PC Agenda Statements
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8.1 Attch 1 Cptr 8.66 DMC
8.1 Attch 2 Applicant's Written Statement
8.1 Attch 3 Exh A Project Plans
8.1 Attch 3 Reso CUP w/parking reduction
8.1 Attch 4 Public Works Memo-Parking
8.1 Samran Lrg Fam Day Care PLPA 2010-00020
8.2 Attch 1 Reso Approving SDR for Corton
8.2 Attch 2 Applicant SubmittalPkg
8.2 PLPA-2010-00041 Cortona SDR @ Positano
8.3 Attch 1 Exh A OrdinanceApprovingPDR
8.3 Attch 1 ResoRecommendingOrdApproving PDR
8.3 Attch 2 Exh A, E-1 ProjectPlans
8.3 Attch 2 ResoApproving SDR
8.3 Attch 3 Project Renderings
8.3 Attch 4 Exh A VestingTRMap 7667
8.3 Attch 4 ResoApprovingVestTRMap7667
8.3 Attch 5 Letter From ACCDA SurplusPropAuth.
8.3 PA 09-002 Esprit at Dublin Station-PDRezone