HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-1983 Adopted CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 21, 1983 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Wednesday, September 21, 1983 in the multipurpose room of Frederiksen Intermediate School. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt and Mayor Snyder. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. REPORT FROM PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Snyder briefly reviewed the background of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee and the report prepared by the Committee for the benefit of those in attendance. Mayor Snyder read the Committee's first recommendation as follows: secure an accessible facility to be used both as a recreation center and park. The City should invest in existing facilities rather than creating new facilities such as Fallon School and Kolb Park. The Committee further recommended the City enter into negotiations with the School District for the Fallon Site (lease or purchase). The Committee also recommended that the City not pursue acquiring or improving a site unless it adequately maintains that site. Cm. Burton stated that he did not believe the Fallon School site should leave the public domain. The City should explore a long term lease for Fallon, so the school could be used as a school again in the future if needed. He stated that the City should not buy the school. Cm. Moffatt stated the City should enter into negotiations with the Murray School District to determine if the School District would be willing to place the site under City control. He further stated the City should get into the parks & recreation business. Cm. Hegarty stated the City should lease the property rather than buy it, if possible. Cm. Jeffery stated the School District has not defined what is for sale. She suggested that if the City is interested~ it might contract with the School District to maintain the park. CM-2-160 Adjourned Regular Meeting September 21, 1983 Glen Walder asked at what time it would be appropriate for members of the audience to address the City Council. Cm. Moffatt moved that the City Council accept the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommendation 91, to secure an accessible site, either by lease or purchase, for use as a recreation center and park. Motion second carry Moffatt/Burton, 5-0. Cm. Moffatt moved that the City enter into negotiations with the Murray School District for securing Fallon School and Kolb Park. Cm. Burton requested that Cm. Moffatt amend the motion to indicate the City's interest in the site rather than negotiate. Cm. Moffatt agreed to amend the motion as follows: The City indicate to the Murray School District that the City is interested in securing Fallon School and Kolb Park. Cm. Burton seconded motion. Cm. Jeffery requested that the Council consider Fallon and Kolb separately. Cm. Burton indicated that all the City was doing was satisfying the legal requirement that the School District be notified. The Council approved Cm. Moffatt's motion 4-1 with Cm. Jeffery opposed. Mayor Snyder invited members of the public to address the City Council. Fred Drena, 11582 Manzanita Lane, a member of the City's Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee stated that the property in question should stay in the public domain. He indicated that the park should remain a park and that a building to be used in conjunction with the park is also needed. He indicated that the Parks & Recreation Committee believed that if the City could not get Shannon Center, it should get the Fallon School. He further stated that the City needs to secure space for use of the community for recreation purposes. George Zika, 8046 Peppertree Road, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, indicated that the Shannon Community Center needed extensive repairs. He indicated that the Center has inadequate kitchen facilities, no stage, needs paint, air conditioning and heating work, and more parking. He stated that the Fallon site is more desirable because it does have facilities that Shannon does not. He further indicated that negotiations for the Shannon Community Center would be complicated because they would have to be worked out with the City of San Ramon. He stated that the Committee's intent was to have a recreation facility for programming as soon as possible. Cm. Burton questioned that if Shannon became available, would the City need 2 facilities? George Zika indicated that Fallon is in the center of the City and easy to walk to. Mike Thurlow, 7533 Knollwood Place, indicated that the Shannon Community Center was not accessible to small children in the vicinity of Kolb Park. CM-2-161 Adjourned Regular Meeting September 21, 1983 Glen Walder, 7574 Knollwood Place, indicated that recently 53 people had worked in cleaning up Kolb Park. He indicated that he was committed to continued support of the park and wants an indication of support from the City Council. Georgean Vonheeder, 6942 Brighton Drive, member of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, indicated that the need for a facility such as the Fallon site was based on the Committee's review of the community's needs. She indicated that high school students needed a teen center. She further stated that the Fallon site would provide for the needs that had been identified by the Committee. Cm. Moffatt indicated that the City Council should entertain consideration of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommendation #4, to establish a permanent Parks & Recreation Commission. Cm. Moffatt moved that the City continue the Parks & Recreation Committee for an indefinite period. Cm. Burton seconded the motion. Cm. Burton indicated that the City needs a permanent Parks & Recreation Commission. Cm. Jeffery indicated that the Council should talk about the other recommendations #2 and #3 before determining whether or not to establish a full time Commission. Cm. Moffatt restated his previous motion as follows that the City establish a Parks & Recreation Commission. Cm. Burton seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a 3-2 vote, with Cm. Jeffery and Mayor Snyder opposed because the City does not need a Commission until a program has been established. The City Council undertook discussion of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee's recommendation #2 to hire a Recreation Director and establish recreation programs. Cm. Jeffery indicated that the Dublin San Ramon Services District had discontinued its participation in the Camp Parks Consortium for insurance reasons. Cm. Burton asked why a Parks & Recreation Director was needed as opposed to volunteers. George Zika indicated that a full time person with parks & recreation experience was needed who could develop a program. Georgean Vonheeder stated that a Parks & Recreation Director is needed so that someone could be accountable to the City Manager and the City Council. Cm. Jeffery indicated that the City needed to have a facility before it could undertake a program. Georgean Vonheeder suggested that the City enter into a lease for use of the facilities on the short term. Cm. Jeffery suggested that Staff look at other alternatives to achieve the goal of a site. Ron Noble, President, Board of Directors, Dublin San Ramon Services District indicated that the Army actually owns the Dublin Sports Grounds and that the DSRSD has a 99 year lease to use the Sports Grounds for recreation purposes only. CM-2-162 Adjourned Regular Meeting September 21, 1983 Cm. Burton asked if there was a parks & recreation consultant available who could set up a parks & recreation program. He further questioned the advisability of hiring a full time Director if the City did not have a facility. Cm. Jeffery asked if the $107,000 mentioned in the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee report included funds for the maintenance of fields. City Manager Ambrose indicated that it did not. Cm. Jeffery moved that the City hire a consultant to set up a recreation program and to do a more indepth study than was done by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee. She subsequently withdrew her motion. Cm. Moffatt indicated the City should spend $107~000 to set up the program. Ron Noble indicated that he agreed with the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee's reco~nendation. Mayor Snyder moved that the City Manager work with the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee in determining whether an employee or contractor could function as a Director for the City and that the Committee report back to the Council before proceeding with securing a Director. He also indicated that the Committee at the same time, develop a recreation program that is in keeping with the Committee's recommendations. The motion was seconded by Cm. Moffatt. The motion carried 5-0. Cm. Jeffery asked if the $107,000 was a problem for the City's budget. City Manager Ambrose indicated that there were sufficient funds in the City's contingent reserve. Mayor Snyder indicated that consideration on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee's recommendation #3 should be deferred until a recreation program is developed. The Council concurred. Cm. Jeffery indicated that it was appropriate for the Council to define the Commission. Cm. Moffatt recommended that the City maintain the present structure of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee. Mayor Snyder indicated that the City should undertake a selection process for Parks & Recreation Commission members. Cm. Moffatt moved that the City establish a 10 member Parks & Recreation Commission. The motion died for lack of a second. Cm. Hegarty moved that the City establish a 5 member Parks & Recreation Commission. Cm. Jeffery secOnded the motion. The motion was approved 4-1 with Cm. Moffatt opposed. Cm. Hegarty moved that the Council make individual ap~cintments. The motion was seconded by Cm. Moffatt. The motion was approved 4-1 with Cm. Jeffery opposed~ Cm. Jeffery indicated that all Commission members should be responsible to the entire City Council. It was agreed that the City Council members would have their ir~d~vidual selections made by the City Council meeting of October 10~ ~1983~ CM-2-163 Adjourned Regular Meeting September 21, 1983 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST: CM-2-164 Adjourned Regular Meeting September 21, 1983