HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix ApPLICATION FORMS CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING APPLICATION FORM NOTE: Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed, Some of the items listed might not apply to your specific application, Please rint or e Ie ibl , Attach additional sheets, if necessa . I. TYPE OF APPL/CA nON: x Temporary Use Permit [TUP] Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Site Development Review [SDR] Variance [VAR] Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] x Sign/Site Development Review [SIGN/SDR] Master Sign Program [MSP/SDR] Planned Development Rezone [PD REZ] Rezone [REZ] General/Specific Plan Amendment [GPA] x II. GENERAL DATA A. Address/Location of Property,: See attached descriotion. 8. Assessor Parcel Number(s): See attached descriotion.. C. Site Area See attached D. Zoning: See attached. E. General Plan Designation: See attached F. Existing/Proposed Use of Property: See attached descriotion. G, Existing' Use of Surrounding Properties: See attached descriotion. III. AUTHORIZA TION OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT A. PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that I have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application, I understand that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period, I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. (Note: All Property Owners must sign if property is jointly owned) 8, APPLICANT (OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER): In signing this application, I, as Applicant, certify that I have obtained written authorization from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to file this application. I agree to be bound by the conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I fw1her certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Mr. James TonQ Title: Authorized Reoresentative for J. Un Company: Address: 4690 Chabot Drive. Suite 100 Pleasanton. CA 94588 Phone: L9251463-1666 Fax: (9251463-9330 Signature: Date: P:I 16034-40IofficeISubmittalsIPD2_ TM-SDR ApprovalslPD21PAF,doc Attachment to City of Dublin Planning Application Form II. General Data A. B. C. D. E. Property Owner Address/Location APN Area Zonina General Plan Desianation L1N 6582 Tassajara Road 986-0004-005-01 184.1 ac, N/A Single Family Residential (DUBLIN RANCH Medium Density Residential WEST) Medium High Density Residential Neighborhood Park Open Space Public/Semi-Public F. Existing and Proposed Uses of Property: The existing use of the property is rural. There are a few vacant homesteads and various outbuildings on the properties. Proposed uses include: Single Family Residential Medium Density Residential Medium-High Density Residential Neighborhood Park Semi-Public Open Space G. Existing Uses of Surrounding Properties Land uses on the surrounding properties to the north and east are typical of those on the proposed project, including rural residential, cattle grazing and limited dry land farming. Additionally, to the east, is the construction of a low, medium and medium high residential community. To the south is a firewood sales and storage site, a private school, and a landscape corporation yard. Immediately adjacent to the project, to the west, is the US Army Parks Reserve Forces Training Center (Parks RFTA). P:I 16034-40IofficeISubmillalsIPD2- TM-SDR ApprovalslPD21PAF,doc Application Name: Dublin Ranch West - Sta2e 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment. Sta2e 2 Planned Development Rezone. Vestinl! Master and Tentative Maps. and Site Development Review Initial Study (ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM - PART 1) (To be completed by Applicant pursuant to City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines Section 1.6) Date Filed: November. 2006 GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Name and address of authorized representative of property owner: Mr. James Tonl!. 4690 Chabot Drive. Suite 100. Pleasanton. CA 94588 2. Address of Project: 6582 Tassajara Road. approximately 1.5 miles north of 1-580 3. Name, address and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: Marty Inderbitzen Attorney at Law 7077 KolI Center. Suite 120 Pleasanton. CA 94566 (925) 485-1060 Connie Goldade MacKay & Somps 5142 Franklin Dr. . Suite B Pleasanton. CA 94588 (925) 225-0690 4. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: California Department of Fish and Game- Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Al!reement: US Army Corps of Enl!ineers- Section 404: Rel!ional Water Quality Control Board- NPDES Permit and Section 401- (Clean Water Certification) Existing Zoning District: PD-Sinl!le Family Residential. PD-Medium Density Residential. PD-Medium Hil!h Density Residential. PD-Nei2hborhood Park. PD- Open Space. PD-Public/Semi-Public P:I 16034-40IofficeISubmittalsIPD2- TM,SDR ApprovalslPD2lPDW- TM-SDRApprovals-PD2-EIF .doc 6. Description of Project: (Include site area, uses, size and number of buildings, parking, number of dwelling units, scheduling, and any other information necessary or helpful to understand project. This attached description must be complete and accurate. Exhibits or photographs should be identified and attached.) Wallis Ranch is an approximately 185 acre residential and open space community. The project entails approximately 935 low, medium and medium high density units nestled within generally 80 acres of open space, 8 acres of neighborhood park, and 2 acres of semi-public uses. Refer to the various application project descriptions for greater detail. 7. Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked (attach additional sheets as necessary). All of the followinl! items are addressed in the prOl!ram EIR prepared for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan and Dublin Ranch West Proiect SEIR and the SEIR prepared for the Stal!e 1 PD and Annexation Application for Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area. Yes No 1. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. 2. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or roads. 3. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. 4. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. 5. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. 6. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. 7. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. 8. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent (10%) or more. 9. Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. 10. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.). 11. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). 12. Relationship to larger project or series of projects. P:I 16034-40IofficeISubmittalsIPD2- TM-SDR ApprovalslPD2lPDW- TM-SDRApprovals-PD2-EIF .doc ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: 8. Briefly describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Ifnecessary, attach photographs of the site. See DEIR for Eastern Dublin GPA/Specific Plan, pal.!:es 2-2 and 2-3 and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, pal.!:es 5 and 6, and to the Dublin Ranch West SEIR. Also refer to attached photol.!:raphs of affected land areas for data rel.!:ardinl.!: existinl.!: site conditions. 9. Briefly describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects and the type of land use. Refer to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, pal.!:es 5 throul.!:h 7, DEIR for Eastern Dublin GP AlSpecific Plan, pal.!:es 2-2, and to the Dublin Ranch West SEIR. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: Signature James Tonl.!: Print Name Authorized Representative for J. Lin, et. al. Title/Company P:I 16034-40IofficeISubmittalsIPD2- TM-SDR ApprovalslPD2lPDW- TM-SDRApprovals-PD2-EIF ,doc Wallis Ranch Stage 2 Development Plan PHOTO LOCATION KEY I '~~,~--:'~~?:"/d/' _~/~~!dL-_~~~~~,> ~< ~~~;-~~~~ :--~- {~~~/~____- _"........,'" _,\ )-J I, I] , " ' ~fiS~~:(;J-~~?: ~:-~~~~,~~ \ f' /~-~'::-:"'''''~''\\\ \ \){ st~~?"=~_:_~~<>',,,,~\,~,,,,~ ~ "'~~~:S::-'~"~'\~"\~ \a:\.J~ ~t-iJl f --:::~<:' ""\'::'\' "::\:~' ( -;- /:>,%~~ ~~ 0 ~ ~u-l\:,<::"'" -""-,,,\ \,\ ~"\,, ___ //~, /!~/,~::::..... '~, '\"''-':..','",-- ~\\\\\\\'\ \ \\"\\\1 "'..., "../../'l~I:, /,1,\: /-..... 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ARBORIST TREE ASSESSMENT REPORT - THE TASSAJARA CREEK BRIDGES AT W ALLIS RANCH ARBORIST TREE ASSESSMENT REPORT The Tassajara Creek Bridges at Wallis Ranch Dublin, California Prepared for: Ms. Jennifer'Lin, c/o MacKay and Somps 5142 Franklin Drive Suite B Pleasanton, California 94588 Prepared by: Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. 1650 Borel Place Suite 204 San Mateo, California 94402 (650) 573-8733 Office (650) 345-7890 FAX 24 August 2006 @ Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. 2006. T able of Contents Page Introduction 1 Assignment 1 Observations and Discussion Trees of Special Concern Tree 522 2 Tree 523 2 Tree 524 2 Tree Protection and Preservation Design 3 Tree Work 3 Soil Protection 3 Tree Protection 4 Construction Additional Evaluations 4 Monitoring 4 Post Construction Protected Trees 5 Warranties 5 Conclusions 5 Recommendations 6 Literature Referenced 8 Table 1 Definition of Rating Terms Table 2 Tree Condition Chart Appendix 1 Photo Exhibit Appendix 2 Tree Location Maps North Bridge South Bridge Certification of Performance Terms and Conditions 9 10 A Map Pocket Map Pocket ii INTRODUCTION Two bridges crossing Tassajara Creek are required to provide vehicle and pedestrian access to Tassajara Road from the proposed Wallis Ranch community. The locations for these structures were defined previously in consultation with state and federal resource agencies during the Corps permitting process for the Dublin Ranch project. According to MacKay and Somps, the bridge locations chosen are in areas where disruption to creek biotics including tree removal is minimized and where the natural creek configurations are relatively stable. Incorporating this natural stability with the chosen bridge design avoids the necessity for creek bank armoring. This Tree Assessment Report prepared by Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. (ROC) is part of the design I submittal process for the bridge construction projects. ASSIGNMENT At the request of MacKay and Somps (M & S), the scope of work for this Tree Assessment Report is limited to those trees in the proximity of the construction activities anticipated for the two Tassajara Creek Bridges (North and South) and their approaching roadways. These two locations are the only places within the Wallis Ranch Project where it is anticipated that trees could be potentially impacted. These trees are identified and plotted on exhibits attached. Trunk diameters of these trees were measured and each tree was evaluated for its overall condition and expected impacts from construction activities. Proposed bridge locations were marked in the field by M & S. OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSION Designated trees were assessed using a rating system for overall condition and anticipated impacts from construction activity. Table 1 provides a "Definition of Terms for Overall Existing Tree Condition and Construction Impact Rating". Table 2 provides the tree tag number, tree species, trunk measurement, overall condition rating, reason for a poor or very poor rating, whether it is a Heritage Tree (as per the City of Dublin), construction impact, and pertinent comments and/or recommendations. A comprehensive Tree Preservation Plan will be prepared and incorporated into construction plans and specifications for the bridges and attendant roadway and pipeline projects. The following are general remarks regarding specific trees and provisions for tree preservation. Tassajara Creek Bridges 10 August 2006 Page 2 Trees of Special Concern Trees 522, 523 and 524 are considered significant trees to the Wallis Ranch project in recognition of their size, species, prominent location and proximity to the proposed construction. These trees are located along the primary project entry, between the North Bridge and Tassajara Road. An extensive assessment of these trees was performed by George Pichel, Certified Arborist under contract to ROC. Methods of assessment included: root crown inspection, overall visual inspection and measurements from face of trunk to proposed improvements (roadway and footpath). During a subsequent site visit by ROC a visual sampling of wood beneath the bark was performed on tree 524. Tree 522, a valley oak, is in overall poor condition. (Please see photos 1 and 2. )The root collar (base of tree) is at least 18 inches below the existing grade and the trunk leans to the east. The soil is compacted limiting the vigor of the tree. Stunted and limited new growth is indicative of low vigor. The 18 inches of compacted fill soil inhibits the necessary exchange of moisture and gases between the roots and the atmosphere. An inspection of the root crown was performed by removing soil from around the base of the tree to a depth just below the area where the buttress roots begin to flare. Some signs of decay were present but are expected on a mature oak. Preliminary land plans show a proposed roadway within 14 feet of the trunk. If the tree were in good condition (which it is not) the recommended distance from face of trunk to the cutline should be no closer than 18 feet. In addition, its broad canopy would require reduction to provide clearance for vehicles and equipment. (See photos 1 & 2.) Tree 523, a valley oak is in overall fair condition. Its root collar is covered by compacted fill soil that inhibits the necessary exchange of moisture and gases between the roots and the atmosphere. Although its roots are impacted by soil conditions, this tree exhibits vitality by its new growth. Construction activity will be kept at an adequate distance from the tree thereby minimizing possible impacts. A proposed footpath designed to accommodate the tree will minimize further soil compaction and allow walkers to closely appreciate this grand oak. Tree 524, a valley oak is in overall very poor condition. (Please see photos 3, 4 and 5.) The root collar (base of tree) is girdled by decay and the trunk exhibits a wide deep cavity that has compromised wood strength at this very vulnerable area. Limbs and branches display various cavities Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Tassajara Creek Bridges 10 August 2006 Page 3 and poorly developed features. According to the M & S team, these structural flaws do make for good wildlife habitat at this or other locations at the site. If retained, properly designed and implemented safety measures are required to preserve this tree in a public setting. Safety measures would include barriers and warning signs to discourage visitors from closely exploring this tree. Another option would be to take down the tree and either keep at this location or relocate all or portions of it to other sites on the property for use as habitat or for conservation of the creek corridor as part of the mitigation program. Tree Protection and Preservation Tree Protection Preservation has four basic stages in relationship to construction; the design stage, the preconstruction stage, construction stage and post construction stage. Design At this time the project team is in the design stage working to resolve tree and construction conflicts. As part of this effort detailed tree protection plans and specifications will be prepared for those trees adjacent to construction activities. Tree preservation is an aspect of good design. Preconstruction Prior to the beginning of grading and other construction activities, certain measures will be in place to protect and preserve trees: Tree Work: Pruning, watering and tree removals performed by a qualified tree contractor must be properly completed. Soil protection: Wood chips or coarse mulch should be installed in areas of heavy foot and equipment traffic to reduce soil compaction. Steel plates or plywood sheeting on top of the mulch will be required where self- propelled or towed equipment must travel near or within the drip line of trees. As grading creates a dewatering effect by exposing soil to the atmosphere it will be expected that certain trees will require mulch within their dripline to reduce evaporation. Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Tassajara Creek Bridges 10 August 2006 Page 4 Tree Protection: Barriers such as chain link fencing or chain link panels must be securely erected to prevent damage to the roots, trunk, branches and limbs of protected trees. Construction During grading and construction on-going tree evaluations and monitoring will be performed: Additional Evaluation: Trees rated to be moderately impacted by construction activity will be evaluated again during construction to confirm whether these trees are to be removed or preserved. For example, should grade changes become less severe or should actual root damage be found to be in an acceptable range it may be practical to preserve a tree that might otherwise have to be removed. Trees rated as moderately impacted will require a root inspection or evaluation for canopy clearance to confirm or supplement tree preservation specifications prepared during project design. Monitoring: A qualified Project Arborist must be present whenever construction activity may jeopardize the well being of a protected tree. Maintaining adequate soil moisture is critical for trees adjacent to grading operations. The Project Arborist will monitor this during construction and will designate those trees that require supplemental irrigation. The Project Arborist or designee should be expected to conduct monthly or bi-weekly site visits to verify that tree protection measures remain in place for the duration of the project. A written report detailing observations and any necessary recommendations must follow each visit. Post Construction Follow-up after construction activities have ceased provides an opportunity to offer additional tree care, if necessary and to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tree Preservation Plan: Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Tassajara Creek Bridges 10 August 2006 Page 5 Protected Trees: The post construction stage is an acclimation period for protected trees. During this time the Project Arborist will monitor all protected trees for symptoms of drought stress, increased insect activity, stunted growth and canker development on trunks. Particular attention will be paid to tree 524, if it is retained as a standing tree, to insure that preservation methods have been properly implemented and are effective in preserving the tree and protecting the public. Please refer to "Recommendations" (page 6) for specific methods and options that can be employed. Warranties: Warranties by landscape and tree contractors for the quality of their work and materials must be closely monitored to proactively correct a problem before it becomes a catastrophe. CONCLUSIONS A total of 61 trees were judged to be potentially affected by the proposed bridge construction and roadway I utility alignments at Wallis Ranch and 59 were assessed; 22 for the North Bridge area and 37 for the South Bridge area. Two "trees" plotted for the South Bridge were not assessed; 570 was a fallen dead limb and 572 was a dead tree. The overall project will severely impact two or three large oak trees, a box elder and a small elderberry at the north bridge and three moderately sized oak trees, eight willows and two small elderberries at the south bridge requiring their removal. Seventeen trees between the two sites will be moderately impacted and will require properly implemented tree protection measures to extend their lives, if possible, pending further evaluation in the field during construction. The remaining 27 trees will be minimally impacted if at all by construction activities. Trees 522, 523 and 524 at the north bridge are considered significant trees to the project in recognition of their size, species, prominent location and proximity to the proposed construction. Tree 522 will require removal, 523 can be preserved with properly implemented tree protection measures and 524 has been selected for wildlife habitat. Due to its location and overall poor condition, tree 522 will not be suitable for preservation. Its location would subject the tree to severe impacts from construction activities. Roots will be damaged by both mechanical severing and soil compaction within its dripline. The canopy would require reduction to accommodate equipment and vehicles. Long term survival after construction is yet another question. Rebounding would be difficult for this tree. Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Tassajara Creek Bridges 10 August 2006 Page 6 Tree 523 is in overall fair condition and with its location, makes it a suitable subject for preservation. Proper implementation of tree preservation measures will minimize construction impacts to the tree and will extend its life. Tree 524 is in overall very poor condition. Extensive decay of the root collar exceeds acceptable levels of safety. Limbs and branches are also compromised by decay. The tree's proximity to the proposed footpath and human activity has made it a potential high-risk hazard. However, this is a desirable tree for preservation as a wildlife habitat. Selective pruning and care with the proper installation and monitoring of adequate safeguards will permit retaining this tree. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. In discussions with the project engineer, MacKay & Somps, reconfiguration of the roadway design to accommodate tree 522 will not be feasible. Therefore ROC. recommends removal of tree 522. 2. Preservation of tree 523 will include: All work within a 35 foot radius of the trunk or within the dripline of tree 523 (whichever is greater) must be done by hand or with handheld equipment. 3. For reasons of safety, tree 524 was initially recommended for removal. Proposed plans to preserve the tree as a wildlife habitat would require a carefully designed barrier that would protect the public and wildlife and yet provide a naturalized setting that would enhance this access to the North Bridge. Preservation can be handled in two ways; Option A is to preserve tree 524 as a standing tree and Option B is to preserve all or portions of a fallen tree at it's current location or relocate to mitigation areas within the stream corridor for wildlife and plant habitat. Option A, as a standing tree: 1. Barrier: A continuous barrier shall be erected around the tree to create a buffer area from the public. 2. The size and configuration of the buffer area shall be based upon the approximate drop zone of the tree. This will have to be determined in the field prior to construction. 3. This buffer zone is intended to protect wildlife nesting in the tree and to protect the public from this unstable tree. 4. Signs: Warning signs will be posted to advise the public of the inherent risk posed by the structurally compromised tree. 5. Information signs will be posted to inform the public of the wildlife habitat created by preserving this tree. Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Tassajara Creek Bridges 10 August 2006 Page 7 Option B, as a fallen tree: 1. Tree 524 would be carefully taken down. 2. Two scenarios are possible under this "fallen tree" option: a. If retained at the existing site, barriers and signs as described above are to be installed for reasons of public safety and wildlife preservation, in which case the Stability of the fallen tree should be tested by a qualified tree service. b. If reduced and transported to an area or areas of mitigation, the barriers and signs will not be necessary. 4. All tree work is to be performed by a State of California Licensed Tree Contractor working in accordance with the most recent editions of the American National Standard for Tree Care Operations (Z133.1) and Pruning (A300). All pruning to be performed or supervised by an ISA Certified Arborist or Certified Tree Worker. We recommend employing a qualified tree contractor experienced in the removal of large trees in sensitive areas. Soil compaction, grade changes and runoff (or lack of runoff) are significant factors to tree preservation efforts. 5. We highly recommend working with a qualified arborist or forester (whether it is our firm or another) to implement and monitor a Tree Preservation Plan. R4Iph Osterling C(Jnsuft4nts, Inc. Literature referenced: American National Standard. Tree Care Operations (ANSI 133.1- ANSI A300 et all) American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 c.1994 Harris, RW., Clark, J.R and Matheny, N.P. Arboriculture: integrated management of landscape tree, shrubs, and vines.3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. c.1999 Matheny, N. and Clark, J. Trees and Development. A technical guide to preservation of trees during land development. Champaign, IL: Wadley Graphix Corp. c.1998 Shigo, A.L. A New Tree BioloQY. Durham, NH: Shigo and Trees, Associ~tes c.1986 Sudworth, G.B. Forest Trees of the Pacific Slope. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Issued 1908 08/24/06 Page 8 Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Table 1 Definition of Rating Terms Ralph Osterling Consultallts, II/c. Table 1 Definition of Terms for Overall Existing Tree Condition and Construction Impacts Overall Existing Tree Condition o Tree is dead. Very Poor Tree is in severe decline or is structurally compromised. Poor Tree is in decline, lacks vigor or exhibits certain structural defects. Fair Tree is typical of species in the area. Good Tree is vigorous with few visible flaws. Very Good Tree is extremely vigorous. Construction Impact Rating The Construction Impact Rating considers the trunk proximity to proposed construction, the proxim ity of the tree's canopy to proposed construction and the overall condition of the tree. L = Low or minimal impact to the tree is expected. Tree preservation measures may or may not be necessary due to the location and overall condition of the tree. M = Moderate impact to the tree is expected. Due to trunk or limb location protection efforts such as barriers, pruning, and monitoring will be used to preserve the tree. Final status of the tree will be determined in the field. S = Severe impact is to the tree is expected. Due to the location or overall condition, removal of the tree cannot be avoided. 08/24/06 Page 9 Ralph Osterling Consultants, Ine. Table 2 Tree Condition Chart Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. 1ft " l:JI 'V "C t::1D ~ ~.!!! u."- E Nccv2 o vt .- ..!!:e::lB i-gl- - 1-0 IE: U.c:o Q) U '" ~fio I-a:: :!! iii :: .1.:)VdHl NOI.L:)ml.1SNO:J. (U!IQno .Ie) All:> Jad $V 33lU 39V.LnI3H, NOWONOO llVl13AO 1I3.13HVIO onsnoovz E 1I3.13HVIO. l1l3.13HVIO. 11l3.13HVIO. II) z o ... ~ Z III ::E ::E o u ~ 'V C III J!! z w ::E ::E o u z o II) c( l:i! cU u c: ~ '" Q) u .... c: Q) E a. -5 cr Q) ~ .e 6:: o c: '" u Q) u '" U ~ ::E: >- '" u Q) U ~ Q) > Q) Vl ~ o o a.. U'l .... U'l ..... c: o B '" :Ii 1i; CII c: o 0 e- u '" ~ a. .e c: o B '" ti c: o U .E U ~ -5 cr ~ Iii > o E ~ Q) ~ I- V> III W >- ~ o Ol .;; ..... o ,y U '" -' (; o a.. 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't , ..' ....~-~ ;"r . ::. .. -1 : Phot01 - Tree 522. Note the easterly trunk lean at the corner of this photo looking to the north. The circled markers are placed approximately 10 feet apart beginning from the face of trunk. Lateral distances are shown in photo 2. 08/24/06 A Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Photo Exhibit Wallis Ranch -Tassajara Bridges Dublin, California ..- o Photo 2 - Tree 522. Distances from face of trunk are indicated above. The orange pylon is the approximate edge of the dripline on the north side of the tree. 08/24/06 B Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Photo Exhibit Wallis Ranch - Tassajara eridges Dublin, California Photo 3 - Tree 524. Circled are three large cavities visible on this side of the tree. Branches and limbs display a number of other cavities that have compromised the tree's structure. Please see photos 4 and 5 for photos of the base of the tree. 08/24/06 C Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. 08/24/06 Photo Exhibit Wallis Ranch -Tassajara Bridges Dublin, California Photo 4 - Tree 524. The golden brown color indicates the presence of decay girdling the west side of the root collar. ~ t. f.. _ i0 III Photo 5 - Tree 524. The golden brown color indicates the presence of decay girdling the east side of the root collar. D Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. fillpendix 2 Tree Location Maps Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. 0.52% BB Sta. 4+46-44, 4,00' Rt. Elev, 438.50 "'u Prof He Grade Not To Scale FG 200' o. 70'-0" 65' 0" I-BB FG 65'-0" ---- ~~ ~lrV C!ass 70 " , Pile, Typ. J,l J,l Abut 1 Precast ---- - --------- \7 " OG ,>--, , . 1 I I -_ _ _ I I I lJ~0--- 4~O'~Pile--- ~~L.J Pier 3 Shaft, Typ. Pier 2 "Water Surface Elevation, see Table Abut 4 Datum E/ev. 390.00 I 6+50 I 6+00 I 5+00 I 4+50 I 4+00 I 5+50 Elevation , , " SCALE: 1"=20'-0. \ I, ".~\..... \,' ,,' /' I \ ! , I '/'~! ..... ; ; \ """,-" I1"8' Ir"9 i ~' -......., Limits of\Private open\\'yl : f . ......., '\ ; I I J ...., '\ ' r:.rol?osed Storm ! ! "r 509 // 506 ',\ , :' ,i, ),' ',) "'", t\ Space Cori~~rvation : LKaln Outfall . ' v" / ~' \ ,~ ? < ,~I " ",.' Easement ' , -.!rol?dsed Storm/~/-----"'-" ;,i "r 1)j\t ~j\ ~ 50 ~'G, ~/\~ ~:~; t f,! / <L\ V\' \ Limits of Tassajara ~~k \/',/ ------ [)ra;~ / ;",,:,~, a...". t;~, , " ';j' .., \ Management Zone \ " ~\__ /' !; f -:r ~~ ,_~ j~\ ~ 1 f~ ,!: 1: <t-) \' r---" \,/ '__/"'" -...j ,;.;.,). , 'I ~ I \ 508 a \ \' ! ' -! \ \ I" ',- '..:.-' - - ;:~) / 1 ~ W ", \ \ (') \ \ 51 !! 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""~)522) ~\ 'l.,." .~ .,-, r}-",\,:-,~ , )....~ o : EB Sta. 6+48.33 ~ '0 4.00 Rt., E/. = 437.4,5 ~ ___ 1 - - ~ ;; g E i5 8 ...............'--- - -~~.., ~ ...., ~ .s ! o ~ ~ ~ F Limits of Tassajara Management Zone Limits of '--"-... ~'- --- - -... --.----- ~ ci Q. ;- Limits of Private Open J " Space c.;onservotion ; Easement I ", " ,"" , --'- '-, ._-~,- -..-......---. ....--- ............ --.-..... ----.... -...--....----... ~ ! / r'//' -'-., -'-. -"--... -'''''- ~~2,~~~,~"~ on o ~ QUANTITIES Jeffrey A. Finn A. Finn POO..<CTEl';'''''' A. Finn I cu J EA LOC WALLIS RANCH - NORTH BRIDGE PERMIT DRAWING S-1 ~ ~ ~~~~~O~:~~OR : ~~~OY~OfANO~~oR INST~11ON ~ ..-n BY' Finn Design Group, Inc. Structural Engineers Timoth Timoth DESIGN E. Elliott Je ffre A. Finn LOAD FACTOR DESIGN E. Elliott Jeffre A. Finn LAYOUT E. Elliott Jeffre A. Finn SPEaFlCAOONS ORIGeNAl SCAlE IN INCHES FOR REDUCED PlANS DETAILS DAm.- FDG 5976 W. Las Positas Blvd., Suite 222 Pleosonton. CA 94588-8506 OfFlCE (925) 737-1600 fAX (925) 737 1601 COY ENCINEER ;,; ~ Roadway ----j I ~ Roadway Control Line 146'-9" 1'-0" 16'-0" 12'-0" 10'-0" Concrete Type 25 1'-9" 4'-0. I I I I I I 3'-6" Deep PC/PS I-Girder, 6 Total ~' B B ~' ~' rt.f:!~I!-!lo~ection (Lookina Downstation) Water Surface Elevations Legend Flow Item Elevation 02 010 0100 413.8 414.6 419.0 FG OG BB EB X @g) Ixxxl (XXX) CD o I 2 BRIDGE NO. POST MILE l' 0" Pedestrian Guardrail Con,,,,. B,,"ee, e Type 26 (Modified), Typ. - Description Indicates New Structure Indicates OG & FG Finished Grade Original Grade Beginning of Bridge End of Bridge Tree Tag Number: No Impact Tree Tag Number: Low Impact Tree Tag Number: Moderate Impact Tree Tag Number: Severe Impact 12"0 Utility Opening Future Utility Openings DISREGARD PRINTS BEARING EARUER REVISION DATES -0.50% BB Sta. 4+79.80 Elev. = 434.00 ~ (i Roadway I 38'-9N 1'_ON 8'_ON 1'-0" Profl7e Grade Not To Scale FG E8l 195'-0" 75'-ON 60'-ON 1-88 FG 13'-0" 13'-0" Pedestrian Guardrail Co"uete 8o~;" 0_-5 Type 25 60'-0" t::::;;;;;::::-::::::::::s:-_-=-J ~ _ Ull -- / , I , r-1.-4/ '1rrV C!ass 70 Precast II 11. Pile, Typ. Abut 1 3'-6" Deep PC/PS I-Girder, 5 total ~' B-B ~' I ?* OG~ ! ! ~ ,--:--.----- 1 : I c.hj "--- 4 -0 II! Pile c..<d Pier J Shaft, Typ. Pier 2 -------- *Water Surface Elevation, see Table TVDical Section (Lookina Downstation) SCALE: 1"=10' Water Surface Elevations Legend Abut 4 Datum Elev. 390.00 I 7+00 I 6+50 I 6+00 Elevation SCALE: 7"=20'-0" I 5+50 I 5+00 I 4+50 Flow Elevation Item Description Indicates New Structure ------ Indicates OG & FG ---....2-.~-- .~.~-- ....-.-..-..--...... ~"'. .............--- - - - -1:::____- --..-L- ......... i~@5=~~i:~\: / - - 4.20 ';-'~ \. ':,tvf: m43~;2'5~,:r'-'\ \ ~}\\', --,-~~ '- \ r\", \ " .. ,'\ "'- ""l" ......................, \. '-', . \ ...." .......... \. ..... . (" ,lo.imits of Tassajara Sr.e_ek-~"- ',_, \{ LImits of'fnvate. Open \ M'ofl{Jgement Zone / "" Space ConselYQ,tlOn " / ", Easement ", .........,..... / '"", ''-.... \ . , , '" //h \ "'-",_ Limits v,f Disturbance -'......:;:><: "" --..... \ ----'" '\ '..... \ .........--z---"',' \"'-, / \' "''''-'~'\ \ """'" ConstructioQ \ \ Access 'f?aod ..... \ ' - - - - -'-::~\.- - - - ...:::..",~ ~ '~ "" "-.... ..... ..... 02 010 0100 412.5 413.2 416.9 FG Finished Grade OG Original Grade BB Beginning of Bridge EB End of Bridge X Tree Tag Number: No Impact C@> Tree Tag Number: Low Impact IxxXI Tree Tag Number: Moderate Impact < XXX) Tree Tag Number: Severe Impact CD 12 "II! Utility Opening CD Future Utility Openings " " " "\ \ \'-'~'-"l " .'. /! ~I; \ '~~4fIJ)) ~ , " I ./ // / / /'>~/ / // /// '..... D Finn Design Group, Inc. DESIGN Timoth E. Elliott Jeffre A. Finn LOAD FACTOR BRIDGE NO. WALLIS RANCH SOUTH BRIDGE DESIGN - ~~~~~JH~=~OR Structural Engineers Jeffrey A. Finn DETAILS Timoth E. Elliott Jeffre A. Finn lAYOUT A. Finn .. OMISSIONS. fI'W.. NtPROVotrL. Of' CONSTRlJCTi()N OR folSTAl..LATlOH """"" ......... POST MILE S\.BIECT 10 INSPECOOH TEST NfO ACCEPTN<<:E. PERMIT ORA WING S-1 c 5976 W. Los Posltas Blvd.. Suite 222 QUANTITIES Timoth E. Elliott Jeffre A. Finn SPECIFICATIONS A. Finn LOC ~ Ploosanton. CA 94588-8506 atY ......... tM\1~ FOG OI'FICE (925) 737-1600 ORICINAl SCAlE IN INCHES I CU OF DISREGARD PRINTS BEARING '" FAX (925) 737-1601 FOR REDUCEO Pl-'NS 3 EA EARUER REVISION DATES _ / 1// >- - - "'-=-=:::' - - - - ~,,,-,,,,..,. -,.."...... o N ;; g lJ ~ ;; '8 ~ i5 -.-.-.-.------. Approach Slab /' \" /' a /""...,,--- ,'__ ....~.L....:i:>.t ,~' ,----.-OCl,-._ a ,I /0') __---1; _I ..... /0') '. ..... \..,...,..............., \ . l ' , \" '. '.' , 'I / \ ,\ \' : ' '" ' ,. '~i' I ' i :': '" EC sro 4+60 38 ' " i 0) \ \ \ \ 1 \ j :! ,( ,...../ /J: l \ '1 f : ; ; r' '- '\-t ! ': 5 ; I 5R9 I " , 1"11 ,,_ . . '\ "- j I ..... 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'~' 1",/ ,Dram -Outfall /, :I I X' 0, \ ~:' ~: ( /,/ / ,',' : ; ......' / I ! \........ \ I /~ / II! / j :' 568// ),.; /,..---~._-_./.-/ ; 1 i / ( I; '/ :1;' rt' (:' J~//r: / / j;/ / I / \ '\\ I ~ I! i if IC;/W1;:! //: / it i! '(! {J ! (j ~o /i/,' / / '5481. /,.<( ~J I _/...J ; \, ~ ) 1 I I' (;) I / ) / fl .' -~(; I ' /..1/ "~ _/ "'...- ) X ). t. f.,,,; I' i. .1! / /~--~~,....._------./ ~ i f'~:' ; / /,0' 1/ / 7//4 ~ / 9 l' ! / \ ( [I ,...., c. . / I I , 1 . ,,;'- . f 1 / /~ / / / /~' : .. /. ~ I ( I'!"~: r) ii! / " " /' I j /) ; ~. \",/ /:- /~,' ////', / / /~' ~ I ( LImits o~' Pnvate. Open \ '\ I '". ,I " ,: C " ; !! " ~, / "-, /L..)!! i (;( /,1' / 1/////// / //, ~/ //', I" Space ConservatIon \ lfff!</~ "I " , /' !x ,.. , .~/ / / ,/ , " ., \.. ii". (\..;.' -1I:!k"'i!':; ", t... ~".!;. 55 / /j /// / / / / / -;'/ ", " ( Easemftht ! \' /lrI:; ~ J t"!!/,: "" ......'; / !/ J ~... '" /~'///// / //11 \'A?~ "+" I ; \ ( ,";; 566 /565/1. i// // j /':'/ '. /:/,~/,' ! /// :/,7.....-... ',_ '. ; I Li~itsj!~;, T~S~ajar;' '~ree~ : Limits of U~CE (/ / DI:n ~';ew' // //~/' / .' ~~~::;'-Tas~::a Creek j" '(--~ \ Management Zone Jurisdictional Area rig Vt, S'> Management Zone SCALE: 7"=20'-0" ~, o '" c o '" .~ .3 ~ o J, o ~ ri ~ o ~ i= //-----..,,~. '-- PFEIHER RA . N( II INV[STORS II IN(:' OR ACQUISITION I. LLC FRWRICH /'___- DR ACQUISITION I ! .I..LC RICIII'V ANIHlliNTER VARGAS , ,J - ,/ - -./' :~~~,,!(.~R~ CREI'K ...",.,tENT ZONE NIELSItN "'''EIFHR RANCIIISVESTORS I . IINC ARAC '\ /- KOBOUl "OUOLD TIPrEll " ~ Cl ~ o ... 'i. /' , / , / , / /' , / , / , / , / , / , / , / , ,/ /,. /'~ /,f'f , .,..'" /.~ , ~" /v..~~ , o ,/ / , --_/ '1 'r o o o " " UNITED STATltS Of' A"'UKA " "- " " I I L -~ ''r - ~""~ ~,% ,..,'''' c.,f"'l l'.\ c'ot. "-' 't.' -;. . o DUBLIN RANCII rllASE I --..., " '" \, S",Ilf'SLAGE) Wallis Ranch Dublin C l"ti _____. a 1 omia Site Develop ment Review S ION S' 1=EAT~ _ i - I - ==----1 --- --.!'.!OJECr NU ------ SCALE:-~BER~_, --- DATE ISSUED' _AS NOTED-- =----'..2 . ~-=-~ - ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN 41: lOW 200' .00' - II - 1111 II LANDSCAPE AAJJm II 323 Gelll')' SI "ECTS San Franci' reel, Suile 407 Telephone:=' CA 94102 Fax' . 415-434-829' Email: info@;':J~~39S - nngham.com STANDARD PA"IIK ,/--', -- - PfEIffER RASCH INVESlORS II IN' IlR ACQUL~ITION l. LlC '--'-'--"-"".-.---. ._--._-...,---_._-.,._---~_.. - OR ACQl'ISIT10N l. llC ", /'';---- I / I r I I RICIH'Y ANIl HUNTER Pfl:lfFl::It kANeU INYf.SnlRS IlI~C [)UIIUN RANCH PIlASf I ARAC Nml~~EN TIPPER I ,,- KO!lOlD '\ '\ \ ( '<, \"\ \ KOOOlD" '., "'-\ : A\ ~ / LEGEND TYPICAL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING 24" Ba. S<< PI.. 6> """"_rJ.:tanum Tri<lCIII Mark 0 RalMIIfIIr 24~ Box S<< 1'1.. A('ft' Nbrum 'AUlwtlR lnarc' ('alitomw. BlII.:k.:o~'C' Vl&nt'li.. S<< Phm 0 It.c-M.'tlkbc-.ali(orn.iL'':l ltaltratl C)opre~ I~Gadloa Sew: 1'1_ . C~1b trmp:I'Vl~ftl> Maidmluir 1'Ift' 24. 8o~ See,lIhlll (5) GiallO Mollla 'SIl~B' MA}1mTft'C 2"'.80" s.. PI.. e M.)1Cmn bnimll '(~ ShM.~ Fnait~ Oh\'(! Tm: 24- 8~~li See Marl 0 Oicll"ropgt:il 'lo1ajtiolK tkMUt)'. ~ Cbiat~ fili.tlt(hc 24- DOl S<< P1llfl Pi~~chih<'ll"'is "'O,..'C'ft.nt:OIC1'T)' 24" 80'\ S<< PI.. e Pnuw", !Iotrrp;hllu .~.. fln,",ribJ ~at 24~ JIll. S<<I,... . P)'ht'I callc"..aru 'C'saabcwr' ..'a....'C'fiftl: ~ar 24"80), S<< IlIJaa 0 p'TU'\ alkryaru Ttiai.f {:OMC U\la: 0_ \'\mtlo. SC'C' Plan 0 ~ atrdulia HoUyOak. 24- ROll S<< PlDf't @ ~iLc" $ \\&Jkoy ()M; Vane," S<< PI.. QueK\llilnb.M1I Ikd o.x 24," 80l s.. PI.. @ Qum.'U~ Rlto E\'('~f'ftIl Elm 24" Boll. s.. 1'1.. 0 l:Jmtu. p&n'jllor-.l ~ / $e ~ / ~ / -~- 0 o $ ~ / ~ / ~ / '=' \, c: b C 't. o $ , / ~ / ~ / ~ / \ ~ ',- ',- e o ~ / e ~ ;{. ~it /,x.~ /~<? /~ I'~ /<v~ , / UNITm STATES Of AMERICA o ~ / V b......, C....",y R""",a. V.",.."", .NO'R-IlU~ TO I.JMI~^T10NS SET DV .REGULATINC, f~~~~~:-~F~~~~(;~:~~~~..n:o TR.E.t:S IN" OPEN srACI~ ARJ~."S >>'tAY 8:1: SlZE~ AS Sr.:'^AI L L..AIU,tK PLAS I MAl ".MoIAL ^~ AUJRNS I~\'~KY 1~I'foURf \\'J~l. BI6 M^~E T~) '~":':'y AT TASSMARA ROAD 115 GAl.l..O'!\r,l OR 2.... ROXI ^ T TilE (nMMtJ~an EN ~ SPERfSLACi[i Wallis Ranch Dublin, California Site Development Review REV I S I O~ DESCRIPTI~-l~~_ Cily ~~Ital =~-=---=l---,- City Submillal I -----r-- -----r--- --'---..----------1--'---- ___________J____ , PROJECT NU~~BE~__.___ .S-CALE: _____ AS NOTED_ -DATE ISSUED: 12 - 22 -06 PROJECT TREE PLAN ~l 0' ""'" 200' "",. - - II II II II II II lANDSCAPE ARCHffECTS 323 Geary SIIecI, Sui", 407 San Francisco. CA 94102 Telephone: 415-434-8292 Fax: 415434-4395 Em..i): info@mdfOlherin~ham.com SHEET NUMBER: T ,., .J.....I... --.-.-... :;-<: ",/ " I',\INTEI>OR STAISEl}("O~CRETI"-/" ;--... I 20'-0' 1\'1'. SrACI~O T-------..,i '" .....:~=:~,.~=~.=-=-,---.. .. ...'-..---,.._,....._....... ........ - - - -"--... ........ Ir-ORI(i1~Al. (iROI1Nll ........., ........ ..._'_.._-1......,-' I ! ........ ----- -1- AIlllT4 NORTBBRIDGEELEVATION O' ~. 10' 1'1I,R J 10' ll\'OLJl CALIfORNIA l.A~n'.RN COMPANY PILASTER ANIl WAI.L llANO RAILING WII'Il I>H'ORATI\'E MUAl WORK -- --- . It") Yb\R n.OOllW,\T1:R SIIRI'A('I -- jORllill\AI. GRODa> ___ '-_ .,ORJ)lNARY 111011 WATER SURfACE ,/' - ~ :-- -- ABliT I I'II:R 2 1'.<," r 11...(1" I~'o{)- -I -----c;-,.W,,:;:;;,, -----r;."'.'-'-"" ~~ /,-IlRUXiE PILASTER ASIl WALL ....:......k..// [_ ".'" /..--fLAGSI0NI; CAP BY ~ ....~. / EL DORADO S10:-.i1. .J .'- ')( ~ (--j \.../ TI ---T--~~;~;~l.K --t-~II"!.!: ,,/'" 'II OAK KNOLL AVENI;E BY OLD . ".' ."" I / CAl.IfORNIA LANTERN COMPANY , ~ (l.I.,~ /" ~-Fl.AGSIUNECAPIIY I"",.~,/ // 1], IlORAIX) STONI' !,o{,-(~-'Sn : -t15./' ~T ..;-h-__..____.__E:.~'!!!!'..!:!...l.ASl!~~ -I' ~~._-- fLA<iSTONE CAP IlY ~. J. II. I>ORAIX) STONE ., .. -+ · '" ' :..-- ;;~~~~l\;i~I~:~~~I\R~ 11~~~()(J ..... ;:::::.. ....J S1'ONI,. COl.(lR 10 Ill: 'Ill!CKSKIN' ~('. lr~. (1 L---___) ~ u u IlIK\-. Gl.'ARDR.,\lL.. SH 10l.EVATION Ilf.LOY\' 0' Z' 4' NORTH BRIDGE SECTION G' ~ c: :: W.O- O.L TYPICAL f ;,. TOI' Of S!1>EWALK , ..J <: t ;.. BIKE GUARDRAIL ELEVATION Wallis Ranch Dublin, California Site Development Review REV I $ I 0 ~ $: DESCRlrTlO~ DATE ('Ily SUMlItlaJ C;,y SlIbm'llaJ PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: AS XOTW DATE ISSUED: I~. ~~ .(l(, NORTH BRIDGE SECTION AND ELEVATION M. D. FOTHERINGHAM - II II II UWJSCAPE - II II II AHCI//TECTJ' 323 Cgoan" Str~(t. Suit~ 401 SJn Frill';',,,,,,. ('A Q41n~ Tclif..~"n~i5:i~4:tr~292 Emall: infu@ mdrothcrin~hanu.'mn SIIEET Nt:MllER: T ,9 RAil fENet rOR IltTAII.SHSIIEI'l1.I;",- '- " ,~.:-..,,:-~.~.-...;f,:~1~~r:~F,E~, .7~~ '~'it: - ~ ~ =""'.. "':'1.',' ' , - ~ 7f~'-' '- /, i ,- _ ;-ORltHN.\1.0ROI'NIl l'AI:'\TEIl OR STAI"EIl ("IlN("Rl'n-/"- ~--=- J...... - _ _ - --- ...................... - - KNOLL AVENCE IIY OLD CALlH)RNIA lANTERN CO~lI'ANY Wallis Ranch - - --~ I I I , I ~ , I I l'~ ~; IIX' YI>\R n.OOl> \I'AlleR StlRfMT ,~OIWilNA1. GROI ':'\1) -1.' _ - un ,,/ ,~ ./.... ). /' /--"7' ! / ..-"," / / Dublin, California -- --- I I I I I :------., ',_,_i _/ ORIlI!'iARY llI(ill WATER SlJRh\n' Site Development Review PIUl3 PIER 1 AHUt 1 AIlUT4 SOUTH BRIDGE ELEVATION 0' 5' 10' za' REV I I>ESCRlI'T10N ('Ily Submlllal C;~~S,d.;;;~uT-" S I 0 r\ S: DATE lJ..::'.1.-r----~..\~'~~~~~~.-----..-..r---....-~\~'~'~~----r-----~:~-=-----r'--I' !~- '" ," , SII>I'\\',\1.K 7U OAK KNOLL 1\\'I'SI.'t BY OLI) _, " +-_..!::..~..- . i ("AUH)RNIA LA:'\Tl,RN ("O~lrA:'\Y .............. I CLb\R '//- 7~ OAK KNOLL AVI, N\:I. llY UU) J L.\OS TONI (",\I'IlY ___ ..___ .....,..... I / ( AI.IHJRNIA LA!'iTtRI'; ("OMPA!'iY LlDORAtlO 510M .... ,.;;...... //r-IIRII)(;! PILASTLR ,\NIl W,\l,l -~ /'/.-. ElAOSTONI'. CAP BY -4-- ~// . ~.::.Qf.FSt:r:--!..__t, ~/ H. DORAI)() S10!'i1 I ~ : /'/~--. FlAllS lONE CAP BY ~""""I ~_..- J..:.S" WIlli' PII.ASTER '. o;:-1-~// u.. DORAno STO!'iE ",: . = ' - --"'---- ~ I 1 ~ Ii: ;' ~;...'-- llAGS IU~I ('AI' IlY I 1 _ . ~ I ~ . It DORADO STOl'>I' -+-- C-------..-------..-~~~ ;i ,"- ~TO~I \'IN,EER P:\'lTERSTO llE __,- ,_........,--__._ ,_' ' , ,;L,. ~IOI, :'\lAI1'O UJ)(tF' II\' U, 1l0R,\IX) ~ V\'" ~_..::::;~_,_..J SlONE COLOR ro UE'llUCKSKIN' J ~.._---~-L-.._-_..J L i r '........",~. L-J l.....,....J ('1 _..~ \ '.- BIKI' Gt:ARlJRAll. sa _' L....J U.I,VAlION OS SIlEFT I') PROJECT NUMBER: SCALE: ,\S NOTEI> DATE ISSUED: 12.22.06 SOUTH BRIDGE SECTION AND ELEVATION SOUTH BRIDGE SECTION O' Z' 4' 6' W.O- o.c. IYPICAl -: - 1: "- t. ,. .. t .. TOP 01' SIIJEWAI.K l\ /I II , \\ II /I It \\ ~ UH \\, \\II l\ 1111 Iff II !Iii II \\ r~ II II III Ii // \\ III/II "- ,R\ \\1 II II /f II \\ 1111 II 1"1 \\1 II Ii II. II III JIl \\ \\1 II III 1!1 \\ II /I ' , Ii /I \\ H II II "\\1 h II \ II \l- Ii II II I I-:';....;.:.~-'j - II II II LA/I'/}SCAI'E - II II II ANCIIITECT.f BIKE GUARDRAIL ELEVATION 323 Gear) Slreet. Suile 407 S,," Fruf)(i"'''.CA '14101 Tdeplmn<: 415-4~~1'l1 r-ax: 415..1.\4-4,\95 Ema,l: inf,,(!\ rndfuchcrinFham,nlrn SItEET Nt'MllER: Ll0 H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES ECOLOGICAL CONSUL TANTS MEMORANDUM PROJECT# 555-41 December 14,2006 TO: Connie Goldade FROM: Pat Reynolds SUBJECT: Tree Impact Mitigation for Dublin West Project Tree impacts associated with the construction of the two bridges over Tassajara Creek will be mitigated on-site through the replanting of native riparian trees and shrubs in five locations along Tassajara Creek (Figure 1). Loss of riparian habitat, including all trees and shrubs removed or pruned within the bed and banks of Tassajara Creek, will be mitigated at a 3: 1 (mitigation:impacts) ratio. Site Preparation Little if any grading will be required at mitigations sites I, 2, 4 and 5. Mitigation site 3 will require grading along the banks and potentially upper floodplain to stabilize the slope and provide a suitable planting area for plant establishment. Site Design Mixed riparian woodland vegetation will be established throughout the mitigation sites where no woody vegetation currently exists. Soil conditions at Mitigation Sites 1, 2, and 3 have already been investigated and a soil amendment protocol has been determined. Phosphorus and gypsum will be added to the upper 6 inches of soil at sites I and 2. The downslope portion of site 3 does not require any soil amendments; however, the upslope portion of the site will likely require over- excavation of the sub-soil and placement of salvaged and/or imported topsoil. Any necessary amendments to the topsoil will be evaluated prior to implementation. The soil at sites 4 and 5 will require sampling and a laboratory analysis to determine any necessary amendments. It is expected that no soil amendments will be necessary. Planting Plan for Areas Within Bed and Banks Following site preparation, mixed riparian woodland vegetation will be planted at the four mitigation sites. Table 1 lists the potential species to be planted, their approximate spacing, and appropriate container size. The exact location of the plantings will be determined during the detailed design phase of the project. ] San Jose Office 3150 Almaden Expressway, Suite ]45 San Jose, CA 95] 18 . 408-448-9450 . Fax: 408-448-9454 Table 1. Potential S Common Name California bucke e box elder valle oak Fremont cottonwood California rose co ote brush Pacific blackberr red willow arro 0 willow common snowbe H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES ECOLOGICAL CONSUL TANTS Aesculus cali ornica 12 Acer ne undo 14 Platanus racemosa 16 uercus lobata 16 Po ulus remontii 16 Rosa cali ornica 8 Baccahris ilularis 8 Rubus ursinus 8 Salix laevi ata 12 ot Salix lasiole is 10 ot Sambucus mexicana 12 Symphoricarpos albus var. laevi atus 8 dee ot All disturbed areas will be hydroseeded with an appropriate mix of native grass seed. Table 2 lists the proposed seed mix. a e a lve rass lV( rosee IX. Scientific name Common Name Pounds of Pure Live Min % Germination Seed/Acre Bromus carinatus California brome 25 80 Elymus glaucus blue wildrye 14 80 Eschscholzia California poppy 2 70 californica Lupinus succulentus arroyo lupine 10 85 Vulpia microstachys three week fescue 14 80 T bl 2 N f G Hd dM' Details on plant procurement and installation are included in the existing Dublin West Riparian Mitigation Plan (H.T. Harvey & Associates 2006, pages 27-28). Maintenance and monitoring of the mitigation site plants will be consistent with the Maintenance and Monitoring Plans in the Riparian Mitigation Plan (pages 29-37). Although this plan is in the process of being updated, the maintenance measures described in this plan will remain the same. Planting Plan for Areas Outside the Bed and Banks Impacts to trees outside of the bed and banks of the creek will be mitigated through the replanting of trees within the Tassajara Creek Private Open Space or elsewhere within the project. A preliminary landscape planting plan for those trees planted within the Private Open Space Area has 2 San Jose Office 3150 Almaden Expressway, Suite 145 San Jose, CA 95118. 408-448-9450 . Fax: 408-448-9454 ~' . .... '.......................:_'...'.'.....~.........~,:.'"...:'~.. ,"::-';'::12.';. .<:!t';:t.+~~ '-.>".:..;.j,.... H. T. HARVEY & ASSOCIATES ECOLOGICAL CONSUL TANTS been completed and submitted to the City of Dublin by the project's landscape architect and includes the planting of approximately 115 valley oaks and 75 coast live oak (pers. comm.Goldade 2006). The placement of trees in this area needs to be reviewed to determine that they meet the spacing of the City's Wildland Fire Management Zone. Tree quantities may be lost during this review process with the Fire Department. References Goldade, Connie. 2006. Email correspondence dated August 11, 2006. H.T. Harvey & Associates. 2006. Dublin West Riparian Mitigation Plan. Dated May 16,2006. Project Number 555-41. 3 San Jose Office 3 I 50 Almaden Expressway, Suiie 145 San Jose, CA 95 I 18 . 408-448-9450 . Fax: 408-448-9454 'I. Outfall Impa~~l acres Annual Grassland - . ~ '..... , I I I l \- " ~) ~.1 ". =~- ... '. ['4. . " ~ / ,.r" ,. .1 o. . . .~~;."; I /~~t"'l:1 Il ~..~ ~..'.. .1J~'" '_4 '.I.~'-~'(" oI}t. .' ,'I Legend .~~ ~, " q' ~.~ ,~ .;;~.~- .. .~ .If-..,....'r,....~"'l_l ,. ~".' ,.:- ~:/ "': .. 11_' ',. ~_~, .,~ .~' ~~~ ~ r;," :; I~"i.... '; :',i~ '." Il~::_~ ::.,4...~_.~~._~ ',~,~.~~.":, ,{"..";, - . f!. :....~~ ~-.,~ "1,'.. I ~,..~1 I. ,\" 1~. .../' Project Area TaSSajarat.~~e:~ea Conserva I 't Locations Mitigation SI e .~-.. :.'<1 \~ / , o .~, / / I ~z " ~~ ,,~"":. Ii~. ~. \, .' Ij " ..- i . . Outfall . . gWall Retalnln . er Salamander California TI~ t'on Habitat 'te Aestlva I On-51 as Mitigation Are d legged Frog I California Re - ment Area Habitat Enhance 400 800 ~ / / / / Ka & Somps ourtesy of Mac y Base Map C FileNo. 555-41 ...~-'E. , ... '" '" _ _ ..,r Certification of Performance That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and lor property referred to in this report and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation and appraisal is stated in the attached report and the Terms and Conditions; That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; That the analysis opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own and are based on current scientific procedures and facts; That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party nor upon the results of the assessment the attainment of stipulated results or the occurrence of any subsequent events; That my analysis opinions and conclusion were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted Arboricultural practices; I further certify that I am a Registered Consulting Arborist affiliated with the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA), a member of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and an ISA Certified Arborist. Disclosure Statement Arborists are tree specialists who use their education, knowledge, training and experience to examine trees and recommend measures to enhance the beauty and health of trees and attempt to reduce the risk of living near trees. Clients may choose to accept or disregard the recommendations of the arborist or to seek additional advice. Arborists cannot detect every condition that could possibly lead to the structural failure of a tree. Trees are living organisms that fail in ways we do not fully understand. Certain conditions are often hidden within trees or below the ground. Arborists cannot guarantee that a tree will be healthy or safe under all circumstances or for a specific period of time. Likewise remedial treatments cannot be guaranteed. Trees can be managed but they cannot be controlled. some degree of risk. Signed: Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following terms and conditions apply to all oral and written reports and correspondence pertaining to the consultations, inspections and activities of Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc. hereinafter referred to as "ROC". 1. Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character nor is any opinion rendered as to the quality of any title. 2. It is assumed that any property referred to in any report or in conjunction with any services performed by ROC, is not in violation of any applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other governmental regulations, and that any titles and ownership to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. Any existing liens and encumbrances have been disregarded. 3. Possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply any right of publication or use for any purpose, without the express permission of the consultant and the client to whom the report was issued. Loss, removal or alteration of any part of a report invalidates the entire appraisal/evaluation. 4. The scope of any report or other correspondence is limited to the trees and conditions specifically mentioned in those reports and correspondence. ROC and the consultant assume no liability for the failure of trees or parts of trees, either inspected or otherwise. The consultant assumes no responsibility to report on the condition of any tree or landscape feature not specifically requested by the named client. 5. No tree described in this report was climbed, unless otherwise stated. We cannot take \, responsibility for any defects, which could only have been discovered by climbing. A full roots collar inspection, consisting of excavating the soil around the tree to uncover the root collar and major buttress roots was not performed unless otherwise stated. We cannot take responsibility for any root defects, which could only have been discovered by such an inspection. 6. The consultant shall not be required to provide further documentation, give testimony, be deposed, or attend court by reason of this appraisal/report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of additional fees for such services as described by the consultant or in the fee schedules or contract. 7. ROC guarantees no warrantee, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the information contained in the reports for any purpose. It remains the responsibility of the client to determine applicability to his/her particular case. 8. Any report and the values, observations, and recommendations expressed therein represent the professional opinion of the consultants, and the fee for services is in no manner contingent upon the reporting of a specified value nor upon any particular finding to be reported. 9. Any photographs, diagrams, graphs, sketches, or other graphic material included in any report, being intended solely as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and shOuld not be construed as engineering reports or surveys, unless otherwise noted in the report. Any reproductions of graphs material or the work produce of any other persons is intended solely for the purpose of clarification and ease of reference. Inclusion of said information does not constitute a representation by ROC or the consultant as to the sufficiency or accuracy of that information. 10. Trees can be managed, but they cannot be controlled. To live near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The only way to eliminate all risk associated with trees is to eliminate all trees. 11. Payment terms are net payable upon receipt of invoice. All balances due beyond 30 days of invoice date will be charged a service fee of 1.5 percent per month (18.0% APR). All checks returned for insufficient funds or any other reason will be subject to a $25.00 service fee. Advance payment of fees may be required in some cases. Ralph Osterling Consultants, Inc.