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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Wildlife Parks Bond i t CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 27, 1992 SUBJECT Regional Wildlife, Open Space, Shoreline and Parks Bond - Local Grant Program Report By Diane Lowart, Recreation Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED Resolution approving application to the local grant program RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution kl FINANCIAL STATEMENT Phase II Allocation - $157,829 DESCRIPTION In November of 1989 the voters of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties approved the passage of Measure AA, the Regional Wildlife, Open Space, Shoreline and Parks Bond Act of 1988 sponsored by the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) . The $225 million bond issue provides funding for acquisition and development of regional and local parks and open space as follows: 75% - East Bay Regional Park District (75% - land purchase, 25% - land development) 25% - Local park and recreation agencies on a per capita basis The City of Dublin's allocation under this program is $631,316. To date, the City has received $473,487 in funding which was utilized for the renovation of Shannon Park. Applications for the remaining funds ($157,829) are due no later than May 1, 1992 . The following types of projects are eligible for funding under this program: Acquisition Acquisition of readily accessible open space areas is eligible. Acquisition may include developed or undeveloped parcels, fee title, less than fee title such as easements, rights of ways, riparian rights, or any interest sufficient to accomplish project goals. Consideration should be given to open space areas with ready access to large numbers of the immediate population. Acquisition of lands and structures to be converted to recreation use is also eligible. Development/Rehabilitation Development of a park that meets an identifiable recreation need, or that provides recreation opportunities now unavailable, is eligible. Facilities may include athletic fields, courts, open play fields, tot lots, picnic tables affixed to the realty, and a variety of other facilities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation use. Adequate tenure to property is required for development/rehabilitation projects. Adequate tenure means the land must be owned by grant applicant or subject to long-term lease or other long-term interest held by grant applicant that is satisfactory to EBRPD. Rehabilitation of park, recreation, or historical facilities that: are no longer fully serviceable, and that, when rehabilitated, provide expanded or additional recreation or historical opportunities., is eligible. ---------Z,__----------------------------------------------------•---- ITEM NO. CITY CLERIC FILE af410 Historic Preservation Projects for acquisition, preservation, reconstruction, or restoration of historic sites or structures are eligible. Projects must appear on one of the following three registration programs: 1) National Register of Historic Places; 2) California Historic Landmark Program; or, 3) Points of Historic Interest Program. Staff has identified two eligible projects for the grant funds: 1) Mape Park Renovation, and 2) Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation. Both of these projects have been given a high priority by the Parks and Recreation Commission and both projects meet the necessary criteria. Attached is a resolution approving application to the local grant program for the aforementioned projects. Therefore it is recommended that the City Council adopt the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVING APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL GRANT PROGRAM UNDER THE EBRPD REGIONAL OPEN SPACE, WILDLIFE, SHORELINE, AND PARKS BOND ORDINANCE (PHASE II) FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: HAPE PARK RENOVATION DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS RENOVATION WHEREAS, the voters of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties have authorized the issuance of the Regional Open " Space, Wildlife, Shoreline, and Parks Bond Ordinance, which provides funds to the East Bay Regional Park District for acquiring and/or developing facilities for public recreational and open space purposes; and WHEREAS, the East Bay Regional Park District has the responsibility for the administration of the Local Grant Program within the two counties, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the East Bay Regional Park District require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications before submission of said applications to the district; and WHEREAS, said applications contain assurances that the applicant must comply with; and WHEREAS, the applicant will enter into an agreement with the East Bay Regional Park District for acquisition or development of the projects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby: 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Local Grant Program under the Regional Open Space, Wildlife, Shoreline, and Parks Bond Ordinance for the above projects; and 2. Certifies that said agency understands the assurances and certification in the application form; and 3. Certifies that said agency shall perform all acts and obligations of the agency under the application and the instruments and documents delivered pursuant thereto. 4 . Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the projects; and 5. Certifies that said agency shall use the funds from the Local Grant Program to acquire and develop the projects in accordance with the application; and 6. Certifies that said agency reasonably expects to complete the projects within three years from the agreement date; and 7. Appoints the City Manager as agent of the City of Dublin to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned projects in such form and pursuant to such provisions as EBRPD and this agency shall agree. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 1992. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk