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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 Gift Vly Christian Schools . . . 'T""""-, ... ..~- CITY CLERK File # D[Z]~[Q}.[2J[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 4, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Gift from Valley Christian Schools. Report Prepared by: Amy Cunningham, Administrative Assistan~ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Valley Christian Schools 2. Budget Adjustment RECOMMENDATION: ~ 1. Accept the gift from Valley Christian Schools in the amount of $1,000. 2. Approve the Budget Adjustment. 3. Direct staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to donor. 4. Direct Police Services staff to use the funds to purchase equipment and supplies for drug education programs. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Acceptance of this gift will increase funding available for drug education programs without additional costs to the City. DESCRIPTION: Valley Christian Schools has donated $1,000 with a request that the funds be used to enhance drug education programs. This donation is the direct result of work Dublin Police Services staff has performed with the children at Valley Christian Schools. The school has expressed its appreciation and gratitude for the drug, alcohol, smoking, and personal safety presentations by Deputy Linda Miles (Bailey); as well as the student fingerprinting done by Dublin Police Services staff on March 22, 1999. Dublin Police Services provided 174 drug education presentations to schools within Dublin in 1998. These presentations are directed primarily toward elementary, middle and high school students. In addition to discouraging the use of illicit drugs, the programs strive to alert children to the potential consequences of drug abuse. The City Council has routinely supported efforts to educate the public as to the consequences of drug use. The expenditure direction recommended by Valley Christian Schools is consistent with the City's current objectives and past practices. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the gift, approve the budget adjustment, direct staff to formally acknowledge the donor, and direct Police Services staff to use the funds to purchase equipment and supplies related to-drug education programs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO.--A.z Wee. formsfagdastmt.doe - . . - . I".. March 31, 1999 Sgt. A1 Chavarria Dublin Police Services P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Sergeant Chavarria: . Every year we are fortunate to have a representative from the Dublin Police Department spend time in each classroom teaching our children about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, smoking and stranger safety. We truly appreciate the tremendous effort and planning put into the program by Officer Linda Bailey. Our teachers and parents are so pleased with the presentation and feel this work with our children will make a difference in their positive choices and decisions about drugs, alcohol, smoking and their personal safety. On March 22, approximately 300 of our students were fingerprinted by officers from the Dublin Police Services. This event has allowed us to donate the amount of $1,000 to the Drug Education Program. We ask that you accept this donation with our gratitude to perhaps purchase equipment, films, displays or where ever you feel the most need is in that program Again, thank you for allowing our school to be part of your program. Sincerely, ( . SJ'\o1Q J~Chall Principal JS:mr . Enc. - ey Christian Elementary School 7500 Inspiration Drive Dublin, California 94568 phone 925 . 828 .4850 ATTACHMENT 1 . . . .- CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Couneil Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other f?~;;'DECREASE BUDGET;ACCOiJ:Nn~~~ AMoUflfi'~~€~f:tNCREASEBUb(;Et7Ac-tQu:N'f,':;.~$:AMOUNf~ . . , . . . x From New Revenues Name: Name: Operating Supplies $1,000.00 Aceount #: Aeeount #: 001-2010-713-000 Name: Name: Contributions $1,000.00 Aeeount #: Account #: 001-1000-570-002 :Name: Name: I Account #: Account #; Name: Name; Aecount #: Account #; :Name; Name; Account #; Aecount #; :Name; Name; Aceount #; Account #; REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: Acceptance of gift in amount of $1,000.00 from Valley Christian Schools to the City of Dublin, Police Services. Use offunds is limited to purchase of equipment and supplies related to drug education programs. City Manager: Date: Signature " As Approved at the City CouncilMeetiIlg on:/ ,Date:' <, H " " ,~, .d,...... .",~.".. . , .. .,,,~'w w. .. Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature fo"".lbudgchllg ATTACHMENT 2