HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 5 Location Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I' l -, !'. ~ 12-08-2005 y / L /' : OS ~ . k / . I--------~, , MIS>lOll Pea Home, //< MH I -# ", '--,__ ~ __// NC", IHaigbt",~~,: ') ., __--. ~ ,~I ; f '<.:':, '-----_', ~~ -' i .MH.. " __-- -<__----:::---.;--=---_ -'~J ~ I f ~/' .=-=--::-:::--r-- "'.. ~",..._~ "'-, f L__ / .----:..--' \ \ 1 ",- ' M ~,,:~/. \ \ NC " ; i '/. , " --. '-I \ ./ ~/ \. f'Cv1, h /' ','''' '-J -Bra"g. \ / // . .' Ic"t!lC. ~ ~~ \ /::;:>/ MH ' MH -'-j "W:-\ \ MH \ /'//\ Vargas . ~'" \ " , .. , -- \ ,/ \. '~, ' /-', > '// .\ ..-,,\., ,\~\ I v 'l /", M \ ,,-,._.::--()Si .,/' ',,\ '- ) I all \...--- _..1./ '\ .. / r //,' ....___ _.... w.. " " ,,/ ' " , ....-- '\. '" '< . ..) __/" ,::-':- \. '\.'\. " SJ1venllj : _.~;;:.--:;~::. /'1 .~'.\~" M ~i --------.p ",---' /' .. '...... ,,: ------:",""",0/' i I .. ,,'..".. ",. J 'I .____.__..__ " ",--" -, I \ ,/ Trall'~:~:""- I : ; \..... '"'-" "_. .-------..Ll.. ........ .,::............'" ..............------ --... -~.. -~~--. -"", i "" OS I '-----J '-. RRA Moller / ,,/. , ! I , ! I , i j i i Lin I / \ ~" EVA/\\ " \ ,,/ . Trail \ \. \ \ \ '......., \ '......., ..... '......., 'i I , , L.... Open Space 22.8 '" ac. gross Moma / / ./. ./. / ./. / ./. / / / / /. ~ ,/ . ~~ ' . if / ./ h~~ / .. ~v /' / ,,{;' / /.'tI,<:) // . ",Ii? .- ./ ~~,/ /' /' ./., ,// ./' // /. ,/ . .- ,::>/ Agricultural Lands United States of America Publici Semi-Public Lands 12: 14:42 kmQldeoke P:\ T60.H_40\~IClMj~~\...(llIis\A<lM.\p-stoqel-siteplonRev8.d..9 / / / , / , / / / / <- " , , I / I i I i \ \ \ '- \ t, II 1\ I' I; Ii I: I' 1\ 11 1; \ I! \ LL__ \ ---p-~~~~..~=."~=-~.~_= -. --- ----\- - ----- -'1--.. , \', \ , \' Potential Roadway '. Connection to \ Tassajara Road OS Wallis Ranch Stage I Development Plan Amendment STAGE 1 PD SITE PLAN 5eptember. 20GG I G034.40 Semi-Public 1.9 '" ac. gross OS~ '0. M ':!:.Jcrj} L {;-c ". c~ \ -----t:S:- '\. \ ------- \ \ -...........-- ..-~",-- -- - -- '\ ~s-. /~-I! ;'~~,-!- ~. 7' I ~______~/ -;.'; \---_-J \ EBRPD __~~_-_J'\ .- . ,,' , Sperfslage _.,..,----.-----.' \ \ , ",' --- ------------ EBRPD T rail Ea~~:~,~:,/ --- United States of America Public! Semi-Public Lands , LJ. Land Use Summary Table Existing Proposed 5tage PD Rezone LEnd Use Pian 5tage I PD Rezone Amendment Land Use (PA 02-028) LEnd Use Plan GrO,5 DenSIty Mldpomt Gross Den51ty Gross WalliS Ranch Acres Range DenSity Acres UmG DenSIty Low DenSIty ReSIdential 18.8 IG-112 75 15A 58 3.8 MedIum DenSIty ReSidential 54.G 333-7G4 54G 57.1 G2B 11.0 Medium Hltjh DenSity Re5\dentJal~ 20.1 283-503 402 IG.O 288.320 18.20 Neltjhborhood Park 8.8 lOA Open Space 79.B 83,3 5eml-Publlc I.B I.B Total 184.1 G32-1.37B 1,023 184.1 ~ Note: 2.9 acres of thiS de51tjnat1on are currently antIcipated to be used towards a water quality and "etentlo'n baSin. ThiS equate5 to a rantje between 40 and 72 units. . NOATH O' JOO' 200' <01). COIleDY It Somps :'~',: :CML- f,:~G1NEER.IN9.LA/'IIDP~NING.lAND SURVEYING ..t~leCl$.ClGlR_n::,c:A:'<.;'.,." -. ---_- (925) -225-0690 ,~.;< ,i;'.51~~.cbment 5 :1J~~':;'L:',?; ';.k:-'