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Agenda Packet
08-26-2014 PC Agenda
8.1 Attch 1 Att 1 DRAFT Bicycle and Ped Mstr Plan Combined
8.1 Attch 2 Bicycle & Pedestrian Design Guidelines
8.1 Attch 3 Exh A DRAFT CC Reso GPAs w/exh A-O
8.1 Attch 3 Exh B DRAFT CC Ord ZOAs
8.1 Attch 3 PC Reso recom CC approval GPA
8.1 Attch 4 Initial Study/Neg Dec
8.1 Attch 5 Responses to Env Comments
8.1 Attch 6 PC Reso recom CC adopt NegDec
8.1 Attch 6 Exh A DRAFT CC Reso Neg Dec
8.1 PCSR Dublin Bicycle & Pedestrian MP
8.2 Attch 1 CC Reso 09-13
8.2 Attch 2 PCReso recommend to CC-Green Mix Proj
8.2 Attch 3 Exh A Draft CC Ord
8.2 Attch 3 Reso CC adopt Ord
8.2 Attch 4 Exh A Project Plans
8.2 Attch 4 PC Reso to CC to appr'v SDR
8.2 Attch 5 TJKM Residential Guest Parking Eval
8.2 Attch 6 Exh A Draft CC Ord for Dev Agmt
8.2 Attch 6 PC Reso for CC Ord appr'v DA
8.2 Attch 7 Exh A Draft SEIR
8.2 Attch 7 Exh B Final SEIR
8.2 Attch 7 PC Reso to CC for Final Supp EIR
8.2 PCSR The Green Mixed Use Project
SB 343 Item 8.1 and Item 8.2