HomeMy WebLinkAboutCover, Table of Contents, Vicinity Map & Aerial Photograph Wallis Ranch Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone Prepared for: Chang Su-O Lin, et. a1. Prepared by: MacKay & Somps, Inc. M. D. Fotheringham Landscape Architects William Hezmalhalch Architects, Inc January 2007 RECEIVED JAN 0 3 Z007 DUBUN PLAI..hING Attachment 8 Wallis Ranch . December. 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vicinity Map Aerial Photograph Stage 1 Development Plan/Planned Development Rezoning Amendment Project Description Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Land Uses Stage 1 PD Site Plan Neighborhood Phasing Plan Master Neighborhood Landscape Plan Street Sections Master Infrastructure Plan Stage 2 Development Plan/Planned Development Rezoning Project Description Stage 2 Planned Development Site Plan Neighborhood Phasing Plan Open Space, Parks, and Trails Plan Open Space Ownership and Maintenance Exhibit Street Sections Master Infrastructure Plan Land Use and Design Guidelines and Standards Appendices A. Application Forms B. Arborist Tree Assessment Report- The Tassajara Creek Bridges at Wallis Ranch Table of Contents PD2-TOC.doc \_5~O coU1':; coS1t; " / "1't ~1RJ'>// coU1' c?/ '. ,,~r-DI'> / 1'>\-1'-''' Q <<: o ce: >-< f-< ce: ~ ::r: o ~ o Q DUBLIN ~Q >-<<<: ",0 oce: ;C PLEASANTON 12-0ll-2006 14 }o,26 .mold<nk< 1'\'60]I-~\pIomli"<l\"Olh\SI09< 2\.t<>;oe2-.;cmopd_q Wallis Ranch VICINITY MAP July, 200b I G034AO ~ > ::2 Q 1-580 GLEASON DUBLIN BOULEVARD o ~~ ;co uce: ....l ~ * NORTH N.TS. IDACICAY&S_S C'"' (ftCIt;ffIll'<Co.U.'tO I'LNtI'<II'<<;.lNClS'-"'YD1I<G __Ion. C/o. (92~)-12~-0690 Wallis Ranch '" ... ~. " ,.' ~""~ I .~? .~" '<"i: .~ Aerial Photograph November, 200G I G034-40 tl 'I , oj .. r .. ..~ ~"""~'~- .'.;;..-\. ~ ." ''''' -.. ., r .... : -:;.,~,q, "'_' ...." ~ (r _, _ j' ".' lr.f.:- ,'" ~... ' 4J4~ '1i'\.-'~~ .. ,...~. . 5" "~ 1;,<' NORTH O' 100' 200" 400' IDACKAY. salDPs CIVIL ENGINEERING_LAND PLANNING-LAND SURVEYING Pleo.onton. CA (925) - 225-0690 12-1~-2006 11:Jl~2 !IlIl'Iot'lnon P:\16(l34-4O\plcW\tWlq\wo'is\Slo~ 2\oerid.()wq