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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso No. 9764 Bertel Rear Yard Variance V-4923 THE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF ALAMEDA COUNTY HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION NO. 9764 - At meet:1 ng held October. I, 1969 Introduced by Commissioner George R. Vaughns Seconded by Commissioner Edward E. Enos WHEREAS Otto H. Bertel, (V-4923), has filed with the Alameda County Planning Commission an application for a Variance to allow construction of a screened-in patio ~oom which would reduce the rear yard from the required 20' to 18' In an R-l-B-E (Single Family Residence -- 6,500 sq. ft. minimum building site area, 65' Median Lot Width, 6' Side Yards) District, located at 7316 Limerick Court, south side, 230' east of the intersection with Chatam Street, Dublin Area, Pleasanton Township, as shown on a plot plan on file with this Commission; and WHEREAS this Commission did hold a public hearing on said application at the hour of 1:30 p.m. on the 1st day of October, 1969, in the County of Alameda Public Works Building, 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, California; and WHEREAS it satisfactorily appears from affidavits on file that newspaper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS this Commission does find that: (a) There are special circumstances applicable to the property which deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity under the identical zoning classification, in that: Parcel is Irregular in shape, making it difficult to create conforming additions at the most useful locations. (b) The granting of the application will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone, in that: Parcel is more than the minimal size required for its zoning district and has ample compensating open space In adjoining side and rear yard areas. (c) The use will be detrimental to persons or property In the neighborhood or to the public welfare, in that: Proposed patio room would be a minimum of 40' from rear of nearest adjacent residence to the southwest, and remaining rear yard will be 30' where 20' minimum is required: Now Therefore BE IT RESOLVED that this Commission does hereby approve said application as shown on a plot plan labelled "Exhibit A" on file with this Commission. Except as specifically stated above, the land and use of this property shall comply with all the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance. Said Variance shall be subject to revocation for cause by the Planning Commission after seven (7) days notice and a hearing by said Commission. ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioners DeBernardi, Carpenter, Gardella, Enos, Vaughns, Spencer and Chairman Kauffman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EXCUSED: None. ABSTAINED: None. WILLIAM H. FRALEY - PLANNING DIRECTOR &. SECRETARY COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF ALAMEDA COUNTY