HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-006 Amendment to Vesting TMAP 7597 Starward Row Res Project AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: March 14, 2006 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - PA 04-006 Amendment to Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 and relevant Conditions of Approval of Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-10 for the Starward Row Residential Proj ect. (Report prepared by: Kristi Bascom, Senior Planner) cY 1. Resolution approving Amended Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 2. Original Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 3. Amended Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 4. Applicant's Written Statement 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-10 ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Receive Staff presentation, Open the public hearing, Take testimony from the Applicant and the public, Close public hearing and deliberate, and Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving the Amended Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 and relevant Conditions of Approval of Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-10 for the Starward Row Residential Project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: On January 25, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for an application by Enea Properties to demolish an existing 5,268-square-foot office building to accommodate residential development of the site. Enea Properties received approval for a General Plan Amendment; a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development District Rezoning; a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (7597); and Site Development Review to allow construction of 10 detached single-family homes. The Applicant proposed two-story homes on individual rectangular lots ranging from 2,143 square feet to 2,652 square feet, with garages to the rear of the lots accessed by a shared private street. The original Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map (Attachment 2), approved via Planning Commission Resolution 05-10, showed a Common Area Parcel (Parcel A) that accommodated the driveway for all ten lots as well as a bioswale to collect storm water runoff. One of the Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Map stated that a Home Owners Association would be required to maintain all common areas of the subdivision, which consists of the private street and bioswale. COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner ITEM NO. <6 . 1 Page 1 of5 G:\PA#\2004\04-006 Starward Enea Project\Braddock&Logan\PC Staff Report.doc Subsequent to the approval of the project, Enea Properties sold the land and entitlements to Braddock and Logan Group for the purposes of constructing the ten homes and related improvements. Braddock and Logan has made an application to remove the Common Area Parcel from the subdivision and to remove the requirement for a Home Owners Association from the Conditions of Approval for the project. Braddock and Logan assert that it is a burden to future homeowners to have a common area parcel (which contains only the driveway and bioswale) and a Home Owners Association to manage such a small subdivision. Braddock and Logan propose that all of the common area maintenance can be regulated by means of a Maintenance Agreement (to which all home owners are a party) and that the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) will ensure the maintenance, in good repair and on a regular basis, of the landscaping, irrigation, fences, walls, drainage, lighting, signs and other improvements in private common areas and within the adjacent street frontage right-of-way along Starward Drive. The Applicant's Written Statement (Attachment 4) explains their justification for proposing the elimination of the HOA requirement and associated Tentative Map modification in greater detail. Specifically, Braddock and Logan proposes to amend the original project approvals in the following manner: 1. Amend Vesting Tentative Map 7597 to remove the Common Area Parcel and instead incorporate the driveway as a portion of each of the individual lots (Attachment 3). 2. Amend four (4) of the original Conditions of Approval of Planning Commission Resolution 05-10 (Attachment 5) in the following manner. The exact strikeout and replacement text is shown in the proposed resolution (Attachment 1). COA 26: Refers to the Maintenance Access Easement for the benefit of Zone 7 to access the drainage channel adjacent to the project site. Strike the text "Home Owners Association" and replace with "owners of Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5" COA 42: Refers to the maintenance of the sidewalk landscape strip in front of all the lots. Strike the text referring to the HOA and insert text referring to the CC&Rs and the accompanying Maintenance Agreement. COA 46: Refers to the existence of a Home Owners Association for the subdivision. Strike the text "Home Owners Association" and replace with references to the CC&Rs and accompanying Maintenance Agreement. The Condition still requires the recordation of CC&Rs for each of the ten lots, but removes the requirement to have an association for the small development. The Maintenance Agreement (which is an exhibit to the CC&Rs) outlines the requirements for maintenance for all common areas. The CC&Rs and Maintenance Agreement are recorded against each property and all future property owners will be bound to abide by the rules and regulations set forth. The CC&Rs and accompanying Maintenance Agreement are required to be reviewed and approved by the City's Public Works Director, Community Development Director, and City Attorney prior to their recordation and approval of the Final Map. COA 47: Refers to the landscaping that is required to be installed along the project frontage. Strike reference to the Home Owners Association having the responsibility for maintaining the landscaping once it is installed and state that the individual homeowners shall be responsible for the ongoing maintenance, in accordance with the CC&Rs and accompanying Maintenance Agreement. Page 2 of5 COA 82: A new condition relating to the pavement surface of the private driveway. Will ensure that concrete will be used instead of asphalt, which will result in a longer lasting facility for the homeowners to maintain. ANALYSIS: Vesting Tentative Map Amendment: Although the size of the lots will increase due to the elimination of the Common Area Parcel (Parcel A shown on Attachment 2) and the addition of the driveway portion to Lots 1-10, the portion of the land of each lot dedicated to house and yard will remain the same and none of the development standards approved for the original Development Plan will change. The proposed amendment to the Map is minor in scope, and does not change any of the original findings as approved in Resolution 05-10. However, because the Planning Commission was the original approval body for Tentative Map 7597, the Planning Commission is required to review and approve this Map amendment. Amendments to the Conditions of Approval: The proposed amendments to the Conditions of Approval go hand in hand with the proposed Map amendment. The broader policy issue before the Planning Commission is whether or not the City is comfortable with the notion of permitting the construction of a new Medium-Density Single Family home development without the benefit of a Home Owners Association to serve as the oversight and maintenance body for the development. Under the Applicant's proposal, although the Home Owners Association will not exist, the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) recorded against each lot will contain a Maintenance Agreement to which each property owner is a party. The CC&Rs, which must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to recordation, contain sections that address the following issues: . Maintenance of easements and other site improvements including landscaping, fences, walls, streetlights, utility lines, etc.; . Details of the permitted and restricted uses of the property; . Mandates the creation of an architectural review committee to oversee proposed modifications to any structures and to ensure the attractive and orderly look of the community; . How to amend and enforce the CC&Rs Before the CC&Rs can be recorded against each lot, the City Public Works Director, Community Development Director, and City Attorney will carefully review the document to confirm that it will ensure the attractive and orderly look of the community as well as provide a mechanism for residents to resolve internal disputes and disagreements. Additionally, the CC&Rs contain a provision that any changes to the CC&Rs that impact maintenance of the site landscaping or other shared improvements require the review and approval of the City of Dublin. Although the CC&Rs outline how the community's common facilities such as the private street, fence, and bioswale, shall be maintained and replaced if necessary, there was a concern about burdening the Page 3 of5 individual homeowners with the cost of repairs without setting up a mechanism for them to be saving for the cost over the long run (i.e. HOA dues). To ensure that the cost to the homeowners is kept to a minimum, the Applicant has agreed to install a concrete roadway in lieu of traditional asphalt. The concrete driveway typically costs 25 to 50 percent less than asphalt to maintain over the years and will have an average life of 30 to 35 years. A new Condition of Approval, No. 82, has been added to the Tentative Map requiring this modification to the project. Agency Review: This project was reviewed by other City departments and interested agencies. Any special requirements have been incorporated as Conditions of Approval in the attached Resolution (Attachment I). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City prepared an initial study consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 for the Project, including the original Vesting Tentative Tract Map approval request, to assess any potential significant environmental impacts that may result from the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project were approved by the Dublin City Council on February 15, 2005 via Resolution 22-05. The minor amendment requested for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 and the relevant Conditions of Approval are in conformance with the original project approval for the purposes of environmental review and no additional review is necessary. CONCLUSION: The proposed Amended Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 will provide for the orderly division of land consistent with the approved Development Plan for the site. Amended Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 is consistent with the City of Dublin General Plan and West Dublin BART Specific Plan. Because CC&Rs and the accompanying Maintenance Agreement will continue to function in the absence of a Home Owners Association, Staff finds that the proposed Map Amendment and amendments to the Conditions of Approval will not substantially alter the original project approval and recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation, 2) Open the public hearing, 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public, 4) Close public hearing and deliberate, and 5) Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving the Amended Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map 7597 and relevant Conditions of Approval of Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-10 for the Starward Row Residential Project. Page 4 of 5 GENERAL INFORMATION: PROPERTY OWNER! APPLICANT: LOCATION: EXISTING ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Andy Byde, Braddock and Logan, 4155 Blackhawk Plaza Circle #201, Danville, CA 94526 7475 Starward Drive, Dublin, CA 94568 (APN 941-0173- 002-02) Planned Development (PD) PA 04-006 Medium Density Residential Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City prepared an initial study consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 for the Project, including the original Vesting Tentative Tract Map approval request, to assess any potential significant environmental impacts that may result from the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project were approved by the Dublin City Council on February 15, 2005 via Resolution 22-05. The minor amendment requested for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 and the relevant Conditions of Approval are in conformance with the original project approval for the purposes of environmental review and no additional review is necessary. Page 5 of5 RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 7597 AND AMENDING RELEVANT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 05-10 BRADDOCK AND LOGAN STARW ARD ROW RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (P A 04-006) WHEREAS, Enea Properties Company LLC, requested approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 to subdivide a .77- acre parcel (APN 941-0173-002-02) for ten (10) single- family dwellings and related improvements on land generally located north and east of Starward Drive; and WHEREAS, the Dublin Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 on January 25,2005 via Resolution 05-10; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the project receiving approval from the City of Dublin, Enea Properties Company LLC sold the property and entitlements to Braddock and Logan Group III, LP for purposes of constructing the residential units and related improvements; and WHEREAS, Braddock and Logan has requested to amend Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 to remove the common driveway parcel which serves the ten individual lots (Parcel A) and instead have the driveway be a part of each of the lots with an easement for the benefit of all lots; and WHEREAS, Braddock and Logan has also requested to amend certain relevant Conditions of Approval of Planning Commission Resolution 05-10 to remove the requirement for a Homeowners Association for the ten lot subdivision and instead ensure common area maintenance through the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and accompanying Maintenance Agreement to which all homeowners are required to be a party; and WHEREAS, a completed application for the requested action is available and on file in the Dublin Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City prepared an initial study consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 for the Project, including the original Vesting Tentative Tract Map approval request, to assess any potential significant environmental impacts that may result from the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project were approved by the Dublin City Council on February 15, 2005 via Resolution 22-05 and the minor amendments requested for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 and the relevant Conditions of Approval are in conformance with the original project approval for the purposes of environmental review and no additional review is necessary; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is the approving authority for all tentative tract maps and did hold a public hearing on the requested amendments on March 14,2006; and ATTACHMENT I WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending approval of Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7595 and amended Conditions of Approval No.s 26, 42, 46, 47, and 82; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth on March 14, 2006 and used its independent judgment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 prepared by Braddock and Logan Services, dated received February 28,2006, on file in the City of Dublin Community Development Department: 1. The Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and related ordinances as it provides for the orderly development ofland to coordinate lot design, street patterns, rights-of-way, utilities and public facilities with community plans and standards and as it provides for assurances that the development will not become a future burden to the community by the execution of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and accompanying Maintenance Agreement between all property owners with responsibility for maintenance of common areas, as conditioned herein. 2. The design and improvements associated with Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 are consistent with and conform to the City's General Plan policies as they apply to the subject property as it is a subdivision for development of a residential project on a site with a land use designation for Medium Density Residential development, as amended. 3. The Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 is consistent with the regulations and provisions of the Planned Development District Rezoning proposed for this project, and is, therefore, consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 4. The project site is located on a residential collector street, Starward Drive, near a major road, Amador Valley Boulevard, on.77 acres ofrelatively flat topography and is, therefore, physically suitable for the type and density ofthe proposed development of ten (10) Medium Density Residential units to be developed at 14 dwelling units per acre. 5. With the incorporation of mitigation measures established in the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project and subject to Conditions of Approval, the design of the subdivision will not cause environmental damage or substantial injury to fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public health concerns. 6. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at- large or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The Director of Public Works has reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature. 2 7. Required fire and water service will be provided to the subdivision pursuant to the requirements of water and sewer providers, as utility standards and conditions are incorporated into the project and service fees will be paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby approve Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 for the Braddock and Logan Starward Row Residential Project, P A 04-006, prepared by Braddock and Logan Services, dated received February 28,2006, on file in the City of Dublin Community Development Department. With the exception of Conditions of Approval No. 26, 42, 46, and 47 as amended below, and the addition of Condition of Approval No. 82, all of the original Conditions of Approval of Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-10 remain in effect. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Department of Community Development review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. [PL] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FiN] Finance, [F] Dublin Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [IT] Information Technology. CONDITIONTEXT WHEN SOURCE RESPON. REQUIRED AGENCY Prior to: 26 Maintenance Access Easement Zone 7 Final of Vesting Standard Applicant/Developer shall grant Zone 7 a Tentative Map maintenance access easement from Starward Drive over the private street and Lot I Residence for maintenance of the Drainage Channel. Forty-eight hour notice shall be given to the owners of Lots I. 2, 3.4. and 5 Heme O':iflers f.sseeiatiefl to ensure two parking stalls are unobstructed. 42 Sidewalk Landscape Strip. Applicant/Developer PW Occupancy of PW shall design and professionally landscape an Adjacent irrigated 4 1/2 foot landscape strip between the Building sidewalk and the back of curb in accordance with the Landscape Plan unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. Root barriers shall be installed surrounding each street tree or along the sidewalk and back of curb on each side of the street. This landscape strip shall be adequately maintained by the individual homeowners as noted in the CC&Rs and accompanving Maintenance Agreement under the direction and oversight of the sHllaivisiefl Heme OWflers ,\sseeiatiefl afla the City of Dublin Public Works Department. These landscaped areas shall be fully irrigated and subject to the City's Water Efficient Landscane Regulations. 46 Home OWHers f.ssociatioH Common Area PW,PL Approval of PW,PL Maintenance, Rules and Regulations. Final Map 3 CONDITION TEXT WHEN SOURCE RESPON. REQUIRED AGENCY PriQr to: Applicant/Developer shall establisH a mwaivisien IIeme OwneFG AsseeintieH by reeeraatieH ef record a declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions with a Maintenance Agreement to govern use and maintenance of City street landscape areas and common areas and facilities. Said declaration shall set forth the name ef the asseeiatieA, eWAeFGhill the standards of and manner of maintenance of the private access roads and the restrictions on the use or enjoyment of any portion of the access roads for maintenance and/or access. IDlEl the bylaws, rnles llfla reglilatieHs efthe asseeiatieA. Prior to recordation, said CC&R document shall be reviewed by the City Engineer/Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development for compliance with this condition and the Maintenance Agreement to which all future property owners shall be a party shall be reviewed and approved bv the City Attomev. The CC&Rs shall address the following: a. Maintenance of the private access roads, any common utilities, and any common areas. The CC&Rs shall ensure that there is adequate provision for the maintenance, in good repair, and on a regular basis, of all commonly e',YAea utilized facilities and areas. In the event that any such area or facility falls into a state of disrepair or fails to meet performance standards established by the CC&Rs and/or the Maintenance Agreement, the City will have the right, but not the obligation, to take corrective measures and bill the association for the cost of such repair and corrective maintenance work plus City overhead. The declaration shall specify that, as it pertains to the maintenance of the above-listed items, it cannot be amended without the consent of the City. b. The parking of recreational vehicles between a building and a public street, along a public street, and on the private street shall be prohibited. Recreational Vehicles are defined as a motorhome, travel trailer, utility trailer, boat, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living area overhangs the cab, camping trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power. c. No vehicle parking will be allowed on both 4 CONDITION TEXT .. WHEN SOURCE RESPON. REQUIRED AGENCY Prior to: sides of the private streets. This parking restriction shall be indicated with red- painted curbs, and with R26F "No Stopping - Fire Lane" signs installed on both sides at a spacing not to exceed 200'. Parking shall also be restricted along designated drive aisles to assure unobstructed access through the site. d. Exclusive use, fencing, and maintenance of reciprocal easements as shown on development plan that allows the use of side yard areas to access rear yards of homes. 47 Landscaping. The Developer shall construct all PL,PW Completion of Standard landscaping within the site and along the project Improvements frontage from the face-of-curb to the site right-of- way to the design and specifications of the City of Dublin, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development and in conformance with the Landscape Plan, Sheet L-I. Street tree varieties of a minimum 24-inch box size shall be planted at a minimum of 30 feet on center along all street frontages, and shall be shown on the Final Landscaping Plans. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Directors of Public Works and Community Development. The proposed variety of trees to be planted adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted for review to and approval by the Director of Public Works. After acceptance these trees and the associated irrigation system shall be maintained by the Heme O\'fRem AsseeiatieH individual property owners in accordance with the CC&Rs and accompanving Maintenance APTeement. 82 (NEW CONDITION) Private Drive Pavement PL Completion of Project Specific Specifications. The Applicant shall replace the Improvements asphalt proposed for the private street with concrete along the entire length of the drive to ensure a longer life for the roadway and less maintenance cost for the future homeowners. The concrete specifications shall be 6" of Concrete on 6" of Class 2 Aggregate Base with #4 bars at 16" on center in a grid pattern. The concrete shall be at least a minimum of 3000 psi concrete strength and shall have expansion joints at a maximum of 10' apart. This should provide for a concrete roadway that would last for 35 to 40 vears. 5 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14th day of March, 2006 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Manager G:IP A#\2004104-006 Starward Enea ProjectlBraddock&LoganlPC Reso TMap amendment.DOC 6 -z, :+o~[ """" "" 11f....l "J"S './M ""c! 8Li:""L~/SU;:Q.zJ OiLt~~!it6:PJ. 9m'6 ~~ ~b[r1AIJOtIIS'g~ttB ~mlltra: !!AD ,r"\Fa (ill ..'" 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" ~ ~ " ~ RECEIVED FES 2 8 2006 ~~ AMENDED VESTING TENTATIVE MAP SUBDIVISION 7597 7 U @ ~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS ,'!_rx:'_ I!.OO' /f?PR'!!:!,,_ :, <"':, ./ i: RAc-,l- ~ PlJ{/pACI~ ~,' ~ ~:U-:: ~P~AE:'ti I =======~-t======;~t~oo'r~oo';~======~ I======= 'i'~1 :.. , , !,~~ II!~ ;; OJ I.OT4 I.OT5 ~I '~ LOT6 - I.OT7 r:'! J:I#I SF~/- 0.59/1 SF+/- I ,~..S9il SF+/- J:14J SF+/- ..r"i ~ ~ ""~ ~ ~ ~'l1 1<11 ~"..I ~.'~ ; ~ ~\~. ~i~ ~ ~ ~\~ ~I 2 . 'tl :.:..T .L"< + I I I ;'1 1/ I ~/! I , , /! , , / ' 1 . I ! w o . ~ :; . I;; " ~ro= ~,~ 2O.00'-20.rxl" 10.00' _ rzIXI' i J/!'ocr _ '2,O(}" 9,00' 7.00' - "'" . 7 U @ ~ N J"IICONIO"!lISf"(lIIN.) f " o . w ~ ~ ~ ~ NOTES: OWNER", APPUCANT: ENGINEER: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO: "EA EXlsnNG ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: unUTlES: BENCHWlRK: BOUNDARY NOTE: LEGALOESCRIPTION: TQPOGRAGHJC SOURCE' ,~ I~ CU1/fI,wmJ/PU<CffY S~IIflAltSIJ_JOO IIOTroSCAU MAIN DRIVE CROSS-SECTION A-A 'M~ ~~ 6'fJ/)UN()MIYroK:[ ~M , D-fiCT~1llloL( <,S"_ '0,00' m - ~- (AT~/Sl.NI()) REAR DRIVE CROSS-SECTION B-B ~.= 8RADDOCK & LOGAN GROUP 111. L.P. 4155 8LACKHAWK PLAZA CIRCLE. SUITE 201 DANIIIUL, CA 94525-451.3 (925) 7.35-4000 FAX' (925) 648-5700 ATTN,ANDYB'YDE BRADDOCK & LOGAN SERVICES. INC. 4'155 BlACKHAWK PLAZA CIRCLE. SUITE 201 DANVIUE. CA 94526-%1.3 (925) 7.35-4000 FAX: (925) 648-5701 ATTN:8ENl.lcVEIGH(R.C.E.4.3.325E:<P:.3jJ1j06) ENGEO.INC. 2010 CROW CANYON PlACE. SUITE 250 SAN RAI.ION, CA 94583-4634 (n5) 866-9000 FAX (925) 866-0199 ATTN: DON 8RUGGERS 941-173-2-2 0.773 ACRES PO - PLANNED DEVELOPI.IENT PO - PU>.NNED OEVELOPI.IENT GAS & ELECTRIC - P.G.& E TEL.tPHONE - S.B.C. SEWER - DUBLIN j SAN RAMON WATER SERVICES DISTRICT WATER - DUBLIN j SAN RAMON WATER SERVICES DISTRICT UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON UTILITY COI.IPANY RECORDS AND ARE APPROXllolATE ONLY. 2.5" BRASS DISC SET IN DSTERN CORNER OF CONCRETE HEADWALL OF CONTROL CHANNEL liT FOOT OF GRllDE GOING DSTERLY ON AMo\OOR VAJ.lE'( 8OULEVARD. DISC IS ON NORTHERN SIDE OF AI.IAOOR VALL.D" BOULEVARO AND IS STAloIPED "AW.-FLooD 1977" ELEV, .361.742 BOUNDARY INFORlolATION IS BASED ON A FlELD SURVEY PERFORI.IED BY I.lILANI '" ASSOC.. IN MARCH. 2005 UNDER THE DIRECTION OF I.IICI-lllEL E. I.lILANI (LS 5.311). REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, COUNTY OF ALAI.IEDA, STATE OF CAUFORNlA. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 8E1NG A PORTION OF LOT ONE IN BLOCK TWO. AS SHOWN ON THE w.P OF TRACT 2162. FlLEO AUGUST 23. 1960 IN BOOK 42, PACE 50 OF MAPS. ALAMEDA COUNTY RECORDS I.lllANl & ASSOCIATES, TAKEN IN JULY OF 2005. LEGEND,' ~ . scrSIREXT~TLS.5J1I SIREXT~T -,- '" """~IfI"'BLOW-OffVAL~ S1tl\lI(DR_UN<"''''~DRAIN SAJIITARYSElIE7lUM I'IR<H'I1J/?ANT ~=- SANlTARYSEII1€RJU.NHOLE """1<J/VAL~ IJONI./MOIrTOPFKJPERrY/JNC .,~ i'I\'IV~1l" STt)Rl,l DRAIN EAS9fO;T PUiJUCUl/IJrYE.ASalCHT F:JJC1/GCNCY-.rHICu;ACCESSEASDIOIr PRlVAIl"'\CCESSE~r PUiJUCSERIACEEAS9fO;r AJAINTENAIICF;ACCCSSEAS8iBIT SANlTARY.5C1lfJi'EASDtOIt J1..11l7<UNEEAS8IENT SOIJARCfFfl"./JOREORi.ESS R.<<:vAt ~. =~ ~,~ .::;:;;: ~.,,- . . . " .-. m ,= ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ = ~ SF.../- , , , " I ~ . . ". -< ::; '" > f:..... -<'" f-<n Z..... '" Z f- 0 aU) Z- -> ~a ~5 0'" '" o z '" ::; -< < ~ ~ o '" o ". > o ~ ". 0 -< < '" ~ ". S -< < f- '" ~ z w 2. ~~ ~ , ~ , ~~ 0" ;:; <;i ffi5 w ! <;0 c, Z" ~ ~ ! ; g ; . 5C.lIL I" 20' o.o.rr: 27feb06 """"', DAAWN' 8I.l JCl8~.: " STARWARD RO p' Tentative Map Amendment Request This application proposes to amend the approved Tentative Map and a condition of approval 46 for the Starward Row project. Backf!:round Robert Enea requested the Planning Commission to approve a 10-lot subdivision located on Starward Drive in February of last year. Starward Row, as the project was named, is a collection of 10 small single family residences fronting onto Starward Drive, with a private drive and rear loaded garages. Other than a drainage swale and the private drive, no other common facilities exist within the small project The Tentative Map for the project illustrated the private drive shown as 'Parcel A' and condition of approval number 46 required the formation of a home owners association (HOA) for the project. Amendment ReQuest Subsequent to the approval of this project by the Planning Commission and City Council, Braddock and Logan purchased the property from Mr. Enea to construct the homes approved for the site. During our preparation of the improvement and grading plans for the project, we proposed to eliminate the HOA and replace it with a Maintenance Agreement to cover maintenance and replacement of the private drive and drainage swale, Staff required us to prepare an amended Tentative Map and to request modification of condition 46. The reasons to eliminate the HOA and replace it with a Maintenance Agreement are threefold: (1) the HOA will be substantially more expensive for the residents with no appreciable benefit; (2) State Law requires at least 5 homeowners to be on the HOA Board of Directors (due to the fact that there are only 10 units in this project, getting 50% of the residence to serve on the Board, would prove difficult); and (3) there is nothing preventing the HOA from dissolving itself. Additional explanation regarding problems with HOAs for small projects and how a Maintenance Agreements function, are contained within the attached letter, prepared by Little and Saputo. Little and Saputo is a specialized law firm which prepares CC&R's and forms HOAs throughout the State. Specifically we are proposing to eliminate the required HOA as drafted in Condition of Approval 46 and amend the associated Vesting Tentative Map to modifY Parcel A from common area to be included with each individual lot. Identical to how the project was approved, each homeowner will remain responsible for the care of their front and rear yard. In addition, the project will contain Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) which will regulate the appearance, parking, and use of each property in a manner identical with how the project was originally designed and conditioned (see the later part of condition 46). In addition, upon the purchase of the home, the new owners will be provided a maintenance manual which will spell out the care and maintenance of all the interior and exterior of the home as well as the property as a whole. We are excited to begin construction of this award winning, infill project. We believe that this request is appropriate and will ultimately make the Starward Row a better project that is more affordable to its residents over the long term. We and other builders have built many projects throughout the Bay Area using this same concept. Recently, Braddock and Logan constructed a similar project in Walnut Creek located on Parnell Court using a Maintenance Agreement. Additionally, a Developer is currently constructing a project within the City of Concord called Concordia (located on Concord Boulevard which is very similar to Starward Row) and is utilizing a Maintenance Agreement, in lieu of the HOA approach. ATTACHMENT ~ Jout Braddock and LOf!a.. Braddock and Logan has been in business since 1947 and has constructed over 30,000 homes, 2,000 apartment units and completed other projects including office buildings, shopping centers, and golf courses. In addition, Braddock and Logan is currently building the San Ramon Village town homes located in the City of Dublin on Alcosta. Additionally, the Planning Commission and City Council recently approved the Fallon Village project located in East Dublin, of which Braddock and Logan owns 400 acres. LITTLE & SAPUTO PETER T SAPUTO GISELLE A JURKANIN KEN D. LITTLE CHRISTOPHERC.M, WAUD AI1VRNEYSATIAW 1901 OLYMPIC BOULEVARD, SUITE ]00 WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596-5024 (925) 944-5000 FACSIMILE (925) 944.1112 August 26, 2005 Jeffrey S. Lawrence Braddock & Logan 4155 Blackhawk Plaza Circle Suite 201 Danville, CA 94506-4668 Re: Maintenance Agreement versus Owners' Association Dear Jeff: You asked for some clarification concerning the benefits and burdens of using a recorded maintenance agreement instead of forming an owners' association. In particular, you were interested in why we have always recommended that an association not be used in small projects unless absolutely necessary. The short answer is that our recommendation is based on years and years of personal experience. My partners and I have about 80 years of cumulative experience in this field. As you know, I served as a commissioner, a councilman and a city attorney for many years in central Contra Costa County alone. Our firm has formed hundreds of associations in northern and southern California and in Nevada. We are quite familiar with the workings of associations. Associations are often not the best answer for periodic maintenance. In some situations associations are more of a liability than an asset. Such is the case with most small subdivisions especially when they have maintenance items that need infrequent work. Indeed, the frequency of maintenance is one of the key factors in deciding which vehicle to use for maintenance. Ifthere are items such as sod lawns or median strips, flowers, shrubs and similar landscape that require almost constant maintenance or there is a park area then the association works best. Where there are only a private street, street lights, drainage facilities, and similar items that do not require frequent maintenance, they can be held privately and maintained as needed. In this situation, the maintenance agreement provides a superior vehicle for maintenance and payment without the burdensome onus of the association operating costs. With an association you need to incorporate the association and then operate the corporation in accordance with all applicable laws and in keeping with prudent business practices. This means obtaining special (and expensive) general liability insurance for the corporation. It also means frequent meetings and record keeping. In some cases it is prudent to hire a management company. These items can add more than $100 per month to assessments with no appreciable benefit to the owners. There have been times where even obtaining insurance for the association ranged from difficult to impossible. There have also been a number of instances where the owners simply abandoned the incorporated association because of the unnecessary burdens. A properly drafted maintenance agreement satisfies the need for maintenance and payment without the additional and unnecessary burdens of the formal association. History has shown them to work well and to help foster a neighborhood spirit of cooperation. I know of no time where the agreements have not been enforced where necessary. In most cases, peer pressure is sufficient to ensure all is done properly. Jeffrey S. Lawrence Braddock & Logan 4155 Blackhawk Plaza Circle August 26, 2005 Page 2 In every case of joint maintenance (except perhaps where items such as drainage systems impact only two or three of the lots and realistically have no periodic maintenance requirements) you should have some form of maintenance agreement. Without such an agreement the parties are forced to litigate almost all work based on the applicable statute which provides for equitable indemnity. This does not foster neighborhood cooperation. The maintenance agreement can be quite a flexible tool. For example, in recent projects, we have provided for a citys right (but not obligation) to enforce, a city right to inspect, and a city right to require maintenance. We usually designate a particular lot to be the recipient of city notices and to be the single contact point for the project that the city desires. These additions virtually ensure complete compliance by even the most recalcitrant owner. The agreement is recorded so that it runs with and binds each and every lot in the project. This helps to ensure that there is little or no policy change with each new owner as there could be with each new board of directors of an association. The basic agreement usually contains the following elements: 1. Specific identification of the items requiring maintenance, the level of maintenance or the standard to meet, and the frequency of required maintenance or how to determine the need for maintenance are spelled out. 2. The frequency of maintenance is usually determined by a majority of owners all of whom have the same interests in maintaining the item and all will bear the costs equally. There is a backup system for emergencies and, in case of serious disagreement over the need for the maintenance, arbitration is mandated. There are also provisions that permit the majority of owners (or even one owner) to complete the required maintenance if the need arises. An express right of equitable indemnity is provided as a last ditch ,fail safe, protection for each owner. 3. A system of due process is provided to protect all without blocking needed repairs or maintenance. A special meeting of the owners can be called to discuss these matters at almost any time. The meetings are conducted much like any corporate meeting. 4. The agreement requires that certain items be inspected at regular intervals by a qualified professional. His recommendations form the bases for maintenance obligations. A time frame is given within which the recommended repairs/maintenance are to be completed. 5. The costs of repairs and maintenance are shared equally. However, each owner is still responsible for damage caused by its own negligence. 6. Insurance coverage (for liability to third parties and damage to property) is provided by individual home owner policies. This provides much greater coverage at less (or no additional) costs since each owner will have such a policy in any event. The improvements are automatically covered since each lies within the Jeffrey S. Lawrence Braddock & Logan 4155 Blackhawk Plaza Circle August 26, 2005 Page 3 boundaries of the lots. Home owner policies are easy to obtain at reasonable costs unlike similar insurance for an association. Taken together these elements of a typical maintenance agreement are more than adequate to handle any foreseeable maintenance issues. Additional provisions can be added if conditions warrant. I hope this helps you to understand more fully the reasons for preferring such a maintenance agreement over the more formal association where there is no real justification for requiring one. In many of the projects for Braddock & Logan we have worked on over the years there has been no need for an association and none was formed. Instead a maintenance agreement specifically crafted for the project was used. To my knowledge those projects are operating just fine and maintenance has not suffered as a result. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, LITTLE & SAPUTO Ken D. Little RESOLUTION NO. 05- 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (No. 7597) ENEA PROPERTIES STARWARD ROW RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (P A 04-006) WHEREAS, the Enea Properties Company LLC, the site property owner, has requested approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 to subdivide a .77- acre parcel (APN 941-0173-002-02) for ten (10) single-family dwellings and related improvements on land generally located north and east of Starward Drive, and north of the Shamrock Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, a completed application for the requested action is available and on file in the Dublin Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City prepared an initial study consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 for the Project, including the Vesting Tentative Tract Map approval request, to assess any potential significant environmental impacts which may result from the project. Various studies addressing potential traffic and air quality, noise, hazardous materials and waste, and geotechnical impacts were prepared for the project, and mitigation measures were recommended to reduce the identified potential impacts to less-than-significant levels. Based on this, a Mitigated Negative Declaration and accompanying Mitigation Monitoring Plan were prepared, and subsequent incorporation of all mitigation measures recommended by the various studies and the City's standards for construction in the Project design, and further evaluation, has determined that the Project, as designed and proposed, would not result in any significant adverse impacts. All potential environmental impacts have been reduced to a less-than-significant level. The Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program are proposed for adoption with this Project and are include in the attachments to the Staff report; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is the approving authority for all tentative tract maps and did hold a public hearing on said application on January 25, 2005; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7595, subject to Conditions of Approval contained in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth on January 25, 2005 and used their independent judgment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 prepared by DeBolt Engineering, dated January 10,2005; on file in the City of Dublin Community Development Department: 1. The Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and related ordinances as it provides for the orderly development ofland to coordinate lot design, street patterns, rights-of-way, utilities and public facilities with community plans and standards and as it provides for assurances that the development will not become a future burden to the community by establishment of a Home Owners Association with responsibility for maintenance of common areas, as conditioned herein. ATTACHMENT? . 2. The design and improvements associated with Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 are consistent with and conform to the City's General Plan policies as they apply to the subject property as it is a subdivision for development of a residential project on a site with a land use designation for Medium Density Residential development, as amended. 3. The Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 is consistent with the regulations and provisions of the Planned Development District Rezoning proposed for this project, and is, therefore, consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 4. The project site is located on a residential collector street, Starward Drive, near a major road, Amador Valley Boulevard, on.77 acres of relatively flat topography and is, therefore, physically suitable for the type and density of the proposed development of ten (10) Medium Density Residential units to be developed at 14 dwelling units per acre. 5. With the incorporation of mitigation rneasures established in the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project and subject to Conditions of Approval, the design of the subdivision will not cause environmental damage or substantially injury to fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public health concerns. 6. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at- large or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The Director of Public Works has reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature. 7. Required fire and water service will be provided to the subdivision pursuant to the requirements of water and sewer providers, as utility standards and conditions are incorporated into the project and service fees will be paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby approve Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 for the Enea Properties Starward Row Residential Project, P A 04-006, prepared by DeBolt Engineering, dated January 10, 2005; on file in the City of Dublin Community Development Department, subject to the following Conditions of Approval, and subject to City Council approval of the proposed General Plan Amendment, Planned Development District Rezoning/Stage I and Stage 2 Development Plan, and the Site Development Review for the Project. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise. all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of buildinl!: permits or establishment of use. and shall be subiect to Department of Community Development review and approval. The followinl!: codes represent those departments/al!:encies responsible for monitorinl!: compliance of the conditions of approval. [PL.l Planninl!:. [Bl Buildinl!:. [POI Police. [PWI Public Works [ADMI Administration/City Attornev. [FINI Finance. [FI Dublin Fire Department. [DSRI Dublin San Ramon Services District. [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. IITI Information Technolol!:V Department. 2 VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP I. Fees: Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable Various fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District Fees, Public Facilities Fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees, Dublin Fire Services fees; Noise Mitigation fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; and any other fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Unissued building permits subsequent to new or revised TIP's shall be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of the new or revised fees. 2. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project B construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Requirements. Applicant/Developer shall meet or PW, PL perform all of the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, the City's Subdivision Ordinance, and the approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7595 for the project prior to City Council acceptance of offers of dedication 3. Ordinances/General Plan/Policies. The PW, PL Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Subdivision Ordinance, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Planned Development District P A 04- 006 & Development Plan, the City of Dublin General Plan (as amended), Public Works standards and criteria, and the Cit Gradin Ordinance. 4. Infrastructure. The location and siting of project PL, PW specific wastewater, storm drain, recycled water, and potable water system infrastructure shall be approved by the City of Dublin Public Works Director and the appropriate agency or utility rovider. 5. Drainage Channel. Any proposed modifications PW, PL or alterations to the Drainage Channel shall be approved by the City of Dublin Public Works Director and any required permitting agencies, such as Zone 7. 6. Solid Waste/Recycling. Applicant/Developer shall B comply with the City's solid waste management and rec clin re uirements. 7. Refuse Collection. The refuse collection service PL, PW provider shall be consulted to ensure that adequate space is provided to accommodate collection and sorting of petrucible solid waste as well as source- separated recyclable materials generated by the residents within this ro' ect. 3 Various times, Standard but no later than Issuance of building permits Through Standard Completion Approval of Standard! Final Map PW Issuance of Standard! Building Permits PW Approval of Standard Improvement Plans Approval of Standard Improvement Plans On-going Standard Occupancy of Standard Any Building 8. Title Reportsilleeds. A current preliminary title PW Approval of Standard report and copies of all recorded deeds, easements, Final Map and other encumberances and copies of Final Maps for adjoining properties and off-site easements shall be submitted for reference as deemed necessary by the City Engineer/Director of Public Works which are no more than 6 months old as of the date of submittal. 9. Document Preparation. The improvement plans PW Approval of Standard for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597 (including Improvement Improvement Plans, Grading Plans, and subdivision Plans maps) shall be prepared, designed, and signed by a registered civil engineer to the satisfaction ofthe Director of Public Works in accordance with the Ordinances, standards, specifications, policies, and requirements of the City of Dublin using standard City title block formats and check lists, after approval. After approval, original mylars or photo mylars with three sets of blue prints must be submitted to the Cit . 10. Action Programs/Mitigation Measures. PL Approval of PL Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Improvement applicable action programs and mitigation measures Plans through of the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative completion of Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring program the project that have not been made specific Conditions of A roval. 11. Drainage Impacts and Improvements. PW Occupancy of PW Applicant/Developer shall demonstrate to the Any Building satisfaction of the Director of Public Works that all mitigation measures that need to be improved as a result of drainage impacts of this project will be constructed prior to occupancy of any building. All drainage improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction to of the Director of Public Works. 12. Construction Noise Management PL and/or Issuance of Standard Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan. PW Grading Permit Applicant/Developer shall conform to the following Construction Noise Management Program! Construction Impact Reduction Plan: Construction of the Subdivision shall be conducted so as to minimize the effect of the construction as required by the Mitigated Negative Declaration on the existing community and on the occupants ofthe new homes as they are completed. The following measures shall be taken to reduce construction impacts: 1. Off-site truck traffic shall be routed as directly as practical to and from the freeway (1-580) to the job site. Primary route shall be from 1-580 to San Ramon Road to Amador Valley Boulevard and onto Starward Drive. An Oversized Load Permit shall be obtained from the Cit rior to haulin of an 4 oversized loads on City streets. 2. The construction site shall be watered at regular intervals during all grading activities. The frequency of watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Watering should include all excavated and graded areas and material to be transported off-site. Construction equipment shall use recycled or other non-potable water resources where feasible. 3. Construction equipment shall not be left idling while not in use. 4. Construction equipment shall be fitted with noise muffling devices. 5. Mud and dust carried onto street surfaces by construction vehicles shall be cleaned-up on a daily basis. 6. Excavation haul trucks shall use tarpaulins or other effective covers. 7. Upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. Replanting and repaving should be completed as soon as possible. 8. After grading is completed, fugitive dust on exposed soil surfaces shall be controlled using the following methods: a. Inactive portions of the construction site shall be seeded and watered until grass growth is evident. b. All portions of the site shall be sufficiently watered to prevent dust. c. On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph. d. Use of petroleum-based palliatives shall meet the road oil requirements of the Air Quality District. Non-petroleum based tackifiers may be required by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. e. The Department of Public Works shall handle all dust complaints. The City Engineer/Public Works Director may require the services of an air quality consultant to advise the City on the severity of the dust problem and additional ways to mitigate impact on residents, including temporarily halting project construction. Dust concerns in adjoining communities as well as the City of Dublin shall be addressed. Control measures shall be related to wind conditions. Air quality monitoring of PM levels shall be provided as required by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. f. Construction interference with regional non- project traffic shall be minimized by: i. Scheduling receipt of construction materials to non-peak travel periods. 5 ii. Routing construction traffic through areas of least impact sensitivity. iii. Routing construction traffic to minimize construction interference with regional non-project traffic movement. iv. Limiting lane closures and detours to off- peak travel periods. v. Providing ride-share incentives for contractor and subcontractor personnel. vi. Emissions control of on-site equipment shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low-emissions tune-ups. 9. Emissions control of on-site equipment shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low-emissions tune-ups. 10. During construction, noise control and construction traffic mitigation measures within residential neighborhoods or on public streets must be taken to reduce noise and use of public streets by construction traffic as directed by Public Works officials. 13. Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Applicant! PW Developer shall include an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan with the Grading and Improvement Plans for review and approval by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. Said plan shall be designed, implemented, and continually maintained pursuant to the City's NPDES permit between October I" and April 15th or beyond these dates if dictated by rainy weather, or as otherwise directed by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. 14. Honrs of construction. Construction and grading PL operations shall be limited to weekdays, Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Director of Public Works may approve work on Saturday and hours beyond the above-mentioned days and hours with the understanding that the developer is responsible for the additional cost of the Public Works inspectors' overtime. For work on Saturdays, said request shall be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. the rior Wednesda . 15. Archaeology. Should any prehistoric or historic PL, PW, B artifacts be exposed during excavation and construction operations, the Department of Community Development shall be notified and work shall cease immediately until an archaeologist, who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOP A), is consulted to evaluate the si ificance of the find and su est 6 Issuance of Grading Permit On-going On-going throngh completion PW Standard PW Standard PW Standard appropriate mitigation measures, if deemed necessary, prior to resuming ground breaking construction activities. Standardized procedures for evaluating accidental finds and discovery of human remains shall be followed as prescribed in Sections 15064.5 and 15126.4 of the California Environmental ualit Act Guidelines. 16. Environmental Site Assessment. According to the PL,PW Issuance of BAAQMD, environmental assessment report prepared by Grading Permit Standard Clayton Group Services, Inc. dated 01108/04, and through the Asbestos Inspection Report, prepared by BEM, completion dated February 17, 2004, asbestos is located in construction materials on the site. The Applicant/Developer shall adhere to the requirements of ACDEH, the Fire Marshal, the City, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, state and federal agencies, and/or other applicable agency to mitigate the hazard before any demolition. The Applicant/Developer shall monitor and address any hydrocarbons residual found in the soil during excavation/trenching. 17. Stationary Sonrce Emissions. Applicant! PL,PW Issuance of Standard Developer shall ensure that stationary source Grading Permit emissions associated with project development are minimized. A. The houses shall be designed to meet or exceed the requirements of Title 24 ofthe California Code of Regulations (energy efficiency requirements). By meeting or exceeding these requirements, the houses will require less energy to heat and cool, thereby reducing the emissions created in the production of electric power and created by burning natural gas. B. The subdivision will utilize curbside recycling, which will reduce the amount of solid wastes from the subdivision which would be deposited at a landfill site, thereby minimizing the amount of nitrous oxide emissions from the landfill. C. During rough grading construction the construction site will be regularly watered to contain dust, and after construction the front yards and street landscaping will be installed, thereby minimizing the amount of air pollution caused by airborne dust from the site. 18. Rodenticides and Herbicides. The use of PL Issuance of Standard rodenticides and herbicides within the project area Grading Permit shall be performed in cooperation with and under the supervision of the Alameda County Department of Agriculture and will be restricted, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, to reduce potential impacts to wildlife and residents. 7 19. Water QualitylBest Management Practices. PW Pursuant to the Alameda Countywide National Pollution Discharges Elimination Permit (NPDES) No. CAS0029831 with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the Applicant/Developer shall design and operate the site in a manner consistent with the Start at the Source publication, and according to Best Management Practices to minimize storm water pollution. In addition to the bio- filtration swales proposed along the perimeter of the site, in-line filtration devices may be necessary to serve runoff areas that will not drain to bio- filtration swales due to grading constraints. All roof downspouts shall be tied into the bio-filtration swales before enter the public storm drain system. All trash dumpsters and recycling area enclosures that are not located inside the building shall have roofs to prevent contaminants from washing into the storm drain system. The applicant shall file a Notice of Intent with the RWQCB and shall prepare and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the City Engineer/Public Works Director's review/approval. Finally, all storm drain inlets serving vehicle parking areas shall be stenciled "No Dumping - Flows to Bay" using stencils available from the Alameda Count ide Clean Water Pro ram. 20. NPDES Permit. Pursuant to requirements of PW federal law, a NPDES permit shall be obtained from the RWQCB, and any terms of the permit shall be im lemented, if a licable. 21. Storm Water Treatment Measures Maintenance PW Agreement. Applicant/Developer shall enter into an agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees the property owner's perpetual maintenance obligation for all storm water treatment measures installed as part ofthe project. Said agreement is required pursuant to Provision C.3.e.ii of RWQCB Order R2-2003-0021 for the reissuance of the Alameda Countywide NPDES municipal storm water permit. Said permit requires the City to provide verification and assurance that all treatment devices will be properly operated and maintained. Issuance of NPDES Grading Permit Issuance of NPDES Building Permits through completion Acceptance of RWQCB improvements by City Council 22. Standard Conditions of Approval. Applicant! PW Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Standard Public Works Criteria (as attached). In the event of a conflict between the Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall revail. 23. Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7597. The PW A licant Develo er shall re are Final Ma s 8 Approval of Improvement Plans through completion Approval of Final Map Standard Standard subdividing the property into the configuration, size, and number oflots shown on the Tentative Map 7597 in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and City of Dublin standards. The map shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer/Public Works Director rior to recordation. 24. Vesting Tentative Tract Map Term. The PW On-going Subdivision Tentative Map shall have that life expiration Map Act and determined by the Subdivision Map Act, including City of Dublin but not limited to Section 66452.6, and as set forth in the Dublin Munici al Code. 25. Easement Dedications. Applicant/Developer shall PW Approval of Standard dedicate easements on the final map or by separate Final Map instrument as follows: a. Public emergency vehicle access easement (20-foot minimum width) granted to the City of Dublin at the location dictated by the Fire Marshal. b. Provide a 5-foot Public Service Easement (PSE) along the parcel frontages on Starward Drive and at the rear of the subject parcel along the bio-swale within the property. Property owners shall be notified that any construction within PSE, including stair steps and fences, may be removed to access the PSE if necessary. c. Provide a private utility easement for storm drain, electrical, and any common utilities being shared by more than I parcel. d. Any other easements deemed reasonably necessary by the City Engineer/Public Works Director during the final design and/or construction. 26. Maintenance Access Easement Zone 7 Final of Vesting Standard Applicant/Developer shall grant Zone 7 a Tentative Map maintenance access easement from Starward Drive over the private street and Lot I Residence for maintenance of the Drainage Channel. Forty-eight hour notice shall be given to the Home Owners Association to ensure two parking stalls are unobstructed. 27. Final Layout and Design of Streets. Final PW, Issuance of PW detailed layout and design ofthe internal private F Grading Permit street and drive aisles must be approved by the and Building Dublin Fire Prevention Services Department Permit ACFD and Director of Public Works. 28. Abandonment of Easements. Applicant! PW Occupancy of PW Developer or current landowner shall obtain an affected units abandonment from all applicable public agencies of existin easements. 29. Site Accessibility Requirements. All disabled PW Occupancy of Standard access ramps, parking spaces for the disabled, and affected units other h sical site im rovements shall com I with 9 current UBC Title 24 / ADA requirements and City of Dublin Standards for accessibilit . 30. Grading Plans. Grading plan designs must be based on approved soils reports. In addition to the civil engineer, a soil engineer must sign the grading plans. The soil engineer or his technical representative must be present at all times during radin . PW Issuance of Grading Permit Standard 31. Protection from 100 -year Storm Event. The finished floor elevation of the lowest building must be one foot above 100-year flood levels. Applicant/Developer shall provide evidence to the City that the building pads are a minimum of I foot above a 100-year storm event, especially from waters in the north of the property near the Zone 7 draina e channel. 32. Overland Storm Drain Flow. To accommodate potential overland flow, the site grading and on-site storm drain system shall be designed to convey storm water overland to Starward Drive without inundating the buildings in the event the pipe network becomes lu ed. 33. Storm Drainage Study/Required Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall prepare a Storm Drainage Study for the properties and roads to be developed/constructed with the project. The Study shall include a hydrology map and hydraulic calculations. Since the project will substantially increase the impervious coverage of the site, the Study must demonstrate that design flows do not adversely impact existing hydraulics downstream of the project. The Study is therefore subject to review and approval by both the City of Dublin and Zone 7. All storm drain improvements and mitigation measures identified in the Study and/or specified by the City Engineer shall become re uirements of this ro'ect. 34. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain the required permits from Alameda County, Zone 7, and the California Department ofFish and Game, to discharge and construct drainage improvements within the Drainage Channel, if necess 35. Geotechnical Investigation Report. Applicant/Developer shall prepare a Geotechnical Investigation Report covering the project site for review by the City, and (as a minimum) shall design the grading plan based the recommendations outlined in said Report, on the plans and notes for the project, and as required by the City's Grading Ordinance. 36. Drainage Fees. This project is subject to the a ent of draina e fees throu h the Cit of PW PW PW PW,CO, Zone 7 PW PW, Zone 7 10 Issuance of Grading Permit Issuance of Grading Permit Issuance of Grading Permit Issuance of Grading Permit Issuance of Grading Permit Issuance of Grading Permit PW PW PW PW PW PW 37. Improvement Agreement/Security. Pursuant to PW Section 7.16.620 of the Municipal Code and Subdivision Map Act Section 66499, the Applicant/Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City coucurrent with Final Parcel Map approval to guarantee required public and site improvements. Improvement security must be posted to guarantee the faithful performance ofthe required improvements and the payment of for labor and materials. Such security shall be in the form of cash, a certified or cashier's check, a letter of credit, or surety bonds executed by the Applicant/Developer and by a corporate surety authorized to do business in California. The amount of the security guaranteeing faithful performance shall be 100% of the estimated cost of the required work. The amount ofthe security guaranteeing the payment of labor and materials shall be 100% of the estimated cost of the required work. The Applicant/Developer shall provide an estimate of these costs for approval by the City EngineerIPublic Works Director with the first submittal of the final ma and the im rovement lans for checkin . 38. Release of security. When all improvements PW, ADM governed by the Grading Permit are completed to the satisfaction of the City EngineerIPublic Works Director, the City EngineerIPublic Works Director will release the security. Prior to the release, the Applicant/Developer shall furnish the following to the City: a. As-built or record Drawings printed on mylar of all Improvement Plans and maps associated with the project b. A recorded copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that govern the project. c. A Declaration or Report by the project Geoteclmical Engineer confirming that all geoteclmical and grading work associated with the project has been performed in accordance with the Engiener's recommendations. d. Payment of any outstanding City fees or other debts. e. Any other information deemed necessary by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. 39. Encroachment in Public Right-of-Way. An PW encroachment permit shall be secured from the Director of Public Works for any work done within the public right-of-way where this work is not covered under the ublic im rovement lans. 11 Approval of Standard! PW Final Map Completion of Standard Improvements Issuance of Standard Grading Permits 40. Public Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall PW construct the public sidewalk, curb & gutter and driveways along the Starward Drive property frontage accordance with City of Dublin standard detail SD 306. The frontage improvement shall include the existing sidewalk, curb & gutter area 50' north of the property to cover the channel crossing and adjacent residential property. Also the applicant shall slurry seal Starward Drive (curb to curb) fronting the property along with necessary avement r arrs. 41. Sidewalks. Applicant/Developer shall construct a PW minimum 5-foot wide sidewalk on the west side of Starward Drive, if necessary, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, unless otherwise a roved b the Director of Public Works 42. Sidewalk Landscape Strip. Applicant/Developer PW shall design and professionally landscape an irrigated 4 1/2 foot landscape strip between the sidewalk and the back of curb in accordance with the Landscape Plan unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. Root barriers shall be installed surrounding each street tree or along the sidewalk and back of curb on each side of the street. This landscape strip shall be adequately maintained by the individual homeowners under the direction and oversight of the subdivision Home Owners Association and the City of Dublin Public Works Department. These landscaped areas shall be fully irrigated and subject to the City's Water Efficient Landsca e Re lations. 43. Improvements Constructed Prior to Occupancy. PW All improvements (including curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving, landscaping and utilities) necessary to serve the development, must be constructed prior to occupancy of the first building in that phase in accordance with approved City standards and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer only after required bonds and fees have been delivered and paid to the Cit. 44. Permits for Oversized and Overweight PW Constroction LoadslHaul Routes. Permits shall be required for oversized and/or overweight construction loads, as determined by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, coming to and leaving from the site. If soil is to be imported or exported from the site, a haul route plan shall be submitted to the Cit for review and a roval. 45. Prevailing Wage. All public improvements PW constructed by Developer and to be dedicated to the City are hereby identified as "public works" under Labor Code section 1771. Accordingly, Developer, in constructin such im rovements, shall com I Acceptance of PW improvements by City Council Acceptance of PW improvements by City Council Occupancy of PW Adjacent Building Occupancy of PW First Building Issuance of Standard! PW Grading Permit Acceptance of Labor Code improvements by section 1771 City Council 12 46. Home Owners Association. Applicant/Developer PW, PL shall establish a subdivision Home Owners Association by recordation of a declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions to govern use and maintenance of City street landscape areas and common areas and facilities. Said declaration shall set forth the name of the association, ownership of the private access roads, the restrictions on the use or enjoyment of any portion of the access roads for maintenance and/or access, and the bylaws, rules and regulations of the association. Prior to recordation, said CC&R document shall be reviewed by the City Engineer/Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development for compliance with this condition. The CC&Rs shall address the following: a. Maintenance of the private access roads, any common utilities, and any common areas. The CC&R shall ensure that there is adequate provision for the maintenance, in good repair, and on a regular basis, of all commonly owned facilities and areas. In the event that any such area or facility falls into a state of disrepair or fails to meet performance standards established by the CC&Rs, , the City will have the right, but not the obligation, to take corrective measures and bill the association for the cost of such repair and corrective maintenance work plus City overhead. The declaration shall specify that, as it pertains to the maintenance of the above-listed items, it cannot be amended without the consent of the City. b. The parking of recreational vehicles between a building and a public street, along a public street, and on the private street shall be prohibited. Recreational Vehicles are defined as a motorhome, travel trailer, utility trailer, boat, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living area overhangs the cab, camping trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power. c. No vehicle parking will be allowed on both sides of the private streets. This parking restriction shall be indicated with red- painted curbs, and with R26F "No Stopping - Fire Lane" signs installed on both sides at a spacing not to exceed 200'. Parking shall also be restricted alon desi nated drive 13 Approval of Final Map PW,PL aisles to assure unobstructed access through the site. d. Exclusive use, fencing, and maintenance of reciprocal easements as shown on development plan that allows the use of side yard areas to access rear yards of homes. 47. Landscaping. The Developer shall construct all PL,PW Completion of Standard landscaping within the site and along the project Improvements frontage from the face-of-curb to the site right-of- way to the design and specifications of the City of Dublin, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development and in conformance with the Landscape Plan, Sheet L-I. Street tree varieties of a minimum 24-inch box size shall be planted at a minimum of 30 feet on center along all street frontages, and shall be shown on the Final Landscaping Plans. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Directors of Public Works and Community Development. The proposed variety oftrees to be planted adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted for review to and approval by the Director of Public Works. After acceptance these trees and the associated irrigation system shall be maintained b the Home Owners Association. 48. Landscaping at Private Street Intersections. PL,PW Completion of PL Landscaping at private street intersections shall be Improvements such that sight distance is not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas. 49. Decorative Paving. Applicant/Developer shall not PW Acceptance of PW construct decorative pavement within City right-of- improvements by way unless otherwise approved by the Director of the City Council Public Works. The type of decorative pavers and pavement section shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of Public Works. Decorative pavement across entrances to all private streets shall be constructed to the satisfaction ofthe Director of Public Works. 50. Relocation ofImprovements. Any relocation of PW Completion of Standard improvements or public facilities shall be Improvements accom lished at no ex ense to the Cit . 51. Layont and Design. Layout and design of the PW Issuance of PW project parking, striping, drive aisles, and sidewalks Building Permits within the project shall be configured to maximize safety, circulation, convenience, and sight distance per the City of Dublin zoning ordinance, standard plans and details, and current policies as approved b the Director of Public Works. 52. Transitioning Existing Improvements. PW Approval of Standard Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for Improvement Plans 14 transitioning existing improvements to match improvements required as Conditions of Approval for this Vestin Tentative Tract Ma . 53. Vehicle Code Enforcement on Private Property. PW Acceptance of of California The Applicant/Developer shall support the City in improvements by Vehicle Code adopting an Ordinance pursuant to California City Council Vehicle Code (CVe) ~21107.6-8 for the enforcement of the CVC along the private street main entrance (Parcel A) and parking drive aisles. Upon the effective date of the Ordinance, all CVC provisions will be enforceable on the private street including speeds, traffic control devices, noise, and other driving regulations. Although the CVC does not allow general enforcement of traffic regulations within the entire parking field, it does specifically allow enforcement of sections pertaining to unsafe speed, exhibitionist speed, reckless driving, and off- road vehicles. Appropriate signs shall be posted within the property that indicate the area is subject to ublic traffic re ulations and control. 54. LA VT A. Applicant/Developer shall consult with PW Occupancy of PW the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority Any Building (LA VT A) on the bus route, on the periphery of the proposed project. The location and configuration of all bus stops, if required, and shelters shall be constructed under direction of the City's Director of Public Works. 55. Construction Traffic Routing. All construction PW Issuance of PW traffic may be subject to specific routing, as Grading Permit determined by the Director of Public Works, in order to minimize construction interference with re ional non- ro' ect traffic movement. 56. Stop Controls. Stop control devices for vehicles, PW Approval of Standard including an RI STOP sign, STOP pavement Improvement legend, 12"-wide white stop bar stripe, and Plans appropriate delineation, shall be provided at the following location: At the exit aisle approaches to Starward Drive. 57. Lighting System. The Developer shall construct a PW, P, PL Approval of PW site lighting system in accordance with the City of Improvement Dublin Zoning Ordinance and to the satisfaction of Plans the Director of Public Works. The Developer shall submit a preliminary lighting plan showing the distribution oflights on the site, type and location of yard lights, and shall be reviewed and approved prior to construction to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, Dublin Police Services Division and the Communit Develo ment De artrnent. 58. Streetlights. Streetlights for City streets PW Acceptance of PW constructed with the project shall be the City improvements by Standard cobra head luminaries with galvanized City Council poles located in the public right-of-way. Either standard Cit cobra head luminaries or a roved 15 decorative lights may be used on private streets. All publicly-maintained street lights sball be annexed into the Citywide Street Light Maintenance Assessment District 1983-1. All decorative street lights shall be maintained by the Home Owner's Association. A street lighting plan which demonstrates compliance with this condition shall be submitted prior to recordation of the Final Map and shall be subject to review and approval by the Cit En ineer. 59. Yard Lighting. The Developer shall specify the type PW, P and location of all yard lights on the on-site improvement plans. These improvements shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works rior to construction. Approval of Improvement Plans Standard 60. Utilities Service Report and Plan. PW, PL Applicant/Developer shall submit a utilities service report and plan to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director and Community Development Director along with documentation that domestic fresh water, electricity, gas, telephone, and cable television service can be provided to each residence within the project and when such service will be available. 61. Construction of Utilities. The Developer shall PW construct all utilities as may be deemed necessary to provide for the proper, clean, and safe functioning of utility services for each proposed residence within the project. All utility construction is subject to the requirements and specifications of the agency having jurisdiction over the res ective utilit facilities. 62. Utility UndergroundingIPSE's. Utilities shall be PW installed in accordance with the criteria established in the Standard Public Works Criteria attached hereto as Exhibit C. All utilities within the project and to each lot shall be underground in accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public service easements and sized to meet utility company standards. 63. Transmission Lines. All transmission lines shall PW be away from sensitive areas unless otherwise a roved b the Director of Public Works. 64. Joint Utility Trenches/Undergroundingl Utility PW Plans. Applicant/Developer shall construct all joint utility trenches (such as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in accordance with the appropriate utility jurisdiction. All communication vaults, electric transformers, cable TV boxes, blow-off valves and any utility items thereto shall be placed underground and located behind the proposed sidewalk within the ublic service easement, unless 16 Approval of Improvement Plans Occupancy of Any Building Approval of Final Map Completion of Improvements Acceptance of improvements Standard PW Utilities PW Standard Standard PW Utilities otherwise approved by the City Engineer/Director of Public Works. Conduit shall be under the public sidewalk within the right-of-way to allow for street planting. Utility plans showing the location of all proposed utilities shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer/Director of Public Works prior to installation.. 65. Recycled Water. The Applicant/Developer shall PL,DSR Occupancy of PW contact DSRSD as to the potential use of recycled affected units Utilities water and, if necessary, contract with the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) to provide water, wastewater, and and/or recycled water service connection points to the project, including all landscaped common areas. The plans for these facilities shall be reviewed and approved by DSRSD. 66. Recycled Water Laterals. If it is determined that PW Occupancy of See DSRSD recycled water will be available to the site; the any Building conditions landscaped common areas of the project shall have below laterals installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works to enable future recycled water connection in addition to potable water connection. Recycled water lines shall be installed to serve landscaped areas. All landscaped areas shall be subject to the City's Water Efficient Landscape Re ulations. 67. Utility Installation Prior To Installation of PW Approval of PW Paving, Curb, Gutter or Sidewalks/Utility Stub Improvement Connections. All water, gas, sewer, underground Plans electric power, cable television or telephone lines, and storm drain facilities shall be installed before any paving, curb, gutter, or sidewalks are installed or as approved by the Director of Public Works. Utility stub connections to property boundaries shall be required unless waived by the Director of Public Works in writin . 68. Fire Rules, Regulations and Standards. F Issuance of Standard Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Dublin Building Permits Fire Prevention Services (ACFD) rules, regulations and through and standards, including minimum standards for completion vegetation management and emergency access roads and payment of all applicable fees, including City of Dublin Fire Facility Fees. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with applicable ACFD, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7 and Dublin San Ramon Services District re uirements. 69. Fire Hydrants. The Applicant/Developer shall PW,F Completion of Standard construct all new fire hydrants in accordance with Improvements City of Dublin and Dublin Fire Prevention Services standards. Final location of fire hydrants shall be a roved b the ACFD in accordance with current 17 standards. Minimum fire flow design shall be for 1500 gallons per minute with 20 psi residual (flowing from a single hydrant). Raised blue reflectorized traffic markers shall be epoxied to the center ofthe aved street 0 osite each h drant. 70. Fire Conditions. Applicant/Developer shall F comply with all conditions of the Dublin Fire Department (ACFD) including: a. Article 87 of the Fire Code shall be followed concerning fire safety during the construction, demolition, or repair, and the following requirements shall be provided to the project manager and job contractor who shall notify all em 10 ees and sub-contractors of the re uirements. b. Access roads, turnarounds, pullouts, and fire F operation areas and fire water supplies shall be maintained clear and free of obstacles, including parking. These areas are required fire lanes and shall be assable to fire e ui ment at all times.. c. A means to contact emergency services and a F minimum of one 4A 20BC fire extinguisher shall be provided at the project site. d. Prior to delivery of any combustible material F storage on the site, fire hydrants, water supply, and roadways shall be installed and sufficient water storage and pressure shall be available to the site. Approved roadway shall have the required aggregate base compacted to 90% minimum. e. Hot work activities such as welding, cutting, F torches, and flame producing operations shall be in accordance with the Fire Code. Issuance of Standard Building Permits and through com letion Issuance of Building Permits and through completion Issuance of Building Permits and through completion Issuance of Building Permits and through com letion Issuance of Building Permits and through completion Issuance of Building Permits and through completion 71. Fire Accesses. Fire access between residences F, PO shall be controlled by fences and adequate gates to revent unauthorized edestrian traffic. 72. Projected Timeline. Developer shall submit a PO projected timeline for project completion to the Dublin Police Services Department, to allow estimation of staffing requirements and assi nments. 73. Residential Security. The project shall comply PL, B with the City of Dublin Residential Security Requirements. Home Owner Association CC&Rs for the project will include posting of private street areas in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22658, sections I and 2. Fire lanes will also be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22500.1. The Develo er Issuance of Building Permits and through com letion Finaling F, PO Bnilding Permits f. Plans may be subject to revision following review. F Issuance of PO Building Permits Occupancy of PO Standard Units 18 and/or Property Owner shall keep perimeter walls clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. Graffiti resistant paints and foliage shall be used. The CC&R's shall rovide for raffiti removal in e etuit. 74. Wells. Known water wells without a documented Zone 7 intent of future use, filed with Zone 7, are to be destroyed prior to any demolition or construction activity in accordance with a well destruction permit obtained from Zone 7 and the Alameda County Department of Environmental Services. Other wells encountered prior to or during construction are to be treated similarl . 75. Salt Mitigation. Recycled water projects must Zone 7. PW meet any applicable salt mitigation requirements of Zone 7. 76. Requirements and Fees. Applicant/Developer Zone 7, PW shall comply with all Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District-Zone 7 Flood Control re uirements and a licable fees. Issuance of Standard Grading Permits On-going Zone 7 Issuance of Standard Building Permits 77. DSRSD Conditions. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all conditions of the DSRSD including: DSRSD a. Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities," all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and policies, and all Recycled Water Design and Construction Standards. b. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient DSRSD capacity to accommodate development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utilit master lannin c. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow DSRSD to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present value 20-year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with Applicant/Developer for any project that re uires a urn in station. 19 DSRSD Issuance of DSRSD Building Permits Issuance of DSRSD Building Permits Approval of DSRSD Improvement Plans Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for DSRSD Approval of DSRSD residential tracts or commercial developments shall Improvement be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid Plans dead-end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound en ineerin ractices. e. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer DSRSD Approval of DSRSD lines to be located in public streets rather than in Improvement off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If Plans unavoidable, public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or re lacement. f. The locations and widths of all proposed easement DSRSD Issuance of DSRSD dedications for water and sewer lines shall be Grading Permit submitted to and a roved b DSRSD. g. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall DSRSD Approval of DSRSD be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to Final Map DSRSD or b offer of dedication on the Final Ma . h. The Final Map shall be submitted to and approved DSRSD Approval of DSRSD by DSRSD for easement locations, widths, and Final Map restrictions. 1. All utility connection fees, plan checking fees, Issuance of DSRSD inspection fees, permit fees, and fees associated Building Permits with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. J. All improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall Issuance of DSRSD be signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing Building Permits of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitaty sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, Applicant/Developer shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. Applicant/Developer shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District En ineer. k. No sewer line or water line construction shall be Issuance of DSRSD permitted unless the proper utility construction Building Permits permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction and all DSRSD permit will only be issued after all of the DSRSD requirements conditions herein have been satisfied. 1. The Applicant/Developer shall hold DSRSD, its On-going DSRSD Board of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents ofDSRSD harmless and indemnify the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from com letion of the ro'ect. 20 78. Construction by Applicant/Developer. All in- DSRSD Completion of Standard tract potable and recycled water and wastewater Improvements pipelines and facilities shall be constructed by the Applicant/Developer in accordance with all DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and re uirements. 79. Sanitary sewer capacity rights runs witb the DSRSD Issuance of any DSRSD land. The property being subdivided has construction previously been allocated 4.45 dwelling units permits or equivalent (DUE) sewer capacity rights. The building permits, Applicant/ Developer shall submit a written notice whichever comes to the District indicating the reallocation of the first, existing sewer capacity rights to the newly created lots or arcels. 80. Hold Harmless/Indemnification. PL, ADM Through Standard Applicant/Developer, and any parties or individuals completion of granted rights-of-entry by Applicant/Developer, Improvements shall defend, indemnifY, and hold harmless the City and Occupancy of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees of the Last from any claim, action, or proceeding against the Building City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Director of Community Development, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City concerning a subdivision or other development which actions are brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37; provided, however, that the Applicant/Developer's duty to so defend, indemnifY, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifYing the Applicant/Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full actions or proceedings. 81. Conditions of Approval. In submitting subsequent B, PW, PL Issuance of PW Standard plans for review and approval, each set of plans Building shall have attached an annotated copy of these Permits. Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all artici atin non-Cit a encies. 21 PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day ofJanuary, 2005 by the following votes: AYES: Chair Schaub, Cm. Biddle, Fasulkey, and Wehrenberg NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Cm. King W;Jd~-- Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST~ Planning Man ger 22