HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 Sycamore Grove - Application Forms CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING APPLICATION FORM NOTE: Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed. Some of the items listed might not apply to our s ecific a lication. Please rint or t e Ie ibl . Attach additional sheets, if necessar . I. TYPE OF APPLICATION: x Administrative Conditional Use Permit [ACUP] Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Site Development Review [SDR] Variance [V AR] Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] x Sign/Site Development Review [SIGNjSDR] Master Sign Program [MSP jSDR] Planned Development Rezone [pO REZl Rezone [REZ] General/Specific Plan Amendment [GPA] II. GENERAL DATA A. Address/Location of Property: Between Dublin Boulevard and Maguire Way east of Keegan Street B. Assessor Parcel Number: 985-0027-001 C. Site Area: 6.36:t Net acres. D. Zoning: PD High Density Residential (PA96-039) D. General Plan Designation: High Density Residential F. Existing/Proposed Use of Property: Existing Use: Vacant Land! Proposed Use: High Density Residential G. Existing Use of Surrounding Properties: Vacant land to East and South; Existing High Density Residential use to north and west III. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT A. PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that I have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. (Note: All Property Owners must sign if property is jointly owned) Signat Capacity: Capacity: Phone: Fax: Date: Property Owner Authorized Representative (925)463-1666 (925) 463-3690 //- i 7 - d-&Z?6 B. APPLICA THER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Applicant, certify that I have obtained w itt~f! authorization from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to file this application. I agree to be bound by the conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Company: Address: Capacity: Phone: Fax: Signature Date: DublinPldnningApplkatillll.do(' Planner Date CITY OF DUBLIN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN On a case by case basis, a City Planner will place a checkmark (-.J) next to the information required for submittal. The Planner may determine that specific information may not be needed to process a particular application. If the Planner decides to waive certain information, the Planner will initial the waived information and keep a copy of the form for City records. It is City policy not to accept incomplete applications unless a Planner has specifically identified those items waived by writing N/ A and their initials next to them. Please note if an incomplete application is received by mail or hand delivered by courier it may be returned to the applicant. Incomplete or inaccurate information may result in processing delays or denial of the project. Checking off the Quick Check box does not necessarily mean that all the required application items have been submitted. Staff will do a thorough review of the submittal for completeness and environmental determination, often involving an on-site visit. Staff will send a notice to you within 30 days listing the items necessary to complete the application. To comply with State law, the following represents a comprehensive list of information which must be submitted prior to acceptance of the application for a Stage 2 Development Plan for all or a portion of the Planned Development Zoning District, as applicable under any proposed or adopted phasing plan: GENERAL INFORMATION: Project Street Address/Location: Between Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway. east of Keegan Street Project Name: Sycamore Grove at Dublin Ranch Project Description: Proiect includes a total 0[304 residential units with 278 condominium flats. 22 live-work units and 4 town homes. Parking will be provided in a two-level subterranean garage located under the podium structures. General Plan Land Use Designation: High Density Residential Specific Plan Land Use Designation: High Density Residential Zoning District: PD High Density Residential. (PA 96-039) Applicant Name: Dublin Ranch Holdings. LLC APN: 985-0027-001 Phone:925-463-1666 SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Completed Application Form including the address and signatures of Applicant(s) and Property Owner(s). Completed Environmental Information Form including signatures of Applicant(s) and Property Owner(s). Application Fee and Processine Deposit (Cash or check payable to City of Dublin) Fee Deposit _ PD Zoning District, Stage 2 $N/A $ Environmental Filine Fees/Deposits - County Administrative Fees ($25.00) $ $N/A (check payable to Alameda County Clerk) - Initial Study Fee ($25.00) $ $ N/A (payable to City of Dublin) - Environmental Impact Report Deposit) $N/A $ (payable to City of Dublin - Special Studies Deposit (traftic. noise. etc.) $N/A $ {payable to City ojDublin TOTAL TOTAL Revised 11/09/05 SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED FEE DEPOSIT $ $ Completed Processinl! Fee Al!reement Form Findinl!s Statement: (I copy) provide the following information necessary for required findings of approval to be made: a. Describe how the proposal will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area. b. Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed? c. Will the proposal adversely effect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare? d. Is the proposal consistent with all elements of the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans of the City of Dublin? e. How does this project satisfY the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 "Planned Development" of the Municipal Code? Written Statement: (I copy) describe the project in detail, state the benefits and costs the rezoning will have upon the City and give reasons why the application should be approved. Provide factual information supporting the following: a. Statement of compatibility with Stage I Development Plan (if applicable). b. Proposed Uses, including permitted, conditional, and accessory uses; c. Site area (gross and net), maximum densities for residential and non-residential development by type, minimum densities where applicable for compliance with the Dublin General Plan or applicable specific plans; and maximum number ofresidential units by type and or maximum non-residential square footage for each use. d. Development Regulations for lot areas, lot square footage per dwelling unit, lot width and frontage, lot depth, setbacks, distances between buildings; maximum lot coverage, common useable outdoor space, floor area ratios, height limits, parking, driveways loading areas, signage, grading standards, and trash enclosures, accompanied by any necessary diagrams e. Area-wide and project-wide architectural standards, concepts and themes. f. Indicate how this project would be compatible with the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations for the provisions of affordable housing. This statement should supplement any statement regarding compliance with the Housing Element of the General Plan. g. Is the site where the project is proposed located on a hazardous waste and substances site (pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5). Vicinity Map (\ copy) showing the site in relation to nearest cross streets. Stal!e 2 Site Plan (10 copies) drawn to I" = 20' scale and fully dimensioned (folded, 9" x II" maximum size). The plans must be prepared and signed by a licensed civil engineer, surveyor, architect, or designer. The plans must graphically and understandably describe the proposal. The plans must show the following: a. north arrow and scale; b. location and arrangement of existing and proposed land uses; c. location and arrangement of existing and proposed land uses within 100 feet beyond the district boundary; d. existing and proposed circulation system; e. existing structures and proposed general building areas; f. contours; P:\ I 9342\ofticc\Submittals\Stagc2 PlannedDevZon ingA pp.doc 2 SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED g. limits of grading; h. parking areas, driveways and loading areas in general; I. phasing boundaries per Stage I Development Plan. j. summary of development calculations including: - area of the Stage 2 site (gross and net) - maximum densities for residential and non-residential development by type - maximum number of residential units by type - maximum non-residential square footage for each use Preliminary Landscapine: Plan (10 copies, folded 9" x II" maximum size) This plan shall be consistent with the site plan and architectural plans for the proposed Planned Development and shall implement the Master Neighborhood Landscaping Plan. The plan shall be a generalized design layout which demonstrates clearly the character, massing and site compatibility of the proposed landscaping program and shall include the following: a. Design layout showing the desired landscaping program in terms of location of proposed landscaping and hardscape, b. Generalized plant palette with the generalized location, size and name of the proposed plants and trees (both common and botanical c. Fencing location and materials d. Statement of overall design theme Reduced Copies (10 copies, I I" x 17") of each sheet for all plans Site Color Photoe:raphs and Slides (I set) showing views of and from site, including neighboring development. (Prints should be mounted on 8y," x I I" mountboard.) (Slides should be placed in clear plastic sleeve or holder.) A written inventory/index of the slides shall be provided. Scale Model ofProiect: A scale model of the project to be submitted within one month (not before) of the hearing date. Aerial Photo legibly showing a direct overhead view of the proposed district and 300 feet beyond its boundary showing sufficient topographic data to indicate clearly the character of the terrain; the type, location, and condition of mature trees, and other natural vegetation; and the location of existing development. The aerial photo shall not be more than one year old. Preliminary Title Report/Propertv Profile (I copy) to document ownership, prepared within three months of application submittal. P:I 1934 210fticelSubm ittalslStagc2PlannedDevZon ingApp.doc 3 SUBMITTAL QUICK REQUIRED CHECK TYPE OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Public Notice Materials: a. Reproduced copy of Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Map showing the project parcel(s) outlined in red and a 300-foot radius in blue drawn from the perimeter of the parcel( s), b. Two sets of mailing labels; one set addressed to current property owners by name; and another set addressed to all current occupants/tenants on the properties contiguous to the project site. The labels need to show the addresses and Assessor's Parcel Number's within 300 feet of the parcel(s) typed on 8Y:," x 11" sheet labels. (Example of how these labels should be typed:) J. Doe (Property Owner) Occupantffenant APN: 941-042-0003 APN: 941-012-3456 1010 Main Street 1010 Dublin Blvd. Any town, CA 91234 Dublin, CA 94568 . c. Plain envelopes (1 set) 4'/.i"x9Y:," with first class postage (stamps only, no metered mail will be accepted, no return address) with labels affixed on envelopes. Properties within 1,000 feet of Camp Parks: a. Two additional sets of plans including written information, diagrams, traffic information, aerial photo and any additional required information must be submitted for Military notification of the proposal. b. Two plain envelopes 4'/.i" x 9Yz" with first class postage (stamps only, metered mail will not be accepted, no return address, no mailing address) for Military notification. Leeal Descriptions (I copy) Traffic Data specific to the site or proposed project: traffic generation rates, peak hour counts, trip distribution and similar information. (Applicant checks with Public Works Dept. for additional information.) Special Information or information in such form and number as may be required by the Planning Department. OFFICE USE ONLY Planner Date The Quick Check has determined that the application submittal is incomplete and cannot be accepted. The Quick Check has determined that the application appears to contain the items required bv this checklist (completeness as defined by Section 65943 will be determined within 30 days of application) and processine will beeiu. P:I 1934210 fticelSubm ittals\Stage2PlannedDev ZoningApp.doc 4 For assistance or questions regarding this form, please contact: PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF, CITY OF DUBLIN, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN, CA 94568, (925) 833-6610. P:I 1934 210l1ice1S ubmittalslStage2 P lanncdDev Zon ingA pp.doc 5 Application Name: Sycamore Grove Condominiums Dublin Ranch - Area H Stae:e 2 Development PlanlPlanned Development Rezone Site Development Review Master Sie:n Proe:ram Initial Study (ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM - PART 1) (To be completed by Applicant pursuant to City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines Section 1.6) Date Filed: November 2006 GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Name and address of authorized representative of property owner: Dublin Ranch Holdine:s. LLC By: Mr. James Tone:. Authorized Representative 4690 Chabot Drive, Suite 100. Pleasanton. CA 94588 2. Address of Project: East of Keee:an Street. South of Mae:uire Way. West of Lockhart Street and North of Dublin Blvd. in Dublin Ranch 3. Name, address and phone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: Mr. James Tone: Authorized Representative Chabot Drive. Suite 100 Pleasanton CA 94588 (925) 463-1666 David Chadbourne MacKay & Somps 4690 5142 Franklin Dr. Suite B Pleasanton. CA 94588 (925) 225-0690 4. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: Service from DSRSD 5. Existing Zoning District: PD - Hie:h Densitv Residential 19342-0dcll-28-06GraftonStationStage2PD-Env.lnfoForrn.doc 6. Description of Project: (Include site area, uses, size and number of buildings, parking, number of dwelling units, scheduling, and any other information necessary or helpful to understand project. This attached description must be complete and accurate. Exhibits or photographs should be identified and attached.) The Project Site is located within the southernmost parcel of what was previously known as the Fairway Ranch project. It is located within the City of Dublin and is bordered by Keegan Street to the west, Dublin Blvd. to the south, Maguire Way to the north and Lockhart Street to the east. Current land uses surrounding the project include an existing 304-unit family apartments project to the north, existing high-density residential units to the west (the Terraces at Dublin Ranch Villages), land zoned for Campus Office uses to the south and land zoned for Medium Density Residential to the east. The Project Site consists of approximately 8.8 gross acres (6.4 net acres). The Project Site is currently vacant, but recently served as the staging area for the family and senior apartments project that is under construction to the north. There are no permanent structures in place on the property. The site is generally rectangular in shape and is surrounded by existing streets on all four sides. The southern half of the site has a 5'+/- high embankment around the perimeter behind the current right-of-way that creates a flat pad for the majority of the site. The average existing slope across the site is typically under 1 %. In the southern portion of the site, along Dublin Blvd. and the southern stretches of Keegan and Lockhart Streets, there is a four- to five-foot-high embankment as the grading transitions from the flat pad area to the sidewalks on the already constructed streets. The Development Plan for this project proposes 304 units of High Density Residential condominiums (278 flats, 4 townhomes and 22 live-work units) on approximately 8.8 gross acres. Residential densities (34.6 du/ac gross and 47.8 du/ac net) proposed for the Sycamore Grove project fall within the ranges permitted by the HDR residential category as specified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan. The Sycamore Grove condominium project is comprised of two podium buildings as well as several separate buildings containing attached live/work units and/or townhomes. The western podium building will be built as part of Phase One and has two levels of subterranean parking and up to four stories of residential flats. There are a total of 135 units within this building consisting of one, two and three bedroom flats as well as one, two and three bedroom flats with lofts. The eastern podium building will be built in Phase Two and will have two floors of subterranean parking and up to four stories of residential flats. The eastern podium will have a total of 143 units of one, two and three bedroom units as well as one, two and three bedroom flats with lofts. Each flat within the podium buildings will have interior entrances. Direct access from the parking garages to the units will be provided via elevators and stairwells 19342'{)dc11-28-06GraftonStationStage2PD-Env.InfoFonn.doc located in the lobbies of each building. Each podium will also have a large, internal landscaped courtyard that will be accessible to all residents. Attached three-story units are proposed along the southern end of the site and will front onto Dublin Boulevard as well as portions of Lockhart and Keegan Streets. These attached units will include 22 live/work units and four townhomes and will be separate from the podium flats. Each of the live/work units has a total of 2150 square feet with approximately 710 square feet on the lower level being identified as work or flex space. Each of these units will have two entries, one at the front of the unit on Dublin Boulevard for visitors and guests as well as one private entrance via a landscaped courtyard situated between the units and the garage. Between the two podium buildings is a central main courtyard that will include a 25-meter swimming pool and a spa for all residents of the complex as well as open space and landscaped areas for more passive activities. A clubhouse, which will provide services to the residents of Sycamore Grove, is accessible through the center courtyard as well as from Maguire Way and is attached to the western podium building. Since all of the streets bordering the Project Site currently exist, no new streets will be required to serve the Project. Primary vehicular access to the subterranean parking garage will be from either Keegan Street or Lockhart Street. There will be a secondary garage entrance off Dublin Boulevard for residents as well as deliveries and maintenance personnel, but guests and residents will be encouraged to enter at the Keegan and Lockhart Street entrances. Maguire Way is a private street that was constructed in conjunction with The Groves family apartments. There will be no vehicular entry to the Sycamore Grove condominium flats or the parking garage off Maguire Way; however, a pedestrian entry/exit for the clubhouse facility will be located on Maguire. Phasing and development timing of the project will depend largely upon market demand. The project will be completed in two phases. The western podium building (135 flats) will built as Phase 1. Phase 2 will consist of the eastern podium building (143 flats). Eleven live/work units and two townhouse units will also be built as a part of each phase. All necessary storm drainage, sewer, and water backbone improvements may occur by phase and will provide service for each phase. It is anticipated that most, if not all, bulk site grading would be done with the initial phases of the project. Please refer to the attached photographs on affected land area(s) for additional data regarding existing site conditions. 19342'{)dc11-28'{)6GraftonStationStage2PD-Env.InfoForm.doc 7. Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked (attach additIOnal sheets as necessary). All of the following items are addressed in the pro~ram EIR prepared for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/SpecIfic Plan or the Negative Declaration for Dublin Ranch Planning Areas B-E (P A-96-039), November 18, 1997. Yes No I. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. 2. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing r:esidential areas or public lands or roads. 3. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. 4. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. 5. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. 6. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. 7. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. 8. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent (10%) or more. 9. Use of disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. 10. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.). 11. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). 12. Relationship to larger project or series of projects, 19342'{)dc11-28-06GraftonStationStage2PD-Env.InfoForm.doc ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: 8. Briefly describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Ifnecessary, attach photographs of the site. See the Eastern Dublin GP AlSpecific Plan EIR pal!es 2-2 and 2-3. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan pal!es 5 and 6. and the Initial Study Nel!ative Declaration prepared for Dublin Ranch Planninl! Areas B-E (PA-96-039). November 18. 1997. Also. please refer to the attached photol!raphs of the area for additional data rel!ardinl! existinl! site conditions. 9. Briefly describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals, any cultural, histOrIcal or scenic aspects and the type of land use. Refer to the Eastern Dublin GP AlSpecific Plan EIR pae:es 2-2. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan pae:es 5-7. and the Initial Studv/Mitil!ated Nel!ative Declaration prepared for Dublin Ranch Plannine: Areas B-E (P A-96- 039), November 18. 1997. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my abili , nd that the facts, statements and information presented are true and c rre 0 the best of my knowledge and belief. resentative Dated: //- -z.-7~~6 19342-0dc11-28-06GraftonStationStageZPD-Env.lnfoForm.doc