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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.10 San Ramon Rd Design Svcsor 19 82 /ii � 111 DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL July 17, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers Joni Pattillo City Manager""' CITY CLERK File #600 -35 SUBJECT: Approval of Proposed Work Under Existing On -Call Consultant Services Agreement (Mark Thomas and Company) for Design Services for the San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain Project, (Capital Improvement Project No. 960028) Prepared by Mark Lander, City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Caltrans will provide to the City of Dublin funding in the amount of $852,000 for the construction of a parallel storm drain line in San Ramon Road between Shannon Avenue and Silvergate Drive, including storm runoff treatment as mitigation for construction of the Altamont Pass Truck Climbing Lane Project on Interstate 580. The City Council will consider approval of an agreement for project design services. Mark Thomas and Company, the proposed Consultant firm, has an existing on -call services agreement with the City to perform this type of work. FINANCIAL IMPACT: This project is anticipated to be completed over two Fiscal Years (2012/2013 and 2013/2014). A total of $443,250 has been appropriated in this Capital Project in Fiscal Year 2012 -2013. The total cost of the proposed Engineering Services to be prepared by Mark Thomas and Company is $116,678; with a 5% contingency this amounts to $122,512. An administrative line item project budget adjustment will be made to increase the Contract Services — Design item, and reduce the current year amount for Staff costs. The net effect will be no change in the total current year appropriation. Prior to bidding the project, Staff will evaluate the total project funding and allocations between the two years. The funding source is a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans approved by the City Council on June 19, 2012. PROJECT 960028 — Approved Total Project Budget Appropriation In Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Staff Costs $40,000 $20,000 Contract Services Design $91,325 $ 91,325 Testing $2,000 $1,000 Survey $3,000 $1,000 Improvements $721,875 $328,125 Printing/ Notices $1,800 $1,800 TOTAL $860,000 $443,250 Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. 4.10 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution Approving Task Order under Existing On -Call Consultant Services Agreement with Mark Thomas and Company for Design Engineering Services for the San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain CIP Project No. 960028. Submit ed By Submitted By Reviewed by Public Works Director Administrative Services Assistant City Manager Director DESCRIPTION: The 2012 -2017 Five -Year Capital Improvement Program includes the San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain project, CIP No. 960028. The project is being funded through a cooperative agreement with Caltrans, as mitigation of project impacts associated with the 1 -580 Altamont Pass Truck Climbing Lane Project. The City Council approved the cooperative agreement at the June 19, 2012 City Council meeting. The project will consist of installation of a new storm drain line along the west side of San Ramon Road between Shannon Avenue and Silvergate Drive (Attachment 1). The new line will divert 10 -acres of runoff from the current 16 -acre watershed serving an existing storm drain line. Runoff from the new line will be directed into a new vegetated treatment pond on the unused San Ramon Road right -of -way just north of Silvergate Drive. The pond would be dry most of the time except during actual rain events. The pond would provide the treatment area needed by Caltrans for the 1 -580 Altamont Pass project. The project will correct capacity problems in the existing storm drain system in San Ramon Road, and also provide credit to the City in meeting the trash capture requirements of the State Municipal Regional Permit for Stormwater. Staff is proposing to utilize Mark Thomas and Company for design engineering services. This firm was among selected firms with approved on -call service agreements which were approved by the City Council on June 19, 2012. Mark Thomas and Company has extensive experience with roadway design, including storm runoff treatment and has provided a proposal in the amount of $116,678 for design services (Attachments 2 and 3). The fees stated are consistent with the provisions of the on -call agreement. The procurement of professional engineering services under section 4526 of the California Government Code requires that the firm have demonstrated competence and the professional qualifications necessary for the scope of work. Staff believes that the firm is well suited for this assignment. A resolution has been prepared approving the work under the task order (Attachment 4). Design will begin this summer and be completed by the end of the year. Bidding will occur in early 2013, with construction starting in the Spring and being completed by Fall. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS /PUBLIC OUTREACH: Residents and businesses adjacent to the project will receive noticing as the start of construction has been scheduled. Additionally, residents abutting the proposed storm runoff treatment cell will be provided the opportunity to review the proposed landscape treatment for the cell. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map Page 2 of 3 2. Mark Thomas and Company Proposal 3. Mark Thomas and Company Fee 4. Resolution Task Order under Existing On -Call Consultant Services Agreement with Mark Thomas and Company for Engineering Design Services for the San Ramon Bypass Storm Drain CIP No. 960028 Page 3 of 3 . _O__... ...... ... ... ...... ... . .... .... City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The project is located along San Ramon Road between Silvergate Drive and Shannon Avenue. The existing drainage system on the east side of San Ramon Road has a reduced conveyance capacity due to chemical deposits on the walls of the existing pipe. This project will reduce the demand on that drainage system and address an alternative stormwater treatment location for water quality compliance of the Interstate 1 -580 Eastbound Truck Climbing Lane Project ( Caltrans EA 4A07U1). Caltrans is proposing to fund this modification in exchange for allowing the installation of the Treatment Best Management Practice (BMP) facility. The existing drainage system consists of drainage inlets and storm drains up to 24- inches in diameter that conveys runoff along San Ramon Road and discharges at the intersection of Silvergate Drive and San Ramon Road. Runoff goes to Alameda Creek and subsequently to the San Francisco Bay. The project will install new drainage pipe along the westerly edge of San Ramon Road. Contributing drainage inlets near Shannon Avenue will be diverted to this system to address the inadequate capacity requirements of the existing system. Drainage inlets along the easterly edge of San Ramon Road may additionally be diverted to this system which will release into a bio- retention /filtration facility used for stromwater treatment. The bio- retention /filtration area will be located at the northwest corner of the San Ramon Road and Silvergate Drive intersection. There is an abandoned culvert with concrete headwall in this area that may require removal to obtain treatment measures. The bio- retention /filtration water quality facility is intended to capture the low -flow stormwater runoff of approximately 10 acres of pavement from adjacent tributary areas. Soils in the area are assumed to be characterized as slowly infiltrating. Imported biofiltration planting soil will be placed on a permeable class material with a perforated underdrain system to collect the filtered water from the soil and return it to the storm drain system. The pipe inlet to the pond is intended to have a trash load reduction filter consistent with MRP Provision C.10. The pipe outlet from the pond is intended to provide measures suitable for maintenance reduction of calcium carbonate loads to the existing drainage culvert system. Excess runoff from large storms will be diverted past the treatment facility. The bio - retention /filtration BMP functions as a soil and plant -based filtration system to remove pollutants. The soil to be used will obtain a minimum percolation rate of 5- inces per hour and a maximum percolation rate of 10- inches per hour, per the Municipal Regional Permit. The vegetation layer will consist of a variety of grasses and small shrubs that will blend in with the landscape adjacent to the treatment area and have water irrigation and control connected from the adjacent trail landscaping. Small Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page I of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment retaining walls may be required to maximize the area necessary for treatment measures. This project will comply with the City of Dublin and Alameda County design guidelines and will generally follow the conceptual mitigation plan prepared by Caltrans. City will be responsible for environmental clearance (CECW /NEPA) and all technical studies including hazardous waste determination. SCOPE OF WORK This Scope of Work is for San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment Facility between Silvergate Drive and Shannon Avenue. The following tasks will be performed as described herein: Task 1 Project Management Task 2 Site Reconnaissance Task 3 Topographic Survey, Utility Research and Base Mapping Task 4 Geotechnical Services Task 5 Preliminary Design Task 6 Final Design, Bid Set Documents, Bidding Support Task 7 Construction Support Services TASK 1 — PROJECT MANAGEMENT — Under this task, CONSULTANT will perform the following project management. 1.1 Coordination & Communication — Supervise and monitor in -house staff for project delivery and maintain project filing record system. Coordinate project with subconsultants and outside agencies including ACFCD (Zone 7), DSRSD and RWQCB. 1.2 Meetings — Attend one (1) kickoff meeting at the beginning of the project to review scope, schedule and construction budget with City staff and define project goals. Attend up to four (4) project development and coordination meetings with City staff, utility companies, and other agencies. Includes preparation of agendas and general meeting minutes that will also describe assigned action items and decisions made. 1.3 Progress Reports — Prepare and submit monthly progress reports along with invoices in accordance with City's format preference. 1.4 Schedule — Prepare and maintain a CPM project schedule (Microsoft Project). 1.5 Quality Control and Assurance — Implement a Quality Assurance Plan and perform Quality Control Reviews prior to making milestone submittals to the City. Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 2 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment Assumption: City will provide environmental clearance (CEQA/NEPA) and mitigation compliance under separate contract. TASK 2 — SITE RECONNAISSANCE — Under this task, CONSULTANT will perform the following reconnaissance. 2.1 Evaluation Meeting — Attend one (1) evaluation meeting at the beginning of the project to review scope, schedule and construction budget with City staff and define project goals. 2.2 Record Data — Identify and collect record drawings and documents from the City. Review and determine extent of maintenance or reconstruction that may be needed due to planned improvements. 2.3 Field Review — Conduct site reconnaissance of the project site and perform visual assessment of existing site condition. Evaluate project impacts to existing utilities including electrical, gas, telephone, cable, fiber optics, conduits for traffic equipment and loop detectors, sanitary sewer, storm drain, water mains and services, etc. TASK 3 — TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS, UTILITY RESEARCH AND BASE MAPPING — CONSULTANT will verify the limits of the survey and level of accuracy with the City at the kickoff meeting and perform the following activities to provide supplemental field survey, control points, topographic surveys, surface visible utility surveys and base mapping. 3.1 GIS Mapping Data — CITY and DSRSD will provide CONSULTANT will available GIS record information of existing facilities and utilities within the project area. Information available may include contours, DTM, parcels, survey monuments, storm drain layers and sewer and water layers. 3.2 Topographic Surveys — CONSULTANT will prepare conventional ground mapping for the project. Surveys will obtain the locations and elevations of surface- visible utilities, conforms areas, inlets, headwalls, and utility features necessary for design purposes. CONSULTANT will obtain existing invert elevations of manholes (sewer and storm drain) and catch basins. CONSULTANT will perform field surveys to obtain cross section information at 50 -foot intervals from the west shoulder of San Ramon Road to the westerly ROW line, within the project limits. Existing survey data available in the project area will be collected and utilized to set the control network for the project. CONSULTANT will perform field checks of data collection to resolve conflicting information and for quality control. CONSULTANT will process data collected to ensure that the data is verified and that it fits within the project controls established for the project. A electronic design file will be prepared in AutoCad Version 2009 at a scale of 1 " =20' showing the topographic information and contours with an interval of 1 -foot. This Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 3 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment drawing will be used as the base mapping for the project. Base mapping will be overlaid onto aerial images provided by the City for a complete project background map. 3.3 Utility Research and Mapping — CONSULTANT will contact utility companies and other agencies to obtain record map information of existing overhead and underground utilities. Utility information will compiled, reduced and plotted into design /construction documents based on record information and field survey data. Actual locations and alignments of existing subsurface utilities may differ or be non - linear. 3.4 Pothole Surveys — If necessary, CONSULTANT will develop a Utility Pothole Plan that will identify potential utility conflicts within the project corridor that require positive identification. Pothole surveys will be performed by non - destructive methods for up to four (4) locations. CONSULTANT will also perform field surveys to positively locate up to four (4) existing below ground utilities that have been located by our pothole survey subconsultant. Assumption: A budget for the pothole survey subconsultant has been estimated in our fee proposal. A final budget will be determined when the actual number of potholes is determined during the design phase. 3.5 Borehole Surveys — CONSULTANT will survey the locations and elevations of geotechnical boreholes using GPS survey methods. 3.6 Base Mapping — CONSULTANT will prepare a base map at a convenient scale showing the horizontal and vertical locations of existing improvements within roadway right of ways as well as elevation for public and private utilities. 3.7 Record Boundary — CONSULTANT will research and collect data from County and City records for use in establishing the existing right of way limits for the project roadways. CONSULTANT will develop and prepare a record base map that will depict existing right of way and property line limits. Project improvements will be within existing right of way. TASK 4 — GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES — Under this task, CONSULTANT will perform the following activities that will support the design. The purpose of this investigation is to determine subsurface conditions, and evaluate the percolation /permeability characteristics of the soils directly beneath the bioretention basin. However it is not intended to check for ground water conditions below 10'.. In addition, it is understood that there might be some high level of Calcium Carbonate conditions that may affect the success of the bioretention system. Therefore the water and soil will be tested for the level of Calcium Carbonate from three samples Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 4 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment 4.1 Permitting & Utility Clearance — Utility clearances will be obtained for field work through Underground Service Alert. No work within traffic is proposed. 4.2 Field Explorations —CONSULTANT will perform research of soil maps and surveys, to identify locations for sub - surface explorations. CONSULTANT will perform field explorations, including three borings in selected locations within the basin area. These borings will be drilled to 10' depth. No deeper borings are proposed to check for groundwater conditions and no well is proposed. Distribution of the borings and locations may change depending on the final design requirements. Assumption: Water table is sufficiently low to meet agency standards. No groundwater monitoring well is required at this time in order to determine minimum basin floor elevation to water table clearances. 4.3 Laboratory Testing — CONSULTANT will perform laboratory tests on soil samples recovered from the borings. Laboratory testing will consist of Sieve Analysis and Atterberg Limits. This is for basic classification of the soil types and can be used to correlate the soil type and the published /estimated permeability rate. No permeability test will be conducted, however, ground water will be tested at three (3) locations for Calcium Carbonate levels. 4.4 Soils Analysis /Evaluation — CONSULTANT will perform engineering gradation analyses and develop design recommendations for soil percolation. Based on the data available, samples will be reviewed for estimating the permeability rate for the subsurface soils. The logs will be prepared in standard 8 % X 11" sheets using a gINT system. LOTB sheet will not be prepared. 4.5 Prepare Geotechnical Reports — CONSULTANT will prepare a Draft and Final Report that will document the geologic research, test results, engineering analyses and recommendations. Assumption: A Phase 1 Initial Site Assessment (ISA) for the project will be covered by City's environmental consultant. City will provide pavement section for pipe trench reconstruction section within street limits. Task 4 Deliverables ■ Field Exploration Records ■ Geotechnical Report TASK 5 — PRELIMINARY DESIGN — Under this task, CONSULTANT will prepare Plans, Specifications, & Estimate documents to a 35% completion level. All plans will be prepared in accordance with City standards. Draft and Final Technical Reports will be prepared in accordance with City and County standards. Preliminary Design will consist of the following activities: Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 5 of 10 City of Duhlin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment 5.1 Conceptual Stormwater Runoff Plan — CONSULTANT will prepare up to two (2) separate concepts as possible drainage system configurations that meet the capacity and treatment requirements of the project. Each option will be presented as an exhibit for City review. GIS contours and aerial images will used to determine area boundaries for rational hydraulic flow calculations. Field survey data of the existing storm system will used for design recommendations. A custom soil resources report will be used to assist in the initial water quality calculations. Design constraints and assumptions will be documented as notes on the exhibit. In order to establish a basis -of- design, City will provide a recommendation of the preferred concept for design completion. 5.2 Project Drainage and Stormwater Quality Compliance Report — CONSULTANT will prepare a Draft and Final Drainage Report containing hydrology and hydraulic design calculations, constraints, and assumptions for the project drainage section. CONSULTANT will prepare a Stormwater Quality Compliance Report including a narrative analysis of the permanent treatment measures, runoff calculations, C.3 data summary tables, RUSLE2 related attributes, site location exhibit showing best management practices (BMP) treatment devices and implementation locations in order to comply with the NPDES program. This location report will document the stormwater treatment for water quality compliance of the Caltrans Interstate 1 -580 Eastbound Truck Climbing Lane Project. 5.3 Utility Relocation Coordination - CONSULTANT will coordinate with utility purveyors (DSRSD, PG &E, AT &T, Comcast, etc.) and prepare a utility relocation coordination exhibit. CONSULTANT will meet with, and discuss proposed improvements and potential relocation and modification of facilities with purveyors. CONSULTANT will coordinate with utility companies for design and relocation of facilities impacted by the project throughout the course of the design process. CONSULTANT will submit application to purveyors for relocation, if required. 5.4 Landscape Concept Plan — CONSULTANT will prepare landscape concept plans. The purpose of this task will be to refine and develop the final scope of the landscape improvements based on the concepts accepted by the City and Bay - Friendly staff. Concepts will be developed at the following areas: a) Field reconnaissance to asses existing landscape system. b) Attend one (1) meeting with City staff to review concepts and refine irrigation / maintenance strategy. c) Attend up to two (2) meetings and coordinate with Bay - Friendly staff, DSRSD, and City of Dublin. Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 6 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment d) Prepare prototypical concept plans and illustrated sections of landscape treatment along the westerly segment of San Ramon Road and within the Bioretention area. e) Revisions will be made to concepts per comments received from City staff. Assumption: Design plans for landscape and irrigation improvements will be prepared using Bay- Friendly guidelines, but the project will not be Bay Friendly Certified. 5.5 Preliminary Design Plans — CONSULTANT will coordinate with City staff to determine the format and setup of plan sheets for the project. A preliminary sheet index will be prepared for City review and concurrence. CONSULTANT will prepare preliminary plans based on the following table, which reflects the type and number of plan sheets anticipated for the project. Preliminary Plans Sheet Description Title / General Notes / Key Map Estimated Sheets 1 Responsible Member MTCo Drainage Plans and Profiles 2 MTCo Drainage Details 1 MTCo Utility Plans 2 MTCo Stormwater Treatment / Bio- filtration Plans 2 MTCo Bio - filtration Details 1 MTCo Erosion Control /Pollution Prevention Plans 2 MTCo Construction Details 2 MTCo Landscape and Irrigation Plans 4 Gates TOTAL 17 Assumption: The number of sheets shown in the table has been used as the basis of our cost proposal. Contractor will prepare Traffic Handling Plans and Trail Detour Plans for City review as stipulated in the project specifications. Contractor will restore existing striping and pavement markings. Erosion Control /Pollution Prevention Plans will be used by the Contractor to prepare the SWPPP. 5.6 Preliminary Engineers Estimate — CONSULTANT will prepare a preliminary cost estimate of probable construction costs for the project improvements. The estimate will conform to the latest City formats as directed. Cost estimate for landscaping and irrigation will be based on conceptual plans. CONSULTANT will also confirm that the construction costs are within the City's project budget. 5.7 Outline Specifications — CONSULTANT will prepare an outline of the anticipated contract technical and special provisions for the project in accordance with City Standards and Caltrans 2010 Standard Specifications. Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 7 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment 5.8 Prepare Preliminary Design Submittal — CONSULTANT will collect, organize, reproduce and distribute a complete PS &E package for City review, including technical reports. PDF Soft copies will be available by FTP site. Task 5 Deliverables ■ Conceptual Stormwater Runoff Plan ■ Project Drainage and Stormwater Quality Compliance Report ■ Utility Relocation Exhibit ■ Landscape Concept Plans ■ Preliminary Design Plans ■ Preliminary Engineer's Estimate ■ Outline Specifications TASK 6 — FINAL DESIGN, BID SET DOCUMENTS, BIDDING SUPPORT — Prior to beginning Final Design, CONSULTANT and City shall determine any scope and fee modifications arising from the findings of Preliminary Design and shall agree to revisions therein. CONSULTANT will obtain City "Authorization to Proceed" prior to initiating Final Design; based upon subject modifications should they occur. Subsequent scope is provided based upon initial project understanding. Under this task, CONSULTANT will respond to preliminary design comments; prepare 95% PS &E completion level and Final Bid Set contract documents. CONSULTANT will provide hardcopies as well as electronic files at each submittal. 6.1 Respond to Preliminary Design Review Comments — CONSULTANT will collect review comments from the City. A response matrix will be prepared listing major comments made and design responses to those comments. Agreed upon comments will be incorporated into the 95% plan submittal. 6.2 Prepare 95% Plans — CONSULTANT will continue to develop the Plans and include additional details as required to encompass the project improvements. 6.3 Update Preliminary Engineers Estimate — CONSULTANT will update quantity takeoffs and a preliminary cost estimates for the project improvements. 6.4 Prepare Draft Special Provisions — CONSULTANT will prepare special provisions for the work items identified in the Plans in a format directed by the City and in accordance with Caltrans 2010 Standard Specifications. The draft special provisions will be prepared using Microsoft Word format. 6.5 Prepare Draft Contract Bid Documents — CONSULTANT will obtain electronic "boiler plate" documents in Word format from the City, including: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Proposal Form, Bid Listing, Bond Forms, Affidavits, Agreements, General Conditions, and Special Conditions. The latter will be edited as required and combined with the Special Provisions. Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 8 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment 6.6 Prepare 95% PS &E Submittal — CONSULTANT will collect, organize, reproduce and distribute a complete 95% PS &E package for City review. 6.7 Permits and Notices — CONSULTANT will prepare, submit and gain permit approval from Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD). CONSULTANT will prepare and submit Notice of Intent (NO[) to RWQCB. CONSULTANT will coordinate WDID Number received from RWQCB with contractor's Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) for preparation of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. 6.8 Respond to 95% Review Comments — CONSULTANT will collect review comments from the City. A response matrix will be prepared listing all major comments made and responses to those comments. Agreed upon comments will be incorporated into the Final Bid Set plan submittal. 6.9 Update Contract Bid Documents - CONSULTANT will update contract documents in response to comments. Upon no further changes, a final set of Contract Bid Documents will be provided. 6.10 Prepare Final Bid Set PS& E Submittal — CONSULTANT will collect, organize, reproduce and distribute a Final Bid Set PS & E package for the City. Submittal to the City will include camera -ready unbound Plans, Special Provisions, Engineers Estimate, and Contract Bid Documents. Completion of this phase will constitute a "Ready to Advertise" condition. 6.11 Advertisement /Bidding Support — CONSULTANT will provide assistance to the City during the advertisement and bid period by responding to questions received from prospective contractors. In the event that addendum(s) are required during the bid period, CONSULTANT will provide clarifying information to the City for issuance of addendum(s). Upon completion of bidding, CONSULTANT will prepare a conform set of plans and specifications for the contractor. Task 6 Deliverables ■ Respond to Preliminary Design Comments ■ 95% PS &E Submittal ■ Permit and NOI ■ Respond to 95% Review Comments ■ Final Bid Documents ■ Bid Support ■ Conform Set TASK 7 — CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES — Under this task, CONSULTANT will provide engineering support to the City during the construction of the project. Support under this task will be limited to the following: Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 9 of 10 City of Dublin On -Call General Civil Engineering Services San Ramon Road Stormwater Treatment a) Attending a pre - construction meeting and other meetings as requested; b) Responding to Requests for Information (RFIs); c) Reviewing shop drawings; d) Providing assistance in reviewing change orders; e) Performing periodic field observations and providing report to City's Resident Engineer; f) Preparing final record drawings based on as -built drawings provided by the City /contractor; g) Providing miscellaneous assistance support requested by City's Resident Engineer. Assumption: A budget for this task has been assumed to establish a level of support appropriate for the project. Actual hours will be tracked separately. Construction staking, inspection, and material testing are not included in this task. END SCOPE OF WORK Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Page 10 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. — 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING TASK ORDER UNDER EXISTING ON -CALL CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY FOR DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE SAN RAMON ROAD STORM DRAIN BYPASS PROJECT, CIP PROJECT NO. 960028 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has entered into Cooperative Agreement No. 4 -2443 with the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to provide stormwater treatment measures on San Ramon Road as mitigation for water quality impacts associated with the Interstate 580 Altamont Pass Truck Climbing Lanes Project; and WHEREAS, these improvements are included in the City's Five -Year Capital Improvement Program for 2012 -2017 as the San Ramon Road Storm Drain Bypass Project; and WHEREAS, the City if Dublin entered into an on -call consultant services agreement with Mark Thomas and Company on June 19, 2012, to provide design engineering services as requested by the City: and WHEREAS, the City desires to utilize the services of Mark Thomas and Company to perform design engineering and related services for the said project; and WHEREAS, the cost of these engineering services and other project costs will be paid by Caltrans under Cooperative Agreement No. 4 -2443. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve a task order under the agreement with Mark Thomas and Company for design engineering services associated with the San Ramon Road Storm Drain Bypass Project. order. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to approve the task PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 2012. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk G: \CIP \San Ramon Road Bypass Storm Drain, CIP No. 960028 \resomarkthomas, 7- 17- 02.doc