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HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.2 Bikeway Master Plan AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 24, 2006 SUBJECT: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - Bikeway Master Plan Report Prepared by: Jeff Baker, Associate Planner C?4 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission select a Planning Commissioner to serve on the Steering Committee for the Bicycle Master Plan. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The 2004-2009 Capital Improvement Program includes a project to develop a Citywide Bicycle Master Plan. The focus of the Bicycle Master Plan will be to evaluate existing bicycle conditions and to develop a prioritized list of improvement projects to provide access to Dublin's parks, trails, and open space areas, primarily through multi-use (pedestrian and bicycle) Class I paths. These paths will serve recreational bicyclists as well as bicycle commuters. The plan will also define criteria for selecting Class I, II, and III facilities, recommend design standards for bicycle facilities and signage, propose bicycle parking standards, create a new city bikeways map, and outline education, enforcement, and safety improvements for bicyclists. A Steering Committee will be formed to provide input and feedback during the development of the Bicycle Master Plan. The Steering Committee will include representatives of various City Commissions (including the Planning Commission, and the Parks Commission), City Departments (including Planning, Public Works, and Parks) and other agencies (such as the East Bay Regional Park District, and the Alameda County Flood Control District) as well as local advocacy groups, and residents. Three public meetings will be held for the Steering Committee and the general public: the first to describe the project and gather input, the second to present a first draft and receive feedback, and the third to present the final draft and receive feedback. The public meetings will be held on Thursday evenings from 6-9pm. The first public meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday February 2, 2006. RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends that the Planning Commission select a Planning Commissioner to serve on the Steering Committee for the Bicycle Master Plan. Page I of 1 COPIES TO: Project File ITEM No.7. 2 G:\Agendas\2006\PCSR 1.24.06 Bicycle Master Plan. DOC