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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-1984REGULAR MEETING - October 8, 1984 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, October 8, 1984 in the meeting roo~n of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT~ Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder. ABSENT: Councilmember Jeffery PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alleg- iance to the flag. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the following were approved: Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 10, 1984 (with correction as noted on Page 204); Warrant Register in the amount of $433,115.56; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 110 - 84 APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEMENT NO. 04-5432 FOR FEDERAL AID PROJECTS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 111 - 84 Adopted RELATIVE TO CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC SAFETY WEEK RESOLUTION NO. 112 - 84 FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS TRACT 4077 and authorized execution and substitution of performance bond in the amount of $117,500 in connection with the guarantee of work performed in Tract 4077; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 113 - 84 ESTABLISHING A PETTY CASH FUND FOR RECREATION DEPARTMENT CM-3-215 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 NEW RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE PICKUP SERVICE ORAL PRESENTATION BY RICHARD FAHEY, DSRSD Richard Fahey, representing the Dublin San Ramon Services District, presented the District's new "Bag It" program to the Council. Mr. Fahey explained that specially prepared bags could be purchased for $1.00 each in bundles of five. These bags can be put out with a residential customer's garbage and they will be picked up at no additional cost to the customer, at the time of their regular garbage pickup. A person may place any number of bags out for collection as often as they desire. Anything can be placed in the bag that can be placed in a garbage can. Mr. Fahey presented one bag to each of the Councilmembers. PARADE PERMIT WAIVER OF FEE REQUEST Wayne Sorenson, representing Dublin High School addressed the Council and informed them of Dublin High School Homecoming Festivities that would be going on during the week of October 15-19, 1984. The festivities include a parade~ and Mr. Sorenson requested a waiver of the parade permit fee. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council agreed to waive the parade permit fee. Cm. Hegarty suggested that Staff identify those fees which are typically applied for by non-profit groups and revise the fee schedules to reflect an exemption for these non-profit groups, in order that each request does not have to come before the City Council. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Judy Olson, 7934 Diana Lane, addressed the Council with a request that the City fund a crossing guard at the corner of Davona Drive and Lucania Street. Ms. Olson stated that apparently this guard was'eliminated this year by Murray School District because of a $2,500 budget cut. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. JefferY absent), the Council directed Staff to contact the School District and get some cost figures in an effort to try to resolve this situation. PUBLIC HEARING NEWSPAPER RECYCLING BINS - ORDINANCE AMENDMENT On September 10, 1984, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding Newspaper Recycling Bins and introduced the Zoning Ordinance Amendment. CM-3-216 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 The intent of the amendment is to allow non-profit community groups to apply for an Administrative Conditional Use Permit (ACUP) for one newspaper recycling bin. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) would continue to be required for other types of recycling bins, multiple bins, or bins not operated by a non-profit community group. Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. No public comments were made. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. Discussion was held with relation to whether or not the non-profit group should be based in Dublin or in the general Tri-Valley area. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council agreed to change the wording in the ordinance to read "Dublin based" groups. The ordinance would then be presented for adoption at the City Council meeting of October 22, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING ARTS & CRAFTS 'FAIRS - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT On September 10, 1984, the City Council reviewed the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding Arts & Crafts Fairs. The intent of the amendment is to allow non-profit community groups to hold one day Arts & Crafts Fairs with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit (ACUP) and two, three or four day Arts and Crafts Fairs with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Section 3 of the Revised Draft Ordinance clarifies that the Planning Commission will act on the applications for multiple day Arts & Crafts Fairs. Mayor Snyder opened the public hearing. Steve Heath, H & W Stationers, and president of the merchant's association, addressed the Council with a request that an Administrative Conditional Use Permit be granted for a minimum of two day fairs rather than one day onlY. Mr. Heath stated that because of all the necessary paperwork, it is very difficult to put one of these fairs together. Mayor Snyder closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council adopted CM-3-217 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 RESOLUTION NO. 114 - 84 APPROVING OF PA84-043 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING ARTS & CRAFTS FAIRS and waived the reading and introduced and ordinance amending the zoning ordinance regarding arts & crafts fairs. ABATEMENT OF ZONING VIOLATION 7650 CANTERBURY COURT On September 14, 1983 it was noted that construction work was being done on the building at 7650 Canterbury Court without a permit. Subsequently the applicant applied for a variance to permit a reduction of the rear yard so as to allow the addition to the rear of the building to remain. The variance request was denied by the Planning Commission and the City Council. On August 24, 1984 Mr. McCartney was requested to secure a permit to revise the room or to remove it. As of this date, nothing has been done. Mr. Lawrence McCartney, property owner, addressed the Council and stated he was out o~f the Country and never received any of the mail related to the violations. Mr. McCartney stated his contractor had been arrested on a drunk driving charge, and had basically abandoned the project, leaving him out several thousand dollars. Staff produced several receipts signed by Mrs. McCartney, and the City Attorney explained that because California is a community property statef Mrs. McCartney could sign for the various notices, letters, etc. Mr. Sanchez, one of Mr. McCartney's neighbors addressed the Council and stated the illegal building had been on the back of the property for 20 years and he did not understand why all of a sudden it was illegal. Cm. Moffatt felt the property owner has recourse with the contractor rather than the City, because of the contractor's failure to obtain a building permit for the room. The City Attorney explained to Mr. McCartney several possible avenues which he might want to pursue. A lot line adjustment could possibly bring this addition into conformance, if there was adequate room and Mr. McCartney's neighbor concurred. Because of the relatively short time since Mr. McCartney purchased the property, he could possibly have some recourse against the real estate company who sold him the property. The City Attorney advised Mr. McCartney that he should seek legal counsel in the matter. Following discussion, on motion of Cml Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council agreed to continue the abatement proceedings until November 26, 1984 in order to allow Mr. McCartney sufficient time to pursue possible remedies to the situation. CM-3-218 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 ABATEMENT OF BUILDING AND ZONING VIOLATIONS 7360 SAN RAMON ROAD This property is located at the end of Amador Valley Boulevard on the west side of San Ramon Road. A long history of building and zoning violations were discussed related to this property. Cm. Moffatt indicated he had spoken with Mr. Nichandros, owner of the property, prior to his leaving for Greece. Mr. Nichandros told him he was going to take care of the problems when Mr. Jeha made the improvements to the adjacent property. Discussion was held relative to all the warnings, promises, and continued illegal activities on the site. If the City Attorney proceeded with abatement action, Mr. Nichandros could have input in the future. It was stated that the violations had occurred for several years, and Mr. Nichandros had certainly had ample opportunities to correct the situation, but instead of correcting, had created further violations. Cm. Moffatt made a motion which was seconded by Cm. Hegarty to continue the discussion until November 26, 1984 and Mr. Nichandros returns from Greece to appear before the Council. The motion was defeated due to NO votes cast by Cm. Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder. On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council directed the City Attorney to commence action to abate the zoning wiolations under Ordinance No. 09-84 and to abate the building violations under Section 11.6 of Ordinance No. 02'84. RECESS A short recess was called. Ail Councilmembers were present (Cm. Jeffery absent) when the meeting reconvened. REGIONAL FIRE PROTECTION STUDY The City has received a letter from the City of San Ramon inquiring as to whether the City of Dublin would be interested in participating in a study of regional fire services. The issue of studying regional fire services came about as a result of a concern expressed by the San Ramon City Council regarding the provision of fire service to San Ramon residents by more than one agency. This concern was supported in the City of San Ramon's Sphere of Influence Study prepared by Angus McDonald & Associates. Paul Ryan, General Manager of the Dublin San Ramon Services District addressed the Council, stating he was encouraging all the various agencies to join together to provide a broad base for this study. CM-3-219 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by .Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council directed Staff t© notify the City of San Ramon as well as the other potential participants of the City of Dublin's interest in participating in the study and authorized the City Manager to participate in the preliminary discussions with the other agencies. REVENUE SHARING HANDICAP REGULATIONS The City of Dublin currently receives Revenue Sharing funds from the Federal Government. In 1984-85 it is estimated that these funds will total $207,400. A ruling by the Office of Revenue Sharing subsequent to a lawsuit requires entities receiving Revenue Sharing funds to implement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1983. This regulation requires that the City evaluate its programs and activities to determine that the City does not discriminate on the basis of handicap status. Staff has conducted an evaluation and initiated non structural policy changes to provide notice of the City's procedures. A specific requirement also states that the City must establish a grievance procedure to address complaints related to this regulation. The procedure developed allows for due process of any complaints of this nature. Cm. Moffatt questioned who would evaluate this type of a program. City Manager Ambrose explained that staff would prepare the self-evaluation. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 115 - 84 ADOPTING THE CITY OF DUBLIN REVENUE SHARING SECTION 504 SELF-EVALUATION AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY TO BARRATT SAN JOSE On July 23, 1984 the City Council adopted a resolution establishing 0.9+ acres of land along San Ramon Road as surplus land and directing Staff to notify appropriate agencies of the City's offer to sell the property. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 116 - 84 STATING INTENTION TO SELL CITY PROPERTY AND SETTING HEARING (October 22, 1984) CM-3-220 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 CONTRACT 84-6 SAN RAMON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PHASE I AND SILVERGATE DRIVE MEDIAN MODIFICATION At its meeting of August 13, 1984, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 84-6, San Ramon Road Improvements Phase I and Silvergate Drive Median Modification. San Ramon Road Improvements Phase I was to provide one additional traffic lane for motorists traveling northbound on San Ramon Road through the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard. This project required pavement widening, restriping and the relocation of signal equipment at the northeast corner of the intersection. The Silvergate Drive/Silvertree Lane Median Break project was to provide for the modification of the existing raised median on Silvergate Drive to permit direct access to Silvertree Lane from Silvergate Drive. The City received one bid for this project in the amount of $167,090 from McNamara Construction, Inc. This bid did not include the proper addendum and the clearing and grubbing bid item was overloaded with a bid amount of $57,000. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council authorized that this bid be rejected and that the project be split into two parts as follows: 1) The San Ramon Road Phase I work would be done with San Ramon Road Phase II; 2) The Silvergate Drive work would be done with the annual sidewalk repair and handicap ramps. STREET SWEEPING & LITTER PICK-UP AGREEMENT At the City Council meeting on August 27, 1984, the City Council authorized Staff to seek formal bids for the provision of street sweeping and litter pick-up services. Notices inviting sealed bids were mailed to eight (8) contractors. On September 26, 1984 the City received a total of three (3).bids. MARC Sweeping Service was the low bidder. MARC Sweeping Service is currently providing these services to the City of Dublin. Cm. Moffatt stated he felt that MARC Sweeping Service had done an excellent job. Cm. Hegarty felt the job done by MARC Sweeping Service was not quite excellent and there was always room for improvement. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council awarded the contract to MARC Sweeping Service, and authorized the MaYor to execute the agreement. CM-3-221 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 VILLAGE PARKWAY WALL BID RESULTS At its meeting of August 13, 1984, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 84-7, Village Parkway Wall. Only one bid was received and it was well over the Engineer's Estimate. At its meeting of September 10, 1984, the City Council rejected this bid and authorized Staff to rebid the project. Staff made some changes to reduce the cost of the rebid project and contacted additional prospective bidders. The changes were as follows: 1) Reduce wall height to 6' 0" 2) Reduce bar sizes 3) Free concrete disposal location added 4) Tree trimming by City forces As of August 21, 1984, Staff had obtained all 72 Easement Agreements which are necessary for this project. The easements have been recorded with the Alameda County Recorder. The second bid opening for this project was Friday, October 5, 1984. One bid was received from Sierra Precast/Printex joint venture for $250,258. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council accepted the bid and approved an additional appropriation in the amount of $70~258 from the General Fund Street Improvement Reserve in order to fund this project. AWARD OF BID - CONTRACT 84-8 REHABILITATION OF MAJOR ARTERIALS At its meeting of August 27, 1984, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 84-8, Rehabilitation of Major Arterials - Dublin Boulevard, Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway. The City received a total of 3 bids for this project. The low bidder was Gallagher and Burke, Inc., with a bid of $487,116. The low bid is approximately 7% over the approved City construction budget of $455,000. The State has approved a total budget for this project of up to $540,000, subject to local priority funding. Federal funding, as approved by the State, will pay for 86% of the construction cost of this project as long as the total construction cost is not more than $540,000. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by majority vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council awarded bid to Gallagher and Burk, Inc., authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement and authorized additional appropriation in the amount of $32,116. Mayor Snyder abstained from the vote, due to a possible conflict. CM-3-222 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM RECREATION DIRECTOR On Sunday, october 7, 1984 the Park & Recreation commission met with two candidates for Interim Recreation Director, Subsequent to that interview process, the City Manager met with the Commission to discuss the results of their interviews. The City Manager recommended that the City retain the services of Janette Howell to serve in the capacity of Interim Recreation Director. Cm. Moffatt questioned if the Park & Recreation Commission concurred with City Manager Ambrose's selection. Mr. Ambrose stated they were in agreement. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder (Cm. Jeffery absent), and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 117 - 84 CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF JANETTE HOWELL AS INTERIM RECREATION DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOUGHERTY ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT 84-3 In July, 1984, the City Council awarded Contract 84-3 to Plowman and Sons, Inc., for Dougherty Road Storm Drain Improvements. The major items of work were construction of a storm drain along the frontage of Arroyo Vista from the Southern pacific Railroad right-of-way on the south, to the northern property limit of the subdivision near Ventura Drive. The Contractor has completed the improvements in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and modifications. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council accepted the improvements under Contract 84-3 and authorized the final payment to Plowman and Sons, Inc. of $43,315.35. VECTOR CONTROL SERVICES AGREEMENT At the regular City Council meeting on August 13, 1984 the City Council received a report relating to the provision of Vector Control Services. Effective July 1, 1984, the Alameda County Vector Control Staff and its entire budget were transferred to the newly created Vector Control District. Therefore, the County has requested that the City provide the services or make an attempt to have the services provided on a contractual basis. Since that time, the City Staff has received calls related to vector-related situations and Staff has attempted to deal with them in an appropriate manner. However, the size and lack of expertise of the City Staff limits the City's ability to respond to resident's needs in this area. At the City Council meeting on August 13, 1984, Staff was directed to investigate other alternatives which may be available to the City. CM-3-223 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 Staff presented the alternatives available. The scope of services provided by vector control includes areas beyond complaints regarding rodent problems. Vector control also includes related nuisances such as complaints related to trash piles, etc. It is important to have an agency which can appropriately respond to these problems. The Alameda CoUnty Health Care Services Agency has personnel knowledgable in these areas. Given the fact that Staff has been unable to identify a qualified contractor who is willing to provide vector control services to the City other than Alameda County and the need to have an agency available to respond to vector control and related complaints, it was recommended that the City engage the services of the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The services will be provided on an as needed basis. Staff believes that the County Health Services Agency has the manpower and technical ability to address these problems. In addition, due to the fact that current ordinances and codes refer to the County Health Officer as the individual having citation power, it would be consistent to continue with the County for this service. In the future, Staff will continue to monitor the services rendered and evaluate any alternative proposals for the provision of this service. Mayor Snyder stated he felt it was important for residents of Dublin to recognize this benefit, The City is paying for the services and thereby saving them the cost on their tax bills. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council authorized the Mayor to execute an agreement with Alameda County Health Care Services Agency for Vector Control Services and authorized a budget.transfer from the contingent reserve to an account established to record charges related to Vector Control Services in the amount of $8',925. CAMP PARKS ANNEXATION At the City Council meeting of August 13, 1984, the City Council authorized the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney to meet with representatives from the Army and Federal Government to discuss the potential annexation of Camp Parks. On September 11, 1984, representatives from the City met with representatives from the Department of the Army. At that meeting, the City representatives explained the City's goals with respect to future growth and the need to not only annex either all or a portion of the Camp Parks property to the City of Dublin, but also to obtain an access to construct a highway to the east through the Camp Parks property. There are 2 basic alternatives which the City Council could consider with respect to the amount of territory that it may wish to annex to the City. The first alternative would be to annex the entire portion of the Camp Parks base which is within Alameda County. The second alternative would be to annex only the southernmost 150 acres of the Camp Parks site which is presently being transferred to GSA. CM-3-224 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 The question of whether or not voters would have to.approve this annexation, and other possible scenerios was explained in a memo from the City Attorney. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the City Council determined it wished to pursue an annexation request for the entire base, including Tassajara Creek area, and directed Staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature to the various Federal agencies involved requesting their consideration of the City's annexation request. OTHER BUSINESS Invitation City Manager Ambrose reminded the Council of the invitation for the Councilmembers and Department Heads to participate in a softball game and barbeque with va.rious agencies in the area on October 18, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. Tri-Valley Community TV Opening City Manager Ambrose reported the City had received a letter from the City of Livermore related to an opening on the Tri-Valley Community TV Corporation. This Board administers local access funds. On motion of Mayor Snyder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote (Cm. Jeffery absent), the Council appointed Vice Mayor Hegarty to fill this vacancy. Team Building Workshop City Manager Ambrose indicated the City had been informed that Dublin Officials had been accepted to participate in the League of California Cities Team Building Workshop on October 24-26, 1984, at Lake Arrowhead. ACTEB JPA Cm. Moffatt reported that the ACTEB Joint Powers Agreement has been completed. A new member, Jack Swanson, has been nominated by Walt Wood, Pleasanton City Councilmember, and is being recommended by the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:01 p.~n., the Council recessed to a closed session to discuss litigation. CM-3-225 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m., in memory of Supervisor Don Excell, who died on October 6, 1984. ! CM-3-226 Regular Meeting October 8, 1984