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Item 3.1 Senior Citizen's Month Proclamation
Item 3.1 Senior Citizen's Month Proclamation (2)
Item 3.2 BART Annual Report
Item 3.2 BART Annual Report (2)
Item 4.1 Approve 04-22-1985 Minutes
Item 4.1 Approve 04-22-1985 Minutes (2)
Item 4.2 Warrant Register 05-13-1985
Item 4.2 Warrant Register 05-13-1985 (2)
Item 4.3 Treasurer's Report 04-30-1985
Item 4.3 Treasurer's Report 04-30-1985 (2)
Item 4.4 Amend Agree for Traffic Eng Study
Item 4.4 Amend Agree for Traffic Eng Study (2)
Item 4.5 AcceptWkTr4988
Item 4.5 AcceptWkTr4988 (2)
Item 4.6 Amend Agree for Bldg Law Enforce Svcs
Item 4.6 Amend Agree for Bldg Law Enforce Svcs (2)
Item 5.1 Request for Soundwall Alcosta and Kimball
Item 5.1 Request for Soundwall Alcosta and Kimball (2)
Item 5.2 Property Maintenance Ordinance
Item 5.2 Property Maintenance Ordinance (2)
Item 6.1 StagecoachRegOfVhclTrf
Item 6.1 StagecoachRegOfVhclTrf (2)
Item 6.2 Appeal PA84-049 Imperial Freeholds
Item 6.2 Appeal PA84-049 Imperial Freeholds (2)
Item 6.3 SierraLnLimtdPrkngHrng
Item 6.3 SierraLnLimtdPrkngHrng (2)
Item 6.4 No Parking Zone Dublin Blvd
Item 6.4 No Parking Zone Dublin Blvd (2)
Item 6.5 Kaufman & Broad Annexation No. 1
Item 6.5 Kaufman & Broad Annexation No. 1 (2)
Item 6.6 Huening PD Rezone&SDR
Item 6.6 Huening PD Rezone&SDR (2)
Item 7.1 Downtown Improve Committee Appoint
Item 7.1 Downtown Improve Committee Appoint (2)
Item 7.2 LAVTA JEPA (2)
Item 7.3 Volunteer Recognition
Item 7.3 Volunteer Recognition (2)
Item 8.1 Joint Council Murray School Board Meeting
Item 8.1 Joint Council Murray School Board Meeting (2)