HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 Sycamore Grove - Stg II PD Project Descriptions
Sycamore Grove · November 2006
Project Description
The Sycamore Grove residential condominium project proposal includes a Stage 2
Development Plan as defined by Section 8.32.030(A) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
The Stage 2 PD submittal for this project is based on the Areas B-E PD (PA 96-038 and
96-039), approved by the Dublin City Council on December 2, 1997. This submittal
includes a Stage 2 PD development plan; data on site areas; listing of permitted,
conditional and prohibited uses; design standards covering site development; proposed
densities; vehicular and pedestrian circulation plan; phasing plan; prototypical street
sections; and textual information sufficient to establish consistency with the Dublin
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (GP/EDSP).
The proposed project is consistent with the type, location and size of the land use
designations assigned to the property by the approved Areas B- E Planned Development
Rezone, East Dublin Specific Plan, and Dublin General Plan.
The Project Site is located within the southernmost parcel of what was previously known
as the Fairway Ranch project. It is located within the City of Dublin and is bordered by
Keegan Street to the west, Dublin Blvd. to the south, an existing 304-unit apartment
building to the north and Lockhart Street to the east. The Project Site consists of
approximately 8.8 gross acres (6.4 net acres).
Proposed Application
The original PD Rezone document approved for this site in 1997 did not include any
provisions for live-work units as well as varying densities within the High Density
Residential land use designation. A Stage 2 PD approval is now being requested since a
significantly different development concept with podium buildings, subterranean parking
and a mix of higher density residential types is now proposed as well as the fact that the
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previously approved PD did not include design standards and permitted uses that are
entirely applicable to the current project. Based on this, there is a need to create specific
development standards, proposed allowable densities and permitted and prohibited uses
for these unique living units. The current proposal requests approval of three separate
residential types under the High Density Residential designation, including the live-work
units and specific proposed uses for those units.
In response to Section 8.32.B. of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the proposed high density
residential project with live-work units will comply with the Stage 2 Development Plan
submittal requirements. The project submittal specifically addresses those requirements
as follows:
1. Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Areas B - E PD
approval in 1997 was received prior to the City's adoption of the current Planned
Development Ordinance with the Stage l/Stage 2 Development Plan format. Based
on this, there is no Stage 1 Development Plan to assess for compatibility with this
proposal. The Project Site was designated for High Density Residential uses under
the original PD approval. The current proposal maintains that land use designation
and does not alter the limits of the area designated as High Density Residential. In
addition, the street network surrounding the Project Site is still consistent with what
was depicted on the Land Use and Development Plan for Areas B - E.
2. Statement of proposed uses. The original Areas B - E PD approval contained a
Statement of Proposed Uses, including permitted, conditional, and accessory uses
applicable to the High Density Residential designation. Those uses will still be
applicable to the relevant components of this project, however, a new category will
be added to the overall Areas B - E uses list entitled High Density Residential with
Live-Work Units which will apply specifically to permitted, conditional and
prohibited uses for the live-work units.
3. Stage 2 Site Plan. A detailed Stage 2 Development Plan for the Sycamore Grove
project site is included with this submittal. The site plan and associated exhibits
show the location and arrangement of existing and proposed land uses on the site
and within 100 feet beyond its boundary; existing and proposed circulation system;
existing structures and proposed general building areas; contours; parking areas,
driveways and loading areas in general; limits of grading; and phasing boundaries.
4. Site area, proposed densities. Gross and net area data pertaining to the Project
Site is depicted on the Development Plan. Proposed maximum density for this
project is 34.6 dwelling units/acre (gross), which yields a total of 304 dwelling
units. There is no maximum density requirement under the High Density
Residential designation. All development in this category is required to achieve a
minimum density level of 25.1 dus/acre in accordance with the previously approved
Areas B - E PD as well as the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Data regarding the
maximum number of residential units by type is shown in the table under the
Proposed Land Use and Development Concept section of this Project Description.
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5. Development Regulations. The previously approved matrix of multi-family
residential land uses in the Areas B - E PO Design Standards will be amended to
include a new category entitled High Density Residential with Live-Work Units.
Specific development standards for this new land use category pertaining to lot
areas, lot square footage per dwelling unit, lot width and frontage, lot depth,
setbacks, distances between residences, maximum lot coverage, common useable
outdoor space, height limits, parking, driveways, signage, and grading requirements
will be included in this matrix. Standards for floor area ratios and loading areas 'are
not included as this is an all-residential project and they are not applicable. No
exterior trash enclosures are proposed as trash storage and compaction operations
for this project will occur within the basement of the podium structures.
6. Architectural Standards. Project-wide architectural standards, concepts, and
themes will adhere to the design standards in the approved Areas B - B PO as well
as the applicable conditions of the Site Design Review approval for the adjacent
Groves apartments project. No additional design standards are proposed for this
Stage 2 PO proposal.
7. Preliminary Landscaping Plan. A Preliminary Landscaping Plan complying with
Chapter 8.72, Landscaping and Fencing Regulations is included with this submittal.
A statement of landscape design intent is included on the plan. In addition, the
proposed landscape treatment for this Project Site will be consistent with the
applicable landscape concepts and design criteria in the Areas B - E PO as well as
with those in the SDR approval for the adjacent Groves apartments project.
8. Other information. Other information potentially required by the Department of
Community Development as necessary for the substantive and environmental
review of the proposed project is included in a separate Appendix document that
accompanies this submittal package.
Existing Site Conditions and Uses
The Project Site is currently vacant, but recently served as the staging area for the family
and senior apartments project that is under construction to the north. There are no
permanent structures in place on the property. The site is generally rectangular in shape
and is surrounded by existing streets on all four sides. The southern half of the site has a
5'+/- high embankment around the perimeter behind the current right-of-way that creates
a flat pad for the majority of the site. The average existing slope across the site is
typically under 1 %. In the southern portion of the site, along Dublin Blvd. and the
southern stretches of Keegan and Lockhart Streets, there is a four- to five-foot-high
embankment as the grading transitions from the flat pad area to the sidewalks on the
already constructed streets.
There are no existing drainage courses or any native vegetation on-site. Current land
uses surrounding the project include a 304-unit apartment building to the north, high-
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density residential units to the west (the Terraces at Dublin Ranch Villages), land zoned
for Campus Office to the south and land zoned for medium density residential to the east.
The previously approved Army Corps of Engineers permit and Regional Water Quality
certification for the balance of the Dublin Ranch holdings and its associated mitigation
requirements cover the Project Site. The permit specifically addresses mitigation for all
existing on site environmental features and allows the proposed development to proceed
as proposed. Various biological studies have been undertaken within the Project Area and
surrounding areas by H. T. Harvey & Associates. The presence of the California red-
legged frog and the California tiger salamander was addressed in the Initial
StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Dublin Ranch Planning Area H (PA
98-070) previously prepared by the City of Dublin. Mitigation measures were designated
and approved as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Two delineations conducted
by Ted Winfield & Associates identified the areas that are subject to the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) jurisdiction within the Project Area. These submittals were
formally verified by the USACE on August 18, 1999 and December 2, 1999. Mitigation
measures have been incorporated in the wetland fill permit issued by the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) on May 23, 2003. A copy of the permit may be found in
the separate Appendix document included with this submittal package. A summary of
the Biological Surveys conducted to date has been included in the Appendix. Please refer
to other appendices in this submittal package as well as documents on file with the City
of Dublin for additional site conditions information.
With respect to existing flood hazards, no portion of the Project Area is within a 100-year
flood hazard area. A Letter of Map Revision was issued by FEMA on August 27, 2004
confirming that the Project Site is removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area. A copy
of the FEMA documentation is included in the Appendix.
Geotechnical investigations of the Project Site and surrounding areas have been
conducted by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants to determine the soil condition and
slope stability. The studies indicated no areas of geotechnical concern within the Project
Area. These studies have been included in the Appendix.
Proposed Land Use and Development Concept
The Development Plan for this project proposes 304 units of High Density Residential
condominiums (278 flats, 4 townhomes and 22 live-work units) on approximately 8.8
gross acres. Residential densities (34.6 du/ac gross and 47.8 du/ac net) proposed for the
Sycamore Grove project fall within the ranges permitted by the HDR residential category
as specified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan.
The Sycamore Grove condominium project within Dublin Ranch - Area B is a high-
density residential community with two podium buildings as well as several separate
buildings containing attached live/work units and/or tOwnhomes. The western podium
building will be built as part of Phase One and has two levels of subterranean parking and
up to four stories of residential flats. There are a total of 135 units within this building
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consisting of one, two and three bedroom flats as well as one, two and three bedroom
flats with lofts. The eastern podium building will be built in Phase Two and will have two
floors of subterranean parking and up to four stories of residential flats. The eastern
podium will have a total of 143 units of one, two and three bedroom units as well as one,
two and three bedroom flats with lofts.
Each flat within the podium buildings will have interior entrances. Direct access from the
parking garages to the units will be provided via elevators and stairwells located in the
lobbies of each building. Each podium will also have a large, internal landscaped
courtyard that will be accessible to all residents.
Attached three-story units are proposed along the southern end of the site and will front
onto Dublin Boulevard as well as portions of Lockhart and Keegan Streets. These
attached units will include 22 live/work units and four townhomes and will be separate
from the podium flats. Each of the live/work units has a total of 2150 square feet with
approximately 710 square feet on the lower level being identified as work or flex space.
Each of these units will have two entries, one at the front of the unit on Dublin Boulevard
for visitors and guests as well as one private entrance via a landscaped courtyard situated
between the units and the garage. Additional descriptive information pertaining to the
live-work units is included in Attachment 1 which is appended to this Project
The project will include podium flats, townhomes and live-work units. The following
table breaks down the units by type:
1 Bedroom 35 50 85
1 Bedroom with Loft 3 6 9
2 Bedroom 66 57 123
2 Bedroom with Loft 11 8 19
3 Bedroom 16 18 34
3 Bedroom with Loft 4 4 8
Live/Work Units 11 11 22
Townhomes 2 2 4
TOTAL 148 156 304
Between the two podium buildings is a central main courtyard that will include a 25-
meter swimming pool and a spa for all residents of the complex as well as open space and
landscaped areas for more passive activities. A clubhouse, which will provide services to
the residents of Sycamore Grove, is accessible through the center courtyard as well as
from Maguire Way and is attached to the western podium building.
In addition, a shuttle service will be provided for all residents within The Groves
(including Sycamore Grove) that will operate on a fixed schedule and route, providing
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predictable and reliable service for the residents 7 days per week. During weekday
commute hours, the shuttle will provide transportation to the Pleasanton BART station,
ACE train station, and selected business parks and/or other employment locations as
dictated by the needs of the residents. During the day and evening non-commute hours
and on weekends, the shuttle will provide transportation to local shopping centers,
medical facilities (including ValleyCare Hospital and medical offices), recreational areas
and other destinations. The actual route and schedule will be tailored to the needs of the
The Developer will either acquire or arrange for the operation of the shuttle directly, or
contract with a local transportation agency to provide this service. If the Developer
operates the service, the shuttle will be parked on site when it is not in service. Resident
demand will determine the number and the size of the vehicles needed.
The Sycamore Grove condominium site is situated in the flatter portion of the Dublin
Ranch community just north of Dublin Boulevard. The Project Site is not within any of
the scenic corridor zones as defined in the Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor Policies and
Standards. However, this area falls under the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies
protecting visually sensitive ridge lands within Eastern Dublin. Exhibits produced as part
of that study effort accurately showed what a viewer would see along specific sight lines
and at several viewpoints. Proposed grading areas and limits of development were also
identified. These exhibits showed what portions of the development area would be visible
from each viewpoint, what areas would be hidden by existing land forms to be retained
and what portions of the visually sensitive ridgelands would be visible under proposed
conditions. It was determined from these exhibits that the sensitive ridgelands would
remain protected if the site was developed as proposed. In addition, previous viewshed
analysis studies done in conjunction with the Areas B-E PD Rezone approval (PA 96-
039) also determined that development within this area would not specifically impact
views of the surrounding ridgelands that are identified in the Eastern Dublin Specific
The Project Site is located within walking distance of the Promenade at Dublin Ranch
(the future Dublin Ranch Village Center along Grafton Street). A bus stop for the
LA VT A bus system is located on the north side of Dublin Boulevard, which will allow
transportation to BART and various shopping and employment locations to the west.
Additionally, residents benefit from the close proximity to the recently completed Bray
Commons neighborhood park, located to the west of Keegan Street.
Project Access and Circulation
Since all of the streets bordering the Project Site currently exist, no new streets will be
required to serve the Project. Primary vehicular access to the subterranean parking
garage will be from either Keegan Street or Lockhart Street. There will be a secondary
garage entrance off Dublin Boulevard for residents as well as deliveries and maintenance
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personnel, but guests and residents will be encouraged to enter at the Keegan and
Lockhart Street entrances.
Maguire Way is a private street that was constructed in conjunction with The Groves
family apartments. There will be no vehicular entry to the Sycamore Grove condominium
flats or the parking garage off Maguire Way, however, a pedestrian entry/exit for the club
house facility will be located on Maguire.
Utility Services
The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) will provide water, wastewater and
recycled water service to the Project Site. These services are currently available for
extension into the Project Site from the four surrounding streets - Dublin Boulevard,
Keegan Street, Maguire Way, and Lockhart Street. The site will be serviced by Pressure
Zone 2 potable water. Final locations and sizing of these water services will be in
accordance with the standards and recommendations ofDSRSD.
Sewer service for the Project Site will require connection to DSRSD's existing sewer
system and sewer treatment will occur at DSRSD's treatment plant. Gravity sewer mains
will serve the proposed development from the four surrounding streets: Dublin
Boulevard, Keegan Street, Maguire Way, and Lockhart Street.
When available from the DSRSD wastewater treatment plant, recycled water will be
provided for irrigation of landscape areas on site. Final location and sizing of recycled
water facilities will be based on the updated Master Water Facilities Plan prepared by
The storm drain system for the Project Site will require the relocation of some catch
basins along Maguire Way. All points of connection from onsite drainage will be to
existing storm drain pipes in the surrounding streets. A pump system will be required on
site to mitigate the garage runoff on the lower parking garage floor into the storm drain
system. The majority of the runoff from the site will be picked up by area drains and
subdrains. The actual sizes and locations of proposed storm drain pipes will be
determined in conjunction with preparation of the project's improvement plans.
A strategy for maintaining the quality of storm water runoff from the Project Site once
development occurs will be based on the Regional Water Quality certification for the
balance of the Dublin Ranch holdings and its associated mitigation requirements. In
accordance with the permit's requirements, a series of best management practices
(BMPs) will be designed to prevent the introduction of pollutants associated with
development into the surrounding storm drain systems.
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Proposed Project Phasing Approach
Phasing and development timing of the project will depend largely upon market demand.
The project will be completed in two phases. The western podium building (135 flats)
will built as Phase 1. Phase 2 will consist of the eastern podium building (143 flats).
Eleven live/work units and two townhouse units will also be built as a part of each phase.
All necessary storm drainage, sewer, and water backbone improvements may occur by
phase and will provide service for each phase. It is anticipated that most, if not all, bulk
site grading would be done with the initial phases of the project.
Sanitary, water, and recycled water services will be provided by the Dublin San Ramon
Services District (DSRSD) in accordance with their Facilities Master Plans. Final
locations and sizing of these facilities will be determined in conjunction with the
recommendation of the DSRSD Facilities Master Plan.
Ownership and Maintenance of Open Space and Pedestrian Areas
A homeowners' association (HOA) will be created for the Project and a Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Declaration) will be prepared and recorded. The
Declaration will establish easements and other rights necessary for the association to
fulfill its responsibilities. The Declaration will require the homeowners' association to
own and/or maintain certain lands in accordance with the table below.
Feature Owner Maintenance Responsibility
Center Median (including City City or another entity
landscaping and lighting) in
Public Streets
Sidewalks along Lockhart, City HOA or another entity
Keegan and Dublin Blvd.
Maguire Way (street surface, Family apartments Family apartment's landowner
sidewalks, street lighting and on adjacent parcel and Sycamore Grove HOA
landscaping) to the north and
Sycamore Grove
Right-of-way Landscaping City HOA or another entity
(Curb to ROW line) along
Lockhart, Keegan and Dublin
Maintenance of on-site common areas behind the public street rights-of-way (including
transitional areas between the building and back of sidewalk as well as interior
courtyards) will be the responsibility of the HOA.
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Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
The project contains 52 moderate-income for-sale units that comply with the
requirements of Dublin's Affordable Housing Ordinance as well as the approval
conditions of the previous Fairway Ranch SDR approval.
Hazardous Waste Analysis
A Phase 2 site assessment of Areas B-E (including the Project Site) has been conducted
by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants to determine the presence of anyon-site hazardous
waste and substance sites. The findings of this study indicate that no problem sites were
found. In addition, an environmental records search was previously conducted by
Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants for the Dublin Ranch - Phase I project site to
determine if the site was included on a list of hazardous waste and substance areas. The
results of this search indicated that no property within a two mile radius of Dublin Ranch-
Phase I (which includes the Project Site) are listed as a hazardous site, hazardous material
generator or transporter, or known to have underground storage tank leaks.
Benefits and Costs of the Project upon the City
This project will allow the construction of residential units for the City of Dublin. These
new residents will strengthen the market for nearby commercial uses projected to occur
in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin General Plan, especially
for the Promenade at Dublin Ranch along Grafton Street. This, in turn, will substantially
increase sales and property taxes for the City of Dublin
The developer would pay for all infrastructure and capital facility costs required for
development of the proposed project as development proceeds. As is typical of
development requirements in Dublin, property-owners/project proponents would dedicate
land required for roads, the elementary school, neighborhood park and neighborhood
square; construct roads and improve school land and parks; and contribute funds as
required through the City's Traffic Impact Fee program, school fees, and park in-lieu fees
as required. Along with this, normal expenditures for City services (fire, police,
recreation, general administration, etc.) would be compensated by the development
through required fees and property tax revenues. It is anticipated that property tax
revenues, along with increased local sales tax attributable to the Project, will cover or
exceed the public service costs.
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Findings Statement
Will the proposal be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in
the surrounding area?
Development of the Sycamore Grove project will be harmonious and compatible with
existing and future development in the surrounding area. The policies and goals of the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan will ensure that this project will be
compatible both in terms of land use and physical design with adjacent development.
The project will follow the intent of and be consistent with those land uses provided for
by the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being
The Project Area is physically suitable for the type of residential development proposed
and has been designated for the proposed type of use per the Areas B- E PD Rezone
approval. The density for the proposed project falls within the range for High Density
Residential, which is the zoning designation under PD Rezone approved for the Project
Will the proposal adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in
the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare?
The design of this project and its improvements will comply with all applicable City
codes and ordinances pertaining to its design, construction and operation. It is not
anticipated that it will create public health problems as no land uses or activities requiring
the use or manufacturing of toxic materials are planned to occur on site. In particular,
uses pertaining to the live-work units that are considered to be hazardous and/or a
nuisance are specifically prohibited by the standards in the Stage 2 PD document.
All traffic impacts of the Project that might affect the public, health, safety or welfare
will be analyzed and mitigated for.
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Is the proposal consistent with all elements of the General Plan and any applicable
Specific Plans of the City of Dublin?
As noted previously, the Project is consistent with the elements, goals and policies of the
General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
How does this project satisfy the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development"?
This project satisfies the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development" by establishing
a zoning district wherein:
. Provides a mix of residential uses that are consistent with the High Density
Residential land use designation as well as the intent and uses of the General Plan
and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
. A mix of unit sizes and affordability, as well as live-work opportunities, will be
located at the site, ensuring diversity of housing products at the site.
. Special amenities such as an including a swimming pool, spa, and clubhouse to
accommodate a full range of indoor recreational and community activities and
interior courtyard areas for passive activities will be provided to residents.
. Unifying landscape and architectural treatments and elements join the project with
adjacent properties.
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Live- Work Defined:
Live-work is considered to be an "emerging land use" partly because of its status as a unique land
use and building type and also because it is inherently both a mixed use and a mixed occupancy. By
definition, a live-work unit accommodates residents in addition to work activities. As a minimum,
a live-work unit will need to provide residential facilities equivalent to those provided in what is
typical for an efficiency unit or studio apartment (i.e. a separate bathroom, cooking facilities and a
designated sleeping area).
The use of the term live-work indicates that the quiet enjoyment expectations of the neighbors in the
building or adjacent buildings take precedence over the work needs of a particular unit. Therefore,
the primary use of a live-work unit is residential.
Commercial/business type activities are considered to be a secondary use. Typically more than one
or two employees and significant walk-in trade are not permitted in a live-work unit.
Unit Description:
A total of 22 live-work units are proposed for Sycamore Grove condominium project, which
represents only 7% of the 304 total units in the project. The units are located in 2 ~ story town
home buildings that have 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms plus a ground level workspace. There are a
total of four separate buildings, with each building accommodating 5-6 live-work units.
The current PD Zoning designation for the Project Site is High Density Residential. Average
density (net) for the overall Sycamore Grove project is approximately 48 units/acre, however, the
net density for the live-work component of the overall project generates 20 dwelling units/acre.
This is well within the realm of the density range for the High Density Residential zoning
classification under the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
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Each of the live-work units is designed to be identical and contain a total of2150 square feet. The
proposed size of the ground level work or flex space is 710 square feet, which includes the bath but
excludes the laundry area and stair access to the upper floors. Based on this, approximately 34% of
the total area within the unit is proposed to be devoted to the workspace with the balance slated for
living area.
Twenty (20) of the units will front onto Dublin Boulevard and include a small private patio at the
front entry. The patio and adjacent garden area will be enclosed with a low wall and/or acoustical
screen to define the private space as well as mitigate sound impacts. Two additional units will front
onto the secondary access drive to the parking garage from Dublin Boulevard.
Separate entrances to the units through the front patios will be provided from Dublin Boulevard for
work-related activity as well as a private rear entry for residents to access their units directly from
the parking garage. Between the rear entries to the units and the garage, a linear common open
space is planned, which will contain the access walkways to the units as well as landscaped pockets.
In addition, the location of the live-work units will not impact the privacy and activities of the
residents of the adjacent podium buildings in that the live -work units have a separate entry location
and dedicated parking spaces.
Project-specific zoning standards will need to be crafted to address the permitted uses, density and
design issues associated with live-work units. Typically communities have set a minimum size for
these units in the 600 - 800 square foot range, including the workspace within the unit. The
proposed Groves live-work units are substantially larger, which will allow for greater flexibility by
future users, including the ability to vertically segregate activities within the work and living areas
as well as to divide the ground level between work and living components if desired. Creation of an
actual physical separation within the unit between living and work spaces would not be permitted.
Residential zones normally only permit residential uses and are distinguished from one another by
density expressed in dwelling units per acre or per square foot of lot area. Live-work structures or
complexes may be appropriate in many higher density residential zones, while keeping in mind the
building type and its compatibility with its surroundings. Live -work is also well suited to
commercial and mixed-use zones. In addition, it often works well as a buffer or transitional use
between single use zones, e.g. between residential and commercial or office zones. Based on this
criteria, it appears that the proposed location of Sycamore Grove project between the Campus
Office lands south of Dublin Blvd. (which includes the proposed Kaiser hospital facility) and The
Terraces and Fairway Ranch high density residential projects to the west and north is well suited for
live-work uses.
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Work Uses Permitted:
The work uses permitted in a live/work space or buildings vary widely and can depend on a number
of factors. Work activities in live-work are intended to be those that are fully compatible with
residential occupancies. These business uses might include single practioners such as attorneys,
accountants, architects, psychologists/counselors, etc. Other work uses typically compatible with a
home environment, such as home office and many arts, crafts and artisan type uses would also be
acceptable. Manufacturing type uses such as fabrication and material handling activities are not
permitted in live-work. There are also certain other business activities that are not permitted in live-
work, such as restaurants, bars, kennels and group medical and other health care-related offices. A
more detailed listing of permitted and prohibited uses pertaining to live-work units will be included
in the Stage 2 PD Rezone document.
Subject to the work activities permitted in the applicable zone, live-work projects in most
communities are permitted to have a limited number of employees. Typically in live-work projects
the number of employees is minimal. Most people tend to move on to dedicated workspace rather
than have employees continually in their living space. The same is true of walk-in trade.
Depending on the allowable uses and the specific use characteristics of the space some
municipalities may treat the units as residential, others as commercial and others somewhere in
between. The proposed live-work units are designed primarily as a residential occupancy with
respect to building requirements. More specifically, with respect to Sycamore Grove units, parking
is carefully controlled and allocated, signage is commercially scaled to the street and pedestrian
requirements (but not to moving automobiles) and disabled access is provided to all building
Parking/ AccessIDeliveries:
Based on the general characteristics of existing projects, most live-work projects built today are
occupied by single people, couples and empty nesters with minimal children. If at least one member
of a couple works at home, that family unit may often have only one car. This also depends on
other variables, such as proximity oflocal services, mass transit, etc., but it is clear that the parking
needs and traffic generation associated with live-work units are different than those of normal
housing. As such, live-work enables both the possibility offar less reliance on the automobile by its
residents and the relief that diminished traffic impact brings to its neighbors.
Most jurisdictions that allow live-work (e.g. Oakland, Berkeley, Larkspur, Truckee and Sonoma
County) have settled on one to two spaces per unit as a live-work unit parking requirement. When
client visits are anticipated, or employees permitted or walk-in trade are part of a project, then
additional parking would need to be provided (either on street or off street) for those non-resident
occupants of the spaces. Client visits by appointment are permitted under most jurisdictions' home
occupations without added parking requirements. Experience with other live-work projects has
shown that unless the individual spaces are excessively large and/or are configured with totally
separate workspaces, an average of two spaces per unit (2.5 spaces/unit maximum) should be
adequate even when employees and walk-in trade are permitted.
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. Stage 2 PD Rezone - Project Description
Svcamore Grove Residential Condominiums. November. 2006
All of the parking spaces serving the live-work units will be located within the parking garage
located to the rear of the units. Resident spaces will be located in a designated gated access area
behind the live work units with pedestrian access provided directly from the garage to an interior
private courtyard that serves the rear entries to those units. Guest spaces will also be located within
the garage and will not be assigned to any specific unit. Guests and/or clients will need to travel
from the garage via sidewalks on the adjacent streets or driveways to the front of the units along
Dublin Boulevard, which is the primary public access point to the live-work units. Parking will not
be allowed on Dublin Boulevard per City regulation.
With respect to use of the guest parking spaces, the live-work parking demand will occur when
guest parking use of the designated spaces is at a minimum. Parking required for employees and
walk-in trade associated with live-work units will occur during the day when resident and guest use
is minimal. Parking demand for resident's guests will be highest on evenings and weekends when
there is little or no live-work "business activity" occurring. Based on the 2.5 parking spaces that are
provided for Sycamore Grove live-work units, it appears that adequate on-site parking is provided
to accommodate the typical range of live-work activities and expected traffic generation.
Since delivery vehicles will not be allowed in the parking garage due to height and circulation
limitations, short term unloading/delivery parking areas will be provided adjacent to the project site
on Keegan Street and Lockhart Street. These areas would accommodate delivery vehicles
associated with work activities in the live-work units as well as moving vans during move in/move
out periods. Resident and guest parking would be prohibited in these two locations.
Any live-work units that have employees or walk-in trade will need to be disabled accessible in any
areas occupied or used by employees and customers. The proposed Groves live-work units will
have on grade access to the front public entries as well as to the rear private entries that will comply
with applicable ADA standards.
Entitlement Proposal:
A new Stage 2 PD, Site Development Review (SDR) and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) will be
proposed to the City of Dublin to specifically address the unique components of live-work units
including standards tailored to their design features. The new Site Development Review proposal is
intended to supersede the previous Fairway Ranch approval in 2003, pertaining to this portion of the
original Project Site only. Live-work units will be proposed as a conditional use in the High
Density Residential Zone as a building form included in this application. Uses listed in the Stage 2
Planned Development Plan would be permitted by right subject to application for a business license.
Individual uses not listed herein or not determined to be a "like" use to those shown, shall be subject
to an individual Conditional Use Permit for the specific use and "condominium" site subject to
Planning Commission approval prior to occupancy. Specific restrictions and requirements
regarding permitted uses and directions to purchasers as to the process required for approval of a
workspace through the City shall be recorded against the live/ work component of the project in
conjunction with the final map for those units.
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. Stage 2 PD Rezone - Project Description
Svcamore Grove Residential Condominiums · November. 2006
Since the new architectural and site design for Sycamore Grove involves a totally different building
concept for this site than what was approved in the previous Fairway Ranch site development
review approval in 2003, a new SDR application will be submitted to the City. The new SDR will
not include any adjustments to the 304 condominium units approved for this site within the Fairway
Ranch project as well as the requirement to provide 52 moderate-income units. Site Development
Review approval by the City for each individual live-work occupancy will not be required as the
CUP portion ofthis application is intended to cover this aspect of the design. A new CUP will only
be required if the proposed use of the unit is not defined on the approved list of uses or cannot be
determined to be a "like" use.
The project site is located entirely within the limits of Parcel 3 of Tract Map 7453 which was
approved in 2003. Since modifications to the Parcel 3 boundaries are not required to accommodate
this project, a new tentative map will not required for this submittal.
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. Stage 2 PD Rezone - Project Description