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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 86-046 Kahler's Auto Repair CUP & SDR
RESOillrIOO NO. 86- 046
WHEREAS, Dennis Kahler' filed Conditional Use Permit, Site
Development Review, and Variance applications requesting approval of a
proposed 7,200~ square foot auto repair facility with street-side sideyard,
sideyard, and dimensional parking variances, and with use of long-term
exterior storage at 6117 Dougherty Road; and
WHEREAS, the adopted City of Dublin zoning Ordinance provides in
part for the establishment of auto repair facilities in C-2, General
Commercial Districts, as an allowable use and further provides for the
establishment of long-term storage as a Conditional Use in the M-l, Light
Industrial District; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said
applications on August 18, 1986; and
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all
respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and a Negative
Declaration of Environmental Significance has been adopted (Planning
Commission Resolution No. 86~ 044)for this project, as it will have no
significant effect on the"erivlronrnent; and
WHEREAS, a concurrent request, PA 86-036.1, for variance approval
to establish a street-side sideyard of 7+ (lO-foot minimum required), a
sideyard of ~~ro feet (10 foot minimum required) and for variance approval
from the City's dimensional parking requirements has been previously approved
(Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-045 ); and
WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the
Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review applications be
conditionally approved; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said
reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth; and
WHEREAS, the proposed land use, if conditionally approved, is
appropriate for the subject property in terms of being compatible to existing
land uses in the area and will not overburden public services;
NCM, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission finds:
a) Construction of the 7,200~ square foot auto repair facility with
ancillary long-term exterior, storage serves the public need by providing
for the relocation and expansion of an existing commercial auto repair
b) The uses will be properly related to other land uses, and transportation
and service facilities in the vicinity, as the proposed uses will be
compatible to said land uses, and transportation and services facilities
in the immediate vicinity. .
c) The uses will not materially adversely affect the health or safety of
persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially
detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or
improvements in the neighborhood, as all-applicable regulations will be
d) The uses will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses or
performance standards established for the district in which they are to
be located.
e) All provisions of Section 8-95.0 through 8-95.8 Site Development Review,
of the Zoning Ordinance are complied with.
f) Consistent with Section 8-95.0, this project will promote orderly,
attractive, and harmonious development, recognize environmental
limitations on development; stabilize land values and investments; and
promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses or
erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific
intent clauses or performance standards set forth in the zoning Ordinance
and which are not consistent with their environmental setting.
g) The approval of the project as conditioned is in the best interest of the
public health, safety and general welfare.
h) General site considerations, including site layout, orientation, and the
location of buildings, vehicular access, circulation and parking,
setbacks, height, public safety and similar elements have been designed
to provide a desirable environment for the development.
i) General architectural considerations as modified by the Conditions of
Approval, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the
architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building
materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior
lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project in
order to insure compatibility of this development with its design concept
and the character of adjacent buildings and uses.
j) General project landscaping proviSions for irrigation, maintenance and
protection of landscaped areas and similar elements have been considered
to insure visual relief to complement buildings and structures and to
provide an attractive:environment to the public.
k) The project is consistent with the policies contained in the City's
General Plan.
, IBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby
conditionaify approve Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review
applications PA 86-036.2 and .3 as shown by materials labeled Exhibit A, on
file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to the following conditions:
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with
prior to issuance of building or grading permits and shall be subject to
Planning Department review and approval.
1. Development shall generally conform with the revised plans prepared by
Stoddard Design, A.I.A., consisting of five sheets dated received by the
City Planning Department, July 23, 1986, and the changes called for by
these Conditions of Approval. Approval for the Conditional Use Permit
shall be until August 28, 1988. The approval period for the Conditional
Use Permit may be extended two additional years (Applicant must submit a
written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the
Conditional Use Permit) by the Planning Director upon his determination
that the Conditions of Approval remain adeguate to assure that items a) -
d) and k) of the above stated Findings will continue to be met. Approval
for the Site Development Review shall be valid until August 28, 1987. If
construction has not commenced by that time, this approval shall be null
and void. The approval period for the Site Development Review may be
extended one additional year (Applicant must submit a written request for
the extension prior to the expiration date, of the permit) by the Planning
Director upon his determination that the Conditions of Approval remain
adequate to assure that items e) - k) of the above stated Findings will
continue to be met. Development shall be subject to the Conditions
listed below.
2. Comply with the City of Dublin Site Development Review Standard
Conditions and the City of Dublin Police Services Standard Commercial
Building Security Recommendations.
3. If, during construction, archaeological remains are encountered,
construction in the vicinity shall be halted, an archaeologist consulted,
and the city planning Department notified. If, in the opinion of the
archaeologist, the remains are Significant, measures, as may be required
by the Planning Director, shall be taken to protect them.
4. Exterior colors and materials for the building addition shall be subject
to final review and approval by the Planning Director and shall be
consistent with those of the eXisting structure. All ducts; meters, air
conditioning equipment and other mechanical equipment on the enlarged
structures shall be effectively screened from view with materials
architecturally compatible with the main structure.
5. The "roof" treatment proposed along the top of the west elevation and
along the westerly 18+ feet of the north elevation shall be modified by
raising it approximately one foot above the remainder of the untreated
walls. Brick columns shall be added to the east elevation (five columns)
and to the blank portion of the north elevation (three columns). The use
of the column treatment along the east elevation shall be at the
discretion of the project architect and the Planning Department and may
be dropped if it is determined that their use is not architecturally
appropriate or balanced. The "tower" treatment shall be adjusted to
reflect a minimum "pop-out" of two feet.
6. Treatment of the proposed "tower" shall be modified to use split-face
dark grey blocks. A metal trim cap along the unroofed portions of the
exposed perimeter shall be provided.
7. The metal seamed roof treatment along the top of the front (east)
building elevation and the western portion of the north building
elevation shall be,modified to a mansard roof design, which .shall be
subject to review and approval by the Planning Director at the time
building permits are pursued.
8. A grading drainage plan shall be prepared and shall be submitted for
review and approval by the City Engineer. Calculations (hydraulic) shall
be prepared by the developer for review by the City Engineer to determine
the sizing of drainage lines.
9. The area outside the building addition shall drain outward at a 2%
minimum slope for unpaved areas and a 1% minimum in paved areas (with a
maximum gradient of 5%).
Roof drains shall empty into approved dissipating devices.
or other concentrated drainage, shall not be directed onto
properties, sidewalks or driveways.
Roof water,
11. Where storm water flows against a curb, a curb with gutter shall be
used. The flow line of all asphalt paved areas carrying waters shall be
slurry sealed at least three feet on either side of the center of the
12. Measures shall be taken to contain all trash, construction debris, and
materials on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The developer
shall keep adjoining public streets free and clean of project dirt, mud,
and materials during the construction priod. Developer shall be
responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin.
Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction activities, shall be
watered, or other dust-palliative measures used, to prevent dust, as
conditions warrant. provision of temporary construction fencing shall be
made subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Building
13. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall supply written
confirmation that the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services
District Fire Department have been, or will be, met.
14. Grading shall be completed in compliance with the construction grading
plans and the soil engineering recommendations as established by a Soil
and Foundation Study prepared for this project (subject to review and
approval by the City Engineer). The report shall discuss the compaction
of soil under the proposed building addition.
15. Improvements within the public right-of-way along Houston Place shall
include curb, gutter, and sidewalks (west of the western driveway),
driveways, and paving (as appropriate). Improvements must be constructed
in accordance with approved standards and/or plans.
16. Installation of the sidewalks for the remainder of the Houston Place
frontage may be deferred until deemed required by the City Engineer.
Cost of installation of this portion of the sidewalk shall be covered by
a deferred improvement agreement and/or performance bond deemed
acceptable by the City Engineer.
17. Prior to filing for building permits, precise plans and specifications
for street improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type, and
location of drainage facilities both on- and off-site) and erosion and
sedimentation control shall be submitted and Subject to the approval of
the City Engineer.
18. The subdivider shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City
for all public improvements. Complete improvement plans, specifications,
and calculations shall be submitted to, and reviewed by, the City
Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public
improvements prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement.
Improvement plans shall show the existing and proposed improvements along
adjacent public street(s) and property that relate to the proposed
improJements. All required securities, in an amount equal to 100% of the
approved estimates of construction costs of improvements, and a labor and
material security, equal to 50% of the construction costs, shall be
submitted to, and approved by, the City and affected agencies having
jurisdiction over public improvements, prior to execution of the
Improvement Agreement.
19. An encroachment permit shall be secured from the City Engineer for any
work done within the public right-of-way where this work is not covered
under the improvement plans.
20. A detailed Landscape and Irrigation Plan (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger),
along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall be
submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director. Landscape
and Irrigation Plans shall be signed by a licensed landscape architect.
21. The developer/owner shall sign and submit a copy of the City of Dublin
Landscape Maintenance Agreement.
22. Landscaping installed along Dougherty Road shall be established on a
landscape mound and shall include three additional 15-gallon sized trees
and shall also include clumped plantings of shrubs. This treatment shall
be of a design and layout to aid in the screening the front end of parked
cars from view along Dougherty Road.
23. Landscape planting along Houston Place shall be established on a
landscape mound running up to the north ~all of the proposed structure
and shall include two additional trees and shall also include clumped
plantings of shrubs. Of the trees along Houston Place, the six trees
along the building frontage shall be 24-inch box specimen trees. The
landscape treatment shall be of a design and layout to aid in softening
the building height and setback of the adjoining two-story building
24. Additional landscaping (shrubs and two ornamental trees) shall be provided
along the base of the west building e~evation.
25. Additional landscaping (shrubs and/or trellis climbing vines) shall be
provided along the portion of the south property line adjacent to the
exposed portion of the adjoining building.
26. Exterior lighting shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause
glare onto adjoining properties. Lighting used after daylight hours
shall be minimized to provide for security needs only. Wall lighting
around the exposed perimeter of the new building shall be supplied to
provide "wash" security lighting. Photometrics shall be submitted to the
Planning Department for review and approval.
27. Any new project or building signs shall be Subject to review and approval
by the Planning Director prior to installation.
28. with the exception of long-term exterior storage of vehicles in the rear
fenced storage area, all demonstrations, displays, services, and other
activities associated with the new structure shall be conducted entirely
within the structure. No loudspeakers or amplified music shall be
permitted outside the structure.
29. The materials used for pedestrian walkways into the new building shall be
of a uniform design and shall be subject to review and approval of the
Planning Director. The pedestrian circulation system shall include
handic?pped access.
30. The Developer shall be responsible for correction of deficiencies in the
existing frontage improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
31. All improvements shall be installed as per the approved landscaping and
irrigation plans and the drainage and grading plans prior to the release
of occupancy. Additionally, grading of the Subject property must conform
with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
32. The existing well located on the subject property shall be abandoned in
accordance with the requirements of the Alameda County Health Department.
33. The location and means of on-site storage and enclosure of trash shall be
subject to review and approval by the Livermore-Dublin Disposal Service
and the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits.
34. Except as specifically altered by the above conditions of approval,
development shall comply with the conditions established for PA 83-016.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of August, 1986.
Commissioners Burnham, Mack, Petty and Raley