HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout*11-05-2019 Agenda*11-05-2019 Declaration of Posting3.1 - 2903 Helen Putam Award Presentation3.2 - 2899 Employee Introductions3.3 - 2898 United Against Hate Week4.1 - 2922 Draft Minutes of the October 1 and 15 2014.2 - 2896 Westin 2nd Reading4.3 - 2897 Redwood Toxicology Inc. Agreement4.4 - 2900 Adopt an Ordinance to establish new bus sto4.5 - 2901 Building Code Amendments4.6 - 2902 Speed Limit change on Golden Gate Drive4.7 - 2907 Mape Memorial Park Play Equipment Replaceme4.8 - 2909 Clover Park Art Selection4.9 - 2929 Agmt to Employ Linda Smith as CM6.1 - 2912 Density Bonus Regulations Amendments7.1 - 2915 Downtown Dublin Preferred Vision