HomeMy WebLinkAboutStage 1 PD Rezone Amendment Wallis Ranch. December. 2006 Stage 1 Planned Development Amendment Project Description The following text and graphics apply only to the revisions made to what is now called the Wallis Ranch project, previously known as Dublin Ranch West, to make the Stage I PD documents consistent with the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone, Site Development Review, Tentative and Master Maps, CEQA for an adjacent parcel, and Development Agreement applications for the site, and to clarify the use and its context to this project of an 11,6 acre Lin parcel that is located immediately adjacent to the north of the Wallis Ranch project. This parcel is located in Contra Costa County. Please refer to P A 02-028 for the original documents, which was comprised of the Bragg and Sperfslage parcels also. Existing Site Conditions and Land Uses The 11.6 acre Contra Costa County parcel is designed to function and relate to the greater Wallis Ranch project in Dublin. As part of the Wallis Ranch project, it is proposed to grade the Contra Costa parcel to provide conform grading, an emergency vehicle access, possible water quality features, and landscaping. The parcel will be placed in a conservation easement for habitat mitigation and no habitable structures will be permitted on it. This parcel is vacant, having previously been used for the grazing of cattle, This parcel is adjacent to the Moura and Parks RFT A properties, This Contra Costa County parcel was not studied in the EIR for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (1993) or the Supplemental EIR for the Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area project. The applicant is working with agencies in Contra Costa County to ensure CEQA compliance for this portion ofthe project. These documents are on file at the City of Dublin. No changes have occurred to the Wallis Ranch property (Alameda County) since PA 02-028 was approved in April of 2005 (Ord. 10-05/Reso, 43-05), The property contains a few occupied residences, numerous outbuildings, and a vacant schoolhouse. It is anticipated that the vacant schoolhouse will be relocated within Wallis Ranch to provide a meeting hall for the project's residents within the community green. Proposed Land Uses and Development Concept The Wallis Ranch Stage I PD Rezone project is being revised to reflect the refined land use plan areas and designations of the concurrent Stage 2 PD Wallis Ranch application, The approved PA 02-028 Wallis Ranch plan includes low, medium, and medium-high density residential (including possible residential support uses), a neighborhood park, semi-public, and open space land use designations that preserve the predominant natural features of the site including the Tassajara Creek environs and the western foothills. As part of this application, the Public/Semi- Public site approved as part of P A 02-028 is being rezoned to Semi-Public to be consistent with Page 1 . Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment Project Description Wallis Ranch. December. 2006 the City's current zoning districts. Additionally, approximately 2,9 acres of land designated as Medium High Density Residential is currently slated to be used as a water quality and detention basin due to the requirements of the RWQCB. This parcel, if developed as residential, would allow between up to 40 and 72 units to be built. The applicant reserves the right to build or transfer these units to another location on the Wallis Ranch property if the basin as currently planned is not constructed or transferred to another location. A 1,3 net community green has been provided in the project, at the crossroads of the community, This area will provide a central gathering and recreation area for the residents. This site will be rezoned from medium density residential to open space. Please refer to the Stage 2 PD for further details regarding the proposed project. The chart below indicates the proposed land uses and densities for the project as compared to the approved land uses presented in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and PA 02-028. Proposed Stage 1 PD Existing Stage 1 PD (PA 02-028)/ Land Use Plan East Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Plan Gross Proposed Density Gross Unit Density Units at Acres Units/Square Acres Range Mid-point Ft Density UN PROPERTY Low Density Residential 15.4 58 du 3.8 18.8 16-112 du 75 du Medium Density Residential 57.1 629 du 11.0 54.6 333-764 du 546 du Medium High Density 16.0 288-320 18-20 20.1 283-503 du 402 du Residential * Neighborhood Park 10.4 N/A N/A 8,8 N/A N/A Open Space 83.3 N/A N/A 79.9 N/A N/A Semi-Public (Public/Semi-Public) 1.9 19,863 sf 0.24 FAR 1.9 N/A 19,863 Subtotal 184.1 975-1,007 du 11.0-11.4 184.1 632-1,379 du 1,023 du 19,863 sf 19,863 sf * Note: 2.9 acres of this designation are currently anticipated to be used towards a water quality and detention basin. This equates to a range of between 40 and 72 units. A tree protection plan has been prepared by a certified arborist. This and a project specific tree assessment can be found in the appendix of this document. Additional detail will be required prior to receipt of a grading permit to protect trees during demolition, grading and construction activities. Other trees will be selectively pruned to preserve and promote health and vigor and prevent damage from construction activity, Some heritage trees and other trees will need to be removed as a part of this project. The removal of these trees is limited to the locations of the bridges and the approaches to the bridges, The City's Heritage Tree Ordinance does not make provision for the mitigation or replacement of trees to be removed. Regardless, the project proponent proposes to replace removed trees, regardless of species or heritage tree designation. The project will adhere to the City's Public Art Ordinance; a public art compliance report is included in the project site development review submittal. A cooperative team approach between the project landscape architect and the artistes) will be initiated at a future date to create a site that provides a visual and educational experience, while providing an entry statement for the project. The applicant proposes that art may consist of interesting pavements, fence and wall Page 2 . Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment Project Description Wallis Ranch. December. 2006 treatments, site furniture, and plant materials, in addition to other more traditional forms such as sculpture, murals, earthworks, mosaics, and fiber-works. The southern tip of the water quality/detention basin parcel will be the primary location to incorporate the artwork. If a second location is warranted, the community green and its elements may be used, Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance The Wallis Ranch project proposes 935 units. The City's IncIusionary Housing Zoning Regulation requires that 12,5% of the residential units in the project meet the City's affordability requirements. Applying this percentage would result in the requirement for 117 affordable units. The applicant proposes to apply 102 of the affordable unit credits provided to them by the Fairway Ranch development agreement (July 15,2003) towards this obligation and either (a) provide an additional 15 affordable units onsite. These on-site units would be designated in neighborhood 6. (The affordable units would be rental or for sale units and made affordable by way of a deed restriction in perpetuity at the 'moderate" rate, The units would be identified prior to the issuance of the first building permit in this neighborhood); (b) pay in-lieu fees for the additional 15 required units. (The City ordinance section 8.68 allows for up to 40% of the incIusionary requirement to be met with an in-lieu fee); (c) increase the number of affordable unit credits applied to the project; or (d) any combination of the above. Project Access and Circulation City and Fire Department Staff have reviewed and approved an emergency circulation route plan for the Wallis Ranch property, Two roadways connecting to Tassajara Road will provide daily and emergency access for the project. The primary access for both circulation and emergency personal is from the centrally located residential collector that bisects the property, The second street that connects to Tassajara Road is a public street south of the central residential collector for park access. Additionally, this street will have an emergency access easement placed upon it to provide additional egress and entry during emergency situations for project residents, A creek frontage road, north of and connecting to the primary access road, provides secondary access within an interconnected street system to complete the elements of the emergency access plan, Proposed Phasing Approach Storm drainage, sewer, and water backbone improvements may be constructed in phases and will provide service for each development phase. The entire property will undergo bulk grading to accommodate the various uses of the property and achieve a balanced cut and fill with the initial phase of development. Due to looping utility and fire access needs, much of the infrastructure will be placed with the first neighborhood phase, regardless of its location. The City will determine phasing of the park. Neighborhood development phasing has been designed to provide for a mix of unit and density types to attract a wide market and provide a variety of home costs and sizes, Three development phases have been identified and depending upon market demand, can develop in any order, Page 3 . Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment Project Description Wallis Ranch. December. 2006 Hazardous Waste Analysis Eckland Consultants conducted a Phase I environmental site assessment of the project area in July of 2001 to investigate on-site hazardous wastes or substances. Eckland's assessment indicates that the property is not known to be on a hazardous waste or substance area list. The study concluded that the property has a low likelihood that any hazardous or toxic substances exist on the site, It was suggested that prior to demolition, asbestos and lead-based paint surveys be implemented on the existing structures as required by code, that debris be removed from the site, and that existing septic and leach field systems should be pumped out and removed. . In June of 2006 Eckland Consultants conducted a Phase 1 environmental assessment of the Lin property that lies within Contra Costa County. This assessment concluded that there are neither Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions nor Current Recognized Environmental Conditions at the site. Page 4 . Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv 2007 Permitted and Conditional Land Uses PD Single Family Residential Permitted Uses: Accessory structures and uses in accordance with Section 8.40,030 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Community care facility/small (permitted if required by law, otherwise as conditional use) Home occupation in accordance with Chapter 8.64 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenant use only) Second unit in accordance with appropriate regulations Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.80), ifbuilt by initial homebuilder Single family dwelling '. Small family day care home per Chapter 8.08 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Conditional Uses: Ambulance service Bed and breakfast inn Day care center Large family day care home Parking lot - residential Religious facility School/private Second residential unit if not built by initial homebuilder, in accordance with approved Stage 2 Planned Development. Accessory Uses: All Accessory Uses shall be in accordance with Section 8.40, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Temporary Uses: Temporary construction trailer Tract and sales office/model home complex Permitted and Conditional Land Uses . Page I 11-3-06DR\VeSI-und Uses_doc Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2007 PD Medium Density Residential Permitted Uses: Accessory structures and uses in accordance with Section 8.40.030 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Community care facility- small (permitted if required by law, otherwise as conditional use) Home occupations (per Chapter 8.64 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance) Multi-family dwelling Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenants use only) Second unit in accordance with appropriate regulations in Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.80), ifbuilt by initial homebuilder Single family dwelling Small family day care home per Chapter 8,08 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Water quality, drainage, and other similar facilities, including swales and basins Conditional Uses: Bed and breakfast inn Boarding house Commu!lity center Day care center Large family day care home Large vehicle storage area (appropriately screened) Parking lot - residential Religious facility School/private Second residential unit if not built by initial homebuilder, in accordance with approved Stage 2 Planned Development. Accessory Uses: All Accessory Uses shall be in accordance with Section 8.40 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Temporary Uses: Temporary construction trailer Tract and sales office/model home complex Permitted and Conditional Land Uses . Page 2 11-3-06DRWest-Land Uses.doc Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2007 PD Medium-High Density Residential Permitted Uses: Accessory structures and uses Community care facility- small (permitted if required by law, otherwise as conditional use) Family day care home- small Home occupations (per Chapter 8,64) Multi-family dwelling Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenants use only) Water quality, drainage, and other similar facilities, including swales and basins Conditional Uses: Bed and breakfast inn Boarding house Community care facility- large Day Care center Family day care home- large Parking lot Religious facility School/private Accessory Uses: All Accessory Uses shall be in accordance with Section 8.40 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Temporary Uses: Arts and crafts fair Sales office/model home complex Temporary construction trailer PD Open Space Permitted Uses, including, but not limited to: Agriculture and grazing Conservation areas Public or private infrastructure Public or private recreation facility- active or passive Recreation facility- passive Streams and drainage protection corridors Those uses allowed by the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 and 1600 agreements, Trails and maintenance roads, including emergency vehicle access Trail staging area Other educational or recreational facilities Water quality, drainage, and other similar facilities, including swales and basins Wildlife habitat preservation areas Permitted and Conditional Land Uses . Page 3 l1-J-06DRWesl-Land Uses.doc Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2007 PD Neighborhood Park Permiited Uses, including, but not limited to: Community park Neighborhood park Recreational or educational facilities Trail staging area Water quality, drainage, and other similar facilities, including swales and basins PD Semi-Public Permitted Uses, including, but not limited to: Community Center/Clubhouse Community Facility Cultural Center Day Care Center Farmer's Market Recreational or educational facilities - active or passive Trail staging area Other educational or recreational facilities Other governmental and quasi-governmental offices as determined by the Community Development Director Other offices as determined by the Community Development Director Incidental and accessory structures and uses Parking lot Private recreation facility- active or passive Private school/educational facility Public recreation facility- active or passive Public or private infrastructure Recreation Facility- passive Senior Center Those uses allowed by the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 and 1600 agreements. Trails and maintenance roads Trail staging area Water quality, drainage, and other similar facilities, including swales and basins Youth Center Permitted and Conditional Land Uses . Page 4 11-)-06DR W~st-Lmd Uses.doc -r / //' l__OS_...,~~ Mission Peak Homes //\ MH I #' "', -~/// NC", 1 HaigbtlO~/~' ' -'-- --~-^.-.- "" " 1 ~' /_ ,'''>~,'-~:.~-~',::-~~J "~// MH / ,;~>,-.~/\\ "~ ~'_~'1~~',~ _ /,<;0/ f1\C<jr~~h ~/~-"'J...~ Bragg /// MH MH"! ",r.;;;!; .~\\/.--MH ///\ \alga' ,/ NC ~ "<X\.-, " /.:/.// M \ _----_.:.:'()S\ .// \ \:\~ \, I v /',/ / - ....--- -....l.-- ./ ~~,~ ' / ,/ -~~~~/ .-"- -. ( ',:\~/: - /:' ~ "', " " M _::::.-;,:.,_.1::.1 .~~. a' a k- Open Space \.,>-:., 1, -::-,..',:'/ / 43St.c.g ss ~ '~<"-';-. ,I . ' Trail'~';~" ""-- L' ~ _.... '-. I \.... "::"'-'_-"_~'--'- , , ~ '\ .... "'" .~ " - ,., , ~ali \ .... ~~....~__-:>_.-. ----- , ~~ \ - .... -.... .... - .... .... .... '''--......,- -',-9S i ''-......J, L RRA Moller Medium High Density Residential 13.}.t 'C, gross Medium Density Residential 34.7010 'c, gross United StalL's of America ./' ./ ./. ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./' ,/' ,/' ./. / "" ./ . ~~ .- /' "p / " ,-'<} / / ^-..<~./ / ,,0./ . &,<<? .- ./ 'v~./ /' ./ ./., // /' ,/ ./' " ./ Community Green .... _....... (1,8oiac.gro;sl.._.... Medium Density Residential 22.4 010 ac, gross --- Moma ! , I .I , I Lill I .I \ , \ /J... EVN \ .. "\ Trail \ \ \ \. \ '''. \ '''. .... '''. ''1 , , I , , l.... Open Space 22.8010 .c, gross Lin Agricultural Lands Publici Semi-Public Lands 'c" 12-06-2006 12:1.:42 i<moldenke P:\16034-40\p'onn;nQ\"ollis\AMe,\p-sloQel-s;leplonRe,B.d"Q Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment STAGE 1 PD SITE PLAN September, 200G I G034-40 Potential Roadway Connection to Tassajara Road RRA I I I ! Semi-Public 1,9 010 .c. gross Nielsen / / Mi EBRPD T rad Easement United States of America Publici Semi-Public Lands Land Use Summary Table EXisting , Proposed Stage I PD Rezone Land Use Plan , Stage I PD Rezone Amendment Land Use (PA 02-028) Land Use Plan Gross DenSity MidpOint Gross DenSity Gross WalliS R.anch Acres Range DenSity Acres Units Den~lty Low DenSity ReSidential 15,5 I G-I 12 75 15A 55 3,5 Medium DenSity ReSidential 54,G 333-7G4 54G 57,1 G2O' /1,0 Medium High DenSity ReSidential" 20,1 253-503 402 I G,O 255-320 15,20 Neighborhood Park 5,5 lOA Open Space 70',0' 53,3 Seml.PubllC 1,0' 1,0' Total 154,1 G32-I.37O' 1.023 1154.1 0'75- I 007 II,O,IIA "Note: 2.9 acres of thiS deSignatIon are currently antlCTpated to be used tcwards a water quality and detention baSin. ThIS equates to a range between 40 and 72 units. ~ NORTH 0' 100' 200' 400. mAclCAl l som,s CIVIL ENGINEER:NG_LAND PLANNING_LAND SURVEYING Plecson\on. CA (925) - 225-0690 \ \ \ os L Mission Peak, 11 omes -"'- Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment --~- M , /.t\~joini~g Pro~erty O~er.,phasing unknown \ ..... '-'--~lr"--- " ' " " NEIGHBORHOOD PHASING PLAN RRA Mollcr ~,,-- \ " .....--" \ \ \ / / --'I I \ / ,/ MH Vargas / , '''--., i RItA:, ( \ Silveri~ I, i \ ,I J~ 1 I ; I , : ~o. a :00 September, 20016 , ';034-40 v RRA RRA \ \ \ \ c-_ _ _ -- ---~,=..::;:>;' \ M Niclsen ; / ,~p" M M \OS \ / .. i.. b /QUalTY Lane \ ':f:j2} i ''__ h _ _ _____ \; School \ ~ I , I I I \ \ , \ Tipper I \ \ Moura Agricultural / Lands / //~ / . \. " / / , \ \ '(" -~.-" --- J~~- EC~RF'C) T :.:~i: E~~:':<':rn(:i1_~~_~_~~-~-- ~~~~ ~;,- n-n-,ifdjoining Property Owner-phasing unknown I I I I I 0\ 0\ ~\ -;\ 01' 0\ - I\ ~\ ~ QY {~ II?\ - li,:;:.\ \\ \ Lin II . \\ \ II \ II \ i\ \ \\ \ EVA\\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ ,\ \ ...., .~~ .-' ". , '''I \ United States of America Publici Semi-Public Lands \ \ \ '-. " United States of America Publici Semi-Public Lands \ \ ~ mAclCAl & somps NORTH \ \ O' 100' 200' 400' CIVIL ENGINEERING_lAND PLANNING_LAND SURVEYING Pleosanlon, CA (925) - 225-0690 I 12-08-2005 1252,11 kmold~nke P\16034-40\plonning\wallis\Anne.\p-slogel-oMasin9 rev4r:lwg 12-08-2006 12:44:59 RRA M,oller \, " ,,~ ,,-~--~ kmoldenke P:\ 160J4-40\plonning\ wallis\Annex\p-slage i -I~ d n scape_rev7.awg \ \. ,~, ......'l._.._~ ", ) , " , ") M /-, > I V '. " ; I I [ I I L._ i--- M -----\ RRA Potential Roadway Connection to Tassajara Road Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment MASTER NEIGHBORHOOD 5ePtembe'~~GNDSCAPE PLAN , G034-40 / ! Semi-Public 1.9 .J. ac, gross ~' '....-\_--::.;.::;::;~--- ~::l-?~'/ Planting to provide intermittant views of EBRPD T rad Easement _' Tassajara Creek per scenic -- comdor policies, \ ! ----------------------------------------- *Note: Landscaping Improvements to be timed with the construction of Tassajara Road, \ i LJ ~ ID!!~! ~ somps Pleosonton. CA ..ANNINGelAND SURVEYING (925) - 225-0690 NORTH 0' 100' 200' 400' Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment STREET SECTIONS September, 20GG ROW ROW ROW I <;034-40 ...., \ 'I, -- --~ >~os-~~<~::~;\ "0 \~. ~~~~~~~ :.:. --.. ---- -. -- -~~\ > "'~~-=-lf~~SSid1,AAJlQAJL::.:, -- )!.Yi j; ,- - > // /y" --' (/;::::':_.q$~,~ ,~ -...~::::::::::::::::::::::::;;---V ROW Street CD ~ 0.5' ROW ROW ROW Street CD Street ROW ROW Street r7\ \:J \ ROW SECTION KEY o KT.S 8) ~ FC FC Option A - AlleYG) ~ ROW ROW BC BC Street G \.V Option B - Alley r::i'l \.J Legend Section Loc.t1on ~ FC FC Courtyard CD mACKAI &: Som,s CIVIL ENGINEERING-LAND PLANNING_LAND SURvEYING Pleasanton, CA (925) - 225-0690 ROW ROW ~ 24' 2 TRAVEL LANES 24' 2 TRAVEL LANES 48' 88' MAX. ROW ROW Proj ect Entrance @ PUBLIC SERVICEI LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SIDEWALK PARKWAY STRIP 18' \ PUBLIC SERVICE! LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SIDEWALK Ultimate Tassajara Road - 128' ROW @ P ARKW A Y STRIP 32' PARKWAY STRIP PUBLIC SERVICEI LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SIDEWALK PARKWAY STRIP I ROW 1 12 -Ull-.lUllb 14;jL: III kmoldti'nke P:\ lb{)..}4 -41J\plOnn,ng\wollls\Annh\ lyp'COI_:,treeL(;ross_:,ect.onsf<evj,o"9 18' \ PUBLIC SERVICE! LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SIDEWALK 128' FC Interim Tassaiara Road - 128' ROW ~ \!3 Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment STREET SECTIONS September, 200G I G034-40 .:.... -'",: -. .~, _"_'-;:.:=-~~-::"ii':', ( \.,'\\:,:_,- ..J "-"~:~\\. 'I : '~'''' . (,,' 1;~\;~~~~T~;;"'~.."~ ,. ,J",..- .,,<~;/ ,r-:?/ .--. -.:;/ "-, "( C-:_--:__~)__ . '~~::::;:;::::.;:;:;;:~~r---V SECTION KEY ~ Legend Secl;onLocation KT.S mACICAI & som,s CIVIL ENGINEERING_LAND PLANNING-LAND SURVEYING P1eosonton, CA (925) - 225-0690 / to~ ~~"/~co~ CO~U@~ ~'- \ \ \ ~ Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment MASTER INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN September, 200G I G034-40 LEGEND: ) / r~~ ~ I ZONE 2 WATER - - - - - EX.ZONE2WATER ZONE 3 WATER - - -- - - EX.ZONE3WATER ZONE 2 RECLAIMED - - - - - EX. ZONE 2 RECLAIMED SEWER - - - - - EX.SEWER WATER PRESSURE ZONE LIMIT - - - - PROJECrBOUNDARY 'NOTE: NO MAJOR STORM DRAIN F ACILlTIES PROPOSED. EXISTING CREEKS/ CHANNEL TO BE USED TO CONVEY RUNOFF. ZONE 3 I I I --==t - - - I EX. ZONE 3 I WATER TANK I ---"-....-...... / ;-...; ..... - ~" ~ ' I \~ ~ ~, / ,\ ~ ..... - .; \ \\ " ~ - -" \ \\ EX. ZONE 2 ~' EX. ZONE 2 \ \\ WATERTANK. \~ WATER TANK ( , I , I I I I~ I "V / / RFfA os / / I 1-- * 1~~ rt' SORlPS CIVIL ENGINE ING.lAND PLANNING. LAND SURVEYING 51428 f~KLIN ., PLEASANTON, CA. 94588 (925) 225-0690 12-08-2006 12:56:13 kmoldenke P:\ 16034-40\planning\EXH-t.lSTR-INrAA-PLll.re.1.dwg