HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-13-1986 g&o / ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - March 13, 1986 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Thursday, · March 13, 1986 in the east meeting room of the Shannon Community Center. The meeting was called to / order at 7:25 p.m. by Mayor Peter Snyder. **** ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Moffatt, Vonheeder and Mayor Snyder. **** PLEDGE ~F ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. GOALS & OBJECTIVES STUDY SESSION Staff presented a report representing a review of those goals & objectives adopted by the City Council at its last Goals & Objectives Study Session in March 1985; and which identified proposed Goals & Objectives for 1986. - The City Council reviewed and adopted the following objectives with the additional coma~nts and revisions noted: Proposed Objectives for Accomplishing Goal Program Area/Goal GENERAL GO~ Administration/ - To ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of those services provided to the com~anity. Finance/ - To effectively manage the City's financial resources; maximize City revenues; control expenditures; and develop an adequate reporting system. Intergovernmental Relations/ - To work with other agencies on problems of area wide concern; keep abreast of legislation which impacts the City. Public Relations/ - To effective!y communicate and solicit input from the community on City services and activities. 1. (85) 2. (86) 3. (86) 4. (85) 5. (85) 6. (86) 7. (86) 8. (85) 9. (86) DSRSD Services Study (includes all services) Civic Center Land Swap Study Insurance Program Alternatives Business License Ordinance Codification of City Ordinances Expand Employee Training Program Conduct Council Team Building Retreat Complete Volunteer Recognition Program Aggressively seek Grant Funding for Capital Improvements Additional Goals 10. Work with Viacom to provide Cable Television Service to the Arroyo Vista Project 11o Solicit employee input with respect to the various components of the Civic Center 12. Incorporate the City's logo into a finished stationery design 13. Investigate flextime staffing in the Development Services area 1. (86) Prepare New 5-Year Capital Improvement Program 2. (85) Accounting Procedures Review 3. (85) Review of Charges for Services 4. (86) Reorganize Finance Function 5. (85) Undertake Data Processing Study 6o (86) Prepare Report to Council on Development of an Equipment Replacement Fund Additional Goals 7. Review format of financial report to provide Council with information regarding inadequacy of budget as compared to expenditures 1. (85) Complete transfer of Arroyo Vista 2. (85) Joint Meetings with Representatives from Other Agencies (includes any agency) Additional Goal 3. More aggressively monitor the activities of other regional agencies such as the County 1. (86) Distribute 1 ConTahhnity Newsletter and 1 Calendar commemorating 5 years of Cityhood. 2. (86) Develop Program for Recognition of Outstanding Development Projects Additional Goal 3. Develop entry level brochure for new businesses and residents regarding the City 4. Incorporate Service Directory meeting times into the Newsletter COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~" ' - .... ~evelop plans for future growth · administer the zoning, subdivisio~ and sign ordinances; analyze environmental reports and provide assistance to developers~ 1o (85) Sign Ordinance 2. (85) Revise Zoning Ordinance 3. (85) Camp Parks Annexation 4. (85) Downtown Improvement Plan 5. (85) Community Development Handouts 6. (86) Streamline Planning Application Process 7. (85) Site Development Review Guidelines 8. (85) Workshop with Planning Cc~mission Adjourned Regular Meeting CM-5-52 March 13, 1986 Building & Safety/ - To administer and enforce the Citl~'s Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Housing and Zoning Codes; to ensure the safe construction and maintenance of buildings and structures and assist applicants in a timely manner. Engineering/, - To provide local review of subdivision and parcel maps; to perform transportation planning and recommend solutions to traffic safety problems; design capital improvements; and act as an advocate for the City on all engineering related problems 9. Develop Annexation Fiscal Impact Review Procedures 10. Develop Environmental Guidelines Additional Goals 11. Prepare a report to Council on Park Bond Act eligibility for historic building funding 12. Report to Council on historic element of General Plan or ordinance 1. (86) Revise Ordinance related to Fencing Swimming Pools 2. (86) Revise Ordinance related to Assigning Addresses 3. (86) Develop Infraction System for Building & Zoning Violations 1. (86) Re-evaluate the priority of future underground utility projects 2. (86) Develop specific plan for extension of development to the west of the City 3. (86) Resolve agreement with Army regarding Dougherty Road right-of-way 4. (85) Coordinate 1-580/Oougherty Road Improvements to minimize impact on adjacent property owners. 5. (86) Develop master transportation plan for eastern annexation area CULTURE AND LEISURE Recreation/ - To enhance the quality of life for all residents by providing recreational and other special interest programs; improve the utilization of existing recreation facilities; develop new recreation facilities. 1o (86) 2. (86) 3. (86) 4. (86) 5. (86) 6. (86) Determine disposition of parks and park responsibilities for those parks in the City currently owned by DSRSD Acquire Kolb Park andthe Fallon School Multi-Use Room from the Murray School District Complete and adopt the Park Development Plan Complete construction of Amador Lakes Mini-Park Complete construction of Kolb Park Complete renovation of the Fallon School Multi-Use Rocm for Senior Center use 7. (86) Hire a Senior Center Director to initiate senior programs 8. (86) Complete the Shannon Center Building Improvement Plan and implement recommended renovation 9. (86) Complete renovation of Shannon Park 10. (86) Commence construction of Dolan Park 11. (86) Develop teen program utilizing the assistance of Dublin teens 12. (86) Work with Murray School District to secure permanent space for the Afterschoo1 Playground Program 13. (86) Investigate the need for additional outdoor recreational facilities at Dublin High School 14. (86) Adopt new rental policy for Shannon Center 15. (86) Conduct 85% of classes offered 16. (86) Increase weekday utilization of Shannon Center by 25% of 1985 17. (86) Expand the preschool program by one-third of 1985 18. (86) Resolve conflict for Nielsen Afterschoo1 Playground Program Additional Goals 19. Prepare report on adding one elementary school to Afterschoo1 Playground Program 20. Prepare reporn on City undertaking field scheduling 21. Prepare report on openingthe Library on Sunday 22. Investigate opportunities for assisting in the promotion of historical and cultural activities in Dublin PUBLIC SAFETY Police/ - To deter crime, respond to calls, apprehend criminals, enforce traffic regula- tions and educate the public in order to enhance community safety and security. Animal Control/ - To ensure public health and safety by provzding animal licensing, enforcement and shelter services; and vector contro 1. (85) Increase level of Traffic Enforcement 2. (86)~ Implement Neighborhood Self-Help Program 3. (86) Develop Truancy Program with Dublin High School Additional Goals4. Promote narcotic education programs in the primary school grades 5. Report on conm~rcial lighting standards 1. (86) Work with adjacent cc~munities to identify long term solution for the an~nal shelter Disaster Preparedness/ - To plan, prepare and train emergency personnel to handle disasters in an effective and expeditious manner in order to protect persons and property. 1. (85) Complete Emergency Response Plan 2. (86) Coordinate Hazardous Spills Response with Alameda County TRANSPORTATION Maintenance/ - To maintain and improve the overall quality, condition and appearance of public facilities and property. 1. (85) Pavement Maintenance System 2. (85) Develop Street Tree Policy 3. (86) Maintain 3 Day Routine Response on Service Requests CM-5-53 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 13, 198~ Transportation/ - To assess and attempt to meet where possible the need for public transportation in the con, unity. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 1. (85) Bus Shelters 2. (85) Address commuter parking problems 3. (86) Resolve issue of Downtown Bart Station Additional Goals 4. Provide City Staff support in those areas needed to implement lccat transit system Contract Review for the following areas: 1. Building & Safety 2. Engineering 3. Police 4. Animal Control 5. Vector Control 6. Public Works Maintenance 7. Paratransit Services CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS In addition to the Capital Improvements identified in the 1983-88 c~Pital Improvement Program, the City Council requested that the following items be given consideration in the new Five-Year Program: 1. A data processing system to address various needs of the departments, particularly Development Services 2. The installation of benches along the bike path on San Ramon Road as well as conduit for potential future lighting 3. Investigate possibility of obtaining holiday decorations for the City streets Councilmember Jeffery brought to the Staff's attention that the lights at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway have been on during the day. Staff indicated it would contact PG&E to correct the problem. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 ~ity Cler~ - ~\ - CM-5-54 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 13~ 1986