HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 Issue RFP Street Sweeping (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: March 9, 1992 SUBJECT: Authorization to Waive Competitive Bid Requirement and to Issue Request for Proposal (RFP) for Street Sweeping, Parking Lot Sweeping, and Litter Pickup Services Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Draft RFP 2) Draft Agreement RECOMMENDATION: pprove waiver of competitive bid requirement and \ authorize Staff to issue RFP for street sweeping and litter pickup services. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The estimated annual cost for street sweeping, parking lot sweeping, and litter pickup services for FY 1991- 92 is $68,100. Staff would anticipate that the cost of these services for FY 1992-93 would increase a small amount due to inflation and an increase in the number of curb miles. DESCRIPTION: The current contract with A-1 Enterprises for Street Sweeping, Parking Lot Sweeping, and Litter Pickup services expires June 30, 1992. Section 2.36.050A(9) of the City's Municipal Code provides that waiver of the competitive bid process for street sweeping, as well as contracts over $5,000, must be authorized by the City Council. The Public Contract Code additionally states that street sweeping is not a public project and therefore need not be formally bid. The proposed five-year contract provides for the following services: ■ Residential area street sweeping - twice monthly except during the heavy leaf fall season when extra service is provided Commercial area street sweeping - weekly ■ Emergency callout service - as needed ■ Pickup of litter from trash cans in the downtown area and along the San Ramon Road bike path - weekly except during the holiday season when service is doubled in the downtown area ■ Parking lot sweeping at the Civic Center, Shannon Center, Dublin Sports Grounds, and Alamo Creek Park - twice monthly Staff has previously investigated the possibility of providing this service in-house similar to the City of San Ramon and Town of Danville; however, the capital outlay and maintenance required for the equipment and the personnel costs involved would be prohibitive when compared with the small number of curb miles needed to be swept. It is proposed that the contract for sweeping and litter pickup services not be awarded strictly on the basis of lowest price but that factors such as proximity to Dublin, response time for emergency callouts, staffing and available equipment, and willingness to work with Staff and the public be considered as well. The sweeping contractor is required to interface directly with the public and to respond personally to service requests. While Staff is interested in obtaining a competitive price for the work, quality and expediency of performance is also important. Staff recommends that the City Council approve waiver of the competitive bid requirement and authorize Staff to issue an RFP to interested potential providers. a: (contracts)\sweeping\agstrfp -----------------------------------------------------------X--------------- _ ITEM NO. COPIES TO: CITY C L E R K FILE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL STREET SWEEPING, PARKING LOT SWEEPING, AND LITTER PICKUP SERVICES The City of Dublin is seeking proposals for a contract which includes street sweeping, parking lot sweeping, and litter pickup services. A description of the services to be performed is as follows: STREET SWEEPING: Residential area sweeping to be performed twice monthly, except during the heavy leaf fall season when additional service may be performed as directed by the Public Works Director. Commercial area sweeping to be performed weekly. Emergency callout service to be available on an as-needed basis. PARKING LOT SWEEPING: To be performed twice monthly at each of the following public parking lots: Civic Center - 100 Civic Plaza Shannon Park/Community Center - 11600 Shannon Avenue Dublin Sports Grounds - Dublin Blvd. adjacent to Civic Center Alamo Creek Park - Dougherty Road and Willow Creek Drive LITTER PICKUP: To be performed weekly except that extra service may be required during the December shopping season and when other special downtown events are held. The City has a total of 17 trash receptacles in the downtown area and along the San Ramon Road bike path. Additional information regarding-scheduling, .-quantities, - requirements, compensation, and'" so forth, is included in the draft agreement attached to this Request for Proposal. The City proposes to award one five year contract for all of the above services. The award will not be made strictly on the basis of lowest price quoted. Consideration will be given to the following factors: proximity to the City of Dublin, response time for emergency callouts, location of nearest dump site, staffing, available equipment, references, and willingness to work with City Staff and the public. If you are interested in providing a proposal for these services, please complete the attached forms in their entirety and return them in a sealed envelope to the City of Dublin Public Works Department, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568, no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday. March 27, 19.92. Envelopes should be clearly marked "PROPOSAL FOR STREET SWEEPING, PARKING LOT SWEEPING, AND LITTER PICKUP SERVICES. " Proposals received after that time will not be considered. The contents of the proposals will be available to the public at that time; however, a decision will not be made until proposals have been thoroughly reviewed and references checked. If you have any questions regarding this RFP or the contract, please contact Ginger Russell, Administrative Aide, at (510) 833-6630. N y: Page 1 of 4 r" _ 'Ma PROPOSAL FOR STREET SWEEPING, PARKING LOT SWEEPING, AND LITTER PICKUP SERVICES NAME OF COMPANY: BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO. ( ) LOCATION WHERE EQUIPMENT IS KEPT, IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 1. LIST THE QUANTITY AND TYPE OF EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT. IDENTIFY WHICH VEHICLES WOULD BE USED AS PRIMARY SERVICE VEHICLES AND WHICH (IF ANY) WOULD BE USED AS BACKUP. IF YOU DID NOT LIST ANY BACKUP EQUIPMENT ABOVE, PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW YOU WOULD PROVIDE SERVICE IN THE EVENT OF A MECHANICAL FAILURE: 2. LIST AND QUANTIFY THE PERSONNEL (BY JOB TITLE) THAT WOULD BE DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THIS CONTRACT. INCLUDE SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL, OFFICE PERSONNEL, AND DRIVERS. EXPLAIN HOW YOU WOULD CONTINUE TO PROVIDE SERVICE IN THE EVENT OF ILLNESS OR VACATIONS. Page 2 of 4 PLEASE DESCRIBE THE SCREENING PROCESS USED IN THE SELECTION OF DRIVERS: 3. PROVIDE AN ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL (ETA) - IN NUMBER OF HOURS - FOR EMERGENCY CALLOUTS (FROM TIME OF NOTIFICATION BY THE CITY TO THE OPERATOR'S ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE) . WORKING HOURS (8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ) AFTER HOURS: 4. IDENTIFY THE DUMP SITE TO BE USED DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE. 5. IF A PORTION OF THIS CONTRACT IS PROPOSED TO BE PERFORMED BY SUBCONTRACTORS, PLEASE IDENTIFY THE SUBCONTRACTOR(S) AND WHAT PART OF THE CONTRACT THEY WILL BE PERFORMING. 6. REFERENCES: PLEASE LIST THREE SIMILAR CONTRACTS YOU ARE CURRENTLY PERFORMING OR -HAVE PERFORMED WITHIN THE LAST 'TWO YEARS­* ,. IF YOU HAVE HAD NO�OTHER PUBLIC AGENCY CONTRACTS PLEASE LIST THE MOST COMPARABLE. REFERENCES MUST INCLUDE THE NAME OF A CONTACT PERSON AND A TELEPHONE NUMBER. a. b. C. Page 3 of 4 PROPOSED COST OF SERVICE ESTIMATED EST TOTAL SERVICE ANNUAL QTY UNIT UNIT COST ANNUAL COST RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL STREET SWEEPING 3,650 CURB MI. $ $ INTERSECTION SWEEPING* 624 EACH $ $ TRASH RECEPTACLE PICKUP 1,152 EACH $ $ EMERGENCY CALLOUT* 60 HOURS $ $ PARKING LOT SWEEPING 12 PER MO. $ $ TOTAL ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST: $ IF YOUR CALLOUT RATE ASSUMES A MINIMUM NUMBER OF HOURS, PLEASE INDICATE THE MINIMUM IN THE FOLLOWING SPACE: IF NO MINIMUM IS LISTED, THE CITY WILL ASSUME A MINIMUM OF ONE HOUR. * Note: The current contract provides for commercial intersection sweeping as a separate item from the curb mile item... .There are 12 commercial -intersections. See Section 1A(3) of the draft agreement. SIGNATURE: TITLE: Page 4 of 4 CITY OF DUBLIN AGREEMENT FOR STREET SWEEPING, PARKING LOT SWEEPING, AND LITTER PICKUP SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1992, by and between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY, " and hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR. " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Contractor has submitted to the City a proposal to sweep the public streets and public parking lots, and provide litter pickup within the limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is advantageous and in the best interest of the City of enter into the Agreement hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, conditions, and covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. STREET AND PARKING LOT SWEEPING Contractor shall use and furnish at his own expense all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the satisfactory performance of the street sweeping and parking lot sweeping work set forth herein. After sweeping, curbs and gutters shall be left in a clean condition. A clean condition is defined as the absence of residue in the streets and gutters upon the completion of the sweeping operation. The sweeping shall include as many passes as necessary to leave the street in a clean condition. Contractor shall maintain a log which indicates dates, times, streets, and miles swept. The log shall be available for inspection by the Public Works Director or his designee. A. Schedule Exhibit A outlines the sweeping schedule to be utilized for residential streets. Any change must be approved by the Public Works Director. Contractor shall provide a sweeping plan for commercial streets, which must be approved by the Public Works Director. All street sweeping shall be performed as follows: 1) Residential Streets Residential streets are defined as all paved and public streets which are not identified as commercial streets in the following paragraph. All residential streets, including any center or median strips therein, shall be swept twice each month on the second and fourth full weeks, or the first and third full Page 1 rKiaa i aH �2AFT AG�Z�1EfJT weeks, as agreed between the City and the Contractor. Exception: the Contractor shall sweep specified residential streets once every week during the heavy leaf-fall season OR shall increase service so as to provide the same result, at the option of the Public Works Director or his designee. The duration of the extra service and the streets to be included shall be determined by the Public Works Director or his designee. The following commercial streets shall be treated as residential streets for the purpose of this contract: Dublin Boulevard (westerly of Silvergate Drive) , Dublin Court, Sierra Lane, Sierra Court, Civic Plaza, Trinity Court, Houston Place, Golden Gate Drive. These commercial streets shall be swept early enough in the morning to avoid cars being parked along the street. 2) Commercial Streets The following streets are defined as commercial streets and shall be swept once every week: Amador Valley Boulevard (Village Parkway to westerly end) , Village Parkway (Clark Avenue to Amador Valley Boulevard) , Regional Street (Amador Valley Boulevard to southerly end) , Amador Plaza Road (Amador Valley Boulevard to southerly end) , San Ramon Road (Dublin Boulevard to Alcosta Boulevard) , Scarlett Court (Dougherty Road to easterly end) , Dublin Boulevard (Silvergate Drive to easterly end) , Dougherty Road (I-580 to Northerly City Limit) , Clark Avenue (southerly of Dublin Boulevard) . The center medians within the limits specified shall also be swept once every week. Any portions of the above streets which are not within the limits above shall be defined as a residential street and shall be swept in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. 3) Intersections Contractor shall sweep the intersection of the following twelve major cross streets according to the same schedule as commercial streets: Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road Dublin Boulevard/Dublin Court Dublin Boulevard/Sierra Court Dublin Boulevard/Village Parkway Dublin Boulevard/Amador Plaza Road Dublin Boulevard/Golden Gate Drive Dublin Boulevard/Regional Street Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Blvd. Amador Valley Blvd./Regional Street Amador Valley Blvd./Village Pkwy. Amador Valley Blvd./Dougherty Road 4) Parking Lots The following City parking lots shall be swept on a twice-monthly basis during the same weeks as the residential sweep: Civic Center - 100 Civic Plaza Shannon Park/Community Center - 11600 Shannon Avenue Alamo Creek Park - Dougherty Road and Willow Creek Drive Dublin Sports Grounds - Dublin Blvd. next to Civic Center «)>«)>«»0D«»q)>«)>«»«)>«))«»«))«))«»«))«»«»«»«»«»«»«))«)>«»«»«)>«))«)>«))«))«»«»«))«)>«»«)>«)>ff)>«»«)>«)) Page 2 Sweeping shall be done after the normal operating hours of the facility so that no vehicles remain in the parking lot at the time sweeping is done. In the case of parks in residential neighborhoods (i.e. , Alamo Creek Park and Shannon Park) , sweeping shall be done at such time as to avoid noise complaints from adjacent residents. Sweeping days and times for all parking lots shall be approved by the Public Works Director or his designee. 5) Emergency Callouts Contractor shall provide a 24-hour telephone number and/or a list of employees, including telephone numbers and pager numbers, who are available for 24- hour emergency callout service. The response time for emergency callouts shall conform to the estimated time of arrival quoted in Contractor's proposal to the City. Compensation for emergency callouts shall be on an hourly basis according to the rates listed in Exhibit B of this agreement. 6) Delays in Sweeping Schedule In the event of inclement weather, Contractor shall not be required to perform either the regular sweeping schedule or a makeup schedule. Contractor shall, if requested by the Public Works Director, sweep any streets which become littered with storm debris. In the event of a mechanical breakdown, service will be provided as follows: (Language to be inserted after contractor has been selected) B. Estimated Miles to be Swent The total annual estimated curb miles to be swept shall be as follows: Residential: 2,500 Commercial: 1,141 Curb mileage is calculated according to actual curb miles swept and not machine odometer readings. It is recognized that a need may arise to increase the frequency of sweeping during the heavy leaf fall season and thus increase the total number of miles swept or to increase callout hours. In the event that such a need does arise, Contractor shall increase the frequency of sweeping as directed by the Public Works Director or his designee. Any streets added to the City during the term of this Agreement, either by new construction or annexation, shall be swept according to the appropriate schedule beginning as soon as said streets are accepted officially by the City. The «»«»«)>(c)>(())«))«)>«N«)>(C))«)>«)>«)><C))U)>«N«))«N(())«)>«)>«))«)>«»«)>«)>«)>K)>«)>«)>«)>«)>«)>«»«N((»«)>«)>«)>«N«)) Page 3 additional cost for sweeping these streets shall be based on the per mile cost set forth in Exhibit B. C. Street Sweeping Complaints Contractor shall, in person or by his agent, investigate any complaints which may concern or involve the performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall report to the Public Works Director or his designee on the following working day as to the action or procedure taken with reference to any complaints, and when necessary, complete the citizens' request form which will remain on file in the City offices. D. Disposal of Sweepings Contractor shall dispose of all refuse collected by hauling same to legally established refuse disposal sites or other site approved by the Public Works Director. Refuse shall not be stored on the street but shall be loaded into trucks or in appropriately placed containers, which shall be approved by the Public Works Director. If containers are used, they shall be dumped upon completion of the sweeping cycle. E. Water Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, sufficient water for the street sweeping equipment necessary to comply with this Agreement and to assure that the curb and gutter are left in a clean condition and. the amount of dust during sweeping is kept to a minimum. F. Equipment Operation The sweeper shall be operated at a safe speed which will allow for maximum debris pick-up. Recommended speeds are 3 to 5 miles per hour in heavy buildup of debris and 6 to 8 miles per hour in light buildup. G. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Requirements Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Alameda County Urban Runoff Program and the requirements of the NPDES Permit, including preparation and submittal to the City of the monthly report which includes information regarding quantity of material picked up during the sweeping process. 2. STREET SIDE TRASH RECEPTACLE PICK-UP Contractor shall empty those City-owned trash receptacles which are located on Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway and are marked distinctively with the City Seal, and also metal trash receptacles along the San Ramon Road bike trail. «))«»«)>«»«»«)>«))«)>«)>«)>«)>fO>«N«))<(»K))«))«)>«)>(())(())«))(()>«)>((»t)>«»«)>«))«»«)>«»«»«»«))«)>«»«)>(C))U»«)> Page 4 Contractor shall also empty any street-side receptacles which the City adds in the future. Street side trash receptacles shall be emptied on an as-needed basis and whenever requested to be emptied by the Public Works Director or his designee. It is estimated that on an annual basis, 1,152 receptacles will be emptied. Contractor shall maintain a timelog which will reflect the total number of times the receptacles are emptied. The log shall be available for inspection by the Public Works Director or his designee. Payment for services rendered shall be based on a cost per receptacle per pickup. Cost shall be inclusive of labor, vehicle, and disposal costs and presented on a per-container basis, as set forth in Exhibit B. 3. SUPERVISION BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Contractor shall faithfully and regularly provide service in accordance with this Agreement; the work shall be done in a prompt, thorough, lawful and workmanlike manner, according to the provisions of this Agreement. Performance of each provision of this Agreement shall be under the supervision of the Public Works Director or his designee. 4. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Contractor, his agents and employees, shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of the State, County, and the City of Dublin, and all governing bodies having jurisdiction applying to work done or to be done under this Agreement. 5. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION Contractor shall assume liability and pay all costs of defense, including legal fees and court costs, and hold the City harmless from loss, damages, costs or expenses caused by any negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of Contractor's officers, employees, and agents which may occur in the performance of the term, duties, and obligations of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance to the City, to be included as part of this Agreement, which will give evidence of general liability and auto liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 for personal injury and accidental death per occurrence, and $500,000 for property damage per occurrence. The City shall be named as an additional insured in any such liability insurance policy. The contractor shall pay all premiums for said insurance. Contractor shall also provide City with a certificate of insurance, to be included as part of this Agreement, which will give evidence that Contractor's employees are covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance. Contractor shall provide the City with a performance bond issued by a corporate surety, naming the city as obligee, in an amount equal to the estimated street sweeping charges for a two-month period as determined by the Public Works Director. Said performance bond shall be included as part of the Agreement with the City. «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»<c»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» Page 5 All certificates of insurance and performance bonds which are part of the Agreement with the City shall be approved by the Public Works Director and City Attorney as to form and content. 6. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor shall obtain and keep current a City of Dublin Business License. 7. SUBCONTRACTORS The name, background, and experience of any and every firm to which any work outlined in this Agreement is to be subcontracted by Contractor shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for his approval. Unless a subcontract is approved in writing by the Public Works Director, Contractor shall perform all the work outlined in this Agreement, using his own equipment and personnel. It must be clearly understood that Contractor, irrespective of any approved subcontract, shall be held entirely responsible for the quality and quantity of the work done under the terms of the Agreement. No subcontract to do any work outlined in this Agreement is to run longer than the term of the Agreement, and the extension or renewal of any such subcontract agreement can only be made with the approval of the Public Works Director. The agreement will not be assignable in all or part without the express written approval of the Public Works Director. 8. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement will be for a five (5) year period from the date of execution by both the Contractor and the City. Contractor's performance will be formally reviewed on an annual basis. This Agreement may be cancelled by either party upon thirty (30) days' advance written notice. 9. ANNUAL RATE INCREASES Contractor will be entitled to an annual rate adjustment upon each annual anniversary of this Agreement, the amount of said increase to be approved by the City. 10. PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR Compensation for street sweeping shall be based on the actual number of curb miles and intersections swept and number of callout hours expended. Compensation for trash receptacle pickup shall be based on the actual number of receptacles emptied. Compensation for parking lot sweeping shall be paid on a per-month basis. Quantities submitted by Contractor for payment by City shall be according to the schedule set forth in Section IA of this agreement. Callout hours are subject to approval by the Public Works Director or his designee. Exhibit B contains the unit Page 6 prices for the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement. These shall remain in effect until modified under the provisions of Section 8 of this Agreement. Contractor shall submit invoices on a monthly basis. Payment for services rendered per the Agreement will be made within 20 days following the month during which services have been performed, provided that the specified reports and invoices have been submitted in a timely manner. 11. PENALTIES FOR NOT MEETING TERMS Following are cause for penalties: a. Operation of sweeper without using sufficient water to control dust. b. Operation of sweeper exceeding the stated speed limits for operation. C. Missing scheduled sweeping days without providing prior notice to the Public Works Director or his designee (excluding inclement weather) . When observed violating the foregoing on the first occurrence, the Contractor will be notified in writing. Contractor shall respond within seven days with a written plan stating how compliance will be obtained. If the Contractor violates the same specification a second time, City shall have the right to withhold payment of up to one times the cost of service which was scheduled for that day. If the Contractor violates the same specification three or more times, City shall have the right to withhold payment of up to two times, the -cost_of service which..was scheduled for that day for each violation. The amount of penalty shall be determined by the Public Works Director. 12. NOTICE Any notice given under this Agreement shall be served by depositing it in the mail, postage prepaid, to the addresses set forth below. Notices to the Contractor shall be addressed to: Notices to the City shall be addressed to: City of Dublin Public Works Department P. 0. Box 2340 Dublin CA 94568 Page 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. DATE: CITY OF DUBLIN Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney DATE: (Contractor) «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»<c»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»a»«»«» Page 8 EXHIBIT A CITY OF DUBLIN STREET SWEEPING SPECIFICATIONS "Residential Street Sweeping Schedule" Contra Costa Counry G t y of Dublin Wednesday t Tuesday Thursday 7 a � r a 1 -egate tou�eVat P / ArnadOC C 7 7 / Friday Z Monday F5d0 ` EXHIBIT B UNIT PRICES FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL MEASURE QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1. Street Sweeping Curb Mile 3,650 2. Intersection Sweeping Each 624 3. Trash Receptacle Pickup Each 1,152 4. Emergency Callout Hours 60 5. Parking Lot Sweeping Per Month 12 «»0D 0 D 0 D 00 0 0 0))f O>«)>«»«»«)>K»fO)«)>«))K»U»«))«»(())«)>«)>«»«N«)>«)>«))«)>«)>«)>«)>«)>«)>«)>«)>fO>«))«)>«)>t» Page 10