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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 1 Reso adopt Ord Rezone, Amnd Stg1&Appv Stg 2 DP
RESo.LUTIo.N NO.. 06 -
RANCH (APN 985-0036-009)
P A 05-030
WHEREAS, the Applicant, James Tong (representing Chang Su-O Lin, H. Yao Lin and H. Lien
Lin), submitted applications for a 29.2 acre project area located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Area, including a portion of Area H in Dublin Ranch. The applications include: a) an amendment to the
existing Stage I Development Plan for Planning Area H; and b) Stage 2 Planned Development Plan for
the project area, 29.2 acres located between Dublin Boulevard and Northside Drive at the southwest
corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street. The project proposes a total of 318,000 square feet of
retail development, known as Grafton Station, and related site improvements, collectively the "Project";
WHEREAS, the Project area is south of Dublin Boulevard and north of Northside Drive at the
southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street and the property is currently vacant; and
WHEREAS, on March 21,2000, the City Council approved a Stage 1 Development Plan for Area
H (PA 98-070); and
WHEREAS, upon preparation of the application described above, the Applicant determined that
the Stage 1 Development Plan approved in 2000 was based on an inaccurate estimate of gross acres of the
Project area, requiring revision to reflect the total actual acreage of29.2 acres; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant requests that the list of permitted and conditionally permitted uses in
the Stage 1 Development Plan approved in 2000 be amended to include uses which are compatible with
typical shopping centers and consistent with uses permitted in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for shopping
centers; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application which is available and on file in
the Planning Division for a Stage 2 Development Plan for the Project; and
WHEREAS, the City has prepared an Addendum to a previously adopted Program Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) for the Eastern Dublin Extended Planning Area which includes an analysis of the
potential environmental effects of the proposed Project; and
WHEREAS, on July 25, 2006, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 06-_
recommending that the City Council adopt an Addendum to the program EIR previously certified for this
area, which is incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated July 25, 2006 and incorporated herein by reference, described
and analyzed the Project, including the proposed amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the Staff Report and the Addendum to the
previously certified EIR at a duly noticed public hearing held on July 25, 2006 at which time all interested
parties had the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said Project application on
July 25, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all said
reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth.
No.W, THEREFo.RE, BE IT RESo.LVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin
does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said Stage 1 Development Plan
Amendment and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning:
A. The proposed amendment will be harmonious and compatible with eXlstmg and potential
development in surrounding areas because: 1) the proposed development is consistent with the
approved development for this property as approved under the Stage I Planned Development
Zoning; and 2) the proposed development is consistent with the type of development, regional
serving retail, as envisioned in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
B. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being
proposed because I) the project site will have a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of .25 which is consistent
with the FAR established in the Stage I Development Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan;
2) the proposed project will include retail and office uses which is consistent with the land use
designations of General Commercial and General Commercial/Campus Office; and 3) as amended,
the Stage 1 Development Plan will permit a maximum of 318,000 square feet of retail floor area
which will maintain a FAR of .25 and will therefore be consistent with the Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezone.
C. The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or
working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare because: 1) the
project will comply with all City of Dublin regulations.
D. The proposed amendment and the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the
Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning
because: 1) the proposed amendments to the use list are compatible with the permitted, conditional
and temporary uses established under the Stage 1 Development Plan approved by the City
Council; 2) the proposed amendments to the list of permitted, conditional and temporary uses are
consistent with the land use designations of General Commercial and General Commercial/Office
and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Tassajara Gateway subarea which envisions a mix of
regional and community serving retail on the project site; 3) the proposed amendments to the site
area to increase the overall gross acreage to 29.2 acres is due to the realignment of Dublin
Boulevard and a more accurate measurement of the site since the adoption of the Stage I
Development Plan; 4) the proposed Stage 2 Rezone is compatible with the intent of the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan for the Tassajara Gateway subarea and the Stage 1 Development Plan as
amended; and 5) the Stage 2 Rezone includes design guidelines to create a shopping center with a
main street character which is compatible with development in the neighborhood and the future
development in Area G along Grafton Street.
E. The proposed Planned Development Zoning District meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32
Planned Development Zoning District of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance because: I) the proposed
project is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the Stage 1 Development Plan, as
amended; 2) the project site has been designed to reduce impacts on the residential development
across Dublin Boulevard and to be compatible with the community-serving retail development
along Grafton Street in Area G; 3) the project site includes attractive landscaping and site elements
including a location for public art, light fixtures, benches, plazas and pedestrian paths to create an
attractive landscape palette and material palette for the shopping center; and 4) the Stage 2
Development Plan includes design guidelines to create an attractive shopping center which is
compatible with the surrounding developments.
F. Development under the Planned District Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible
with existing and future development in the surrounding area because: 1) the layout of the
shopping center has been designed with respect to adjacent properties; 2) the shopping center has
been designed to locate unsightly uses away from the adjacent residential development on Dublin
Boulevard; 3) storage areas, mechanical equipment and loading areas are focused away from the
center of the shopping center and the main streets and have been screened from view to create an
attractive development; and 4) the design of the shopping center has been designed to be
compatible with the adjacent developments.
BE IT FURTHER RESo.LVED that the Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the
City Council approve the Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and the Stage 2 Planned Development
Zoning in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A for P A 05-030 Grafton Station shopping center.
PASSED, APPRo.VED, AND ADo.PTED this 25th day of July 2006 by the following vote:
Planning Commission Chair
Planning Manager
G:IPA#\2005\05-030 Lowe'sIPC PH\PC Reso PD and stage I.DOC
Stage 2 Development Plan
Stage 2 Planning Development Zoning District (P A 05-030)
Grafton Station Shopping Centerl
Dublin Ranch Planning Area H
(APN 985-0036-009)
This is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Planned Development
Zoning District, of the Dublin Zoning o.rdinance for Grafton Station located at the
southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street and bordered by Dublin
Boulevard and Northside Drive. This Development Plan meets all of the requirements for
Stage 2 Planned Development review of the project.
This Development Plan includes Site, Architectural, Circulation, and other plans and exhibits
prepared by MacKay and Somps, received by the Planning Division on July 17, 2006, and
Landscape Plans prepared by GLS Architecture/Landscape Architecture, received by the
Planning Division on July 17, 2006, referred to as Project Plans labeled as Attachment XX to
the XX City Council Agenda Statement, stamped approved and on file in the Planning
Department. The Planned Development District allows the flexibility needed to encourage
innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies and action programs of the
General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning and
provisions of Section 8.32, Planning Development Zoning District of the Zoning Ordinance are
The Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan meets the requirements of
Section 8.32.040.B of the Zoning Ordinance and consists ofthe following:
I. Zoning
2. Permitted Uses
3. Conditional Uses
4. Temporary Uses
5. Accessory Uses
6. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements
7. Density & Affordability
8. Development Regulations
9. Parking/Garage and Loading
10. Site Plan and Architecture
II. Preliminary Landscape Plan
12. Compliance with Stage 2 Planned Development Plans
Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan
1. Zoning
PD, Planned Development Zoning District. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Stage 1
Development Plan states that the land use for this property is General Commercial and
General Commercial/Campus Office which permits retail and office uses.
PO, Planned Development Zoning District
PA 05-030 Grafton Station
2. Permitted Uses
Permitted uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance XX, the amended Stage I Planned
Development Zoning Development Plan (P A 05-030) and as shown as follows:
PD-General Commercial
The following are permitted uses for the Planned Development General Commercial site:
a. Community-serving retail uses including but not limited to:
Auto parts
Drug store
General merchandise store
Grocery/food store
Hardware/home improvement store
Hobby shop
Home furnishings and appliances
Other retail uses automatically permitted in the C-2 District
Pets and pet supplies
Shoe store
Sporting goods
Stationary and office supplies
Toy store
b. Regionally-oriented, high volume, retail uses including but not limited to:
Discount centers
Factory stores
Furniture outlets
Home improvement centers
Promotional centers
c. Service uses including but not limited to:
Administrative Office
Bank, savings and loan and other financial institutions
Barber/beauty shop/nail salon
Copying and printing
Dry cleaner (no plant on premises)
Formal wear -rental
In-Patient and Out-Patient Health Facilities as licensed by State
Department of Health Services
Photographic studio
Real estate/title office
Shoe repair
PO, Planned Development Zoning District
PA 05-030 Grafton Station
Travel agency
Watch and clock repair
d. Eating, drinking and entertainment establishments including but not limited to:
Bagel shop
Bar/cocktail lounge
Coffee house
Ice cream/yogurt
Restaurant - no drive-through
Theater - indoor (Dinner, Movie, Live Play, etc.)
PD-Campus o.ffice
The following are permitted for Planned Development Campus Office site:
Administrative headquarters
Ancillary uses that provide support services to businesses and employees
including but not limited to: restaurants, convenience shopping, copying services,
blueprinting, printing and branch banks.
Business and commercial services
Business, professional and administrative offices
Research and development
3. Conditional Uses
Conditional uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance XX, the amended Stage 1 Planned
Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 05-030) and as shown as follows:
PD-General Commercial
Animal hospital (no kennel) (PC)
Day Care Center (PC)
Drive-through/drive-in facility (PC)
Hotel and motel(PC)
Nightclub (ZA)
Other uses which could meet the intent of the General Commercial land use
designation per the determination ofthe Community Development Director
Recreational facility/indoor (ZA)
Service station (PC)
PD-Campus Office
Day Care Center (PC)
PO, Planned Development Zoning District
PA 05-030 Grafton Station
Health services/clinics (ZA)
Hotel/motel (PC)
Hospital/medical center (PC)
Limited light manufacturing, assembly, warehousing and distribution activities
(uses that do not produce noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noise)
Other uses that could meet the intent of the Campus Office land use designation
as determined by the Community Development Director (PC)
Recreational facility/indoor (ZA)
Service Station (PC)
* Key/Decision Maker Authority: ZA Zoning Administrator, PC Planning Commission
4. Temporary Uses
Temporary uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance XX, the amended Stage 1 Planned
Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 05-030) and as shown as follows:
PD-General Commercial
Arts and crafts fair
Christmas tree sales
Farmers' market
Festival/street fair
Parking Lot Sales
Sidewalk sales
Temporary construction trailer
Tract and sales office/model home complex
PD-Campus o.ffice
Arts and crafts fair
Festival/street fair
Temporary construction trailer
Tract and sales office/model home complex
5. Housing
PD-General Commercial
Mixed-use developments including residential uses may be permitted at a Stage 2
Planned Development/Development Plan application if location and design ensure
compatibility and if the incorporation of residential uses meets the intent of the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan.
PO, Planned Development Zoning District
P A 05-030 Grafton Station
PD- Campus o.ffice
Mixed use developments including residential uses may be permitted at a Stage 2
Planned Development if the following conditions are met:
a. Ifthe development meets a specific housing need in the community.
b. Ifthe established traffic levels of service are not exceeded. Appropriate
traffic study(s) may be required to make the proper determination regarding
traffic levels of service.
c. If the development creates a pedestrian orientated attractive environment.
d. That the project is consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan and
does not result in adverse environmental or service impacts.
e. Residential uses may not occupy more than 50% of the developed area
6. Dublin Zoning o.rdinance - Applicable Requirements
Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD, Planned Development Zoning
District Development Plan, all applicable general requirements and procedures of the Dublin
Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this PD, Planned
Development Zoning District Development Plan.
7. Density
Site Area:
"=29.2 acres (gross)
318,000 square feet
Development Potential:
8. Development Regulations
Unless otherwise stated below, all development regulations in this Stage 2 Planned
Development Zoning District are subject to the requirements of the C-O and C-2 Zoning
Districts and comparable Commercial Zoning Districts.
Development Standard Commercial
Lot Area: :i:29.2 acres (gross)
Lot Dimensions:
Lot Width: feet along Dublin Boulevard
Lot Depth: feet
Setbacks: 10 feet (varies) along Dublin Boulevard
10 feet along Brannigan
10 feet along Grafton Street
10 feet along Northside Drive
Required Parkinl!:*
Retail One stall per 300 square feet of floor area
Office One stall per 250 square feet of floor area
Outdoor Storage One stall per 1,000 square feet of floor area
PD, Planned Development Zoning District
PA 05.030 Grafton Station
Eating and Drinking One stall per 100 square feet of floor area
Buildinl!: Heil!:ht 15 feet (minimum) 60 feet (maximum)
Floor Area Ratio: .25
*Refer to the section below for discussion on parking requirements.
9. Parking/Garage and Loading
A total of 1,206 - 1,226 parking spaces will be required to support the shopping center.
Future Site Development Reviews will ensure that parking will be provided to support the
entire shopping center.
Based on the parking provided, retail uses will be limited based on the availability of
parking, Retail parking requirements are located in Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and
Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Parking requirements for Metropolitan
at Dublin Station are as follows:
Eatin and Drinkin Establishment
Furniture/Large A liance Store
General Retail
R air Sho
Banks and Financial Institutions
Outdoor Seating
Day Care Center (15+)
Medical Office (Health Services/Clinics)
Parking/Garage and Loading shall be provided in accordance with the Chapter 8.76, Off-
Street Parking Regulations, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, except as stated herein and as
shown otherwise on the plans and exhibits prepared by MacKay and Somps, received by the
Planning Division on July 17, 2006, and Landscape Plans prepared by GLS
Architecture/Landscape Architecture, received by the Planning Division on July 17, 2006,
referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit _ to the XX City Council Staff Report,
stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department.
10. Site Plan and Architecture
This Development Plan applies to approximately oi29.2 gross acres on the southwest corner
of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street. The property is located between Dublin Boulevard
to the north and Northside Drive to the South. The shopping center will be constructed in
phases with the Lowe's building and related site improvements constructed during the first
phase. Once complete, the shopping center will have 318,000 square feet of retail floor area.
Once complete, the shopping center will have eight retail buildings dispersed throughout the
PO, Planned Development Zoning District
P A 05-030 Grafton Station
The Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone includes design guidelines for the shopping
center. The goal of the design guidelines is to create a shopping center which maintains the
feel of a "Main Street" environment. The guidelines include architectural elements which are
compatible with typical main streets which have a variety of architectural styles.
See attached plans and design guidelines prepared by MacKay and Somps. labeled Exhibit A
received by the Planning Division on July 17, 2006, and Landscape Plans prepared by GLS
Architecture/Landscape Architecture, received by the Planning Division on July 17, 2006,
referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the XX City Council Staff Report, stamped
approved and on file in the Planning Department. Any modifications to the project shall be
substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design
11. Preliminary Landscape Plan
The landscape plan reinforces the urban design intent of the vicinity by creating a pedestrian
oriented perimeter with sidewalks, street tree planting, and pedestrian paths. The terminus of
Grafton Street has been designed to provide a public gathering area with attractive
landscaping, a water feature and enhanced paving. An opportunity for public art has also
been provided in the traffic circle on Grafton Street.
In order to break up the expanse of the parking lot and to provide shade year round in the
parking lot, the parking lot has been designed with a large mix of evergreen trees to provide a
canopy year round. Deciduous trees have also been included in the parking lot as accent
A double row of trees will be planted along Dublin Boulevard. Street trees will also be
planted on Grafton Street and the Brannigan Street extension.
A bioswale will be constructed adjacent to Northside Drive. The project plans also include
lighting, pots, benches and trash receptacles
See plans (Sheet L-I, Sections I through 13 and Materials List) prepared by GLS
Architecture/Landscape Architecture, received by the Planning Division on July 17, 2006,
referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the XXXX City Council Staff Report,
stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department.
12. Compliance with Stage 2 Planned Development Plans
The project shall substantially comply with the project plans and exhibits prepared by
MacKay and Somps, received by the Planning Division on July 17, 2006, and Landscape
Plans prepared by GLS Architecture/Landscape Architecture, received by the Planning
Division on July 17, 2006, referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the XX City
Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department. Such
project plans are incorporated by reference. Any modifications to the project shall be
substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design