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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 ContribDublinElemFields
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File # D!5l[1][5]-[g][Q]
City Contribution to Dublin Elementary School Fields Project
Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager
Draft Letter to Dublin Unified School District
RECOMMENDATION: Discuss terms of proposal and authorize City Manager to send a
.-/? draft proposal to DUSD
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A total of$150,000 was included in the 1998-99 Annual Budget for
this project. A budget change for an additional amount will be
required if the School District consummates an agreement.
DESCRIPTION: In 1993, the voters of Dublin passed a School Bond measure for the
purpose of constructing and upgrading Dublin Unified School District facilities.
One of the projects proposed to be funded from the Bond Measure by the Dublin Unified School District
(DUSD) is the upgrade of the Dublin Elementary School Fields. This upgrade would include the
follo\\1ng improvements: re-grading of the field, drainage, new turf and irrigation.
The estimated total cost for these improvements is approximately $300,000.
DUSD Staff have indicated that the cashflow schedule from the bonds would enable the District to fully
fund and commence construction of the Dublin Elementary School Fields Project in Spring 2000.
During the 1998-99 Budget Hearing, the City Council included $150,000 for the Dublin Elementary
School Fields Project. It was the City Council's stated intention that the City would fund one-half of the
cost of the field project up to $150,000, provided that the DUSD commenced construction ofthe project
in Spring of 1999 rather than Spring 2000 as currently scheduled.
At the suggestion of Vice Mayor Burton, the City Liaison Committee met with representatives from
DUSD to discuss the contribution of up to $150,000 from the City and also advancing/loaning the District
an additional $150,000 so that all the funding necessary to complete the project in 1999 would be in place.
The'City Liaison Committee indicated to DUSD that the $150,000 loan could either be repaid to the City
in 2000 or 2001 when the District had sufficient bond monies to repay the City or the City could reduce
the Community Gymnasium at Valley High School payment in the appropriate year by $150,000.
The DUSD representatives indicated that the City should prepare and submit a written proposal to fhlt
District for the entire District Board to evaluate and consider. ' .".
The proposal has obvious benefits to the District. First, it would enable the District to complete the
Dublin Elementary School Fields Project one year earlier than is currently scheduled. Second, it would
make an additional $150,000 available to the School District to utilize on other School facilities that
would have otherwise needed to use Bond funds. This proposal would also benefit the community by
providing two additional soccer/play fields a year earlier for community use.
It is Staff s recommendation that the City Council discuss the terms of the proposal and authorize the City
Manager to send a proposal to DUSD as drafted in Attachment 1.
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PO, Box 2340. Dublin, California 94568
City Offices, 100 Civic; Plaza, DU8Ii:l Califor'1:a 94568
September 15, 1998
Board of Trustees
Dublin Unified School Di?trict
. 7471 Larkdale Avenue
Dublin, CA 94568
RE: Dublin Elementary School Fields Project
Dear Honorable Board Members,
In August of this year, the City and School District Liaison Committee discussed the City's
interest in assisting the District in advancing the completion of the Dublin Elementary School
Fields project. Based upon that discussion, the City Council, at its meeting of September 15.
1998, authorized the attached proposal to be forwarded to the School District for its
The City Council strongly believes that this proposal is beneficial to both the City, the District,
and the Community. The City's proposal offers the following benefits. First, it would enable
the School District to complete the Dublin Elementary School Fields project one year earlier
than the District's current schedule for completing the project. Second, the proposal would
make up to an additional $150,000 available to the School District to utilize on other school
facilities in the future that would have otherwise required School Bond funding. Third, the
community would have two additional soccer/play fields a year earlier for Community use.
We understand that if the District supports the City's proposal, an agreement between our
agencies would need to be consumated for this project to move forward. The City staff is
available to meet with District staff to finalize such an agreement.
The City Council hopes that this proposal will be favorably considered by the District, and can
be another shining example of the successful partnership that has already been established
between our respective agencies.
Dave Burton
Mayor Pro Tempore
Administration (925) 833+6650 . City Council (925) 833-6605 . Finance (925) 833-6640 . Building Inspection (925) 633-6620
Code Enforcement (925) 833-6620 . Engineering (925) 833-6630 . Parks & Community Services (925) 833-6645
Economic Development (925) 833-6650 . Police (925) 833-6670 ยท Public Works (925) 833-6630
Community Development (925) 833-6610 . Fire Prevention Bureau (925) 833-6606 A TT A C H MEN T 1
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Dublin Elementary School
Fields Project
The City of Dublin proposes the following terms and conditions to the Dublin Unified School
City Agrees
1. To contribute one-half of the project cost not to exceed $150,000 to the District at the
commencement of the project.
2. To advance/loan the balance of the project cost not to exceed $150,000 upon demand by
the District at such time that funds are required to meet the project costs incurred the
District. The advance/loan will be interest-free.
District Agrees
1. To commence construction of the project in Spring 1999.
2. To be responsible for design, project management, inspection and all other services
required to complete the project.
3. To provide the City with a final project accounting and return any funds to the City which
are not required for the project.
4. Repay the City's $150,000 advance/loan in the year 2000 or 2001 (Le., whichever date
that School Bond monies would have been available to fund the project) or reduce the
City's obligation to the School District on the Valley High/Community Gymnasium by
$150,000 in 2000 or 2001.
5. Agree to add Dublin Elementary School Fields to the Joint Facility Use Agreement
between the City and the District, dated September 25, 1989, to enable community use of
this facility during non-school hours.
6. To maintain the improvements installed in a satisfactory manner in order to insure the
safety and playability of the fields in the future.