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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 Dublin Transit Center Site E-1 CITY CLERK File # D~c[Q]-[Q]DJ y.., Lfl 0 -30 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 7,2006 SUBJECT: Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning and Development Agreement for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, P A 05-042 ---0 L- Report prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner~' ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report from January 17, 2006 Council meeting, including proposed Ordinances. Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning Development Plan 2. ~ ....... ./Waive reading and adopt Ordinances approving (1) Stage 2 Planned \ VV. Development Zoning for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station and (2) Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton). RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: At its January 17, 2006 meeting, the City Council conducted a public hearing, waived the readings and introduced two Ordinances which would (1) approve a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning and (2) approve a Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton). The City Council also adopted a Resolution approving a Site Development Review for the project. During the City Council Meeting on January 17, 2005, the City Council amended the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning to increase the allowable square footage of restaurant space on the property from 6,000 sq. ft. to 8,000 sq. ft. This change has been made to the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning and is attached for your review (see Attachment 2, pages 3-7). The project (Metropolitan at Dublin Station) includes 300 condominium units and approximately 15,000 square feet of ground floor retail on Iron Horse Parkway and Martinelli Drive. The project is a high density, mixed use transit oriented development which is located in close proximity to the BART station. The project is located on a +4.1 acre parcel in the Dublin Transit Center and is bound by Dublin Boulevard to the north, Martinelli Way to the south, Iron Horse Parkway to the west and Campus Drive to the east. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY TO: Applicant/Owner In-House Distribution ITEM NO. lict Page 1 of2 G:\P A#\2005105-042 Transit Center Site E-l ICC - Resos and Reportlcc consent calendar sr 2-7-06.doc o Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council waive the second readings and adopt Ordinances approving (1) Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station and (2) Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton). Page20f2 I UIJ ?. ~ CITY CLERK File # DlE~[o]-I6lOJ ~ 4-IO"'~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 17,2006 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station - Stage 2 Plann~eDevel nt Rezoning, Development Agreement and Site Development Review Report Prepared by Erica Fraser, Senior Planner- ~ 1. Resolution approving a Site Development Review for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning with the Development Plan attached as Exhibit A Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton) and the City of Dublin for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, attached as Exhibit A Planning Commission Resolution 05-67 recommending City Council approval of the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, with the Development Plan attached as Exhibit A Planning Commission Resolution 05-69 referring decision making authority and recommending City Council approval of Site Development Review for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station Planning Commission Resolution 05-70 recommending City Council approval of the Development Agreement between Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton) and the City of Dublin for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, attached as Exhibit A Transit Center Location Map Site Development Review Project Plans received December 19, 2005 Focused Parking Analysis dated November 9,2005 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. -----------------------------..---------------.--------.------------------------.------...----------------.-- COPIES TO: Applicant/Property Owner File In House Distribution G:\PA#\2005\05.042 Transit Center Site B-I\CC. Resos and ReportlCC Agenda Statement J.I7.05.doc q.q L/7lob ATTACHMENT 1 RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: DESCRIPTION: "Z-0fJ U~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open Public Hearing; Receive Staff Presentation; Receive Public Testimony; . Close Public Hearing; Deliberate; Adopt Resolution approving Site Development Review for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station; Waive Reading and Introduce Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, with Development Plan attached as Exhibit A, and .continue matter to the February 7, 2006 Council meeting; Waive Reading and Introduce Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton) and the City of Dublin for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, attached as Exhibit A, and continue matter to the February 7,2006 Council meeting. 7. 8. No financial impact. In December 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution 216-02 approving a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; Ordinance 21-02 approving a Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning; and, Resolution 02-40 approving Tentative Parcel Map 7892, for the Dublin Transit Center. A Master Development Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center was adopted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003 and together with the approved General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, and Vesting Tentative Tract Map established the land use approvals for the future development of the site. The Master Development Agreement was then amended by Ordinance 25- 05 which set forth affordable housing obligations in the project area. The Master Development Agreement provides that the Dublin Transit Center project area includes the development of 1,500 residential units on Sites A, B and C; 2-million square feet of campus office on Sites D and E; and 70,000 square feet of ancillary retail uses to be dispersed among Sites B through E. Open space will be provided by a 12.20 gross acre park, located on Site F and a I-acre Village Green located between Sites B and C. The Transit Center project area also includes 8.65 gross acres of public/semi-public uses including the BART station and related parking and a Pacific Gas & Electric (pG & E) substation (see Attachment 7 which shows the location of the Transit Center). The City granted various land use approvals in connection with the development of the Dublin Transit Center project, including a Planned Development Rezoning and Stage 1 Development Plan (Ordinance 21-02). The Stage 1 Development Plan breaks up Sites D and E into D-1, D-2, E-l and E-2. It provides that Site E-l could contain up to 300,000 square feet of campus office uses and Site D-l could contain up to 190,000 square feet of campus office uses. In the alternative, up to 300 residential units could be approved on these sites. Implementation of this "flex zoning" increases the residential unit count of the Page 2 ofl 0 Transit Center by 300 units to a total of 1,800 residential units and decreases the amount of campus ~ffi~ '&5 by 300,000 square feet to a total of 1.7 million square feet of campus office. In April of 2004, EAR, Inc; received approval to develop Site A-2 with 112 affordable apartment units for very-low and low-income households. In January of 2004, D.R. Horton received approval to develop Site B-1 (Elan) with 257 condominiums and townhouses. In January of 2004, Avalon Bay Apartment Communities received approval to develop Site B-2 with 305 apartment units and 15,000 square feet of retail. Construction is currently underway for all three of these projects. On December 13, 2005, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 05-68 approving Vesting Tentative Map 7667 for the Metropolitan project. The Planning Commission recommended City Council approval of the Development Agreement (Resolution 05-70, Attachment 6), and Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone (Resolution 05-67, Attachment 4). The Planning Commission also adopted Resolution 05-69 which transferred hearing jurisdiction of the Site Development Review of the project to the City Council and recommended that the City Council approve the Site Development Review (Attachment 5). Proiect Permittin~ Requirements This project requires the approval of a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning, Vesting Tentative and Final Map, Development Agreement and Site Development Review. The Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning is an Ordinance which requires a minimum of three public hearings. The Planning Commission must hold at least one public hearing and the City Council must review the project during two public hearings. In accordance with Title 9, Subdivisions, of the Dublin Municipal Code, the Planning Commission can approve, approve with Conditions or deny the Vesting Tentative Tract Map. On December 13,2005, the Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Map 7667 during a public hearing. The City Council will review the Final Map in accordance with Title 9 during a future meeting. Section 6 of the Master Development Agreement requires the developer to enter into a new Development Agreement which is specific to the current project prior to issuance of a Building Permit. In accordance with Chapter 8.56, Development Agreement Regulations, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission must review the proposed Development Agreement and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council must then take action on the Development Agreement. In accordance with Section 8.96.020(C)(3) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission transferred hearing jurisdiction of the Site Development Review to the City Council. The City Council must review the Site Development Review and take action during a public hearing. ANALYSIS: Metropolitan at Dublin Station is a high density, transit-oriented development which is located less than one-quarter of a mile from the DublinlPleasanton BART Station. Staff's analysis of the proposed project is provided below. Page 3 oflO Sta~e 2 Planned Development Rezoninl! L.{oo~~ A Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning was adopted by the City Council for the Dublin Transit Center in December 2002 and established the permitted, conditionally permitted. and accessory land uses; site areas and proposed densities; maximum number of residential units and non-residential square footage; and a Master Landscaping Plan. The Transit Center Plan designates the Land Use of Site E-l as Campus Office with up to 300,000 square feet of office and 15,000 square feet of ancillary retail. The Transit Center Plan also further defined this parcel as a flex parcel which could be developed with upto 300 units. The Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning limits properties with a residential land use to a building height of five stories along Dublin Boulevard (the proposed project is fQur stories above parking). As you move away from Dublin Boulevard, the heights of the buildings are to be increased to emphasize that the Transit Center is a major regional focal point. For comparison, Campus Office buildings are permitted to be a maximum of 8 stories in height adjacent to Dublin Boulevard. The Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning requires 1.5 parking spaces per residential uni4 regardless of the size of the unit. Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, of the Zoning Ordinance was used to determine minimum parking standards for the retail use which varies based on the type of use. The Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning allows street parking to be counted in the number of parking spaces provided. The proposed Project would develop :!::4.1 gross acres on Site E-l for the construction of 300 residential condominium units at a density of 73.1 units per acre. The residential units will be divided into two buildings with subterranean and ground floor parking. The project will have 708 parking stalls located within the parking structure and 26 parking spaces on Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive for a total of 734 parking spaces. The proposed Stage 2 Rezoning is in compliance with the requirements of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance as a Stage 2 Development Plan has been developed and conforms to the adopted Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning for the Dublin Transit Center. The project is compatible with the land use concept to maximize transit opportunities presented by the adjacent DublinlPleasanton BART Station; conforms with the development standards adopted for the Dublin Transit Center; and contributes to a vibrant, pedestrian friendly environment within less than one-quarter of a mile from the existing BART Station. Develooment Al!reement A site specific Development Agreement is required by Section 6 of the Master Development Agreement for the Transit Center. The Development Agreement for this project has been developed by the City Attorney and is similar to Agreements which have been developed for the other Transit Center projects. The Development Agreement must be approved by the City Council and is included as Exhibit A to Attachment 3. Site Develooment Review The following information is a summary of the key components of the project associated with the Site Development Review. Staff's discussion is broken down into nine categories. Page 4 of 10 ib - , !:J 0:' Site Plan: The Project is bound by Dublin Boulevard to the north, Martinelli Way to the south, Iron Horse Parkway to the west and Campus 'Drive to the east. Two buildings will be constructed on the property and will be connected with small buildings to screen the view of the parking structure and give the appearance of a continuous building along Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive. Parking will be constructed on two levels: subterranean and ground floor. The ground floor parking will be located in the middle of the residential units on three streets with visible parking along Dublin Boulevard (this area will be screened with landscaping). A total of 300 condominium units and 15,000 square feet of retail space will be constructed. The retail portion of the project will be located beneath residential units in Building Number I 1 along Iron Horse Parkway and Martinelli Way. At the interior of the project, the buildings will wrap around two courtyards which will feature a pool, two spas, walkways, and landscaping. In accordance with the provisions of the Dublin Transit Center Plan, Building 2 will be set back a . minimum of 10 feet along Dublin Boulevard. The setback of (he building will vary along Dublin Boulevard in order to promote visual interest along the street. Dense landscaping will also be planted in this area to mitigate the height of the building. In accordance with the Dublin Transit Center Plan, the buildings will have a zero foot setback to the property line along Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive (the building will be setback from the sidewalk). The Dublin Transit Center Plan discourages buildings to be set back from the sidewalk along these streets in order to create a pedestrian friendly environment and encourage use of the street and sidewalks in the area. FloorlUnit Plans: Metropolitan at Dublin Station will have eight different units. The condominiums will vary with respect to size, number of bedrooms, whether the unit will have a mezzanine, whether the units will be a flat or townhouse, and whether the units will have a stoop (See Table 1 below). 1 Bedroom Flat + Mezzanine 1 Bedroom Flat + Stoo 2 Bedroom Flat 2 Bedroom Flat + Mezzanine 2 Bedroom Flat + Stoo 2 Bedroom Town House 3 Bedroom Flat 3 Bedroom Flat + Mezzanine Typical Floor Plans for the units can be found on Sheets A-16 through A-24 of the attached project plans. All units would be equipped with a washer/dryer. Access to a majority of the units will be from interior corridors. Access to each of the floors can be taken from stairways and elevators which are dispersed throughout the project. Four trash enclosures are located on the lower parking level (see Sheet A-3) and can be accessed by elevator (each enclosure is in close proximity to an elevator). Page 5 oft 0 to oezS Access and Circulation: Motorists can enter the parking garage on Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive. Both entrances allow the motorist to enter into the retail and guest parking portion of the project or into the resident parking. Resident parking is located on the north side of the parking garage. Residents will use a remote to open the gate to access resident parking. Parking stalls have also been provided on Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive which can be accessed via the street. Pedestrians can enter into the complex from several areas. On Campus Drive, two large sets of stairs have been provided which lead the pedestrian to the Courtyard level of the complex. This area can only be accessed by key and is primarily for residents. From here, a resident can walk to a unit on the Courtyard level or walk to one of the staircases or elevators. On Martinelli Way, residents can enter into the complex from one stairwell which is accessible via a key. One pedestrian walkway is also located on this side of the street which allows the public to enter into the parking garage (or exit from the parking garage onto the street). On Iron Horse Parkway, several doors are provided which allow a resident or guest to enter into a lobby (which has a stairway and/or elevator) with a key or through the intercom. A pedestrian walkway is also located on this elevation which provides access from the sidewalk to the retail and guest parking area. Two pedestrian access points are also located along Dublin Boulevard which provide key or intercom access. In order to promote the pedestrian viability of the surrounding streets, the design of the building includes many pedestrian features to promote the use of the adjacent streets. Along Dublin Boulevard, a sidewalk and dense landscaping has been provided to make the street a more pedestrian friendly environment. On Iron Horse Parkway, retail shops open to the street and parking is located on the street. Ground Floor units are located on Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive to encourage the use of the sidewalk. These units include an entry and a porch which is located 2 feet to 3 feet above the street. On Martinelli Way, ground floor retail and attractive landscape elements will promote the use of the street. Parking: A total of 734 parking stalls will be provided in the parking structure or on the street. The Dublin Transit Plan requires 1.5 parking spaces per residential unit, regardless of the size of the unit. Chapter 8.76, Off- Street Parking and Loading Regulations, of the Zoning Ordinance was used to determine minimum parking standards for the retail use which varies based on the type of use. The Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning allows street parking to be counted in the number of parking spaces provided. The Dublin Transit Center Plan required 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit and did not discuss whether or not guest parking was included in that figure. Parking studies were later conducted which recommended that guest parking equal 15% of the total required number of parking stalls in the Transit Center. The Applicant has requested a 25% shared parking credit which would allow the Applicant to combine retail and guest parking on the south side of the parking garage. A total of 44 guest parking stalls will be provided, which is a deficit of 22 stalls due to the shared parking credit. Based on recommendations from the Omni Means Focused Parking Analysis dated November 9, 2005 (see Attachment 9), the provided parking will meet retail and guest parking demands for the property as long as the parking stalls along Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive are reserved for short term parking. Based on the parking provided, retail uses will be limited based on the availability of parking. Retail parking requirements are located in Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Parking requirements for Metropolitan at Dublin Station are as follows: Page 6 of 10 . ,.... 70 '- Z'::J Medical Office ealth Services/Clinics Based on available retail parking, Eating and Drinking Establishments will be limited to no more than 6,000 square feet, which includes convenience, sit down, and takeout type restaurants. Outdoor seating may be provided based on the number of available parking spaces. The table below shows the maximum floor area peruse. Table 3: Maximum Floor Area ':Floor A.~ea: Eating and Drinking 6,000 square feet Establishments Retail 9 000 uare feet 30* 30 *Assumes General Retail use which requires 1 parking stall per 300 square feet of floor area. The actual number of required parking stalls varies as shown on the table on the previous page. The recommended Conditions of Approval include a Condition (No. 22) which limits the total floor area of eating and drinking establishments to 6,000 square feet and states that all proposed retail will be reviewed with respect to available parking. Additional parking will be provided (in excess of what is shown in Table 3) on the street which will be provided on a limited basis (maximum parking is for a period of two hours) and can be used by guests, residents, and retail users. Architecture: The overall architectural style of the project is Mediterranean with modern influences. A total of two buildings will be constructed on the property. The buildings will be connected by two smaller accent buildings which serve to give the appearance of a continuous building along the street and to screen views of the parking structure. Each building will have its own architectural style to promote uniqueness and architectural diversity on the site. While the buildings are not exact replicas of each other, certain architectural elements are replicated on each of the building. Details including roof forms, colors, materials, form, massing, balcony design and window design are similar on each of the buildings. While there are differences in the two designs, the overall designs compliment each other. The two' different building designs will promote visual interest along the street and throughout the project. The proposed architecture is compatible with the approved buildings in the Transit Center and buildings in the area. Architectural detailing on the building is reflective of styles that are prevalent in the City of Dublin. The massing and form of the buildings are also compatible with the surrounding buildings. The proposed colors and materials include stucco siding, green tile roofs, stone and earth tones and are Page 7 of 10 1, 0 ,^ zC;; compatible with the'design of the building as well as the adjacent building (Avalon Bay is currently under construction). A rendering showing the relationship of the proposed project to the approved projects on Dublin Boulevard will be shown during the City Council meeting for comparison. Building Number 1 will be constructed along Martinelli Way, Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive and will have a total of 145 dwelling units plus ground floor retail. This building is 65 feet in height above grade and has six stories of residential units above ground floor retail (along Martinelli Way and Iron Horse Parkway) for a total of 7 stories (the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning allows buildings to increase in height as they move away from Dublin Boulevard). On the Campus Drive elevation, there are seven floors of residential units. The retail area includes the extensive use of glass, attractive signage and awnings which promote visual interest along the street. Building Number 2 will front Dublin Boulevard, Iron Horse Parkway, and Campus Drive. This building will have 155 dwelling units and is 50 feet in height above grade. The building will be five stories of residential units (the ground floor along Dublin Boulevard will be parking). Balconies are located on each of the elevations in the project. Access from ground floor units to the street has been provided on Campus Drive and Iron Horse Parkway to promote use of the surrounding streets. Each building has a varying form and massing to form a more interesting shape. Several portions of the building are set back from each other in order to create shadow lines and give the impression of a varied setback along the street. To promote visual interest on the building, two stucco colors will be used on the building in addition to stone material. The stone material can be found on the base of the building in addition to the tower elements. The variety in colors and materials gives the building a more vibrant appearance and is more attractive to motorists and pedestrians. The use of stone can be found in several areas on the building, but is limited to prevent the material from overwhelming the architectural style of the building. Other important architectural features include windows, stoop access units, trim bands, pitched and flat roofs, varying roof heights and tower elements. Each building has several towers which help to break up the massing of the buildings and provide an attractive feature for the property. Each of the two buildings are centered around a courtyard which features attractive plantings and walkways. Courtyard A has a pool and spa and Courtyard B has a spa which can be used by all residents. Both courtyards will connect for easy access to each side of the property. Parking is on a subterranean and ground floor level with the buildings located around most of the parking structure. The ground floor level will be located beneath the courtyards and will only be visible along Dublin Boulevard. Perspective 1 has been included in your project plans which illustrates the design of this area The opening will be covered with patterned metal and a portion of the area will also be screened from view by a landscape berm and plant materials. The site layout and architectural design of this project will be consistent with the urban lifestyle and character of mixed uses planned for the Dublin Transit Center. The detailing of the retail storefronts, townhouse stoops, and urban landscape will accentuate enhanced pedestrian circulation and scale of this area Attention has been paid to the massing of the building to reflect the image depicted in conceptual sketches found in the Stage 1 Development Plan. Page 8 of 10 r .., ,'" q 0: v~ Landscaping: The landscape plan reinforces the urban design intent by creating a pedestrian oriented perimeter with generous sidewalks, street tree planting, and enhanced paving patterns at key elements. On the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway, the comer has been designed to include an opportunity for public art with attractive landscape materials. In order to soften the height of the building and promote visual interest along Dublin Boulevard, large shrubs, trees and colorful plants will be provided. These plants include redwood trees, camellias, India Hawthorn, ferns and other materials. The landscape materials increase in size and height from the sidewalk to the building. By providing plant materials which will be tall and are densely planted, the height of the building will be softened by giving the appearance that the plant materials are similar in height to the building. Additionally, the variety of plant materials including size, shape and color will give motorists and pedestrians along Dublin Boulevard an attractive view. The landscape materials and planting pattern will also compliment the massing and design of the building. The variety of plant materials and a landscape berm will also screen the ground floor of the building along Dublin Boulevard where the ground floor portion of the parking structure is visible.' The Section on Sheet lA of the project plans provides a sketch of the proposed landscaping along Dublin Boulevard. The proposed plant material along Dublin Boulevard is also compatible with landscape materials in the area. The Dublin Transit Center Plan requires a double row of trees in a specific pattern along the four streets which surround the project The required street trees are the Loquat, Strawberry and London Plane trees. The proposed planting pattern shown on Sheet L1 of the project plans shows that the proposed Landscape Plan will conform to the requirements of the Dublin Transit Center Plan. Accent planting will be located at the entrance to the parking garage off of Iron Horse Parkway. The planting will include small plants as well as accent trees in addition to the accent paving. The courtyard will also feature attractive plant materials. The materials will be a mix of trees, shrubs, accent shrubs and groundcover. Sound Attenuation: A mitigation measure contained in the Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center requires site specific acoustic reports to be prepared by qualified acoustical consultants. Proposed Condition of Approval No. 18 requires an acoustic report to be submitted prior to issuance of a Building Permit. The report must include detailed identification of noise exposure levels on the individual project site and a listing of specific measures to reduce both interior and exterior noise levels to normally acceptable levels including, but not limited to, glazing and ventilation systems, construction of noise barriers and use of buildings to shield noise. Should any of the balconies along Dublin Boulevard need to be modified, Staff will review the proposed changes for consistency with the approved design. Typically, normal residential construction with upgraded windows can adequately attenuate vehicular noise for the interior structures. Affordability: The Master Development Agreement for the Dublin Transit Center (as amended by Ordinance 25-05) provides that developer shall pay the City's affordable housing in-lieu fee for 15% of the total units constructed prior to issuance of the first building permit for a residential unit within Site E-l. Condition Page 9 of 10 10 oj 2S of Approval No. 25 has been included in the recommended conditions which further enforces this requirement. Environmental Review: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, Staff has recommended that the project be found exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code section 65457 which exempts residential projects that are consistent with a specific plan from further environmental review. Additionally, the Project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated November 19,2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Noticing: In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property to notify property owners and occupants of the proposed project and of the January 17, 2006 public hearing. The public notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. CONCLUSION: This application has been reviewed by applicable City departments and agencies and their comments have been incorporated into the Project and the proposed Conditions of Approval. The Planning Commission has approved the Vesting Tentative Map and has recommended City Council approval of the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning, Site Development Review and Development Agreement. The proposed Project is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning for the Dublin Transit Center and is compatible with the surrounding properties, similar improvements in the area, and the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive StaiTPresentation; 3) Receive Public Testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing; 5) Deliberate; 6) Adopt Resolution approving Site Development Review for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station; 7) Waive Reading and Introduce Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning for Dublin Transit Center Site E-1, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, with Development Plan attached as Exhibit A, and continue matter to the February 7, 2006 Council meeting; 8) Waive Reading and Introduce Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Western Pacific Housing (doing business as D.R. Horton) and the City of Dublin for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l, Metropolitan at Dublin Station, attached as Exhibit A, and continue matter to the February 7, 2006 Council meeting. Page 10 of 10 - t \ of 2-~ ORDINANCE NO. - 06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************************************* APPROVING A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER SITE E-l (METROPOLITAN AT DUBLIN STATION) PA 05-042 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS A. By Ordinance No. 21-02 the City Council rezoned the approximately 91-acre area known as the Dublin Transit Center ("the Transit Center") to a Planned Development Zoning District and adopted a Stage 1 Development Plan for the Transit Center. B. This Ordinance adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan for a portion of the Transit Center, known as Site E-l. Section 2. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: 1. The Project, known as Dublin Transit Center Site E-l (Metropolitan at Dublin Station), Planned Development Zoning meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provides a comprehensive development plan that is tailored to the high density residential and ancillary commercial land uses proposed on the Project site and creates a desirable use ofland that is sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue ofthe layout and design which is in close proximity to mass transit. 2. Development of Dublin Transit Center Site E-l (Metropolitan at Dublin Station) under the Planned Development Zoning will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that the land uses and site plan establish a high density residential apartment community with ancillary commercial uses, on-site amenities, and affordable units in compliance with Master Development Agreement adopted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003. The land uses and site plan provide effective transitions to surrounding development which is characterized by the proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system. Pursuant to Section 8.120.050.A and B ofthe Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: 1. The Stage 2 Development Plan for Dublin Transit Center E-l Metropolitan at Dublin Station) will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that the land uses and site plan establish a high density residential apartment community with ancillary commercial uses, on-site amenities, and affordable units in compliance with Master Development Agreement adopted by Ordinance 5-03 in May 2003. The land uses and site plan provide effective transitions to surrounding I 2.. ot -z.,{ development which is characterized by the proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation system. 2. The Stage 2 Development Plan for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l (Metropolitan at Dublin Station) Planned Development Zoning has been designed to accommodate the topography of the Project site which typically is characterized as vacant, flat land suitable for the development of a residential apartment community with ancillary commercial uses and therefore physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed Planned Development Zoning district. 3. The Stage 2 Development Plan will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare in that the Project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards and will implement all adopted mitigation measures. 4. The Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the Dublin General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Transit Center Stage 1 Development Plan (Ordinance No. 21-02) as it is in conformance with the land use designation of high density residential that allows ancillary commercial use and the various requirements of the Stage 1 Development Plan. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the City Council finds as follows: 1. The project is found to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code section 65457 for residential projects that are consistent with a Specific Plan. The Project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, Tentative Parcel Map, and Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated November 19,2002. This recommendation is based on a determination that there are no supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental EIR Section 3. Map of the Property. Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the Stage 2 Development Plan applies to the following property ("the Property"): 4.1::1:: net acres within Lot 1 of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7667 for PA 05-042 (APN 986-0001- 013-02) of Dublin Transit Center Site E-l at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway. A vicinity map showing the area for a Stage 2 Development Plan is shown below: 2 ~ /3012.S Section 4. APPROVAL The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the following Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan for the Property, which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan shall be in accordance with Section 8.32.080 and/or Section 8.120 ofthe Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. Stage 2 Development Plan for Dublin Transit Center Site E-l This is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. This Development Plan meets all the requirements for a Stage 2 Development Plan and is adopted as a zoning amendment pursuant to section 8.32.030.B of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Stage 2 Development Plan consists of the items and plans identified below, which are contained in the Stage 2 PD/SDR booklet dated December 19, 2005 and the Stage 2 Development Plan attached as Exhibit A ("Stage 2 Development Plan"), which are incorporated herein by reference. The Stage 2 PD/SDR booklet is on file in the Dublin Planning Department under project file P A 05-042. The PD, Planned Development Zoning District and this Stage 2 Development Plan provide flexibility to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and provisions of Chapter 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. 1. Statement of Compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Dublin Transit Center Site E- 1 (Metropolitan at Dublin Station) Stage 2 Development Plan is compatible with the Dublin Transit Center Stage 1 Development Plan in that the Project is a high density residential land use that allows ancillary commercial use as planned for in the Stage 1 Development Plan and conforms with the development regulations established under the Stage 1 Development Plan for maximum building heights and parking ratios. 2. Statement of Permitted Uses. Permitted, conditional, accessory, and temporary uses are allowed as set forth in the Stage 2 Development Plan, pages 2-4. 3. Stage 2 Site Plan. See Stage 2 PD/SDR booklet dated December 19, 2005. 4. Site Area, Proposed Densities. For site area, proposed densities, maximum permitted residential units, and maximum non-residential square footages, see Stage 2 Development Plan, pages 4-5. 5. Development Regulations. See Stage 2 Development Plan, page 5. 6. Architectural Standards. See Stage 2 Development Plan, pages 7-8. 3 ILfoF-zS' 7. Preliminary Landscaping Plans. See Stage 2 Development Plan booklet, pages Ll-L5. 8. Applicable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically provided in this Stage 1 Development Plan, the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance pursuant to section 8.32.060.C. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 7th day of February 2006, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 4 , I? 0 r 2S ORDINANCE NO. -06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR DUBLIN TRANSIT CENTER SITE E-l PA-05-042 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS A. The proposed Dublin Transit Center Site E-l ("Project") is located within the boundaries of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ("Specific Plan") in an area, which is designated on the General Plan Land Use Element Map, and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map as High Density Residential, Campus Office and Public/Semi Public land uses. B. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this Project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Government Code Section 65457 which exempts residential projects that are consistent with a specific plan from further environmental review. Additionally, the Project is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin Transit Center General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning and Tentative Parcel Map and Development Agreement (SCH 2001120395) which was certified by City Council Resolution No. 215-02 dated November 19, 2002. Furthermore, there are no supplemental impacts that would require preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. C. A public hearing on the proposed Development Agreement was held before the Planning Commission on December 13, 2005, for which public notice was given as provided by law. D. The Planning Commission has made its recommendation to the City Council for approval of the Development Agreement. F. A public hearing on the proposed Development Agreement was held before the City Council on January 17,2006 for which public notice was given as provided by law. G. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission who considered the item at its December 13, 2005 meeting, including the Planning Commission's reasons for its recommendation, the Agenda Statement, all comments received in writing and all testimony received at the public hearing. Section 2. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS Therefore, on the basis of (a) the foregoing Recitals which are incorporated herein, (b) the City of Dublin's General Plan, (c) the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, (d) the Specific Plan, (e) the EIR, (f) the Agenda Statement, and on the basis of the specific conclusions set forth below, the City Council finds and determines that: 1. The Project is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified and contained in the City's General Plan, as amended by the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, and in the Specific Plan in that (a) the General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation for the site are High Density Residential, Campus Office and Public/Semi Public Land Uses and the proposed project is a project consistent with that land use, (b) the project is consistent with the fiscal policies of the General Plan and Specific Plan with respect to provision of infrastructure and public services, (c) the project is consistent with the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning adopted by the City Council for the Dublin 110 Ot~ Transit Center and (d) the D.R. Horton Development Agreement includes provisions relating to vesting of development rights, and similar provisions set forth in the Specific Plan. 2. The D.R. Horton Development Agreement is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use districts in which the real property is located in that the project approvals include a Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning for Site E-l of the Dublin Transit Center, Vesting Tentative Map, and Site Development Review. 3. The D.R. Horton Development Agreement is in conformity with public convenience, general welfare and good land use policies in that the Dublin Transit Center will implement land use guidelines set forth in the Specific Plan and the General Plan which have planned for residential, commercial, parks, public and semi-public, open space and campus office uses at this location. 4. The D.R. Horton Development Agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare in that the project will proceed in accordance with all the programs and policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 5. The DR Horton Development Agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values in that the project will be consistent with the General Plan and with the Specific Plan. Section 3. APPROVAL The City Council hereby approves the Development Agreement (Exhibit A) and authorizes the Mayor to sign. Section 4. RECORDATION Within ten (10) days after the Development Agreement is fully executed by all parties, the City Clerk shall submit the Agreement to the County Recorder for recordation. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this ih day of February 2006, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk \ I ub7..-C- Stage 2 Development Plan Stage 2 Planning Development Zoning District (P A 05-042) Dublin Transit Center Site E-1 Metropolitan at Dublin Station (Portion of APN 986-0001-013-02) This is a Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Planned Development Zoning District, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance for Dublin Transit Center Site E-1, located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway. This Development Plan meets all of the requirements for Stage 2 Planned Development review of the project. This Development Plan includes Site, Architectural, Circulation, and other plans and exhibits prepared by Togawa and Smith Architects, Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21, 2005, and Landscape Plans prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21,2005, referred to as Project Plans labeled as Attachment 6 to the January 17, 2005 City Council Agenda Statement, stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department. The Planned Development District allows the flexibility needed to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies and action programs of the General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning (Dublin Transit Center Plan) and provisions of Section 8.32, Planning Development Zoning District of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. The Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan meets the requirements of Section 8.32.040.B ofthe Zoning Ordinance and consists of the following: 1. Zoning 2. Permitted Uses 3. Conditional Uses 4. Temporary Uses 5. Accessory Uses 6. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements 7. Density & Affordability 8. Development Regulations 9. Parking/Garage and Loading 10. Site Plan and Architecture 11. Preliminary Landscape Plan 12. Compliance with Stage 2 Planned Development Plans Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan 1. Zoning PD, Planned Development Zoning District. The Dublin Transit Center Plan states that the land use for this property is Campus Office which allows office (up to 300,000 sq. ft.), high- density residential (with up to 300 dwelling units) and ancillary commercial (up to a maximum of 15,000 sq. ft.). ATTACHMENT 2 PD. Planned Development Zoning District P A 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-I 1~r:s6~ 2. Permitted Uses Permitted uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit Center Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 00-013) and as shown as follows. Due to the number of available parking spaces on-site, the allowable uses for the site are limited (see Section 9, Parking, for more information). The approved uses for Metropolitan at Dublin Station are as follows: Multi-Familv Uses Accessory Structures and Uses (See below) Community Care Facility/Small Home Occupations (per Chapter 8.64 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance) Multi-Family Dwelling Parking Garage Private Recreation Facility (for homeowner's association and/or tenant's use) Small Family Daycare/Home Eating. Drinking and Entertainment Establishments including. but not limited to:* Bagel Shop Cafe Coffee House Delicatessen Ice CreamIY ogurt Micro-Brewery Outdoor Seating Rental/Management Office Restaurant (serving alcohol permitted, full service, sit-down and convenience permitted, drive-thru's are not permitted) Local-Serving Retail Uses including. but not limited to: Art Gallery/Supply Store Auto Parts Bakery Bicycle Shop Book Store Clothing Store Computers/Electronic Equipment Discount/Warehouse Store Drug Store FloristIPlant Shop Formal Wear Sales/Rental Shop Furniture Store General Merchandise Store Gift Shop Hardware Hobby Shop Home Appliances Jewelry Store Liquor Store 2 PD. Planned Development Zoning District PA 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l \q~~ Music Store Local-Serving Retail Uses including, but not limited to (continued): Newspapers and Magazines Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Store Parking Lot/Garage - Commercial Party Supplies Pet Store and Supplies Photographic Supply Store Picture Framing Shop Shoe Store Specialty Food Store/Grocery/Supermarket - including meat, fish, wine, candy, health food, etc. Specialty Goods - including cooking supplies, housewares, linen, window coverings, china/glassware, etc. Sporting Goods Stationary/Office Supplies Toy Store Variety Store Video Store Local Serving Service Uses including, but not limited to: Automatic Teller Machines (A TM) Bank, Savings and Loan, and other financial institutions Barber/Beauty Shop/Nail Salon Copying and Printing Dry Cleaner (no plant on premises) Laundromat Locksmith Medical Clinic** Photographic Studio Professional Offices, including: accounting, architectural, dental, engineering, legal, medical, optometry, etc. Photographic Studio Real Estate/Title Office Shoe Repair Tailor Technology Access Center Travel Agency Watch and Clock Repair * Eating and Drinking Establishments (including convenience, full service and sit down) are limited to a maximum of 8,000 sq. ** These facilities/uses are limited based on available parking 3 PO, Planned Development Zoning District PA 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l 20 tit 25" 3. Conditional Uses Conditional uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit Center Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 00-013) and are as follows: Conditional Uses (the following would need to be approved by the Planning Commission): Bar Community Care Facility/Large Day Care Center** Hospital/Medical Center Nightclub Religious Facility** SchoollPrivate** * Eating and Drinking Establishments (including convenience, full service and sit down) are limited to a maximum of 8,000 sq. ft. ** These facilities/uses are limited based on available parking 4. Temporary Uses Temporary uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit Center Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 00-013) and are as follows: Temporary Uses: Sales Office/Model Home Complex/Rental Office Temporary Construction Trailer 5. Accessory Uses Accessory uses shall be as adopted by Ordinance 21-02, the Dublin Transit Center Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 00-013) and the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 6. Dublin Zoning Ordinance - Applicable Requirements Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD, Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan, all applicable general requirements and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this PD, Planned Development Zoning District Development Plan. 7. Density Site Area: Density: Number of Units: Unit Types: ::1:4.1 acres (net) 73.1 dwelling units per acre (net) 300 dwelling units One Bedroom: 18 units 4 PO, Planned Development Zoning District PA 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l Two Bedroom: Three Bedroom: Unit Type 1 Bedroom Flat + Mezzanine 1 Bedroom Flat + Stoo 2 Bedroom Flat 2 Bedroom Flat + Mezzanine 2 Bedroom Flat + Stoop 2 Bedroom Town House 3 Bedroom Flat 3 Bedroom Flat + Mezzanine Total: 8. Development Regulations Zl~~ 236 units 46 units No. of Units 15 3 182 13 11 30 40 6 300 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bathrooms Unless otherwise stated below, all development regulations in this Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning District are subject to the requirements of the R-M and comparable Commercial Zoning Districts. Develo ment Standard Lot Area: Lot Dimensions: Lot Width: Lot De th: Setbacks: Multi-Famil ResidentiaUAncilla Commercial :i:4.1 acres (net) 289'9" feet 602'5" feet 10 feet (varies) o feet (none re uired) 16 feet o feet (none required) along Dublin Boulevard alon Iron Horse Parkway along Dublin Boulevard alon Iron Horse Parkway along Martinelli Way along Cam us Drive Hei bt Limits: Residential/Commercial 7 stories Structures 65 feet Alon Martinelli Way Re uired Parkin .* Residential 450 s aces Guest Parkin 66 spaces Retail 30 spaces Eating and Drinking 60 spaces Establishment Total Parking re uired 606 s aces Lot Covera e: 84% *Refer to the section below for discussion on parking requirements. 5 PD, Planned Development Zoning District PA 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l ZZoh2-~ 9. Parking/Garage and Loading A total of 734 parking stalls, either in the parking structure or on the street will be provided with the project. The number of residential parking stalls provided will exceed the requirement for the site by 128 (the Dublin Transit Center Plan requires 1.5 parking stalls for each dwelling unit), however, these stalls will be provided for residents of the condominiums. A total of 708 parking stalls will be provided in the parking garage. The parking garage can be accessed from Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive. Parking for residents will be located behind a gate which will require a remote to open. Retail parking is located on the south side of the garage. A total of 95 parking stalls and 22 guest parking stalls are located in this area. This portion of the parking garage may be accessed from Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive. Two pedestrian pathways are also included in the project which provide pedestrian access from Iron Horse Parkway and Martinelli Way. A total of 26 parking stalls will be provided on Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive which can be used for short term guest, resident or retail parking. Parking along these streets are limited to a maximum of two hours. Signage will be posted which alerts motorists of the parking limits. Loading for large trucks will be provided along Martinelli Way. The Dublin Transit Center Plan required 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit and did not discuss whether or not guest parking was included in that figure. Parking studies were later conducted which recommended that guest parking equal 15% of the total required number of parking stalls in the Transit Center. A total of 44 guest parking stalls will be provided which is a deficit of22 stalls over what is required (66). The Applicant has requested a 25% shared parking credit which would allow the Applicant to combine retail and guest parking on the south side ofthe parking garage (which will result in a deficit of22 parking stalls). Based on recommendations from a parking analysis conducted for the project (see Omni-Means Focused Parking Analysis dated November 9, 2005), the provided parking will meet retail and guest parking demands for the property as long as the parking stalls along Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive are reserved for short term parking. Based on the parking provided, retail uses will be limited based on the availability of parking, Retail parking requirements are located in Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Parking requirements for Metropolitan at Dublin Station are as follows: Use Eating and Drinking Establishment Furniture/Large A liance Store General Retail Re air Shop Banks and Financial Institutions Outdoor Seatin Day Care Center (15+) 1 6 I Medical Office (Health Services/Clinics) 11 per 150 sq. ft. "230b~ I PO, Planned Development Zoning District PA 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l Based on available retail parking, Eating and Drinking Establishments are limited to no more than 8,000 SQ. ft. Outdoor seating may be provided based on the number of available parking spaces. The table below illustrates the maximum floor area allowed per use and the number of parking stalls provided. Floor Area Eating and Drinking 8,000 sq. ft. Establishments Retail 9,000 sq. ft. 30** 30 *Although a total of 80 stalls are required based on the Municipal Code, due to the nature of the development, a transit oriented, mixed use project, the City Council determined that additional restaurant space was necessary to serve residents who live and work in the Transit Center. **Assumes General Retail use which requires 1 parking stall per 300 sq. ft. offloor area. The actual number of required parking stalls varies as shown on the table on the previous page. Required Parkin2 80 Provided Parkin2 60* Parking/Garage and Loading shall be provided in accordance with the Chapter 8.76, Off- Street Parking Regulations, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, except as stated herein and as shown otherwise on the plans and exhibits prepared by Togawa and Smith, Architects, Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21,2005, and Landscape Plans prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21, 2005, referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit _ to the January 13,2006 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department. 10. Site Plan and Architecture This Development Plan applies to approximately ~4.1 net acres on the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway. The property is located between Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive on the West and East sides of the property and Dublin Boulevard and Martinelli Way on the North and South sides of the property. Residential and retail units will be located on site. The following is a synopsis of the proposed project: Residential: A total of 300 units would be constructed in two buildings. The overall architectural style of the project is Mediterranean with modern influences. Building Number 1 will be constructed along Martinelli Way, Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive and will have a total of 145 dwelling units plus ground floor retail. This building is 65' in height above grade and has six floors of residential units above ground floor retail (along Martinelli Way and Iron Horse Parkway) for a total of7 stories. On the Campus Drive elevation, there are seven floors of residential units. Building Number 2 will front Dublin Boulevard, Iron Horse Parkway and Campus Drive. This building will have 155 dwelling units and is 50' in height above grade. The building will be five stories of residential units (the ground floor along Dublin Boulevard will be parking). 7 PD, Planned Development Zoning District P A 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l Z-~~2~ Balconies are located on each of the elevations in the project. Access from ground floor units to the street has been provided on Campus Drive and Iron Horse Parkway to promote use of the surrounding streets. Each of the two buildings are centered around a courtyard which features attractive plantings and walkways. Courtyard A has a pool and spa and Courtyard B has a spa which can be used by all residents. Both courtyards will connect for easy access to each side of the property. A recreation room and exercise room for use by all residents is located on the ground floor in the parking garage. The areas may be accessed via the elevators or stairs. Ancillary Commercial: Approximately 15,000 square feet of ancillary, neighborhood- serving commercial uses are allowed for development at the ground level along Iron Horse Parkway and Martinelli Way. Retail has been provided In Building Number 1 and includes 9,000 sq. ft. of general retail uses and 6,000 sq. ft. of eating and drinking establishments. Residents will have access to the retail via the elevators which are located throughout the parking structure and via the street. Two pedestrian paths are also located through the retail areas along Iron Horse Parkway and Martinelli Way which provide access to the sidewalk along these streets. The retail area includes signage and awnings which promote visual interest along the street. Parking Structure: The parking structure is located underneath the buildings and in the center of the buildings. The lower parking level will be a subterranean level. The ground floor level will be located beneath the courtyards and will only be visible along Dublin Boulevard. Resident parking is located on both levels while retail and guest parking is located on the ground floor. Access to the parking structure is located off of Campus Drive and Iron Horse Parkway. The site layout and architectural design of this project will be consistent with the urban lifestyle and character of mixed uses planned for the Dublin Transit Center. The detailing of the retail storefronts, townhouse stoops, and urban landscape will enhance the pedestrian scale of this area. The architecture of the buildings is in the "Mediterranean" style with modern influences which can be seen in some of the details on the buildings. Each building will have its own architectural style to promote uniqueness and architectural diversity on the site. While the buildings are not exact replicas of each other, certain architectural elements are replicated on each of the building. Details including roof forms, colors, materials, form, massing, balcony design and window design are similar on each of the buildings. While there are differences in the two designs, the overall designs compliment each other. The two different building designs will promote visual interest along the street and through out the project. See attached plans and building elevations prepared by Togawa and Smith Architects, Inc. labeled Exhibit A received by the Planning Division on November 21,2005, and Landscape Plans prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21, 2005, referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the January 13, 2006 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department. Any modifications to the project shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design quality. 11. Preliminary Landscape Plan 8 PD, Planned Development Zoning District P A 05-042 Dublin Transit Center Site E-l -z5 c:n 7S The landscape plan reinforces the urban design intent by creating a pedestrian oriented perimeter with generous sidewalks, street tree planting, and enhanced paving patterns at key elements. On the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Iron Horse Parkway, the corner has been designed to include an opportunity for public art with attractive landscape materials. In order to soften the height of the building and promote visual interest along the street, large shrubs, trees and colorful plants will be provided. These plants include redwood trees, camellias, India Hawthorn, ferns and other materials. The variety of plant materials will also screen the ground floor of the building (where parking is visible). See the Section on Sheet L4 of the project plans to see a sketch of the proposed landscaping along Dublin Boulevard. A double row of trees will be located on all streets which will conform to the requirements of the Dublin Transit Center Plan. Accent planting will be located at the entrance to the parking garage off of Iron Horse Parkway. The planting will include small plants as well as accent trees in addition to the accent paving. The courtyard will also feature attractive plant materials. The materials will be a mix trees, shrubs, accent shrubs and groundcover. See plans (Sheets L-l through L-5) prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21,2005, referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the January 13, 2006 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department. 12. Compliance with Stage 2 Planned Development Plans The project shall substantially comply with the project plans and exhibits prepared by Togawa and Smith Architects Inc, received by the Planning Division on November 21,2005, and Landscape Plans prepared by The Guzzardo Partnership Inc., received by the Planning Division on November 21,2005, referred to as Project Plans labeled Exhibit A to the January 13, 2006 City Council Staff Report, stamped approved and on file in the Planning Department. Such project plans are incorporated by reference. Any modifications to the project shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior materials and design quality. 9