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PUBLIC HEARING: PA 06-002 Elephant Bar - Site Development
Review and Conditional Use Permit for the Elephant Bar Restaurant located
at 7202 Amador Plaza Road. ,""V
Report Prepared by: Erica Fraser, Senior Plann~L!1
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution approving a Site Development Review and Conditional
Use Permit for Elephant Bar Restaurant
2. Project Plans
3. Photos of Existing Building
4. Photos of Elephant Bar Restaurants
5. Vicinity Map
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive Staff presentation
2. Open the public hearing
3. Take testimony from the Applicant and the public
4. Close public hearing and deliberate
5. Adopt Resolution (Attachment I) approving a Site Development
Review for Elephant Bar Restaurant.
The project site is located on a parcel which also includes the Anderson's TV and Stereo store (which was
recently renovated in 2003). The restaurant building is part of a larger shopping center, known as the
Dublin Place or Dublin Town Center, which includes Target, Home Expo, Toys R Us and other retail
The Applicant, Elephant Bar Restaurant, is requesting a Site Development Review approval to modify the
front fa.;:ade of the existing building and to construct an outdoor dining patio, and a Conditional Use
Permit to allow outdoor dining. Elephant Bar is a small chain of restaurants with several restaurants
located throughout California; however, this will be the first Elephant Bar Restaurant in the Tri-Valley
The project site has a PD (planned Development) zoning designation. Restaurant uses are allowed by
right within the Planned Development (P A# 02-005) and outdoor dining uses are permitted with a
Conditional Use Permit. A Site Development Review is required for exterior modifications to an existing
COPIES TO: Applicant
Property Owner
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ITEM NO.: ~.. I
G:\PA#\2006\06-002 Elephant BarlAgenda Staternent.doc
structure, including fa.;:ade renovations. The subject property is located in the Downtown Core Specific
Plan area and all improvements must conform to the provisions of the Specific Plan.
The existing restaurant building was constructed in 1979 and was approved by the County of Alameda.
Following completion of the building in December of 1979, the EI Torito Restaurant moved into the
building and began operations.
The EI Torito Restaurant operated for approximately 25 years and closed their operation in December of
2005. The existing building has been vacant since EI Torito moved out of the building.
Few improvements have been made to the exterior of the building (with the exception of signage and
painting) since the building was constructed. A small addition was constructed at some point in the past to
enclose an outdoor patio located on Amador Plaza Restaurant.
A Specific Plan was adopted in 1987 which focused on the Downtown area. The Specific Plan was
amended and a new version was adopted by the City Council in December of 2000. A few minor
amendments have been made to the Specific Plan since its adoption. The Specific Plan contains land use
categories and information, design guidelines and landscape guidelines for the properties located in the
Specific Plan area. New buildings and remodeled buildings in this area must conform to the provisions of
the adopted Specific Plan.
Site Development Review:
The existing building design follows a Spanish design theme with red tile roof, white body color and
colorful accents. The existing building features a combination of flat, gable and shed roofs. The exterior
materials on the existing building are stucco with some wood trim around the windows. The building is
painted white with orange accent painting and orange trim. Photos of the existing building are attached to
the Staff Report as Attachment 3.
Front (East) Elevation
This elevation faces Amador Plaza Road and is one of the most important elevations when reviewing
compatibility of the building with the shopping center and with the Downtown Core Specific Plan design
The existing building on this elevation has a relatively blank frontage with little articulation to the form of
the building as viewed from the street. On the left side of the existing elevation, the small patio addition is
visible with small windows (no trim) with a high sill height and flat roof. A separate small window with
yellow wood trim is also located on this elevation.
The Applicant proposes to significantly modify the building on this elevation. On the left side of the
proposed elevation, a new 500 square foot outdoor eating patio is proposed. The patio will feature stone
support posts, and a painted stucco wall with a decorative "zebra stripe" metal cap. The new outdoor patio
provides an interesting pedestrian element on the street which is currently unavailable in the Downtown
area. The Downtown Core Specific Plan encourages outdoor eating spaces and this will be the first
outdoor eating area in the Downtown. The design of the patio will allow motorists and pedestrians to view
patrons on the patio. The design of the proposed patio wall includes stucco, stone and metal and is
consistent with the design of the building and buildings in the vicinity. The zebra stripe accent piece on
top of the patio wall is subtle and will provide a unique element on the building and will promote visual
interest ofthe building (please refer to Attachment 4 for an example).
One new feature on the building will be a backlit wall located behind the outdoor dining patio. The wall
will have stone to match the stone base on the building and a backlit panel. The backlit panel is a unique
feature on this building and is not located on any of the buildings in the Downtown area.
The roof line and cornices of the existing building have also been modified on this elevation. A new metal
seam standing roof and a flat roof have been added. The height of each of these roof elements varies to
promote visual interest and break up the massing of the building on this elevation. The varying height also
creates a more pedestrian friendly environment by creating the changes in form and height. The new
cornice detail on the flat roof is consistent, with respect to design, with the cornices located on the
remodeled Target, Bassett and Anderson's buildings and the Home Expo building which are located in
this shopping center.
Other improvements include stone accents at the base of the building, new windows and one painted
metal awning.
Rear (West) Elevation - Sheet ID5.]
This elevation is only visible from the interior of the shopping center (from the parking lot) The existing
elevation features a flat roof with enclosed trash enclosure with sliding doors. The existing elevation will
be modified to include a new cornice on the building and the enclosure. New painted metal doors will be
located on the enclosure.
The design of the cornice and new doors compliment the design of the proposed remodel. As shown, the
new elevation will provide a more interesting appearance to the building when compared to the existing
elevation (Attachment 3).
Right Side (North) Elevation - Sheet ID5.0
This portion of the building is also visible from Amador Plaza Road and has been significantly modified.
The existing elevation features a combination of shed and flat roofs and has a small entrance and small
windows located above the entry and other windows throughout on this elevation. The existing elevation
features a large blank wall with one small window and little articulation.
The existing elevation will be modified to include new roof forms and varying heights. As noted in the
section above, the new cornice will be similar in design to the remodeled and new buildings in the
shopping center.
In order to break up the massing of the existing building, the Applicant has included a significant number
of new windows, accent pieces, varying roof heights and colors.
The existing entrance to the restaurant will be significantly modified. The new entrance will project
slightly away from the main wall of the building with a recessed door and surrounding windows. A small
wood trellis will be located over the door (see east elevation for projection of the trellis away from the
main wall) and will be stained a mahogany color.
Window styles on this elevation will vary to promote an eclectic mix of styles. Two window styles are
included with two windows with decorative muntins (grids) and trim around the window. Two other
windows will features large pains of glass with painted frames in between the panels. The varying
window designs are compatible with each other and work on this building due to the undulations in
massing, varying colors and unique design. The varying windows also create a more visually stimulating
appearance for the building.
Other improvements on this elevation include stone accents, metal eyebrow (or trim) on one window,
metal zebra grill on one window and raised metal diamonds.
Left Side (South) Elevation
This elevation is located adjacent to the entrance aisle to the shopping center off of Amador Plaza Road.
The existing elevation has a mansard and flat roof, a large blank wall and one window with a teal fabric
awning over it.
The proposed fa.;:ade improvements include a new. flat roof and shed roof with standing seam metal
roofing materials. Two new windows will be located on this elevation with stained wood shutters and
metal awnings over them. The faux stone wall is visible on this elevation and adds a second material to
the elevation which breaks up the amount of stucco that is used. The side of the outdoor patio is also
visible on this elevation (see Staffs discussion of the location and the design ofthe patio under the Front
Elevation section for more information).
Building Colors
The new building will be painted a mixture of earth tones. The building will have two main body colors: a
dark tan color (Benjamin Moore Woodstock Tan) and a light tan color (Benjamin Moore Dark Mustard).
The colors will alternate on the different wall sections and the light tan color will also be used on the
accent base located on a portion ofthe bottom of the building.
The cornice and trim at the top of the building will also be painted two colors. The trim pieces will be
painted an olive green (Benjamin Moore Green Grove) and the cornice will be painted a maroon color
(Benjamin Moore Hopley Red). The trim will be surrounded by a black color (Benjamin Moore Black
Top) and will also have a square copper accent piece on each end of the trim piece. Overall, the colors
provide a warm and attractive appearance for the building. The colors are compatible with each other and
the design of the building. The colors are also consistent with the colors in the Downtown which include a
mixture of off-white, browns, reds and other warm colors.
Staff does have concerns regarding the proposed zebra stripe colors (please refer to the Attachment 4
which includes photos of this treatment). Staff is concerned that the proposed color treatment is not
compatible with a Downtown area and is not compatible with color treatments in the area. While the
Specific Plan does not prohibit this kind of color treatment, the intent of the design guidelines is to create
a common design theme in the Downtown area. Staff is concerned that the proposed zebra stripe
treatment will be out of place in the Downtown and is not compatible with the City's vision of the area. In
this case, Staff is asking for direction from the Planning Commission on whether or not the zebra stripe
paint is appropriate for this location. The current Conditions of Approval for this project do not discuss
the zebra paint; however, should the Planning Commission determine that the paint treatment is not
appropriate, the following Condition could be inserted into the overall project conditions:
"The proposed zebra stripe paint, as noted on the project plans, shall be removed from the
proposal and the walls shall be painted one of the two body colors approved for this
building. At no point in the future shall this building be repainted with zebra stripes
without the prior approval from the Planning Commission. The Building Permit plans
shall show that the building will not have zebra stripes and a revised copy of the
Elevations shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to
issuance of a Building Permit."
A Colorboard is available for review at City Hall and will also be available for review during the Planning
Commission meeting.
The Applicants have proposed to make a few modifications to the existing landscaping. A preliminary
Landscape Plan was included with the project plans which shows that a large majority of the existing
landscaping will remain including the existing trees. Colorful perennials and groundcover will be planted
on the site (no specific species have been named).
The existing landscaping on Amador Plaza Road, in front of the building, is sparsely planted and is in
need ofreplanting (excluding the existing trees). Additionally, as part of the remodel project, it is likely
that some of these plants will need to be removed in order to modify the existing building (these plants are
typically located up against the building wall). Because of this, staff has included Condition of Approval
No. 31 which requires the Applicant to submit a Final Landscape Plan which shows that new plant
materials will be planted along Amador Plaza Road, in front of the building. The new plant materials
have been selected from the Preferred Plant Matrix in the Downtown Core Specific Plan.
Compatibility with Vicinity
The remodeled building will be consistent with the design of other buildings in the shopping center as
well as the Downtown. The existing building will be modified to include a mixture of flat, gable and shed
roofs which will be compatible with the buildings in the vicinity (including Target, Anderson's and the
Credit Union building). The new building will have a mix of warm colors which are compatible with the
existing shopping center colors which include tan, brown, white and various accent colors. The mix of
windows on the building will promote interest and will be compatible with the buildings in the Downtown
which have a mix of window forms.
Conditional Use Permit:
A Conditional Use Permit is required in order to allow outdoor dining for this building. Elephant Bar has
requested approval to allow patrons to eat in a new 500 square foot patio which will be constructed on the
corner of Amador Plaza Road and the entrance aisle into the shopping center.
The Downtown Core Specific Plan encourages outdoor dining and seating areas for restaurants (Objective
7.1). Additionally, the Specific Plan encourages the addition of areas in the Downtown which will
provide a pedestrian element. The proposed outdoor dining will accomplish these objectives by bringing
outdoor dining to the Downtown and by adding a pedestrian element where patrons are visible from the
street and sidewalk on Amador Plaza Road.
Parking Analysis:
The Elephant Bar Restaurant is part of a large shopping center. The shopping center has a reciprocal
parking easement which means that all of the buildings share the parking spaces in the shopping center.
Elephant Bar is requesting approval to add a 500 square foot outdoor dining patio which will require an
additional 5 parking stalls (the parking requirement is I stall per 100 square feet of eating space) for the
new patio. The following table illustrates the number of required parking stalls for the center.
Parking Requirements for the Dublin Place Shopping Center
Building (Address) Size (sq. ft.) Parking Requirement Number of Stalls
Anderson's TV (7590 13,579 I stall/ 400 sq. ft. 33.9
Amador Plaza Rd.)
Bank of the West (7533 7,300 1 stall/ISO sq. ft. 48.7
Dublin Blvd.)
Bassett (7575 Dublin 17,790 I stall/ 400 sq. ft. 44.5
Burlington and Toys R 121,040 I stal1/300 sq. ft. 403.5
Us (6850 and 6900
Amador Plaza Rd.)
Carrows (7505 Dublin 5,400 I stall/ I 00 sq. ft. 54
Administrative Offices 13,400 I stal1/250 sq. ft. 53.6
(7300 Amador Plaza
Elephant Bar (7202 8,356 (proposed) I stall/1 00 sq. ft. 83.56
Amador Plaza Rd.)
Home Expo (7050 93,130 I stall/ 400 sq. ft. 232.8
Amador Plaza Rd.)
Lighthouse, Gamestop 10,678 I stal1/300 sq. ft. 35.6
and Metro PCS (7172-
7196 Amador Plaza Rd.)
Old Theater pad (new 17,500 (10,500 I stall/I 00 sq. ft. 128
building currently under restaurant and 7,000 (restaurant)
review) retail, as proposed) 1 stall /300 sq. ft. (retail)
Petsmart (6960 Amador 25,317 I stal1/300 sq. ft. 84.39
Plaza Rd.)
Target (7200 Amador 120,360 I stal1/300 sq. ft. 401.2
Plaza Rd.)
Video Only ( 6920 10,250 I stall/ 400 sq. ft. 25.6
Amador Plaza Rd.)
Total 317,243 SQ. ft. 1,230.2
As shown on the above table, a total of 1,230 parking stalls are required to support the existing shopping
center including Elephant Bar and the new dining patio. A total of 1,935 parking stalls exist today which
results in a surplus of 705 parking stalls on-site.
Consistency with the Downtown Core Specific Plan
The restaurant building is located on a parcel which is within the "Commercial B" land use category in
the Downtown Core Specific Plan. Commercial B uses are smaller-scale type uses which include
specialty retail stores, offices and restaurants. Both the existing and proposed uses for this building fall
within the allowed uses under the Downtown Core Specific Plan.
As discussed above, outdoor dining patios are encouraged in the Downtown as they add a pedestrian
element to the area.
The design of the building meets the requirement in Section 6.0 of the Downtown Core Specific Plan
because it rehabilitates an existing building, brings new pedestrian elements to the street and area, creates
a design which focuses attractive architectural elements to the street as well as all four sides of the
building, and because the design of the remodel is compatible with the buildings in the shopping center
and the Downtown.
Consistency with General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
The project is designated as Retail/Office on the General Plan and a restaurant is an allowed use under
this land use category. An outdoor dining patio is a permitted use in this location with a Conditional Use
Noticing Requirements:
A public hearing notice for this project was sent to all property owners and residents/tenants within 300
feet of the subject property as required by state law.
Review by City Departments:
The Public Works Department, Building Division, Alameda County Fire Department, Police Services and
Dublin San Ramon Services District have all reviewed the proposed project. Conditions of approval from
these agencies are included in the proposed Resolution (Attachment I).
The project has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA
Guidelines and the Dublin Environmental Guidelines, and the project has been found to be Categorically
Exempt per CEQA Section 15301 (Minor alteration of existing facilities).
This application has been reviewed by the applicable City departments and agencies, and their comments
have been incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for the project. The proposed project, as
conditioned, is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the Planned Development Zoning District in
which the project site is located and represents an appropriate project for the site.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: I) Receive Staff presentation, 2) Open the public
hearing, 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public, 4) Close public hearing and deliberate,S)
Adopt Resolution (Attachment I) approving a Site Development Review for Elephant Bar Restaurant.
Pfrs Dublin Corporation
1111 Broadway Suite 1600
Oakland, CA 94607
Elephant Bar Restaurant
14241 Firestone Blvd., Suite 315
La Mirada, CA 90638
7202 Amador Plaza Road, Dublin, CA 94568 (APN 941-0305-028)
Planned Development (PD)
Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of
Site PD- Planned Retail/Office Vacant (former EI
Development Torito Restaurant)
North PD- Planned Retail/Office Target and Home Depot
Development Expo (shopping center)
South PD- Planned Retail/Office Former Movie Theater
Development (new retail center
currently under review)
East PD- Planned Retail/Office Various retail uses
Development (Circuit City, Chuck E
Cheese's and
West PD- Planned Retail/Office and Target and Home Depot
Development Automotive Expo (shopping center)
This project is Categorically Exempt from the environmental
review requirements of the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Class
I (Minor Alteration to Existing Facilities).