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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-020 Venture Commerce Center SDR & VMap AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 10.2006 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Venture Commerce Center Site Development Review, Negative Declaration and Vesting Tentative Tract Map 9046 for an Office Condominium Development located at 6300 Clark Avenue (P A 06- 020) Quasi-Judicial. ~ A~ Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner if I 1) Resolution approving the Site Development Review for the Venture Commerce Center. 2) Resolution approving the Vesting Tentative Tract Map 9096 for the Venture Commerce Center. 3) Resolution approving a Negative Declaration for the Venture Commerce Center with the Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit A. 4) Site Development Review Plans. 5) Colored Elevations. 6) Vesting Tentative Tract Map. 7) Photos of Site and Surrounding Area. 8) Location Map. 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1) approving the Site Development Review for the Venture Commerce Center; 6) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) approving the Vesting Tentative Tract Map 9096 for the Venture Commerce Center; and 7) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 3) approving a Negative Declaration for the Venture Commerce Center with the Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit A. The Applicant is requesting approval of a Site Development Review (SDR) and Vesting Tentative Tract Map to demolish an existing one-story 38,825 square foot building and construct four new two-story office buildings on the site. The new buildings range in size from 14,774 square feet to 18,602 square feet for a total floor area of 67,029 square feet (an increase in floor area of 28,024 square feet). The four buildings will have approximately 31 units which will be sold as "office condominiums." The project also includes a new parking lot and landscaping. COPIES TO: Property Owner/Applicant File ITEM NO. 8.3 Page 1 of7 G:IPA#\2006\06-020 Venture Com Pre-AODlicationlPC Aeenda Statement.doc BACKGROUND: The property is 4.19 acres in size and currently has a one-story 38,825 square foot office building and related site improvements including parking, hardscape, landscaping and accessory structures. The existing one-story rectangular brick building has no windows, a flat roof and little articulation. The property is surrounded by Dublin Boulevard (to the north) and Clark Avenue (to the south). The existing building was approved by Alameda County and was constructed in the mid 1970s. Until recently, the building was occupied by the administrative offices for Albertsons. The property has been vacant since January of2006 when Albertsons sold the property to the Applicant. Views of the existing building from Dublin Boulevard are blocked by a large number of deciduous trees located on the property adjacent to Dublin Boulevard. Surrounding businesses include a variety of offices, a retail shopping center located to the west of the property and the National Food Laboratory to the east of the building. The property has a land use designation of Business Park/Industrial which allows non-retail businesses including research and development, limited manufacturing and office uses. The property is zoned C-O (Commercial Office) which permits a variety of office uses. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) permitted by the General Plan is .30 to .40. The existing property has an FAR of .21. ANALYSIS: Site Development Review The proposed project includes the construction of four two-story buildings on the site. Each building has been designed to compliment one another with the Dublin Boulevard elevation having the highest level of detail. The design of the four buildings is compatible with each other, with the use of consistent materials throughout and common architectural elements. All Sheet pages referenced in this Section can be found in Attachment 4. Colored elevations have also been provided and can be found in Attachment 5. The Architects for the Venture Commerce Center collaborated with Staff and the City's Consulting Architect, Dave Babcock, to design a development which is attractively designed, includes a high level of detail and articulation along Dublin Boulevard and is compatible with the surrounding buildings. Site Plan As discussed in the background section, the existing one-story building will be removed and replaced with four new two-story buildings. The proposed buildings are a total of 67,029 square feet in size. As proposed, the Floor Area Ratio of the development will be.37 which is within the.30 - .40 FAR range permitted by the Dublin General Plan for the Business Park/Industrial land use designation. Building A (as shown on Sheet Al.l) will be located parallel to Dublin Boulevard with the main entrances to the buildings located off of a parking area adjacent to Dublin Boulevard. Building B will be located adjacent to Clark Avenue and Building D will be located adjacent to Village Parkway. Building C is an interior building and will face an existing shopping center located to the west of the property. A new parking lot will surround the buildings. A new landscape area will be located between the public street and the parking areas. The main entrances to each tenant space face the street, with the exception of Building C which faces the adjacent shopping center. At the center of the four buildings, there will be a loading/unloading area for Buildings B -D which will have roll-up doors for the warehouse spaces. All of the buildings exceed the minimum setbacks for the C-O (Commercial Office) Zoning District as Page 2 of7 defined by the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Building A will be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the property line at Dublin Boulevard, Building B will be set back a minimum of 80 feet from Clarke Avenue, Building C will be set back a minimum of 60 feet from Village Parkway and Building D will be set back a minimum of 90 feet from the side property line. The increased setback allows adequate parking, circulation and landscaped areas to be provided on the site. The project also includes two new trash enclosures which are located on the west side of the property, adjacent to the parking lot and a landscaped area. The trash enclosures have been designed to be compatible with the design, materials and colors on the new buildings. Dublin Boulevard Elevation (North Elevation) - Building A This elevation displays the highest level of detail to promote an attractive appearance adjacent to Dublin Boulevard, one of the most traveled streets. in the City. The front elevation features recesses along the building wall including two large recesses in spaces C and G (see Sheet Al.IA) to break up the massing of the building. Trellises are provided on this elevation to provide additional articulation on the building. The building will feature separate tenant bays, each with their own entrance. Each tenant entrance will have one door and extensive windows with frames to break up the glass which provides additional detailing on the front of the building. On the left and right side of the elevation, tower elements are provided to further break up the massing of the building and promote visual interest of the Dublin Boulevard elevation. The second floor will feature a variety of windows with frames to match the windows on the first floor. A formalinear arch will be located above each of the windows to provide an attractive detail on the Dublin Boulevard elevation. The building will have both flat and pitched roofs. The two roof forms will promote visual interest and will also break up the length of the building. Exposed rafters are provided under the pitched roofs located at the left and right side of the building. The height of the building will be 34 feet above grade to the flat portion ofthe roof. The pitched portion of the roof will extend up to 40 feet in height above grade. Section 8.36.030.A of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance states that the building may be no taller than 35 feet. Section 8.36.llO.3.a allows architectural features, such as the roof forms, to extend 15 percent taller than the maximum height, which means that the roof forms can extend up to 40.25 feet in height. The proposed height of the building and roof forms (architectural features) create architectural interest and meets the height limits established by the Zoning Ordinance. The building will have a variety of colors and materials to promote visual interest along Dublin Boulevard. Cultured stone, with a tan color, will be installed on the first floor on the Dublin Boulevard elevation. The second floor elevation will have a smooth finish which will be painted a light tan color and a pale yellow color. The pitched roof will be constructed with a tile material which is brown in color (see Attachment 5). Clark Avenue Elevation (East Elevation) - Building B and Village Parkway Elevation (South Elevation) - Building D Building B and Building D will have the same design. On the first floor, each of the five tenant spaces will have their own entrance. The design of the entrance to each tenant space will vary. The tenant spaces located on the left and right sides and middle of the building will have columns which frame the entrance and a trellis located over the windows. The remaining two tenant spaces will have stone columns with a Page 3 of7 trellis and the center space will have windows. The second floor will feature three different window sizes which will break up the massing of the second story. Each of the windows will have windows and frames to match the windows on the first floor. A formalinear arch will be located above each of the windows to provide an attractive detail on the elevation. The buildings will have flat and pitched roofs which match the roof design on Building A (Dublin Boulevard elevation). The height of the building will be 34 feet from grade to the flat portion of the roof. The pitched portion of the roof will extend up to 40 feet in height above grade. The proposed height of the building and roof forms (architectural features) are consistent with the height limits established by the Zoning Ordinance. The building will have a variety of colors. The first floor of the building will have a dark tan color. Stone will be added as an accent material on all columns on this elevation. The second floor will have a smooth finish which is painted a light tan color and a pale yellow color. The pitched roof will be constructed out of tile materials which are brown in color. Interior Elevation (West Elevation)- Building C Building C faces the shopping center (located to the west) adjacent to the property and is not visible from the public right-of-way. This building will have a flat roof with varying heights. A cornice cap will be located on top of the building with two styles. The height of the building will be 31 feet 8 inches to the flat portion of the roof. As stated previously, the overall height of this building, including architectural features, are consistent with the requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The front elevation features recesses along the building wall including two large recess in spaces C and G (see Sheet Al.lA) to break up the massing of the building. Windows will be located on the first and second floor with frames that are consistent with the windows on all of the buildings. A trellis will be located over the entrance to all of the tenant spaces except for one. The building will have a variety of colors. The first floor of the building will have a dark tan color and a contrasting color, brown, will be used on the columns. The second floor will be painted a light tan color and a pale yellow color. The cornice cap will be painted a contrasting off-white color. Parking The project includes two uses (office and warehouse) which have separate parking requirements. Section 8.76.080 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires one parking stall for every 350 square feet of office space (when the development is over 40,001 square feet in size) and one parking stall for every 1,000 square feet of warehouse space. The following table illustrates the required number of parking stalls for the development: Warehouse Office 1/1,000 s uare feet 1/350 s uare feet Floor Area in Develo ment 14,315 s uare feet 52,714 s uare feet Number of Stalls Re uired 14.3 150.6 Use Parking Requirement As shown on the table above, the development will require a total of 165 parking stalls. The Applicants propose to construct 182 parking stalls which will result in a surplus of 17 parking stalls. The surplus of Page 4 of7 parking stalls is intended to allow for the conversion of some of the warehouse space to office space, if necessary, based on market demands, in the future. Parking stalls are located throughout the project site adjacent to the four buildings. The parking stall sizes will meet the size requirements for both compact and regular spaces as defined by Section 8.76.070.A.7 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The total number of compact stalls will comprise 25% of the total number of parking stalls which is less than the maximum of 35% established by Section As conditioned, the Venture Commerce Center will be required to have bicycle racks as required by Section 8.76.070.A.2. Landscave Currently, the existing site has a number of trees and landscaped areas. In order to be compatible with the existing development, the Applicant proposes to plant a number of evergreen and deciduous trees. A majority of the trees on the perimeter of the property, which are in good condition, will remain. However, all of the trees located in the interior of the property will be removed in order to construct the project. There are no Heritage Trees, as defined by Chapter 5.60 of the Municipal Code, on the property. In addition to the trees, a number of shrubs and groundcover are proposed throughout the site (see Attachment 4, Sheet Ll.l). As proposed, 19% of the entire property will be landscaped. Planting material has been distributed throughout the perimeter of the site and within the interior of the site adjacent to the buildings. Three plant species are proposed adjacent to the buildings. These species are the Quercus Ilex (Holly Oak) an evergreen tree, Laurus Nobilis (Grecian Laurel) an evergreen tree and the Lagerstroemia I. Natchez (white Crape Myrtle) a deciduous tree. The Crape Myrtle tree is a deciduous tree with white flowers which will give the site color during the blooming season, consistent with the trees which are currently located on the site. These trees are a good mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees to provide a year round canopy on the site. A total of 141 trees (both existing and proposed) will be on the site once the project is completed. Section 8.76.070.A.12.d of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires one tree to be planted for every four parking stalls located on the site. The proposed project will have a total of 182 parking stalls which will require that a total of 50 trees be planted on the site. In this case, the number of trees proposed exceeds the requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance by 91. The proposed perimeter tree adjacent to the street is the Platanus A. Bloodgood (London Plane) an evergreen tree, which is consistent with the recommended street tree for Dublin Boulevard as described in the Dublin Streetscape Master Plan. As proposed, the development includes a good mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees which will promote an attractive landscape palette for the development and will also provide adequate screening of the development and provide a canopy in the parking lot. The project Conditions of Approval include two conditions which require the development to provide public art in accordance with the City's Public Art Program Ordinance or pay the public art in-lieu fee. Sheet Al.l of Attachment 4 indicates that public art may be located near Dublin Boulevard and Clark Avenue so that public art is placed near a high traffic area for maximum visibility by the public. SDR Findings The Resolution for the Site Development review contains findings on why the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan, Dublin Municipal Code and other applicable City policies. The findings Page 5 of7 which support the project can be found in Attachment 1, pages 1-4. Vesting Tentative Tract Map The Applicant is also requesting to subdivide the parcel into 31 condominium units, parking and common areas. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 9096 is bounded by Dublin Boulevard to the north, Village Parkway to the south, Clarke Avenue to the east, and an existing shopping center to the west. The proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map conforms to the City of Dublin General Plan. As shown, the Vesting Tentative Tract Map includes a six foot wide irrevocable offer of dedication for a future bike lane along Dublin Boulevard. This allows the City to use this area for a bike lane in the future, as shown on the General Plan Land Use and Circulation Element. Applicable findings can be found on pages 1-2 of the Resolution in Attachment 2. Negative Declaration The City prepared an Initial Study, dated September 2006, for the Project consistent with CEQA Guidelines section 15063 to determine whether the Project would create a significant effect on the environment. The Initial Study determined that there would not be a significant effect on the environment and Staff prepared a Negative Declaration pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15070 et seq. The draft Negative Declaration and Initial Study are attached as Exhibit A to the Resolution in Attachment 3. The Negative Declaration was circulated for public review from September 19, 2006 to October 9,2006. As of the date of the printing of this Staff Report, Staff has not received any comments on the draft Negative Declaration. Conformance with Zoning Ordinance and General Plan As previously discussed, the proposed project is consistent with the development regulations, parking requirements and allowable uses in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed development is consistent with the Floor Area Ratio established for the Business ParklIndustrialland use designation. Additionally, the Vesting Tentative Tract Map includes a six foot wide irrevocable offer of dedication for a future bike lane along Dublin Boulevard in order to comply with the General Plan Land Use and Circulation Element which depicts a bicycle lane in this area in the future. CONCLUSION: The proposed project will provide an attractive development to the area. The new buildings will revamp the existing, underutilized site and will modernize the architecture on the site. The proposed building adjacent to Dublin Boulevard is compatible with the high level of detail expected for one of the most prominent streets in the City with the towers, varying roof forms, stone materials and windows. The office condominium development will be a unique feature to the City because it will provide for sale small office units which will fit a need in the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1) approving the Site Development Review for the Venture Commerce Center; 6) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) approving the Vesting Tentative Tract Map 9096 for the Venture Commerce Center; and 7) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 3) approving a Negative Declaration for the Venture Commerce Center with the Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit A. Page 6 of7 GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: Todd Berryhill Venture Corporation, Inc. 600 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 PROPERTY OWNER: Same LOCATION: 6300 Clark Avenue ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 941-1401-003 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Business Park/Industrial SPECIFIC PLAN AREA: None EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: C-O (Commercial Office) SURROUNDING USES: Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of Property Site C-O - Commercial Business Park/Industrial Office Office North C-2 - General Retail/Office Office (Dublin San Commercial Ramon Services District and Real Estate) South N/A Business Park/Industrial Office Buildings East M-l - Light Industrial Business Park/Industrial Research and Development (National Food Laboratory) West C-2 - General Retail/Office Shopping Center Commercial Page 7 of7