HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 06-25 Approving the General Plan Amendment to Update the Economic Development Element (PLPA-004079-2024) Reso. No. 06-25, Item 6.3, Adopted 01/14/2025 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 06 – 25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO UPDATE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT (PLPA-004079-2024) WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 54-13 approving a General Plan Amendment for the Revised General Plan and New Economic Development Element (PLPA- 2011-00050) on April 16, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Element is informed and guided by the Economic Development Strategy; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Strategy, originally adopted in 2012, underwent an update and the City Council adopted Resolution No. 111-24 approving the Economic Development Strategy on October 1, 2024; and WHEREAS, the update of the Economic Development Strategy warrants an update to the Economic Development Element (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), together with the State Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Project is exempt from the requirements for CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that the Project would have a significant effect on the environment and is not subject to CEQA review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on December 10, 2024, during which all interested persons were heard, and adopted Resolution No. 24-08 recommending City Council approval of a General Plan Amendment to Update the Economic Development Element; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated January 14, 2025, was submitted to the City Council recommending approval of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project on January 14, 2025, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council did review and consider the Staff Report, recommendations, and testimony for this item and used its independent judgment prior to making a recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve a General Plan Amendment to Update the Economic Development Element attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 Reso. No. 06-25, Item 6.3, Adopted 01/14/2025 Page 2 of 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of January 2025, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Josey, McCorriston, Morada, Qaadri and Mayor Hu NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 Chapter 11 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT General Plan Exhibit A to the Resolution Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–1 11.1 INTRODUCTION The Economic Development Element guides the City of Dublin’s efforts to foster business expansion and job growth, providing a framework for economic development programs and acƟviƟes. While the Economic Development Element does not explicitly seek to generate fiscal benefits accruing to the City of Dublin, increased net tax revenue is a likely byproduct of the policies. The overarching objecƟve of the Economic Development Element is to enhance the compeƟƟveness of the City of Dublin and to promote a strong, diverse, and evolving economic base that creates broadly shared economic and employment opportuniƟes for Dublin residents and workers. 11.2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES The City of Dublin desires to undertake economic development acƟviƟes to improve its compeƟƟve posiƟon relaƟve to other California ciƟes. CompeƟƟveness spans a mulƟtude of subjecƟve measures, including (1) aƩracƟveness to companies, (2) aƩracƟveness to individuals, (3) reputaƟon/brand, and (4) innovaƟon environment (i.e., potenƟal for home-grown economic development). Maintaining a compeƟƟve posiƟon is criƟcal to retaining local businesses and aƩracƟng new businesses, thereby sustaining and growing the local job base with high-value employment opportuniƟes for current and future residents. In addiƟon to tradiƟonal economic development tools that focus primarily on cost-based incenƟves for business, the City of Dublin desires to take a more holisƟc view of economic compeƟƟveness that emphasizes the importance of “quality of place” and “quality of life” factors in aƩracƟng companies and individuals. PotenƟally through physical improvements and other enhancements to community character, the City seeks to promote and foster a built environment that inspires and supports new economic opportuniƟes. Land use is central to the City of Dublin’s capacity to compete for jobs and economic growth. The community’s ability to develop real estate and public spaces at new and redeveloped sites, locate interrelated companies near each other, encourage growth at key business nodes, and build vibrant, engaging, and contemporary places is vital to its compeƟƟveness. PromoƟng real estate investment and achieving desirable land use outcomes is criƟcal to posiƟoning Dublin for economic growth and long-term economic sustainability. In addiƟon, public development of new and reimagined civic spaces can enhance the City ’s aƩracƟveness, reputaƟon, and innovaƟon environment. The City of Dublin seeks to achieve equitable access to opportuniƟes—further reinforcing the community ’s holisƟc compeƟƟveness for jobs, businesses, and individuals. Workforce development and educaƟon partnerships will ensure that residents and workers can access high-quality jobs and build wealth. Technical resources and simple approval processes for small businesses expand entrepreneurial opportuniƟes. Additionally, culturally relevant engagement and services leverage Dublin’s rapidly diversifying populaƟon to assist in growing the economy. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–2 11.3 RELEVANT PLANS AND POLICES Dublin has adopted a number of plans and policies to guide development. Some of these pertain to the enƟre City, while others have a specific area of focus. As part of the City of Dublin General Plan, this Economic Development Element provides goals, policies, and implementaƟon measures that address the enƟre City, though some specific goals and policies are geographically targeted. The City’s General Plan and the Eastern Dublin and Downtown Dublin Specific Plans are most relevant to the Economic Development Element. A.City of Dublin General Plan The City’s General Plan is the policy framework for development decisions. It is the highest-level policy document for the City. State law requires that general plans include land use, circulaƟon, open space, conservaƟon, air quality, safety, noise, and housing elements. AddiƟonal, opƟonal, elements may be included. All elements of a General Plan are considered equal and all other plans and policies are required by state law to be consistent with the General Plan. The Economic Development Element is an opƟonal element of the Dublin General Plan. The City of Dublin General Plan acknowledges that on the local level, development will be required to respond to community needs for housing, employment, and leisure opportuniƟes and to the natural constraints of the area. In parƟcular, regarding employment-supporƟng uses, the General Plan states that commercial and employment-generaƟng uses will be located near the freeway and transit lines to facilitate efficient transportaƟon. Accordingly, the Economic Development Element offers guidance for economic development acƟviƟes in these areas, with parƟcular focus on three important locaƟons: (1) the Eastern Dublin Transit Center, (2) the Fallon East Economic Development Zone, and (3) Downtown Dublin. Dublin has two Specific Plans that cover these workplace locaƟons. B.Eastern Dublin Specific Plan The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) provides policy guidance for exisƟng and future development generally east of the Iron Horse Trail and the Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Parks RFTA or Camp Parks). New development in this area requires adopƟon of Planned Development (PD) zoning, which includes development regulaƟons, architectural standards, and preliminary landscape plans. The EDSP provides for employment-generaƟng land uses located on the west side of the planning area, in close proximity to the BART staƟon and near I-580 and Dublin Boulevard where freeway access is convenient. The EDSP was also amended in 2022 to emphasize development of the Fallon Gateway area with employment-generaƟng land uses within the Fallon East Economic Development Zone located in the eastern porƟon of the EDSP. In addiƟon to the Transit Center and Fallon Gateway, the EDSP provides for office space and other employment-generaƟng uses in addiƟonal locaƟons within the Specific Plan area. C.Downtown Dublin Specific Plan The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) provides policy guidance, development standards, and design guidelines for Downtown Dublin. The DDSP includes a Retail District, Transit-Oriented District, and Village Parkway District, each of which allow for office space and other employment-generaƟng land uses, which contribute to economic development in Dublin. The City of Dublin adopted a Downtown Dublin Preferred Vision in 2019 and subsequent edits to the DDSP to guide development of the Dublin Commons project within the Retail District of the DDSP. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–3 11.4 ORGANIZATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT This Economic Development Element is organized according to the following structure: Goals Goals are general and serve as guiding principles for economic development ac ƟviƟes. Policies Policies divide the goals into more specific economic development guidelines. ImplementaƟon Measures ImplementaƟon measures are specific tasks needed to achieve the goals and policies. 11.5 GOAL I: INNOVATION GROWTH Goal 1: InnovaƟon Growth includes policies to support Dublin in aƩracƟng and retaining businesses in a variety of industries, including those that were categorized as high-priority industries in the City of Dublin’s Economic Development Strategy adopted in 2024. 11.5.1 MAINTAIN AND ENHANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNCTIONS A.Policy 1.The City of Dublin has a well-established pracƟce of economic development work, including a variety of programs that support business aƩracƟon and retenƟon. Through the Economic Development Department, the City currently offers incenƟve programs, business training, business outreach, and business support services. The City shall maintain the func Ɵon of Economic Development as a tool to promote innovaƟon growth in the City and the region. B.ImplementaƟon Measures 1.Maintain Business IncenƟve Programs: Maintain incenƟves that respond to current economic condiƟons and serve to aƩract and retain business acƟvity in the City of Dublin, as appropriate. 2.Establish Industry Stakeholder Groups: Establish standing stakeholder groups for informa Ɵon technology, professional and financial services, and biomedical businesses. 3.Conduct Business Seminars, Roundtables, and other Related Programs: Offer seminars, discussion meeƟngs, and classes to support business owners, in partnership with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, the Alameda County Small Business Development Center, and other business support enƟƟes, as appropriate. 4.Coordinate with Regional EnƟƟes: ConƟnue to remain engaged as an acƟve parƟcipant in current efforts to enhance economic development acƟviƟes in the region. 5.ConƟnue the Business VisitaƟon Program: Meet individually with businesses to assist with retenƟon and expansion, and to raise awareness of City services available to local businesses. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–4 6. Maintain the Economic Development Strategy: The City shall periodically review and update the Economic Development Strategy to proacƟvely address the evolving needs of businesses and respond to shiŌing economic condiƟons. 11.5.2 ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A BUSINESS-FRIENDLY MARKETING AND BRANDING STRATEGY A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin produces markeƟng materials and undertakes other acƟviƟes to promote Dublin as a place for business. The City shall formalize its markeƟng acƟviƟes by creaƟng and maintaining a comprehensive markeƟng and branding strategy unique to Dublin’s economic development efforts targeted towards high-priority industries. The markeƟng and branding strategy shall be conƟnually updated to refresh the City of Dublin’s outward iden Ɵty, publicizing the evoluƟon of the City and business community, as appropriate. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Prepare a MarkeƟng and Branding Strategy: Develop an economic development-tailored marke Ɵng and branding strategy that focuses on Dublin’s compeƟƟve assets. 2. Conduct City Staff Trainings: Establish a shared understanding of Dublin’s assets and messaging for economic development. 3. Implement the MarkeƟng and Branding Strategy: Allocate staff Ɵme and/or funds to support markeƟng and branding efforts, as appropriate. 4. Update the MarkeƟng and Branding Strategy: Revisit the strategy periodically to ensure that markeƟng and branding efforts are kept current. 11.5.3 FOCUS BUSINESS VISITATION PROGRAM ON HIGH-PRIORITY INDUSTRIES A. Policy 1. Retaining businesses in high-priority industries is a primary goal for the City of Dublin, given the potenƟal these companies hold for job creaƟon within the City. To target businesses in high-priority industries, the City of Dublin shall maintain a Business VisitaƟon Program that seeks to idenƟfy and solve local economic development constraints. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Confirm High-Priority Industries: Building on the Economic Development Strategy adopted in 2024, establish and maintain a list of industries to prioriƟze for the Business VisitaƟon Program. 2. Implement Targeted VisitaƟon Program: Conduct business visits and respond to cited concerns and issues, as appropriate. 11.5.4 PARTICIPATE IN REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall coordinate with local and regional enƟƟes to foster regional strengths, leveraging the efforts of organizaƟons that seek to improve the Tri-Valley economy. Regional partners Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–5 may be tradiƟonal economic development enƟƟes or other organizaƟons that promote quality of place and quality of life through efforts to enhance the cultural and social fabric of the region. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. IdenƟfy Priority EnƟƟes/Programs: Building on the Economic Development Strategy, establish and expand communicaƟons with regional enƟƟes that have the potenƟal to enhance the Tri-Valley economy. 2. ParƟcipate in Regional Economic Development Efforts: Coordinate and partner with regional economic development enƟƟes to support regional economic development efforts, as appropriate. 11.6 GOAL II: SMALL BUSINESS SUPPORT Small businesses and the jobs they support are criƟcal to the City of Dublin economy. Goal II: Small Business Support seeks to improve City of Dublin pracƟces and procedures to promote small business growth. 11.6.1 IMPROVE AND MAINTAIN SMALL BUSINESS-FRIENDLY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall strive to offer small businesses and other City permit applicants an efficient and transparent building permit and inspecƟon process. By providing permit applicants a well-defined roadmap and Ɵmeline for interacƟons with the City of Dublin, the City shall minimize the financial risk to applicants seeking to undertake new projects. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Maintain Business Concierge Program: ConƟnue maintaining a “concierge” funcƟon to support businesses in navigaƟng processes such as business licenses, tenant improvements, and other permiƫng processes. 2. Survey Small Businesses: Conduct ongoing follow-up surveys with businesses that interact with the City of Dublin to idenƟfy recurring issues affecƟng the clarity and efficiency of these processes. 3. Evaluate and Implement PotenƟal Refinements to City processes and communicaƟon: Based on feedback, review current procedures and implement improvements to permiƫng, licensing, and other City processes affecƟng Dublin’s businesses. 11.6.2 IMPROVE MARKETING OF CITY-OFFERED PROGRAMS AND SERVICES A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall strive to improve markeƟng of City-offered incenƟves, services, and programs to exisƟng small businesses in addiƟon to maintaining successful engagement with new businesses. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Promote City-Offered IncenƟves and Services: Maintain a process and regular Ɵmeline for preparing and sending markeƟng to business license holders and local small businesses. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–6 2. Review Small Business Events: ConƟnue conducƟng reviews of small business promoƟonal events and campaigns to assess their impact and relevance to local businesses. 11.6.3 ENHANCE SMALL BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL TRAINING RESOURCES A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall enhance ongoing engagement between the City and local small businesses to pursue opportuniƟes to support businesses and to share available programs and markeƟng opportuniƟes. As opportuniƟes and funding arise, the City of Dublin shall also expand small business technical training resources. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Conduct Outreach to Small Businesses: Conduct outreach targeted to Dublin’s diverse communi Ɵes of local small businesses and business organizaƟons to gather informaƟon about specific needs and concerns. 2. ConƟnue Small Business Navigator Program or Similar Services: ConƟnue to provide service and expand, if possible. 3. Maintain Online Resources: ConƟnue using the City of Dublin’s website to help connect local small businesses to programs and organizaƟons that provide technical assistance. 4. Assist Small Businesses Directly: ConƟnue providing small business assistance through acƟviƟes such as direcƟon to resources, local grant funding and low-cost loan opportuniƟes, landlord outreach, and connecƟons with real estate brokers and other regional partners. 11.7 GOAL III: DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC EMPLOYMENT-SUPPORTING GREENFIELD SITES Goal III: Development of Strategic Employment-SupporƟng Greenfield Sites seeks to ensure development of major greenfield opportunity sites with modern commercial and light industrial employment uses by supporƟng infrastructure needs and reducing cost barriers. 11.7.1 PRIORITIZE THE FALLON EAST ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall conƟnue prioriƟzing the Fallon East Economic Development Zone as a key area for aƩracƟng high priority industries such as those idenƟfied in the Economic Development Strategy adopted in 2024. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Develop Infrastructure: ConƟnue working with property owners, developers, and the City of Livermore to coordinate, fund, and build out the Dublin Boulevard extension and other required infrastructure, as feasible. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–7 2. Maintain and Consider IncenƟves for Development: ConƟnue to prioriƟze aƩracƟng high-priority industries through development incenƟves in the Fallon East Economic Development Zone. Solicit feedback on exisƟng development incenƟves to determine future adjustments. 3. Promote Fallon East Economic Development Zone: Promote greenfield development opportuni Ɵes as part of Dublin’s markeƟng and branding efforts, especially when undertaking business aƩracƟon efforts focused on R&D, biomedical, office, manufacturing, and other light industrial uses. 11.7.2 MONITOR OPPORTUNITIES AND PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT IN OTHER KEY GREENFIELD SITES A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall conƟnue to monitor and promote development in key greenfield sites across the City that can accommodate employment-generaƟng uses. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Promote Dublin Centre Project: Work with the developers of the Dublin Centre Project to ensure the creaƟon of a modern mixed-use community gathering and entertainment desƟnaƟon. 2. Engage With Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA): Con Ɵnue engagement with the ACSPA to determine a vision and work plan for acƟvaƟng and developing county-owned parcels near the Dublin/Pleasanton BART staƟon. 3. Monitor AddiƟonal Greenfield Sites: ConƟnue to monitor opportuniƟes to support commercial development at other greenfield sites such as the vacant property bounded by Arnold Road, MarƟnelli Way, Hacienda Drive, and I-580. 11.8 GOAL IV: PROMOTE INFILL INVESTMENT Goal IV: Promote Infill Investment enhances Dublin’s ability to compete for innovaƟon-oriented businesses by creaƟng commercial environments that aƩract modern retail, housing, dining, recreaƟon, and entertainment ameniƟes. 11.8.1 ACHIEVE THE DOWNTOWN DUBLIN VISION A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall conƟnue to idenƟfy and implement investments, partnerships, and regulatory changes that accelerate the emergence of Downtown Dublin as a mixed-use innovaƟon district and community desƟnaƟon. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Partner with Developers and Property Owners: ConƟnue providing supporƟve services, regulatory amendments, and parƟcipaƟng in development negoƟaƟons as part of the public-private partnership to accelerate buildout of the Dublin Commons project. 2. Explore Funding and Financing Tools: Explore adopƟon of funding and financing tools to accelerate construcƟon of public infrastructure that supports buildout of the Dublin Commons project and Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–8 improves mulƟmodal transportaƟon connecƟons within and between subareas of Downtown Dublin. 3.IdenƟfy Incubator Space Opportuni Ɵes: Explore the potenƟal creaƟon of a business and innovaƟon incubator space in the Downtown Dublin area. 11.8.2 EXPLORE OPPORTUNITIES WITH HACIENDA CROSSINGS SHOPPING CENTER A.Policy 1.The City of Dublin shall explore opportuniƟes to support tenant aƩracƟon, expansion of entertainment and dining, reduce barriers to diversifying uses, and to incenƟvize reinvestment and new development within the Hacienda Crossings shopping center. B.ImplementaƟon Measures 1.Maintain Regular Contact with Hacienda Crossings Management: Ensure proac Ɵve regular contact with Hacienda Crossings management and ownership to idenƟfy and address barriers and opportuniƟes for aƩracƟng tenants and reinvestment at the shopping center. 2.Collaborate In Future Plans: If the Hacienda Crossings ownership chooses to pursue a significant master planning or re-visioning process for the center, collaboraƟvely idenƟfy ways to support and accelerate this process. 11.8.3 EXPLORE THE FUNCTIONALITY OF EXISTING INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS A.Policy 1.The City of Dublin shall undertake a process to determine the func Ɵonality and relevance of exisƟng industrial buildings for manufacturing, R&D, and construcƟon businesses. Based on the results of this process, the City may undertake acƟons to address challenges and implement land use policy as needed to preserve the diversity of spaces available for businesses in Dublin. B.ImplementaƟon Measures 1.Study FuncƟonality: Study the funcƟonality, relevance, challenges, and opportuniƟes of industrial spaces, especially within the Sierra / Trinity Business Park. 2.InvesƟgate Land Use Policy Changes: Based on the findings of the preceding acƟon, invesƟgate the need for land use policy changes that limit or expand the types of uses permiƩed in specific industrial areas in Dublin, parƟcularly in the Sierra / Trinity Business Park. 3.Implement AcƟons to Support FuncƟonality of Industrial Buildings: Pursue land use policy changes as appropriate to preserve a wide diversity of space available for businesses in all industries in Dublin, as necessary. 11.9 GOAL V: SUPPORT RETAIL VITALITY Goal V: Support Retail Vitality seeks to support Dublin’s retail opportuniƟes given market trends such as growth of e-commerce sales and the evolu Ɵon of tenant space and locaƟon preferences. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–9 11.9.1 STUDY INCENTIVES AND LAND USE REGULATION TO REDUCE BARRIERS A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall study potenƟal incenƟves and changes to zoning and land use regulaƟon that will reduce barriers to flexibly reusing exisƟng retail spaces and to converƟng retail uses to in- demand uses such as entertainment, dining, and personal services. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. InvesƟgate and Address Regulatory Barriers: Collect informaƟon regarding specific regulatory barriers to changes of use in retail spaces through ongoing contacts with brokers and retail, dining, and entertainment businesses. Review and modify any regulatory barriers, as needed. 11.9.2 EXPAND AND ENHANCE RETAIL PERFORMANCE MONITORING A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall maintain and expand performance monitoring of exisƟng shopping centers and commercial areas. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Monitor Sales Performance: ConƟnue working with the City of Dublin’s sales tax data provider to establish data reporƟng geographies in Dublin. ConƟnue monitoring sales tax performance on a quarterly basis for all reporƟng geographies. 2. Market City-Offered Services to Businesses: Conduct outreach and market exisƟng City-offered services to owners of shopping centers and businesses experiencing significant declines in sales. UƟlize the services of the Business Navigator Program as a resource for these businesses. 3. Engage Brokers and Property Owners: ConƟnue ongoing engagement with brokers and property owners to idenƟfy opportuniƟes, challenges, tenant changes, and trends. 11.9.3 MAINTAIN OUTREACH TO LARGE SALES TAX REVENUE GENERATORS A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall prioriƟze support for its largest sales tax revenue generators, given the importance of these businesses to the City’s overall retail and fiscal health. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Perform Annual Outreach: ConƟnue annual outreach to automobile dealership owners and the other top 10 sales tax revenue generators in the City of Dublin to offer City services and iden Ɵfy and resolve any relevant issues and concerns. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–10 11.10 GOAL VI: ENHANCE HOTEL STAYS AND DEVELOPMENT Goal VI: Enhance Hotel Stays and Development focuses on posiƟoning the City of Dublin to benefit from ongoing efforts to aƩract a new mulƟuse venue in the Tri-Valley and conƟnuing to promote the accessibility of Dublin’s hotels to businesses and Tri-Valley desƟnaƟons. 11.10.1 LEVERAGE REGIONAL VENUE AND HOTEL ATTRACTION EFFORTS A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall conƟnue collaboraƟon with regional stakeholders like Visit Tri-Valley to aƩract a potenƟal mulƟuse venue and new hotels that would capture visitaƟon and commercial acƟvity associated with the mulƟuse venue. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Collaborate with Visit Tri-Valley: Through ongoing collaboraƟon with Visit Tri-Valley, determine potenƟal opportuniƟes for Dublin to aƩract a mulƟuse venue or determine ways the City of Dublin can support the venue’s construcƟon and aƩract new hotels and hotel stays based on the venue’s operaƟons. 11.10.2 MARKET DUBLIN AS A LOCATION FOR OVERNIGHT VISITORS A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall support and pursue growth of overnight visits and addiƟonal hotel development to support related tax revenues, spending at local businesses, and the employee accommodaƟon needs of major businesses. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Convene Annual MeeƟng of Hospitality Stakeholders: Work with Visit Tri-Valley to convene an annual meeƟng of hotel owners and managers in Dublin to offer services, idenƟfy and address concerns, and learn about opportuniƟes to promote the City’s hotels. 2. Promote Dublin: ConƟnue collaboraƟon with Visit Tri-Valley and advocate for promoƟon of Dublin’s hotels and new hotel development. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3 City of Dublin General Plan | Economic Development 11–11 11.11 GOAL VII: SUPPORT WORKFORCE OPPORTUNITIES Goal VII: Support Workforce OpportuniƟes prioriƟzes the support of workforce development services and commute access to jobs are readily available for the City of Dublin’s residents and workers. 11.11.1 LEVERAGE REGIONAL INITIATIVES A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall conƟnue to influence and leverage regional workforce and economic development organizaƟons and iniƟaƟves to ensure workforce development and training services are available to Dublin residents and workers. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Build Regional Partnerships and Leverage IniƟaƟves for Training and Workforce Development: Maintain regular contact with and seek opportuniƟes to connect and encourage collaboraƟon between major employers and regional workforce and economic development organizaƟons. 11.11.2 LEVERAGE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION INITIATIVES A. Policy 1. The City of Dublin shall support and achieve benefits from ongoing ini ƟaƟves to expand and invest in transportaƟon infrastructure. B. ImplementaƟon Measures 1. Leverage New Commute OpƟons: Consider and incorporate new worker commute access opportuniƟes, such as the planned Valley Link rail project, as part of planning and business aƩracƟon efforts. Docusign Envelope ID: EE1D373F-5EF8-455C-B552-D0B9425C38A3