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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 3 Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone
Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch - Area H . May 2006
Project Description
The Grafton Station commercial development project is a
Stage II Development Plan as defined by Section
8.32.030IA) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
The Project Area is located within the City of Dublin and is
bordered by vacant land (zoned General Commercial) to
the west; Dublin Blvd. and medium high density
neighborhoods of Area G to the north; Interstate 580 to
the south and vacant land (zoned Campus Office) and a
future stormwater treatment basin to the east. The Project
Area consists of approximately 29.2 acres, encompassing
portions of Area H of Dublin Ranch.
The Stage II PD submittal is based on the Stage 1 PD for
Area H IPA 98-0701, approved by the Dublin City Council
on March 21, 2000. This submittal includes a Stage II PD
development plan; data on site area; listing of permitted
and conditional uses; design standards covering site
development, architecture, landscape development and
signage; proposed densities and maximum number of square feet for proposed uses; vehicular and
pedestrian circulation plan; phasing plan; prototypical street sections; and textual information
sufficient to establish consistency with the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
(GP/EDSP) as amended.
Dublin Ranch is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area and comprises a total of
1,311 acres, all of which have been annexed to the City of Dublin. This annexation, which
included the Grafton Station Project Area, also pre-zoned the affected lands to conform with the
Specific Plan land use designations established under PA 94-030. Area H of Dublin Ranch was
later rezoned under PA 98-070. The most recent land use designations for the Project Area were
approved on March 21, 2000 (Ordinance 6-00) as part of the Stage I PD approval for Area H.
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Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch. Area H . May 2006
Existing Site Conditions and Land Use
The Project Area has very little variation in topography and gently slopes upward from the south
(adjacent to 1-580) to Dublin Blvd. The lawest elevation within the Project Area is at approximately
345 feet above sea level, while the highest elevation is at approximately 352 feet. Drainage
currently flows generally in a north to south direction towards the freeway and the G-3 Channel.
The Project Area is without any existing tree cover and non-native grasses cover the majority of the
The Project Area has predominantly been used historically for dry land farming and cattle grazing,
however, these uses are not curren~y occurring on the property. Current land uses surrounding the
project are Dublin Blvd. and the High Density Residential neighborhoods of Area G to the north;
vacant land (zoned General Commercial) to the west; vacant land (zoned Campus Office) and a
future stormwater quality treatment basin to the east; and Northside Drive and Interstate 580 to the
Various biological studies have been undertaken within the Project Area and surrounding areas by
H. T. Harvey & Associates. The presence of the California red-legged frog and the California tiger
salamander was addressed in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Dublin
Ranch Planning Area H (PA 98-070) previously prepared by the City of Dublin. Mitigation
measures were designated and approved as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Two
delineations conducted by Ted Winfield & Associates identified the areas that are subject to the U.
S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) jurisdiction within the Project Area. These submittals were
formally verified by the USACE on August 18, 1999 and December 2, 1999. Mitigation measures
have been incorporated in the wetland fill permit issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) on May 23, 2003. A copy of the permit may be found in Appendix B. A summary of
the Biological Surveys conducted to date has been included in Appendix E. Please refer to other
appendices in this submittal package as well as documents on file with the City of Dublin for
additional site conditions information.
With respect to existing Rood hazards, no portion of the Project Area is within a 100-year flood
hazard area. A Letter of Map Revision was issued by FEMA on August 27, 2004 confirming that
the Project Area is removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area. A copy of the FEMA
documentation is included in Appendix F.
Geotechnical investigations of the Project Area and surrounding areas have been conducted by
Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants to determine the soil condition and slope stability. The studies
indicated no areas of geotechnical concern within the Project Area. These studies have been
included in Appendix C.
Projed Theme
The overall theme of the project is to create design consistency between the various types of
commercial uses by use of common elements. The intent is also to create a variety of viable
commercial opportunities and locations as well as clear visual and pedestrian links throughout the
project so that there is a strong physical interconnection between the various uses and pad
locations. Grafton Station is envisioned as an extension of the Village Center commercial
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Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch. Area H . May 2006
development along Grafton Street south of Dublin Boulevard. Where appropriate, the continuation
of architectural and landscape themes, materials, forms and elements established for the Village
Center project will be implemented, although the intent is create a unique but complementary retail
experience for Grafton Station. Grafton Station will provide an alternative to the typical modern
strip shopping center or power center by providing a human-scaled, vibront and physically
appealing place for shopping, business services, dining and community activities. Further
discussion and details concerning the Grafton Station design theme are found in the Site Planning
and Site Design Standards section of this document.
Proposed Land Use and Development Concept
The Development Plan for this project proposes 318,000 square feet of General Commercial-
designated development on approximately 29.2 acres. Commercial noor area ratios proposed
for the project fall within the ranges permitted by the EDSP /GP.
The proposed project is consistent with the type, location and size of the land use designations
assigned to the properties by the current version of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The table
below indicates the proposed land uses, and densities for the project as compared to the approved
land uses presented in the General Plan/Specific Plan.
Proposed Stage II PD East Dublin General P1anl
Land Use Plan Specific Plan Land Use Plan
land Use Designation Gross Net FAR Square Gross FAR Square
Acres Acres Feet Acres Feet
General Commercial 29.2* 26.8 .25 318,000 26.9* .25 292,941
The discrepancy in land use acreages is due ta the re-alignment of Dublin Blvd and Grafton Street (south
of Dublin Blvd.l, more accurate measurement of the parcels and the inclusion of half of the street right-of-
way of Northside Drive in the gross acreage.
As noted in the table above, the Stage II Development Plan for Grafton Station proposes a
maximum of 318,000 square feet of commercial development. Modifications to the amount of
square footage allocated to proposed uses on specific pad sites may be made at the Site
Development Review stage so long as the total amount of square feet for the Project Area daes not
exceed 318,000 square feet.
A Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse store (139,41OI square feet) is currently slated to be
located near the southwest corner of the Project Area (identified as Anchor 'A'). At the northwest
corner 01 the site, between Lowe's and Dublin Boulevard, another large pad (identified as Pad Al
for large format and/or "Big Box" retail use(s) is planned. The building(s) to be sited on these two
pads will be oriented to the east, where the primary parking for all the retail uses will be located.
The proposed site layout permits freeway exposure for the large retail uses while preserving views
to the hills north and east of Dublin Ranch from 1.580.
A smaller retail pad (Pad B) will line Dublin Blvd. at the north end of the Project Area along Dublin
Blvd. Other smaller retail pads (Pads C-l, C-2, and D) site along Grafton Street have also been
designed to generally shield the street from views of the parking lots. These buildings have been
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Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch 0 Area H . Moy 2006
designed to front the adjacent street as well as the parking lot and to extend along almost the entire
length of Grafton Street south of Dublin Blvd. Additionally, the building architecture will address
both Grafton Street and the parking lot; those traveling along Grafton Street will not see the blank
walls of the rears of buildings. Two additional small commercial pads (Pads Eol and E-2) will be
located south of the intersection of Grafton Street and the future street connections to the east. The
pads at this intersection will address this corner condition (including the traffic circle) and the
adjacent parking lot. The southernmost of the two pads will face the parking lot as well as provide
a visual terminus to Grafton Street at the traffic circle. More specific depiction of the proposed pad
locations and configuration is shown on the Conceptual Site Development Exhibit in Planning and
Site Design Standards of this PD Package.
A linear bioswale will be constructed south of the parking lot adjacent to Northside Drive as part of
the project. This facility will provide treatment for a portion of the storm water runoff from the
parking lot and roof areas within the Project Area in accordance with the conditions of the Water
Quality Certification Order issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board in 2003. After
passing through the bioswale, runoff will be collected and piped to the regional water quality basin
that will be constructed by others on the parcel immediately east of the Project Area. Flows from
the water quality basin will then be discharged into the G-3 Channel south of 1-580.
Project Access and Circulation
Primary access to the Project Area from other areas of Dublin, Pleasanton or Interstate 580 will be
via Dublin Boulevard and an extension of Grafton Street (a private street extending south of Dublin
Blvd.). Visitors to the project's commercial uses approaching from the west will enter the site
through a parking lot driveway off Dublin Blvd. or turn south onto Grafton Street at the intersection
of Grafton Street and Dublin Blvd. to access the site. Visitors from the east will turn into the site
from Dublin Blvd. onto Grafton Street. A bus stop is proposed to be located nearby on the south
side of Dublin Blvd, just east of Grafton Street.
Truck access to the loading docks for the larger commercial buildings, including Lowe's Home
Improvement Warehouse, will be via a separate private driveway that extends south from the
intersection of Dublin Blvd. and Brannigan Street and provides direct access to the rear of the
buildings in this area. Trucks making deliveries to either the General Commercial (Big Box) uses or
the smaller Conventional Retail uses will not be allowed to use Grafton Street. Secondary access to
the Project Site from the south will be provided from a location at the current terminus of Northside
Drive. A driveway connection and bridge crossing the bioswale area located north of Northside
Drive are proposed to be constructed in conjunction with the Lowe's project.
Pedestrians will be able to utilize the linear landscaped walkways extending through the parking
lot connecting Lowe's and the retail uses on Pad A to the retail pads along Grafton Street. Street
circulation systems have been designed with safety, convenience and visual quality in mind, and,
at the same time, address pedestrians' and bicyclists' needs. Pedestrian connections between
various retail locations within Grafton Station and to adjacent areas within Dublin Ranch as well as
emergency vehicle access have been incorporated into the overall land plan.
Proposed street sections are comparable to those already approved or built in other areas of the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, with additional sections being incorporated to address site-
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specific design needs. Street sections and lane configurations at Project Area intersections are
based on the findings and recommendations of the traffic analysis. All streets and driveways south
of Dublin Blvd. within the Project Area (including the extension of Grafton Street) will be privately
owned and maintained by a property-owners association and will be based on a slightly modified
section from the City of Dublin's design standards.
Utility Services
The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) will provide water, wastewater and recycled water
service to the Project Area. These services are planned in accordance with the DSRSD Eastern
Dublin Facilities Master Plan (or subsequent revisions) that includes the proposed Project Area. It is
anticipated that existing water storage reservoirs and pumping stations will provide water service
for the Project Area through buildout. The Project Area will be served by Pressure Zone 1 potable
water. There is an existing Zone 1 main located within Dublin Boulevard, which includes two stubs
to serve the Project Area. One stub is located at the intersection of Brannigan Street and Dublin
Boulevard and the second one is at the future intersection of Grafton Street and Dublin Boulevard.
Water mains will be extended from both the locations to the Project Area. Final locations and
sizing of these facilities will be in accordance with the design standards and recommendations of
Sewer service for the Project Area will require connection to DSRSD's existing sewer system and
sewer treatment will occur at DSRSD's treatment plant. A gravity sewer main exists within Dublin
Boulevard and includes an existing stub to the Project Area which will be utilized. Final sizing and
location of onsite sewer facilities will be determined in conjunction with DSRSD.
There is an existing recycled water main along Dublin Boulevard, which includes an existing stub to
serve the Project Area at the future intersection of Grafton Street and Dublin Boulevard. This stub
will be extended south along Grafton Street and will be utilized to serve Grafton Street retail uses
as well as Anchor 'A' and Pad 'A'.
The Project Area is within the Zone 7 Drainage Study Area, therefore, its expected Rows are
anticipated and planned for by Zone 7 and the project's facilities will be sized appropriately. The
storm drain system for Grafton Station will be designed to collect and handle the entire Project
Area including all of the parking areas and roof drains. The actual size and final locations of the
proposed storm drain facilities will be determined in conjunction with preparation of improvement
Specific stormwater quality treatment requirements applicable to this project have been fully
resolved per a Transmittal of Order (R2-2003-0032) from the San Francisco Bay Region Regional
Water Quality Control Board (April 22, 2003). The runoff to be treated will drain into a linear
bioswale located south of the main parking lot. After passing through the bioswale, runoff will be
discharged into the regional water quality basin to the east of the Project Area and eventually
discharged to the G-3 Channel south of 1-580. Additional details regarding treatment requirements
are included in Appendix B.
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Proposed Phasing Approach
Phase 1 will include construction of a Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse store and an
associated parking lot on the southern portion of the site. The Grafton Street extension (private
street). private roadways connecting the parking area to Grafton Street and a private driveway
along the western edge of the site that will extend southward from the Dublin Blvd.-Brannigan Street
intersection will be constructed as part of Phase 1 to service the Lowe's facility. Grafton Street
improvements, including curb and gutter as well as the median and traffic circle, will be completed
in Phase 1. This approach is based upon the existence of, or ability to connect to, needed water,
sanitary, and storm facilities and other infrastructure and roadway connections. Phasing and
development timing of the remainder of the project will depend largely upon market demand.
Tentatively, Phase 2 will include a large retail pad(s) within the northwestern portion of the site, as
well as a parking lot to the east of the building(s). The smaller Conventional Retail pads along
Dublin Blvd. and Grafton Street will comprise the third and final phase. It is anticipated that most,
if not all, bulk site grading within the Project Area would be done with the initial development
Sonitary, water, and recycled water services will be provided by the Dublin San Ramon Services
District (DSRSD) in accordance with their Facilities Master Plans. Final locations and sizing of these
facilities will be determined in conjunction with the recommendations of the DSRSD Facilities Master
Ownenhip and Maintenance of Open Space and Pedestrian Areas
A property owner's association (POA) will be created to maintain the common area improvements
including Grafton Street and various private driveways, sidewalks, plazas, paseos and open space
areas. Additional details regarding ownership and maintenance of Project Area elements are
described in the Landscape Design Guidelines. Responsibilities for maintenance of landscape and
open space elements, street and pedestrian areas will be in accordance with the following table:
Feature Owner Maintenance ResDOnsibilitv
Right-of-way Landscaping City POA
!curb to ROW Iinel-Dublin Blvd.
Median and associated Landscaping City City
in Dublin Blvd.
Sidewalks alona Dublin Blvd. City POA
Sidewalks alona Grafton Street POA POA
Traffic Circles, Medians and POA POA
Associated Pavement/Landscape
Areas in Private Streets ROW within
Proiect Area
Landscaoina alona Grafton St. POA POA
Landscaping/Walkways within POA POA
Common Area Parcels, outside of
Street ROW
Landscaping on Individual Parcels Individual Property Individual Property Owner
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Hazardous Waste Analysis
A Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment of the Project Area and surrounding areas has
been conducted by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants (dated 9/25/97) to determine the presence
of any hazardous waste and substance sites. The findings of these studies indicated that no
problems were found. In addition, an environmental records search was conducted by Berlogar to
determine if the site was included on a list of hazardous waste and substances areas. The results of
this search indicated that neither the Project Area nor any areas within a two-mile radius of the site
are listed as a hazardous site, hazardous material generator or transporter, or known to have
underground storage tank leaks. A copy of the Environmental Site Assessment report is included in
Appendix D.
Benefits and Costs of the Projed upon the City
This project will allow the construction of 318,000 square feet of commercial uses. Some of these
new retail uses will serve residents of Dublin Ranch, including nearby Areas F and G, while other
uses will draw consumers from other locations within the City of Dublin as well as nearby
communities. This will substantially increase sales and property tax revenue for the City of Dublin.
The developer would pay for all infrastructure and capital facility costs required for development of
the proposed project as development proceeds. As is typical of development requirements in
Dublin, property owners/project proponents would dedicate land required for roads; construct
roads; and contribute funds as required through the City's Traffic Impact Fee program, as required.
Along with this, normal expenditures for City services (fire, police, recreation, general
administration, etc.) would be compensated by the development through required fees and
property tax revenues. It is anticipated that property tax revenues, along with increased local sales
tax attributable to the Project, will cover or exceed the public service costs.
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Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch - Area H . March 2006
Findings Statement
Will the proposal be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the
surrounding area?
Development of the Project Area will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future
development in the surrounding area. The policies and goals of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
and General Plan will ensure that this project will be compatible both in terms of land use and
physical design with adjacent development. Proposed land uses will follow the intent of and be
consistent with those uses provided for in the permitted and conditional uses included in this
Stage II PD Rezone submittal, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and Eastern Dublin Specific
Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed?
The Project Area is physically suitable for the type of commercial development proposed. The
site is generally level and without tree cover and is thus well suited to large commercial uses.
This project's proposed land use plan is consistent with that indicated in the General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The project will mitigate impacts on the environment, including
wildlife and its habitat. All applicable local, state and federal regulations concerning the
protection of these elements will be adhered to.
Will the proposal adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity,
or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare?
The project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare for numerous reasons. No uses
that produce noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noise are permitted.
The Army Corps of Engineers wetland fill permit (issued May 23, 2003) and the Water Quality
Certification from the California Water Quality Control Board (issued April 22, 2003) for the
balance of the Dublin Ranch holdings and their associated mitigation requirements cover the
Project Site. The permits specifically address mitigation for all existing on-site environmental
features and allow the proposed development to proceed. No major faults are located under the
Project Site. Based on the letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (dated August
27, 2004), the Project Site is no longer within the 100-year floodplain, as the site has been
raised to at least one foot above the 1 % Annual Chance Flood Elevation.
Stage II Development Plan/Planned Development Rezone. Findings Statement. Page 1
Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch - Area H . March 2006
Findings Statement
Will the proposal be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the
surrounding area?
Development of the Project Areo will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future
development in the surrounding area. The policies and goals of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
and General Plan will ensure that this project will be compatible both in terms of land use and
physical design with adjacent development. Proposed land uses will follow the intent of and be
consistent with those uses provided for in the permitted and conditional uses included in this
Stage II PD ~zone submittal, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and Eastern Dublin Specific
Is the site physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed?
The Project Area is physically suitable for the type of commercial development proposed. The
site is generally level and without tree cover and is thus well suited to large commercial uses.
This project's proposed land use plan is consistent with that indicated in the General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The project will mitigate impacts on the environment, including
wildlife and its habitat. All applicable local, state and federal regulations concerning the
protection of these elements will be adhered to.
Will the proposal adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity,
or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare?
The project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare for numerous reasons. No uses
that produce noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noise are permitted.
The Army Corps of Engineers wetland fill permit (issued May 23, 2003) and the Water Quality
Certification from the California Water Quality Control Board (issued April 22, 2003) for the
balance of the Dublin Ranch holdings and their associated mitigation requirements cover the
Project Site. The permits specifically address mitigation for all existing on-site environmental
features and allow the proposed development to proceed. No major faults are located under the
Project Site. Based on the letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (dated August
27, 2004). the Project Site is no longer within the 100-year floodplain, as the site has been
raised to at least one foot above the 1 % Annual Chance Flood Elevation.
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Grafton Station at Dublin Ranch. Area H . March 2006
All traffic impacts of the Project that might affect the public, health, safety or welfare will be
analyzed and mitigated.
/s the proposal consistent with all elements of the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans of
the City of Dublin?
As noted previously, the Project is consistent with the elements, goals and policies of the Dublin
General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
How does this proiect satisfy the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development"?
This project satisfies the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development" by establishing a zoning
district wherein:
. Unifying landscape and architectural treatments and elements link the Project Area and the
Village Center (Area G).
. The high density residential units of Area G are buffered from views of the parking lots by
the attractively designed buildings and landscape screening that address Dublin Boulevard.
. The large General Commercial buildings and the smaller Conventional Retail and
Commercial pads are linked by internal pedestrian connections, while still permitting views
across the site of the nearby hills.
. Truck traffic patterns are designed to avoid any future residential area(s) and the
conventional retail/commercial streetscape along the Grafton Street extension while still
serving the needs of the retail tenants.
Stage \I Development Plan/Planned Development Rezone · Findings Statement. Page 2