HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 Sycamore Grove -Permitted, Conditional & Prohibited Land Uses
Svcamore Grove · Dublin Ranch Areas B-E · Rev. November 2006
Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Land Uses
Planned Development District and
Land Use and Development Plan/District Planned Development Plan
1. PD - Rural ResidentiallA!!:ricultural
Permitted Uses:
a. One- family dwellings and farm employee housing for persons employed on
the premises. Not more than one dwelling unit, other than farm employee
housing, shall be permitted on each site;
b. Home occupations conducted in accordance with the regulations prescribed in
of the Zoning Ordinance;
c. Crop, vine or tree farm, truck garden, plant nursery, greenhouse, apiary,
aviary, hatchery, horticulture;
d. Raising or keeping of poultry, fowl, rabbits, sheep or goats or similar animals;
e. Grazing, breeding or training of horses or cattle;
f. Winery;
g. Public or private riding or hiking trails;
h. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site with a permitted use,
including barns, stables, coops, tank houses, storage tanks, windmills, other
farm outbuildings, private garages and carports, storehouses, garden
structures, greenhouses, recreation rooms and hobby shops, and storage of
petroleum products for the use of persons residing on the site;
1. Administrative offices for on-site and off-site agricultural activities which are
clearly ancillary to the agricultural pursuits taking place on the site;
J. Small family day care homes;
k. Outdoor recreation facility;
1. Cemetery.
Land Use and Design Standards
Svcamore Grove · Dublin Ranch Areas B-E · Rev. November 2006
Conditional Uses:
a. Agricultural clustering program;
b. Animal hospital, kennel;
c. Killing and dressing of livestock;
d. Public or private hunting of wildlife or fishing, and public or private hunting
clubs and accessory structures;
e. Packing houses for fruit or vegetables, but not including a cannery, or a plant
for food processing or freezing;
f. Flight strip when accessory or incidental to a permitted or conditional use;
g Hog ranch;
h. Drilling for the removal of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substances;
1. Radio and television transmission facilities;
J. Public utility building or uses, excluding such uses as a business office,
storage garage, repair shop or corporation yard;
k. Boarding stables and riding academies;
1. Sanitary land fill not to include processing salvaged material;
m. Occupancy of one mobile home by persons directly related to an on-site
agricultural pursuit on a parcel containing a minimum of 100 acres where
there is no single family dwelling or on a parcel containing a minimum of
200 acres where it can be demonstrated that security cannot be obtained by
existing single family dwelling occupancy; provided, however, that no such
conditional use permit shall be issued for a period to exceed three (3) years;
n. Privately operated wind-electric generators;
o. Community facility;
p. Large family day care homes.
2. PD - Sinele Familv
Permitted Uses:
a. One-family dwellings;
b. Field crop, orchard, garden;
c. Accessory structures located on the same site with a permitted use, including
private garages and carports, storehouse, garden structures, greenhouses,
recreation rooms and hobby areas within an enclosed structure;
d. Home occupation conducted in accordance with the zoning ordinance;
e. Small family day care homes;
f. Outdoor recreation facility.
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Conditional Uses:
a. Public and semi-public facilities;
b. Community facilities;
c. Community clubhouse;
d. Parking lot, only when established to fulfill the residential parking
requirements for a use on an abutting lot or lots:
e. Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the cultivation and wholesale of
plant material (wholesale only);
f. Medical or residential care facility (7 or more clients);
g. Large family day care homes;
h. Second units;
1. Cemetery.
3. PD - Medium Densitv
Permitted Uses:
a. One-family dwellings;
b. Multi-family dwellings;
c. Combinations of attached or detached dwellings, zero-lot line units, duplexes,
townhouses, multi-family dwellings;
d. Nursing homes for not more than three patients;
e. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use;
f. Home occupations conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning
Conditional Uses:
a. Public and semi-public facilities;
b. Community facilities;
c. Community clubhouse;
d. Parking lot, as regulated in the zoning ordinance;
e. Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the cultivation of plant materials
(wholesale only);
f. Medical or residential care facility (7 or more clients);
g. Hospital in districts requiring not more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square
feet of building site area per dwelling unit;
h. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use;
1. Large family day care homes;
J. Bed and breakfast inns;
k. MobPe home parks, as regulated by the zoning ordinance;
1. Assisted living facility (see definition last page of Permitted and Conditional
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4. PD - Medium Hie:h Densitv
Permitted Uses:
a. Multi-family dwellings;
b. Combination of apartments, condominiums, townhouses;
c. Nursing homes for not more than three patients;
d. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use;
e. Home occupations conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning
Conditional Uses:
a. Public and semi-public facilities;
b. Community facilities;
c. Community clubhouse;
d. Parking lot, as regulated in the zoning ordinance;
e. Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the cultivation of plant materials
(wholesale only);
f. Medical or residential care facility (7 or more clients);
g. Hospital in districts requiring not more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square
feet of building site area per dwelling unit;
h. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use;
1. Large family day care homes;
J. Bed and breakfast inn;
k. Mobile home Parks, as regulated by the zoning ordinance;
I. Assisted living facility.
5. PD - Hie:h Densitv
Permitted Uses:
a. Multi-family dwellings;
b. Combination of apartments, condominiums, townhouses;
c. Nursing homes for not more than three patients;
d. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use;
e. Home occupations conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning
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Conditional Uses:
a. Public and semi-public facilities;
b. Community facilities;
c. Community clubhouse;
d. Parking lot, as regulated in the zoning ordinance;
e. Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the cultivation of plant materials
(wholesale only);
f. Medical or residential care facility (7 or more clients);
g. Hospital in districts requiring not more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square
feet of building site area per dwelling unit;
h. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use;
1. Large family day care homes;
J. Bed and breakfast inn;
k. Mobile home Parks, as regulated by the zoning ordinance;
1. Assisted living facility.
5A. PD - Hi2h Densitv Residential with Live-Work Units
Residential uses shall conform to those permitted and conditional uses listed under
5. PD-Hi2h Densitv. In addition, uses applicable to live-work units shall be in
accordance with the following:
Permitted Uses:
a. Local-serving retail and craft-related uses including but not limited to:
1. Art Gallery
2. Artist, Graphic Design and other Artisan-related studio
3. Jewelry Artisan
4. Book Store (except adult bookstore)
5. Clothing/ Apparel/Accessories fabricated on the premises
6. Computers/Electronic Equipment service and repair
7. Craftsperson shop (woodworking, furniture making, ceramics, etc.)
8. Photographic Supply Store
9. Photography Studio
10. Picture Framing Shop
b. Business/professional offices and service establishments including but not limited
1. Administrative Offices
2. Bookkeeper
3. Business Services
4. Counseling Services
5. Desktop Publishing
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Svcamore Grove · Dublin Ranch Areas B-E · Rev. November 2006
6. Employment AgencylExecutive Search Consulting
7. Financial Services including Mortgage Broker and Financial Planner
8. Professional Offices and Services including: Appraisal, Accounting,
Architectural, Dental, Engineering, Legal, Medical, Optometric,
Miscellaneous Consulting Services, etc.
9. Real Estate or Insurance Office
10. Travel Agent
11. TutorlEducational Consultant/Instructor
12. Writer/Technical Advisor
Conditional Uses:
a. Other uses that could meet the intent of the High Density Residential
land use designation, are of the same general character as those
enumerated above, are not detrimental to the neighborhood in
which they are located and are determined by the Community
Development Director to be like or compatible with other
permitted uses.
Prohibited Uses:
a. Any occupancy classified as an H occupancy by the California Building
Standards Code
b. Adult businesses
c. Vehicle maintenance or repair (e.g., body or mechanical work, including
boats and recreational vehicles, vehicle detailing and painting,
upholstery, etc.)
d. Welding, machining, or any open flame work
e. Activities involving biological or chemical substances or storage of
flammable liquids or hazardous materials that are not normally
associated with residential use, require a controlled environment or may
pose a health hazard
f. Storage or Recycling, except as incidental to and in support of a permitted
use for live-work units
g. Grooming, breeding, training, boarding or raising of dogs, cats, or other
animals for profit
h. Veterinary services including animal hospitals, kennels and associated
1. Medical and dental clinics and laboratories
J. Repair shops (of appliances, furniture, and similar items as determined by
the Director of Community Development), fix-it shops, or plumbing
k. Drinking and dining establishments (i.e., bars and restaurants)
1. Dance or night club
m. Take out food shops
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n. Sale of food and/or beverages, other than those items prepared on the
o. Teaching of organized classes totaling more than six persons at a time.
p. Dry Cleaners and Laundromats
q. Fortune telling
r. Astrology, palmistry, massage and head shops and similar uses.
s. Any other activity or use, as determined by the Director of Community
Development to not be compatible with residential activities and/or to
have the possibility of affecting the health or safety of live/work unit
residents, because of the potential for the use to create dust, glare, heat,
noise, noxious gasses, fumes, odor, smoke, traffic, vibration, electrical
interference or other impacts, or would be hazardous because of
materials, processes, products, or wastes
6. PD - General Commercial
Permitted Uses:
a. Community-serving retail uses including, but not limited to:
1. General Merchandise Store
2. Discount Warehouse Retail Store
3. Clothing/Fashion Store
4. Shoe Store
5. Home Furnishing Store
6. Office Supply Store
7. Home Appliance/Electronics Store
8. Home Improvement/Hardware Store
9. Music Store
10. Hobby/Special Interest Store
11. Gifts/Specialty Store
12. Jewelry and Cosmetic Store
13. Drug Store
14. Auto Parts Store
15. Toy Store
16. Book Store
17. Pet Supplies Store
18. Sporting Goods Store
19. Grocery/Food Store
b. Regionally-oriented, high volume, retail uses including, but not limited to:
1. Discount Centers
2. Promotional Centers
3. Home Improvement Centers
4. Factory Stores
5. Furniture Outlets
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c. Office and services establishments including, but not limited to:
1. Bank/Savings and Loan
2. Real Estate/Title Office
3. Travel Agent
4. Legal
5. Accounting
6. Medical and Dental
7. Optometrist
8. Architect
9. Employment Agency
10. Hair/Beauty Salon
11. Cleaner and Dryer
12. Shoe Repair
13. Key Shop
14. Tailor
15. Athletic Club
16. Formal Wear/Rental
17. Other Administrative and Professional Office
18. Technology Access Center
19. Tele-Commuting Center
d. Hotels and Motels;
e. Recreational and Cultural Facilities;
f. Eating, Drinking and Entertainment Establishments, including, but not limited
1. Restaurant
2. Delicatessen
3. Specially Food
4. Bakery
5. Ice Cream Shop
6. Sandwich Shop
7. Video Rental
Conditional Uses:
a. Attached and detached dwellings at densities established for the Medium,
Medium High and High Density land use designations;
b. Auto Malls;
c. Hospital;
d. Animal Hospital, Kennel;
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e. Mortuary;
f. Public and semi-public facilities;
g. Community Facility;
h. Service Station, Type A and Type B;
1. Automobile, camper, boat and trailer sales, storage or rental lot;
J. Plant nursery including the sale of landscaping materials, excluding wet-mix
concrete sales, providing all equipment, supplies and merchandise other than
plant materials are kept within a completely enclosed building;
k. Adult entertainment activity, provided however, that no Adult Entertainment
Activity shall be located closer than 1,000 feet to the boundary of any
residential zone or closer than 1,000 feet to any other Adult Entertainment
1. In-patient and out-patient health facilities as licensed by the State Department
of Health Services;
m. Wine or liquor bar with on-sale liquor license
n. Micro-brewery
o. Nightclub
p. Indoor movie theater
q. Video Arcade
r. Drive-through Facilities, including restaurants
s. Other uses that could possibly meet the intent of the General Commercial
land use designation.
7. PD - Campus Office
Permitted Uses:
a. Professional and Administrative offices;
b. Administrative headquarters;
c. Research and development
d. Business and commercial services;
e. Limited light manufacturing, assembly, warehousing and distribution
f. Ancillary uses which provide support services to businesses and employees
including, but not limited to, restaurants, gas stations, convenience shopping,
copying services, blueprinting, printing and branch banks.
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Conditional Uses:
a. Attached and detached dwellings at densities established for the Medium,
Medium High and High Density land use designations, Residential
development shall not be permitted to occupy more than fifty percent (500/0 )
of the developed area;
b. Public and semi-public facilities;
c. Assisted living facility;
d. Other uses that could possibly meet the intent of this Campus Office land use
8. PD - Open Space
Permitted Uses:
a. Cattle, horse and sheep grazing;
b. Golf course and ancillary facilities;
c. Equestrian facility;
d. Park or playing field for active games;
e. Camp or picnic grounds;
f. Cemetery;
g. Outdoor recreation facility.
Conditional Uses:
a. Public or private hunting of wildlife or fishing and public or private hunting
clubs and accessory facilities;
b. Swimming pools;
c. Radio and television transmission facilities;
d. Wind-electric generators.
9. Definition
Assisted Living Facility: Senior citizen residence consisting of private living quarters
combined with a communal dining area, recreational amenities and health assistance
facilities. This type of use is for ambulatory seniors and need not be staffed by
medical personnel.
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