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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 10 Stg 2 Rez Bklt - Permtd, Condtnl & Temp Land Uses
Grafton Station ~!_ Dublin Ra~~~,_.. .!_~IL:,Q~~
Permitted, Conditional, and Temporary Land Uses
Planned Development District and Development Plan
1 . PD General Commercial (Specifically applies to large scale Big Box Retail Uses)
Permitted Uses:
a. Regionally-oriented, high volume, retail uses including but not limited to:
Discount Center
Factory Store
Furniture Outlet
Home Improvement Center
Promotional Center
b. Community-serving retail uses including but not limited to:
Appliance Store (less than 5,000 square feet)
Auto Parts
Book Store
Clothing! Apparell Accessories
Drug Store
General Merchandise Store
Grocery/Food Store
Hardware Store (Less than 5,000 Square Feet)
Hobby Shop
Home Furnishings
Pet Supplies
Shoe Store
Sporting Goods
Stationary and Office Supplies
Toy Store
Other Retail Uses automatically permitted in the C-I District
c. Service uses including hut not limited to:
Permitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses. Page I of?
Grafton Station al Dublin Ranch . J~_IX 2~g~?..
Bank, Savings and Loan and Other Financial Institutions
Barber/Beauty ShoplNail Saloo
Copying and Printing
Dry Cleaner (No plant permitted on premises)
Formal Wear - Rental
Photographic Studio
Real Estaterritle Office
Shoe Repair
Travel Agency
Watch and Clock Repair
d. Eating, drinking and entertainment establishments including but not limited to:
Bagel Shop/Bakery
Bar/Cocktail Lounge
Coffee House
Ice CreamlY ogurt
Restaurant - Full Service, Sit-Down And Take-Out permitted
- Outdoor Dining permitted *
- Drive-Through not permitted
Theater - Indoor (including Dinner, Live Play, etc.)
Conditional Uses:
Animal Sales and Services (PC)
Attached Dwellings at densities established for the Medium, Medium High and High
Density land use designations (PC)**
Dance Floor (ZA)
Day Care Center (PC)
Drive- Through/Drive-In Facility (PC)
Hotel and Mote' (PC)
Public/Semi-Public Facilities (PC)
Retail - Outdoor Storage (PC)
Recreational Facility/Indoor (ZA)
Permitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses. Page 2 of?
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Othcr uses which could meet the intent of the General Commcrcialland use
designation as determined by the Community Development Director
Temporary Uses:
Arts and Crafts Fair
Christmas Tree Sales
Farmers' Market
Festival/Street Fair
Sidewalk Sales
Parking Lot Sales
Temporary Construction Trailer
Permitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses . Page 3 01'7
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2. PD General Commercial (Specifically applies to Conventional Retail and
Commercial Uses}
Permitted Uses:
a. Local-serving retail uses including but not limited to:
Art GallerylSupply Store
Auto Parts
Bicycle Shop
Book Store
Clothing! Apparell Accessories Store
Computers/Electronic Equipment
Drug Store
Floor Coverings
Florist/Plant Shop
Gift Shop
Hardware (Less Than 5,000 Square Feet)
Hobby Shop
Home Furnishings
Home Appliances (Less Than 5,000 Square Feet)
Jewelry Store
Liquor Store
Music Store
Newspapers and Magazines
Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Store (Less Than 5,000 Square Feet)
Party Supplies
Pet Store and Supplies
Photographic Supply Store
Picture Framing Shop
Shoe Store
Specialty Food/GrocerylSupermarket Store including Meat, Fish, Wine,
Candy, Health Food, etc.
Permitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses . Page 4 of 7
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Specialty Goods including Cooking Supplies. Housewares, Linen, Window
Coverings. China/Glassware, etc.
Sporting Goods
Stationary/Otlice Supplies
Toy Store
Variety Store
b. Business/professional offices and service establishments including but not limited to:
Administrative Office (for second story occupancy only)
Bank, Savings and Loan And Other Financial Institutions
BarberlBeauty Shop/Nail Salon
Copying and Printing
Dry Cleaner (No plant permitted on premises)
Employment Agency
Formal WearlRental
In-Patient and Out-Patient Health Facilities as licensed by State Development of
Health Services (for second story occupancy only)
Medical Clinic
Photographic Studio
Professional Offices including: Accounting, Architectural, Dental, Engineering, Legal,
Medical, Optometric, etc.
Real Estate/Title Office
Shoe Repair
Technology Access Center
Tele-Commuting Center
Travel Agency
Watch And Clock Repair
Permitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses . Page 5 01'7
<!.~~f_l:on Station ~ Dublin Ranch. July 2006
c. Eating, drinking and entertainment establishments including but not limited to:
Bagel Shop/Bakery
Bar/Cocktail Lounge
Coffee House
Delicatessen/Sandwich Shop
Ice CreamNogurt
Restaurant - Full Service, Sit-Down and Takeout permitted
- Outdoor Seating permitted*
- Serving alcohol permitted
- Drive-Through not permitted
Theater - Indoor (including dinner, movie, live play, etc.)
Video Store
Conditional Uses:
Administrative Office (CUP required for first floor occupancy) (PC)
Attached Dwellings at densities established for the Medium, Medium High and High
Density Land Use Designation (PC)**
Animal Sales and Services (PC)
Community Center (PC)
Dance Floor (ZA)
Day Care Center (PC)
Drive Through/Drive In Facility (PC)
HotellMotel (PC)
In-Patient and Out-Patient Health Facilities as licensed by State Development of
Health Services (CUP required for first floor occupancy) (ZA)
Lodge Hall
Recreational Facility - Commercial or Public (PC)
Public/Semi-Public Facilities (PC)
Recreational Facility - Indoor (ZA)
Video Arcade (ZA)
Pernlitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses . Page 6 of 7
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Other uses that could meet the intent of the Neighborhood Commercial
land use designation as determined by the Community Development Director
Temporary Uses:
Arts and Crafts Fair
Christmas Tree Sales
Farmers' Market
Festival/Street Fair
Parking Lot Sales
Sidewalk Sale
Temporary Construction Trailer
KeylDecision Maker Authority:
Zoning Administrator - ZA
Planning Commission - PC
* Outdoor dining requires Site Development Review approval by the City of Dublin
** Residential use per the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan may be allowed as a Conditional Use if the
following conditions are met:
If the established traffic levels of service are not exceeded. Appropriate traffic study(s) may
be required to make the proper determination regarding traffic levels of service.
That the project is consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan and does not result in
adverse environmental or service impacts.
Residential uses may not occupy more than 50% of the developed area.
Residential use is only permitted on the 10.5 acre portion of the Project Area which has a
designation of General Commercial/Campus Office.
Permitted, Conditional and Temporary Land Uses. Page 7 of7