./ J16.1 t- -12.6 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 +0.1 + 1 -16.0 -16.1 -16.2 -16..3 -16.5 ~ ~ r ~~ /'?'2 .. ~1i.D -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 0.1 + 2- -15.9 -15.9 -16.0 -16.2 -16.6 -16.4 ~ , --- II r=:=: .., ........., ... ~ i-16.1 ' -<~---; ! , I -:16.5 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -.16.1 r'6.2 -16.4 -16.7 ~ ~ -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.1 -16.0 -16.0 -16.3 -16.4 -16.4 -16.2 . 0.1 .0 ------- - - - -~ - " .,<;,0 -!,,99 _ ....-=-< _ _ _ _ _. 3'll D-Y-BUN-IlkJJ-D . ~~1 ~DJ ---:::::-=~,.;;..~ ,~ -=-- ..., _' '_J~,--.:, ~~ 'v- 'J / r-- -,_1 ,~---. '~~;, ,----. .... _~_ '~ ~ ..r3'9~ J ~ ----==-- 3A'9CJ . JSO 0.1 -0.1 D.1 '---- 0 -~- -2''' _ _ _J~ ~~~-=_J~-;o__ ~9~ _ . J<49..!.- _ .J~ _--e;:::- ~ v - ~ ~_::::- - , '- -'.- ____' _' _-e-_ - ~ ~ .. - -------- ./ -~-- .,~n 3'~ ~ J<S.6 3-49." ~D3 ~D2 J:la.\ ~- :3492 J4q;~ .3Q$7~9A _ _ _ ~ BtJS'tIJ'150-RAl\)CH AREA 1I C" CAJ\;jPUS OFFJCE (UNDEVELOPED LAND) 3.~.1 3<97 350 EARTHWORK EARTHWORK SUMMARY (CYD) RAW EARTHWORK TOTAL 11-17- 2006 14:14:28 N;\'OU" P:\ 19J<l2\plonning\S"O....tlof\P0'\9'1ld;ng.dwg Legend TABLE -15.0 Cut + 0.1 Fill CUT 111,910 I 11,790 FILL 120 5YCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DESCRIYI10N DAm Pn:1imiIwy City Submittal August 18,2006 Qty SDR Sllbmilb! November 20, 2006 PROJECf NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19J.42~ AS NOIFD Novtmbc:r 20, 2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN ~ O' 20' 40' 80' IIIACIAY Ik se.s eM.. ENGINEERlNG_WD ~H::;-u.ND SURV['r'lNG Pl[ASN(lON. CA. "!>88 (925) 225-0090 SHEET NUMBER: C.4 ROW ROW Section 1 Keegan Street Oak Grove Family Apartments Section 2 Maguire Way Sycamore Grove Condominiums 77' ROW ROW Section 3 Lockhart Street @ Short Term Delivery Area Sycamore Grove Condominiums Sycamore Grove Condominiums Key Map =---- - _"'":~",..--=- J~ -:::r -- """L-- ~ ~, r "= ~,,~ Q . :;{,~,"" 'J r~e1.JE'" ~_ = ~~~ L:~~~ 1:=.-;,.....d____ lti.../aP-d-' , ~ "~~~ DUBUN BLVD. '-- - ~ - 3 SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DBSCRIPTION DA TB PreIiminary City SubmiIIal August 18,2006 city SDR StJbmittal November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 193-1HI AS NOlED Ncr.'lIIlhtr 20, 2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone STREET SECTIONS o N.T.S. IIACICAY l SIIIPS CMl. ENCINEERP<<<:_LANO ~INC-L..AAD SURVE'l1NC Pl..fASN<TClN. CA. ~... (925) 225-oe90 SHEET "'UMBER: C.5.A ~. ,- :"~~::_< - , ;;":- ..,,~ - -- -. ---------...- .. .-----......-.- ....- ~ ~-~ :::--~..-- ,~p~~ r-- ~ Section 5 Secondary Garage Entry/EV A @ Dublin Blvd. =- ~~ ~~ Section 6 Primary Garage Entrance/Exit @ Keegan Street Syca more Grove Condominiums Dublin Ranch Area .. C" Campus Office Edge of Povement 157' ROW ROW Section 4 Dublin Boulevard Key Map -~ -__J u -~ ~~ MAGUIRE '1ft. Y \--.,. ~ ::::d too ~ DUBUN BLVD. -- -.4- 4 5VC:AMORE GRQVE Dublin, California REV I S ION S: DFSCRIP'TION DATE PrcIiminary City SubmitIaJ. August 18,2006 city SDR Submittal November 20, 2006 PROJECr NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 1934.2-ll AS NOIEIJ Novanhcr20,2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone STREET SECTIONS @ N.T.S. IIACICAY. .... CML ENCIHEERlI'Ci-1.AJt(} Pl..>>I'fIHGeL..AHD SURY[YIHG Pl.EASANTON. CA. 904588 (925) 225-0690 SHEIIT NUMBER: C.5.B / Iy I l \.. "'- 1 '..-j / r I l \.. ~U8,-:f\. BOULE:Vt'<RC v ~ W IN ~ ~ PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. SIZE SPACING 0 STREET TREES PLATANUS ACERIFOUA LONDON PlANE 24" BOX N1A QUERCUS COCCINEA SCARLET OAK 24" BOX N1A ULMUS PARVIFOUA CHINESE ELM 24" BOX N1A ZELKOVA SERRATA SAWTOOTH ZELKOVA 24. BOX N1A 00 ACCENT TREES ACER PALMATUM 'BLOODGOOD' JAPANESE MAPlE 24. BOX N1A BRAHIA EDULUS GUADALUPE FAN PALM B'BTH N1A 0 CYCAS REVOLUTA SAGO PALM 15 GAL N1A FEIJOA SELlOWIANA PINEAPPLE GUAVA 24" BOX N1A MAlUS PRARIFIRE CRABAPPLE 24. BOX N1A PRUNUS CERASIFERA 'KRAUTER VESUVIUS' PURPLE LEAF PLUM 24" BOX PRUNUS YEDOENSIS 'AKEBONO' FLOWERING CHERRY 24" BOX 0 EVERGREEN SCREEN TREES CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS ITALIAN CYPRESS 24" BOX N1A LAURUS NOBILIS SWEET BAY 24" BOX N/A PITTOSPORUM UNDULATUM VICTORIAN BOX 24. BOX N1A 0 SEQUOIA S. 'APTOS BLUE' APTOS BLUE COAST REDWOOD 24" BOX 0 SHRUBS ASPARAGUS D. 'SPRENGERI' SPRENGER ASPARAGUS 5 GALLON 3'O.C. CEANOTHUS SP. WILD LILAC 5 GALLON S'O.C. CISTUS SP. ROCK ROSE 5 GALLON 3'O.C. COLEONEMA PULCHRUM PINK BREATH OF HEAVEN S GALLON 4'O.C. DlETES SP, FORTNIGHT LILY 5 GALLON 3'O,C. GARDENIA SP. GARDENIA 5 GALLON 3'O.C. GREVILlEA SP. GREVILlEA 5 GAllON 4'O.C. HEMEROCAlLIS HYBRIDS EVERGREEN DAYlILLY 5 GAllON 4'O.C. LAVANDULA SP. LAVENDER 5 GALLON 18"O.C. LEPTOSPERMUM SCOPARlUM TEA TREE 5 GAllON 3'O.C. MAHONIAA. 'COMPACTA' DWARF OREGON GRAPE 5 GALlON 3'O.C. D. 'GULF STREAM' GULF STREAM NANDINA 5 GALlON 3'O,C, NEPETA 'SIX HILLS GIANT CAT MINT 5 GALLON ZDC OSMANTHiJS FRAGRANS S....,'EET OliVE 5 GALLO~ ...O.C PHORMIUM 'MAORI SUNRISE' NEW ZEALAND FLAX 5 GALLON 3'O.C. BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS PHORMIUM 'YELLOW WAVE' PHOTlNIA FRASERII PITTOSPORUM T. VARIEGATA' PITTOSPORUM T. WHEELERS DWARF' PODOCARPUS M. MAKI RUMOHRA ADIANTIFORMIS RHAPHIOLEPIS SP. ROSMARINUS 'HUNTINGTON CARPET' SPIRAEA JAPONICA SOLL YA HETEROPHYLLA STRELlTZlA REGINAE TEUCRIUM SP. VIBURNUM T. 'SPRING BOUQUET' XYlOSMA C. 'COMPACTA' COMMON NAME MIN. SIZE SPACING NEW ZEAlAND FLAX 5 GALLON PHOTINIA 5 GALLON VARIEGATED PITTOSPORUM 5 GALLON DWARF PITTOSPORUM 5 GALLON YEW PINE 5 GALLON LEATHERLEAF FERN 5 GALLON INDIA HAWTHORN 5 GALLON ROSEMARY 5 GALLON SPIRAEA 5 GALLON AUSTRALIAN BLUEBEll CREEPER 5 GALLON BIRD OF PARADISE 15 GAlLON GERMANDER 5 GALLON LAURUSTlNUS 5 GALLON DWARF XYLOSMA 5 GALLON 3O"O,C, 5'O.C. 5'O.C. 5'O.C. S'O,C. 2'O.C. 4'O.C. 4'O.C. 3'O.C. 3'O.C. 6'O.C. 4'O.C. 4'O.C. 3'O.C. VINES I ESPALIERS DISTICTUS BUCCINATORIA BLOOD-RED TRUMPET VINE S GALLON PARTHENOCISSUS TRlCUSPIDATA BOSTON IVY 5 GALLON ROSA SP. ROSE 5 GALLON 0 GROUNDCOVERS ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI BEARBERRY 1 GALLON 24.0,C. FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS WILD STRAWBERRY 1 GALLON 18"O.C. GAZANIA WHITE' CLUMPING WHITE GAZANIA 1 GALLON 12"O.C. MYOPORUM PARVIFOLlUM NCN 1 GALLON 36"O.C. SCAVEOLA' MAUVE CLUSTERS' SCAVEOLA 1 GALLON 30" O.C. II TUBE l----I RHIZOMATOUS TALL FESCUE (RTF) SELF-HEALING TURF SODIHYDROSEED Landscape Features . Streetscape Concept: Dublin Blvd; Triangularly spaced London Plane trees, planted in the parkway and behind the sidewalk create a "grove" effect while maintaining the traditional residential theme of tree lined streets. Urban themed, concrete and stone veneered, low planter walls will be introduced, with lighted, accenting Pilasters offsetting the street tree spacing between individual access walks. This provides a stepped effect down from the individual private patio walls, creating introduced topography and relief at the ground plane. A variety of planting will be introduced at the foundation as well as in the planters and parkway to compliment and soften the architecture while creating visual interest at the pedestrian and vehicular perspective, Lockhart and Keegan Streets; Zelkova and Chinese Elm trees (respectively) will be planted with turf in the parkways, providing an individual identity to each street, carrying on the established planting within the existing development. There are primary pedestrian entries located at approximately mid block along both frontages. Each of the entrances will be highlighted with a pedestrian scale public art element and enhanced pavement. The art will take the form as either an interactive gateway feature or as an element at the public sidewalk. Tiered planting with concrete and stone faced retaining walls with lighted, accenting pilasters, will augment the proposed foundation planting to reduce the building scale to the pedestrian level. Flowering trees and planting will be utilized at the pedestrian and vehicular entries to highlight these interfaces. Maguire Way; Scarlet Oak trees will be planted as the street tree to match the already established planting across the street. As the more "utilitarian' frontage of the proposed project, screen planting will be introduced where feasible, to soften the visual aspects of these areas. Concrete and stone faced planter walls will be used with secondary flowering trees and foundation planting to reduce the vertical scale of the buildings. Low groundcover will be planted in the parkways to create a deterrent, encouraging pedestrians to remain on the walkways. There will be one primary pedestrian entry serving the clubhouse, which will be highlighted with flowering trees and shrubs. . Interior Courtyards: Live-Work garden court; Courtyards separate the individual units from the parking garage, providing the residents of the units private access and gathering spaces. The area will be highlighted with specialty pavements, providing identity to the area while reducing the linear nature of the space. Stone veneered seat walls as well as planter walls, and trellis structures will provide scale relief and define individual spaces, and in the case of the trellis, introduce shade and a ceiling plane_ Plantings will be at a pedestrian scale and consist of flowering trees, shrubs and foundation plantings consistent with a residential theme. A fountain will be proposed in the center of the space as a focal element, providing visual and auditory stimulation. East and West Podium Courtyards; These residential scale courts will provide garden space over the garage structures to the residents surrounding the spaces, as well as people passing through to the center courtyard. Specialty paving will be utilized to accentuate intersections, focal areas, the center axis, and gathering spaces. Walls constructed above the deck of materials complimenting the buildings with lighted pilasters at the gated entries to the private patios will provide planting areas and privacy to 1 st floor residents. Multiple water features will be proposed to provide focal elements and audible softening. The planting will be of a residential courtyard scale and will used to soften the architecture, highlight, and provide shade. The plant material shall be adaptable to varying light conditions. Center Podium Courtyard and Pool Area; This resort themed area serves as the central activity area, providing a 25 meter pool, and a large crescent shaped spa adjacent, centered on the north I south axis. Other amenities include; gas fire pit, shade trellis' and spaces for group gatherings and other social interaction_ Five resort style Cabanas will provide the residents extended entertainment space at pool side. Covered showers in pods of three will be provided to the east and west of the pool. Separation of the pool area from the more residential areas is accomplished through the use of a 4' planter wall with a l' tall section of fence on top. Combined with tropically themed planting, this composition provides privacy to the pool area from the 1 st floor unit patios_ Open fence sections at the center entry adjacent to the restrooms and to the clubhouse provide views into the pool area from less residential surroundings. Gates are provided at four locations, including two along the central axis accentuated by a contrasting paving pattern, one connecting the clubhouse and a fourth in the covered walkway leading to the garage, which includes the restrooms in the pool enclosure. A perimeter path borders the pool area, providing the residents' unrestricted access to all three podium courtyards, the clubhouse and individual gated private patios. Planting in the raised planters around the pool perimeter would be a blend of tropically themed species from the pool area and the residential plantings from the two outside courtyards. SYCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California REV I S I DESCRIPTION Preliminary city Submittal City Submittal o N S: DATE August1&, 2006 November 20, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342.0 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE ARCHlfECTS __w."SuIlo:MO ""K-,_,,, _CA_ _CA...,. _ 7f1122t 22M ...: 111... 1815 fix: 7f11 2241121 fD::'" 4461011 --..... SHEET NUMBER: L.t I' 5VCAMORE GRQUE Dublin, California .I. REV I S ION S: DESCRIPTION DATE Preliminary City Submittal August 18, 2006 City Submittal November 20, 2006 I I o () ~ ):> ~ ~ :Xl m ~ PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: DATE ISSUED: 19342-0 AS NOTED November 20, 2006 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone I PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITeCTS lIa<l_. w." SuiIo 240 21117 K -. Sullo ", NIpe CA M55I s.cr.1MI'IID, CA 15118 ...:7ft12M~ ...:11...7115 tax: 7tI1 1M 1121 fp; i18 4481051 --..... " .. - ~ ~ ~I ~", SHEET NUMBER: L.2