HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutReso 01-24 Adopting in its Entirety Volume I and the Relevant Portions of Volume II Including the Introduction, City of Dublin Annex, and Appendices of the Tri-Valley Hazard Mitigation PlanReso 02-24 Approving Change Order No. 2 to the Amended and Restated Energy Services Contract for Operations and Maintenance with Engie Services U.S. Inc.Reso 03-24 Amending the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan to Eliminate Parking Requirements in the Retail District, Transit-Oriented District, and Village Parkway DistrictReso 04-24 Approving an Agreement for Drone Light Show Services with Hireuavpro.com, LLCReso 05-24 Amending the Commercial Façade Improvement Grant Program GuidelinesReso 06-24 Declaring Weeds and Combustible Refuse a Public Nuisance and Ordering the Abatement ThereReso 07-24 Approving Amendment #1 to the Agreement with Special Events for Tents, Stages, and Other Event Furniture Rentals for City-Produced Events during FY 2022-24Reso 08-24 Approving the 2022 Urban Community Drought Relief Local Project Sponsor Agreement with Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7Reso 09-24 Authorizing the Purchase of Irrigation Controllers from SiteOne Landscape Supply, LLCReso 098-24 Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features with 6797 Pearl PlaceReso 099-24 Approving Findings Regarding the Need for Local Amendments to Provisions in the California Green Building Standards Code as Adopted by the CityReso 100-24 Amending the First Time Homebuyer Loan Program GuidelinesReso 10-24 Amending the Consolidated Impact Fee Administrative GuidelinesReso 11-24 Approving a Small Business Assistance Grant Program Agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 595Reso 12-24 Approving the Second Amendment to the Counsulting Serbices Agreement Between the City of Dublin and Economic and Planning Systems, Inc.Reso 13-24 Authorizing Application for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program and Approving the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Co-Applicants' AgreementReso 14-24 Approving the Agreement Between the City of Dublin and Shamrock Office Solutions for Managed Print ServicesReso 15-24 Item 5.2 Approving an Agreement with Whitewater West Industries, Ltd. for Waterslide and Aquatic Play Structure Maintenance and Repair ServicesReso 16-24 Item 5.3 Approving the Second Amendment to The Consulting Services Agreement Between the City of Dublin and TriValley Internet, Inc. DBA Terzetto DigitalReso 17-24 Item 7.1 Approving the 2024 City of Dublin Legislative PlatformReso 18-24 Amending the Classification PlanReso 19-24 Resolution Amending the Salary Plan for Full-Time Personnel and for Positions Exempt from Fair Labor Standards (FLSA) Overtime ProvisionsReso 20-24 Amending the City of Dublin Position Allocation Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-24Reso 21-24 Approving a Commercial Façade Improvement Grant Program Agreement between the City of Dublin and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 595Reso 22-24 Approving the Second Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement between the City of Dublin and Keyser Marston Associates, Inc.Reso 23-24 Approving an Amendment to the Agreement with Anchor for On-Call Construction Management and Inspection ServicesReso 24-24 Item 7.1 Approving the Two-Year Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024-25 and 2025-26Reso 25-24 Directing Preparation of Annual Engineer’s Reports for Street Lighting Maintenance Districts and Landscape and Lighting DistrictsReso 26-24 Approving the Preliminary Engineer’s Reports and Appointing a Time and Place for Hearing Protests for Street Lighting Maintenance Districts and Landscape and Lighting DistrictsReso 27-24 Approving the Cooperative Agreement with Alameda County Transportation Commission for the Construction Phase of the Green Stormwater Infrastructure ProjectReso 28-24 Approving the Plans and Specifications and Awarding a Contract to American Asphalt Repair & Resurfacing Co., Inc. for the Annual Street Resurfacing (2024 Slurry Seal) Project, CIP No. ST0117Reso 29-24 Delegating the Positions Authorized to Request Disbursements from the California Public Employees Retirement System California Employers’ Retiree Benefit TrustReso 30-24 Approving the License Subscription with Oomnitza, Inc. for Information Technology Asset Management Software and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Annual RenewalsReso 31-24 Approving the Guidelines for the Small Business Navigator Program and Outdoor Operations Grant ProgramReso 32-24 Approving The Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment, and Ordering Levy of Assessment for City of Dublin Street Lighting Maintenance Districts and Landscape And Lighting DistrictsReso 33-24 Item 8.1 Approving Funding Recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Human Services GraReso 34-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #2 to the Contractor Services Agreement with Cascadia ConsulReso 35-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #1 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Guida (formerlyReso 36-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #1 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn & AReso 37-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #1 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Kittelson & AssReso 38-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #2 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Lynx TechnologiReso 39-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #2 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Pakpour ConsultReso 40-24 Item 5.2 Approving Amendment #1 to the Contractor Services Agreement with Tri-Valley JaniReso 41-24 Item 5.3 Approving a Request to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the AllocaReso 42-24 Item 5.4 Approving a Contract Instructor Services Agreement with Squad Estates dba SkyhawReso 43-24 Item 5.4 Approving a Contract Instructor Services Agreement with Akshay Arora dba Arora TReso 44-24 Item 5.5 Adopting a List of Projects Funded in Fiscal Year 2024-25 by Senate Bill 1, theReso 45-24 Item 5.7 Granting an Easement PG&E for Electric Facilities Purposes Over a Portion of APNReso 46-24 Approving Agreements for On-Call Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services .pdfReso 47-24 Item 5.9 Approving the First Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement Between the CReso 48-24 Item 5.10 Approving Amendments to the Consulting Services Agreements for On-Call ContractReso 49-24 Item 5.10 Approving The Second Amendment to the Agreement Between Civica Law Group, APC aReso 50-24 Item 5.11 Adopting an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-25.pdfReso 51-24 Item 6.1 Establishing the Methodology for Determining the Affordable Housing In-Lieu FeeReso 52-24 Item 6.1 Adopting a Non-Residential Development Affordable Housing Impact Fee within theReso 53-24 Item 6.2 Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2024-25.pdfReso 54-24 Item 6.2 Establishing a Salary Plan for Full-Time Personnel in Accordance with the PersonReso 55-24 Item 6.2 Establishing a Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt from Competitive ServReso 56-24 Item 6.2 Amending the Classification Plan.pdfReso 57-24 Item 6.3 Adopting the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program 2024-2029.pdfReso 58-24 Item 5.2 Approving Agreements for On-Call Civil Engineering and Surveying Services.docxReso 59-24 Item 5.3 Approving an Agreement with Herc Rentals for Electrical Equipment Rental for CitReso 60-24 Item 5.3 Approving an Agreement with Primetime Entertainment for Lighting and Sound ServiReso 61-24 Item 5.3 Approving an Agreement with Special Events Rentals for Tents, Stages, and OtherReso 62-24 Item 5.4 Approving an Agreement with County of Alameda for Additional Library Services foReso 63-24 Item 5.5 Approving the Plans and Specifications and Awarding a Contract to VSS InternatioReso 64-24 Item 5.7 Approving the Improvement Agreement for Two Neighborhood Park Sites within the FReso 65-24 Item 5.8 Approving the Plans and Specs Awarding Contract to O’Grady Paving, Inc. for theReso 66-24 Approving an Agreement for On-Call Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services withReso 67-24 Item 5.10 Approving the Plans and Specifications and Awarding a Contract to Suulutaaq, InReso 68-24 Item 5.12 Authorizing a Special Designation of General Fund Committed Reserves for FiscalReso 69-24 Item 5.13 Calling for a General Municipal Election to be Held in the City of Dublin on NoReso 70-24 Item 6.1 Approving and Establishing the Collection of Minimum Residential Garbage and RecReso 71-24 Item 6.1 Amending the Schedule of Service Rates for Integrated Solid Waste Services.pdfReso 72-24 Item 6.2 Adopting a Master Fee Schedule for Services Provides by the City.pdfReso 73-24 Item 8.2 Confirming the Mayor’s Appointments to Vacancies on Various Local and Regional BReso 74-24 Approving an Agreement for On-Call Surveying Services with Kier & Wright.pdfReso 75-24 Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features with Tract 8646Reso 76-24 Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features with Tract 8648Reso 77-24 Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features with Tract 8671Reso 78-24 Approving a Funding Agreement with the Alameda County Transportation Commission for the TReso 79-24 Approving a Project Funding Agreement with the Tri-Valley Transportation Council for theReso 80-24 Confirming City of Dublin Participation in the California Highway Patrol Cannabis Tax FunReso 81-24 Approving an Agreement for Municipal Regional Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge EliReso 82-24 Approving the Plans and Specifications and Awarding a Contract to Suarez and Munoz ConstrReso 83-24 Approving the Plans and Specifications and Awarding a Contract to FBD Vanguard ConstructiReso 84-24 Adopting an Addendum to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Environmental Impact Reports andReso 85-24 Approving the Vesting Tentative Tract Maps for the Dublin Fallon 580 Project.pdfReso 86-24 Ordering the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City of Dublin an Ordinance AmenReso 87-24 Item 5.3 Accepting Fallon Sports Park - Phase 3, CIP No. PK0119.pdfReso 88-24 Item 5.5 Approving the Allocation of CDBG Funding for the Tri-Valley Haven Shelter RebuilReso 89-24 Item 5.6 Determining no Responsive Bids were Received for the Camp Parks Sign and Guard SReso 90-24 Item 5.7 Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features with TReso 91-24 Item 5.11 Approving the Contractor Services Agreement with Consiliant Technologies, LLC fReso 92-24 Item 5.14 Approving the Agreement for Long Term Encroachment for Landscape Features withReso 93 Item 5.14 Approving the 2stAmend to AGMT for LongTerm Encrch for Landscape, Stormwater, StorReso 94-24 Item 5.15 Accepting the Civic Center Rehabilitation Project, CIP No. GI0122.pdfReso 95-24 Item 6.1 DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF AReso 96-24 Item 6.2 Reversing the PC's Denial, Approving SDR Permit for the Demo of 2 Commercial Bldgs, Construction of 33,125-SqFt Commercial Bldg Dublin Place North ProjectReso 97-24 Item 7.1 Approving the Assignment of Amador Valley Industries, LLC Stock and Other Intere